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213596 10/09/2012
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 229650 Page 1 of 3 q 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OFFICE DEPOT INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 633211 CHECK AMOUNT: $3,693.33 CINCINNATI OH 45263-3211 CHECK NUMBER: 213596 fCM G CHECK DATE: 10/9/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 1506607088 /262 .48 OTHER EXPENSES 1096 4239039 1507244692 X29 . 36 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1203 4230200 1507552233 /2 . 05 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1203 4230200 1508963207 /81 .46 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1205 4239099 623245572001 j/-7 . 95 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 601 5023990 624404062001 443 .40 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 624404241001 /41 . 59 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 625045085001 /176 .26 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 625045302001 /7 . 92 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 625045303001 167 . 99 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 625045304001 -/22 .46 OTHER EXPENSES 1207 4230200 625531257001 /5 .40 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1207 4230200 625531284001 51 . 29 OFFICE SUPPLIES CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 229650 Page 2 of 3 `. ONE CIVIC SQUARE OFFICE DEPOT INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 633211 CHECK AMOUNT: $3,693.33 + �? CINCINNATI OH 45263-3211 CHECK NUMBER: 213596 ITCh G CHECK DATE: 1019/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1207 4230200 625531285001 /66 . 35 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1205 4463000 625588326001 /464 . 99 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1205 4239099 625683180001 ,49 . 87 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1205 4239099 625683335001 -12 . 99 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1115 4350900 625688782001 /54 .44 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1110 4230200 625705647001 184 . 18 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1110 4239099 625705647001 .115 . 12 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1160 4230200 625979970001 X437 . 00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1120 4237000 626425125001 .164 . 32 REPAIR PARTS 1160 4230200 626776701001 /-176 . 00 OFFICE SUPPLIES 102 4463000 626844179001 1504 . 36 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1120 4230200 626879655001 /13 . 19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 102 4463000 656425062001 -/504 . 36 FURNITURE & FIXTURES a- CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 229650 Page 3 of 3 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OFFICE DEPOT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $3,693.33 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 633211 CINCINNATI OH 45263-3211 CHECK NUMBER: 213596 CHECK DATE: 1019/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4237000 656425062001 /724 . 45 REPAIR PARTS Office Depot Return Request Confirmation Page 2 of 2 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 317-571-2483 CARMEL, IN 460322584 317-571-2488 Refund Method(s): Account Billing Amount: ($176.00) Return Order Number: 626776701-001 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY: UNIT PRICE UM CREDIT Realspace® Hawkins High-Back Bonded 1 $176.000 each ($176.00) Leather Chair, 45 3/4"H x 27 3/4"W x 31"D, Burgundy (715075) =r�t�Fe�teq- LEGEND Subtotal: ($176.00) Tax: 0.00 Delivery Charge: 0.00 QTY:: Original Quantity Ordered Misc.: 0.00 UNIT PRICE: Price per Individual Unit UM: Unit of Measure EXTENDED PRICE:Ordered Quantity x Unit Price Total Credit: ($176.00) Return action: Return for Credit Return reason: No longer needed Got a question?We're taking care of business every day, and we are ready to help. Call 888.263.3423 or email us us and one of Customer Service Specialists will provide prompt answers to all your questions. 9/27/2012 ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 03r3ace Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEP0 T CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625979970001 437.00 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 21-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP TO: 10 ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL g CITY IF CARMEL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR m 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N�� g o�_ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 IIIIIIIIIIIIII Mill IIIIIII1l1l11111111l11l11lil111111ll111111 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 160 1625979970001 20-SEP-12 21-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY I DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 SHARON KIBBE 1160 CATALOG ITEM N/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 246156 CHR,VANARRO,HIBACK,LTHR, EA 1 1 0 157.500 157.50 40650 246156 198060 CHAIR,ELMHART,TASK,LTHR, EA 1. 1 0 103.500 103.50 TS-646E 198060 715075 CHAIR,HAWKINS,HIBACK,BUR EA 1 1 0 176.000 176.00 8866 715075 Q N O O N 0 O O O SUB-TOTAL 437.00 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 437.00 io return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or rep lacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. vitice liepuL tceLum tcequest k-ontnrmation Page 1 of 2 Kibbe, Sharon From: ODOnline @OfficeDepot.com Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 8:33 AM To: Kibbe, Sharon Subject: Return Confirmation #626776701-001 fzce impom 888.2.OFFICE 888.263.3423 Return Order Confirmation Thank you for choosing Office Depot for your office supply needs. We appreciate your continued business. Thank you for shopping at Office Depot@. This email confirms your request for return order number: 626776701-001 The parcel service designated for your return will be notified and scheduled to collect your package(s)on the assigned pickup date. Please have your items boxed and ready for shipment. To cancel this return please contact your customer service representative. You can view details of your return in the Order History section of your account. RETURN INFORMATION Your items are Return Order scheduled for: Number: Pickup - Estimated date 626776701-001 09/28/2012 Return Request Date: Return Carrier: 09/27/2012 All 3rd Party Carriers Original Order Number: 625979970-001 SHIP FROM INFORMATION BILLING INFORMATION Ship From Address: Desk: Billing Contact: PO#: CITY OF CARMEL Cost Ctr:160 1 CIVIC SQ SHARON KIBBE REL: 9/27/2012 V111GG ]_GUVVL 1NGLU111 1%JZgUGJL 1.011111111UL10I1 rage 2 Ot 2 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 317-571-2483 CARMEL, IN 460322584 317-571-2488 - - -- — Refund Method(s): Account Billing Amount: ($176.00) Return Order Number: 626776701-001 ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY: UNIT PRICE UM CREDIT Realspace® Hawkins High-Back Bonded 1 $176.000 each ($176.00) Leather Chair, 45 3/4"H x 27 3/4"W x 31"D, Burgundy(715075) PREFERRED- Subtotal: ($176.00) LEGEND Tax: 0.00 Delivery Charge: 0.00 QTY:: Original Quantity Ordered Misc.: 0.00 UNIT PRICE: Price per Individual Unit UM: Unit of Measure EXTENDED PRICE:Ordered Quantity x Unit Price Total Credit: ($176.00) Return action: Return for Credit Return reason: No longer needed Got a question?We're taking care of business every day, and we are ready to help. Call 888.263.3423 or email us us and one of Customer Service Specialists will provide prompt answers to all your questions. 9/27/2012 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot, Inc. IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $261.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Mayor's Office PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1160 625979970001 42-302.00 $437.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1160 1 626776701001 1 42-302.00 $176.00 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, ctober 05, 2012 -=-,,-4-';L e- Ma or Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 09/21/12 625979970001 $437.00 09/27/12 626776701001 ($176.00) I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10000 fff ice Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER g nip ® CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 00 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US 0 jr 0 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 0 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 0 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER °o, 1507244692 29.36 Page 1 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 0 13-SEP-12 Net 30 15-OCT-12 0° 0 BILL T0: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE a N CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC ®_ CARMEL CLAY PARKS & REC 1411 E 116TH ST ®_ 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-3455 v CARMEL IN 46032-3455 o N o o O O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 33836008 BILLTO 11507244692 13-SEP-12 13-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 725822 -. I -- B = CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ F7tORYD' � QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE Note:SPC 80105762083 Date: 13-SEP-12 Location:0534 Register:001 Trans#:00836 698094 BINDER,WJ,BASIC,RR,VW,1", EA 6 6 0 2.790 16.74 W7036267V 976344 divider,index,8tab/4pk,ast ST 2 2 0 4.550 9.10 OD976344 412524 BADGE,NAME,HELL0,100PK,B PK 1 1 0 3.520 3.52 ODNA-7 Purchase ,,,,,1 �e5 DescriptionNafu��� Program Su P.O.# (Y�GL�©�� P 0(f') N ow G.L.# Budget M Line Descr PY-02yam so QQLJCs SEP 2 0 2012 i ° Purchaser Date - Approval Date SUB-TOTAL iJ 29.36 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX - 0.00 All amounts are based on US currency TOTAL 29.36 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 229650 Office Depot Terms P.O. Box 633211 Date Due Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 9/13/12 1507244692 Naturalist program supplies $ 29.36 TOTAL I $ 29.36 with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer i Voucher No. Warrant No. 229650 Office Depot Allowed 20 P.O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 In Sum of$ $ 29.36 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1096-50 1507244692 4239039 $ 29.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or i 4-Oct 2012 Signature $ 29.36 _ Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 ice Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 4520x3-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-26639 5 4 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625705647001 99.30 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 20-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT N o CITY IF CARMEL °— POLICE DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ 3 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N� 0 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 o Ill��l�llnll���nllulill��l�l�l�lll�llululll�nu�ll�lll�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 110 1625705647001 19-SEP-12 20-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY IDESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 ROBERT ROBINSON 110 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 169972 HOLDER,PAPER EA 5 5 0 1.400 7.00 XL-007A 169972 330888 ENVELOPE,CLASP,28LB,#97,10 BX 4 4 0 5.470 21.88 78997 330888 765798 BOO K,MEMO,WRBND,TOP,CR, DZ 3 3 0 4.150 12.45 DVT-023 765798 307389 PAD,STENO,6X9,GR EGG,DOZ, DZ 1 1 0 6.730 6.73 99470 307389 814277 SWEET-N-LOW,400BX BX 3 3 0 5.040 15.12 50180 814277 N 0 348037 PAPER,COPY,OD,CASE,10-RE CA 1 1 0 36.120 36.12 m 8510010D 348037 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 99.30 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 99.30 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $99.30 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLEF AMOUNT Board Members 1110 625705647001 42-390.99 $15.12 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1110 625705647001 42-302.00 $84.18 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, October 05, 2012 /� Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/20/12 625705647001 sweet-n-low $15.12 09/20/12 625705647001 office supplies $84.18 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 _ Clerk-Treasurer ll � ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 f Office Depot,Inc 03ruce PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER POT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 624404241001 41.59 Page 1 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 11-SEP-12 Net 30 14-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: TY: ACCTS PAYABLE CI °' CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES — 6 CITY IF CARMEL WATER DEPT M 1 CIVIC SQ me 760 3RD AVE SW o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0 g- CARMEL IN 46032 I�Illllllllll��llllll��l�l��l�l�l�llll�l��l��lll������ll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER _SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 i 601 624404241001 10-SEP-12 11-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 LISA KEMPA 1601 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 372475 EASEL,TRIUMPH DISPLAY EA 1 1 0 41.590 41.59 G H E 19250 372475 m 0 0 0 M Co 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 41.59 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 41.59 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Off ice POffice Depot,Inc O BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 624404062001 43.40 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 11-SEP-12 Net 30 14-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL g CITY IF CARMEL WATER DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ rn 760 3RD AVE SW o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0 0� CARMEL IN 46032 11111 Is 1111111111111111111111111Is11111111Is111111111111111191 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER IORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 601 1624404062001 10-SEP-12 11-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 1 ILISA KEMPA 1601 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 274457 HOLDER,SIGN,STANDUP,8.5X1 EA 10 10 0 4.340 43.40 HA274457 274457 m 0 0 co m 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 43.40 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 43.40 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER # 122354 WARRANT # ALLOWED 229650 IN SUM OF $ OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE PO BOX 633211 CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 62440406200 01-6200-08 $43.40 G7-440111100 C6 Voucher Total 43:40 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL i An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where i performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 229650 OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE Purchase Order No. PO BOX 633211 Terms CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211. Due Date 10/2/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/2/2012 6244040620( $43.40 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 i E,!.��v Cam.-�;'�-- �t,e��.�z—�✓ Date Officer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 O Offi 9fac m P0"B Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER � 0� CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS D 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625588326001 464.99 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 19-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE C N CITY OF CARMEL ITY OF CARMEL C? CITY IF CARMEL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N g o® CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 160 625588326001 18-SEP-12 19-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY IDESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 1 1 SHARON KIBBE 160 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 246156 CHR,VANARRO,HIBACK,LTHR, EA 2 2 0 157.500 315.00 40650 246156 172039 CHAIR,CALDINAII,MIDBK,LTHR EA 1 1 0 149.990 149.99 41695 172039 D OCT 0 8 2012 Q N O 10 By o 0 SUB-TOTAL 464.99 S�E_Zn DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 TOTAL 464.99 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ._. ' � .. j � !'i f ,� j ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER ®� CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS DEP 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625683335001 2.99 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 20-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE N CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION N 1 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 1 CIVIC SQ 0 0® CARMEL IN 46032-2584 o LllIJIIIIIIII�II�II���LI�JJJJJ�JIIIIJII�����tJl�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 195 625683335001 19-SEP-12 20-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 1 JIM SPELBRING 1195 CATALOG ITEM k/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM M ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 487009 REFILL,ZEBRA,F301,BLUE,2PK PK 1 1 0 2.990 2.99 ZEB85522 487009 D Q D LC 1 0 8 2012 N O By 0 SUB-TOTAL 2.99 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 2.99 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or rep Lacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. PLease do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. --_-- � ._. .. _..___• - 4 ;__ �. 1; ly iti ' �: ��.. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Officeoot,ffice Dep Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER D��®� CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625683180001 49.87 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 20-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: co ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE W__ CITY OF CARMEL N CITY OF CARMEL g CITY IF CARMEL ®_ DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ m CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N C) CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 195 625683180001 19-SEP-12 20-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 JIM SPELBRING 1195 CATALOG ITEM #! DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 448906 CHAIRMAT,ALL-PILE,36X48 EA 1 1 0 18.150 18.15 DEFCMIU1420D 448906 971946 NOTES,SS,2x2,8PK,POST-IT,N PK 1 1 0 5.630 5.63 622-8SSAN 971946 576945 NOTES,POP-UP,SS,2x2,20PK,C PK 1 1 0 5.130 5.13 R220-20SSY 576945 977022 NOTES,SS,2x2,POST-IT,8PK,U PK 1 1 0 5.630 5.63 622-8SSAU 977022 221720 CLIP,PPR,#1,PRM SMTH,OD,50 PK 1 1 0 3.090 3.09 m 10008 221720 N O 166702 TAPE,CORRECTION,MONO EA 12 12 0 1.020 12.24 68620 166702 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL /L\\ 49.87 D DELIVERY OCT O 8 2012 0.00 SALES TAX By 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 49.87 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. CREDIT MEMO 10001 Office Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER ®� CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 623245572001 -7.95 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 05-S E P-12 05-S E P-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL DEPT OF ADMINISTRATION 1 CIVIC SQ c°))° 1 CIVIC SQ a CARMEL IN 46032-2584 rn= o� CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 195 1623245 572001 30-AUG-12 05-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE I ORDERED BY IDESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 JIM SPELBRING 1195 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE This credit of-$7.95 relates to invoice 622250682001. m m O 0 0 N r- O O O SUB-TOTAL 0.00 DELIVERY -7.95 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL -7.95 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ PO Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $51-745' "/09'V ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Administration Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 625588326001 44-630.00 $464.99 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1205 625683335001 42-390.99 $2.99 materials or services itemized thereon for 1205 1 625683180001 1 42-390.99 1 $49.87 which charge is made were ordered and '-7 1$- received except Monday, October 08, 2012 Director, Admin* tration Title Cost distribution ledger classification if i claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 09/19/12 625588326001 $464.99 09/20/12 625683335001 $2.99 09/20/12 1 625683180001 $49.87 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER P®T CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625045304001 22.46 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 17-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES N CITY IF CARMEL WASTE WATER TREATMENT 1 CIVIC SQ � 9609 RIVER RD o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N� S o_ INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280-1921 I�I��I�Il��ll��ll�lillllllllllilllill��l��llllll�l����ll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER JORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 513242 651 625045304001 14-SEP-12 17-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP COST CENTER 39940 i TERESA LEWIS 1651 CATALOG ITEM #/ 7tDESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP 8/0 PRICE PRICE Instructions:all for Blaine 957577 BOARD,DRY EA 1 1 0 22.460 22.46 BDU50030BD UA4 957577 Q N O O N O O O O SUB-TOTAL 22.46 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 22.46 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER 1—DEPOT FOR OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-266395 4 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625045303001 167.99 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 18-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: arTN: ACCTS PAYABLE = CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES N CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL ° WASTE WATER TREATMENT N 1 CIVIC SQ 9609 RIVER RD o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N� g o INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280-1921 I�I��I�II��II�����II���I�I��I�Ill�l�l��lllll�llllllll�llll�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER JORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 IS13242 651 625045303001 14-SEP-12 18-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 1 TERESA LEWIS 651 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE Instructions:all for Blaine 231678 ALL-IN-ONE,LASERJET,M1212 EA 1 1 0 167.990 167.99 C E841 A#BGJ 231678 co Q N O O co O O O SUB-TOTAL 167.99 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 167.99 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 f ic e O ffic.-.D.-,P,ot,Inc ®f PO 30813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DAPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-266395 4 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625045302001 7.92 Paq_e 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 17-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE a CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES N g CITY IF CARMEL °_ WASTE WATER TREATMENT N 1 CIVIC SQ 9609 RIVER RD o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 Na 0 0— INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280-1921 IJ�JJI��IL����IL��I�I��I�LLIIL�I��I�JII������II�LLI ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 513242 651 625045302001 14-SEP-12 17-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 TERESA LEWIS 1651 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE Instructions:all for Blaine 128524 ORGANIZER,DP EA 1 1 0 7.920 7.92 OD-015A 128524 N O O N O O O SUB-TOTAL 7.92 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 7.92 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER P®T CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-26639 5 4 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625045085001 176.26 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 17-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES N C? CITY IF CARMEL °_ WASTE WATER TREATMENT 1 CIVIC S4 9609 RIVER RD C3 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 Ns g o° INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280-1921 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPUR CHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER-1-ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 IS13242 651 625045085001 14-SEP-12 17-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 TERESA LEWIS 651 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM t! ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE Instructions:all for Blaine 311718 HOLDER,CLIP,PPR,MESH,JUM EA 3 3 0 1.800 5.40 MP-013A 311718 169990 HOLDER,PENCIL,JUMBO,MES EA 1 1 0 2.330 2.33 NW-1136A 169990 346387 SHELF,3-TIER,BLACK EA 1 1 0 7.130 7.13 NW-516A 346387 346411 FILE,STEP,MESH,BLACK EA 6 6 0 3.090 18.54 XS-1384A 346411 Q 869832 MRKR,EXP02,DE,CHSL PK 3 3 0 6.290 18.87 N 0 80653 869832 347125 TONER,HP 85A,DUAL PK 1 1 0 123.990 123.99 0 CE285D 347125 SUB-TOTAL 176.26 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 176.26 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER # 125798 WARRANT # ALLOWED 229650 IN SUM OF $ OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE PO BOX 633211 CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 62504508500 01-7202-05 $176.26 oGg570 g53z)g0.0 Oi `7, 7A (og 5ogS3o3ot of °°7'aba-o5 i16°7.9y C950 W53atico 3°7q.63 Voucher Total '9 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per.unit, etc. Payee 229650 OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE Purchase Order No. PO BOX 633211 Terms CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Due Date 10/2/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/2/2012 6250450850( $176.26 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Office oince Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 1506607088 262.48 Page 1 of 3 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 11-SEP-12 Net 30 14-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP TO: w ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE T CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES o CITY IF CARMEL WATER DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ rn 760 3RD AVE SW o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 o_ CARMEL IN 46032 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 8610215 1601 11506607088 11-SEP-12 11-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP COST CENTER 39940 1 B 1 1 CATALOG ITEM tf/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE Note:SPC 80105625436 Date: 11-SEP-12 Location:0534 Register:001 Trans#:00395 443520 FLAG,POST-IT,1"MULTI COLO EA 2 2 0 6.210 12.42 680-RYBG Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 699459 TAPE,CORRECTION,6PK,ASTD PK 1 1 0 6.660 6.66 RTP-002127 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 652758 CHAIR,FOSNER,HIBK,LTHR,BL EA 1 1 0 90.000 90.00 ZJK-3919H-1 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT m 0 420994 NOTE,OD,3"X 3",18/PK,YELL PK 1 1 0 4.170 4.17 c OD-3318Y o 0 0 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 405819 STAPLER,3SET,W/STPLS/RMV ST 1 1 0 8.490 8.49 S5101C Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 625182 CLIP,BINDER,SM,3/41N,144/P PK 1 1 0 1.060 1.06 RTP-001936-H D-087-07 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 453064 DIS PEN SER,WAVE,SCOTCH,B EA 1 1 0 6.290 6.29 C60-B K Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 375667 SCISSORS,STRAIGHT,OD,8",B EA 1 1 0 1.950 1.95 30029 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 691983 LETTER OPENER,OD EA 1 1 0 3.290 3.29 037400 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 180108 DISPENSER,POP-UP EA 1 1 0 8.680 8.68 DS330-MAPS2 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 203349 MARKER,SHARPIE,FINE,DZ,BL DZ 1 1 0 4.850 4.85 30001 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Orrice Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 1506607088 262.48 Page 2 of 3 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 11-SEP-12 I Net 30 14-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: m ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL WATER DEPT CITY IF CARMEL rn� 760 3RD AVE SW M 1 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 oe CARMEL IN 46032 T940 102185 601 1506607088 11-SEP-12 11-SEP-12 LLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP COST CENTER 18 601 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # TAX ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 863173 PEN,GRIP,WB,MED,DZ,BLACK DZ 1 1 0 1.120 1.12 88079 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 128844 HIGH LIGHTER,12PK,YELLOW PK 1 1 0 1.940 1.94 HY1066-YL Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 825190 CLIP,BINDER,MED,1.251N,144 PK 1 1 0 2.730 2.73 RTP-001948-H D-087-07 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 840187 PUNCH,SWNGLNE,3-HOLE,LT EA 1 1 0 13.990 13.99 T 74037 E 0 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT o 0 748539 PAD,DESK,BLK,STITCH,LEATH EA 1 1 0 17.990 17.99 ° YTW-622-129 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 999099 Tray,Drawer,Deep,9 Cmptmnt EA 1 1 0 5.550 5.55 65262 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 314559 FOLDER,HNG,LTR,1/5CUT,25B BX 1 1 0 10.490 10.49 64060 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 268091 PAD,GUM,8.5X11,OD,WHT,LGL DZ 1 1 0 6.460 6.46 99409 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 810838 FOLDER,LTR,1/3CUT,100BX,M BX 2 2 0 5.180 10.36 810838 Department:WATER DEPARTMENT 543789 CHAIRMAT,DURA,ROLLED,36X EA 1 1 0 43.990 43.99 CM12111DS Department:WATER DEPARTMENT CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Ar an* Office Depot,Inc Onace PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 1506607088 262.48 Page 3 of 3 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 11-SEP-12 Net 30 14-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL/UTILITIES CITY OF CARMEL WATER DEPT o CITY IF CARMEL M 1 CIVIC SQ 760 3RD AVE SW o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0= CARMEL IN 46032 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER _SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 601 1506607088 11-SEP-12 11-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 IB 1601 CATALOG ITEM il/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY CTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM q TAX ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE m rn 0 0 cn m 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 262.48 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency, TOTAL 262.48 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER # 122309 WARRANT # ALLOWED 229650 IN SUM OF $ OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE PO BOX 633211 CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 1506607088 01-6200-03 $262.48 Voucher Total $262.48 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 19951, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 229650 OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE Purchase Order No. PO BOX 633211 Terms CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Due Date 10/3/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/3/2012 1506607088 $262.48 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ;"/:,-/)� C-- --1 0 6/11^ Date Officer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 on Oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER POT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625688782001 54.44 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 20-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: m ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE C CITY OF CARMEL ITY OF CARMEL g CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL CLAY COMMUNICATIO 1 CIVIC SQ 31 1ST AVE NW o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 (A-M S o CARMEL IN 46032-1715 LL�LII��IL����II��J�L�LLIJJ�J��L�III�����tJLLI�I ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID iORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 115 1625688782001 19-SEP-12 20-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY IDESK TOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 JANET R. ARNONE 1115 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 390989 BATTERY,D.ENERGIZER,4/PK PK 2 2 0 7.430 14.86 E95BP-4 390989 COMMENTS: D batteries 303361 PAPER,TOVVEL,ROLI_,2PLY,15/ CT 2 2 0 19.790 39.58 06709 303361 COMMENTS: roll paper towel 0 0 co N Q) O O O SUB-TOTAL 54.44 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 54.44 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263 $54.44 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Clay Communications PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1115 I 625688782001 I 43-509.00 I $54.44 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, October 02, 2012 Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 09/20/12 625688782001 $54.44 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Oracle Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER POT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625531257001 5.40 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 19-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL GOLF COURSE N CITY OF CARMEL 0 CITY IF CARMEL ° 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46033-3314 o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N� g o I�I��I�Ilull�lulllulililllll�llllilll��lulll��nnll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER 1PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER JORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 905 GOLF COURSE 625531257001 18-SEP-12 19-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY I DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 PAMELA LISTER 905 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 391775 TAP E,W/DISP,MAG,1/2"X250", PK 1 1 0 5.400 5.40 MMM3136 391775 Q N O O co N O O O SUB-TOTAL 5.40 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 5.40 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Office Depot,Inc Office PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER ���®� CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625531284001 5129 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 19-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: co ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL GOLF COURSE ry CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY N 1 CIVIC S4 �� CARMEL IN 46033-3314 S CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N® 0 0� o IJLtItIIItlltttttlLttltlttltLLlJttJttlttlllttttttlllJtltl ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 905 GOLF COURSE 625531284001 18-SEP-12 19-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY I DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 PAMELA LISTER 1905 CATALOG ITEM d/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM d ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 781602 INK,HP,951,COMBO,ALL PK 1 1 0 51.290 51.29 C R314FN#140 781602 0 N O O m N W O O O SUB-TOTAL 51.29 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 51.29 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEP®T CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 625531285001 66.35 Page 1 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 19-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL GOLF COURSE N CITY OF CARMEL g CITY IF CARMEL 12120 BROOKSHIRE PKWY 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46033-3314 o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N� °o C IILJJLIIIIIIIIIIIIJJIIIJJJJIIIIILJIIIIIIIJIIIIIII ACCOUNT NUMBER 1PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER JORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 905 GOLF COURSE 625531285001 18-SEP-12 19-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 PAMELA LISTER 905 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 781539 INK,HP,951,YELLOW EA 1 1 0 17.990 17.99 CNO52AN#140 781539 781386 INK,HP,950,BLACK EA 1 1 0 24.290 24.29 C NO49AN#140 781386 305324 TAPE,TRANS,3M,3/4x1000,12/ PK 1 1 0 24.070 24.07 60OK12 305324 N O O N 0 O O O SUB-TOTAL 66.35 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 66.35 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage 0 r damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $123.04 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Brookshire Golf Club PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1207 I 625531257001 I 42-302.00 I $5.40 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1207 I 625531284001 I 42-302.00 $51.29 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1207 I 625531285001 I 42-302.001 $66.35 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, September 28, 2012 Director, Brook ire Golf Club Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 09/19/12 625531257001 Tape $5.40 09/19/12 625531284001 Ink $51.29 09/29/12 I 625531285001 I Office Supplies I $66.35 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Office Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 626425125001 64.32 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 26-SEP-12 Net 30 28-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL ®_ CITY OF CARMEL ° CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ 0) 2 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 6= CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0 IJrrLIIrrIl�r�rJlrrrlrLJrIrIJJr tJrrlrrlllrrrrrrllrLirl ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBERd ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1120 626425125001 25-SEP-12 26-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY DESKTOP COST CENTER 39940 1 ISALLY LAFOLLETTE 120 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 444625 Toner,HP CB542A,Yellow EA 1 1 0 64.320 64.32 CB542A 444625 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 64.32 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 64.32 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shorta—A� or damaae must be renorfed within 5 d fror doli..nry ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 ir trace Office Depot,Inc PO BOX.630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS DIEPOT 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 626844179001 504.36 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 28-SEP-12 Net 30 28-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: m ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL ° CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ o® 2 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 C'® CARMEL IN 46032-2584 I�I��I�IILLIIL����II���I�I��I�I�I�I�ILLILLI��III������II�ILILI ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID JORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 120 1626844179001 27-SEP-12 28-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY IDESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 SALLY LAFOLLETTE 1120 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 198455 CHAIR,HARR,HIBACK,BLACK EA 4 4 0 126.090 504.36 6330-B 198455 m ° 0 0 0 rn n 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 504.36 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 504.36 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship coLLect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or dam jj2t be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 (103Fff f ice Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2 6639 5 4 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 626879655001 21.14 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 28-SEP-12 Net 30 28-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE ° CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT SQ CARMELC IN 46032-2584 °® 2 CIVIC SQ S o= CARMEL IN 46032-2584 I�L�LII�III�I���II���I�I�J�I�I�IJIJIIL�III������ll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 120 1626 55b 192 EP-12 28-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP COST CENTER 39940 1 SALLY LAFOLLETTE 1120 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP 8/0 PRICE PRICE 748167 PLAN NER,WKLY,DMPREMR,8X EA 1 1 0 13.190 13.19 G520HOO13 748167 m 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 13.19 DELIVERY N 0 rl�-SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 21.14 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or rep Lacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage rSed within 5 days after d livery_ ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Ir Oxxxce Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEP®T CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER _ AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 626425062001 1,228.81 __ Page 1 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 26-SEP-12 Net 30 28-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: W ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE v CITY OF CARMEL ° CITY OF CARMEL g CITY IF CARMEL _® CARMEL FIRE DEPT 1 CIVIC SID o® 2 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 g °o° CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 120 1626425062001 25-SEP-12 26-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE IDESKTOP I COST CENTER 39940 ISALLY LAFOLLETTE 120 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M F QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 878310 TONER,HP CE505X,HIGH EA 1 1 0 152.090 152.09 CE505X 878-310 417393 TONER,1100SE/1100ASE,92A EA 1 1 0 56.380 56.38 C4092A 417-393 231939 TONER,LJ CE285A,HP,BLACK EA 1 1 0 63.940 63.94 CE285A 231-939 231822 TONER,LJ CE278A,HP,BLACK EA 1 1 0 73.350 73.35 CE278A 231-822 986264 CARTRIDGE,INK.HP88,BLACK EA 4 4 0 21.070 84.28 m C9385AN#140 986-264 ° b 986816 CARTRIDGE,INK,HP EA 4 4 0 13.270 53.08 0 C9387AN#140 986-816 0 0 0 444590 Toner,HP CB541A,Cyan EA 1 1 0 64.320 64.32 C B541 A 444590 444630 Toner,HP CB543A,Magenta EA 1 1 0 64.320 64.32 CB543A 444630 774360 TONER,HP,Q6511A,BLK EA 1 1 0 112.690 112.69 Q6511 A 774360 198455 CHAIR,HARR,HIBACK,BLACK EA 4 4 0 126.090 504.36 6330-B 198-455 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... 000790-001109 00001/00008 ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 01%ffic Office Depot,Inc %no e PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-26639 5 4 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 626425062001 1,228.81 Page 2 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 26-SEP-12 Net 30 28-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: o ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT o CITY IF CARMEL — 1 CIVIC SQ o® 2 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 E= CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER _I PURCHASE ORDER _ SHIP TO ID JORDER NUMBER IORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 T 120 1626425062001 25-SEP-12 26-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY IDESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 SALLY LAFOLLETTE 120 CATALOG ITEM N/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # TAX ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE rn 0 0 0 0 m 0 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 1,228.81 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 1,228.81 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported Within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $1,810.68 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 626879655001 j 42-302.00 1 $13.19 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 626425125001 42-370.00 $64.32 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 626425062001 42-370.00 $724.45 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 626425062001 102-630.00 $504.36 which charge is made were ordered and 1120 626844179001 102-630.00 $504.36 received except OCT 8 2012 t� Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 'rescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL \n invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by vhom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 626879655001 $13.19 626425125001 $64.32 626425062001 $724.45 626425062001 $504.36 626844179001 $504.36 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 120 Clerk-Treasurer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 0ffice0,,-ff'-,,-Depot,Inc OX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEP®T CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 1507552233 2.05 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 14-SEP-12 Net 30 14-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE N CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL 0 CITY IF CARMEL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 N� 0= CARMEL IN 46032-2584 I�I�ll�ll��ll�����ll�lll�l��l�llllllll�l��l��lll������ll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 160 1507552233 14-SEP-12 14-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 B 160 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE Note:SPC 80105625356 Date: 14-SEP-12 Location:0534 Register:001 Trans#:00957 699753 portfolio,2pkt,prongs,poly EA 5 5 0 0.410 2.05 699753 Department:MAYORS OFFICE ry 0 0 m N 0 O O O SUB-TOTAL 2.05 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 2.05 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. OFFICE DEPOT# 539 `�� -cur 12917 N. Meridian St. T \O Carmel, IN 96032Q� (317)571-1300 `I 60 I-1,'2012 123 10.35 AM I1 '. 39 REG I TRN 957 EMP 333,19 Si11 f- f i ud (e t ID Descrif, ion Total u`+�7Gi port<2pkt,prng G'✓ 0.59 2.95 Clearance a _ 0.90 , r, Business Salutidris'Prc' "' 2J950 You Paw 2.055 Subtotal: 2.05 Total: 2.05 Account Billing 5356: 2.05 As a Biasihess Soluiicin Customer,-billing will be equal to or less than store rei,e pt based on price plan. Tax Exemption Number 86102185 Total Office Depot Savings. $0.90. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!. 1"', ticiPafe in our online customer, surve i and receive a coupon for $10 off !lour next qualifwins Purchase of $50 or more oii office supplies, furniture and more. ([.eludes Technolosw. Limit 1 coupon per household/business. ) Vi ii www.officedepoi.corn/feedback and enter the surve�i code below, Surve i Code: OFF JOJZ 9201 . 111111{1 IIIIINIiIIIIIIIIIINIIIIII IIIIINIIIIIIIII ll{i{Illlllll . 22VTYQ9PY535BMR9R ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 ozzwe Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER � ��� CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 1508963207 81.46 Page 1 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 19-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL TO: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL C? CITY IF CARMEL ° OFFICE OF THE MAYOR N 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 oe CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 160 1508963207 19-SEP-12 19-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY I DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 IB 160 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED HANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE Note:SPC 80105625356 Date: 19-SEP-12 Location:0534 Register:001 Trans#:02009 481462 CALENDAR,WALL,36X24,VERT, EA 1 1 0 22.990 22.99 13618 Department:MAYORS OFFICE 481498 CALENDAR,WALL,36X24,ADR1, EA 1 1 0 22.990 22.99 13620 Department:MAYORS OFFICE 169972 HOLDER,PAPER EA 2 2 0 1.400 2.80 XL-007A Department:MAYORS OFFICE 0 925413 LETTER SORTER,ACRYLIC EA 1 1 0 6.990 6.99 ST-154C BLK o 0 Department:MAYORS OFFICE 808789 PLANNER,8x11,HAP,WK/MO,AY EA 1 1 0 19.990 19.99 13317 Department:MAYORS OFFICE 737741 ORGANIZER,DWR,MESH,EXP, EA 1 1 0 5.700 5.70 NW-01 3A Department:MAYORS OFFICE CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... 000858-001248 00005/00018 ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Office Depot,Inc Office PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER POT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 1508963207 81.46 Page 2 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 19-SEP-12 Net 30 21-OCT-12 BILL T0: SHIP T0: Q ATTN. ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL N CITY OF CARMEL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY IF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 oe CARMEL IN 46032-2584 o ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 160 1508963207 19-SEP-12 11 9-SEP-12 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 IB 1160 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM d TAX ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE m v N O O m N 0 oO O SUB-TOTAL 81.46 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 81.46 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. _ VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot, Inc. IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $83.51 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1203 1507552233 42-302.00 $2.05 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1203 1508963207 42-302.00 $81.46 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except /JSaturday, October 06, 2012 ACommunity Relations Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 09/14/12 1507552233 $2.05 09/19/12 1508963207 $81.46 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer