HomeMy WebLinkAbout210564 07/05/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 298001 Page 1 of 1 Q� ONE CIVIC SQUARE TARGET BANK CHECK AMOUNT: $869.90 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 BUSINESS CARD SERVICES PO BOX 660149 CHECK NUMBER: 210564 DALLAS TX 75266 -0149 CHECK DATE: 7/5/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1094 4238000 313.49 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E 1096 4238000 103.55 SMALL TOOLS MINOR E 1096 4239039 452.86 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 0 RECEIVED TARGET. Account Number: X- XXX -XXO -841 JUN 2 5 2012 rooGiu° Account Identification Number: 00027148352 AUDREY KOSTRZEWA BY Statement Closing Date: June 18, 2012 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RE Page 1 of 4 Pay -In -Full Business Card Account Summary Total Credit Limit for Purchases $5,000 Previous Balance $552.77 Available Credit for Purchases $1,469 Payments Credits 566.87 Purchases 3,544.26' Questions? Call Us: Other Charges 0.00 Regarding your account? 1- 800 618 -6881 New Balance $3,530.16 Calling will not preserve your billing -error rights Minimum Due $3,530.16 Payment Due Date July 18, 2012 Payments Credits Mail your payment as instructed on the back of this statement. As an accommodation, we may also accept payments at Target Stores or over the phone, but to ensure the payment is credited to your account the same day. you make the payment, it must be made prior to 2 pm (Central Time) for Target Store payments and 5 pm (CT) for phone payments. Date Reference Description Location Amount Jun. 9 00027148352 PAYMENT RECEIVED THANKS $552.77 Jun. 14 10631231910 CENTRAL CHECKOUT CARMEL, IN -3.18 Jun. 14 10631231909 CENTRAL CHECKOUT CARMEL, IN -10.92 Total Payments Credits $566.87 Purchases t 'A- Date PO# Description Reference Location (;11111 Amoun May 18 30387 ELECTRONICS 13641139065 GREENWOOD SOU, IN UA Q $759.98 May 18 30387 ELECTRONICS 17891124012 SOUTHPORT, IN 1,519.96 May 21 26909549 TARGET.COM 800 591 -3869 39915722430 380.32 May 23 30387 ELECTRONICS 10631136411 CARMEL, IN 313.49 May 30 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 10630777330 CARMEL, IN 183.12 May 31 27639541 TARGET.COM 800 -591 -3869 39916278387 103.55 Jun. 1 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 13500765820 FISHERS, IN 70.07 L Jun. 1 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 13500765821 FISHERS, IN 148.13 Jun. 13 28779144 TARGET.COM 800 591 -3869 39913002620 65.64 Total Purchases $3,544.26 Target Bank, an affiliate of Target Stores NOTICE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION Payment Information: Use the envelope provided to -send 11 law otherwise permits you to mail us legal written Li your payment (in U.S. dollars) ,dung with the lower Iiortion notice about auytlting related to your Account with us, it must of this monthly statement. Lost your envelope? No problem. be addressed to Target Bank. Business Card Services, P.O. ,lust mail your payment along with the lower portion of this Box 45922, Salt. Lake City. UT 84145 -0922. monthly statement to Target Business Card, P.O. Box 660149, Dallas, TX 75266 -0149. Payments sent this way We may report infonnation about your account to the Will be credited to your Account as of the date received. consumer reporting agencies. Late payments, missed payments, Payments sent to other locations or in any other manner or other defaults on your account maybe reflected in your may be delayed. Please don't send cash payments or credit report. Gi ftCards. FOR REVOLVING C REDrr ACCOUN`rs: Picric write your check to 'TARGET BANK. Flow We Calculate Your Finance Charge: We figure your Finance Charge, if any, by multiplying your Daily Balance by the Daily Periodic Rate shown on the front of this statement. In Case Of Errors or Questions About Your Bill: !fit the end of the billing period, ,veadd up the result., of these daily calculations to get the total Finance Charge Tor the Ifyou think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information billing period. about a transaction on your bill, send us a letter right away at: Target Bank, Business Card Services, P.O. Box 45922, You may avoid paying a Finance Charge by paying the New Salt Lake City, U'l 84145 -0922. We must licar from you no 13alancc on vour statement in full by the Payment Duc Date. later than ,0 days after we sent you the first bill on which the I [ovvever, there is a minimum FINANCE CHARGE of$O.SO error or problem alyeared. You can call us. but loin- sea will for any billing period in which a Finance Charge is imposed. not preserve your rights. We will add a Finance Charge on new charvws which were In your letter, give us the tolloNvul- information: billed to an Account dtrin that. billing pvr rod starting with I. Your name, business narne, and Account number. the day those charges were posted to vour Account balancc. 2. The dollar amount of the suspected error. Describe the error and explain, if y can, why you believe there is an error. If you need more information' I low We Calculate Your Daily Balance: We take the describe the itern you are unsure about. beginning balance of your Account each day, and add any new cliar�g,es- Then We subtract any payments and credits. You don't have to pay any amount in question while we are We then multiply the resulting, balance by the Daily Periodic investigating but you•rc still obligated to pay the parts of your Rate and that daily Finance C harge is included in the beginning bill that aren't in question_ While we invcsti your question, balance of your Account for the next day. This gives its the we can't report you as delinquent or take any action to collect Daily Balance. the amount you question. Average Daill Balance: We add together all the Daily Special rule for credit card purchases: If _you have a Balances for the billing period and divide the total by the problem with the quality of goods or services that you number of days in the billing period. This gives us the purchased with a credit card, and you have tried in good faith "Average Daily Balance to correct the problem with the merchant, you may not have The Average Daily Balance times the Daily Periodic Rate to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. times the unmoor of days in the billing period will equal the amount of the Finance Charges. Need more information? Just call 1- 300 618 -6381. To ask questions about your bill To report a lost or stolen card To request additional credit cards To change your address 0 111111111111111 TARGET. =coc1T= Account Number: X- XXX -XXO -841 Account Identification Number: 00027148352 AUDREY KOSTRZEWA Statement Closing Date: June 18, 2012 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RE Page 2 of 4 SAecial Announcements and Exclusive Offers Use your Target Business Card, save 5 at Target every day. Your Target Business Card has a big new benefit. Now it saves you 5% at Target on almost anything you need for your business, any time you shop. Just use the card to make our already low prices that much lower. *See the program rules in store for restrictions. 27148352 MAB18- 00003307 002 -004 TARGET. °coc1T* Account Number: X- XXX -XXO -841 Account Identification Number: 00027148352 AUDREY KOSTRZEWA Statement Closing Date: June 18, 2012 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RE Page 3 of 4 Transaction Details Cardholder Date of Trans Reference PO# Description Amount: XXX -XX7 -307 May. 18 13641139065 30387 Digital Audio $799.98; Total $759.98 XXX -XX7 -307 May. 18 17891124012 30387 Digital Audio $1,599.96' Total $1,519.96' Total $380.32 XXX -XX7 -307 May. 23 10631136411 30387 Led Televisions $329.99 Total $313.49 XXX -XX7 -307 May. 30 10630777330 White Underwear $11.49 Cooler /Lunch Kit/Bot $28.00 Camp Acc /Appliances $3.59 Camp Ace/Appliances $5.24 Camp Acc /Appliances $3.89 Camp Acc /Appliances $5.24 School Art Supplie $5.99 Home Security $17.38 Grill Accessories $2.99 Grill Accessories $24.00 Grill Accessories $2.99 Grill Accessories $7.99 Grill Accessories $3.99 Grill Accessories $9.99 Grills And Firebowls $59.99 Total $183.12 Total $103.55 XXX -XX7 -307 Jun. 1 13500765820 Jello /Pudding $4.95 Jello /Pudding $3.74 Coca -Cola $250 Coca -Cola $3.75 Coca -Cola $2.50 Coca -Cola $2.50 Coca -Cola $1.25 Coca- Cola $2.50 Coca -Cola $1.25 Coca -Cola $125 Coca -Cola $2.50 Dressing /Mayo /Crouto $1.67 Dressing /Mayo /Crouto $1.67 Dressing /Mayo /Crouto $1.67 Dressing /Mayo /Crouto $1.67 Dressing /Mayo /Crouto $3.34 Dressing /Mayo /Crouto $1.67 Maintenance $5.99 Cream Cheese $3.98 Cream Cheese $2.49 Cream Cheese $2.49 Cream Cheese $1.99 Cream Cheese $2.49 Cream Cheese $2.49 Cream Cheese $2.49 Cream Cheese $1.99 Breakfast $3.49 Breakfast $3.49 Total $70.07 XXX -XX7 -307 Jun. 1 13500765821 Camp Acc /Appliances $59.98 27148352 MA818- 00003307 003 -004 —y 1-117 7 o i aract 13usi less Card, P.O. Bo.K 660149, Dallas, TX 7 Pavinents sent this %vav We may report inf'ormationabOUt your account to the will be credited to your Account as of the date received.' consumer reporting agencies. Late payments, missed payments, Payments sent to other locations or in any other manner or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your May be delayed. don't send cash payments or credit report. Gikards. FOR REVOLVING CREDIT' ACCOUNTS Please write your check to TARGET BAN K. How We Calculate Your Finance Charge: We figUl your Finance Charge, if any, by multiplying your Daily Balance by the Daily Periodic Rate shown oil the front of this statement. In Case Of Errors or Questions About Your Bill: Xt the end of the billing period, we add Lip the MSUhS ol'these lfvou think your bill is wrong, or if you need more information daily calculations to get the total Finance Charge for the billing period. about a transaction on your bill, Send us a letter right away at: Target Bank, Business Card Scrvices, P.O. Box 45922. You may avoid paying a Finance Charge by paying the New Salt Lake City. UT 84145-0922. We must hear from you no may YOUr Balance s�atcnlcnt in fill] by the Pavrnent Due Date. later than 30 days after we sent you the first bill on which the However, there is a minimum FINANCE CHARGE of $0.50 error or problem appeared. You can cal I us, but doing so will for any billing period in which a Finance Charge is imposed. not preserve your rights. We will add a Finance Char -,c on new charges which were i,,f 400-400-Z0FE0000-9T9VW aw MM-16 `4 1 Y, M) NP till N\ �'4 11.1-NUmd Ino.,l jirLu of ((j,)1C1 JJ o \tj.� .1110 Al(fluoul �1111 O'd S t� �()!�F "If I�M[Ll I] tjjl,ati jjIjj(j�):)V o I pow 1 '1111 11 A IM )HO(JI 1101 tiod J,)A\( JM MI 111,ul of no.� S 111) IUOLLI,�Pd Jjl wid Idol) vtjl asp wopp"111m)JI11 uran sautwi Cardholder Date of Trans Reference Pull Camp Acc/Appliances $2799 Camp Acc/Appliances $29.99 Camp Acc/Appliances $27.99 Kids Play $9.98 Total $148.13 Total $65.64 Target Order Confirmation Page 1 of 2 z bwwx o.uoY� ;e Po tei�f for Fl� �PAe(' VJCt) VcXS ff MC- r s P r F yc)ur nul is 10532502636 piacecli 011 i_. !096 -49 33 CC e D �.i;e Descr Pumhaser Date ,roval Date 7t r what happens next... we'll receive your Your items ship the best part your order order arrives As items in your order are shipped. An order acknowledgement will be shipment tracking numbers will be We're sure you'll love your new emailed to you at sent to items from Target.com, but if for dko�;pp °r.wearmelciayp<rk >.��om dkoepper @car;;7elc'ayparks.com some reason you don't you can ;sill) a link to check your order so you can track your shipment exchange or return your status. Processing of your order will anytime. merchandise hassle -free. learn not begin for 30 minutes. Within more that time you have the opportunity to cancel part or all of your order by visiting the manage order page or nn� calling I argetcom Guest Services a11- 800 -59? -3869 i1 when will I be charged? order summary (1 item) item subtotal: $109.00 when will my order be confirmed? shipping: $33.03 it .snot a e 'auxe a c.,1 as Estimated Tax $0.00 Si r1;1) S'4k7 7(1'e; #�i IE ,'!s`y 'y3�; i ,E.::, :>t 1. ¢:E:. F'E f L7} :de rF },1` ced. A. ;Nut i3` r:,y '17s €fa iAv, an prf efor Ff.11 your price: $103.55 r 9 t 3 1i f', f t }`I r. ll t you save: $38.48 (27% shipping to Kurtis Baumgartner item shipping method est delivery date 1 price I'? I https: /www- secure. target .com /OrderConfirmationPrintV few ?catalogld =10051 &orderld =5... 5/30/2012 Page 1 of 1 Order# 10532502636 Thank you for your purchase. 'f you oidered additional items they will arrive separately. Your order from i 5/30/2012 9:06 :18AM R 98591021932696 I III I I IIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIi llll lets do th I s�again sometime. Scan for returns FROM: SEND TO: i. BILL TO: Target.com Kurtis Baumgartner Paula Schlemmer 43,00 STERILITE ST SE 1235 Central Park Dr E 1411 E. 116th Street MASSILLON, OH 44646 Carmel, IN 46032 -4421 Carmel, IN 46032 i CITY. IT DP DESCRIPTIQN E GIFT WRAP UPC RETURN METHOD 1 -08 -0185 Instant s helter.' 076501073485 Mail In or Store t FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY 9894790010706675 1205310003 149 033 =01 4 m LL Carton Wave Location returns First and foremost, we hope you never have to use this policy. This means you're happy with your order which, of course, is our #1 goal. But if you decide to make a return, you might be pleased to know that most can be handled at your Target store. Simply bring in this packing slip with the item, and we'll take it from there. Most unopened items in new condition and returned within 90 days of the ship date will receive a refund or exchange. Items that are opened or damaged or do not have a packing slip or receipt may be denied a refund or exchange. Returns or exchanges without a packing slip or receipt may be limited. Also, some items have a modified return policy. Keep in mind: A photo ID may be required for in -store returns. All bundled items must be returned with all components for a refund. Other restrictions may apply. Please visit Target.com for the complete Return /Exchange Policy. Thanks for shopping Target.com! Expect More. Pay Less. Now REDcard delivers even more savings, in store and at Target.com. Apply in -store today. You already save an extra 5 percent off our low prices at Target and Target. with the Target Debit or Credit REDcard. Now, get Free Shipping and 5 percent off your Target.com purchases, with no minimum order and no membership fee. Need a REDcard? Open a REDcard in store. Some restrictions apply. See target.comtredcard for details. 02011 Target Brands Inc. Target anghe Bullseye Design are registered trademarks of Target Brands Inc All rights reserved. t c c tg k N i n yu"U'm r 5 r P' {7' CP Z1 Target om' F g ca t Y YS oL`SR452aQ�444�4 �{eC.aeSQ s s e 2 Al n k Up ihto Tar 'et.com right from your hon6 It °s,,simple visit,Target:com, on- your-smartphone tolaccess our mobile site or text to 827438 (TARGET) to get our iPhone® or AndroidT" app: Have a question about Target.com or your order? Please visit Target.com /contactus. T sot, I shop find local browse the build your discover get mobile' Target.com Target stores Weekly Ad TargetLists° m, 'Daily Deals coupons Message and data,rates may apply.- Phone is atrademark of Apple Inc. Target Order Confirmation Page I of 2 y -ri f 1M T VFD y JUN 14 2012 i what happens next... we'll receive your Your items ship the best part your order order arrives As items M ycur order are snipped. An order acknowledgement will be shipment iracking numbers v.ili be `Ne're sure you'll lo` e yo!f new emailed to you at sent to items from Target.corn, out if for dkoepparr carmelclayt;ar s.c:om dk oe. per -car e'c a, ?acF.::.cori some reason you don't you can w ith a link to check your order so you can track your shipment exchange or return your status. Processing of your order will anytime, merchandise hassle -free. lea: n not begin for 30 minutes. Within more that time you have the o order /1 U f nt to cancel part or all of your ur Purchase by Description I j, T e T( 1 X d c%& visiting the manage: order pasi °.e or P.O. P OK calling iarget.com Guest Services G.L. at 1- 800 591 -3869 Bud et Line {'I rogr�� SU Y� R 0 0 Purchaser Date when will I be charged? Approval Date ,e .,1 r' c�ru,�e U tr €,;EE .c rtr order summary (I item) Y. the item subtotal: $69.09 when will my order be confirmed? shipping: $14.01 I €as r }at 1 con{i:':� .on that Estimated Tax S0.00 ,lE cc o a ailab: y an ti' ov,aiLabio;1h .:hpr €£c r r a n S 5(r l :d o €tt your price: $65.64 :C.r 51 e than m er am and Sh"P Yo the 4;r1.. I -.;:7 L., i;,hc• you save: $17.46 (21% 3,am ou ted P d.. 4'Y3 t ordo r i:Cf ri y J LYl QC shipping to Traci Pettigrew item shipping method est delivery date price d- 9 https://www- secure. target. com/ OrderCo n Firniatl onPri ntV 1 ew ?catalog I d= 1005 l &orderld =5... 6/13/2012 TARGET Fund 109 V# 298 001 Invoice 4238000 42 380001 4239039 423903 4239039 General General lGeneral Small Program Program Program tools Tools Supplies Supplies ISu pplies 1094 1096 -99 1096 -41 1096 -60 j 1096-99 05/30/12 2636 103.55 05/23/12 6411 313.49 05/30/12 7330 183.12 06/01/121 5820 70.07 06/ 01/12 5821 i 9.48 1 38.65 148.13 06/13/1213131 6 564 06/14/12 return (10.92) 06/14/12 return (3.18) 313.49 103.55 9.48 304.73 138.65 869.90 TARGET Fund 109 V# 298001 Invoice (_4238000 4238000 4239039 4239039 4239039 General General General Small Program Program Program Small tools Tools Supplies Supplies Supplies 1094 1096 -99 1096 -41 1096 -60 1096 -99 I 1 I ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 298001 Target Bank Terms P.O. Box 660149 Date Due Dallas, TX 75266 -0149 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO Amount 6/18/12 00027148352 Small tools 313.49 6/18/12 00027148352 Small tools 103.55 6/18/12 00027148352 Supplies 9.48 6/18/12 00027148352 Supplies 304.73 6/18/12 00027148352 Supplies 138.65 Total 869.90 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5- 11- 10 -1.6 1 20 Clerk- Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 298001 Target Bank Allowed 20 P.O. Box 660149 Dallas, TX 75266 -0149 In Sum of 869.90 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO# or INVOICE NO. kCCT #/TITLI AMOUNT Board Members Dept 1094 00027148352 4238000 313.49 1096 -99 00027148352 4238000 103.55 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1096 -41 00027148352 4239039 9.48 materials or services itemized thereon for 1096 -60 00027148352 4239039 304.73 which charge is made were ordered and 1096 -99 00027148352 4239039 138.65 received except 28 -Jun 2012 Signature 869.90 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund