HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 Road Bond pay request 099cage: aop:Aeesn ,OEBB 0 RI 0 ODDu CITY = Or ARMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COUNTY OPTION INCOME TAX LEASE RENTAL REVENUE: BONDS, SERIES 2006 CONSTRUCTION FUND DRAW REQUISITION No. 99 Regions Bank 401 Union Street. 1 I Ih Floor Nashville, Tennessee 37219 Alin: Corporate Trust Department Fax: (615)726 -4280 Date: 5th day of September , 2012 RE: Trust indenture hetwecn the City of Cannel Redevelopment Authority (the "Authority "). and Regions Bank_ as trustee. dated us or August 1.. 21106 (the "Indenture "). securing 572.0001000 City of Carmel, Indiana_ Redevelopment Authority County Option Income Tax 1_ease Rental Revenue Bonds. Series 2006 (the "Bonds") The undersi,ned certifies that (a) The undersigned is an officer of the City IICarmel.. Indiana: (b) The amounts set forth on Schedule A are requested to he paid from the City of Carmel Redevelopment Authority 2006 Project Construction Fund (the "Construction Fund') (created by Section 3.01 aflhe [ndenmre): (c) Each obligation as reflected by the amounts set forth or Schedule A has been pioperly incurred, is a prorer charge against the Construction Fund, and has not been the basis of any previous withdrawal From the Construction bunch and (d) SupportLlg Inlbrruatiun With respect to each payee designated on Schedule A as to the amount owing is attached hereto_ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA BY: Diana L.(_indrav_ Clerk - Treasurer Authorized Officer DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Cn'IC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317,571.2439 EMAIL engineenng©rarmel.in,gov SCiiEIIUI.p: ,1 '10CITY OIrC,1.I0IE7„ INDIANA. RE.I11.VI I_111',AIF,Af All rllORll'1' COUNTY OPTION INCO,IIETAX LEASE ItEN I AL ItEA9:NIih: I3 )N) . SERIES 211116 cONSIR1131'I )N EtIND I',1Y,AI10NI' RI((JtJISI'I ION NO 99 5-St 90-12 -12 P,AYLE'S NAME A. MAILING ADDRESS Indiana I )coachman of'I ranspon.nion AWL Anere Cashier 100 North Senate Accrue Room VJC -N 725 Indianapolis. IN 40204 !tnndell Iirntllherger Apsncimes, 1.1.0 429E Vermanl Sired, Si ale 110 Ind is, 1N 40202 host AlIE iiincy R :. 19 ails 111 klnnuntoll Circle Sails 27111) Indianapolis_ IN 462(14 Total AMOUNTS RH(]U]SrION130 S6,237,50 $6,8S8.M1 1.1. CIIIECkS LISTED HI]I11ON TO RI: c)VERNIGIITED TO: CrossRoad Engineers, PC Attn: Jill A. Newport 3417 Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 45107 A -1 LOST I'PEA -0ZA'I'ION Con] Creek North'I' rail Chongc Order 41120% share) Proi. No 06 -14 Inc. gI6073 Shelburne ltd -RA 13 (Landscape Corea Insp) I'roj, 06-21, PO, #274413 Inc. 90S1090 -23 Legal Ss-rcice in cnnncclion milh 21106 Rand RIW Amy Proj_ 06-21 SheIbornu Road - 11001 [0 131s1: :aa-1 2 Its #530209 Bill To: INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Driving Indiana's Economic Growth D ORIGINAL INVOICE 100 North Senate Avenue Room IGC -N 725 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 -2216 City of Carmel ATTN: Mike McBride One Civic Square Carmel IN 46032 3ti�- �4S PECEIVED Ac 2012 0 CARMEI one ENGINEER r/ >0 4 Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., Governor Michael Cline, Commissioner Customer No: CST000001811 Invoice: 000016073 Invoice Date: 7/30/2012 Invoice Type: LPA AMOUNT DUE: $6,237.80 ' Payment is Due Upon Receipt of Invoice * ** Line Description Quantity Unit Amt Net Amount 1 Contract #: R -29657 Contract #: R- 29657, Proje attached). 1.00 0600390, change order # :1 (see 6,237.80 Subtotal: AMOUNT DUE: 6,237.80 6,237.80 $6,237.80 Department of Transportation Attention: Agent Cashier N725 IGCN 100 N. Senate Indianapolis, IN 46204 ❑ Visa Please return this portion with your payment. ❑ Mastercard ❑ Discover Invoice: 000016073 Amount Paid: $ ❑ Diners Club ❑ Check /Money Order Name on Card Card Number (Nnnie must appear as exactly as on card) CID (3 or 4 digit security code) Billing Address Signature Required: Expiration Date Date For billing questions, please call: 317 - 232 -5384 Invoice: 000016073 Indiana Department of Transportation, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 -2216 Purch se Order INDOT Qonstruction ndiana Department of Transportation # 1 CHANGE ORDER Vendor 0000087521 REMIT001 1 Remit to Vendor Name Address Vendor Contact GEORGE R HARVEY 8, SON INC 964 N SR 39 DANVILLE IN 46122 GEORGE R HARVEY & SON INC 964 N SR 39 DANVILLE IN 43122 Name. eMail: Phone: Ship To Bill To Buyer Order # Date Required Date Page 0011812092 04105/2011 01114/2012 1 of 2 Requisition Number: 0000054383 Vendor ID: inp0V Af$ITO01 Agency : ndl >Zd(g N ion Pay Terms: 351D4s in Arrears Dept Of Transportation Contract Administration Divisi 100 N SENATE AVE RM N725 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Indiana Dept of Transportation Dept Of Transportation Accounting 100 N SENATE AVE RM N749 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 Name: Morgan,Sally -800 eMait. SMORGAN ©indoLIN.gov t- S +P-urehase Order Instructions & Comments 20% LPA 80% FEDERAL 20% LPA 80% FEDERAL. PO 0011 812092. Change Orders 1 -8. PE Rob Surber. Cost Change #1 Reference Document = R0- 0000066225 for $ 31,189.00 (aw) 12128/2011 20% LPA 80% FEDERAL. PO 0011812092, Change Orders 1 -8. PE Rob Surber. .Item No Description ':.Purchase Order Line Details. rh y (FOB Destination) Qty Ordered f Qty Recd UOM ..Unit Pnce Extended Amt 1- 1 R - 29657 -A BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAIL ENHANCEMENT GREENFIELD DISTRICT PCN:0600300 0600390 OTHER TYPE PROJECT {Miscellaneous) HAMILTON COUNTY - ON COOL CREEK NORTH TRAIL AND RANDOLPH COUNTY NO 117 2- 1 Cost Change 41 R - 29657 -A BIKE AND PEDESTRIAN TRAIL ENHANCEMENT GREENFIELD DISTRICT RCN:060039D 0600390 OTHER TYPE PROJECT (Miscellaneous) HAMILTON COUNTY - ON COOL CREEK NORTH TRAIL AND RANDOLPH COUNTY NO 117 1.0000 1 1 EA 583,7657700 583,765 77 1.0000 ] EA 31,189.0000 31,189.00 Deliveries acceptable only between 8.00 AM and 3.00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Slate Holidays. 141,,,i1NUnits of Measure, Handling, Totals, Signatures ; • .1 ':ii r5:Nrr=,. The following UNiCEFACT Unit of Measure Common Codes are used in this document: EA Each 11111111111111 1111111111 1111111IIII 11111111II1111111111II 00800 0011812092 11111111111 111111111 Indiana Deparunonr aITrensuartatIon Minden Ernstberger Associates, LLC 618 E. Market Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 BILL TO City ofCannel Attn: Engineering Department One Civic Square Cannel. IN 46032 D ORIG!NA L INVOICE DATE INVOICE NO. 8/8/2012 081090 -23 PROJECT Carmel Shelbome Rd RAB ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE Construction Project #06 -21 PO #27446 Construction Adm 3.5 hrs cr $90.00 /hr Fee: $10,500.00 Billed to date (inluding Remaining to be billed: (Fee: N 1 . $10,500 Hourly) = $315.00 this invoice): $7,132.50 $3,367.50 • w ti ti ib‘i ti 315.00 RI cregFD 012 :,.MEL FVGINEER �ZSZIACI Phone# 111 7A1 01117 Fax# 217_1A1_115211. Total Due $315.00 BOSE McKINNEY &EVANS111' ATTORNEYS AT LAW Invoice 008824 City of Carmel ATTN: Douglas C. Haney One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 MAII. Ft liNIFI'1ANCES TO: 1.11 Menwr,eut Circle. Suite 2700 tnd in napolis, intiiana 46204 (317) 684 -5000 July 18, 2012 Invoice No. 550269 Fed. I.D. 35- 0957980 For Legal Services in Connection With: Matter: 008824 -0111 v. Michael Malay/Condemnation 06/04/12 A. Townsend 06/05/12 A. Townsend 06/18/12 A. Townsend 08- 01- 12P01 :57 RC 9 0.7 238.00 Telephone conference with Zarkis Daroga regarding the mortgage and the partial mortgage release; correspondence and from Andy Seiwert regarding the same; revise the settlement agreement and the agreed entry. 0.1 34.00 Review the correspondence as received from Zarksis Daroga; correspondence to Steve Suschmann and Andy Seiwert regarding the same. 0.1 34.00 Correspondence to Zarksis Daroga regarding Huntington's mortgage. Total for Services $306.00 Total This Invoice $306.00 Keller Macaluso LLC Invoice 770 3rd Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 Bill To Douglas C. Haney Carmel City Attorney City Hall, 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 01_25_)79o% .3z RO`i° Date: 7/19/2012 Invoice # 2012 -0507 Phone he 317 - 660 -3400 Fax n 317- 660 -3401 www.kel l ermaca! uso, corn Federal ID: 27-1716316 Client # / Matter Attorney TKH 90006 -010 / Right of entry for Indiana Farmers Insurance Service date Initials Time Description of Service Amount 6/15/2012 TKH 0.5 Revise right of entry; telephone calls and correspondence regarding 162.50 same. 6/20/2012 TKFI 13 Attend meeting regarding right of entry issues. 422.50 6/21/2012 TKH 0.2 Correspondence regarding revised exhibits. 65.00 6/22/2012 TKH 0.4 Rcvicw information regarding plans and area needed for right of 130.00 entry; correspondence regarding same. Sub Total Legal Fccs 780.00 TK -Too Keller MRM - Matthew R. Macalusu EM _ Ede McNamar NH - Nate Hutchings TKH - Tammy K. Haney AH - Andrew Held EN - Eric Neidlinger JS - Jennifer Schulz SO - Shari Owens Terms Upon Receipt Total for Services: $780.00