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213490 10/09/2012
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350224 Page 1 of 1 `'. ONE CIVIC SQUARE NANCY HECK CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CHECK AMOUNT: $1,434.49 CHECK NUMBER: 213490 CHECK DATE: 10/9/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4343002 357 . 20 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA 1203 4343003 357 .20 TRAVEL & LODGING 1203 4359000 354 .27 SPECIAL PROJECTS 1203 4359003 365 . 82 FESTIVAL/COMMUNITY EV ,RcA 1 r 1 1 J 1 ^ `Un(Ji V41 LISA 10 e�-l-he^r5 Rec mb(A fl-11 =DaWTableGuests Server 290352 �Q ya Cl �aSSa( n►ane�,: V4c WQGjO- DONAT ELLOS APPT—SOUP/SAL—ENTREE—VEG/POT—DESSERT—BEV Z,vit n k,k n'- 91'V. MAIN ST, 1 Cht;5k1V-D./ CARMEL IN4603? 0� 25J?012 4"/c�5slo� 13:29 9 2 (� Merchant ID: 00000000183 Terminal ID: I\)cA -"► 027461,E 3 277212415990 CREDIT CARD a VISA SALE 5 CARD # XXXXXXXXXXX: INVOICE j s Batch#: 00uSSc i7 SERVER Owl 7 ` �✓ Approval Code: 0,'�"'1� el 1p Entry Method: ;. s Mode: Oidule PRE-TIP AMT 9 _--_--- TIP ---- l��� 10 11 TOTAL AMOUNT y`7b 12 13 CUSTOMER COPY 4774 GimsTCHECK° www.rtationalchecking.com Guest Receipt Date Amount Guests 2 71 W. City Center Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 317.706.0000 Server: Jan 00208527 Table: Main Dining 63 7:04:02 PM 9/25/2012 71 W. City Center Dr. Cannel, IN 46032 HECK/NANCY S Visa 317.706.0000 Exp Server: Jan Auth: 02513B Table: main Dining 63 TroutD: 6-.55:44 PN4 9/25/2012 Amount $ 165.14 Item Price BRi\SSFIELD PG GL 8.00 Tip CHOCOLATE MOUSSE 4.00 CORN, CREME BRULEE 6.00 DREAMSICLE CAKE 3.00 Total $ GOATCHEESE CAKES 9.00 GRILI,ED EGGPLANT 8.00 18%=29.73 20%=33.03 22%=36.33 GRILLED STRIP 12.00 JASON STEPHENS CAB GL 10.00 JERK.PORK SLIDERS 12.00 KEY 1.1-ME PIE 3.00 2 at 3.00 each 6.00 KION.--k RIESLING GL 7.00 LAMB N14EF)ALLIONS 14.00 MANGO SORBET 4,00 i.K. OSIRIS PALE ALE 5.50 SHITAKES 8.00 SIZZLIN SHRIMP 11.00 2 at 11.00 each 22.00 SWEET POTATO FRIES 4.00 TEMPURA TOFU 9.00 C)C)CD Subtotal: 151.50 Tax: 13.64 Total: 165.14 � -qvo'Aquf &Y'A ov(\Lf5 Total: 165.14 0Z D D C Tek4- 01 Transk 00208527 to ----------------- - -------- Gl Alec - Tt-cy" oo(v� a� 2c�UO � P'i"'ci nc�� . 6reo_�LS r �sJ E�N(xs s-er `Mcquy- bsfirov°erzLz /i'loskcf/e✓iKr- RENAISSANCE INDIANAPOLIS NORTH GRILLE 39 RESTAURANT RENAISSANCE INDIANAPOLIS NORTH 11925 N. MERIDIAN STREET GRILLE 39 RESTAURANT CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 CARMEL, INDIANA 199 AM DTS *ASK US ABOUT OUR LUNCH BUFFET -------------------------------- CHECK: 1038 5 0/1 1038 GST 6 TABLE: 50/1 SEP26'12 9:15AM SERVER: 199 AM DTS -------------------------------- DATE: SEP26'12 9:16AM 1 HEARTLAND BUFFET 15,95 CARD TYPE: VISA 1 HEARTLAND BUFFET 15.95 ACCT #: XXXXXXXXXXXi 1 HEARTLAND BUFFET 15.95 EXP DATE: XX/XX 1 HEARTLAND BUFFET 15.95 AUTH CODE: 02666B 1 HEARTLAND BUFFET 15.95 NANCY S HECK 1 HEARTLAND BUFFET 15.95 SUBTOTAL 95.70 TAX 4-6+-V SUBTOTAL: 104 . 3 1 PAYMENT DU $ 104 3 1 TIP: o2O �� GRATUITY: TOTAL: TOTAL: PRINT NAME: S- �e CUSTOMERS NATURE *ASK US ABOUT OUR LUNCH BUFFET* ROOM #: �- I AGREE TO PAY ABOVE TOTAL AMOUNT ACCORDING TO MY CARD SIGNATURE: ISSUER AGREEMENT *ASK US ABOUT OUR LUNCH BUFFET* *KEEP ONE COPY FOR YOUR RECORDS* SIGN ABOVE FOR ROOM CHARGES ONLY 9/27/12 Printable Receipt (( II ' Go Daddy -Re;0,j9u p,(v : IV GVl C 1'fQck- PRINT Receipt#:466931816 DATE 9/27/2012 9:48:40 AM Customer#:37099406 Billing Information 0loa Nancy Heck q3 5 9-003 Carmel, INS vnU"l, / us �l/Pr1-Y-S Daytime Phone: (317)431-5393 Email: Name:Nancy S, Heck Paid:Visa($365.82) Account Number: Unit Today's ICANN Extra Total Label Name Attributes Price Price fee Qtv Disc. Price 60061-.COM Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 $59.95 $59.95 $0.90 1 $25.04 $35.81 1 years (recurring) Length:5 Dormin:CARMELVETERANSDAY.COM +©Show Domains 60181- NET Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 years $48.96 $48.96 $0.90 1 $0.00 $49.86 1 (recurring) Length:5 Dorrein:CARMELVETERANSDAY.NET ®+ Show Domains 60221-.ORG Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 $52.96 $52.96 $0.90 1 $0.00 $53.86 1 years (recurring) Length:5 Domain:CARMEL VETERANSDAY,ORG 0 Show Domains 60101-.INFO Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 $40.96 $40.96 $0.90 1 $1.00 $40.86 1 years(recurring) Length:5 Dormin:CARMEL VETERANSDA Y.INFO 0 Show Domains 60061-.COM Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 $59.95 $59.95 $0.90 1 $20.00 $40.85 1 years (recurring) Length:5 Domain:HOLIDAYONTHESQUARE.COM 0 Show Domains https:Hmya.godaddy.com/mya/Account/O rderHistory/Printable.aspx?order_id=466931816&isc=gofgd005 9/27/12 Printable Receipt 60181-.NET Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 years $48.96 $48.96 $0.90 1 $0.00 $49.86 1 (recurring) Length:5 Domain:HOLIDA YONTHESQUARE.NET Q+ Show Domains 60221- .ORG Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 $52.96 $52.96 $0.90 1 $0.00 $53.86 1 years (recurring) Length:5 Domain:HOLIDAYONTHESQUARE.ORG +©Show Domains 60101-.INFO Bulk Domain Name Registration(6-20)-5 $40.96 $40.96 $0.90 1 $1.00 $40.86 1 years (recurring) Length:5 Domain:HOLIDAYONTHESQUARE.INFO Show Domains Subtotal:$365.82 Shipping &Handling: $0.00 Tax: $0.00 Total(United States Dollar ):$365.82 https:Hmy a.godaddy.com/my a/A ccount/O rderH istory/P dntable.aspx?order_id=466931816&isc=gofgd005 CITY OF CARMEL Expense Report (required for all travel expenses) Y �/ND57T, EXHIBIT A EMPLOYEE NAME: Nancy Heck DEPARTURE DATE: 10/19/2 012 TIME: 6 : 00 AM PM DEPARTMENT: Community Relations RETURN DATE: 10/24/2012 TIME: 10 : 35 AM PM REASON FOR TRAVEL: IMLA Seminar DESTINATION CITY: Austin, Texas EXPENSES ARE FOR(check all that apply): TRAVEL ADVANCE TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT X TRAVEL PER DIEM Date Transportation Gas/Tolls/ Lodging Meals Misc. Total Air-fare Car Rental Other Parking Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Per Diem 10/19/12 $357.20 $357.20 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 Total 1 $357.20 $0.00 _L0.001 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.001 $0.00 $0.00 DIRECTOR'S STATEMENT: I hereby affirm that all expenses listed conform to the City's travel policy and are within my department's appropriated budget. Director Signature: Ct. Z �' Date: 0—S-(2 City of Carmel Form#ER06 Revision Date 10/6/2012 Page 1 For advance payments, claim form must be submitted ten (10) business days in advance of travel. Claim will not be processed without the following documentation: 1) Conference or course registration form, if applicable 2) Travel itinerary or car rental agreement, if applicable 3) Original itemized receipts for all expenses (or affidavits if appropriate), except for meal per diems (which require hotel receipt) Prorated meal allowance: For travel that commences before 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $50 for in-state travel and $65 for out-of-state travel For travel that commences after 1:00 p.m. (flight departure time, if traveling by air), $25 for in-state travel and $32.50 for out-of-state travel For travel that ends before 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $25 for in-state travel and $32.50 for out-of-state travel For travel that ends after 1:00 p.m. (flight arrival time, if traveling by air), $50 for in-state travel and $65 for out-of-state travel EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEAL ADVANCE AND OBLIGATION TO DOCUMENT EXPENDITURES: I hereby acknowledge receipt of$ , such funds being advanced to me by the City of Carmel solely for the purpose of purchasing meals while traveling to participate in official business for the City. I accept responsibility for these funds and agree to repay them if lost or stolen. I understand that within ten (10) business days of my return (as stated on opposite side), I am responsible to: 1) Submit original itemized receipts to the office of the Clerk-Treasurer documenting all meal expenditures; and 2) Return all unused funds to the office of the Clerk-Treasurer I further understand that failure to provide the required documentation shall result in the total amount of the advance being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Failure to return unused funds will result in the amount of the unused funds (total advance minus documented expenditures) being deducted from the first paycheck issued more than 30 days after the date of my return. Employee Signature: Date: City of Carmel Form#ERO6 Revision Date 10/6/2012 Page 2 SOUT"VAMOOM• Thank you for your purchase! r m LAif sL Indianapolis,IN-IND to Austin,TX-AUS t,1 I ) A �/ I q v Air l Con`irma*.lir.r: �r(;cc�x la pd, Indianapolis,IN-IND to Austin,TX I • qc ��} 5 -AUS �^ Friday,October 19,2012-Wednesday, (l� October 24,2012 0"C-Face. � � ), pd• b� Comm�e�. lao3 �1C '�3'�3001 Air Total:$714.40 Amount Paid $714.40 Trip Total $714.40 FRI 10/19/12 - Austin AIR Indianapolis,IN-IND to Austin,TX-AUS 10/19/2012 - 10/24/2012 Confirmation#GT66GY. Adult Passenger(s) Rapid Rewards At NANCY HECK 00000460207333 ASHLEY ULBRICHT 00020123945575 Subscribe to Flight Status Messaging DEPART 06:OOPM Indianapolis, IN(IND)to Flight _ vC7 to 05:55 PM Arrive in Chicago(Midway), IL(MDW) #3394 FRI ....__........._....................._..........._......_........._...._......................_....._....................................._.................................... Friday,October 19,2012 08:05 PM Change �X in y) Chicago(Midway), Travel Time 5 h 40 m 9 ( , Flight (1 stop,includes 1 plane change) IL(MDW) #123 10:40 PM Austin, TX(AUS) RETURN 04:OOPM Austin, TX(AUS)to Flight ` 08:10 PM Arrive in Baltimore/Washington, #2792 WE MD(BWI) _ Wednesday,October 24,2012 ........................................................................................................................................................................._................ Travel Time 5 h 35 m 08:55 PM Change NX in Baltimore/Washington, Flight (1 stop,includes 1 plane change) MD(BWI) #1758 10:35PM Indianapolis, IN(IND) PRICE ADULT — '--- Trip Routing Fare Type I View Fare Rules Fare Details Quantity Total Depart IND-MDW-AUS Wanna Get Away , 2 8357.20 Excellent Value Return AUS-BWI-IND Wanna Get Away , 2 $357.20 E<dellent Value Enroll in Rapid Rewards and earn at least 1883 Points per person for Subtotal this trip.Already a Member?Log in to ensure you are getting the $714.40 points you deserve. Fare Breakdown Carry-on Items:1 bag+1 small personal item are free,see full details. https://www.southwest.com/reservations/confirm-reservations.htmP disc=0d/o3A20%3A1348690243.... 112 Checked Items:First and second bags are free,size and weight limits apply. Bag Charge $0.00 Air Total: $714.40 Gov't taxes&fees now included Purchaser Name Nancy Neck Billing Address CarmeIa.N US Form of Payment Amount Applied Visa -XXXXXXXXXXX41W $714.40 Amount Paid $714.40 Trip Total $714.40 https://www.southwest.com/reservations/confirm-reservations.htmP disc=0%3A20%3Al348690243.... 2/2 CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF LAW One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone: (317) 571-2472 Fax: (317) 571-2484 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION FORM TO: International Municipal Lawyers Association FAX NUMBER: 202-785-0152 DATE: September 26, 2012 FROM: Elaine Bass, Executive/Legal Secretary MATTER: IMLA Seminar Registrations—Austin, Texas (Code Enforcement Program, October 20-21, 2012 77th Annual Conference, October 21-24, 2012) Number of pages (including cover sheet): C3 COMMENTS: Attached is the completed Registration Forms for Carmel Community Relations Director Nancy Heck's attendance to IMLA's Code Enforcement Program Seminar, including the Mobile Land Use Tour, to be held October 20-21, 2012 and IMLA's 77th Annual Conference to be held October 21-24, 2012, both at the Austin Hilton Hotel. Please forward your invoice for these seminars along with confirmation of Ms. Heck's registration as soon as possible. Please contact me with any questions you may have. WARNING CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This cover sheet and the materials enclosed with this transmission are the private confidential property of the sender,and the materials are privileged communications intended solely for the receipt,use,benefit,and information of the intended recipient indicated above.If you are not the intended recipient,you are hereby notified that any review,disclosure,copying,distribution,or the taking of any other action in reliance on the contents of this transmission is strictly prohibited,and may result in legal liability on your part. If you have received this transmission in error,please notify us immediately at the telephone number above and arrange for return of this transmission to us. f a msword:z:\e bmstmy do mts\seminws\registrationtux2012\h k-iW a in Austin,md-9/26/12] (MLA's Code Enforcement Program ' Austin Hilt n H o otel October 20-21, 2012 FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. ENROLLMENT FOR THIS PROGRAM IS LIMITED TO 100. REGISTRATION INFORMATION For program updates&to register online visit our website,http://www.imla.org Name Nancy Heck Title_ Community Relations Director Badge Name Nancy Heck Local Government Entity City of Carmel, Indiana Address One Civic Square City Carmel State Indiana Zip 46032 Phone 317-571-2474 Fax 317-571-2278 E-mail nheck@carmel.in.gov Please indicate your registration type and options listed below(check all that apply) NEW-Mobile Land Use Tour requires registration: By checking box k)$25 per seat,please sign me up for 1 seat(s) 0 CLE Credits$25 each state,please specify state(s) Indiana Your Bar No's. 19106-49 Registration Fees include: Admission to Code sessions, electronic documents and welcome reception. Cancellation / Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received in writing by September 24,2012 to qualify for a refund.All cancellations are subject to a$50.00 administrative processing fee.After September 24,2012 those not attending will receive the event electronic documents in full consideration of registration fees paid.Replacements are always welcomed. All refunds will be remitted 90 days after the event. Send all cancellations in writing to the IMLA Events Department. Attrition Fees: To help defray attrition expenses from the contracted hotel, an additional $100 will be added to your registration fees if you do not stay at the Code meeting hotel (daily/drive in registrations excluded). Register online at www.imla.org MyIMLA HARD COPY POLICY: Registration fees include electronic documents.These materials will be available for registrants from IMLAs web site one to two weeks prior to the meeting. If you require paper copies of speaker materials you must add an additional$120 to your registration fee and check here. Early Bird Super Saver After FOUR EASY WAYS TO REGISTER! Registration Until 8/15/12 8/15/12 ......................................................................................................... Type 7/16/12 MAIL: IMLA, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1440 Bethesda, MD 20814 CodeEnforcement $250 $300 $350 .......................................................................................................... Program Only Oct.20th PHONE: 202-466-5424 FAX: 202-785-0152 ................................................. and Octt.21st E-MAIL: info @imla.org Code Enforcement $150 $200 $250 Program&IMLA Annual Con-ference(register REGISTRATION PAYMENT INFORMATION for IMLA conference ®Bill Me separately) ❑Check Enclosed ❑Visa ❑Master Card Oct.20th-Saturday only $150 Make all checks payable to IMLA;U.S.currency only. $200 $250 Code Enforcement Amount$ 300.00 Program Name City of Carmel, Indiana Oct.21st-Sunday only $125 $175 $225 Code Enforcement Program Card No. (M)CLE Processing Fee $25 $25 $25 (per state) Exp.Date Mobile Land Use Tour $25 $25 $25 Signature Austin, TX 11 ILA's 77th A Austin Hilton Annual Conference ton Hotel October 21®24, 2012 REGISTRATION INFORMATION For program updates&to register online visit our website,http://www.imla.org Name Nancy Heck Title Community Relations Director Badge Name Nancy Heck Local Government Entity City of Carmel, Indiana Address One Civic Square City Carmel State Indiana Zip 46032 Phone 317-571-2474 pax317-571-2278 E-mail nheck @carmel.in.gov Guest Name Guest Badge Name (Complete only if registering Guest)Badges are required for all functions. Please indicate your registration type and options listed below(check all that apply) O Guest Registrant(see below) O Luncheon Ticket(s)$75.00 each, No.of ticket(s) (only guest need to purchase) O CLE Credits,please specify state(s) Indiana Your Bar No's. 19106-49 O INSTITUTE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAWYERS(ILGL)$100 to register. For more information visit www.imla.org O DRAMATIC DISCOUNT OFFER-FIRST TIME ATTENDEE or NEW ATTORNEY in practice for 1-5 years. $200 to register. Registration Fees include:Admission to all sessions,conference materials,IMLA social functions,Monday and Tuesday luncheons and all coffee breaks(not applicable to guest).Guest Fees include:Attendance at the social events. Cancellation/Refund Policy:Cancellations must be received in writing by September 24,2012 to qualify for a refund.All cancellations are subject to a $50.00 administrative processing fee.After September 24,2012 those not attending will receive the event materials in full consideration of registration fees paid.Replacements are always welcomed.Guest Cancellations are subject to a$25.00 administrative processing fee.All refunds will be remitted 90 days after the event.Send all cancellations in writing to the IMLA Events Department. Discounted Registration Fees-Expire 15 Days After Rate Ends,If Payment Is Not Received,Next Rate Will Apply.The discounted registration fees below are available for those staying in IMLA Conference Hotel,otherwise$100 will be added to your registration fee to help defray IMLA Conference expenses(local attendees exempt from$100).Conference payment must be received within 15 days. HARD COPY POLICY:Registration fees include USB of speaker's materials.These materials will also be available for registrants from IMLA's web site one to two weeks prior to the meeting.If you require paper copies of speaker materials you must add an additional$250 to your registration fee and check here.El Early Bird Regular . Rate THREE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER! Registration Rate Ends Rate Ends After MAIL: IMLA, 7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1440 Type 8/15/12 10/01/12 = 10/01/12 Bethesda, MD 20814 .....................................I............................................................. .... First Member $650 $700 $800 PHONE: 202.466-5424 FAX 202-785-0152 ................................................ ............................. Addt'l.Member $575 $600 $650 E-MAIL:info @imla.org MyIMLA Online:www.imla.org 3 or More from REGISTRATION PAYMENT INFORMATION Same Office ®Bill Me ❑Check Enclosed ❑Visa 0 Master Card Each person $475 $500 $550 Make all checks payable to IMLA;U.S. currency only. Judicial $355 $355 $355 Amount$ 500.00 Nonmember $1374 $1,500 $1,600 Name City of Carmel, Indiana Guest of ❑Full Guest Registration$125.00 includes the below Card No. Event ❑Reception Only$75.00 Registrant ❑Hospitality Suite$25.00 each❑Monday's 0 Ex Tuesday's p•Date Check only if purchasing Signature 8 IMLA TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME 09/26/2012 12:46 NAME CARMEL LAW DEPARTMET FAX 3175712484 TEL 3175712472 SER.# 000G7J321026 DATE,TIME 09/26 12: 45 FAX N0./NAME 912027850152 DURATION 00:01:01 PAGE(S) 03 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF LAW One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone: (317) 5712472 Fax: (317) 571-2484 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION FORM TO: International Municipal Lawyers Association. FAX NUMBER: 202-785-0152 DATE: September 26, 2012 FROM., Elaine Bass, Executive/Legal Secretary MATTER: 1MLA Seminar Registrations—Austin, Texas (Code Enforcement Program, October 2021, 2012 77`h Annual Conference, October 21-24, 2012) Number of pages (including cover sheet): C3) COMMENTS: Attached is the completed Registration Forms for Carmel Community Relations Director Nancy Heck's attendance to iM.LA's Code Enforcement Program Seminar, including the Mobile Land Use Tour, to be • . '--- ,, nn,.. ----1 TA XT e +„ 1717th A. _.. t /�.«P..o«.... +., tea halyd 11�4n1for ')1_7Q 1017 hni1-w at F 'y 7,'' � + r_Ft •7 .f �.{ 1•^t ! r !' � .t.✓�y.I.::_ .;.ISy1 .� � �f:��'� + ^ d tva,'h s Ily rl `•r-i..�� i;..!lY�7 .�.✓.} f� S � } r �! J ,/ L ♦yf Y$S }�1i':l� � ti 2.�.1J .rt:"y:n ! �'� t.;IR (•!.'!<r+„•, •1 4�S•,�}��x�* °r t, \ � �¢ x*' �1 .i. _ ,+ '�t t 1� � vE � �y :.��J r Y it .,f y � 'j�,'{•*r, r t.y t ?n r�M^.'.j+'J y'.1�`P �v•�•3y. t ' r `' F x, J}}V# �5 � •j. r r tF�ti't` �. TF,. y :�'.p�-.{ ,�. ���•\��A'�,;" � s. +t t.1-•l1 r.� �� � .j '� •n A � f t -; �•, t-,I,'�� "tx .i r .a`�\...�.,t. ��a,'.`.._ar.=:1 } c �t r.4 rt •,; SJ � s . x' : nL (,;... *., • k>m .t.ty� 4 t.• �y4p. F -S� 4 }_ i.y c _ _ Ft�' - -/ ta.a �rtiart A.A.yy.Y-.0A MV%I ppM1 M1n{{ff �,• 0 Zip' Lrr�� 1 1.. �rf t .�r ..'S (. • r. . ' pr i` - D i'.` ! ai by ! r i-• ! _ r - l �' ��%' - --G.`'. - awwwMV pp awwMMl� -i \\•�� amnu. maser, ace®am s t'" eaaeoia , `� t +' ' - ! 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IIOa00iQ0fa @5ID6®QQQ9ad0aCQQa00 'r'�'T'c �mr.•r �' 6 r" .•\ �s1n• z '�`.• s ti ^�. ,4'•i� #' �mmPNR4�0•'mgFd4tOPWgmOtClalaa:Wmdb�9 , �t e '•a, ,r...,aV ry t� ":'� la. } t, ;:, : F• a rcaaa.aae �,'� ;y. 'r � .t1-. y . r ;"- � ,: : �ti t.aae.aa:a:a•a aa: a,aa• a. a , �.., `4r.`J. 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A separate registration form and fee are required to register for this outstanding program. Forms are located at www.imla .org click Austin Conference. Enrollment for this program is limited to 100. The ILGL — Institute for Local Government Law will t F t' be held on Saturday, October 20. This always popular feature of the conference is an all day separate program tailored to provide insight into the vagaries of the job of a local government attorney. The Institute's audience includes both new local government attorneys looking for tips as well as } experienced attorneys looking for a refresher coupled with { new ideas and affirmation of their practices. The ILGL faculty includes some of IMLA's most experienced and respected attorneys and professors. The program is so popular that alumni often attend every couple of years. Space is k limited. The ILGL requires a separate registration and fee. Forms for the ILGL can be found at www.imla.org. Enrollment for this program is limited to 50. Austin,TX 3 �i F nit 93 t'a. s:?�s +�yr�-; �4�=ifY�#!r -:f� �"rt+ .iK'���.f:7 jRlrTi�'r.^�rs����• -- © ��] ° s ............................................................ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2®, 2®1 2 ( MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2012 Board of Directors Meeting Canadian Department Meeting Program All nda Code Program 8: a.m. - 12 Noon Morning Work Sessions to include: Institute for Local Government Lawyers (This order is tentative car subject to change) (ILGL) Work Session I: Energy State League Counsel Meeting Waste to Energy and Other Energy 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Options for Cities Geoffrey Gay and Paul Gosselink State League Social (invitation only) Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C. 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. ........................................ Work Session II: Public Contracting SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2012 Crafting and Defending Supplier Diversity Programs in Public Contracting Code Program Lino Mendiola and Colette Holt Andrews Kurth, LLP 9:00 a.m. - 12 Noon Substantive Programming including IMLA Diversity and Inclusion from a. Compliance Section and Department Workshops Perspective Elizabeth Campbell Afternoon Mobile Workshop (Separate Andrews Kurth, LLP registration form and payment required,form attached and available online at www.imla.olg Work Session III: Telecommunications click Austin Conference). Best Best &Krieger,LLP Tentative Program I Subject to Change I Additional programming details including final times,topics,as well as additional speakers,will continue to be updated. Stay tuned to IMLA's web site at www.imia.org and click the Austin Annual Conference link to monitor the latest news about the exciting Austin Conference. J ork Session IV: Economic Development 3. Local Governments and their role in Protecting Steve Silverman Military Facilities from Incompatible Development Director of the Montgomery County Steve Kemp Department of Economic Development City Attorney Maryland Peoria, Arizona David Hallman 4. San Bruno,California—Natural Gas Pipeline County Attorney Explosion Update Nassau County, Florida Meyers Nave City Economic Development Projects 5. Open Meetings Andrew Ingrum Julian Grant Thompson and Knight Assistant Attorney General Public Finance Division Texas Office of the Attorney General Work Session V: Final Topic TBA ..................................................................................... Phillip Gildan TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2012 Greenberg Traurig, LLP 8:00 a. — 1.2 Noon Work Session VI: Water orning Work Sessions to include: Alternative Methods of Managing and Securing 1s entative 6 subject to change) Water for Municipalities Work Session VII: Disaster Preparedness David Mendez and Douglas Caroom Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, LLP Robin Cross Assistant City Attorney Municipal Regulation of Groundwater Galveston, Texas Ross Crow City of Austin Law Department Managing Your Business Through Crisis Daniel Best =2:00 City Solicitor Ipswich, Australia Multiple Concurrent Panel Discussions (Additional panels TBA) 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. and REPEAT at . 3:35 p.m. to 4:35 p.m. ti 1. Immigration �_ q Former U.S. Attorney General t Alberto R. Gonzales Waller Lansden Dortch &Davis, LLP 2. Gang Injunction Miles Risley and Kinley Hegglund 1 '' City Attorney and Senior Assistant City s; w Attorney of Wichita Falls, Texas + ,n s a 4,` 'e r Austin, TX 5 Work Session VIII: Employment Law Chris Dunn The Future of Employment Law: New Trends Waller Lansden Dortch &Davis, LLP in Workplace Discrimination, Expansion of John Markovs Protected Classes and More Deputy County Attorney Sheila Gladstone Montgomery County, Maryland Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle &Townsend PC Jeffrey S. Chapman Work Session IX: Public/ Private Partnerships Ford Nassen & Baldwin P.C. Mara S. Georges Katten Muchin Rosenmann, LLP IMLA Luncheon 12:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Honorable Karl Dean Mayor Luncheon Speaker Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Honorable Wallace Jefferson Davidson County, Tennessee Chief Justice Supreme Court of Texas Work Session X: Land Use California's Nightlife Hangover: Where Do Things Multiple Concurrent Panel Discussions Stand Following our Land Use Due Process Binge? (Panels TBA) Moderator: Scott Smith 2:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. and REPEAT at Best Best &Krieger, LLP p.m. to 4:35 p.m. Joseph Fletcher 1. Construction Law (continued) Law Offices of Joseph W. Fletcher Waller Lansden Dortch &Davis,LLP Steve Jamieson Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson 2. Urban Oil Wells Matthew"Mal' Richardson David Mercer Best Best & Krieger, LLP Barrister & Solicitor Mehrsa Baradaran Calgary, Alberta, Canada J. Reuben Clark Law School Provo, Utah 3. Elected Officials Dilemma Glen Lewis Work Session XI: Finance Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP The Recovery of Delinquent 4. Social Media Accounts Receivable Julie Tappendorf Cathy Murray Ancel Diamond Glink Linebarger Goggan Blair &Sampson, LLP What Makes a Good Collection Statute? 5. Telecomunications Glenna Hodge Brian T. Grogan Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Moss & Burnett Work Session XII: Construction Ryan Cochran Waller Lansden Dortch &Davis, LLP ............................................... DD .................. ... WENES D AV, OCT OCT0BER 24, 2®1.. �NIL1 Thanks hanks $he 8:00 a.m. - 12 Noon F0110wing Sponsors Morning Work Sessions to include: PLATINUM (This order is tentative &subject to change) City of Austin Texas City Attorneys Association Work Session XIII: Media Relations Lexis Nexis Anne Morgan GOLD City of Austin Law Department Linebarger Goggan Blair&Sampson, LLP Reyne Telles Best Best&Krieger, LLP City of Austin La�v Department SILVER Samantha Park Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle&Townsend, P.C. City of Austin Law Department Andrews Kurth, LLP Work Session XIV. Federal Case Law Review Greenberg Traurig, LLP Doug Haney<—® BRONZE City Attorney Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, LLP Carmel, Indiana Katten Muchin Rosenmann, LLP Thompson &Knight Work Session XV. Ethics - TBA FRIENDS Bojorquez Law Firm, PLLC Adjournment McCall Parkhurst &Horton, LLP Taylor Olson Adkins Sralla &Elam, LLP Social Activities Law Office of Randy T. Leavitt Golf Tournament and Softball Richards Rodriguez&Skeith, LLP (Separate registration form and payment Davidson Troilo Ream &Garza required for each,forms attached and Olson &Olson, LLP available online at www.imla.org click Austin Conference). For updates, visit www.imla.org! j ^...�... •.EY.1nv.�.... r-x+��-�-'w.. � ��:ReI.N-u.:...�+. �'t'Y.x �.:h" Austin,TX 7 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/25/12 Receipt $145.20 09/25/12 Receipt $84.76 09/26/12 Receipt $124.31 09/27/12 Receipt $365.82 10/08/12 Expense Report $357.20 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Nancy Heck IN SUM OF $ 1326 Cool Creek Drive Carmel, IN 46033 $1,077.29 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1203 Receipt 43-590.00 $145.20 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 1203 Receipt 43-590.00 $84.76 materials or services itemized thereon for 1203 Receipt 43-590.00 $124.31 which charge is made were ordered and 1203 Receipt 43-590.03 $365.82 received except 1203 Expense Report 43-430.03 $357.20 Monday, October 08, 2012 Community Relations Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund LAO- SOUTHWEST.COK Thank you for your purchase! Indianapolis,IN-IND to Austin,TX-AUS Air Confirmation#GT66GX Indianapolis,IN-IND to Austin,TX'. -AUS Friday,October 19,2012-Wednesday, October 24,2012 Air Total:$714.40 Amount Paid $714.40 Trip Total $714.40 OR 19 i FR j 10/19/12 - Austin AIR Indianapolis,IN-IND to Austin,TX-AUS 10/19/2012 - 10/24/2012 Confirmation#GT66GX Adult Passenger(s) Rapid Rewards# NANCY HECK 00000460207333 ASHLEY ULBRICHT 00020123945575 Subscribe to Flight Status Messaging DEPART 06:OOPM Indianapolis, IN(IND)to Flight oR 19 05:55 PM Arrive in Chicago(Midway), IL(MDW) #3394 Friday,October 19,2012 FRI`—I 08:05 PM Change 7f,X in Chicago(Midway), Flight Travel Time 5 h 40 m IL(MDW) #123 (1 stop,includes 1 plane change) 10:40PM Austin, TX(AUS) RETURN 04:OOPM Austin, TX(AUS)to Flight oR 2a 08:10 PM Arrive in Baltimore/Washington, #2792 i WED I MD(BWI) Wednesday,October 24,2012 Travel Time 5 h 35 m 08:55 PM Change X in Baltimore/Washington, Flight (1 stop,includes 1 plane change) MD(BWI)X #1758 10:35PM Indianapolis, IN(IND) PRICE ADULT Trip Routing Fare Type I View Fare Rules Fare Details Quantity Total Depart IND-MDW-AUS Wanna Get Away , 2 $357.20 Excellent Value Return AUS-BWI-IND Wanna Get Away , 2 $357.20 Excellent Value . Enroll in Rapid Rewards and earn at least 1883 Points per person for Subtotal $714.40 this trip.Already a Member?Log in to ensure you are getting the Fare Breakdown points you deserve. Carry-on Items:1 bag+1 small personal item are free,see full details. https://www.southwest.com/reservations/confirm-reservations.htmPdisc=0%3A20%3Al348690243.... 1/2 -r Checked Items:First and second bags are free,size and weight limits apply. Bag Charge $0.00 Air Total: $714.40 Gov't taxes&fees now included Purchaser Name Na ncy neck Billing Address Carmel, IN USQOMM Form of Payment Amount Applied XXXXXXXXXXXX $714.40 Amount Paid $714.40 Trip Total $714.40 https://www.southwest.com/reservations/confirm-reservations.htmP disc=0%3A20%3A1348690243.... 2/2 • e Mel I F11,11 • - - • a 11 For program,program updates and to register online go to:http:lhvww.imia.org j IMLA!s Code Enforcement Program x _ Registration Form — October 20-21, 2012 Hilton Austin Hotel REGISTRATION INFORMATION Name �5h I Q (A.I. 0 b(l C;h+ Title li n-e Badge Name Ask I t Local Government Entity ( I Address r7 t? �11 V I(I SG 1)a(� /I �1 city__01)(M_PiA State ttj Zip Zltpoc3o! Phone, )T5/71' Jy7a Fax 317-67)'01/Q'44 E-mail Q.ulbf'1&) &)- Please indicate your registration type and options listed below(check all that apply) NEW-Mobile Land Use Tour requires registration: By checking box 0$25 per seat,please sign me up for ' seat(s) tA CLE Credits$25 each state,please specify state(s) 1 Your Bar No's. . q 3 —go Registration Fees include: Admission to Code sessions, electronic documents and welcome reception. Cancellation / Refund Policy. Cancellations must be received in writing by September 24, 2012 to qualify for a refund.All cancellations are subject to a $50.00 administrative processing fee. After September 24, 2012 those not attending will receive the event electronic documents in full consideration of registration fees paid. Replacements are always welcomed.All refunds will be remitted 90 days after the event. Send all cancellations in writing to the IMLA Events Department. Attrition Fees: To help defray attrition expenses from the contracted hotel, an additional $100 will be added to your registration fees if you do not stay at the Code meeting hotel (daily/drive in registrations excluded). Register online at www.imia.org MyIMLA HARD COPY POLICY: Registration fees include electronic documents. These materials will be available for registrants from IMLA's web site one to two weeks prior to the meeting. If you require paper copies of speaker materials you must add an additional$120 to your registration fee and check here. ❑ FOUR EASY WAYS TO REGISTERI MAIL:IMLA,7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1440 Bethesda,MD 20814 PHONE:202-466-5424 FAX:202-785-0152 E-MAIL:info @imla.org Super Early Saver Bird Until Until After REGISTRATION PAYMENT INFORMATION Registration Type 7/16/12 8/15/12 8/15/12 Q �/ �J Code Enforcement Program Only q51 Oct.20"' and Oct.21° $250 $300 $350 Bill Me ❑ -61;esk Enclosed ❑ Visa ❑ MasterCard Code Enforcement Program& Make all checks payable to IMLA;U.S.currency only. IMLA Annual Conference (register forlMLAconference Amount$ 15 -, ,0 separately) $150, $200 $250 C'T �Z Oct.20"'—Saturday Only Name Code Enforcement Program $150 $200 $250 CardNo. Oct.21'—Sunday Only $125 $175 $225 Exp.Date Code Enforcement Prooram(M)CLE Processing Fee Signature (per state) 25 25 25 Mobile Land Use Tour $25 $25 $25 _ _ 1 r' For program updates&to register online Save the Date! - visit our web site:http://www.imla.org i __ yTeJiras _ IMLA's 77t" Annual Conference - Austin Hilton Hotel ( October 21-24, 2012 REGISTRATION INFORMATION Name ASHLEY M. ULBRICHT Title Assistant City Attorney Badge Name Ashley Local Government Entity City of Carmel, Dept. of Law Address One Civic Square City Carmel State Indiana Zip 46032 Phone 317-571-2472 Fax 317-571-2484 E-mail aulbrich0carmel.in.Qov Guest Name Guest Badge Name (Complete only if registering Guest)Badges are required for all functions. Please indicate your registration type and options listed below(check all that apply) ❑ Guest Registrant(see below) ❑ Luncheon- 1 Ticket(s)$75.00 each, No.of ticket(s))1 (only guest need to purchase) XCLE Credits,please specify state(s)rWJP/#N& Your Bar No's. oC C Q36 —,10 ❑INSTITUTE FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT LAWYERS(ILGL)$100 to register.For more information visit www.imla.org Registration Fees include: Admission to all sessions, conference materials, IMLA social functions, Monday and Tuesday luncheons and all coffee breaks(not applicable to guest).Guest Fees include:Attendance at the events selected below. Cancellation / Refund Policy: Cancellations must be received in writing by September 24, 2012 to qualify for a refund. All cancellations are subject to a$50.00 administrative processing fee.After September 24, 2012 those not attending will receive the event materials in full consideration of registration fees paid. Replacements are always welcomed.Guest Cancellations are subject to a$25.00 administrative processing fee.All refunds will be remitted 90 days after the event.Send all cancellations in writing to the IMLA Events Department. Discounted Registration Fees-Expire 15 Days After Rate Ends, If Payment Is Not Received, Next Rate Will Apply. The discounted registration fees below are available for those staying in IMLA Conference Hotel, otherwise $100 will be added to your registration fee to help defray IMLA Conference expenses (local attendees exempt from $100). Conference payment must be received within 15 days. HARD COPY POLICY: Registration fees include speaker's materials, available electronically. These materials will also be available for registrants from IMLA's web site one to two weeks prior to the meeting. If you require paper copies of speaker materials you must add an additional$250 to your registration fee and check here. ❑ FIVE EASY WAYS TO REGISTER! MAIL: IMLA,7910 Woodmont Avenue Suite 1440 Bethesda,MD 20814 PHONE:202-466-54241 FAX:202-785-01521 MyIMLA Online:www.imla.org I E-MAIL:info @imla.org Super Early REGISTTION PAYMENT INFORMATION Saver Rate Bird Rate Regular Rate P.O.r Z64-d•1GV5' 7 Registration Ends Ends Rate Ends After A Bill Me ❑ -G4eek Enclosed ❑ Visa ❑ Master Card Type 6/01/12 8/15/12 10/01/12 10/01/12 Make all checks payable to IMLA;U.S.currency only. First Member $600 $650 $700 $800 Addt'I.Member $550 $575 $600 $650 Amount $/T5,0/• 0 0 3 or More From Name y y t� LZ Same Office Each person $450 $475 $500 $S50 Card No. Judicial $355 $35S $355 $355 Nonmember $1,322 $1374 $1,500 $1,600 Exp.Date Guest of El Full Guest Registration$125.00 includes the below Event 0 Reception Only$75.00 Signature Registrant Hospitality Suite$25.00 each❑Monday's oTuesday's Check only if purchasing ®� Carmel INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE C i� CERTIFICATE NO.003120155 002 0 PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT °1 35-60000972 ONE CIVIC SQUAT RE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES,A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032-2554 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL-1997 PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION f /{•'.C.'r �/ �^ n SHIP VENDOR TO CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION 4 •. �o Send Invoice To: PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT AMOUNT 0 PAYMENT .i✓;7' - C A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN SHIP REPAID. THIS APPROPRIATION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. • •C.O.D.SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. • ORDERED BY PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL SHIPPING LABELS. F •THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99,ACTS 1945 TITLE AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. r- j L OIL 15 CLERK-TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. A.P.V. COPY-SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK'S OFFICE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ( ALLOWED 20 IN THE SUM OF $ X57 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#((ITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correctand that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 S. ------- -------- ---- -- — Title Cost distribution ledger classification it claim paid motor vehicle highway fund