HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket TABLEOFCONTENTS PETITIONER : a-5hb![5x{USA,LLC th 250W.96STREET,SUITE500 INDIANAPOLIS,IN46260 317.708.5716 TAB1 StatementofPurpose 317.708.5808fax APPLICANT: TAB2 LocationMap‘Aerial ICEMILLERandTHECARMOSINOGROUP,NC. ONEAMERICANSQUARE112WESTCHESTERBLVD. Suite2900NOBLESVILLE,IN46062 TAB3 SitePlan INDIANAPOLIS,IN462820200317.5138568 317.236.2379blair@carmosinogroup.com Timothy.Ochs@icemiller.com TAB4 ExistingElevationsPhotos TAB5 ProposedBuilding‘ Elevations TAB6 ProposedSignage‘Signplan andSignagesummary TAB7 FindingofFacts DOCKETNO.12080008V12080014VBZA&1208005ADLS MCDONALDSUSA,LLC 750E.CARMELDRIVE September24,2012 STATEMENT OF PURPOSE – TAB 1 McDonalds, USA, LLC requests certain development standard vari the facility located at 750 E. Carmel Drive. The property is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Carmel Drive and Keystone Avenue and is zone subject to the Keystone Overlay Zoning District standards. All development standards variances are requested to allow a rebuild of the existing store to more updated standards. The variances requested simpl operation of this McDonalds restaurant which has existed for many years in this location. The variances requested will have no impact or change in the use or traffic patterns for the subject real estate, but rather simply bring the architecture of the facility current to more modern standards. SIGNVARIANCES A total of twenty (20) signs, with a total square area of 253.84 SFT, are being requested with the rebuild of this facility. The majority of the signage square footage requested is related to the second menu board proposed to support the addition of the facility. The dual drive through proposed is a new standard being implemented across the McDonalds brand with the major remodels. McDonalds has experienced an increase in the drive through business at most of their stores. This increase in drive through traffic has caused many sites to experience drive through queues that extend Although this facility has not experienced continual drive through queuing problems that have caused backups onto the public streets, the drive through volume site and on few occasions created issues onto the public street. The addition of the dual drive through lane dramatically reduce queue with the addition of the second lane. It also of course aids with increasing sales for all facilities and continuing growth for the stores, however, the design and implementation of the dual drive through, the signage and operations have been done wi maintaining operations in a manner that does not adversely impac businesses. The material contained herein includes the proposed building, site and details for all signage proposed for this re-development. th September24,2012 DOCKETNO.12080008V12080014VBZA&1208005ADLS MCDONALDSUSA,LLC 750E.CARMELDRIVE September24,2012 McDonalds respectfully requests approval of development standa and outlined below: 1.Number of signs  20 proposed, 6 allowed Ch. 25.07.02-08. 2.Menu board size  38.8 SFT proposed, 16 allowed Ch. 25.07.05 3.Menu board height  69 proposed, 6 allowed Ch. 25.07.05. 4.Total square footage  253.84 SFT proposed, 227 SFT allowed Ch. 25.07.02-08c. 5.Number of signs facing East ROW  9 proposed, 2 allowed Ch. 25.07.02-08b. 6.Number of signs facing south ROW  4 proposed, 1 allowed Ch. 25.07.02-08b. 7.Number of signs facing west ROW  11 proposed, 3 allowed Ch. 25.07.02-08b. The above variances for the Board of Zoning Appeals are Docket No. . . . 12080008 V through 12080014 V, numbers respectively. Thank you for your consideration. th September24,2012 TABDIVIDER TAB 2 AERIAL TABDIVIDER TAB 3 SITE PLAN TABDIVIDER EXISTING ELEVATIONS TAB 4 DOCKETNO.12080008V12080014VBZA&1208005ADLS MCDONALDSUSA,LLC 750E.CARMELDRIVE September24,2012 EXISTING ELEVATIONS – TAB 4 Existing South Elevation (front) Existing East Elevation (non drive thru side) th September24,2012 DOCKETNO.12080008V12080014VBZA&1208005ADLS MCDONALDSUSA,LLC 750E.CARMELDRIVE September24,2012 Existing North Elevation (rear) Existing West Elevation (drive thru side) th September24,2012 TABDIVIDER TAB 5 DIVIDER PROPOSED ELEVATIONS TABDIVIDER TAB 6 PROPOSED SIGNAGE a-5hb![5x{RESTAURANT REDEVELOPMENTPROJECT 750E.CarmelDrive Carmel,Indiana PROPOSEDSIGNAGE Contents Overallsignexhibitsummary1 Overallsummary‘Byareaandyardapplication23 Signcutsheets414 phone: 317.513.8568 • e-mail: blair@carmosinogroup.com • website: www.carmosinogroup.com 6 - Total 2 - Menu boards 1 - Total 2 - Drive Thru Canopies 2 - Double gateway 8 - Payment bollard 7 - Pre-menu board 9 - Cash booth signs "Pay" and "Pick up" 3 - Total 2 - Mounted Letter set, 11- Total 2 - Directional also see elevations signs 4 - Total 3 - 42 Inch arch, also see elevations 5 - Total 2 - Welcome sign, also see elevations 10 - Existing ground sign see photo IGNEXHIBI ST TOTALSIGNAGEEASTYARD(NonDriveThruSide) AREA PLAN (sft)TotalTOTAL CUTSHEET REFERENCE DESCRIPTIONWHNO. Each(sft) NO.PROVIDED 1DirvethruTwinPoleCanopy11.25'3.176.34Yes2 2DoubleWelcomePointGate10.167'3.677.34Yes2 3MountedLetterSet16'5"24"32.8332.83Yes1 442inchArch48"42"14.0014.00Yes1 5Weclomesign8~3/8"44~3/4"2.602.60Yes1 OPOMenuBoard 6103.5"54"38.8177.63Yes2 (mod.w/stoneBase) 7PreSellMenuBoard20.82"54"7.817.81Yes1 TotalFrontYardSignage148.55 sft10 Totalallowedsignage90.00 sft TOTALSIGNAGEFRONTYARD(SouthYard) AREA PLAN (sft)TotalTOTAL REFERENCECUTSHEET DESCRIPTIONWHEach(sft)NO. NO.PROVIDED 3MountedLetterSet16'5"24"32.8332.83Yes1 442inchArch48"42"14.0014.00Yes1 10Ex.GroundSign3'3'28.0028.00No1 5Weclomesign8~3/8"44~3/4"2.602.60Yes1 TotalFrontYardSignage77.43 sft4 Totalallowedsignage35.00 sft TOTALSIGNAGEWESTYARD(DriveThruSide) AREA PLAN (sft)TotalTOTAL REFERENCECUTSHEET DESCRIPTIONWHEach(sft)NO. NO.PROVIDED 442inchArch48"42"14.0014.00Yes1 8PaymentBollard17"18"2.132.13Yes1 9CashBooth(Pay)31"10"2.152.15Yes1 9CashBooth(Pickup)31"10"2.152.15Yes1 11Directionalsigns(entries)34.515.5"3.717.43Yes2 TotalFrontYardSignage27.86 sft6 Totalallowedsignage80.00 sft OVERALLSUMMARIE S TOTALSIGNAGESUMMARYBYYARD PROPOSEDALLOWED DESCRIPTIONAREA(sft)EachAREA(sft)Each FrontSignageTotals(South)77.4335.00 EastSignageTotals(NonDTSide)148.5590.00 WestSignageTotals(DTSide)27.8680.00 TotalYardSignage253.84 sft 205.00 sft Directionals~2@3sftea.6.00 sft Allowedmenuboard16 sft TOTALS 253.84 sft 227.00sft 1 - As labeled on plan view 4 2 - As labeled on plan view 5 3 - As labeled on plan view 6 4 - As labeled on plan view 7 5 - As labeled on plan view 8 6 - As labeled on plan view 9 7 - As labeled on plan view 10 8 - As labeled on plan view 11 9 - As labeled on plan view 31" 12 10 - As labeled on plan view. 13 11 - As labeled on plan view 19" 14 TABDIVIDER Tab 7 12080008V thru 12080014V McDonald's USA, LLC CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BALLOT SHEET: FINDINGS OF FACT, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: ______________________________________________ Petitioner: ______________________________________________ 1. _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ DATED THIS ________________ DAY OF _____________________________ __________________________________________________ Board Member Page 9 – filename: development standards variance 2012.doc rev. 12/2