HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence 'i;:. .~ 7260 SHADELAND STATION INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46256-3957 (317) 547-5580 FAX (317) 543-0270 www.amercons.com JAMES A. WURSTER, PE, AlA, LS WILLIS R. CONNER, PE JAMES A. KOVACS GREGORY L. HENNEKE, PE CHARLES P. UNTERREINER, PE, PS RANDAL J. SAGE, PE MARLIN A. KNOWLES, JR., PE MAX P. NEWKIRK, LS A. ROY SHURTLEFF, PE MICHAEL H. WENNING, PE CLINTON L. SPARKS, PE GORDON L. RICHARDSON, LS DAVID A. DAY, PE MICHAEL R. HOOPINGARNER, AlA MICHAEL M. JONES, AlA CYNTHIA L. -FORT, PE JEFFREY A. CLAYTON, PE ROBERT E. HITTLE MICHAELJ. KOYAK, PE FRED M. FACKENTHAL, AlA JAMES K. KEEFE, PE STEVEN R. BRUNS, PE ROBERT E. CREVISTON, JR., AlA EDWARD J. SWEETLAND, LS CASH E. CANFIELD, PE DONALD G. CORSON, PE ALEN FETAHAGIC, PE JAMIE L. POCZEKAY, PE, LS MICHAEL B. CLINE, PE M. SEAN PORTER, PE WEBB BERNHARDT, PE WILLIAM J. BOUCHER, PE CHRISTOPHER F. MURPHY, PE DALE T. (SKIP) FRANCIS, PE GREGORY R. SUSEMICHEL, PE PETER M. HODAPP, PE KATHLEEN M. BERGER, RLA MICHAEL T. LATZ, PE RUSSELL L. BUECHE, AlA JOHN N. HOOD, LS ANDREW D. RENTSCHLER, PE JENNIFER M. ALFORD, PE MICHAEL L. BISHOp, LS DAVID C. GEORGE, PE CRAIG M. PARKS, PE GERRY S. MANG, CFEI MOLAPO R. M. KGABO, PE CHRISTINE A. MEADOR ANDREW D. SNYDER, PE WILLIAM S. LYON, PE KEVIN G. JASINSKI, PE ANDREW H. GERDOM, PE, LS DANIEL L. WEINHEIMER, AlA WALlD A. ANTONIOS, PE TIMOTHY J. DICKSON, PE JOSEPH R. SCHMELTZER, PE JOHN A. LASHENIK, PE GARY P. DORN, PE JOHN J. TUCKER, PE RICHARD J. ZIELINSKI, PE CHAD S. RUNDLE, PE RICHARD M. BICHETTE, PE STEVEN G. HANSCOM, AlA REG ISTRA TION INDIANA - OHIO AL - AR- AZ - CA CO - a - FL - GA IA - ID - IL - KS KY - LA- MA- MD ME - MI - MN - MO MS - NC - NE NJ - NY - PA - SC SD - TN - TX - VA WA-WI-WV OFFICES INDIANAPOLIS, IN COLUMBUS, OH SOUTH BEND, IN !N2004.0387 .!NO 1 O.L TR.CE. 0008.RO.doc AMERICAN CONSULTING~ INC. Architects Consultants Engineers October 1, 2004 Angelina Butler Planning Administrator City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: North Meridian Medical Pavilion 04080049 Z 04080050 PV 04080051 DP/ADLS ACE Project # IN20040387 Dear Ms. Butler: The above referenced project, which is located at 12188 North Meridian Street, Carmel does not fall within the floodplain. The site falls entirely within Zone X pursuant to FIRM Panel 18057C0208F dated February 19, 2003. I have attached a copy of the flood map noting the site location for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at our office. Very truly yours, American Consu JAC:ah Enclosures cc: Mike Hartman, Lauth Property Group ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL CIVIL ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SURVEYING FORENSIC ENGINEERING ;'\., L ',- ~ ,...... .<1) '.8 $-4 cu~ Uo '~.~ 0,...... ~ :...., · 9""4 U tu UJ LL ,0 o lD > Q) .0 o C) Q) 'C ro .croE ~w-;;:iQ) ci~'~ ~ d EL~~ -g 'E o 0 ~. 'U +-'. Q). '-u.. " ' Oo.c , oQ)+-,ro ~~.B51O ~ o'~ ~ ~ ,c .c,:;:, Z 0 , ~ mg "5 en ~:glLg ~ ~,.a.~ . ~ ~ .8 ~ ~ .2 :g ~ '~E ~~ .~Fc.e<( '0 Q)~ .S ~ cc,c+-, .2 ::J ,~ g ~ tc.ro'U..c 8. o..c e +-' rot: ~~~ 'O~Em~ >- u. ..c 10 0 g-g>~a; ~ ~ .~ ~ ~E ~-g~~g 0'0 E 'q::: c~'U~E rox~.2ro .~Q) ;E ,c rn .~ m 'ro~ :e F ~'o +i a.. W ...J '<( U U) w ~ ~ X o a: -0.. 0.. <( an I"- o ,00 - LO ~Cn Nfl') N +-' d '8 ~ ' 0 CUu =:r= tUOO 00 $-to <~ >< ,w Z o N I -...J I I I I I r----------- I I I I I ~-------'-----_. I \ I I I \ I I I \ I I L---~---L--~r1\ I 01 I I Soils Map Not to Scale IN20040387 :.... A& ~ 7260 SHADELAND STATION INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46256-3957 (317) 547-5580 FAX (317) 543-0270 www.amercons.com JAMES A. WURSTER, PE, AlA, LS WILLIS R. CONNER, PE JAMES A. KOVACS GREGORY L. HENNEKE, PE CHARLES P. UNTERREINER, PE, PS RANDALJ. SAGE, PE MARLIN A. KNOWLES, JR., PE MAX P. NEWKIRK, LS A. ROY SHURTLEFF, PE MICHAEL H. WENNING, PE CLINTON L. SPARKS, PE GORDON L. RICHARDSON, LS DAVID A. DAY, PE MICHAEL R. HOOPINGARNER, AlA MICHAEL M. JONES, AlA CYNTHIA L. FORT, PE JEFFREY A. CLAYTON, PE ROBERT E. HITTLE MICHAEL J. KOYAK, PE FRED M. FACKENTHAL, AlA JAMES K. KEEFE, PE STEVEN R. BRUNS, PE ROBERT E. CREVISTON, JR., AlA EDWARD J. SWEETLAND, LS CASH E. CANFIELD, PE DONALD G. CORSON, PE ALEN FETAHAGIC, PE JAMIE L. POCZEKAY, PE, LS MICHAEL B. CLINE, PE M. SEAN PORTER, PE WEBB BERNHARDT, PE WILLIAM J. BOUCHER, PE CHRISTOPHER F. MURPHY, PE DALE T. (SKIP) FRANCIS, PE GREGORY R. SUSEMICHEL, PE PETER M. HODAPP, PE KATHLEEN M. BERGER, RLA MICHAEL T. LATZ, PE RUSSELL L. BUECHE, AlA JOHN N. HOOD, LS ANDREW D. RENTSCHLER, PE JENNIFER M. ALFORD, PE MICHAEL L. BISHOp, LS DAVID C. GEORGE, PE CRAIG M. PARKS, PE GERRY S. MANG, CFEI MOLAPO R. M. KGABO, PE CHRISTINE A. MEADOR ANDREW D. SNYDER, PE WILLIAM S. LYON, PE KEVIN G. JASINSKI, PE ANDREW H. GERDOM, PE, LS DANIEL L. WEINHEIMER, AlA WALlD A. ANTONIOS, PE TIMOTHY j. DICKSON, PE JOSEPH R. SCHMELTZER, PE JOHN A. LASHENIK, PE GARY P. DORN, PE JOHN J. TUCKER, PE RICHARD J. ZIELINSKI, PE CHAD S. RUNDLE, PE RICHARD M. BICHETTE, PE STEVEN G. HANSCOM, AlA REG ISTRA TION INDIANA-OHIO AL - AR- AZ - CA CO - a - FL - GA IA - ID - IL - KS KY - LA - MA - MD ME - MI - MN - MO MS - NC - NE NJ - NY - PA - SC SD - TN - TX - VA WA-WI-WV OFFICES INDIANAPOLIS, IN COLUMBUS, OH SOUTH BEND, IN IN2004.0387. INO 1 O.L TR.C E.0007.RO.doc AMERICAN CONSULTING~ INC. Architects Consultants Engineers October 1, 2004 Angelina ~utler Planning Administrator City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion 04080049 Z 04080050 PV 04080051 DP/ADLS ACE Job # IN20040387 Dear Ms. Butler: We have received and reviewed your comments dated September 1, 2004, for the above-mentioned project. Below please find a list of each of your comments followed by the action we took to address each comment. 1. Provide a copy of the official list of adjacent property owners from the Hamilton County Auditor. The owner will provide this information. 2. Please provide copies of your letters of transmittal to T AC members. A copy of the TAC letters is included with this submittal. REZONE 3. Provide exhibits A thru C, as referred to in the application. The owner will provide this information. 4. Please notarize your application. The owner will provide this information. PLAT VACATION 5. No Comments. ARCHITECTURE STRUCTURAL CIVIL ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORTATION PLANNING SURVEYING FORENSIC ENGINEERING AMERICAN CONSULTING~ INC. Angelina Butler October 1, 2004 Page 2 DPIADLS 6. Please provide soils map and floodplain statement. A soils map and floodplain statement are included with this submittal. A note has also been added to the grading plan regarding the floodplain information. 7. Please provide the bottom and normal pool elevation. The ponds are designed to remain dry. We have labeled on the plans the bottom elevation of both ponds. 8. Please provide the lot coverage for the site (including parking lot area), per 23B.08.06. We have measured a green space of3.68 acres and the total project site is 11.83 acres. This results in approximately 69% lot coverage. 9. Show one truck berth/turn around area. Deliveries will be received at the side entrances to the buildings. Smaller single body trucks, not semi trailers, will make deliveries. For the north building, trucks will be able to turn around in the parking area. For the south building, trucks will back out of the parking area after unloading. 10. Show the parking lot light poles heights to be 15-ft tall within 90-feet of the residentially zoned parcel to the west of the site. The electrical engineer will provide this information. 11. Provide light fixture details/sizes. The electrical engineer will provide this information. 12. show lighting with the 90-degree cut off with flat lenses. The electrical engineer will provide this information. 13. Show the property lines on the photometric plan. Also, show the foot candle measurements extending to the property lines (0.1 foot-candle adjacent to residential and 0.3 foot-candles adjacent to business (23BI3.F). The electrical engineer will provide this information. IN2004.0387 .!NO 1 O.L TR.CE.0007 .RO.doc AMERICAN CONSULTING~ INC. Angelina Butler October 1, 2004 Page 3 14. Show/label the 20-ft build to line along Illinois Street. The 20-ft building setback line has been added to the plans. 15. Please show/label building dimensions and square footage on site plan. The building dimensions and square footages have been added to the site plan. 16. Please label building materials on elevation. The owner will provide this information. 17. Please provide floor area ration (FAR). The owner will provide this information. 18. Development standards variances through the BZA, will be needed for the number of signs proposed. See Chapter 25.07.02 of the Sign Ordinance. The owner will provide this information. 19. Provide'sign details for the wall sign (style, type, materials, color, etc.). The owner will provide this information. 20. The ground sign square footage is too large, refer to sign ordinance for proper size. The owner will provide this information. 21. Show the location for the second ground sign on the site plan (will it be along Meridian St. or Illinois St. ?). The owner will provide this infonnation. 22. Per the Sign Ordinance, a ground sign must be landscaped greater than or equal to its sign area. Please show on landscape plan. We have added landscaping around the ground sign. (See Sheet L1) 23. Per 23B.I0.02.A, please show/label a 30-ft greenbelt along US 31. The 30-ft greenbelt has been labeled on the plans. IN2004.0387 .INOl O.L TR.CE.0007 .RO.doc AMERICAN CONSULTING, INC. Angelina Butler October 1, 2004 Page 4 24. Per 23B.IO.04, a w3aiver may be needed from protection of existing trees. The owner is working on a reforestation plan. Details of the plan will be provided by the owner. 25. Per 23B.IO.C, the planting area must extend the whole width of the building. Our landscape plan has been developed through extensive coordination with Scott Brewer. Scott has indicated acceptance of our plan. 26. Please show a 10-ft planting strip along Illinois Street right of way, per 23B.l 0.02.B(1). The 10-ft planting strip has been added to the plans. 27. Please show a 10-ft planting strip along each entry drive. Per 23B.IO.02.B(2). The planting strip has been added to the plans. Although a portion of the parking lot on the south side of the site projects into the planting strip, we have complied with the ordinance with regard to the number of trees required. 28. Please show/label buffer yard setbacks, per 26.04.05. The buffer yards are shown on the site plan. 29. Provide a copy of the urban forester's approvalletter/emaiI. This letter will be forwarded once it is received. 30. Please provide pavement and curbing details. The details have been added to the plans. (See Sheet C5.1) 31. Show proposed 10-ft asphalt path along Illinois Street, per the Alternative Transportation Plan. The right of way dedication and details regarding Illinois Street have not been agreed upon at this time. Information will be provided in the future based on the process of dedication, etc. 32. Per Ch. 23B12.A.4, show bicycle-parking areas. A bicycle storage area is shown near the northwest corner of the south building. 33. Please prepare documentation for the dedication of Illinois Street right of way. The owner will provide this information. IN2004.0387 .!NO 1 O.L TR.CE.0007 .RO.doc AMERICAN CONSULTING~ INC. Angelina Butler October 1, 2004 Page 5 34. Provide Findings of Fact Sheet for the Development Plan at the 2nd plan commission meeting. The owner will provide this infonnation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our response, please do not hesitate to contact me at our office. Very truly yours, American Consultin ()- layton, PE JAC:ah Enclosures cc: Mike Hartman, Lauth Property Group IN2004.0387.INO 1 O.L TR.CE.0007 .RO.doc .--..... . .-.. . ... .;' 't' City of Carmel VIA FAX: 564-3091 Original by mail September 1, 2004 Daniel Barkes Lauth Property Group 9777 N College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: North Meridian Medi\':al PaviUon (#04080049 Z, 04080050 PV & 04090051 DP/ADLS) , DearMr, Barkes: '11ris letter is in response to your Re:z:one, Plat Vacation. and DP IADLS Applications for North Meridian Medical PaviUon. Members at the T AC Meeting win make additional comments on September 22. The following review is based on the property receiving B-6/Busi:pess rezone approval. Please complete the following iteIIlS after you have received additional comments at the T AC Meeting. Provide a. copy of the official list of adjacent properties from the Hamilton County Auditor. Please provide copies pf your letters of transmittal to T ACmembers. 1. 2, Rezone 3. Provide e~ibits A through C, as referred to in the application. 4. Please notarize YOW'" application. llat Va.eaticm 5. No comments. DP/AflTJS 6. ' 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ' 12. 13. 14. 15~ 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. :Please provide soils map and floodplain statement. Please provide the bottom and normal elevation of the ponds. Please provide the lot (}Ovtt~ge for the site (include parking lot area). per 23B.08.06. I Show one truck loading bertbltum arQooQ area. Show the parking light poles heights to be 1 S..ft tall within 90 feet of the residentially zoned parcel to 'th:e west of the site, Provide light fixture details/sizes. Show lighting with the 90wdegree cut off with flat lenses. Show the property lines on the photometric plan. Also, show the foot..candle measurements extending to the property lines (.1 foot-candle adja.cent to residential andJ foot-candles adjacent to business (23B.13.F). Show/label the 20-ft build to line along Illinois Street. Please show/label bujldi~g dimensions and square footage on the site plan~ Please lab~l bui1ding materials on the elevations. Please provt~e the floor area ratio (FAR), Development standards variances, through the BZA, will be needed for~he number of signs proposed. See Chapter 25.07.02 of the Sign Ordinance. ON i- 'f' ,- Provide sign details for the wan sign (styte~ size, materials, color, etc). The ground sign square footage is too large, refer to sign ordinance for proper size. Pago 1 {)1\.TP. r.TVTr:~OUARE CARMEL~ INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ..---.. ..--.. __... __._. I-'ll .,-.'.j~ 1:'.. 21. Show location for second ground sign on the site plan (will it be along Meridian St. or Illinois St.?). 22. Per the sign ordinance, a ground sign must be landscaped greater than or equal to its sign area. Please show on landscape plan" 23. Per 23B.l G.02.A, pleaao show/label a 30-ft greenbelt along US 31. 24. Per 23B.10.04, a waiver maybe needed trom Protection of Existing Trees. 25. per 23B.I0.C, the planting area must extend the whole width ofthe building. 26. Please show a lO-ft planting strip along Illinois Street right of way, per 23B.l0.02.B(1). 27. Pleas show a lO-ft pla.nting strip along each entry drive. Per 23B.I0.02.B(Z). 28" Please showl1abelbufferyard setbacks, per 26.04,,05. 29. Provide a copy of the urban forester's approvalletter/e-mail. 30" Please provide pavement and curbing details. 31, Show proposed 10-ft asphalt path along Ulinois S1reet, per the Alternative Transportation Plan. 32. Per Ch. 23B.12.A.4i show bicycle-parking areas" 3~. Please prepare d66umentation for the dedication oflllinois StreetriSht of way. 34. Provide a Findings of Fact Sheet for the Development Plan at the ZD plan commission meeting. An additional comment letter witt follow after revisions are sefit to the Department. If you have any questions or in may be of assistance, please feel :free to call Jon Dobosiewicz or myself. Sincerely, ~!!J~ Angelina. Butler - Planning Administrator Nort'hMeridianModica\Pavilion-DP ~ADLS:lZ:lPV2 , Page 2 ONF, CIVIC SQUARE Cl~.ltMEL) INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 AMERICAN 'CONSULTING, INC. Architects Consultants Engineers 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256 (317) 547-5580 FAX: (317) 543-0270 www.amercons.com To: Angelina Butler City of Carmel One Civic Sq. Department of Planning Carmel, IN 46032 10/01/2004 North Meridian Medical Pavilion 1~20040387 We are [g] ,Enolosed D Mail D As Requested sending you: DSeparately via [g] Messenger D For Your Information ;Deliver by: D Overnight [g] For Your Review & Comment Time: 4:30pm D D -Date: 10-1-2004 QTY. TYPE DESCRIPTION ,1 Copy Revised Site Plans 1 Orig. Letter Addressing Comments 1 Copy Your Comment Letter 1 Copy T AC Letters 1 Copy Soils Map 1 Copy Flood Statement Letter .Remarks: Please let either Jeff Clayton or myself know if you have any questions. Please return:D Copies to this office Copies of: Trans: Enclosure: To: Very truly yours American Consulting,lnc. x Mike Carrico, Lauth 'By: Bill Butz 'I , j ; \ DCC-$' eopy Tree Cal'e Land scaping C011sulting Services September 21, 2004 Mr. Michael Hartman Lauth Property Group 9777 N. College Avenue Indianapolis IN 46280 Re: Reforestation/Mitigation Plan To determine the need for Reforestation/Mitigation Vine & Branch staff foresters inventoried the woodland areas at 126th and Meridian. This inventory included a . 20 foot buffer on the North . 20 buffer on the south . 15 foot buffer on the West side (from original boundary as per August 2004) . 30 foot buffer on the East side () ~ ~WlLWJJr ~ cr If JIL I Nay fIlL The results of the inventory were that we identified 994 inches of trees that are over 10 inches in diameter at breast height, healthy and free of dis~)e. tJo"" c"\HAt~y" "'B~bMme.A -tb ~~ t:.;SUI~ Some ofthes,e trees will be removed and therefore according to agreement ne!d to b~l_ ~ I... - s t4 reforested/mitigated. '3.) We) rIA" ett (ItvEh~ ~s b4Z1\ *-'bl\l\i\ni<I rn'1T S'rww ~. ~ pl4Ci'~ cI~ hst.s tk ~s' ;M+ ~ P/1ofD ~ btL. -t7\~! ()C2.. c.O-^S~ &1d ilJJ.;. ~V1 Vine & Branch proposes that this reforestation/mitigation be in the following manner. . 531 inches reforested/mitigated by conservation of trees in the North and South borders . 115 inches will be reforested/mitigated by conserving trees in the South East corner . 134 inches will be reforested/mitigated by retention of trees in the north west corner . 50 inches will be reforested/mitigated by conservation of trees in the south west corner · t. C . 33 inches in additional 13 trees over and above the landscape plan. ? C;AJ\\a... dee~",\of ~ . 131 inches for 65 shrUbs,to be planted over and above the landscape plan. ~ ~,AM wkue 81\" t-k plAYl 4/l.( rtt~ ,cdel\+.f-IC With approval this would mean that all 994 inches will be reforested/mitigated on the site with conservation and additional plants. I certify that .all the statements of fact in this report are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that they are made in good faith. Judson R. Scott President, Vine & Branch Inc. Registered Consulting Arborist #392 American Society of Consulting Arborists 4721 E. 146th Street . Carmel, Indiana 46033 . Phone: 317-846-1935. Fax: 317-846-3788 Treeconsultant@aol.com . www.vineandbranch.net e ,"e Construc(i.()n/S.t()r~water.Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment ProJect N al11e: North MeridahMedical Pavilion Date Reviewed: 09/23/04 Comment: A plan similar to this one has been previously reviewed. Detail information that was included on the previous plan was not included on this plan. Please address all items in Sec A marked incomplete. B 1. Include informatio'Ii on pollutants. Will the proposed post water quality practices adaquately limit the pollution discharge to the outlet lake? B4- Show the construction contours of the proposed sediment basin. The drawing is not clear what is to be built. Provide calculations that the proposed basin meets Rule 5, requirements. The riser size for the sed. basin outlet is not shown on the plans. For l' of stage on the riser, it generally needs to be larger than the pipe for full pipe flow to occur. B7- The diversion swale along the south property line is not clear on the plans. B11. The 15 day Rule 5 requirement is not clearly stated on the plans. Ground preparation and soil amendments need to be included in the temporary seeding specs. B 15- This requirement is needs to be addressed if the construction of one building is to be delayed. Sec. C- Provide information. The pipe run that is furthest south discharges too close to the pond outlet. Greater separation is needed to provide adequate settling time. cc: Carmel, Surveyor, File DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03 ..... Wi' """1.,..""(J~,.',,."_, '"" "W WOODEN & McLAUGHLIN LLP Attorneys At Law Michael C. Cook mcook@woodmaclaw. com September 16, 2004 Via Eie:ctronic Mail (id,obosiewicz@ci.car.m.eLin..1Ls) Jon C. Dobosiewicz Department of Community Development City of Camlel Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Docket No.: 04050053-DP-ADLS ,Project: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Common Address: 12202 North Meridian Street Dear John: As we discussed this morning, the above referenced matter is currently set for consideration at the special meeting of the Special Studies Committee which is scheduled this evening, September 16, 2004, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Although I believe we are making progress in working with our residential neighbors, we need more time and are not in a position where this can go forward this evening on an agreed basis. Proposed commitments and a draft agreement is currently being circulated. We have also produced proposed replats of those lots in Williams Creek Farms subdivision which will likely be bisected by the extension of Illinois Street from 116th Street to Carmel Drive. Hopefully, given some additional time, we will be able to arrive at agreements with the neighboring residential property owners to the west in Williams Creek Farms subdivision. Based on the foregoing, I would respectfully request that this matter be continued from this evening's docket. I would also request, as previously discussed, that a special meeting be scheduled for 5:00 p.m. on September 21 st so that the Special Studies Committee can hear this matter prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of the Carmel Plan Commission to be held later that evening. As we discussed this morning, we will make every effort to communicate with others involved so that interested parties do not appear this evening. One Indiana Square, Suite 1800 Indianapolis. Indiana 46204-4208 Phone: (317) 639-6151 Fax: (317) 639-6444 www.woodmaclaw.com WOODEN & McLAUGHLIN LLP e Jon C. Dobosiewicz September 16, 2004 Page 2 e Please call me to confirm receipt of this letter and to let me know whether our appearance this evening will be required. MCC:jwp cc: (Via E-mail) Zeff Weiss Very truly yours, Michael C. Cook .P! .It: ~~ e e . MORGAN More Square Feet. Less Money. - -- -- Memorandum To: Jon C. Dobosiewicz From: Pat Jarrett Date: July 19, 2004 Re: HVAC Units We, CP Morgan, are cognizant of the fact that the HVAC units on our second office building located on Haven Point Boulevard will be observable from the 2nd floor of our existing office building. We have seen/discussed the issue and approve of the plan being submitted. . Thank you, Pat Jarrett Director of New Product Development and Special Projects 4670 Haven Point Blvd Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 317 -848-4040 . . . . FROM TOLEN PHoNE NO. e P01 e Williamson Run Homeowners Assodati()n July 15, 20()4 Larry Richard~()1' Duke Realty InvestmCJlts 600 E.. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 Dear l.Jarry: Tl1allk you for taking the time to presellt to the Williamson Rll11 Homeowners Associat.llHI ]~~)ard YOUT plans for the ~ingle st.o-ry (~.P. Morgan huilding that we referenced a:s '.C.P. Morgan buildil1g tW()". It wa.s the board"s collective opinit)11 t11at this builditlg will hlend we11 wit11 our neighborhood. Your professionalism and C()n111,unity concern were appreciated. Sincerely, ~~r'/~ Steve 'rOlel1 President ,. e e July 9, 2004 Larry Richardson Duke Construction 600 E. 96th Street #100 Indianapolis, IN 46240 Re: North Haven Office Park Additions - LotI - Block "D" Dear Larry: We have reviewed the renderings of your proposed CP Morgan headquarters building expansion and accompanying site plans. It is our belief that the current plans offer substantially the same aesthetics as the headquarters building and will be harmonious with the plans for North Haven Apartments, which project has been completed' on the adjoining lot in the North Haven Subdivision. We would like an opportunity to review plans for Lot 2 - Block D before they are submitted for Final ADLS approval, since it is the building most closely situated to our apartment community. Sincerely, ~ John C. Hart, Jr. President JCH/tgb cc: file ..;.). 'v ~.- 1'" -, ,4']: e CI . EL J~1VIES BRAINARD, ML\YOR June 15, 2004 ~r.~ichaelFlanITnan Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: North Meridian Medical Pavilion-Project Review #1 Dear ~r. FlanITnan: We have reviewed the dra"vings submitted for this project for the June 16, 2004 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. We offer the following cominents: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site is currently within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. The following jurisdictions will apply to this project. 2. Jurisdictions: . Street and Right of Way - INDOT (U.S. 31 and its frontage road) . Water - Indianapolis Water Company . Sanitary Sewer - Clay Township Regional Waste District . Storm Sewer - Hamilton County Surveyor. 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approval Requirements: It does not appear that this project will require any BPWS approvals. Flowever, I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety m,eeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use should the BPWS situation change. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Bo,!-rd of Zoning Appeals and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be place on the Board's agendamllst include the appropriate Docket Numbers and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or BZA. 4. TAC Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. This office will require a minimum of three-sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The dra\vings will be stamped approved and signed by the City Engineer. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which is to be maintained on the construction site at all times. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one-set and one-set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If more than the minimum three-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets (maximum total of two additional) 1Jlust be subp:ritted with the three required sets. 5. I am including copies of the follomng with this correspondence: . Commercial Project Approval-Procedures. . Permit Data, Contacts, etc. . Commercial Permitting Procedures. DEPART7vlENT OF E:\GINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CAHNIEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 F~~ 317.571.2439 ENlAIL k'\veese@ci.Clrnlel.in.us -r";- ~ e . Mr. Michael Hartman June 15, 2004 Page 2 BONDING REQUIREMENTS 6. Upon initial review, it appears the following bonding requirements may apply to this project: Right of'Vay Permit and Bonding Requirements It does not appear that there will be Right of Way Permit requirements with the City of Carmel. However, we will require proof that appropriate approvals have been received from INDOT for curb cuts, etc. PROJECT COMMENTS 7. Please extend silt fence to the north property line. 8. If force main is private, please obtain rights of access from INDOT. 9. This office does not recommend the use of extruded curb. 10. What is the status qf obtaining off-site drainage easements? 11. Is it possible to cut a temporary swale in the west property line so no water from development discharges onto adjacent properties? 12. Will IWC require an easement for the public water main? 13. Should the sanitary force main be installed on the property rather than the right of way? 14. Please show off-site storm run on erosion control plan. 15. Please ensure that the drainage calculations account for the full development build-out (parking to the west and second building). 16. Please show seeding of disturbed areas on erosion control plan, including off-site areas for utilities. 17. Will final/ultimate access be off of Illinois Street? Do you want to extend access lane to property line now? 18. Obtain approval to do work in INDOT right of way, including curb cut, water, gas service and force main installation. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers to review all storm drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. We will share these reviews with you as they are received. If you have questions, please contact Mike McBride, Gary Duncan or me at 571-2441. Enclosures cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services (w/o encl.) Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office (w/o encl.) John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation (wiD encl.) David George, American Consulting Department Review File Copy S:\PROJREY04\NMERMEDP A Y SEP 14 '04 06:44PM P . 1/2 f'""!;, Q e - :Kelltol1 C.(tC;Jtlrd,. L'U rue)'Ol' q,'litJIlt! (3 J 7) 77G.&4~"$ 'Fetx l}'7) 77(.''':lL,29 4Sllil(.~ 1'~..~ ()Ill.' .?(ll1'li/tOIl County "~lJlJ(1i(~ ~.~V obl"svil/(./ Illclia nll 4 L;'" 6{". J...! J t" September '13, 2004 American, Consulting" Inc. A TTN:, Jeff Clayton 7260 Shade 1 and Station Indianapolis" IN 46256-3957 VIA FACSIMILE: 543-0270 Re: North MeridisnMedical Pavilion Phase II Dear Mr. Clayton: .We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on September 7, 2004'for this project and have the following comments: 1. Please submit an outlet permit for the discharge into the, Spring Lake Estates Regulated Drain:. The'applicatlon is, available on ourwebsite at http://vvWw.co.hamilto'ri.in.us,go to Departments, SUrveyor, and Drainage Permits. Tbis'outletpermit has 'never been received for Phase 1 approval. 2. A recorded' copy of the private easement agreementmust be submitted to this office before the, outlet permit will be approved. A copy of this ~asement bas never ,been provJdedto our offi~e for'Phase 1 approval. The easement agreement will need to be will ALL property owners the pipe fZrosses before the outlet. 3~ Storm water will pond in the parking lot to a depth of 6, inches around storm structures 104 thru 107 d\1ri!1g a 100 'year storm event. Is this the intended design and will that he acceptable with the owner? 4. The HamiltonCounty',Surveyor)s Office also 118s concerns of the 0.3% grade in the bottom of the dry detention , basins. A sub-surfacedrajn'i,n the dry detention basin 'artd paralleling the site outlet pipe to ,structure 116 would be the recommendation of this. office. SEP 14 '04 06:45PM P.2/2 ..~ e e 5. The HCSO has COncerns that the restriotor plate shown in the detail will not hold up to the pressure applied by holding back a 100 year storm event. Also. with the current restrictor plate detail~ the water will pond 3" above the invert of the end section before it will enter the orifice. Please reevaluate the method used to hold the orifice plate in place, 6. Please n.ote the additional comments may be W8rral'1ted at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317...776-8495. Sincerely, .~~~ Greg Hoyes Plan Reviewer cc: Jon .Dobosiewicz .--Carmel DOCD John South - HCSWCD Dick. Hill - Carmel Engineering Mike Hartman - Lauth SEP-12I9-21211214 1219:54 FROM:HAMILTWOHWY DEP 3177769814 T'1j7 571 2426 P.003/006 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWA Y DEPARTMENT September 9,2004 Mr. Michael Hartman Lauth Property Group 9771 North Co1lege Avenue Indianapolis. Indiana 46280 VIA FACSIMILE RE: North Meridian Medical Plaza Site P1ans Clay Township Dear Mr. Hartman: This tetter serves to acknow1edge receIpt of a transm1ttal co.ntBining the plans for the above... mentioned subdivision. After reviewing the plans. the Highway Department has the following comments: 1. It appe'ars that this proJect lies ent1rely wlthfn the limits of the City of Carmel. Therefore, all future comments Sl10uld be directed toward the City. 1,'f you have any infonnation contrary to this statement, p1ease oontact me immediately. If you have any comments or questions regardrng this Jetter or project, prease feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. Sincer~ly, (i,/g~--- 4~n I ~~ermann Staff Engineer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz Greg Hoyes G:'USERS\SB\04tF.lc\09-0~4n meridiAn medplaza .do,? 1700 South 10.hStreet N obJcsvnlc~ In. 46060 ww,v.co.hamiltoo.in.us Of.fice (317) 773.7770 ' Fax (3 J. 7) 776-981. 4 e e Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name:, North Meridan Medical Pavilion Plan Submittal Date: 07/02/04 Hydrologic Unit Code: Project Location Description: 12202 North Meridian Street Latitude and Longitude:Lat 39 58' 02" long 86 09' 33"W CivilTI .1. -. Clay Quarter: NW Section: County: Hamilton 5120201090040 = o .,.... ~ Project Owner Name: Lauth Property Group E Contact: Pat Shea .Q C Address: 9777 North College Avenue ~ 'ti City: Indianapolis .~ Phone: 317 575-3082 ~ ~ 35 Township: 18 North Range: 3 East FAX: State: IN 317 564-3082 Zip: 46280 E-Mail: ~ "'-""1 L1 npt '--'" Plan Preparer Name: Craig Forgey Affiliation: American Consulting Address: 7260 Shadeland Station City: Indianapolis Phone: 317-547-5580 FAX: State: IN 317 -543-0270 Zip: 46256 E-Mail: cforgey@amercons.com Review Date: 07/12/04 :; Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC Q) .S: Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District OJ ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street ; City: Noblesville ~ Phone: 317-773-2181 Assisted By: FAX: State: IN 317-776-1101 Zip: 46060 E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.org PLAN IS ADEQlTAl"E: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NO/. A NOI must also be sent to the o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o SubmIt Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmenta{ Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the N9!HIH~f?PYHf}f~~l!!'{C?I must also be sent to the Reviewing Aut~C!~i.tyH(~~~~ SWCD, DNR).HHO o PI..A.N IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project. o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re- submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Plan Revisions Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above. DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 1 Revised 12/09/03, Form J JUN 15 '1214 P .1/2 ..'Kl~TttOtl (,~. 'JCJllrdJ Sur1Jcyor ("PlicJJu' (.3,17) 77('-""49J rha' (3 ,l7) 77bp'~,62 8 Suite 1 (~8 (Jllf J{u71l1ltou CDZltJty Squat" J\f 0" lesIJillt!, 1 nJ it1111l 4-(';060-:!:1 j" June 14, 2004 American Consulting, Inc. A TTN: David George 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256-3957 VIA FACSIMILE: 543-0270 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Dear Mr. George: We have reviewed the oonstruction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on June 1, 2004 for this project and have the following comments: 1. This project falls within the jurisdiction of the City of Carmel. 2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Area. 3. The proposed project falls in the J.R+ Collins Regulated Drain Watershed. 4. The proposed outlet is the pond in Spring Lake Estates, which is a Hamilton County Regulated Drain Subdivision. 5. The onsite and offsite storm pipes will remain private and will need to be maintain/repaired by the owner of the property. 6. Please submit an outlet permit for the discharge into the Spring Lake Estates Regulated Drain. The application is available on our web site at h~://www.co.hami1to11.in.US. go to Departments, Surveyor, and Drainage Permits. 7. A recorded copy of the private easement agreement must be submitted to this office before the outlet permit will be approved. JUN 15 '04 11:35AM ~ ~ P.2/2 8. The plans will need to show rip-rap and toe-anchor detail, per H.C" Standard Detailst on the end section emptying into the existing pond. 9. The drainage calculations need to analyze the impact of the existing pond in Sprin.g Lake Estates to determine that no adverse effects will be created. 10. The drainage calculations do not show the post-developed Time of Concentration or storage volume calculation for the dry detention basin. 11. The construction plans show storm sewer stubs for possible future parking lot expansion. Is the detention basin sized for the future possibility? 12. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office strongly recommends against the inlets in the trash dumpster enclosure and the emergency generator area, Both of these inlets would al10w direct contamination of the storm water system and are in violation of Phase 2, Storm Water Quality. 13 ~ The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has concern wi.th the proximity of the dry detention basin to the frontage road. This office will need a letter acknowledging the dry detention basin from Carmel or INDOT (who ever owner the ROW for the frontage road). Maybe some type of post barrier would be appropriate to add a safety factor for the users of the roadway. 14. The dry detention basin must have an emergency overflow and overflow routing incase of blockage to the orifice or the 100+ year storm event. In this case, overland routing does not look possible, we would suggest a box structure with an orifice hole and open top (with grate) set at the 100 year elevation, instead of the proposed end section. Please make sure the outlet pipe is sized correctly if this suggested structure is utilized. 15. How are the stonn sewer stubs to the west for future parking lot expansiorigoing to be terminated? This office would suggest manholes since the future development is only a possibly, not a defmite. 16. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-8495. Sincerely, :!b ~W Gre::Joyes Plan Reviewer cc: Jon Dobosiewicz- Carmel DOCD John South -HCSWCD Dick Hill - Carmel Engineering tit e it of arm I Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Voice (317) 571-2600 Fax (317) 571-2615 Fire Prevention Bureau Michael Hartman Lauth Property Group 9777 N College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: North Meridian Medical Pavilion LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for North Meridian Medical Pavilion and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Our office is requesting an additional fire hydrant for this project to be located in the parking island south of the proposed building. 2. Will the building have a fire alarm system? If so, we are requesting that the building fire alarm panel be located at the main entrance. 3. We are requesting a Knox box and Knox fire department connection caps for this project. Knox products can be purchased directly through the Knox Company at www.knoxbox.com 4. What is the height of the building and will the building have a basement? 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: June 15.2004 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department :,J ..... - June 15,2004 It e City of Carmel VIA FAX: 564-3051 Original by mail Tom Eagley Lauth Property Group 9777 N College Ave Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Meridian North Medical Pavilion (#04050053 DP/ADLS) - DP/ADLS Application Dear Mr. Eagley: This letter is in response to your ADLS Application for Meridian North Medical Pavilion. This is a preliminary letter to let you begin on revisions. Additional comments will be made by members at the T AC Meeting on June 16. Please complete the following items after you have received additional comments at the TAC Meeting. nPIADTJS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Provide a copy of the official list of adjacent properties from the Hamilton County Auditor. Please provide the bottom and normal elevation of the pond. Please provide the lot coverage for the site (include parking lot area), per 23B.08.06. Show one truck loading berth/turn around area. Show a 60-ft side yard setback on the B-6/Business zoned parcel. Show/label a 45-ft side and rear yard setback, when next to a residentially zoned parcel (to the west of the site), per 23B.08.02.A. Show/label a 15-ft side and rear yard setback when next to a business zoned parcel (to the north and south), per 23B.08.02.B. Provide sign details for the wall sign (style, materials, color, etc). Show the trash enclosure materials / design to match the principle building and move to an alternate location. Show the parking light poles heights to be 15-ft tall within 90 feet of the residentially zoned parcel to the west of the site. Show lighting with the 90-degree cut off with flat lenses. Show the foot-candle measurements extending to the property lines (1 foot-candle adjacent to residential and .3 foot-candles adjacent to business (23B.13.F). Per Ch. 23B.12.A.4, show bicycle parking areas. Per 23B.I0.04, a waiver may be needed from Protection of Existing Trees. Please, provide an Illinois Street Exhibit. Show/label the US Highway 31/Meridian Street road right-of-way. Show the 90-ft build-to line (BTL) measured from US 31. Provide a parking chart for the number of parking for a medical bldg vs. an office bldg. Please provide the floor area ratio (FAR). Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARlYIEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ~,,-, j.. e e 20. A development standards variance, through the BZA, will be needed for the 2nd sign. 21. The 30-ft greenbelt with landscaping is required for both parcels; please show. 22. Per 23B.I0.C, the planting area must extend the whole width of the building. If you have any questions or if I may be of assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, J~ &uAA-~ Angelina Butler Planning Administrator MeridianNorthMedicalPavilion-DP ,ADLS Page 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARNIEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 ~\ _. J e e Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: North Meridan Medical Pavilion Plan Submittal Date: 06/01/04 Hydrologic Unit Code: Project Location Description: 12202 North Meridian Street Latitude and Longitude: Lat 39 58' 02" long 86 09' 33 "W Civil T~ ,1, --...Clay Quarter: NW Section: County: Hamilton 5120201090040 = Q .- ~ Project Owner Name: Lauth Property Group E Contact: Pat Shea ~ = Address: 9777 North College Avenue ~ 1j City: Indianapolis C1I .~ Phone: ~ ~ 35 T" T 18 North Range 3 East 317 575-3082 FAX: State: IN 317 564-3082 Zip: 46280 E-Mail: J. 1 ~1 .1 npt '--"" Plan Preparer Name: Craig Forgey Affiliation: American Consulting Address: 7260 Shadeland Station City: Indianapolis Phone: 317-547-5580~' FAX: State: IN 317 -543-0270 Zip: 46256 E-Mail: cforgey@amercons.com Review Date: 06/14/04 ~ Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC ~ .> Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District C1I ~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street ; City: Noblesville ~ Phone: 317 -773-2181 Assisted By: FAX: State: IN 317-776-1101 Zip: 46060 E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.org PLAN IS ADEQlTA1'E: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NO/. A NO! must also be sent to the SWCD, o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of the NOI A copy of the NO! must also be sent to the o PI.JA.N IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified, during the plan review. o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s). o DO NOT file a Notice of Intent for this project. o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re- submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied. Plan Revisions Deficient Items should be mailed or delivered to the Principal Plan Reviewer identified in the Plan Review Section above. DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 1 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1 ~ e e Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: North Meridan Medical Pavilion Date Reviewed: 06/14/04 The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the project. The Plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All measures included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural measur~s designed by a qualified engineer. The Plan has not been reviewed for other local, state, or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the Plan. All proposed stormwater pollution prevention measures and those referenced in this review must meet the design criteria and standards set forth in the "Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual"from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. Please direct questions and/or comments regarding this plan review to: John B. South P.E. CPESC Please refer to the address and contact information identified in the Plan Review Section on page 1. Assessment of Construction Plan Elements (Section A) The Construction Plan Elements are adequately represented to complete a plan review: o Yes D No The items checked below are deficient and require submittal to meet the requirements of the rule. D .1 Index showing locations of required Plan Elements D 3 Narrative describing the nature and purpose of the proj ect D 5 Legal Description of the Project Site (Include Latitude and Longitude - NOI Requirement) D 7 Hydrologic unit code (14 Digit) D 9 Specific points where stormwater discharge will leave D the site D .11 Identification of all receiving waters D D 1.3 100 year floodplains, floodways, and floodway fringes D D 15 Adjacent landuse, including upstream watershed 0 D .1 7 Identification of existing vegetative cover D D 19 Locations, size and dimensions of proposed storm water 0 . systems (e.g. pipes, swales and channels) D 21 Locations of proposed soil stockpiles and/or borrow/disposal areas D Proposed final topography at an interval appropriate to 23 . d. d. In Icate raInage patterns DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 2 of 4 D 2 11 by 17 inch plat showing building lot numbers/boundaries and road layout/names D 4 Vicinity map showing project location D 6 Location of all lots and proposed site improvements (roads, utilities, structures, etc.) D 8 Notation of any State or Federal water quality permits 10 Location and name of all wetlands, lakes and water courses on and adjacent to the site 1 ' Identification of potential discharges to ground . ,2 water (abandoned wells, sinkholes, etc.) Pre-construction and post construction estimate of .14 k. h Pea DISC arge (10 Year storm event) 6 Locations and approximate boundaries of all .1 disturbed areas (Construction Limits) 18 ~oi~s n:rnp including soil descriptions and IInntatIons 20 Plans for any off-site construction activities associated with this proj ect (sewer/water tie- ins) D 22 Existing site topography at an interval appropriate to indicate drainage patterns Revised 12/09/03, Form 1 e e Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment (Form 1) Project Name: North Meridan Medical Pavilion Date Reviewed,: 06/14/04 Assessment of Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (Sections B & C) The construction component of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes stormwater quality measures to address erosion, sedimentation, and other pollutants associated with land disturbance and construction activities. Proper implementation of the plan and inspections of the construction site are necessary to minimize the discharge ofpollutants. The Project Site Owner should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may affect the performance of a practice or the effectiveness of the plan. The plan 'must be a flexible document, with provisions to modify or substitute B practices as necessary. Description of potential pollutant sources associated with construction activities Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation relative to land disturbing activities Stable construction entrance locations and specifications (at all points of ingress and egress) Sediment control measures for sheet flow areas 5 Sediment control measures for concentrated flow areas 6 Storm sewer inlet protection measure locations and specifications 7 Runoff control measures (e.g. diversions, rock check dams, slope drains, etc.) 8 Storm water outlet protection specifications 9 Grade stabilization structure locations and specifications 10 Location, dimensions, specifications, and construction details of each stormwater quality measure 11 Temporary surface stabilization methods appropriate for each season (include sequencing) 12 Permanent surface stabilization specifications (include sequencing) 13 Material handling and spill prevention plan 14 Monitoring and maintenance guidelines for each proposed stormwater quality measure 15 Erosion & sediment control specifications for individual building lots The post construction component of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan includes the implementation of stormwater quality measures to address pollutants that will be associated with the lnallanduse. Post construction stormwater quality measures should be functional upon completion of the project. Long term functionality of the measures are critical to their performance and should be monitored and maintained. Description of pollutants and their sources associated with the proposed land use Sequence describing stormwater quality measure implementation Description of proposed post construction stormwater quality measures (Include a written description of how these measures will reduce discharge of expected pollutants) Location, dimensions, specifications, and construction details of each stormwater quality measure Description of maintenance guidelines for post construction stormwater quality measures DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 3 of 4 Revised 12/09/03, Form 1 L e e Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - Technical Review and Comment Project Name: North Meridan Medical Pavilion Date Reviewed: 06/14/04 A 16. Please show construction limits on the plan. A18. Provide erosion and sediment control practices for offsite storm sewer. B2. The sequence is not site specific. Item #4 discusses grading for the proposed roadway?? The construction of the building is not included in the sequence. The large open area to the north of the building should be seeded immediately after grading is completed, same for the detention pond. The perimeter of the site could be completed and seeded well before the building is fmished. See comment 4B and how it relates to sequencing. B4 & B 7 Silt fence is not adequate for the size of the watershed that is flowing from east to west on this site. If the initial ; fill were placed along the west boundary to trap any stormwater, this would provide a solution. The northern end of the silt fence needs to be extended to the side building line. B 11. Temporary seeding needs to be included in the construction sequence. A note or additional information is needed to inform the contractor that all disturbed areas not being worked for 15 days must be seeded and mulched. B 13. The pollution prevention plan needs to be on the plans to provide direction for the contractor. Change phone number for fire station to Carmel. Show a detail for a concrete washout facility. Showing a location for fueling, dumpster, concrete washout practice, porta-lets and project site information on the plans is a great way to reinforce the issues. C3 ~ Several issues- 1. The discharge pipes are to close to the outlet structure in the pond. 2. The paved ditch does not facilitate pollutant removal during low flow events. 3. What is the residence time for the stormwater during a 1" storm event? 4. Dry detention basins are not the best WQ practice. Recommend adding a wetland component to the pond to help improve the practice. Question- Is the dirt work balanced on this site? If soil is imported, a plan is needed for the offsite location. cc: Carmel, Surveyor, File DNR, Division of Soil Conservation Page 4 of 4 Revised 12/09/03 .", han:ilton74: Viewing 19-531d e Page 1 of 1 Electronic Atlas of Central Indiana View J:i'{,UItle I Cet~;1.J$ :JDa:t;:a, l'.E"ducad.otlm, Resource:s IE,n;virooIB.'. ~~~.. . >.~~~, i,::t '"\.o\.~,,.. .IbJlmbJlail .'List Pan Image With PIlIgin. . l).Q_wnlQ..~d. :elug:iJ1 hamilton74 http://in-ulib-dawson.ads.iu.edu: 8080/StyleServerl calcrgn ?cat=hamilton7 4&img=%2F9-53... 6/18/2004 June 3, 2004 e e Mr. Michael Hartman Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: North Meridian Medical Pavilion' Dear Mr. Hartman: I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned project~ At the presenttime, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfu lIy, ~.~~g:1~ Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Agency Fax (317) 571-2512 JUN-01-2004 14:20 FROM:HAMItljN CO HWY DEP 3177769814 .: 317 571 2426 P.001/001 HAMILTON COUNTY HIGHWA Y DEPARTMENT June 1, 2004 Mr. Michael Hartman Lauth Property Group 9771 North CoueQe Avenue Indianapolist IN 46280 VIA FACSIMilE RE: North Meridian Medical Plaza Site Plan Clay Township Dear Mr~ Hartman~ This 'etter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal received 6/1/04 containing the plans for the above,.mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway · Department has the following comments; 1. It appears that this project Ites entirely within the limits of the City of Carmel. Therefore. all future comments should be directed tows'rd the City. If you have any information contrary to this statement. please contact me immediately. If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter. please feel free to contact me at anytime. Sin cerely. #./ fL-~" Steven J. Broermann Staff Engfneer cc: Jon DObOsiewicz Greg Hayes G~'USERS\SB'04tac\06"()1.04nmarfdlanmed.doc 1.700 S0l1tJ110'" Street N'oblesvUJe, J.D~ 46060 ~o...~b..'.."llltnJ).!.lD4I~ Offlee (3 J 7) 713...'''''0 Fax (317) 776-9814 e memo DATE: TO: FROM: RE: May 26, 2004 Jon Dobosiewicz - City of Carmel Mike Hartman North Meridian Medical Pavilion -- ~ .. ..@ LAUTH Enclosed are your copies of the letters sent regarding the above referenced project. 7/otUh f/lv;)~ ~{pd~ [;53f7L t!f ~ .A])c~ A.-y"v T,-d /7YvI t"'a 't~} 57,~-3051 o(Pl/~3061 Py 1(><. C-~h! ])p/ ftl~L5 - e .. tilh; LAUTH May 26, 2004 Dick Hill/Mike McBride Dept. of Engineering One' Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Hill & Mr. McBride: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings and drainage report for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16,2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. icha a n Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 wvvw.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e It ". -~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton Square Suite 188 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville,IN 46060 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 717I-CM-01 a ~ RECFIVED 1 DOCS CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr.Hoyes: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings and drainage report for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Techn~cal Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17,2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. lchae Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 viflNw.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e e ~~ .. _C!,' LAUTH May 26, 2004 Bill Akers Carmel Clay Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-Ol CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Akers: Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. lchael a Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 \tvww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY -- tit tJ'p-~ .. -@ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Ron Booher Cinergy PSI Customer Proj ectCoordinator 1441 South Guilford Road Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM -01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Booher: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Techn.ical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 vvww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY It e tfI. ~~~ .. -~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Steve Broermann Hamilton County Highway 1700 South 1 Oth Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-0 1 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Broermann: Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PRO PER T Y MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 -Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. icna a an Director of Site Developm'ent Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 wV\Tw.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e tit -- .. LAUTH May 26, 2004 John Duffy Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 Dear Mr. Duffy: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Cannel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Cannel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Cannel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ichae a n Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 vvww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS ( H A R lOT T E DEN V E R SALT lAKE (I T Y tit e .. LAUTH May 26, 2004 Ron Farrand Carmel Clay Schools 5201 East 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46033 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street OUf File Number: 7171-CM-Ol Dear Mr. Farrand: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Cannel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Cannel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Cannel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. lcae a Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT lAKE CITY tit e .. LAUTH May 26, 2004 Jim Blanchard Assistant Building Commissioner One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171 -CM-01 Dear Mr. Blanchard: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17,2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. icha anman Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Car me] Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 w,Nw.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e e .- LAUTH May 26, 2004 Scott Brewer Dept. of Community Service One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 Dear Mr. Brewer: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistanceo icha a n Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 v.rww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e e tfJI --- ~, ~--=::III .. -~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Carmel Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032' Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 To Whom It May Concern: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as foJJows: · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission PROPERTY MANAGEMENT If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. IC a a man Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. ' Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 \^rww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e It !I'll _~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Jeff Farmer Brighthouse Networks 516 East Carmel Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 717I-CM-OI Dear Mr. Farmer: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Cannel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Cannel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. icH e Director f Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 vyww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e - ~~~-- _ '.h~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Michael Fogarty Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 Dear Mr. Fogarty: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Cannel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Cannel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. icha \. Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 Vv'WW.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e tit - -(!) LAUTH May 26, 2004 Dean Groves Cinergy 144 I South Guilford Road Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-OI Dear Mr. Groves: CONSTRUCTION Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3,2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ic Ha an Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 vJlNW.lauth.net I N D IAN A PO lIS ( H A R lOT TED E N V E R SALT lAKE (I T '{ e e __ 1tI@ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Andy Kern Clay Township Regional Waste District 10701, North 'College Ave. Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Kern: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 -Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17,2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ic 1 man Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 8486500 FX (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY . - -- ... -@ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Teresa Magee I Mark Wood Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Co. PO Box 38 Zionsville, IN 46077 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-OI CONSTRUCTION Dear Ms. Magee and Mr. Wood: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004' - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ichae a an Director of Site,Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 WW\^T.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e e /~-- III _~, LAUTH May 26, 2004 Robert Hendricks Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee 1 71 7 Pleasant Street Suite 1 00 NobIesviIle, IN 46060 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Hendricks: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August 17,2004 - Cannel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. lcha a an Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 wwvv.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY tit e .. -~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Brian Houghton Jones & Henry 2420 N.Coliseum Blvd. Suite 214 Ft. VVayne,IN 46805 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 717I-CM-OI CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Houghton: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT · June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee · July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission · August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee · August I 7, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. . ,. a an Director f Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY . e .. -<."> LAUTH May 26, 2004 Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief Fire Station # 1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Hoyt: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. a an Directo of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City ofCarme] Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 FX (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e e LAUTH May 26, 2004 Jason Lemaster Hamilton County Health Dept. Hamilton County Judicial Center Suite 30 Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridi'an Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-Ol CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Lemaster: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGErv1ENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 -- Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. man Directo of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 vvww.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY It e -- .. -~, LAUTH May 26, 2004 Ron Morris Indianapolis Power & Light Co. 3600 N. Arlington Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46218 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-OI CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Morris: Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan 'Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ic aeI artman Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY -- e -- -.@ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Postmaster Carmel Post Office United States Postal Service 275 Medical Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Postmaster: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site' construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16,2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20,2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ichae Director f Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. < Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 vl\ftJ'w.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e . - -@ LAUTH May 26, 2004 John South Hamilton County Soil & Water 11 08 South 9th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. South: Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel' Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. DEVELOPMENT We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. IC Directo of Site Development Lauth Propert'y Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 wvv\\T.lauth.net IN D I A N A PO lIS ( H A R LOT TED E N V E R SA L T LA K E (I T Y e e III _(!, LAUTH May 26, 2004 Mark Westermeier Cannel Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Ave. SW Carmel, IN 46032 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-0 1 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Westermeier: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ic rtman Director of Site Development Lauth Propet;1y Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS CHARLOTTE DENVER SALT LAKE CITY e . .. -~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 ChuckShupperd Vectren Energy PO Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46061 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-01 CONSTRUCTION Dear Mr. Shupperd: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property'Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office' building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction'drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. rtman Director f Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enclosures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net I N D I A NAP 0 liS ( HA R lOT TED E N V E R SALT lAKE CITY e . -- -- -~ LAUTH May 26, 2004 Pam Waggoner Indianapolis Water Co. PO Box 1220 Indianapolis, IN 46206 Re: North Meridian Medical Pavilion Approximately 12202 North Meridian Street Our File Number: 7171-CM-Ol ( 0 NS T R U ( T ION Dear Ms. Waggoner: DEVELOPMENT Lauth Property Group, Inc. has filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, the Development Plan and ADLS applications along with the corresponding plans for a medical office building located at approximately 12202 North Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana. Enclosed are the medical office building site construction drawings for your review. We anticipate having this project placed on the City of Carmel Agenda's as follows: PROPERTY MANAGEMENT . June 16, 2004 - Carmel Technical Advisory Committee . July 20, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission . August 3, 2004 - Carmel Plan Commission/Special Studies Committee . August 17, 2004 -Carmel Plan Commission If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me at 575-3045. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. ae artman Director of Site Development Lauth Property Group, Inc. Enc]osures Xc: Jon Dobosiewicz, City ofCarme] Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46280 (317) 848 6500 F X (317) 848 6511 www.lauth.net INDIANAPOLIS ( H AR LOTTE 0 E N V E R SALT lAKE (I T Y ... .r. -- May 25,2004 Lauth Property Group 9777 North College Avenue P.O. Box 1999 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 Re: Authorization To Secure Land Use Approvals Gentlemen: Lauth Property Group and its Attorneys, WOODEN & McLAUGHLIN, LLP are hereby authorized by Regency Realty, an Indiana general partnership ("Regency"), to file the necessary Petitions and/or Applications to secure approval of development plans and architectural design, lighting and signage as a part of the development of approximately 9.07 acres of real estate owned by Regency and generally located at approximately 12202 N. Meridian Street, Carmel, Indiana, and construction thereon of medical offices and related clinical and other facilities The authority herein granted shall include authority to represent Regency at such hearings before the Carmel Plan Commission or any committee or committees acting on its behalf, and to agree to such conditions or commitments as made be required to secure the necessary development plan and other approvals required. Regency Realty B ~~ Printed: Stephen A. Backer, Trustee 179623_1.DOC