HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication e' e ((l ,-, < Date DOCKET NO. Application for Architectural Desi2n, Li2htin2 and Si2na2e ADLS AMENDMENT Fees: Sign only $250.00, plus $50.00/sign (II., Building/Site $500.00, plus $50.00/acre Name ofProject:-.Ln(lJl-e ( One.. ~ Address: ID\D]q N. tv{ ichiT-h eel · Type of \ Project: (,) Dn t'- r\e ~ PQ rm 0JI.Qfu\ nloJJ SAg n Applicant: S\:rAf+. The. Phone No(2-loq) 351-30/2 Contact person~~~ 1hOOes Phone No. (l-<Oct) 35/- 30/2- Fax No. (2lol\)~_-=OqqC) Address: 5751 r;. Cork. StrLd \(olOJnDLoo Nl Lf-qo'-l-B Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) Owner of Real Estate: Carmel: ~ Clay Township: Annexation: Y or N Other Approvals Needed: Parkin2 No. of Spaces Provided: Desi n Informati Type of Building: Square Footage: No. of Stories Exterior Materials: Colors: o. of Tenants: Type of Uses: 1 . e Type of Fixture: Sewer by: ~ ~IGHTING ~ Height of Fixture: Water by: No. lxtures: Additional Lighting: lans to be submitted showing Footcandle spreads at property lines per the ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: Type of Signs: HCA.-L~ 3\:~{) N. MiLhjM ). lions\"\ Ilet IN Location(s): CJtOJ1u ()fu Bank - 10lD 1<:1 Dimensions of each sign: 5 \ ,'( '2- \\ )<. \ \ .5" \ 55. S \ 5q. t-\. l) Total Height of each sign: 5; \ \ /2- " Square Footage of each sign: LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. ~~;~:~ - Q~~ ~.~ Title: ~~ ~uJ M~_~O-~c ~A '1;:> ~ clQ.. S Date: 5111101 (Print) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * State of Mith'30IQ County of KA-\AMf\ cOO 55: Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for KA \p\:M:t\~tO County, State of Mi'ihl~ifah personally appeared and acknowledged the execution of th~ foregoing instrument this CJ '1- day of -.l1f.\i ' 20 ~ M ~, ~_ commis, sion Expires: ~ ,,/ ~ ,. .;J.t)f) ~ ~~ M-W-.\j Notary Public 2 , ;\ ~ ! v. \ 'I . 'i J, : I I e - InQt~ant NUmber 96-48035 A pa.t"cc. of tb.e Sou.thw~st: Qua:n:~ of Sec~io~ 61 ToWX\ship 17 No~~hf Range 3 Ea_t of the S~~ond Pri~ciple Meridian in Clay Township, Hamilton Coun~~~ ~ndiana, more I particularly de&cribed as rollow~: ... Commencing at the southwest corner of the Sou~hwest Quatt~r of Sec~ion 6, Township 17 North I Range 3 ~ast o! 'the Second Principle Meridia:Q. ~ Cl-.y ~ownship ( Hamilton COUJJ.ty, Ind.iana; theI}ce No:ttb. 89 dre.grEt8S 12 rt\1n~te6 44 s~cond3 East (Asaumed Bearing) 1085.12 feet alon~ the south line of ~~i~ ~Q~te~ sectiQn to a P K Nail ma~king tne point D~ inter~eetion of tne canterlines of U. S. Highway *421 and 106th Street sa~d nail ~s also tne Point of sGg~nning o~ ~h& herein descriPed t~~c~; ~bence contihUin~ ~Qrth 99 dagre8a 12 minU~Q8 24 sQoond. ~ST 53~~4 feet along th~ ~outh line of said quartar &&ctioh co a point on the I,' east righ~-of~w~y line of U .S. Highw~ t421~ thence ~orth 20 degrees S2 minutes 39 second. W&~t 72.92 feet alon~ >>a~d east rig~t-of-way 11ne to a s/e~ diameter iron rebar with a yellow cap marked "Weihe .En~. 0012- (c:app~d :k'~ar) S\rt6 thc= j point; o~ :lntliU;'GQcdon of said easl:. right...of-way line a,n.~ tne nor~h r1g');1t-of-way f line of 106th Street; thence So~bh 5S degrees 49 minutes 5~ s~cc~ds East 40.9S 1, 'feet a.lon; th. north right-ot-way line of 106t:.h Street to an \l.P.t't\8,;ttJcetd iron t rebar; t:;hence !{orth 89 degrees 12 minUotes 24 "econd8 2aRt 341. 6~ fQ~t e.J.ong so&;id t north ri~ht-of~waY lins, parall~l with the .auth l~~e of paid ~~~er sec~~on, I to a cappeQ ~ebar; thence North 18 dQgree. 08 minutes 25 seconds West 427.53 , fee~ to ~ c~~ped rebari ~hence ~o~t~ 69 degrQ~S 40 ~~~~~e$ 1~ ge~p~d. ~aet r 285.25 f~et to a capped rebar~ ~hence North 20 degrees 52 minutes 47 seQonde West 624.60 feet to a cappeQ rebar, thence North 89 degr~~ 12 ~nutes 24 seconq~ West 258k48 feec to a o~ed rebari t~ence south 69 degrees 40 minutes l1 seoond. West 450.08 feet to a point on a no~-tangent Qurve concave tQ the nor~he~st having a ra4iu~ of ~7,l87.91 feet and f~am wb~ch a radius ~oint bears No~~b 70 degree~ ~6 ~~utes 39 seeond; ~astt sa1~ curve ie eo~nc~dent with the cen~erline of cr, Sp Highway #421 (Mieh~gan Road); ~enoe ~ou~bQ~aberly ~long ! saia Qu~e and centerl1ne 496.~7 feet to a PR Nail marking the point of tan~ency , of ~aid ourve which bears South 69 degree~ D7 ~inu~~& 13 Becon~B we$t trom S~~Q t rad~us point; tA~ce SQuth 20 ~eg~ees 52 min~t8s 41 secQnds ~a3t 715.01 feet ! along .aid ~oad cen~er line to the point of Beginn!ng( ~aiQ tr~ct contains r 14. 538 !!lores more or lea,s. i' t ! ... Subject to t~e rigbt-of-~y of cr~s. Highway t42l (M ichigan RQa~) as per record ~~~t~n~ ~2000-52303. $Ubje~'C to a gx-&nt o~ eallett)ent in favor of Ind.ianapoli~ Wate:.r COla;) any , an Ind1~~co~oration, dated May~, 1995 and recorded MaY 2~,1995 a~ Instrument 4;9536024 in the office of the Recorder of Hamilton County. Itl~ian.a~ I Su1Jjr;!c:t to a. sanitary sewer ea,sement per record. Instrument *90,..794:1 a~ re.co:r~ed in the Office of tbe Hamilton Coun~y RecD~d.r. Subject to a ~ree ~rimm~i permd~, ~n fa~or ~~ PUbl~~ Service campany of ~ndi.n.. dated March 18, 1952 and recor~Q JUly 26,1952 ~ Deea ~eco~d 1~7, page ~S9 in t~~ offiQQ of the R~co~d~~ of H~ilton County, Indiana. , SUb~ec~ to all other r~crd and non~record easement$~ re3trictions~ agreem~ts, and rigbts-of-way. J. 1 f t M'A~~l~ Babbitt, Pamela A Subject: Butler, Angelina V Wednesday, May 26,2004 8:54 AM Babbitt, Pamela A Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Stahl, Gayle H; Pohlman, Jesse M; Brennan, Kevin S Docket No. Assignment: (ADLS Amend) Charter One Bank @ Marsh (#04050050 ADLS Amend) From: Sent: To: Cc: Pam, Please print and fax this e-mail to the petitioner identified below and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for {ADLS Amend) Charter One Bank @ Marsh. It will be the following: Docket No. 04050050 ADLS Amend $300 Total Fee: $300.00 Docket No. 04050050 ADLS Amend: Charter One Bank @ Marsh- (ADLS Amendment) The applicant seeks approval for a wall sign. The site is located northeast of 106th Street and Michigan Rd. The site is zoned B-2/Business within the US 421 Overlay. Filed by Brad Rhodes of Signart, Inc. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This Item will not be on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur. 3. Proof of Notice is not needed. 4. The Filing Fee must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary, Ramona Hancock, no later than NOON, Friday, May 28. Packets have already been submitted. 5. This Item will appear on the Tuesday, June 1, 2004 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies Committee at 7 pm in the City Hall Caucus Rooms. PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail. PETITIONER: p,lease complete the followina prior to the Committee meetina: 1.) Please change the address after Charter One Bank #222 on the exhibits to show the state being Indiana (IN) , not Michigan (MI). 2.) Please submit a site plan showing the distance of the building/signs from the Michigan Road right-of-way. 3.) Suggestion: have the 'Charter' and 'One' be side by side, with the word bank under it. 4.) Note: this item will be heard simultaneously with docket no. 04050014 (Charter One Bank @ Kroger). Please contact Mr. Rhodes at 269-381-3012 (Fax: 269-381-0999) with this information. Once the file is updated please return it to Jon's office. Thank you, Angie rY\O~IS ~ C1aJ.J-kr 0 (\ ~.. ~ 1'\ lc ;00 7 <1 n _ (Y1 (clvtj CI-/l 1. d. ~ ~itL- S~;~~1:1 f:~, ~~n ,,:;;:"",,\\ ~ _ \'v.\.Q....L....~ v.J '- ~(J'V\.^.~~/ ~'c;f, ~ 'E (o d I< t-cDde <) Jbi"- 3f I~ 301'- /+I!J L~ ~J. if Zs~ 1 .:. '~-1-" 110679 'North M,phiga" I ., j 't I I ~ Creek l 1 l I MAY-25-04 TUE 10:25 AM SIGNART INC '\'\ . 4.21 or 1 t~l1:' ;; 421!! .,...:...: , .. ;.:'~' >;,~t I ..!;../ .:>~'~ ~;\"'~~ HAVB^, FAX NO. 2693810999 PI 01 !",,/ i ., ~, t .; ,~: . 1 ~~i,^,\l c.r ~rJ;} ~. OI,~~(1 ~~?~ i<:~~' 41ft .> ~";j I ~~~:~N~'~L>I {;l(Hi:j)';f~Yit:~~j[iJi;;Y.;!ifh:;;ri;fl))~ ~\,~~ \ ~" " . , ~:;~!:'j';~ \ f"BRIGADE;;;':1 '1'\: .. ;.' .... . .~;;\ \ L/,,~ \ ''I'''' ~~ .,}, ~,~ ~] RIO ~ .4~1!;;'(!!' ~,e~. ~~<? Q :,'}fj' 'i;};~k ,,~. y ~ \ " ," ":~f' ~,'J,,;l, " ' RP' ',. ' \.' ~..~ y'"'''' ,j '\ ~ " ;.. '<\f::~k.(;;";,.. . ,~;~r .. .. """~:~~:~=_=:=-- ~tr'::'_\ ~ ,~~-. .~._. _::.. ..--:-'.~'l11 oj 4 I , , ';1~(~;~ .<~(f I rr~i~i~ ~. ~~ Iv ~<tt~1~\;:,Wf;'~i~iiti[n);~;~~fft!~i~<~)~, . \ .?",; ")lf~~ \i'iif,~ "'~~ \ 1 I 1 I \ I I 1 1 j ij42,1 :' l ~t1if:lj;:\;~;j!!J!Hi;W::;:}:~i;~e2~!jfM:;;f, ~lj {":1;.~. ~~9 ~~.t ~~,"~ ,~'~~:.. &y "",,,"," ~~;: +:", ' Qjj;';;, /')<.' (.,,~,,~i': ~d j~~;~. 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