HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacketHamilton Crossing Building 11
12650 Hamilton Crossing Blvd.
Special Use Project
December 16, 2011
To obtain a special use approval for tax, parcel number 16-09-26-00-00 -
017.00.0, more specifically described on the attached legal description, to
allow Middle Star to operate on the premises.
Detailed information:
1) Middle Star programming primarily focusing on activities of daily living
(ADLs),'vocational, and social skills, A typical day will consist of a
blend of practicing or working on ADLs, pre- vocational tasks, and
social skills.
2) Number of students and employees: There will be up to 14 learners,
up to 19 employees.
3) The hours of operation will be 8:OOam — 5:O.Opm, Monday through
4) Age range of students expected at Middle Star is,10 and above
5) Outdoor activities anticipated:
a. Middle Star learners will go into the community regularly to
practice the skills they are working on in the center-.
b. They learners will leave the center to take walks and engage in
individual or group activities as well.
6) An example of a typical learner's day to be is as follows *:
8 :30 9:00 - Arrival /unpacking and activities of daily living(ADLs)
9:00 - 10:00 — Morning table work (Social and Language skills
development programs based on VB -MAPP and other assessments)
10:00 — 11:30 - Life Skills programs domestic skills, self -help skills,
money management,
11:30 — 12:00: Fitness programming /exercise (also self help skills of
dressing and personal hygiene, some learners may go outside)
12:00 — 12:45 - Lunch (during this time learner Will prepare food and
clean up — more life skills practice)
12:45 — 2:00 - Community -based programs (these may include
banking, grocery store, external vocational work etc)
2:00 — 3:00 — Afternoon table work (functional academics; internal
vocational practice; additional social program
3:00 — 4:00 — Group time (language building, functional academic
practice, social skills ;practice)
4:00 — 4:30 — End of day ADLs and social time, pack up for departure
and leave
*The schedule .listed above is only representative of the types of
activities anticipated on the premises. The specific content of all
programs will be determined on a basis of each individual's needs.
Fee: $912.00. plus $121,20 per acre
1), Applicant: Duke Realty Limited Partnership
Address. 600 E. 96th Street, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46240
2) Project°Nanie Middle Star Special Use Phone & Fax
Engineer /Architect: n/a Phone:
Attorney n/a Phone
Contact Person: Bl'aine ;Paul, Duke Realty
Phone. 317- 808 -6609
Email Blaine Paul @dukerealty:cgm, Fax: 317- 808 -6797
3) Applicant's Status (Check'theappropriate response)
X (a) The applicants .name is on the deed to the property
(b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property
(c) Other _
4) If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following
Owner of the property involved
Owner's address. Phone.
5) Record of Ownership
Deed book No. /Instrument No Instrument No 95- 01297
Page Purchase Date.
6) Common address of the property involved 12650 Hamilton Crossing Blvd, Carmel, IN 46032
Legal description: see attached
Tax Map Parcel No 16- 09- 26 -00 -00 -017 000
7) State explanation of requested Special-Use
Middle Star is an age appropriate program and environment for,older children, teens and young-adults
affected "by autism., Middle Star learners receive individualized therapeutic intervention that is based on the_
,fundamental principles, of applied behavior analysis (ABA).
Statereasons supporting the Special Use: (Additionally, complete the attached question sheet entitled "Findings of
Fact - Special Use ")
Little Star Center, Inc. already operates out of Hamilton Crossing I„ just north of Hamilton Crossing II The_
mission,and' use. information for Middle Star is the same as Little Star, with the exception that the programs
.are for older children :and young adults Little Star Center was approved under petition #04020019 SU
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9) Present zoning ofthe property (giveexact classification): B =5
10) Present use of the property: The'property'is presently: a commerciahoffrce building for lease.
11.) Size of lot/parcel in:question: 4.761 acres
12) Describe the proposed use :of theproperty:
Th&use.of the property-will bethe;same, a commercial office building forlease.
13) Is the property: Owner occupied Renter occupied X Other
14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this
property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and
docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation.
The, special use referenced previously is associated with a different property.. To my knowledge, no other
past petitions ire relevant.
15) ,Haswork for which thisipplication1s being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details:
Building Permit Number: Ilia
Builder: n/a
16) Ifproposed special use is granted, when will the work Commence?
17) If the proposed Special use is granted; who will operate and/orusethe proposed improvement for which this
application has been filed?
Little Star Center. Inc. will operate the leased premises. Duke Realty will own /manage /maintain the facility.
LEGAL NOTICE shah 'be published' in,the Indianapolis Star a',MANDATORY twenty -five, (25) days prior to the
public hearing date, The certified'"Proof'of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must, be available for inspection the
night of the hearing.
LEGAL NOTICE to all.adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods ofnotice are
1) CERTIFIED MAIL - RETURN'RECEIPT REQUESTED sent toadjoining property owners. (The white receipt
should be stamped by the: Post.Office<at least twenty -five (25),days prior to the public hearing date.)
2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting „property owners (A receipt signed' by the adjoining and'abutting
propertyowner acknowledging the twenty -five (25) day notice should be kept forverification thatthe.notice Was
The:applicant=.understands thatdocket numbers wiltnot be.assigned until all suaporting information hasbeensubmtted to
the Department it& Corrmmunit Se s.
Applicant Signature: . / �' Dater 1-/- /1-0'i
The applicant :certifies'by signing this applicationttiat he/she ha een advised that all representations of the Department of
Community- Services are,advisory only and'that the applicant° should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and /or
the legal;advice of his /her ettorriey
Pap 2 — file name: special use application 2011.doc rev. 12/282010
Hamilton Crossing II
12650 Hamilton Crossing Blvd.
Legal Description
A partof the Southwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton
County; Indiana, described as:follows:
Coriiniencing at the northwest corner of said quarter section; thence North 88 degrees 42 minutes
47 seconds East 710.01 feet along the north, line of 'said quarter section; thence South 00 degrees 25
minutes 34 seconds East 1,166.50.feet ;.thence Southerly 89.80 :feet along an Marc to the left and
having a radius of 600.00 feet and subtended by a long chord having a- bearing of South 04 degrees
34 minutes 14 seconds East and a lengthrof86.73 feet to the southemboundary Iine of a tractof
land-granted tnpuke Realty Limited: Partnership in Instrument #200300026880^.in the Office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County,. .-Indiana, said point also being the POINT OF.BEGII"NINGof this
description; thence North:89 degrees -14 minutes 26 seconds East 541.73 feet_along said :southern
boundary, line to the western line of :a Grant of Right -of. Way to the City of Cannel, Indiana in
Instrument #200300042401 ui said'Office.of the Recorder; the next:three (3 }courses arealong said
western line; (1) thenceSouth 00 degrees 25 minutes 34 seconds East 225.00 feet; (2) thence
southwesterly' 355.83 feet along an.arc to theright and having a radius of 405.00feet and.subtended
by along chord'having a bearing of South'24 degrees 44 minutes 36 secondsWestand a length of
344.49 feet; (3) thence South 49' degrees 54 minutes 47'seconds West 40.98,feet to the northern line
of Earce1.14B recorded in Instrument #200600066417 m said Office ofthe Recorder; thence
northwesterly 47.38 feet along an, arc to :the right and having a radius of 849.24 feet :and subtended
by a. long chord having a bearing of North 50 degrees 17 minutes 05 seconds West 47 37'feet to the
eastern line ofa dedication of public right of way in Instrument #8826758 in.said Office of the
Recorder; the next twa(2) courses are along said eastern line. (1)._thenceNorth 40 degreesi05
minutes 34 seconds West 306.39 feet ;.(2) thence northwesterly 299.27'feet along an arc to the right
and:having a radius of 600.00' feet.and subtended by a long chord having tbearing of North 25
degrees 48 •minutes 14seconds7West296.17•'feet to the southeast comer. of a grant of right of way
to the City of Carmel m Instrument #200300042401 in said Office ,of the Recorder; thence
northwesterly 29'37 feet along an arc'to the right having a radius 01600.00 feet.and subtended by a
long chord having a bearing of North' 10 degrees 06 minutes 45 seconds West.and a length of 29.37
feet to -the Point of Beginning, containing 4 761 acres more or less.
I, hereby swear that I am the owner /contract purchaser of property involved:in:this application and that the foregoing
signatures, statements and answers hereimcoiitained and the information,herewith'submittedare in all respects.true and
correct;tothe best,of my knowledge and' :belief. 1 , ,,the undersigned, authorize•the applicant to act on my behalf with regard
tothis application and subsequent hearingsrand'testimony.
Signed: % l/ ` f `` 12/07/11
(Property Owner „'Property Owner's Attorney (Date)
or Property Owner's Power of Attorney)
County of
Printed' Name: Mark E. Hosfeld; Vice President, Indiana Leasing
(County in which notarization takes place)
(Please Print)
'(Notary Public's county of residence)
(Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney).
this 1 day of C C V�10 e n , 20 t .
Before me the undersigned,: a Notary Public
County, State of Indiana, personally appeared
and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument
Notary Public -- Please Print
My commission expir
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Docket No.:
Duke Realty Limited Partnership
1. The premises in question is particularly physically suitable for the proposed Special Use because:
It is Iimmediately.adjacent to existing operations for the:tenant, .Little Star :Center, Inc.
2. The Special Use will not .injuriously °oradversely affect economicfactors, such as cost/benefit to the community and
its anticipated effect on surrounding property values because:
The mission and activities proposed in the Middle Star-space closely match the mission and activities
being implemented inthe;Little. Star space. There have been.,no adverse,impacts.
3. The' Special Use will be consistent with social/neighborhood`factors, such as compatibility with existing uses and
'those: permitted under current zoning. in the vicinity of the premises .under consideration and how the proposed
Special -Use ,will affect neighborhood integrity because:
The proposed use is comvatiblewith adiacent uses and wilt have:no negative impact on-the intearitv of the
surrounding neighborhood. The use will provide a vital service_to autistic. children and ,their families.
4. .TheSpecial'Use will not injuriously or adversely affect the adequacrand availability of water, sewage and storm
drainage facilities and police and fire protection because:
Ali- referenced infrastructure is already in Place and has been sized to accommodate thesoace proposed for
lease to Middle Star-Center.
5. The Special, Use°wiit not -adversely- affectvehicular and pedestrian-traffic in and around the premises upon
which the Special Use- is proposed because:
. 1 -
Yes No: The;Board -has reviewed the requirements of Ordinance Z -160, Section 21.03 (1 -26) as they relate to this
Special Use, and does not find°that those criteriaprevent the granting ofthe Special Use.
IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the 'Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Special Use Docket Number
is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated
herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Adopted this day of , 20
CHAIRPERSON,. CarmeVClay•Board of'Zoning Appeals
SECRETARY, CarmeUClay Board of Zoning Appeals
Conditions of the Board are listed on the-back.
(Petitioner or his representative to sign).
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