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Boone, Rachel M.
From: Boone, Rachel M.
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2012 10:15 AM
To: Blanchard, Jim E; Conn, Angelina V; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Hancock, Ramona B;
Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Littlejohn, David W; Martin, Candy; Mindham,
Daren; Stewart, Lisa M; Tingley, Connie S
Cc: 'dradican.raffertycon @earthlink.net'; 'scott @fnfindy.com'
Subject: Docket No. Assignment: Jimmy John's -Signage (#12010002 ADLS Amend)
I have notified the petitioner that I have issued the necessary Docket Number for(ADLS Amend)Jimmy John's—
Signage. It is the following:
Docket No. 12010002 ADLS Amend: Jimmy John's—Signage
ADLS Application Fee: $367.00
Total Fee: $367.00
$309.25 PAID \v� p i
$57.75 STILL DUE \v `
Docket No. 12010002 ADLS Amend: Jimmy John's—Signage
The applicant seeks approval to install new signage at their new tenant space within Clay Terrace.
The site is located at 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd. It is zoned PUD.
Filed by Scott Finner of Finner & Finner, LLC.
Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This Item.will not be on an agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur.
3. Proof of Notice is not needed.
4. The Filing Fee must be paid prior to issuance of Letter of Grant.
5. This item will be reviewed administratively.
6. Please provide sign drawings for new signs.
7. Please provide outdoor seating, awning and any other exterior improvement information, if applicable.
8. Please provide new cooler/freezer information.
9. Sign permits will also be required. Fees will be sent after the signs are reviewed.
Mr. Finner can be contacted at 317-578-3920.
Radix.L Boone/
Sign Permit Specialist
City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
3rd Floor
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
317.571.2426 fax
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
• •
Boone, Rachel M.
From: Mickey Levy[mickey @ssindy.com]
Sent: Wednesday, February 08, 2012 6:33 PM
To: Boone, Rachel M.
Subject: Emailing: CCF02082012_00000.pdf
Attachments: JJ Clay Terrace Site plan MARKED.pdf; CCF02082012_00000.pdf
Ms. Boone:
In answer to your questions regarding the permits for Jimmy John's Clay Terrace move I submit
the following:
1) We will reuse the existing signs. New electrical is being installed by the GC.
2) Attached please find the Store owner's authorization you requested.
3) The marked site plan is attached.
4) I will address this with the proprietor. We will eliminate it from this permit and move
it to the interior.
5) The projecting sign should not need a permit. The sign will stay in its present location
since it shares a common space with both the old space and the new one.
Mickey Levy
Sign Services
1305 W. 29th Street
Indianapolis IN 46208
Office: 317-546-1111
Direct: 317-373-6000
Fax: 317-622-7324
Fax: 866-231-2227
E-mail: mickey @ssindy.com
WEB: www.ssindv.com
The signs will be the same that are on the existing building.
Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Received 2/8/2012
Hi Mickey,
I am working on your permits and need a couple things.
1. Are you re-using the existing signs or making new ones?
2. I will also need approval ,from the business owner in either email or letter format.
3. Can you highlight on the map you provided where their new space will be? I know where they
are currently, I just want to be sure for the new one.
• .
4. I cannot approve the illuminated window sign. It is too large and was not included in
their original permit approvals. Only 3 sq. ft. is allowed. They will need to replace this
sign with a smaller one or move this sign to the interior of the store. Please let me know
what they intend to do.
5. I added a permit for the projecting sign and used the drawings from the previous approval.
I just wanted to let you know.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Rachel Boone.
Sign Permit Specialist
Note: To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent sending or receiving
certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how
attachments are handled.
• •
ADLS Fee: $928 (plus $123/acre when not accompanied by a Development Plan App.)
ADLS AMEND Fees:Sign.o ly: $306, plus $61/sign;
�B�Build'n�g/ ite: $617.50, plus $61/acre
(Note:jfees Vue aftercthe application receives a docket number, and not before.)
Date: c� rCE�G13 ,% Docket No 1 . lam/ I no-
1 ,�A41 182012 V Di VYV t1 d
51S: "`' X ADLS Amend
DP Attached- u, Previous DP? Yes No
Name of ��e/ II 01.6 $ ��
• it Sandwich Shop
Jimmy John s Sa d p
Type of Remodel for Restaurant
Project:_ _
Address: 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd, Suite 150 ; Carmel, In 46032
Project Parcel ID #: 1 6_ 0 9. 2 4 . 0 0 _ 0 0 _ 0 1 5. 0 0 0
-. ( C ( 000c2D20101
I1-31I1.11 CIS
Legal Description: (please use separate sheet and attach)
Name of
Applicant: Finner & Firmer , LLC
Applicant Address: 6070 E 82nd St; Indianapolis, IN 46250
Contact Person: Scott Finner Phone: 317-578-3920
Fax No. Email: scott @fnf indy.. corn
Name of
Landowner: Simon Properties Phone: 317-685-7258
Landowner Address: 225 W Washington St; Indianapolis, IN 46204
Plot Size: 1356 Sq. Ft Zoning Classification: Commercial
Present Use of Property : Previously "Drapery Street".
Proposed Use of Property; Jimmy John' s Sandwich Shop
New Construction? Yes No X - New/Revised Sign? Yes X No
Remodeled Construction?: Yes X No New Parking? Yes No X
Revised:12/28/2011 filename: ADLS&ADLS AMEND
�V Y ,
c)OUU3 tin (-A kr.ckck.k c_Ok.,V1 ;V-(k+{).-U.\*9 t� i
New Landscaping? Yes No x
No. of Spaces Provided:Provided by Clay Terrace No. Spaces Required: Provided by Clay
1 Please see plane for
Type of Building:Loc . in Mall No. of Buildings: add-on to rear of
Square Footage: 1356. Height: No. of Stories 1 store of walk-in
Exterior Materials: Exterior Colors: This is the only
Maximum No. of Tenants: 34 Type of Land Uses: alteration to the
exterior or
Water by:_ Sewer by: building.
Type of Fixture: Existing Height of Fixture: Existing
No. of Fixtures: Existing Additional Lighting: Existing
*Plans to be submitted showing Foot-candle spreads at property lines, per the ordinance.
*Engineered Landscape Plans to be attached/submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations
SIGNAGE No. of Signs: Type of Signs: n- %-V (Uk V1(l c \o 1^a
U 411.\- 111 v)
Location(s): C EEL .D 0 ��-A .0100f S�DP_E �1 Vf`�t`aS
. fl�) �` Cam/
Dimensions of each sign: 310 7 1 S(-j
Square Footage of each sign: I I 4. .
Total Height of each sign:
Revised:12/28/2011 filename: ADLS R ADLS AMEND
I the undersigned,to the best of my knowledge and belief,submit the above information as true and correct.
Signature of
Applicant: Title: Owner
Scott inner Date: January 4, 2012
(Printed Name)
The undersigned,having been duly sworn upon oath s.; hat the toio information is true and correct and he
is informed and believes. /
gna►:re of Petitioner)
County of Joivab A Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public
(County in which notarization takes place)
for County, State of Indiana, personally appeared
(Notary Public's county of residence)
Scott F,„,e r and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing
(Property Owner,Attorney,or Power of Attorney)
instrument this 0 Zl day of J an,jq , 20 10Z
(day) (month (year)
i41-6".... 0 ./.14444.
Notary Public--Signature
'Notary Public,State of Indiana N1 mil 0"Ii;gm I
SEAL Notary Public--Please Print
My Commission Expires 31612019
My commis ion expires:
Q31106 /loll
Revised:12/28/2011 filename: ADLS&ADLS AMEND
• •
6070 E.82nd Street Finner N Finner, LLC
Indianapolis,IN 46250
Ph.317-578-3920 dba
Fax.317-578-3925 Jimm. John's
February 8, 2012
Finner N Finner, LLC dba: Jimmy John's gives Sign Services permission to move the existing Jimmy
John's signs from our existing location at 14299 Clay Terrace Blvd.Carmel Indiana 46032 to our new
location with Simon Properties.
Scott F ner, member
Fi er N Finner, LLC
Jimmy John's
• • - .
DOCS do ,a
Mickey Levy January 30, 2012
Sign Services Via Email
EMAIL: mickey@ssindy.com
Reference: SIGN REVIEW
Jimmy John's Clay Terrace #4698
Space#: F28 Carmel, IN
Dear Mickey:
The sign drawings have been reviewed and are approved as noted. One set of plans marked with review
comments is enclosed for your records.
Contact the appropriate Landlord Representative at the property to review check in procedures and all
mall rules and regulations.
Dawna Fritz 6)
Tenant Coordinator 317-685-7258 •
TC 10,1
225 West Washington Street
Indianapolis,IN 46204
317.636.1600 I w wsimon.corn