HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958 Article "Carmel Plans to Grow Up"Wesel—
1. Prolootad sewage disposal plant
2. U.S. post oflloe
3. Pollee station
4. Library
5. City ball and maldcipal water company
6. Carmel -Clay Township fire department
1. U.S. 31
9. Ind. 431
9. lad. 234
III. Mogan R.R.
-- Carmel corporatism Maadery
Area sorted for Industry
Photographed By Tommy Wadol on
IF LITTLE boys could plan
their own growth — height,
weight. muscles, appearance —
what a race of wonderful
ifianLa we would be.
If villages had planned
their own growth what gra-
cious, spacious, beautiful cities
we would have.
Cannel, Ind., Is busily at
work ; • Inning its grown -up
This little town is not afraid of the "exploding city"— Indianapolis. It is
meeting the threat of encompassment with foresight and comprehensive plans.
shape and size, and all the
things It foresees it will need
when It reaches stature.
Sleepy little village, just
16 miles north of Munurilent
Circle, Carmel hadn't dune
anything much populationwlae
for more than 190 years. Sud-
denly It awakened to (Ind Il-
licit suffering from growing-
Sunday —The Indianapolis Star Magazine
From 6112 inhabitants In
1930, within 27 years It now
counts 1,335 noses, an Increua e
of 95.7 per cunt, almost over-
night, as cltlee grow, like a
Under no Illusions about
what was happening to Car-
mel, the farmera, merchants,
p rofeealonal folk, most of Mein
descendants from the town's
early settlers, sat down, gave
it a good think.
The Influx consisted of
fringe - dwellers, the commut-
ers front the voracious, ex-
panding giant to lite south -
Indlwutpolla. Like all Indua-
trial cities with room to grow,
Indianapolis flowu outward In
Its urban Influence like a lava
pool, munching and engulfing
every hamlet on Its widening
CAItMEL LIES directly
In the flow, is becoming a sort
of night dormitory fur city
workers, a auburban "bcd-
ruom." lndlsnapoha job hold-
era who like, to live la the
suburbs, flung outward al-
(CowUawd au Neal Noel
APRIL 6, 1958
open Monday.
9:00 to 5:25
.Another Block's
exclusive .. .
and you're in or out of our Boston Maid coatdress
BLOCK'S, Indianapolis 9, Indiana 203 -S -6,
Please send me the 10.98 Boston Maid
size 1 1st color 1 2d color
1 • 1
I 1
❑ charge
❑ c.o.d.
❑ check
address opt. no.....
city zone. state... .. .
If thls is a new account, pleose send credit refer-
ences and where employed. A 25c service charge
will be made on oil deliveries in Marion County
on c.o.d.'s under $25.
Sunday —The Indianapolis Star Magazine
1_ 0.98
A beautifully tailored washable cotton and Cu-
pioni dress with simulated button- closing conceal-
ing a full - length zipper. Convertible collar, trim
cuffed sleeves, pegged pockets. self -belt and easy
action back. Nary contrasted with white, powder
blue with navy, beige with brown, or willow greed
with dark green. Sizes 12.20, 141/2-241/2-
order by mail, or phone Whose 14511
(Continued (row Page 11)
This new residential development southeast of Carmel is one
for city suburbanites who were making the town • dormitory.
most with centrifugal force
like droplets from a whirling
wheel, were alighting, with
wiveu and families In Carmel,
attracted, moat of.them, by
excellent trarui ortatlo n facili-
ties quick, all- weather acuea-
Outlying flat farm lands
were being platted Into subdl-
.vloiuna. Modern bounce were
springing up everywhere from
Sniokey (tow (toad on the
north to 118th Street un the
There was no longer room
tp park on Main Street. Chil-
dren were filling the schools.
It was quite obvious that
If the nation -wide problem of
"the exploding city" did not
engulf Carmel, caught with its
plane down, it wan high time
to feel unfruetrated by the in-
Carmel was going to need
paved street., boulevards and
Carmel was going to need
more w:hools, more fire pro-
tection, police faclhUes, more
bualness area — JoeL about
more everything. including
thing. it never had before:
recreation space, playgrounds,
awlnuuing tools, storm sew-
ers, Lraf fie signals, electric
power, sanitation, shopping
centers, public building..
A 11111e town won going
to have to assume the Kolbe
of a big town or be Just a
giblet In the gravy.
Since Daniel Warren,
sighting from hie log cabin
door, laid out a plat of 14
Iota on April 13, 1837, Carmel
had considered Itself an nyrl-
',alitrrul center,
farmers" of Lexington and
Concord "fired the shot heard
'round the world," bul the em-
battled farmers of Cancel,
who found themselves invaded
and conquered by these city
interlopers, did not fire u phot.
There's a difference in
farmer, since Paul Revere
rode. Instead of calling out
the Minutemen and starting
u revolulton, Carmel (orated a
zoning commission, then a
Carmel Town flan Couunln-
,lon, sought co- operation with
the Hamilton County Plan
Comnuaslon and the Metropol-
itan flan Cwnmlrslun of I n-
It was a matter of, "11
you caln'L whip 'em, Jlne 'em."
Carmel employed u (trun
of professional planners. Met-
ropolitan Planners, Inc.. cen-
tered in the very den of Intq-
ulty, Indianapolis, not to stave
off absorption, but to propose
means of orderly growth, Me
facing of each problem before
11 arrive..
"Batter 10 walk in with
our chin up, our pockets full,
and whlstling, than to be
dragged In with a black eye
and bleeding from a cut hp,"
was the psychology.
"We will have something
to offer over the bargaining
table — Carmel as rrt induelnel
alto a■ well as • good place
to live. Lel ue have a well-
functioning municipality, self-
sufficient; a good place to live
and a good place to work."
"We will be a park and
not a alum. We will grow
(CoaNwad ea Papa 14)
APRIL 6, I958
/4 •
tK�S ::. °: STORE
Shop Monday 9 to 5:25
the bras that hold you -up, and In!
long -line and regular front hooks
white broadcloth 1.69 (2 for 3,25)
With 5 -inch elastic bottom bond that Rips you. midriff 10 aim
slimness; lilts and rounds your barest. Tufted undercups, bock
elastic insert.
A cup 32 to 38 Bcup 34to44 C cup 34 10 44
white broadcloth
A little wonder- worker that slips on as easily as a blouse, slims you
through the middle with a 3 -Inck bond of elastic, gently lilts and
rounds you for the new chemise fashion.!
A cup 32 to 38 8 cup 32 10 42 C cup 34 to 44
Brassieres, Downstairs at Block's
PHONE (ME 1 -8511) and MAIL ORDERS FILLED 7 -S5 -13
The Wm. H. Block Co., Duwnsroirs Store, Indianapolis 9, Ind.
Pleose send me the hollowing Front Hook Bras:
Quon. Style 1 Cup Sire 1 Price 'Nome ..
I I Address .. .. ..... . .
I I City .
1 I ❑ Check ❑ Chortle
I I ❑ BBC. ❑ c.o.d. (25c
I 1 service charge in Marion
Sunday -The Indianapolis Star Magazine
(Continued prom Pogo 12)
Carmel is building a new $1,500,000 high
school and gymnasium. The school in (ho
with and into an eight - county
urban group that may num-
ber 2,000,000 population with-
in 15 yearn. We will luuite
people to live here, and we
will invite Industry to come
"We are glad we are In
the path of urban expansion
and prepared to make the
most of I1."
SO HERE In a preview of
the axles talk to be presented
by Carmel sontellnte next sum-
nter when Metropolitan Plan-
hers, Inc., completes its sur-
veyu, clucrta and maps, land-
tine studies, available reaourceu
cumpilullona, and Issues u
comprehensive brochure, poa-
aibly to lee entitled Hare Is
Cu roma, Ind.
Population of Clay Town-
ship ( Including Carmel). Ham-
ilton County, as of a special
comma during December, 1956,
is 8,848. Carmel hue an esti-
mated 3.21 persona In each
household. Each Individual
resided has been tabulated as
n statistic. For example there
are 54 buys under w:huol age
and 58 girls. Thera are 77
men between the ages of 25
and 34, and 93 women. Fifty -
six 'men and 88 women are
over 85.
Carmel has 418 dwellings
and trailer homes, 43 places of
business, 18 Industrial build -.
Inge, warelsouaea, u1ten storage
apaceu, and has n(ne public
and neml- public huildinga such
as achoola, churchea, town
Clay Township and Car-
mel have joined to operate a
Metropolitan School Corpora-
tion with a single auperinlend-
enl of e:hoots. Carmel School
(grades one through 1.21 built
foreground, built in 1921, sti11 is in good
condition, serving Carmel and Clay Township.
In 1921 still is In excellent con-
dition. The total corporation
enrollment Is 1,539 pupils, In
48 chunnonts on 41.5 acres of
A new $1,500,000 high
school Is under cunatructlon,
capacity 750 pupils, but by
the time It le completed it will
be busting its beanie. There
urn Iwo other achoula, Orchard
Park, thoroughly nt u d e r n,
opened two years ago, and
Clay Center, un ancient struc-
ture, condemned and closed,
then reopened because of
clarurooum shortage.
With u tax rate of $7.20
(per 9100 or as'ses'sed valua-
tion), what do you du to main-
tain educational olandards and
the real of the aervlcem that u
some 1pullly le supposed to
ing Industry will help foot the
tux b111. It 11110 ant aaldo an
industrial one adjacent to the
Murton Railroad and accenal-
ble to truck transportation In
any direction. 11 even thlnka
It has an available labor mar-
ket, men who wouldn't cunt -
mute If they had well - paying
Jobe closer to home, and wives
wino want to augment the
family exchequer.
Farm band for residential
subdividing hold fur from
91,000 to 91,5410 an acre. Out-
lying farm land In Clay Town-
ship generally is valued from
9500 to 91,000 an acre. Car-
mel reeldentlal building Iola
sell for approximately 91,000
each. The soil generally is
good for any type of building
and there are no swampy
Last March Carntel'a total
0ee0080d valuation wan 91,687.-
180. The total valuation for
Clay Township was 911,701.-
Carmel's present 'sewer
syateut la entirely inadequate.
Sewage is poured untreated
Into Cool Creek Just to the
north of the town. However,
a treatment plant and main
Intercepter 1. under contract
to an Indianapolis first.
Caramel has 0 municipally-
owned water system supplied
by three driven wells and
pumps. A fourth la proposed.
The present 24 -hour pumping
capacity is 4811,000 gallons.
Lent year's average dally cun-
buupUon was 88,509 gallons.
There 1a a storage capacity
of 75,000 gallons In w, ele-
vated tank, There are 50 fire
hydrants, and normal pres-
sure in the inainr la main-
tained at 58 pounds per square
Inch. The water is softened,
de- Ironlr.ed, filtered, chlorinat-
ed and fluoridated. The distri-
bution system WAS IICW 111
May, 19AA.
Electric power Is supplied
by the Public Service Com-
pany of Indiana, gas front the
Indiana Cam Distribution Cor-
poration. Service is adequate
and expansible to meet any
future needs.
THERE ARE two police
officers tieing a car equipped
with two -way radio, In direct
communication whh the cen-
tral Indiana pollee network.
Carmel has two full -time
firemen and nine volunteers,
ueing 1 11 r e e .radio- uqulppied
trucks: a 1949 hose truck with
1,400 feet of hose and 30 feet
of ladders; a 1945 400- gallons-
per- minute pumper with a 5d41-
go lion Lank and 1,200 foul of
(Continued am Pogo 16)
APRIL 6, 19511
t 1q r 'ti..
�S.: "a,
4r "�-
'it. '.s.c+.- .•f0 :`�l
. .�r. :..1ti\
�PI1 r- •i'�yes....
►•r p•
£s . io -
.t-� q t'.
.(�"'w It. •`. r•.•'. iie, ,.:1`14„..1,-• •,�.,.rr�
114 %l %4 1. ■.� .•. �r,�.
A ,,A".
D t''I t4'1s... %:ivA.,itt,r. ,•; "'
Sunday -The Indianapolis Star Magasine
open Moedey
9 to 5:25
Best- dressed
for less
that are
hand- washable
For only 5.98 you can step out anywhere
in rayon Bamberg. You're cool) You're smart)
For Sunday best or Monday) From Easter
through summer. There's nothing I. Bamberg
to keep you bast - dressed for hail Four styles
in sixes 11 to 20. 141/2 to 241/7. Styled by Boa
Young. Only at Block's in Indianepolisl
A. Tailored shirtdreu. Trim geometric print in
navy, grey or toast.
B. Collarless coat -drew. Dainty floral print in
grey with turquoise, pink with turquoise, aqua
with lilac.
C. Collarless coder. Fresh white dots on lilac.
navy or toast.
D. Bow flatterer. Feathery print in pink, aqua
or lilac.
order by *soil. or giroA. MElroae 14511
please allow two weeks for delivery
111131111111111E MEI NB Mil 1111111311191M EMI 11111111111111111111
BLOCK'S, Ian. oopel1. 9, 1.44ase 40444
Please send me she following boa Young dresses of
style letter 1 sizo 1 1st color choice 1 2nd color choice
I 1
address .. . .. opt.
city .. .. .. .. .. . , zone stole
❑ charge ❑ check enclosed ❑ BBC ❑ c.o.d.
11 this is o new account, please send credit relorenca
and where employed. Add 25c tor c.o.d.'s under 125
In Moran County.
APRIL 6, 1958
Yohler and Mitchell, commercial orchid growers, is north of
the city limits near the intersection of U.S. 31 and Ind. 431.
Kendall Co., employing 90,
operating grain elevators and
producing of wholesale seed.
Carmel's buntnews district
will need to expand. It will
be decentralized and several
market areas will 'be estab-
lished In the outskirts.
The framework for neigh-
borhood development In being
planned. The neighborhoods,
meetly on curving, winding
streets —to hold dawn traffic
speed — are being sketched
within an encircling Carmel
Parkway drive to circumscribe
the community at a radius of
upproxhnatety one mile from
the . exact. center. Another,
perimeter drive with u radius
of two miles, Woodland Boule-
vard, will encircle the entire
area of more than 16 square
Carmel originally was the
Quaker community of Beth-
lehem, but when a post of-
fice was applied (or, Uncle
Sam said, "No." There al-
ready was a Bethlehem out the
Ohio River down in Clark
County. Su the Quaker breth-
ren settled on Carmel, a Bibli-
cal land like Canaan, (lowing
with milk and honey.
r3-.HE QUAKERS are in a
minority now, but the reli-
gious element isn't. There are
nine prosperous churches in
the vicinity. And now, at,
lung last, Carmel enema to be
approaching the time of milk
and honey. * it
The First Methodist Church, under construction on Ind. 431
just south of the corporate limits, is newest of nine churches.
S9nday —The Indianapolis Star Magazine
SHOP TUESDAY 9 to 5 :25 P.M.
call ME 8 -8311 from 8 :30 A.M.
Just like walking on air!
Melody arch supporting casuals
Give foot caressing comfort
• Foam cushioned arch
• Soft elk leather uppers
• Super flexible soles
Versatile casuals that give cloud -
soft comfort) They're made of soft,
soothing leathers, gently molded
to hug your foot. Arch support
is softly padded with foam
rubber to make every stop a
pleasure} SIZES: AA and A
51/2 to 10, B end C 41/2
to 10.
I- STRAP. smart and
new. Black patent
or vanilla, or navy
blue elk leather.
BANDOLIER. perfect
fitting sling. Black or
vanilla smooth leather.
Wassoe's Downstairs,
Shoe Department
----sad 25c C.O.D. c►arses iasida Motion Ceaat7 - - --1
H. P. Weimar. i Cowpa•r slept. 233
P.O. /o■ 1697, Indianapolis, Idioae 4-6 -39
Send 2.99 c•saols:
Quantity I Sic. 1 Width I
Nora. Address
City State
❑ Chary. ❑ Check ❑ C.O.D.
LI B.C.A. [1 New Account
-25c eut-el -slat. &hippies charges-
APRIL 6, 1959
Shop Tuesday 9 to 5:25
or call ME 8-8311
-ea t .
12 to 20,
141/2 to 241/2
Styled by "Perfection" fresh and feminine
Just slip into this brunch coat,
wrap and tie , it so comforta-
ble, so smart and ever so practi-
cal! Washes like a dream. drip
drys without ironing. Styled with
side tie, pocket. Red or navy.
-odd 2Sc out -of -stale shipping charges -
P.O. Sea 1497, Iadleweroiis, ladiase
Meow tend me 2.912 brunch cots.
dart, 225
2nd Color
City State
❑ Charge ❑ Check ❑ C.O.D. ❑ B.C.A. ❑ New Account
--- - - -25c C.O.D. charges inside Marion County----- -
Soda) —The Indianapolis Star Magazine
Ceiling drapes at the Indianapolis Home Show are the artistic
work of Mason W. Read. The painting it of an earlier model home.
He Tops The Ilome Show
0NI7 OF THE little talked
about but Important parts of
a big exposition like the lndl-
analolla Home Show la the in-
tricate draping that goes on to
camouflage a high cellinged
building andilo set off the ex-
When the show opens Frl-
day for its annual 10 -day run,
the enormous ceiling of the
Cattle Building at the State
Fairgrounds will be a sea of
yellow cloth with springlike
green streamers ... put up as.
usual by Mason W. Rend.
It was in 1923, for the
second show, that Head began
helping hid father, the lute
Charier Rend, with the work
on the show building. 'rho
alder Head. one of the must
colorful characters ever to live
In our town, always wore a
boiled shirt with n wing collar
g lousily n.arched, with a lung
tie. He sang and danced at
his work, usually did a few
extras such an an oil painting
of the model house, or, one
-year, a life -shed painting of
the old Lanier home at Medl-
Ceiling decoration for 1923 Home Show. Read helped
his father, the Tate Charles Read, who wall decorator.
son to serve as a backdrop fur
the garden display.
tile son, of s more serious
and practical nature, loin com-
bined decorating with sign
painting, hna made nil the
signs used by exhibitors in
every slow including the pres-
ent which la the 33d.
FOItM7I:JtLY the expoai-
tlon was hold scrum the street
In the Manufacturers Building.
"It took 40,000 trO,U0O
yards of cloth to cover the coil-
ing of Manufacturers Uutld-
ing," ttead soya. -and this one
is two- thirds lorgar. It covers
four scree. 11 to 30 foot high—
there really Is s lot of IL."
Through the year* Read
has devised such variations on
calling treatments as hanging
panels, tatllce work. One year
he dld the whole thing In
squared with trailing vies,
another time had drupe with
pictures un them.
"We vary the color, too,"
he soya. "Fur • while the con -
ter was yellow, the outside
white with blue drapes. My
father was the first one to
flame - proof his materials.
He'd spray It all, then we'd
cut off • piece and test it with
one of the big matches he al-
ways carried to light hie
cigars. Now everything la fire-
proofed by the manufacturer
so wa don't have to worry
about that •ny inure."
APRIL 4, 19$8
. 16
eII coui6etestatueetWYaWUWutatea WIWWYWJWYWssusicIWyWWWWa" L' sdw'WWWsessantsca II�WY Mesas U4
what is this •
that people are
talking about?
IYaWWlaais6temix sesaWYasY1UIDWugui teuWlay
"Niagara Cyclo-Massagt )I Furniture," says Anhur Godfrey.
"looks like other good furniture, but she feeling you get
when you sit or recline on it is different from anything you've
ever experienced. The action you feel — they tell me it called
Cycloid action — travels right through you and makes you
tee) honer. Al (cast that's been my experience . . and 1 Jo
believe that Niagara Cycle - Massage® helps to relieve tension
and nervous fatigue due to overwork or over - exercise ... and
I think it does it through increased circulation of-the blood."
Clinical tests prove — and many thousands have already
affirmed — that Niagara Cyclo-Massagc®D does indeed help to
increase blood circulation in Ihe area of application . . to
induce Jeep, natural sleep ... to provide relief from tension.
It may well help provide new zest and joy of living for every
m:mher of the family.
new, scientific, drugless discovery helps
relieve TENSION, FATIGUE ... and the
e Guaranteed ley'
Ga.d 4w,h.t,ln(
120 E. OHIO ST.
ME 5.6301
SIMdity —The Indianapolis Star Mogaxiaa
rn..r. cW «at...o.
Mt.. MM.. b,.t.r
are 1.
.u.1. mod �r.l....
w.ar. cr . -M....
Mi.. ,.1t... M. ..t..
£•M,tU.. awNb.
..r It►..r.,tr. a
P.O.* Mb.
pew .1...w.
Open Monday and
Thursday evenings until
9:00. .. other days
9:30 to 5
at the Delaware Motor Inn
Notice, Women's Clubs,
Organizations, Sororities
Here's an opportunity for your group to
nom extra money without obligation. The
Niagara Company hos prepared an in-
teresting film describing sell Niuguro
Products as they ore used in I-copilots
and clinics throughout the country. We
ore more than pleased to pay your group
to view this film in our club rooms any
Tuesday, Wednesday or Fridoy afternoon.
Coll our Niagara Dept., ME 5 -6J01, for
complete information.
(CoaNawd from Page 14)
This acreage of farm land extending south along the Monon R.R. is part of
the area to be allotted to industrial expansion under the new toning plans.
hose, and a 1951 500- gallon
pumper with a 1.500- gallon
tank and 1,200 feet of hose.
On order Is a 1958 750 - gallon
pumper with a 760 - gallon
tank and 1,700 feet of hoar.
Carmel offers fire protection
under contract to all of Clay
Township. The fire Insurance
rate 111 22 cent' for each 1100
of coverage for a single-fam-
ily, nun -farm frame dwelling
with approved roof.
Carmel has no public park
at present.
Motor access is from U.B.
31 and Ind. 431 from north and
south, and Ind. 234 east and
west, and Carmel Ilea but one
mile soulh of a proposed coat
and west inter - regional ex-
preaaway which arnlellme may
connect with U.S. 31 through
a large cloverleaf.
T11h PI{OPOSI, D Carmel
industrial areas, ,ultable fur
shiest any type of Induatrlul
con■trucllon, Ile along the
Murton railroad tracks un the
town's western aide. There In
ample rearm for d0 .1 and car
awltchlryf. There are 2Ni
acres available for new tndua-
try to the southwest, and an-
other tract of 40 acres lien to
the northwest.
Industries already to Car-
mel: Cannel Screw Products
Company, employing 60; Reed-
er t Cline Machine Shop, em-
ploying 15; Cradle liras. Co n-
alruction Company (bridges
and roads', and the Fbalcr-
This is Carmel's busiest corner and sports the only traffic signal in town,
the intersection of Main Street and Ind. 431. Parking is at a premium.
APRIL 6, 1938
Shop Monday
9 to 5:25
for that fresh sparkle all day long
"april lodes"
SIZES 12 to 20,
141/2 to 241/2
PHONf (MI 1 -8511) and
The Wm. H. Block Co., Downstairs Store, an J?
Indianapolis apolis 9 Ind.
Please send me the following Princess
1 Peggy Dresses, 2.99 ea.: 2
I 2d
1 Quan. I Style I Style II Size 1 Color I Color •
I II I1 I 1
I I 1 1 I
. ❑ Check 1
IName ........ 0 Charge II
1 Address ........... • BBC 1
1 City ... ...........
I ❑ c.o.d. (25c service charge in Morton Co.) 1
Sgwddtf —The Indianapolis Sear Mogasina
muss and soil resistant!
neckline outlined with arrowhead braid
that is repeated on the roomy patch
pockets. Short cop sleeves, and three-'
quarter buttoned front. RED-NAY Y,
ifully collared in a petal scoop, with pocA-
el flap to match the collar, full button
front, self bell and a gently swinging
skirt. BLACI(, RED, GLUE.
ALLOVER PRINT— •triking loop
trim around a scoop neck and accenting
the patch pockets, quick -in front sipper,
set -in short sleeves and flare skirt. ROSE -
Daytime Dresses, Dewnsteln e►• Slack's
APRIL 6, 1958