HomeMy WebLinkAboutClark Dietz/Addl Serv 1/ENG/$67,800/Retail Parking ExtensionClark Dietz, Inc. Engineering. - 1012 Appropriation #202 -401; P.O. #16540 Contract Not To Exceed $67,800.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PURCHASE OF GOODS AND SERVICES THIS AMENDMENT TO THE GOODS AND SERVICES AGREEMENT ( "Agreement") entered into by and between the City of Carmel and Clark Dietz, Inc. (the "Vendor"), as City Contract dated January 19, 2011 shall amend the terms of the Agreement by adding the additional services to be provided by Vendor consistent with the Scope of Work attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A ". Furthermore, the terms of the Agreement shall be amended to include the E -verify requirement as stated in Indiana Code § 22 -5 -1.7 et seq., which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "B ", as well as the required E -verify Affidavit, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "C ". The terms and conditions of the Agreement shall not otherwise be affected by this Additional Services Amendment and shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Amendment as follows: CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety By: ames Brainard, D resi•'ng Officer- Mary An BurIT4lember Date: - AlCT Lori S. Watson, Member Date: S'",.?- ATTEST: Diana Cordray, IAMC, 'erk- Treasurer Date: - CLARK DIETZ, INC. Signature Lo 0 G v4L,-i i21 Printed Name L/iC p - f/fit yr Title FID/TIN: 37- /Z /2.65/ Last Four of SSN if Sole Proprietor: AO Date: 7 - /Y- /Z (UtaraprisIW. Das- AdmmlLW1Aad.PmCS.n d Good, SvcAEo{me"mj12OID[I.IRK DIETZ - Addl Sic 7n7721)121:14 PM] July 10, 2012 Mr. Doug Valmore, P.E. Vice President Clark Dietz, Inc. 8900 Keystone Crossing, Suite 900 Indianapolis, IN 46240 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR RE: Additional Service Amendment #1, PO # 26540 Dear Mr. Valmore: As we discussed, the City of Carmel has a need for additional professional services and pursuant to our current contract with Clark Dietz, dated January 19, 201 1, I have requested and received from you the proposed scope of services and fee estimates for the following work task: Additional Service Amendment #1— Retail Parkway Extension Phase l: Engineering Services Not to Exceed: $67,800.00 Per our contract procedural requirements, I hereby approve these Additional Professional Services estimates, and request that the Board of Public Works ratify the above referenced Contract Amendment. PLEASE NOTE Please be advised that "Additional Services" performed on City contracts must be billed separately from the original contract and other additional services. More importantly, the invoice must reference the appropriate Additional Service # and P.O. # shown above. Invoices received without the Additional Service # referenced will be returned for proper identification. Thank you for your continued assistance in providing the City of Carmel with your professional, quality services. If you should have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely. Michael T. McBride, P.E. City Engineer Exhibit and approve by: S. C. Engelkii g DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Director of Administration ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering @carmel.in.gov ENGINEERS July 9, 2012 Mike McBride, P.E. Carmel City Engineer One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Retail Parkway Extension Proposal for Engineering Services Dear Mr. McBride: We are transmitting to you with this letter our proposal to perform engineering services for the design and construction observation of the Retail Parkway extension project, Phase 1. In this letter is summarized our understanding of the scope of the project as well as our breakdown of proposed fees and schedule. Project Description Existing Retail Parkway intersects U.S. 421 (Michigan Road) north of 99th Street. This intersection is signalized. The east leg serves a retail complex. The west leg is a commercial drive which served a now- abandoned tool rental business. The City of Carmel is interested in extending Retail Parkway west, connecting eventually to 99th Street, for the purposes of encouraging development, utilizing 100% local agency funds. A portion of this roadway exists north of 99th Street. This is in poor condition and will be replaced. The proposed extension, shown on the attached sketch over aerial, will-consist of a curbed two -lane roadway with sidewalks on both sides. Other components of the overall project include: • New storm sewer system • Stormwater detention • Signal modifications at U.S. 421 and at 99°i Street • Connection of the new roadway to the existing commercial roadway network The extension design will be coordinated with the plans already created for prospective developments at U.S. 421. Based upon our preliminary research, we expect to connect a portion or all of the new storm sewer system to an existing system which eventually drains via a 36 -inch storm sewer across U.S. 421 before outletting into Crooked Creek. Approvals will be required from the Hamilton County Drainage Board. Clark Dietz, Inc. 8900 Keystone Crossing, Suite 900 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 '1': 317.844.8900 P: 317.844.9158 Retail Parkway Extension March 30, 2012 Page 2 Project Phasing The project will be split into a minimum of two phases. Phase 1 will extend from U.S. 421 to the western boundary of the proposed Olive Garden site. This phase could potentially be extended further west to the wooded fringe. Additional phases may connect this work to 99th Street or extend further west. Fee Proposal Attached is a man -hour breakdown fee justification to perform engineering services related to the Retail Parkway Extension, Phase 1 ozzl>>. This fee proposal includes design, bidding assistance, abstracting; right -of -way engineering, and construction observation. We have not included fees for right -of -way acquisition services. We will develop these fees once we have a preliminary design, if it is determined that right -of -way acquisition is required. Schedule We understand that this project will spur development and therefore needs to be completed as soon as feasible. With this in mind we propose the following schedule: Notice to Proceed Survey Complete Preliminary Plan Submittal Final Plan Submittal INDOT Permit Approval Complete Construction July 16, 2012 August 10, 2012 August 31, 2012 September 28, 2012 October 12, 2012 December 2012 We appreciate the opportunity to provide these services for the City of Carmel. Sincerely, Clark ietz, Inc. Doua almore, P.E. Vice President E -mail Doug.Valmore@clarkdietz.com cc: Gary Duncan, City of Carmel A 3ql`t 1. PROPERTY AREA: ±156,223 SF — 3.59 ACRES AREA WITHOUT R.O.W. — 131,198 SF / 3.01 ACRES 2. BUILDING AREA: 7,659 SF — P76 PROTO 3. PARKING: 156 SHARED SPACES 4. SIGNAGE PROPOSED: 1 BUILDING SIGN 1 MONUMENT SIGN 5. OFF—SITE SIGNAGE: UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME SITE PLAN BASED ON SIR DATED 10/20/11 Architecture / Development Parkway Plaza I 14110 Dallas Parkway Suite 300 Dallas Texas 75254 Ph: (972) 239-8884 Fax: (972) 239-5054 Darden Job No. Job No C090423 Date 3/14/12 Sheet No. SCHEME 6A REV 3/16/12 Project OLIVE GARDEN MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN TRUE NORTH SCALE: 1"=80'-0" GENERAL NOTES: 1. PROPERTY AREA: ±156,223 SF — 3.59 ACRES AREA W[THOUT R.O.W. — 131,198 SF / 3.01 ACRES 2. BUILDING AREA 7,659 SF — P76 PROTO 3. PARKING: 156 SHARED SPACES 4. SIGNAGE PROPOSED: 1 BUILDING SIGN 1 MONUMENT SIGN 5. OFF —SITE SIGNAGE: UNKNOWN AT THIS TIME 6, SITE PLAN DONE PER SIR DATED, 10- 20-11. I9, SITE PLAN BASED ON SIR DATED 10/20/11 5, 9' -0" X 20' -0" TYP SPACES: 15' GREENSPACE Architecture / Development Parkway Plaza I 14110 Dallas Parkway Suite 300 Dallas Texas 75254 Ph: (972) 239 -8884 Fax: (972) 239 -5054 Darden Job No. Job No. C090423 Dote 3/14/12 9 eet No. SCHEME 6 REV 3/16/12 Project OLIVE GARDEN MICHIGAN RD CARMEL, IN Retail Parkway Extension Carmel, IN Fee Summary 6/21/2012 PHASE 1 PROJECT Task Description Fee Field Survey $ 12,000.00 Preliminary Road Design $ 17,200.00 Final Road Design $ 17,300.00 Utility Coordination $ 3,600.00 Rule 5 Permit $ 3,900.00 Traffic Signal Design $ 9,900.00 INDOT Permit $ 3,900.00 67.800. RIGHT -OF -WAY ENGINEERING Task Quantity Unit Price Fee Abstracting 0 $ 425 $ - Right -of -Way Drawings and Legal Descriptions 0 $ 1,700 $ - Right -of -Way Staking (as needed) 0 $ 400 $ - CONSTRUCTION 1Construction Observation - Phase 1 37,000.00) 2 of 9 'I' !Atit:PtitItttifet, Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN ft.atift`at>, Retail Road Design Man-Hours Phase 1 - 30% Design of Phase 1 6/21/2012 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer 111 CADD Tech _ .. gkEEIMINXitYWOM Ne:. NfftgKer'graSqagkrafh3aRanFVNMft'ra:WftVRkq Ingiffna Import and Process Survey Data 1 3 3 Set Alignment & Stationing 4 Creatc/check TIN 1 3 3 l'ADE1411400t.1titifOilfg6kWMW" . "TergiNS:Wgraa-2MsVANM-3444,--M4-4MAKVV*ANSWAI Prepare Preliminary Profile Grade 1 2 6 COordinate with Developers 2 8 2 Preliminary Title Sheet 1 4 Preliminary Index Sheet 1 Preliminary Typical Cross Sections I 4 Preliminary Geometries 1 1 4 Preliminary Plan & Profile Sheets 1 8 Preliminary Storm Sewer Layout 1 2 2 Preliminary Cross Sections 1 6 8 Quality Control Check & Revisions 1 I 3 8 Mngment/Mtng with client, Correspondance 4 2 2 Quality Control Check & Revisions I 1 4 8 Schedule and Hold PFC Meeting 4 4 PFC Meeting Minutes 4 TOTAL HOURS 18 26 27 69 Hourly Rate S 160.00 5 125.00 $ 110.00 S 110.00 Payroll Cost S 2,880.00 S 3,250.00 $ 2,970.00 5 7,590.00 $ 16,690.00 Direct Expenses $ 487.50 Mileage 5 0.55 mile 250 5 137.50 Prints $ 10.00 plan set ' 10 5 100.00 Misc. Expenses (photocopies, supplies, etc.) 5 250.00 lump sum 1 $ 250.00 TOTAL FEE, ROAD DESIGN S 17,177.50 5 17,200.00 Clark Dieiz. Inc. Retail Parkway Emension Fee Jonhcitjon - Revised 6-2 l-12.xls RoadNinlirs 100..54 Phase I 3 of 9 Oa rkihIi Retail Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN Road Design ItianHours ! 100% Design of Phase] 6/21/2012 I Project Project CATEGORIES OF WORK Manager Engineer Engineer III CADD Tech FIMAIZIREYIENY!!!!SUBMITafAMPAWASUMMVAWIMMCMICUMPTC:104-1,41=-MMOMVAPLV,14 Finalize Plan and Profile Sheets 1 2 8 16 Final Storm Sewer Design 1 Finalize Cross Sections 1 9 Temporary Erosion Control Details I 1 I Pavement Markings 1 1 Structure Data Table 1 2 Clark Dietz. Inc. Reiail l'arkway - Revised 6-2 I -12.xls RoadNlolirs 100';4, Phase 1 4 of ..,,- (. rfr, Z■ Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN Retail Road Design Alan-Hours 100% Design of Phase 1 —672 1/201 2 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer III CADD Tech Quantities and Estimate ' , 2 4 IvIngincnt/Mtng with client, correspondance 4 1 I Finalize Cost Estimate 1 I Special Provisions 1 8 Contract Book I 1 8 4 Quality Control Check & Revisions 2 6 8 tilijiiiiswkeAkwiti.NMVSRSNSMMISMSMMS-TM%, -S.4.,,SiiiMintegtleigNinitinOATIASIEW Plan Revisions per Comments I 1 Quantity and Estimate Revisions I 4 Special Provision Revisions 2 4 Mngment/Mtng.with client, con-espondance 4 4 4 .11DI1Sid4SSIStXN- - 4Sfgtf::M§MaglbMSSirqf,*M'MMVitWzSWaarMMS.Nnit;'tZqg;B,M:k,W,tgtMdg; Assist with Contractor Questions 4 2 1 1 Prepare and Distribute Addendums 2 2 2 Review and Tabulate Bids 4 TOTAL HOURS 23 20 54 44 Hourly Rate S 160.00 $ 125.00 110.00 S 110.00 Payroll Cost 5 3,680.00 5 2,500.00 5 5,940.00 S 4,840.00 5 16,960.00 Direct Expenses 5 310.00 Mileage $ 0.55 mile 200 5 110.00 Prints $ 10.00 plan set 10 5 100.00 Misc. Expenses (photocopies, supplies, etc.) $ 100.00 lump sum 1 5 100.00 TOTAL FEE, ROAD DESIGN S 17,270.00 I 1 5 17,300.00 Clark Dietz. Inc. Parksvay ENIensionrce Justification - 12'_d 6-21- 12.xls Utility Co■wdinntion 5 c1 9 (1 . Itt I I Retail Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN -----UtiliiTeiiordination Man-liours 6/21/2012 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer III tifti..IVIMIW..00,10.iRig.KgrOgaRatileil7 ''.. • . jig; ''IliTONI =':;. 710aW, IWV-Vralgall#AIIIi;-.. .,:: "--AilliM4 Utility Coordination Early Coordination w/Utilitics 1 2 I Submit Plans to Utilities for verification 1 I Schedule & hold Utility Coordination Mtng. 2 Prepare Minutes of Utility Coordinat. Mtng 2 EINALICOOkEilNVA0 7 ifagStOr RAIM:aKfailantrR"VZAMZIRWalitalgfgVRSM-CgilMMF14a3V5tV Utility Coordination Final plans to utilities 2 Schdl./hold conflict resol. mtng. w/utilities 4 Utility coordination general tasks 1 8 2 TOTAL FIOURS 2 21 4 Hourly Rate $ 160.00 S 125.00 $ 110.00 Payroll Cosi $ 320.00 S 2,625.00 $ 440.00 S 3,385.00 Direct Expenses $ 187.50 Mileage $ 0.55 mile 250 $ 137.50 Misc. Expenses (photocopies, supplies, etc.) S 50.00 lump um 1 S 50.00 TOTAL FEE S 3,572.50 8 3,600.00 (lark 1)ietz. Inc. Itelail Parkway Extension Fee Justification - Revised 6-21-12.xls Itulc 5 601 9 (1Ik httz ,..,.. Retail Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN Rule 5 Permit Preparation Man-Hours 021/2012 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer 111 CADD Tech 11 RIVAIMM 7--A,,,IIIMEIMMTPL.,40L.ier,Mr.:; . , b4, . ',,,,, as.A.40r4RNMCIMTINMEMf;;MITIL ..,: ' .,-fra Erosion Control Plans I 1 1 Construction BN1P's 1 2 Erosion Control Table 1 1 1 Prepare Project Narrative I 4 Prepare Permit Forms 1 2 Finalize Erosion Plans and Submittal 1 1 2 2 Revise Submittal per Comments 1 2 Prepare NO1 and Advertise 3 3 TOTAL HOURS 1 10 17 4 Hourly Rate $ 160.00 $ 125.00 S 110.00 $ 110.00 Payroll Cost $ 160.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 1,870.00 S 440.00 $ 3,720.00 Direct Expenses $ 165.00 Prints $ 10.00 plan sct 2 S 20.00 Public Notice Cost $ 145.00 lump sum 1 $ 145.00 TOTAL FEE S 3,885.00 $ 3,900.00 Clark 1)ietz. Inc. RciaiI Parkway Exiension Fee - Rcviscd 6-2I I 2.xIs -1 raffle Siena! 1)esien 7 of- 9 Oat : kl , let.i Retail Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN Traffic a[Design 11TFC-Hours 6/2172-012 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer 111 CADD Tech II ktRaliMITM__, ,= ' ItlYCCAIOOKi ..,' : -;',,•-'47:; 4 :,.,.:7''' tetiaMat7 ''''''' *' '''''.''Pr''',Nwlga;a,a-A:ggiozgrf„:gxwfz Develop Signal Details 4 8 20 Preliminary Quantities 1 2 - 2 Preliminary Cost Estimate 1 46*i* 7-- FWO2:;:MVV3AgrZeaFPYVaSVVSIECf4tq. ' . MINM---;017, 1 1 zaftEmtvonittvivm-g 6 Revise per Comments Revise Preliminary Quantities I 2 Revise Cost Estimate 1 1 Preliminary Special Provisions 2 2 ;MSlitial-E4.27VMIRMIVEIFs7EMENitirAt 4 8 t1fSiNi5 ' - Vilaegiar iftingat, ' ; , i';'-,7:WIE4M7- Revise per Comments 1 Finalize Quantities 1 1 2 Finalize Cost Estimate l 1 Final QA/QC 1 4 4 TOTAL HOURS - 9 16 14 44 Hourly Rate S 160.00 $ 125.00 $ 110.00 S 110.00 Payroll Cost ' $ 1,440.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,540.00 S 4,840.00 S 9,820.00 Direct Expenses 8 85.00 Mileage S 0.40 mile 100 S 40.00 Prints S 10.00 plan set 2 S 20.00 Misc. Expenses (photocopies, supplies, etc.) S 25.00 lump sum 1 S 25.00 TOTAL FEE $ 9,905.00 S 9,900.00 Clark l)iciz. Inc. Retail Parkway Extension Fcc Justification - Revised 6-21-1 2.xls IN I)0.1. Permit 8 or 9 Cia . ),.. A qt Vic,' eAg. Retail Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN INDOT Permit Man-Hours -6/21/2012 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Project Engineer Engineer 111 CADD Tech II woom-k-sionana 4.".-e-,Z1V1W4, :,.;,,,;,.,:,,,,:..t„„ ,,,,, .,, t...:3-11•MWS-9RAPFENtagagfilliMEIMAVSIE meet with INDOT Permittine Staff 4 Complete Permit Application 8 4 Submit Traffic Impact Analysis and Plans 2 Revise per INDOT Comments 1 4 4 TOTAL HOURS 7 12 4 4 Hourly Rate S 160.00 $ 125.00 S 110.00 S 110.00 Payroll Cost $ 1,120.00 $ 1,500.00 S 440.00 S 440.00 S 3,500.00 Direct Expenses $ 357.50 Mileage $ 0.55 mile 250 $ 137.50 Prints $ 10.00 plan set 2 $ 20.00 Misc. Expenses (photocopies, supplies, etc.) S 100.00 lump sum 1 - $ 100.00 Permit Fees $ 100.00 lump sum 1 S 100.00 TOTAL FEE S 3,857.50 $ 3,900.00 fr Clark Dioz.•Inc. Retail Parkway 1-;;Iension_l'eu Justification - Revised 6-21-12.81s ('oristructom Observation t11- 9 Clark llwti Retail Parkway Extension, Carmel, IN Construction Observation Man-Hours 6/21/2012 CATEGORIES OF WORK Project Manager Resident Project Representative Inspector ,O.C!NSTRIO.0,11 JOBS ERYA:T1 - ,IMIRWINMONWA,M,W.M5M.3,ZaRkfria.M.:,.;;.:= e-4.4405milailgam Preconstruction Conference 4 4 Inspection Month 1 4 80 10 Inspection Month 2 4 200 10 TOTAL HOURS 12 284 20 Hourly Rate S 160.00 S 110.00 $ 85.00 Payroll Cost S 1,920.00 $ 31,240.00 $ 1,700.00 S 34,860.00 Direct Expenses S 2.150.00 Mileage S 0.55 mile 3000 S 1,650.00 Misc. Expenses (photocopies, supplies; etc.) S 500.00 lump sum 1 $ 500.00 TOTAL FEE $ 37,010.00 S 37,000.00 Clark Dietz. Inc. Retail Parkway lixtension_kee Justine:11ton - Itevised