HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Conn, An•elina V From: David Lach [dlach@cripe.biz] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 5:21 PM To: Hoover, Aaron Cc: Sherri Wilson;Jamie Browning; Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE: Meridian & Main, Lot 2 -Job#: 060384-20320 Aaron The plans are only to revise the existing drainage system due to the INDOT project for US 31. There is not a building proposed at this time. The building shown on the plan is only for reference for planning purposes to assess the impact of the drainage changes. David A. Lach, PE, LEED®AP Client Services Director Cripe Architects + Engineers 3939 Priority Way South Drive, Suite 400 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 general office line: 317.844.6777 direct line and direct fax: 317.706.6361 cell phone: 317.997.6423 email: dlach @cripe.biz website: www,cripe.biz From: Hoover, Aaron [mailto:ahooverOcarmel.in.dov] Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2012 3:27 PM To: David Lach Subject: Meridian & Main, Lot 2 -Job#: 060384-20320 David, I took a look at these plans, but noticed that there were no sanitary sewers drawn on the utility plan. Respectfully, Aaron oover Aaron Hoover Sewer Collection Inspector/Foreman y��" ryl1-,i.,' fn 'I hides 760 3rd Avenue S.W Suite, `I10 Cannel, IN 46032 1 o; �v�vEYOR'S ,i.---- �;_, 1 I ' '--.1 ,, . -. \‘y2.) .•_ _e �,, .►° .'�'�. ` 'A'1 l'-.)1- -� �1qi, ' i'_!2 _1 i�'', 11, +t 4a 5iunj: (-) ,<..�`...::: ,:: !,- ii' 111111.All . ___.„ ..-----;/,,,) . , ,, , 141 ..., ' ')/N:-:-.'Vlit 1.--%,---c-:;\-Z'\>.:\1411;r7),,-----i--- - e ' Cli-)1\-4,-__"r_-_,- e .:).-'-', 1 1:-,'-,----;>-'--------'---,-7--±"?--Ha-,--"< ,)_}.9\-6---2--- Ott r.r.. .- ,'` '' - Xenton C. `Ward, CElf suite 188 Surveyor of Hamilton County One 3lamilton County Square (Phone(317)776-8895 .A'oblesuille, Indiana 46060-2230 'Fax (317)776-9625 April 11, 2012 Cripe Architects +Engineers ATTN: David Lach 3939 Priority Way South Drive Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46240 VIA E-MAIL: dlach @cripe.biz RE: Meridian and Main—Lot 2 INDOT Changes Dear Mr. Lach: We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on March 19, 2012, for this project and have the following comments: 1. The proposed project falls in the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of the City of Carmel. 2. The proposed project does not fall in a Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. The proposed project does falls in the Williams Creek Regulated Drain Watershed. 4. This proposed project will involve a reconstruction of the J.R. Collins Arm of the Williams Creek Drain: This will be handled as part of the INDOT US 31 reconstruction of the drain across the U.S. 31 project. 5. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has no comments or concerns with this proposed project. 6. Please submit revised construction plans/drainage calculations after all TAC comments have been addressed. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-776-8495. Sincerely, 51'9f)1'14 Greg Hoyes, AC, CFM, CPESC Plan Reviewer CC: Angie Conn—Carmel DOCS John Thomas Carmel Engineering Dave Barnes—Carmel Engineering Greg Ilko—Crossroad Engineers L/-7_. + . /11.N n A s ■tlaY,, 1 CITY � RMEL April 6,2012 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR Mr. David A. Lach, P.E. Cripe Architects R Engineers 3939 Priority Way South Drive,Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46240 RE: Meridian&Main Phase 1, Lot 2 INDOT Revisions—Project Review 41 Dear Mr.Lach: The City received your construction plans on March 16,2012. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION I. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's first review of the plans for this project. 2. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. 3. it is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re- submitted,particularly if any such changes are considered"new"or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission,BZA or other committee meetings. 4. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers,PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. if you have not already done so,please provide a set of drainage plans and calculations to their office for review.We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. 5. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until: a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Hamilton County Surveyor issues have been resolved. b. All bonds and performance guarantees are posted. c. All Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals(if required)are obtained. d. All off-site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the development are secured. e. SWPPP is approved. f. All fees are paid. 6. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent reviews. 7. An approved Stonn Water Management Permit is required prior to commencing any earth disturbing activity. Please contact Mr.John Thomas regarding storm water quality requirements. 8. An approved right-of-way permit is required prior to commencing any work in the public right-of-way and for construction equipment access from the City's right-of-way. 9, if it will be necessary to relocate existing utilities,the costs for such relocation shall be borne solely by the developer. Any utility poles requiring relocation shall be relocated to within one-foot of the outside edge of the proposed right-of-way. 10. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat,and construction drawings be made. The digital files must be submitted to DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARME.L, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 F.Ax 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering @carmel.in.gov Mr. David A. Lach, P.E. April 5,2012 • RE: Meridian&Main Phase 1, Lot 2 INDOT Revisions Page 2 of 4 the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact the City GIS Department for the requirements. 11. Jurisdictions: a. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. b. Perimeter Street and Right-of-Way—Private(Pennsylvania Way),City of Carmel(Main Street), INDOT(US 31). c. Water—City of Carmel Utilities d. Sanitary Sewers—City of Carmel Utilities e. Storm Sewers/Drainage—City of Carmel. f. Legal Drains—Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 12. Drawings submitted for approval: a. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. b. This office will require 9 sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by Cannel Utilities. The Owner will receive 3 sets,one of which must be maintained on the construction site at all times. If this project is subject to review and approval by the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office,a total of 11 sets will be required for final approval. 13. Cannel Utilities will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure that copies of all drawings are sent to: Paul Pace Paul Arnone Carmel Utilities Distribution Carmel Utilities Collection 3450 West 131"Street 901 North Range Line Road Westfield,IN 46074 Carmel,IN 46032 14. Carmel Utilities subscribes to"Holey Moley"who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. 15. The following items will be sent electronically upon request regarding this correspondence and project: • a. Project Approval Checklist b. Performance/Maintenance Guarantees c. Utility Jurisdictions/Right of Way Permits d. Availability(acreage) Fees BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY 16. A schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines will be . sent electronically for your use upon request. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. 17. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals(if applicable)and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and the date(or dates)of approval by the Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals(if applicable). 18. The Temporary Construction Entrance appears to be off Pennsylvania Way(private road) and will not require Board of Public Works approval. 19. Any open pavement cuts of City right-of-way will require Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety approval. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 20. Please contact Mr. Dave Barnes to review performance guarantee requirements. Please contact Mr.John Duffy to review water and sanitary sewer bonding requirements. 21. The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100%of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements,to be Mr. David A. Lach,P.E. April 5,2012 RE: Meridian&Main Phase I. Lot 2 INDOT Revisions Page 3 of 4 provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineer's Estimates for each improvement including quantities,unit costs,pipe sizes,and materials, etc. 22. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees,a three-year Maintenance Guarantee will be required(see Street Sign comments above). The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15%of the Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10%of the Performance amount for all other improvements. 23. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. 24. Please reference the available enclosures for a more detailed explanation of our procedures. RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT AND BONDING 25. Any work in the dedicated right-of-way and construction equipment access to the site from the public right-of-way will require an approved Right-of-Way Permit and a License& Permit Bond. 26. The bond amount is determined by our Right-of-Way Manager. However, if the work is included in the scope of work of a required and posted Performance Guarantee,the Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right-of-Way Permit. 27. Please contact our Right-of-Way Manager,Fred Glaser,to arrange right-of-way permitting and bonding. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 28. We defer to Cannel Utilities regarding this issue. 29. If an entryway or overall site irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system and upon the recommendations of the Director of Carmel Utilities. 30. These fees are required to be paid prior to final approval of construction plans by . Engineering and prior to issuance of building permits by Building Codes Services. Please confirm these fees and calculations with Cannel Utilities. CONSTRUCTION DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS 31. General Comments a. Please add the following note to the drawings: "IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES,THE EXPENSE OF SUCH RELOCATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN ONE FOOT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF- WAY." b. Please add note stating"NO EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY MAY COMMENCE WITHOUT AN APPROVED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT''to construction set. 32. Please provide all existing and proposed easements. The proposed underground detention system shall be located within an easement. 33. Please provide a detail for the underground detention system. 34. Sheet C501: a. Note 6 refers to a data table on C502. No data table was included on C502. b. Note 7 references the DPW. The City of Carmel does not have a DPW. 35. Sheet C502: a. Please update the trench detail to the current City of Cannel standard detail. If you have questions,please contact me at 571-2441. 4• Mr. David A. Lach,P.E. April 5,2012 RE: Meridian&Main Phase 1,Lot 2 INDOT Revisions Page 4 of 4 Sincerely, Gary R. D,ncan.Jr., P.E. Assistant ity Engineer Department of Engineering cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services John Duffy,Carmel Utilities Paul Pace,Cannel Utilities Paul Arnone,Carmel Utilities Greg Hoyes,Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg Ilko,Crossroad Engineers,PC issvrapps\userdalakrashared\DHli.L\PROJREVI21Meridian R Main Phase I Lot 2 INDOT Revisions Rev#1 Conn, Angelina V From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 2:24 PM To: 'David Lach' Cc: 'Jamie Browning' Subject: Planning Dept. Review comments for (#12030011 TAC) Meridian & Main, Phase 1, Parcel 2 Good afternoon, David - I briefly looked over the plans for Parcel 2 and offer the following review comments: 1. Please change the 111-ft BSL name and location,to be a 90-ft build to line. 2. Also, there shall be no parking between the front build to line and the US 31 road right of way, per the US 31 Overlay regulations. Angie Conn, Planning Administrator City of Carmel Planning &Zoning Division Dept. of Community Services 1 Civic Square, 3rd Flr. Carmel, IN 46032 0: 317-571-2417 I F: 317-571-2426 I E: aconnacarmel.in.gov W: www.carmeldocs.com Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Monday, March 19, 2012 3:30 PM To: Hollibaugh, Mike P; Mindham, Daren; Hancock, Ramona B; Littlejohn, David W; 'jmolitor @prodigy.net'; Boone, Rachel M.; Tingley, Connie S; Duncan, Gary R; Donahue-Wold, Alexia K; Blanchard,Jim E; Stewart, Lisa M; Martin, Candy; Druley, Elizabeth A; Haney, Douglas C; Mishler, Nicholas F; Maki, Sue; 'GARY DOXTATER'; Thomas, John G; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; Foley, Amanda J Cc: 'David Lach'; 'Jamie Browning' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (#12030011 TAC) Meridian & Main, Phase 1, Parcel 2 I have issued the Docket Number for Meridian&Main, Phase 1,Parcel 2 (TAC). It is the following: Docket No. 12030011 TAC: Meridian &Main,Phase 1,Parcel 2. The applicant seeks TAC approval to modify the storm water detention and water quality basin,a result of the INDOT's US 31 road improvement project.The site is located the northwest corner of Pennsylvania St.and Main St. It is zoned B-6/Business within the Meridian Street/US 31 Overlay. Filed by Jamie Browning for Meridian 131, LLC. Jamie can be contacted at 317-344-7328, and David Loch,project engineer, can be contacted at 844-6777. FEES: TAC review $308.00 Total due: $308.00 Petitioner,please note the following: 1. This item will be on the April 18 meeting agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). If not done so already, the petitioner must submit plans and review materials to all TAC members ASAP, via email and/or mail.The TAC members contact info list is online at: http://www.carmel.in.gov/index.aspx?page=567. 2. Mailed and published public notice does not need to occur. 3. Proof of Notice is not needed. 4. The Filing Fee is due on or before April 18. Checks can be made out to the City of Carmel. 5. This item will be reviewed administratively. 6. Please refer to the application/checklist for more detail. 1 Carmel Po ice Depar men 3 civic,5,04u Carme19 n j ii4 46032 March 21, 2012 Sherri Wilson Cripe 3939 Priority Way S. Dr., Suite 400 Indianapolis, IN 46240 RE: Job #: 060384-20320 Meridian & Main II Carmel, IN Dear Ms. Wilson: The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Ti othy J. Green Chief of Police TJG:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services .a. 1317)571-2600 A Nationally Accredited-Law Eriforcement Agency iF..(317)571-2512 3939 Priority Way South Drive Cri Suite 40 Indianapolis,Indiana 46240 317.844.6777 � FAX#317.706.6464 �`�"/'� www.cripe.biz TRANSMITTAL Architects + Engineers Solutions by Design Since 1937 :it,' c _ it � /f/ Date: 3/16/12 Cripe Job#: 060384-20320 = q9/6i To: Dept of Community Services Re: Meridian&Main, PH I Lot 2 One Civic Square,3rd Floor Carmel, IN Carmel, IN 46032 Attention: Angie Conn-571-2417 We are sending you the following items via: Hand Delivery Shop Drawings Prints x Plans Samples Specifications Copy of Letter Change Order x Attached Report Other Copies Date Description 2 3/16/12 TAC Application w/Legal Description 4 3/16/12 Construction Plans 4 3/16/12 CD w/PDF Plans &docs 2 n/a Aerial Maps w/Zoning Classification 1 3/16/12 Drainage Design Report THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: x For Approval Submit Approved as Submitted Copies for Approval For Your Use Return Approved as Noted Copies for Distribution As Requested Not Approved Reviewed for Compliance Signature Requested Resubmit Corrected Prints For Review and Comment Remarks: Plans for the April 18th Carmel TAC Meeting. Please distribute 1 copy of plans/CD to Doren Midham and 1 copy plans/CD to David Littlejohn. Thank you. Please contact David Loch at 317-844-6777 or dlach @cripe.biz with any questions. c: Jamie Browning Signed: Sherri Wilson, Permit Specialist, 706-6419 Scanned to file swilson @cripe.biz Transmittal Only: Notice: The drawing/computer files listed above are the property of Cripe Architects + Engineers and are transmitted for reproduction use only. Any modification or reuse of the documents without written permission from Cripe Architects + Engineers is prohibited. Any person or entity using these documents for any purpose other than the project for which they were originally intended,with or without permission from Cripe Architects+ Engineers, by their use agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Cripe Architects+Engineers from any loss,including, but not limited to attorney's fees occurring from their use. O:\2006\060384\20320\DOCS\ENGR\PERM ITS\TRANSMITiAL_DOCS_2012_03_16.DOCX