HomeMy WebLinkAbout213225 09/25/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350370 Page 1 of 1 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE WEST GROUP PAYMENT CENTER CHECK AMOUNT: $585.37 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 P o.BOX 6292 91TOM��? CAROL STREAM IL 60197-6292 CHECK NUMBER: 213225 CHECK DATE: 9/25/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4469000 825578046 444 . 80 LIBRARY REF MATERIALS 1110 4358200 825610132 140 . 57 SPECIAL INVESTIGATION ACCT# 1003940760 CARMEL POLICE DEPT TERESA ANDERSON 3 CIVIC SQ THOMSON REUTERS CARMEL IN 46032-2584 e's• :�o INVOICE # 825610132 WEST INFORMATION CHARGES INVOICE PAGE AUG 01, 2012 - AUG 31, 2012 1 CHARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION IN USD IN USD IN USD WEST INFORMATION CHARGES 140.57 0.00 140.57 ......... _ .......... ._.. - . ... ......._.. IMPORTANT NEWS GO GREEN with West's new e-Billing system! Convenient and Easy sign up with no future log in required. Make this the last paper invoice you receive from us. Sign up for e-Billing now and receive an e-mail notification when your invoice is available. Logon to https://ebilling.thomsonreuters.com/Delivery/Welcome to register or call Customer Service at 1-800-328-4880. Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. FOR BILLING INFORMATION CALL 1003940760 A 1-900-328-4880 REMITTA N(T INSTRUCTIONS: 'j" rm—s:Net 3-1) 0 Ckmadiain Registration Numbers 0 (',e I I ic cticloqcd"i.kejope to send Vow payment. Canmd:i(iS'F 1-041848'0 0 Det,tcl%and return the remittance portion and make payriwia payable to bi itish COlumbij IIST R-,7 5 6 5 3 1 Federal Emph)-ver Itlentyiewion Namber-11-142697,i QLWI)OC QS 102 16231-1 0 Oo not cliclo"c'.gash ol forclEm ctulvlw\' owario i,s-r 5002-9500 0 c;wck,ITILAst be dr,l\VlI hom i V.S.I,mik'1c courz;. PST 189560', 0 Write vow acc0:1fIl Mnl,ber on the(rout uf.dour cht:A. 0 rl"L 1")ILi or'lapic vmjr check ol lemillance p0lon, 11"L"STRETURN POLICY- ffyiw aw 1�');complctel.% ';ati'lied the wu pulcha"c of license:frow\bCsl'.\ou inay ICILP-11 them\N ithin 45 day,ofthe as hie., All (\Ncs(,hi} dalL ;tot 1,1111 CIC(lit or refitod. Pack,evurclv and return all mcichandise,hl,"of im-,cowuts loy CNpen't-,a:")' atca\vifll returns'Irc[it!rcs1100101ili:'% 01 the L'U110131k2l. (Alsionim will forfoif any discounts\v'ler returllill,,,part of Sd!e. To CIISOW,ICCHIMC proccuir, .aiway,ct)'Jo,u\kiv)\our return a cups of tile orl-"In:11 L!oIivuiv 01 hillioL do:anent, III �;nCludinu,r'1,;.;C! the ra.o€t for the I-cillyn."I'llk policti doc>it,,[apply to onkne servwos.such as Subscriber i, te,pc+n.,iN,iot all.s awici.iic,i v:ith Online pr-),JIuf'i,. Plca,e refer a,von for specific ivrnns and conditions. ONNA71-l' PESOUR CE' : i'l,ak ih,: ink•,olaiion 24 <,i Nl-�Accouni it 0 Mak:pr!} Return pr,duCis 0 P,7II0.9OJd OFLICI 11:1101 0,Nlakv t,ddre,,,chanLws o Rcqucst duplicate!,ilhm-,doeunmits o Information ahotn't List payment r,,cL:i%-cd and credit,;pnstcd 8m31328/4880 0 Ac'�okult 11'1}!Llcnt information 0 Payllwill I 11:tor\ In j'0y;jja[jQlj 0 Make piiyj,—,;rls o Pcium 4 Sack,&Training,Contact irif'Onilmoll FOR ASSISTANCE VI'VITI BILLING,NUTSCRIPTIONAND GEIVERAL INQURIES: I'velp"j"me PAX V mail 0 Customer servivi.: JAW1328-4880 1/800/340-9378 West.CLIAW)a:i. iCI4�-lIl0I`rS0l).00TTI P.lt-!'catr-.i 1t-t 1/800/328-9352 0 Vedcral(,overnment Avcomvt,: 1/8114/328-2781 1/651/687-6857 weitfed.go-,w,2thonison.com oo 11\1 Accutints: /80/328-2209 Ii05I/687-685.7 I r651/687-6857 wc,t.intcipai io;i.J.accoum.sei w th„fn,,'IH :Oft! Vailt NNeb wife: we.,tAbomson.cont Y,,u mal '-"ile us,11 )g)Ii Wait'mail pei vm,vjl�� to - }i)li mcllv to Wvsf West Payment Center West P.O.Box 64833 RO.Box 6292 Returns-BI(Ig B St.Piaui.:N 55164-0833 tarot Stream,11,60197-6292 525 VVescott Road NIN';5123 li e-maif: kko,N(ARI'aa munl('uulur(,+iftomson.corn e-mail: RI 0'um Cuntvvf--�1hornsfin. om e-_maif�N\v,4.kz C ACCT# 1003940760 CARMEL POLICE DEPT TERESA ANDERSON 3 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 IMPORTANT NEWS *INDICATES A SYSTEM CREDIT Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. INVOICE # 825610132 BILLING SUMMARY PAGE POSTING # 6081587496 AUG 01, 2012 - AUG 31, 2012 1 CHARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION UNITS IN USD IN USD IN USD INVESTIGATIVE SUITE DETAIL OF CHARGES CLEAR INVESTIGATOR 140.57SG 0.00 SG 140.57SG TOTAL INVESTIGATIVE SUITE DETAIL OF CHARGES 140.57SG O.00SG 140.57SG TOTAL WEST INFORMATION CHARGES 140.57G O.00G 140.57G 1003940760 A VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 West Payment Center IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 6292 Carol Stream„ IL 60197-6292 $140.57 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 I 825610132 I 43-582.00 I $140.57 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Wednesday, September 19, 2012 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/01/12 825610132 monthly payment $140.57 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer ACCTt/ 10003 5 9094 CARMEL LAW DEPT DOUGLAS HANEY I CIVIC SQ THOMSON REUTERS CARMEL IN 46032-2584 INVOICE H 825578046 NEST INFORMATION CHARGES INVOICE PAGE AUG 01. 2012 - AUG 31, 2012 1 CHARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION IN USD IN USD IN USD WEST INFORMATION CHARGES 444.80 0.00 444.80 IMPORTANT NEWS GO GREEN with West's new e-Billing system! Convenient and Easy sign up with no future log in required. Make this the last paper invoice you receive from us. Sign up for e-Billing now and receive an e-mail notification when your invoice is available. Logon to https://ebilling.thomsonreuters.com/Delivery/Welcome to register or call Customer Service at 1-800-328-4880. Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. FOR BILLING INFORMATION CALL 1000359094 A 1-800-328-4880 REMITTANCE IN'STRUCTIONS: 0 Terms:Net 30 0 Canadian Registration Numbers 0 Ui c the enclosed envelope to send your payment. Canada GST 136412 80 0 Detach and return the remittance portion and make payment payable to"West". 136(ish Columbia PST 8375653 Federal Employer Identijivation Number 41-142697.3 Quebec QST 1021623991 0 Do not enclose cash or foreign currency. Ornano PST 5002-0560 0 Remember,checks must be drawn rronl a C.S.hank account. SaNatchewan PST 1395663 0 Write}our ac•coant number on the front of your check. 0 Do not fold or staple your check or remittance portion. WEST RETURN I'OLIC Y. If you arc not completely satisfied with the products"you purchase of license.from West,you may return then(within 45 days of the original invoice(West ship date)for full credit or refund. Pack seeurc(v and return all merchandise,insurin,contents for its value. All expenses associated with returns are the responsibility of the customer. Customers will forfeit any applicable discounts when returning part of it promotional sale. To ensure accurate processing,akkays enclose\a ith your return a copy of the original delivery or billing document, including a brief explanation of d7c reason for the return. "This West policy does not apply to online services,such ds Wcstlaw. Subscriber is responsible for any applicable charge;associated with online products. Please refer to your subscriber agreement for specific terms and conditions. ONLINE RESOURCL: To acce>s any of the account information 2.1 hours/dad 0 Access online at NIN Account at west.thomson.com: o,Makc payments 0 Return products o Passtaoid management 0 Check ureter status o Make address changes o IZeyuest duplicate billing documents 0 Information about last payment received and credits posted 0 Access by Telephone at 1/800/328/4880: 0 Account Payment Information 0 Payment I Iistory information o Ptakc•payntcots 0 Return Information o Sales&Trtining Contact information FOR ASSISTANCE, WCfH BILLING,SUBSCRIPTION AND GENERAL INQUIRIES: Telephone 11AX 1?-mail 0 Customer Service: 1/800/328-4880 1/800/340-9378 \cesLct7sttxner.serviceC thomson.corn (Z00 AM-''(H)I'm-central s1-F) 0 Sides 1/800/3280352 west.sales@thonlson.conn 0 Federal Government Accounts: 1/800/328-2751 1/651/687-6857 westfect.govKathvrnson.com (7:00 167-5:1)0 I'M-(:entral M-F) 0 Bookstore Accounts: 1/800/328-2209 1/651/687-6857 west.bookStoretu thorn son.com (7 30 A61-5:00 P61-Central 67-F) 0 International Accounts: 1/651/687-6857 welt.internationaLaccuuntscrvic•ewthomson.eonr 0 -Vest Main Web Site: west thomson.com You maN,write us at— Ybm may trail pa.vi nrnts to-- You macs return merchandise to-- West West Payment Center West P.O.Box 64833 M.Box 6292 Returns-Bldg B St.Paul.MN 55164-0833 Carol Stream,I L 60197-6292 525 1A'escott Road Eagan.MIN 55.123 e-mail:West.AR Pay men Wenter(4,thomson.com e-mail:West.ARReturnCen(erC4,thomson.cont e-mail:West.AR Refund Cen ter Ca)thomson.com Products are shipped FOB Shipping Point ACCT# 1000359094 CARMEL LAW DEPT DOUGLAS HANEY 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 IMPORTANT NEWS *INDICATES A SYSTEM CREDIT Thank you for your business. For more information about West, a Thomson Reuters business, or to shop online visit west.thomson.com. INVOICE # 825578046 BILLING SUMMARY PAGE POSTING # 6081537470 AUG Ol. 2012 - AUG 31. 2012 1 CHARGE TAX TOTAL CHARGE DESCRIPTION UNITS IN USD IN USD IN USD DETAIL OF CHARGES WESTLAW SELECT-WPack MONTHLY CHARGES DATABASE ALLOCATION 331.64 0.00 331.64 COMMUNICATION ALLOCATION 21.16 0.00 21.16 TOTAL MONTHLY CHARGES 352.80S 0.005 352.805 TOTAL WESTLAW SELECT-WPack CHARGES 352.80SG O.00SG 352.80SG ANCILLARY7 WESTLAW USAGE CHARGES TRANSACTIONAL MULTI-SEARCHES 1 92.00 0.00 92.00 TOTAL WESTLAW USAGE CHARGES 92.00S 0.00S 92.00S TOTAL ANCILLARY CHARGES 92.00SG O.00SG 92.00SG TOTAL DETAIL OF CHARGES 444.80SG O.00SG 444.80SG TOTAL WEST INFORMATION CHARGES 444.80G O.00G 444.80G DETAIL OF INCLUDED USAGE (FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY) SUBSCRIPTION USAGE WESTLAW USAGE CHARGES TRANSACTIONAL SEARCHES 28 0.00 TRANSACTIONAL MULTI-SEARCHES 171 0.00 TRANSACTIONAL ONLINE FINDS 8 0.00 * ' OFFLINE TRANSMISSION WESTLAW LINES 377 0.00 TOTAL OFFLINE TRANSMISSION 377 0.00 TRANSACTIONAL ONLINE CITATION CHECKING 2 0.00 * ' TOTAL WESTLAW USAGE CHARGES 0.00S TOTAL DETAIL OF INCLUDED USAGE O.00G 1000359094 A INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE City o Carmel CERTIFICATE NO.003120155 002 0 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER:,'11 � FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT ` Li7'!C � fiV � G c J 35-60000972 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES,A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032-2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL- 1997 PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION VENDORffi SHIP TO CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT f PAYMENTTERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION ,�;�,...rf7f''`.,{.�".,�� ,.�9.v,:� '��.�'t._.-�.✓ ,�'��`��G z-`t'Z/,_,,��.��, "�.!?�..G-ZL.G.- r�/ ,C` ,c',C .� wp m•`. ° � $ w Send Invoice To: `� t PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT �j PAYMENT A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIO I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN SHIP REPAID. THIS APPROPRIATION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. • •C.O.D.SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. •PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL ORDERED BY SHIPPING LABELS. •THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99,ACTS 1945 TITLE ...J t'f. AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. 25210 CLERK-TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. A.P.V. COPY-SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK'S OFFICE VOUCHER NO. ._..._�__-..WARRANT NO. ....._-_ ALLOWED 20 IN THE SUM OF$ � Y 8D ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR qvm e4lao � Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT B& # I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized,thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except_ --- —---------- __.--..-...- ------ ....--- — 20 �. ...............- ....... _.. ._....._...... .....-. - _-..--......__.. SI ......................................_................................................... ................-_.................................-........ I Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund