HomeMy WebLinkAbout211758 08/14/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 115100 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE DEBRA GRISHAM CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 922 E GREYHOUND PASS CHECK AMOUNT: $11,435.00 * `+ CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK NUMBER: 211758 CHECK DATE: 8/14/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1125 4340000 7/12 11, 435 . 00 LEGAL FEES Professional Services Invoice FOR SERVICES RENDERED Date: 8/8/12 FROM 7/1/12 THROUGH 7/31/12 Name of Debra M. Grisham, Attorney at Law Provider: Address & 922 East Greyhound Pass Zip: Carmel, Indiana 46032 Telephone No.: 317-690-1597 Email: dgrishamlaw @gmail.com Project Name: General Park Legal and Business Services Invoice No: 7-12 Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Description of Service Rate Worked Due 7-2-12 Reviewed project list and otherwise prepared for $125 4.6 $ 575.00 and attended Agenda Setting and Project Status meeting with Senior Management; Worked on Cherry Tree Park matters; Communications regarding CPEDP contract documents; Reviewed 2012 legislation impact. 7-3-12 Reviewed, drafted redline comments for, and $125 6.0 $ 750.00 discussed with M Westermeier, the Memorandum Of Understanding (°MOU") regarding the financing of the Monon Greenway Pedestrian Bridge over 146th Street project (the "Monon Bridge Project") and communications with County Attorney, M Howard, regarding the same; Worked on June 26, 2012 Park Board meeting minutes; Addressed issues regarding the Central Park Eastside Development Project ("CPEDP") and communications to M Westermeier regarding the same; Drafted 7-24-12 Park Board meeting minutes. 7-5-12 Communications with M Westermeier and to M $125 .3 $ 37.50 Howard regarding the Monon Bridge Project. 7-9-12 Worked on further revised Monon Bridge Project $125 5.0 $ 625.00 MOU and communications to M Howard regarding the same; Addressed matters related Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due to EEOC Civil complaint including communications with Travelers Adjuster; Worked on matters related to preparation for the 7-10-12 Park Board meeting, new laws, insurance matters and file organization. 7-10-12 Received, reviewed and distributed to the Park $125 6.9 $ 862.50 Board the Monon Bridge Project MOU approved by the County Commissioners and provided post Park Board meeting update to M Howard; Communications regarding EEOC Civil Complaint; Continued research of laws and rules regarding Amusement and Entertainment Permit ("AEP") requirements and otherwise prepared for and attended the Park Board meeting. 7-11-12 Started working on drafts of Professional $125 5.3 $ 662.50 Services Agreements for SEH regarding the Central Park North Master Plan and for PROS Consulting regarding the Comprehensive Master Plan; Prepared for and participated in conference call with M Westermeier and the Owners Representative regarding the CPEDP; Communications regarding EEOC civil complaint. 7-12-12 Continued work on the SEH and PROS $125 3.0 $ 375.00 contracts; Addressed personnel matter. 7-13-12 Finalized SEH and PROS agreements for $125 6.8 $ 850.00 distribution; Worked on matters related to Cherry Tree Park encroachments and reviewed Flowing Well property ownership and personnel matters with M Westermeier; Communications regarding conflict of interest inquiry. 7-16-12 Worked on Cherry Tree Paris Encroachment $125 4.5 $ 562.50 matters including City of Carmel file review and met with M Westermeier regarding the same and 2012 legislation impact; Received Monon Bridge Project MOU fully approved by Hamilton County; Prepared for the 7-17-12 Properties Committee Meeting. 7-17-12 Participated in and attended Properties $125 6.1 $ 762.50 Committee Meeting; Prepared for and attended meeting on insurance matters with M Westermeier and M Wells and post meeting follow-up communications regarding same; Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due Worked on new legislation and Cherry Tree Park matters; Addressed insurance invoices related to EEOC civil complaint defense deductible. 7-18-12 Communications regarding insurance matters; $125 7.0 $ 875.00 Communications regarding new legislation compliance; Reviewed Conflict of Interest law and facts and communications regarding the same; Drafted documents for 7-24-12 Park Board Meeting packet and communications regarding same; Communications regarding ProLiance contract documents for renewal term. 7-19-12 Communications regarding Cherry Tree Park; $125 3.8 $ 475.00 Continued preparation for 7-24-12 Park Board meeting packet; Reviewed and distributed to the Park Board, the Monon Bridge Project MOU; Reviewed comments regarding SEH contract terms and communications regarding the same; Communications regarding Certificate of Substantial Completion for the Water Park Enhancement Project (WPEP"); Reviewed and updated Project List. 7-20-12 Worked on Cherry Tree Park encroachment $125 5.3 $ 662.50 matters; Communications regarding WPEP Maintenance Bond status; Revised SEH contract terms pursuant to multiple communications. 7-23-12 Addressed SEH contract insurance issues and $125 5.6 $ 700.00 multiple communications regarding the same; Reviewed Flowing Well Park documents with M Westermeier; Discussed Cherry Tree Park matters with M Westermeier; Resumed research on Amusement and Entertainment Permit requirements; Communications regarding ProLiance contract documents for renewal term. 7-24-12 Worked on matters regarding Cherry Tree Park; $125 5.5 $687.50 Communications regarding personnel matters and EEOC administrative process; Communications regarding ProLiance contract matters; Communications to M Howard regarding the Monon Bridge Project MOU and otherwise prepared for and attended Park Board Meeting. 7-25-12 Worked on ProLiance Contract matters; Worked $125 4.2 $ 525.00 on matters regarding the Monon Bridge Project Service Description of Service Hourly Hours Amount Date Rate Worked Due MOU; Addressed personnel matters; Worked on draft of 7-24-12 Park Board meeting minutes. 7-26-12 Addressed personnel matters; Completed and $125 3.8 $ 475.00 distributed 7-24-12 Park Board Meeting minutes; Retrieved and provided Central Park development documents; Addressed ProLiance contract matters; Processed SEH and PROS contracts; Finalized notice letter regarding Cherry Tree Park encroachments for S Young to process. 7-30-12 Reviewed and met with M Westermeier $125 3.0 $ 375.00 regarding, multiple tort claim matters and processed the same; Communications regarding status of ProLiance contract matters. 7-31-12 Addressed and communications regarding, $125 4.7 $ 587.50 ProLiance Contract matters; Continued research on the amusement and entertainment permit requirements; Addressed tort claim notices and applicable law; Communications regarding WPEP Maintenance bond. NATURE OF SERVICES TOTAL HOURS FEE TOTAL HOURS BILLED: 91.4 .$ 11,425.00 Expense Reimbursement $ 10.00 TOTAL DUE: $ 11,435.00 Signature: .ie� Purchase Description �,u.. ), P.O.# �i P or F G.L.# IlaS I-01- `}3rI06CO Line''t FeE9 Line�esc Purcha er Date Approval Date , A ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Terms 922 East Greyhound Pass Date Due Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 8/8/12 7112 Legal Services for Jul'12 $ 11,435.00 not,mall Total $ 11,435.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 . 20 Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 115100 Grisham, Debra Allowed 20 922 East Greyhound Pass Carmel, IN 46032 In Sum of$ $ 11,435.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR _ 101 -General Fund PO#or INVOICE NO. =T#/TITL1 AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1125 7/12 4340000 $ 11,435.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 9-Aug 2012 Signature $ 11,435.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund