HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket c-- I~il I~~I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Justus Home Builders, Inc. Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Development Plan Architectural Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lighting and Signage Docket Nos. 05020038 Z and 05020039 DP/ADLS Carmel Plan Commission April 19, 2005 LiP Re.ll Estatl! Seruices Group Paul G. Reis, Esq. I ~il . I . . I . . I I '. . . . . I I . Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Development Plan Architectural Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lighting and Signage Docket Nos. 05020038 Z and 05020039 DPf ADLS April 19, 2005 Table of Contents 1. Project Description 2. Aerial Photograph 3. Site Plan 4. Landscape Plan 5. Townhome Planting Plans 6. Office Building Prospective Drawings 7. Office Building Elevations 8. Office Ground Sign and Dumpster Elevations 9. Townhome Color Elevations 10. Townhome Building Elevations 11. Townhome Entrance 12. Lighting Fixtures and Photometric Illumination Levels 13. Tax Revenue Projections 14. Planned Unit Development Ordinance I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I . . . I Justus Home Builders, Inc. Jackson Square Planned Unit Development PROJECT DESCRIPTION Established in 1910, the Justus Companies have enjoyed the unique advantage of "four generations of Justus family foresight and leadership." As real estate brokers, home builders, rental property managers, and active adult housing experts, the Justus Companies, is a trademark name synonymous with quality, service and integrity. Justus Home Builders, Inc. is proposing mixed use commercial and residential planned unit development at the intersection of Pro Med Lane and Smokey Row Road-136th Street Gust east of Old Meridian Street). The proposed development will be located on approximately 7.3 acres of currently undeveloped land. Justus is seeking to rezone the property from the B-6 commercial business zoning classification within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone to a planned unit development district under the proposed ordinance. The project consists of two areas: a commercial development area and a residential development area. The commercial development area contains a two story, 30,000 square feet office building on approximately 2.65 acres. Justus has submitted applications for development plan approval and architectural design, landscaping, exterior lighting and signage approval for the development and construction of the office building simultaneously with the rezone petition. The design and development of the building and the site are consistent with the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone design and development standards. The residential development area will consist of two and three story owner occupied townhomes on approximately 4.6 acres. 38 upscale and distinctive townhome units are proposed to compliment the residential development located to the east and provide an appropriate transitional use. The townhomes have been located on the site to maintain a tree preservation area along the entire east side of the residential development area; preserving the natural setting and grade of the land. Development and ADLS plans have been submitted for approval at this time. :1 !;;I I~ c: I ~ 18- - Ii ~ ili.'.~ ......, I"c :J 1"'0 I ~ c: 16: I ~ \1 ~ c- IC/) c: I ~ .. t5 co 1-' I I z~ ~ 'NJ 6~Z9" eue!PUI 'snodeu '8AV pue18pe4S 'N 'oul'SJ9PHng ewoH sn~snr -- ......w.tJ-J"MIOW .....tuw1NDtfofl1U. .... 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ON o:~ :S~ 0- (]).....J 00.. -<.9 wO U)z zl- 0..- 00 :2;1- I-W <(I U)o.. .....J<.9 WO I-:::J :2;.....J U)<( :::J~ O.....J o..w &'s - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I ~ .' I I I I I I I I' \.:., ,. . I I I I I I Ii'" I I 4.!>00iO DIRECT BURIAL FIXTURE SPECIFICATIONS FIXTURE: ALUMINUM PRODUCT~CONSTRUCTED OF PRIMARY 356 CAST ALUMINUM ALLOY. BRONZE PRODUCTM CONSTRUCTED OF PRIMARY 844 CAST BRONZE ALLOY, LENS: CLEAR-CONVEX OR FLAT, 1/4" TEMPERED GLASS. OPTIONS: FWL-CLEAR FLAT WALK OVER LENS, 3/8" THICK TEMPERED GLASS. P FL. P R ISM A TI C F L AT LEN S, 1 /2" T H I C K TEMPERED GLASS, GASKETING: LENS GASKET~50 S.D,H. "A" SCALE HIGH TEMPERATURE EXTRUDED SILICONE. SPLICE COMPARTMENT GASKET-60 S,D.H, "A" SCALE-DIE CUT NEOPRENE. LAMP HOLDER: PAR 38/R40 INC - 4KV PORCELAIN MEDIUM BASE. PAR 46 - MEDIUM END PRONG. PAR 20,30,38,R40 AND E-17/ED-t7 HID UNITS 4KV PORCELAIN MEDIUM BASE, PAR 56-MOGUL END PRONG. LAMP: (BY OTHERS)-FIELD ADJUSTABLE TO 20' TIL T-360' ON AXIS, OPTION: WWS-43" TILT. BALLAST: HIGH POWER FACTOR AUTOTRANSFORMER -20' F STARTING TEMPERATURE. FASTENERS: 18-8 STAINLESS STEEL OR SILICONE BRONZE, WIRING COMPONENTS: 14 GAUGE 200'C TEMPERATURE RATING. 1/4"-20 GROUNDING lUG PROVIDED. SPLICE COMPARTMENT: SUPPLIED WITH TWO (2) 3/4" NPT CONDUIT ENTRIES. SPLICE COMPARTMENT ISOLATED FROM THE lAMP COMPARTMENT BY AN ANTI-WICKING CHAMBER, SEALED WITH A EPOXY BASED RESIN, FINISH: ALUMINUM PRODUCT- 3 MILS TGIC THERMOSET EPOXY POWDER COATING. BRONZE PRODUCT. 3 MILS THICK BITUMINOUS COATING APPLIED TO THE EXTERIOR HOUSING. TESTING: FACTORY UNDER WATER POROSITY PRESSURE TEST TO 10 P,S,I. FACTORY CERTIFIED UNDER WATER LEAK PREVENTION TEST ON 100% OF ALL FINISHED GOODS. ETL LISTED FOR WET LOCATION AND CONCRETE POUR APPLICATIONS, Consolidated Architectural Lighting ~ rii. eTLlisted 660 W. Annue {) p~jmd1;le. CA [13551 Phon,; IfH)l)2~i3.2000 f~x /661) 233.20Cil 1\1 w \'\.' . (~ a I! I g h tin ~ . (' I) TH .,t LS I -' , ,-' r...J, j JJ)JJ1JJJJ) !.J YE1HJJJEJ JJ!J.J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Office Building wall lights-with shield ELA LIGHTING COMPANY, INC 17891 Arenth Avenue City of Industry, CA 91748 Web: www.ela-lighting.com E-mail: info@ela-lighting.com ~ . EPA-2.2 WT - 42 LBS, IE 153,4" ~ l ,~~ f:\'\ o ~~.L\C ~4.>.\ O;.l-fG ~ PHOTOMETRICS & LAYOUTS ~ AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. FIXTURE WATTAGE BALLAST. VOLTAGE . OPTICS DIFFUSER L1944 The L1944 lantern is a period style cast (#319 grade) aluminum fiXture not less than .125" thick. Corrosion resistant. ELECTRICAL: DARK SKIES: Ballasts are High Power Fac- Units will be hydroformed - tor (HPF). Sockets are Merl. or segmented sharp cut-off or Mogul Base 4KV Rated. ,optics. 1 TESTING: This product and all its ,com- ponents shall be U.L. Listed, OPTICS: Refractors shall be precision molded of Borosilicate glass with Types 2, 3 or 5 distribu- tion or of spun aluminum. WARRANTY: 3- Year Manufacturer's warranty, -, 34" COLOR OPTIONS roject Type L1944 Luminaire WATTAGE: 70,100,150 an POSTLINE BALLAST: ..:;;=~:~:~te Sodium) PL (Compact Fluorescent) PLS (pulse Start) INC (Incandescent) OTHER (please SpecifY) VOLTAGE: 120, 208, 240 and 277 (Multi-Tap) SOCKET: MB - (Medium Base Porcelain) MG - (Mogul Base Porcelain) OPTICS: PG = Prismatic Glass Refractor PG2 ( G3 (Type III), ype V), -or- SP & ST = Polished Alum. Reflector SP (Spun) or ST (Stacked) DIFFUSER: SAC - (SeedyAcrylic) ~~~,/.(S~~~ Acrylic) .-IF,IC;;tFrqited Acrvliel CLX - (Clear Lexan) FLX - (Frosted Lexan) OTHER (please Specify) POWDER COAT FINISHES: ~avridnI~ht), DB (Dark Bronze), WH (White), VL (Village Green), NR (Natural Russet), GY (Gray), DG (Dark Green), or CUSTOM (SpecifY) OPTIONS: SEE END OF CATALOG ELA LIGHTING )0 AnAmerican Tradition Since 1929. )0 Custom Capabilities Second To None. )0 Other Materials Such As Copper, Brass, Stainless Steel And Iron Are Also Available. Call Toll Free: 1-800-423-6561 Fax: 1-626-965-9494' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Decorative Light Poles, Office Building and Jackson Square " I JACKSON SQuA,1$ proJ: JUSTICE", 021605 Mfg: ELA F7 L1924BHI PM609MN Ii 1\ I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I 1-- I] , ELA LIGHTING COMPANY, ],7891 Arenth Avenue " City of Industry, CA 91748 Web_: www.ela-lighting.com E~mail: info@ela-lighting.com ~ EPA-l.l ,~ WT - 27 LBS. .10:34" I€ -, 24" t,0~.,. ~u-~. Prr " f!) ,.\.tLS fJu\ \ eft .,1 v G ~ rrr-1~t!s:~ ~Q b~# oa1 PHOTOMETRICS & LAYOUTS ~ AVAlLftBLEUPON REQUEST. WATTAGE BALLAST VOLTAGE" OPTICS DIFFUSER COLOR OPTIONS The L1924 lantern is a period style cast (#319 grade) aluminum fixture not less than .125" thick. Corrosion resistant. ELEC Ballast wer " , Factor (HPF). Sockets are' Medium Base 4KV Rated. DARK SKIES: Units will be hydroformed or segmented sharp cut-off optics. , IJ OPTICS: Refractors shall be precision molded of Borosilicate glass with'Types 2, 3 or S:distribu- , tion or of spun aluminum. WARRANTY: 3- Year Manufacturer's warranty. TESTING: This product and all its com- ponents shall be U.L. Listed. L1924 Luminab~e WATTAGE: 70, 100, 150 and 175 POSTLlNE BALLAST: MH (Metal Halide) BPS (High Pressure Sodium) PL (Compact Fluorescent) PLS (Pulse Start) INC (Incandescent) OTHER (please Specify) VOLTAGE: 120, 208, 240 and 277 (Multi-Tap) SOCKET: MB ~ (Medium Base Porcelain) OPTICS: PO == Prismatic Glass Refractor ,PG2 (Type II), PG3 (Type III), or PG5 (Type V). -or..; SP & ST ='PolishedAlum. Reflector SP (Spun) or ST (Stacked) DIFFUSER: ' SAC - (Seedy Acrylic) CAC - (Clear Acrylic) FAC - (Frosted Acrylic) CLX ~ (Clear Lexan) FLX - (Frosted Lexan) OTHER (please Specify) POWDER COAT FINISHES: MN (Midnight), DB (Dar!<: Bronze), WH (White), VL (Village Green), NR (Natural Russet), GY (Gray), DG (Dark Green), or CUSTOM (Specify) OPTIONS: SEE END OF CATALOG ELA LIGHTING ~ An American Tradition Since 1929, ~ Custom Capabilities Second To None, ~ Other Materials Such As Copper, Brass, Stainless Steel And lron Are Also Available. 'Call Toll Free: 1-800-423-6561 Fax: 1-626-965-9494 {)~-~'-'."-"''''-''''-t 1M I iill, J ~= ~ .~, (~I >,.==; f . -.------t -~~ I I j===f -- 33" : . u\, ~ro I . -fJi ~ = ! I' .. II, . ID'~. -~) 1 I 1 .,. .I_TENON I (S,:" 01";<)11.\') i~ 24" 1 ! i I I ! ;+- .37" ......---.--.--n ! ~ <~~r) r--H , it?ti ~t ' 6)\ rlll!'~{~~'~'Vj_ ; IlJ~'~---' '-:'''''~.=9' i /' _ \\ .' 'I V( ,(/ ; \ h If i~ !~.... /f/ 4'. \~7. ,) L....i 1 ! \ i j i l_J ~--- Is~;,t~t;~$) , i ~-18 1;2"--+" . ..,~ 1~:=:::r --':~!"-::::::-1:' . t'i ;(".,. ,I: ,..J J I . Jt,~, ,j)!"1 ! '~~j ~~ Tj 18" .' Dilrable Cast and Extruded Alwninum Con..l)'truction Opti~ms Cross .,..i r/ll tCHOIJ is filtedf{H' 3/1 Lind 4" diulI/cler poles pc'/' reques(, C:D.N:F.I'G:URJATlCNS' , 37" f---;~I,~i":==:~~\~"\ I ! I ' i':i' Ii ;1 II 2611/Z' II II I I \1 . \1 IlL JI ~,'::~/, Ls 7/fJ' J 24" i I I I t CR..4A 1Ir==liaai'i~ ':t~ 1"l;d=II..~II:c:t . Environmental Lighting for Architedure" Inc. 17891 Arenth Avenue, City of Industry, CA 91748-1197 626.965.0821 · 800.423.6561 . fox 626.965.9494 www.e!a-!ighting.com ....1'::" t ::n Al~~~D~dl~Il.N]. (lIS.]. ~ . 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Z- AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF CARMEL, INDIANA ESTABLISHING THE JACKSON SQUARE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, Section 31.06.04 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance Z-289, as amended, (the "Carmel Zoning Ordinance"), provides for the establishment of a Planned Unit Development District in accordance with the requirements ofl.C. 9 36-7-4-1500 et seq,; WHEREAS, the Carmel Plan Commission, (the "Commission"), has reviewed this ordinance and has forwarded it to~ the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, (the "Council"), with a favorable recommendation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, that: (a) pursuant to I.C. 9 36-7-4-1500 et seq" it adopts this ordinance, (the "Ordinance"), establishing the Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District, (the "District"), as an amendment to the Carmel Zoning Ordinance; (b) any existing ordinance or law of the City of Carmel, Indiana, or a portion thereof, that is in conflict with or otherwise inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance is hereby repealed by adoption of this Ordinance; and (c) Chapter 23B of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall not apply to the District. Section 1. Applicability of Ordinance. Section 1,1, Zoning Map, The Official Zoning Map of the City of Carmel, a part of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance, is hereby changed to des.ignate the land which is more particularly described in Exhibit "A"', attached hereto and made a part hereof, (the "Real Estate"), as the Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District. Section 1.2. Controlling Ordinance. Development in the District shall be governed entirely by the provisions of this Ordinance; and those provisions of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance specifically referenced within this Ordinance and in effect on the date of enactment of this Ordinance, In the event of a conflict or difference between the provisions of this Ordinance and the Carmel Zoning Ordinance, the provisions of this Ordinance shall control and be applied, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 PRO POSEI) TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 Section 1.3, Defined Terms. Any capitalized term not defined herein shall have the meaning as set forth in the Carmel Zoning Ordinance in effect on the date of enactment of this Ordinance. Section 2, Distirct Development Areas. Section 2.1. Commercial Development Area. That portion of the Real Estate which is more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit "B"', attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby designated as the "Commercial Development Area." Section 2,2. Residential Development Area. That portion of the Real Estate which is more particularly described and depicted in Exhibit "C''', attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby designated as the "Residential Development Area." Section 3. Permitted Primary Uses. Section 3 .1. Commercial Development Area, Cafe Clinic or medical health center Coffee Shop w/ or w/o walk-up/drive thru Commercial Indoor Recreational Facility Financial Institution w/ or w/o drive thru General Offices General Retail Sales* * General Retail Sales may be included in one or more Commercial Development Area, subject to the following: Professional Office Research Laboratory/Facility Restaurant, without drive-thru food sales School, Trade or Business buildings within the A. General Retail Sales may comprise up to: (1) 15% of the Gross Floor Area ("GFA") of any one building; or (2) Up to 30% of the GF A of one building provided that: (a) the total square footage of General Retail Sales designated in the Commercial Development Area does not exceed 15% of the GF A of all buildings combined; or (b) General Retail Sales over 15% of the GF A of anyone building be located on the ground floor or below grade, B. The Commission may grant a waiver to allow retail use to be located on floors other than ground or below-grade, if: 2 I I I 76 77 I ~~ 80 I :; 83 I :~ 86 I :~ 89 I 90 91 I ~; 94 I ~~ 11~~ I ~~; 103 I ~~~ 106 I ~~~ 109 I ~~~ 112 I ~~~ 115 I ~~~ 118 1119 I PROP()SED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 (1) the proposal is consistent with the land use standards in the District; and (2) the proposal will enhance the overall Development Plan for the District and the surrounding area, Section 3,2. Residential Development Area. Condominiums and single family attached dwellings Section 4, Accessory Buildings and Uses. Accessory buildings shall be permitted, except that any detached accessory building shown in any Development Plan ("DP") shall have on all sides the same architectural features or shall be architecturally compatible with the principal building(s) with which it is associated, The following accessory uses shall be permitted: Section 4.1, Commercial Development Area. automated teller machines dumpster enclosure Section 4.2, Residential Development Area. private swimming pool private recreational facility mail box bank Section 5. Height. Area and Density Requirements, Section 5.1. Maximum Building Heights, A. Commercial Development Area: All uses, fifty (50) feet B. Residential Development Area: All uses, forty-five (45) feet Section 5.2, Minimum Building Heights. A. Commercial Development Area: The minimum building height is twenty- six (26) feet, with two (2) occupiable floors. B. Residential Development Area: The minimum building height is thirty- five (35) feet with a minimum of twenty-two (22) feet to the lowest eaves for a building with a gable or hip roof. C. Accessory buildings and screened delivery areas are exempt from the requirements of this Section, 3 I I 1120 121 I g; 124 I ~;~ 127 I g~ 130 I ~;; 133 I ~;~ 136 1137 138 I ~~~ 141 I ~:; 144 1145 146 147 I ~:~ 150 I ~~; 153 I ~;~ 156 I ~;~ 159 I ~~~ 162 1163 I PROPOSED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Section 5.3. Minimum Building Setbacks, A. Commercial Development Area: The minimum building setback shall be at least forty (40) feet from the right-of-way of 136th Street, (Smokey Row Road), and Pro Med Lane. B. Residential Development Area: The minimum building setback shall be at least thirty-five (35) feet from the right-of-way of Pro Med Lane and the south property line, at least forty (40) feet from the right-of-way of 136th Street, (Smokey Row Road), and at least forty-five (45) feet from the east property line. Section 5.4, Minimum Building Separation, The minimum distance between buildings shall be at least fifteen (15) feet, measured from the exterior face of the foundation. Section 5,5, Minimum Side and Rear Yards. A, Commercial Development Area: The minimum side and rear yards shall be at least thirty (30) feet when adjacent to a residential use or zone and fifteen (15) feet when adjacent to a business use or zone. B, Residential Development Area: The minimum rear yard shall be at least fifteen (15) feet, subject to landscaping requirements contained in Section 7. The minimum side yard is zero (0) feet. Section 5.6. Minimum Gross Floor Area. All buildings in the Commercial Development Area shall have a minimum of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross floor area, excluding the floor area of any basement or any accessory building(s). Permitted accessory buildings are not required to meet this requirement. Section 5,7. Maximum Parcel Coverage and Density. A. The maximum parcel coverage in the Commercial Development Area and in the Residential Development Area is 65%. B, The maximum floor area ratio ("F,A.R.") in the Commercial Development Area shall be .70. (F,A.R. shall be calculated by dividing the total gross floor area of a building or buildings on any parcel by the area of such parcel. ) C, There shall be a maximum of 9 units per acre In the Residential Development Area. 4 I I I 164 165 1166 167 168 I ~~~ 171 1172 173 174 1 g~ 177 1178 179 I ~~~ 1m I ~:~ 188 I ~~~ 191 I ~~~ 194 I ~~~ 197 I ~~~ 200 I ;~~ 203 I ;~: 206 1207 I PROPOSEl) TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Section 5,8. Waivers. An applicant may request a Commission waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 5 by not greater than thirty-five percent (35%) if: A, the proposal is consistent with the land use standards in the District; and B. the proposal will enhance the overall Development Plan for the District and the surrounding area. Section 6. Architectural Design Requirements, In reviewing the architectural design of building( s) proposed to be built in the District, the factors to be considered by the Commission shall include the following: A, Suitability of building materials: A minimum of three materials shall be used for building exteriors, from the following list: stone, brick, architectural pre-cast (panels or detailing), architectural metal panels, glass, EIFS, ornamental metal, cement fiberboard, or cast stone. B. All buildings in the Commercial Development Area shall be designed with a minimum of eight external corners, in order to eliminate monotonous box buildings, C, In the Commercial Development Area, sloped roofs shall be a maximum of one hundred fifty (150) feet without a change in roof plane, or gable or donner. Sloped roofs shall be either slate composite shingles or dimensional shingles in either the Commercial Development Area or the Residential Development Area.. D, Fixed or retractable awnings are pennitted if they (a) compliment a building's architectural style and details; and (b) constitute an integral part of the facade. Metal or aluminum awnings are prohibited, E. . Facades constructed of more than one material shall only change material along a horizontal line (not a vertical line, except in the case of an offset. An offset may be projecting, recessed or may be a simple change in building material or detailing. Section 7, Landscaping Requirements. Section 7,1, Landscaping Plan: A landscaping plan shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval and included in Architectural Design, Landscaping, Exterior Lighting and Signage ("ADLS") plans. This plan shall: A, be drawn to scale, including dimensions and distances; 5 I I I 208 209 I 210 211 212 I ;~~ 215 I ;~~ 218 I ;~~ I iii I ;;~ 226 I ;;~ 229 I ;~~ 232 I ;~~ 235 I ;~~ 238 I;~~ 241 I ;:; 244 I ;:~ 247 I ;:~ 1250 1 PROPOSED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 B. delineate all existing and proposed structures, private parking areas, walks, ramps for handicapped, terraces, drive-ways, signs, lighting standards, steps and other similar structures; and C, delineate the location, size and description of all landscape materials for all planting areas, Section 7.2. Areas to be Landscaped, A. Parallel Roadways Landscape Planting Areas (1) There shall be landscape planting areas in the Commercial Development Area located adjacent to the existing drainage and utility easement and adjacent to the right-of-way of Pro Med Lane, which shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet in width. (2) There shall be a landscape planting area in the Residential Development Area located adjacent to the existing drainage and utility easement and adjacent to the right-of-way of Pro Med Lane, which shall be a minimum of five (5) feet in width, excepting for the landscape area at the entry to the Residential Development Area and along the cul-de-sac which shall be landscaped in accordance with the approved landscape plan. A landscape planting area shall be located between the north of end of Bourbon Street and south of the right of way of Smokey Row Road with plantings consistent with the approved landscape plan (3) These landscape areas shall be unoccupied except for plant material, steps, walks, terraces, paths, driveways, emergency access roads, lighting standards, signs, and other similar structures. (4) The landscape planting areas adjacent to Pro Med Lane in the Commercial Development Area shall include plant materials to screen the adjacent parking areas, B, Planting Adjacent to Buildings. (1) Commercial Development Area: A planting area equal to an area measuring ten (10) feet in depth by the width of the front of the building plus twenty (20) feet (to extend ten (10) feet out on both sides) shall be installed at the front of the building. A planting area equal to an area five (5) feet in depth shall be installed on the sides of the building(s) but is not required on the rear of the building(s), 6 I I I 251 252 I 253 254 255 I ;~~ 258 I ;~~ 261 I ;~~ 264 I 265 266 I ;~~ 269 I ;~~ 272 I 273 274 275 I ;~~ 278 I ;~~ 281 I ;~~ 284 I ;~~ 287 I ;~~ 290 I ;~~ I I PR()POSEI) TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 except that if there is a drive thru on the south side of the building, no planting area shall be required on that side. (2) Residential Development Area: A planting area equal to an area measuring five (5) feet in depth by the width of the front of the building plus ten (10) feet (to extend five (5) feet out on both sides) shall be installed at the front of the building, No planting areas are required on the sides or rear of the building, (3) Sidewalks up to five (5) feet in width may be permitted in these areas. (4) These adjacent planting areas need not be rectangular in shape as long as the required amount of space is landscaped, innovative and original designs are encouraged, D. Planting Within Parking Lots In Commercial Development Area: Landscaping within the planting islands, planting peninsulas and entranceways of the parking areas shall be of a quality to improve and enhance the site and its surrounding area, representing no less than ten percent (10%) of the total surface parking area, (For purposes of this computation, landscaping in the parallel roadway landscape planting areas, adjacent to the building(s) and in the tree preservation areas shall not be included,) Landscaping within parking lots shall be landscaped pursuant to the standards set forth in Section 7,3, The minimum size of a parking lot island shall be three hundred fifty (350) square feet in area. E, Tree Preservation Areas. An area forty (40) feet in width as shown on the approved landscape plan along 136th Street (Smokey Row Road), and an area forty-five (45) feet in width along the entire east property line shall be maintained in its natural state except for normal pruning, removal and replacement of dead trees and the installation of utilities. This shall not prevent activities necessary to preserve and maintain the trees located in these Tree Preservation Areas or generally maintaining the Tree Preservation Areas in a healthy and safe condition; including, but not limited to, the removal of dead, decayed or dangerous trees or vegetation and invasive species which present an imminent hazard, are detrimental to the health of the woodlands, or present the threat of fire. Any utility installation shall be performed so as to minimize the disturbance to the area. Tree Preservation Areas may be crossed with steps, walks. paths and sidewalks, 7 I I I 293 294 1295 296 297 I ;~~ 300 I ~~; 303 I ~~~ 306 I 307 308 I E~ I ~g 314 1 ~~~ 317 I ~~~ 320 I ~;; 323 1 ~;~ 326 I ~;~ 329 I ~~~ 332 I ~~~ 335 I I PROPOSED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Section 7.3, Landscaping Standards. A. Interior Areas. The dimensions, specifications and design of any planting area or planting median shall be sufficient to protect the landscaping materials planted therein and to provide for proper growth. The following minimum widths for interior planting areas shall be used: Canopy Trees: 9 feet wide Ornamental Trees: 7 feet wide Shrubs (only): 5 feet wide B, Materials: All plants proposed to be used in accordance with any landscaping plan shall meet the following specifications: (1) Shade trees: a minimum trunk diameter of 2~ inches at six (6) inches above the ground line, a minimum height of eight (8) feet, and a branching height of not less than 1/3 nor more than 1/2 of tree height (2) Ornamental trees: a minimum trunk diameter of 1 ~ inches at six (6) inches above the ground line, a minimum height of six (6) feet, and a branching height of not less than 1/3 nor more than 1/2 of tree height (3) Evergreen trees: a minimum height of eight (8) feet (4) Deciduous shrubs: minimum height of twenty-four (24) inches, with no less than six (6) main branches upon planting, (5) Evergreen shrubs: minimum height and spread of twenty-four (24) inches. C, Plantings: The species and the number of trees and shrubs shall be specified and determined by the approved landscape plan, Section 7.4. Landscaping Installation and Maintenance. A. Installation: All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy by the Department. If it is not possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping that has yet to be installed prior to the issuance of the temporary Certificate of Occupancy. 8 I I I 336 337 I ~~~ 340 I ~:~ 343 I ~:~ 346 I ~:~ 349 I 350 351 352 I 353 354 I ~;~ 357 I ~;~ 360 I ~~~ 363 I ~~~ 366 I ~~~ 369 I ~;~ 372 I ~;~ 375 I ~;~ 378 I I PROPOSED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 B, Maintenance: In the Commercial Development Area, it shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agents to insure proper maintenance of project landscaping approved in accordance with the development requirements specified for this Ordinance, This is to include, but is not limited to, irrigation and mulching of planting areas, replacing dead, diseased, or overgrown plantings with identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse, debris, rank vegetation and weeds. Proper maintenance of the landscaping in the Residential Development Area shall be provided for in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditons and Restrictions for the Residential Development Area to be recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County. C, Changes After Approval: No landscaping which has been approved by the Commission may later be materially altered, eliminated or sacrificed, without first obtaining further Commission approval. However, minor alterations in landscaping may be approved by the Director in order to conform to specific site conditions, D, Inspection: The Director shall have the authority to visit any parcel within the District to inspect the landscaping and check it against the approved landscape plan on file. Section 7.5. Waivers. An applicant may request a Commission waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 7 by not greater than thirty-five percent (35%) if: A. the proposal is consistent with the land use standards in the District; and B. the proposal will enhance the overall Development Plan for the District and the surrounding area. Section 8. Parking Requirements. The number of parking spaces required shall be according to Section 27.5 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance. However, for the purposes of calculating the required number of parking spaces for cafe, coffee shop and general retail sales uses, a parking ratio of one (1) parking space for every three hundred fifty (300) of gross floor area. Section 8.1, Handicapped Spaces. There shall be an appropriate number of parking spaces, accessible to the building(s) and identified as reserved for use by handicapped individuals and these spaces shall meet State of Indiana requirements. Section 8.2, Pedestrian Access. Direct, articulated pedestrian access shall be provided from the street to any building in the Commercial Development Area, 9 II II I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 PROPOSED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Section 8.3, Waiver, The applicant may request a Commission waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 8 by not greater than thirty-five percent (35%) if: A. the proposal is consistent with the land use standards in the District; and B. the proposal will enhance the overall Development Plan for the District and the surrounding area Section 9. Lighting Requirements: Section 9.1. Lighting Plan, A site exterior lighting plan shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval and included in the ADLS plans, The plan shall include the layout, spread and intensity of all site lighting, including: A. parking lot and service/storage area lighting; B. architectural, display lighting; C. security lighting; D. lighting of pedestrian and bicycle ways; and E. landscape lighting. Section 9.2. Light Standards. The maximum height of light standards shall not exceed the building height proposed or twenty-five (25) feet, whichever is less, However, when light standards abut or fall within ninety (90) feet of a residential district or use, they shall not exceed fifteen (15) feet. Section 9.3, Illumination Levels. All site lighting shall be designed to not exceed 0,3 footcandle at the property line of adjoining commercial areas, and 0,1 footcandle at the property line of adjoining residential areas. Section 9 .4, Waivers. The applicant may request a Commission waiver to the dimensional and quantitative standards of this Section 9 by not greater than thirty- five percent (35%) if: A. the proposal IS consistent with the land use standards In the District; and B, the proposal will enhance the overall Development Plan for the District and the surrounding area 10 I I I 423 424 11;~ 427 11;~ 430 11~~ 433 11~~ 436 I 437 438 439 1440 441 11:; 444 11:~ 447 I ::~ 450 I :;~ 453 I :;~ 456 I :~~ 459 I :~~ 462 I :~~ 465 I I PROPOSE)) TE.XT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Section 10. Other ADLS Requirements, Section 10,1. Outside Storage of Refuse or Merchandise: No outside, unenclosed storage of refuse (whether or not in containers) shall be permitted on any tract. Any accessory structure designed for refuse storage shall be architecturally compatible with the principal building. Trash pickup in the Residential Development Area shall be performed in accordance with the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions to be recorded for the Residential Development Area in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Section 10,2. Signs. A sign plan shall be submitted to the Commission for its approval and included in ADLS plans. The signs within the District shall comply with those provisions of Chapter 25, Section 7 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance in effect on February 21, 2005, (the "Sign Ordinance"), except as expressly provided for in this Section 10.2. The Sign Ordinance is attached hereto, incorporated herein and marked as Exhibit "D" for certainty. A. Commercial Development Area: (1 ) A ground sign shall be allowed at the location shown on the approved Development Plan, The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed eight (8) feet and the maximum sign area shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet. Copy on this sign may include the district name, "Jackson Square", and tenant names. (2) Wall signage shall be allowed as follows: (a) one (1) main building sign and two (2) tenant signs not to exceed sixty (60) square feet each in sign area; and (b) up to two (2) minor tenant signs not to exceed thirty-five (35) square feet each in sign area as shown on the approved building elevation. (3) Monument/ground signage may consist of either a sign cabinet or individual letters (internally illuminated or back lit), B. Residential Development Area: One ground sign shall be allowed at the location shown on the approved Development Plan at the entrance to the Area, The maximum height of the sign shall not exceed ten (10) feet and the maximum sign area shall not exceed fifty (50) square feet. Section 10,3 Gated Entry/Private Drive(s), The drive(s) within the Residential Development Area shall remain private and access to the Area may be restricted by a gate, Provided, however, that access must be provided at all times to police, fire and other public service agencies providing services to the Area, 11 I I 1466 467 I :~~ 470 I :~; 473 I 474 475 476 I :~~ 479 I ::~ .' :~~ 485 I ::~ I ::~ 490 I :~; 493 I :~~ 496 I :~~ 499 I ;~~ 502 I ;~~ 505 I ;~~ 508 I I, PROPOSE)) TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Section 10.4, Rooftop Mechanical Equipment. Any mechanical equipment located on the rooftop of any building and visible from an adjoining street or highway shall be screened with materials and in a design that is architecturally compatible with the building. Section 11. Architectural Design Exterior Lighting Landscaping & Signage and Development Plan Approval Section 11.1 Approval of ADLS, The Commission shall review and approve or approve with conditions an ADLS application for any project within the District in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance in effect on the date of enactment of this Ordinance and with the provisions of this Ordinance, The Commission shall consider and approve or approve with conditions, an ADLS application filed contemporaneously with the submission of this Ordinance and prepared in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 24 and this Ordinance. While it is intended that the ADLS application be considered as a part of this Ordinance, any amendments to the approved ADLS application shall not require an amendment of this Ordinance and shall be subject to the provisions of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance and the Rules of Procedure of the Commission governing amendment of the approved ADLS application. Section 11.2 Material Alteration of ADLS, Following approval by the Commission, if there is a Material Alteration in the ADLS plans, review and approval by the Commission shall be made by the Commission or a Committee thereof, pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Procedure. An amendment or alteration of the ADLS plans, which is not determined by the Director to be a substantial or material alteration from the approved ADLS application, may be reviewed and approved solely by the Director, Section 11.3 Development Plan Approval. The Plan Commission shall review and approve, or approve with conditions, a Development Plan ("DP") for any project within the district in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 24 of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance in effect on the date of enactment of this Ordinance and with the provisions of this Ordinance. The Commission shall consider and approve or approve with conditions, a DP filed contemporaneously with the submission of this Ordinance and prepared in accordance with the provisions of said Chapter 24 and this Ordinance, While it is intended that the DP be considered as a part of this Ordinance, any amendments to the approved DP shall not require an amendment of this Ordinance and shall be subject to the provisions of the Carmel Zoning Ordinance and the Rules of Procedure of the Commission governing amendment of the approved DP. Section 11.4 Material Alteration ofDP. Following approval by the Commission, if there is a Material Alteration in the DP, review and approval by the Commission shall be made by the Commission or a Committee thereof, pursuant to the Commission's Rules of Procedure. An amendment or alteration of the DP, which is not determined by the 12 I I I 509 510 I ~g 513 I ~~~ 516 I 517 518 519 I ~;~ 522 I 523 524 I ~;~ I I I I I I I I I I PR()P()SED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Director to be a substantial or material alteration from the approved DP, may be reviewed and approved solely by the Director. Section 12. Violations of Ordinance. All violations of this Ordinance shall be subject to Section 34.0 of the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance, Section 13. Existing Zoning Commitments. The Commission shall review the existing zoning commitments which affect the Real Estate and shall consider and approve the amendment of the zoning commitments in the Commissions's review and approval of the ADLS application and DP filed contemporaneously with the submission of this Ordinance and in the Commissions review and recommendation of this Ordinance. Any amendments to the Commitments approved by the Commission shall become effective upon the enactment of this Ordinance. THE REST OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON NEXT PAGE 13 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PROPOSEl) TE.XT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana this _ day of , 2005, by a vote of _ ayes and _ nays, COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF CARMEL James Brainard, Presiding Officer Kevin Kirby, President Ronald E. Carter Brian Mayo Fred Glaser Mark Rattennann Joe Griffiths ATTEST: Rick Sharp Diana L, Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer 14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I PROPOSED TEXT Jackson Square Planned Unit Development District Ordinance Revised: 8 April, 2005 Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana this _ day of , 2005, Diana L, Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer Approved by me, Mayor of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this _ day of 2005. James Brainard, Mayor ATTEST: Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Treasurer G:\...\Jackson Square PUD Ordinance Draft of 4-8-05,doc 15 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION - OVERALL TRACT JACKSON SQUARE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 03 East; thence on the East line of said Quarter-Quarter, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East (assumed bearing) 777.80 feet; South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 184,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described real estate; thence continuing South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 267,05 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line ofPro-Med Lane, the grant of right-of-way of which is recorded in Instrument Number 95-51428 in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder; thence on and along said right-of- way line the following eight (8) courses: 1) North 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds West 266.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly, having a central angle of 48 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of25,OO feet; 2) Northerly and Northeasterly along said curve an arc distance of21.03 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 23 degrees 57 minutes 29 seconds East 20.41 feet) to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave southwesterly, having a central angle of 187 degrees 36 minutes 28 seconds and a radius of 50.00 feet; 3) Northeasterly, Northerly, Northwesterly, Westerly, and Southwesterly along said curve an arc distance of 163.72 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 45 degrees 45 minutes 04 seconds West 99,78 feet) to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave northwesterly, having a central angle of 48 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of25.00 feet; 4) Southwesterly and Westerly along said curve an arc distance of 21.03 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears South 64 degrees 32 minutes 24 seconds West 20.41 feet) to the point of tangency thereof; 5) South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 95,84 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northerly, having a central angle of 36 degrees 53 minutes 27 seconds and a radius of240,OO feet; 6) Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve an arc distance of 154.53 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 72 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West 151.87 feet) to the point of tangency thereof; 7) North 54 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds West 98,92 feet; 8) North 09 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds West 42.39 feet to the southern right-of-way line of old U,S,R. 31, being on a non-tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a central angle of 03 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds and a radius of2814.79 feet; thence Northeasterly along said right-of-way line and said curve an arc distance of 194,04 feet to the southern right-of-way tine ofSmokey Row Road [136th Street per Warranty Deed to the State of Indiana dated October 7,1971, the plans for said road being a part of the relocation ofU.S,R. 31, designated ISHC (INDOT) Project No, ST-F-222(9)] (said arc being sub tended by a long chord which bears North 37 degrees 50 minutes 01 second East 194,00 feet), to the point of compound curvature of a non-tangent curve concave southerly, having a central angle of 36 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds and a radius of 437.46 feet; thence Northeasterly and Easterly along said right-of-way line and said curve an arc distance of282.49 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 70 degrees 10 minutes 47 seconds East 277.60 feet) to a non-tangent line; thence continuing along said right-of-way line, North 75 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 96.34 feet; thence perpendicular to the north line of said quarter-quarter section, North 01 degree 21 minutes 55 seconds West 20.00 feet to the north line of said quarter-quarter section; thence along said north line North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 166,04 feet to a point distant South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 221,00 feet from the northeast comer of said quarter-quarter section; thence parallel with the east line of said quarter-quarter section, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 217.00 feet; thence parallel with the north line of said quarter-quarter section, North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 37.00 feet; thence parallel with said East line, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 560,80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 7,298 acres, more or less, subject to rights-of-way, easements, and restrictions, I I EXHIBIT B LEGAL DESCRIPTION - BLOCK 1 COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA I I Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 03 East; thence on the East line of said Quarter-Quarter, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East (assumed bearing) 777.80 feet; South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 184,00 feet; thence continuing South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 267,05 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line ofPro-Med Lane, the grant of right-of-way of which is recorded in Instrument Number 95-51428 in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder; thence on and along said right-of-way line the following nine (9) courses: 1) North 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds West 266.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly, having a central angle of 48 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of25,OO feet; 2) Northerly and Northeasterly along said curve an arc distance of21.03 feet (said arc beipg subtended by a long chord which bears North 23 degrees 57 minutes 29 seconds East 20.41 feet) to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave southwesterly, having a central angle of 187 degrees 36 minutes 28 seconds and a radius of 50,00 feet; 3) Northerly along said curve an arc distance of 112.05 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 16 degrees 08 minutes 59 seconds West 90,03 feet) to the POINT OF BEGINNING; 4) Westerly along said curve an arc distance of51.66 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears South 70 degrees 02 minutes 47 seconds West 49.40 feet) to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave northwesterly, having a central angle of 48 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of25,OO feet; 5) Southwesterly and Westerly along said curve an arc distance of21.03 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears South 64 degrees 32 minutes 24 seconds West 20.41 feet) to the point of tangency thereof; 6) South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 95,84 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave northerly, having a central angle of36 degrees 53 minutes 27 seconds and a radius of240,OO feet; 7) Westerly and Northwesterly along said curve an arc distance of 154,53 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 72 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West 151.87 feet) to the point of tangency thereof; 8) North 54 degrees 28 minutes 28 seconds West 98.92 feet; 9) North 09 degrees 25 minutes 44 seconds West 42.39 feet to the southern right-of-way line of old U.S.R. 31, being on a non-tangent curve, concave southeasterly, having a central angle of 03 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds and a radius of2814,79 feet; thence Northeasterly along said right-of-way line and said curve an arc distance of 194,04 feet to the southern right-of-way tine of Smokey Row Road [136th Street per Warranty Deed to the State of Indiana dated October 7,1971, the plans for said road being a part of the relocation ofU.S,R. 31, designated ISHC (INDOT) Project No, ST-F-222(9)] (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 37 degrees 50 minutes 01 second East 194.00 feet), to the point of compound curvature of a non-tangent curve concave southerly, having a central angle of 36 degrees 59 minutes 54 seconds and a radius of 437.46 feet; thence Northeasterly and Easterly along said right-of-way line and said curve an arc distance of282.49 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 70 degrees 10 minutes 47 seconds East 277,60 feet) to a non-tangent line; thence continuing along said right-of-way line, North 75 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 12,69 feet; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 366.58 feet to the POINT OF aEGINNING, containing 2.651 acres, more or less, subject to rights-of-way, easements, and restrictions, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;' / // /' ./ ,,/ F /r ~ '?,\ /<// // r// //^ ,/ /./// ,// /'" / ZONED 86 BEHAVIOURCORP INC BEHAVIOURCORP ... ==..==....=- ==..-==...== --.--....-- =-=-==--== ,.== · INC. ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS. PLANNERS, SCIENTISTS JACKSON SQUARE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA EXH IBIT '8' ..,.....~""N",.,..,.........,M-~'... 78' 2-STORY OFFiC'EBi:iii:i)ING 30,000 sf ..!!!!:!!!.. Drive Thru ... ... ... ,,- l:i ~a: , it; '1 :i'f..r:' ( " \ I ~ ( II :} II!.... M :f II tl !I~ ff~; Ii! t:I.. 1. .'. ! ,\ Id: SCALE = ~ 1"=80' E:m I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I EXHIBIT C LEGAL DESCRIPTION - BLOCK 2 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 25, Township 18 North, Range 03 East; thence on the East line of said Quarter-Quarter, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East (assumed bearing) 777.80 feet; South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 184,00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described real estate; thence continuing South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 267,05 feet to a point on the East right-of-way line ofPro-Med Lane, the grant of right-of-way of which is recorded in Instrument Number 95-51428 in the Office of the Hamilton County Recorder; thence on and along said right-of- way line the following three (3) courses: 1) North 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds West 266.26 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave southeasterly, having a central angle of 48 degrees 11 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of25,OO feet; 2) Northerly and Northeasterly along said curve an arc distance of21.03 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 23 degrees 57 minutes 29 seconds East 20.41 feet) to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave southwesterly, having a central angle of 187 degrees 36 minutes 28 seconds and a radius of 50.00 feet; 3) Northerly along said curve an arc distance of 112,05 feet (said arc being subtended by a long chord which bears North 16 degrees 08 minutes 59 seconds West 90.03 feet); thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds West 366.57 feet to the southern right-of-way line of Smokey Row Road [136th Street per Warranty Deed to the State of Indiana dated October 7,1971, the plans for said road being a part of the relocation ofU,S,R, 31, designated ISHC (INDOT) Project No, ST-F-222(9)]; thence along said right-of-way line, North 75 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds East 83,65 feet; thence perpendicular to the north line of said quarter-quarter section, North 01 degree 21 minutes 55 seconds West 20,00 feet to the north line of said quarter-quarter section; thence along said north line North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 166,04 feet to a point distant South 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds West 221.00 feet from the northeast comer of said quarter-quarter section; thence parallel with the east line of said quarter-quarter section, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 217,00 feet; thence parallel with the north line of said quarter-quarter section, North 88 degrees 38 minutes 05 seconds East 37,00 feet; thence parallel with said East line, South 00 degrees 08 minutes 12 seconds East 560.80 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 4.647 acres, more or less, subject to rights-of-way, easements, and restrictions. I I I I I I I I I I ) l t." f~~ t", S8f;~ '05"W - ,,<=:: ~ _ JRO-JlED LANE d~ "? '~:~:;:'..:::::::::::'~=-=:::::".;:.,:-~;:;;:=,~....::::;::.::::::::..-:::'.'::::;::::::-::--~...:.::;::.=::-:;;: - -- I I I I I I I II II -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --'-- --'-- -- ---- -- =-===-= L= ---v- INC, ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, PlANNERS, SCIENTISTS ~~ ~2 R.W .~.. 'I ~~~ I J~" .....-I~ I'.~'L.~ T ~:--I ~~" 'f~: ~ -@ 81~ I ;;:'i1; 0- TOWN~OMEs v' ~;~ TO~HOMEs I L ~~~ _5-U~ --=- IP....~ ~ ~ =-...,-:; 5> @ ~ q:.,:::: i ;.;1::' 46' ~ r- 0 0~ ~ 2 ~I : ~ ~],_::..i ~ F;;'""I ~ I ) ~ fI I~ 11 I ~ @ ~F.~, ~~ '~r >II @ ~ ~ L46' ~ o~ r.. - ~~~~ U~ :- .1!!::.QU \, r, <. \ TOWN HOMES , -- @ ~:; II '~~~;~ @) ~;'i, ~"~ @ ---; ..,. .", t ;;EL @' l I it$.t" ""'-' "..6' .t~ - L"~OO ~~_ ~- ~ ;"~~\ .... ~ ~t, ~~ / ~ \ /' ~~ ~ ~ @) R""~ ~' ~:5, @ ~2l :~ - ---I~!I -@ ~ ;t @ ,'~_:~ :'~j~ as TOWN HOMES '{":.< t ;)~ ::c: a-lJNlTs !!C ;' D' 0 e... ~ ~ BLDG, 6:::1 ~~ ,; J:Q ~ o . .. "",', ";" ~ ty ~ f:jQ\ ..~;: <-~~; b;"'t \::::;J ,:.~'.~ ;t~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~"J:Qt'I) , ","'~':" €D tl2 I f--j : @ ~R ~ ~~ @ r~ ~~ --.r"" "V' "- ... ) '" ~ I 0 q ~ Pi fJ \ > ~ )D @ ~I ~ 60'---1 r~ ~ ::;y'". >..'::: ~" "..~,; {i~",' .;;. ',,:"~ ,~~" m)1l ~ t5:i:l ,i~':: ',;.' €D - 1 @ - ~~ TOWNHOMEs :t &~ .!1lliIDL !'-~~ @ t~i Ii WALKOU;:S-- ;~ ~ _ :.t-:+ @-. ~ ,;~'i @ I t::; IY~ ~ m - 7.~~T.. :~'~~ ~ I;. !:II 1;; B ~ ;,~:';;. @ .- ff.f.7 @) :'-;,Z::,: TOWNHOMEs fit IJI 5-UNI~ '""";J;~"a WALKOUTS ~~':<': Ji!:Q5li <~~;'F: @ -W @ @) re - :2 ~;.f~1 ,."';9 I II II h II H 1\ \\ \ \\ 7:,,//'-''':::~Z::;:~~7'O~~,,\ ~ ~~.,' & 0\ /// )< ~/// / A. JACKSON SQUARE RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT AREA EXHIBIT 'C' ~ ~ < < I < I N88'38'OS"E )~ ~! I I--- [ r- I ) )- ). ) ) ca Q) ~ c o ~ . I-- C: Q) (f) ~ a. Q) < Q) I .= r- (J) (11 8. ~ ~ q ~ fT1 ) - < < < I I I-- ~ < I I - )t: SCALE = 1" = 80' ~ I IEXhibit D Jackson Square PUD Ordinance CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I CARMEL CITY CODE CHAPTER 10: ZONING & SUBDIVISIONS ARTICLE 1: ZONING CODE I CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE SECTION 25.07: SIGN ORDINANCE I 25.07,01 Gener~1 Pmvi~ion~. 25.07.02 Permi1terl Perm~nent Sign~, 25.07.02-01 SlIhrlivi~ion. 25.07,02-02 MlIlti-F~mily HOll~ing romplex, 25.07,02-03 Home O~~lIp~tion ::!nrl Ro::!rrlinr: HOll~e (Re~irlenti:'!1 Zone), 25,07,02-04 Home Occllp~tion :'!nrl Ro~rrlinp; HOll~e (RII~ine~~ :'!nrl M:'!m]f:'!~tllrinp; Zone~). 25,07,02-05 Tn~titlltion~1 T J~e~. 25,07.02-06 Re~re:'!tion:'!1 TT~e~, 25.07,02-07 Sped::!1 TJ~e :'!nd TJ~e V:'!ri::!n~e SiV1~. 25,07,02-08 Sinp;le Ten:'!nt RlIildinp;, 25.07.02-09 M]] Iti- Ten:'!nt Gr01md Floor Rl1ildinp;, 25.07,02-10 M]]lti- Temmt M]]lti-T ,evel R]]ildinp;. 25,07,02-11 Ml1lti- Ten:'!nt R]]ildinp; romplex. 25,07.02-12 Window Sie:ns, 25,07,02-13 Old Town r:'!rme1. 25.07,02-14 Old Meridi:'!n J)i~tri~t. 25.07.03 Tempor::Jry Sie:n~, 25.07,03-01 S]]hdivi~ion ron~trnction Sip;n~, 25,07,03-02 Non-Re~identi:'!1 :'!nd MlIltiple F::!mily Ho]]sinp; romplex ron~trnr,tion SiV1~, 25.07.03-03 Re:'!1 R~t:'!te Sign~, 25,07,03-04 Politi~:'!1 r:'!mp~ip;n Sip;n~. 25,07,03-05 Addition:'!1 Sip;n~ in Residenti:'!1 Zone~. 25,07,03-06 SiV1:'!ge for Tempor:'!ry TT~e~. 25,07,03-07 Model Home /({ Tempomry S:'!le~ Offi~e Tdentifi~Mion SiV1~. 25.07.04 Permi1ted R:'!nner~. 25,07,04-01 Street R~nner~ For rivic Fvent~. 25,07.04-02 Gr:'!nd Openinp; R::mner~. 25,07.04-03 Tnterim SiV1::!e:e Pendinr: Perm:'!nent SiV1, 25,07,05 F:'!~t Food Drive- Thrn Servi~e Men]] Sie:n~. 25.07.06 T ,ee:~1 Non-ronforminp; SigJ1s, 25,07.07 Sie:n Permits. 25,07,08 V::!ri:m~e, 25.07,09 AdministrMion ~nd Rnfor~ement. Sign Chart A: Non-Freew~y. Sign Chart B: Freew~y. Sign Chart C: Addre~~ N]]mher rhm"t. Diagram 1: Sip;n F~~e Sep~rMinn. Diagram 2: ThmllEh T ,nt Re~1 F~tMe Sie:n PI~~ement, Diagram 4: Old Meridi~n Sip;n PI~cement. I I I I I I I I I I I I I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-1 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 25.07 Signs. 25.07.01 General Provisions,l 25.07.01-01 Purpose anrl Intent. The purpose of this section is to regulate signs which can be viewed ITom the exterior of structures so as to protect health, safety and morals and to promote the public welfare, The intent is to recognize the need for adequate business identification to conduct business while promoting an attractive appearance throughout the community through the use of inspection, and by the application of reasonable guidelines formulated to ensure compliance by all present and future signs with the ordinance, This ordinance is designed to authorize signs which are: I I I I I I I a) Designed, constructed, instaUed and maintained in such a manner that they do not endanger public safety or traffic safety; Compatible with the objectives of proper design and zoning amenities; Established in such a way as to allow and promote optimum conditions for meeting the sign user's needs while at the same time promote the amenable environment required to serve the public welfare; Legible, readable and visible in the circumstances in which they are used; and Respectful of the reasonable rights of other advertisers whose messages are displayed, b) c) d) e) 25.07.01-02 Definitions,2 Terms used in this Ordinance are defined in Chapter 3: Definitions, I 25.07.01-03 Rxempterl Siens. The following types of signs are exempted ITom all provisions of this section, but must be established and maintained in such a manner as to not cause safety hazards, No procedures, approvals, permits or fees are required for the foHowing signs: a) Dwelling Unit Signs I I I I I I I b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Holiday Signs Integral Signs (three (3) sq, ft, or less) Parking Signs (three (3) sq, ft, or less) . Private Traffic Directional Signs Public Event Signs Temporary Awning Signs Public Building Signs Public Signs I Section 25.07.01 amended per Ordinance No. 2-366-01; 2-369-02. 2 Section 25.07.01-02 amended per Ordinance No. 2-416-03, Y:g. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-2 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I j) Corporate Flags when flown in conjunction with the Flag of the United States of America; however, such Corporate flags shall be no larger than twenty-four (24) square feet. Soft Drink Dispensing Machines. unassigned Benches established on business's premises they advertise - copy area one (1) sq. ft, or less. I I I 25.07.01-04 I I I I I I I I I I I I 3 Section 25.07,01-04 amended per Ordinance No. 2-366-01. k) I) m) n) Address Numbers (as per chart), Prohihitecl Siens,3 The following types of signs are prohibited: a) Signs which contain statements, words, or pictures of an obscene, indecent, or immoral character, such as will offend public morals or decency. b) Signs which contain or are in imitation of an official traffic sign or signal or contain the words "stop", "slow", "caution", "danger", "warning" or similar words, unless pennitted in another section of this Ordinance, Signs which are of a size, location, movement, content, coloring, or manner of iHumination which may be confused with or construed as a traffic or street sign or signal. Signs which advertise an activity, business, project or service no longer conducted on the premises upon which the sign is located. Signs which move by design or have a major moving part, Signs consisting of banners, posters, pennants, ribbons, streamers, strings of light bulbs, spinners or similar devices, unless they are pennitted specifically by other sections of this Ordinance. Signs which swing or otherwise noticeably move as a result of wind pressure because of the manner of their suspension or attachment and whose movement can be construed as dangerous by the Administrator, Signs which are located in such a manner as to obstruct the view of the intersection of a street or highway with a railroad crossing, Signs which are located upon, over, or in any street or highway right-of-way, except for official highway signs. Portable signs which are portable or moveable, except as pennitted under provisions of this section, c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) 1) Signs which are established on trees, utility poles and fences, Signs which advertise goods, products, services or facilities or direct persons to a different location (or to a telephone number at a different location) ITom where the sign is installed, (Off-premise signs require a Developmental Standards Variance trom the Board.) Suspended Signs and Projecting Signs, except in Old Town Cannel. Signs which are not included under the types of signs pennitted in this Ordinance, m) n) I Section 25.07: Signs 25,07-3 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I 0) p) Lighter than air advertising devices, Roof Signs on residences which have been converted to office, business and/or manufacturing uses, It shall be prohibited to park or use a vehicle in such a way as to function as a sign, defined to include the parking of any vehicle, trailer or similar movable structure containing or supporting any signage between the right-of-way line and any public street and forward of the Front Line of Building of the Principal Building, with the exception of: I q) I I (i) (ii) (iii) Vehicles actively involved in construction on or serving of the site; Vehicles delivering products to the site in designated loading areas; Vehicles parked in designated truck parking areas of a development that have been screened ITom or are not generally visible ITom the public right- of-way; Passenger vehicles, pick-up trucks, and vans of a size that can fully fit within a standard parking space, containing signs painted on or pennanently affixed on the doors or integral body panels that do not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area, I I (iv) I 25.07.01-05 Maintenance of Sj~n~, All signs and sign structures shall be kept and maintained in good repair in a safe condition, I I I I I I I I I I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-4 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I 25.07.02 Permitted Perm3nent Si~ns, 25.07.02-01 Suhdivision, a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign. b) NUMBER & TYPE: I One (1) sign per entrance; matching signs which border either side of one entrance into a subdivision shall be treated as one (1) sign; however, both Sign Faces shall be used to calculate the total Sign Area, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Fifty (50) square feet. d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: As approved. e) LOCATION: At entrance to subdivision; sign shall not interfere with Vision Clearance. I I I f) DESIGN: As approved, . g) ILLUMINATION: As approved. h) LANDSCAPING: Optional. i) REQUIRED APPROV AL: Must be approved by the Commission, and sign may be established any time after subdivision fmal plans are approved, j) SIGN PERMIT: Required k) FEES: Required, I I I 25.07.02-02 Mnlti-F3mily Honsin~ Complex. a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign, b) NUMBER & TYPE: I One (1) sign per entrance; matching signs which border either side of one entrance into a Multi-family Housing Complex shall be treated as one (1) sign; however, both Sign Faces shall be used to calculate the total Sign Area, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Fifty (50) square feet. d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: As approved, e) LOCATION: At entrance to Multi-family Housing Complex; sign shall not interfere with Vision Clearance. I I I f) DESIGN: As approved. g) ILLUMINATION: As approved. h) LANDSCAPING: Optional. i) REQUIRED APPROVAL: Must be approved by the Commission, and sign may be established any time after Multi-family Housing Complex final plans are approved, j) SIGN PERMIT: Required k) FEES: Required. I I I I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-5 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 25.07.02-03 Home Occupation and Roardin~ Honse ~esidential Zone).4 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Wall Sign, I I I I I I b) c) d) e) f) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Nameplate. MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Three (3) square feet MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Not applicable, LOCATION: As perdefmition of Wall Sign, DESIGN: Must be compatible with the architectural design of the structure to which the sign is attached. COPY: As per defmition of Nameplate. ILLUMINATION: Not permitted, LANDSCAPING: Not required, REQUIRED APPROVALS: ADLS approval is required for an permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. SIGN PERMIT: Required, FEES: Required. g) h) i) j) k) I) I 25.07.02-04 Home Oc~npation and Roardin~ House (Business and Mannfactnrine- Zones),5 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Wall Sign or Ground Sign, I I I I I I I b) c) d) e) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Identification Sign, MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Twenty (20) square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Five (5) feet. LOCATION: No closer than five (5) feet to the right-of-way; shan not interfere with Vision Clearance. f) g) h) i) DESIGN: No restrictions, COPY: As per definition ofIdentification Sign. ILLUMINA TION: Permitted. LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area. REQUIRED APPROVAL: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. SIGN PERMIT: Required. FEES: Required, j) k) 1) I 4 Section 25.07.02-03 amended per Ordinance No. Z-470-05, fa. 5 Section 25.07,02-04 amended per Ordinance No, Z-470-05, fb. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-6 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I Institutional TTses,6 I 25.07.02-05 a) b) I I I I I I I I SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Wall Sign or Ground Sign, NUMBER & TYPE: c) i) One (1) Institutional Sign and ii) One (1) sign with Changeable Copy, MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: i) ii) Institutional Sign: Thirty (30) square feet; Changeable Copy sign: Sixteen (16) square feet. d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Five (5) feet. e) LOCATION: No sign shall be located closer than ten (10) feet to the street right-of- way in residential zones. No sign shall be located closer that five (5) feet to the street right-of-way in business and manufacturing zones. The sign shall not interrere with the Vision clearance. f) DESIGN: Must be compatible with the architectural design of the structure which the sign identifies. g) COPY: As per definitions ofInstitutional Sign and Changeable Copy. h) ILLUMINATION: Pennitted, i) LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area. j) REQUIRED APPROVALS: ADLS approval is required for all pennanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required, 1) FEES: Not required, I 25.07.02-06 Recre~1tional TTses,7 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Wall Sign or Ground Sign. b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Identification Sign per entrance, I I I I I c) d) e) f) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Thirty (30) square feet per sign, MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Six (6) feet. LOCA nON: Shall not interrere with Vision Clearance. DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require Commission approval. COPY: As per definition ofIdentification Sign, ILLUMINATION: Pennitted. g) h) i) LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area, 6 Section 25.07.02-05 amended per Ordinance No. 2-470-05, fc. 7 Section 25.07.02-06 amended per Ordinance No. 2-470-05, fd. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-7 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04,' Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I j) REQUJRED APPROV ALS: ADLS approval is required for all pennanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required, 1) FEES: Required. I 25.07.02-07 Spedal TJse anrf TJse Variance Siens,8 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Wall Sign or Ground Sign, b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (I) Identification Sign for each Frontage on a public street (not alleys), with a maximum ofthree (3) signs for lots with three (3) or more Frontages, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Per applicable Sign Chart, d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Per applicable Sign Chart, e) LOCATION: Minimum of five (5) feet iTom existing right-of-way or proposed right-of-way per the Cannel-Clay Thoroughfare Plan, whichever is greater, and shall not interfere with Vision Clearance, f) DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs that require approval. g) COPY: As per definition ofIdentification Sign. h) ILLUMINA TION: Pennitted. i) LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area, j) REQUIRED APPROVALS: ADLS approval is required for all pennanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required, 1) FEES: Required, I I I I I I I I 25.07.02-08 Sin~le Tenant Rnilrfin~.9 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign, Wall Sign or Roof Sign. (Roof Signs are prohibited on residences which have been converted to office, business and/or manufacturing uses), b) NUMBER & TYPE: The maximum number of Identification Signs pennitted shall be one (1) sign for each Frontage on a public street (not alleys) with a maximum of three (3) signs for lots with three (3) or more Frontages, A building owner with two (2) or more Frontages may elect to transfer a pennitted sign iTom one Frontage to another to pennit no more than two (2) signs to be oriented to one Frontage as follows: one (1) Wall or RoofIdentification Sign and one (1) Ground Identification Sign, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: per appropriate chart, d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: See appropriate chart, I I I I I 8 Section 25,07.02-07 amended per Ordinance No, 2-365-01; 2-470-05, fe. 9 Section 25.07.02-08 amended per Ordinance No, 2-470-05, ff I Section 25.07: Signs 25.07-8 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I e) LOCATION: See appropriate chart. f) DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the Commission, I g) COPY: As per definition of Identification Sign. Any pennitted Ground Identification Sign may include Changeable Copy not to exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the Sign Area. h) ILLUMINATION: Internal or completely shielded. i) LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the Sign Area, j) REQUIRED APPROV ALS: ADLS approval is required for all pennanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required, I) FEES: Required. I I I I 25.07.02-09 Multi-Tenant (;round Floor Ruildin~,10 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign, Wall Sign or Roof Sign, (Roof Signs are prohibited on residences which have been converted to office, business and/or manufacturing uses), b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Wall or Roof Identification Sign per business, or one (1) Ground Identification Sign per building, in which instance all building tenants shall equally share the Sign Area. Businesses which are oriented to more than one (1) public street (not alleys) shall be pennitted one (1) Wall or Roof Identification Sign per Frontage with a maximum of two (2) signs unless the Multi-tenant Ground Floor Building has elected to use a Ground Identification Sign for all building tenants, A Multi-tenant Ground Floor Building with frontage on more than one (1) public street (not alleys) shall be pennitted one (1) Ground Identification Sign per Frontage with a maximum of three (3) signs for lots with three (3) or more Frontages, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: See appropriate chart, d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: See appropriate chart. e) LOCATION: See appropriate chart, f) DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the Commission, I I I I I I g) COPY: As per definition of Identification Sign, Any pennitted Ground Identification Sign may include Changeable Copy not to exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the Sign Area. h) ILLUMINA TION: Internal or completely shielded, i) LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area, I I I 10 Section 25.07.02-09 amended per Ordinance No. 2-470-05, fg. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-9 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I j) REQUIRED APPROV ALS: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required, I) FEES: Required. I 25.07.02-10 Multi-Tenant Mnlti-Level Rni1r1in~,11 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign, Wall Sign or Roof-Sign. (Roof Signs are prohibited on residences which have been converted to office, business and/or manufacturing uses), b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Identification Sign for each Frontage on a public street (not alleys) with a maximum of three (3) signs for lots with three (3) or more Frontages, A building owner with two (2) or more Frontages may elect to transfer a permitted Identification Sign ITom one (1) Frontage to another to permit up to two (2) signs to be oriented to one (1) Frontage as follows: one (1) Wall or Roof Identification Sign and one (1) Ground Identification Sign, Buildings with more than one (1) main entrance and served by separate parking lots are permitted two (2) Directory Signs, one (1) at each of the main building entrances, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Each Directory Sign shall have a maximum Sign Area of twenty (20) square feet. The maximum Sign Area for each Identification Sign and each Center Identification Ground Sign as per appropriate chart, I I I I I d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: (i) Directory Sign and Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign: five (5) feet. I Identification Sign and Center Identification Ground Sign as per appropriate chart, LOCATION: (ii) I e) (i) Directory Sign and Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign shall not interfere with Vision Clearance, I I f) Identification Sign and Center Identification Ground Sign as per appropriate chart, DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the Commission, However, signs in Unified Centers must be of similar design and identical in lighting and style of construction, (ii) I g) CO~Y: As per definitions of Identification Sign, Directory Sign and Center Identification Ground Sign, Any permitted Ground Identification Sign may include Changeable Copy not to exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the Sign Area, ILLUMJNA nON: Internal or completely shielded, LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area, REQUIRED APPROVALS: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. I h) i) I j) I 11 Section 25.07.02-10 amended per Ordinance No. 2-470-05, ~h. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-10 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 25.07.02-11 Mnlti- Tenant Rllilrlin~ C;omplex.12 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Center Identification Ground Sign and Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign, b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Center Identification Ground Sign per Multi-tenant Building Complex. Any Multi-tenant Building Complex (per approval of overall Development Plan) located on a lot with Frontage on more than one (1) public street (not alleys) is permitted one (1) Center Identification Ground Sign per Frontage with a maximum of three (3) signs for lots with three (3) or more Frontages, Note: In addition to the allowed Ground Sign(s), a Multi-tenant Building Complex is allowed one (1) Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign, if said sign is approved by the Commission when presented as part of a total sign package, A Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign is not counted as a'Ground Sign, but must be landscaped at least equal to the Sign Area, For a Multi-tenant ground floor building which is also Multi-tenant building complex either one (1) Center Identification Ground Sign or one (1) Ground Identification Sign (as permitted under Section 25.07,02-09(b)) shall be permitted per ITontage. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 12 Section 25.07.02-11 amended per Ordinance No, 2-470-05, fi-j. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required. I) FEES: Required. c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: (i) Center Identification Ground Sign: see appropriate chart, (ii) Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign: Twenty (20) square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: (i) Center Identification Ground Sign: see appropriate chart. (ii) Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign: Five (5) feet. LOCATION: Minimum ten (10) feet ITom street right-of-way, DESIGN: Signs must comply with the approved Unified Center architectural scheme, and must be of a similar design and identical in lighting and style of construction. d) e) f) g) COPY: As per defmition of Center Identification Ground Sign and/or Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign, Any permitted Ground Identification Sign may include Changeable Copy not to exceed two-thirds (2/3) of the Sign Area. ILLUMINA TION: Internal or completely shielded, LANDSCAPING: Ground Signs must be accompanied by a landscaped area at least equal to the total Sign Area, including Multi-tenant Building Complex Directory Sign, REQUIRED APPROV AL: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. SIGN PERMIT: Required. FEES: Required, h) i) j) k) l) I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-11 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461 -04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 25.07.02-12 Window Si~ns,13 This section applies to all commercial properties zoned B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-8, I- I, M-l, M-3 (or any subsequently created business or manufacturing zone), Said commercial uses, in addition to utilizing the signage provisions in Sections 25.07,02-01 through 25.07.02- 11, may also utilize the signage provided for in this Section 25.07.02-12, A) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Non-illuminated Window Signs, I I I I I I I I I I B) I I I I I 13 Section 25.07.02-12 amended per Ordinance No, 2-470-05, fk. 1) NUMBER: One (1) or more Window Signs per window or window pane subject to maximum Sign Area for total Window Area. MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: One (1) or more Window Signs shall not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total Window Area on which the signs are placed or through which they are viewed, LOCATION: As per definition of Window Sign, TYPES: 2) 3) 4) i) Permanent: Window Signs which are affixed in a permanent manner to the window, window frame, or the building structure, 5) Temporary: Window Signs which are not affixed in a permanent manner to the window, window frame, or the building structure and which are intended to be changed from time to time. DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the Commission, ii) 6) 7) lLLUMINA nON: Not permitted, REQUIRED APPROVAL: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. SIGN PERMIT: Required for permanent Window Signs, FEES: Required for permanent Window Signs, 8) 9) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Illuminated Window Signs, 1) NUMBER: One (1) sign per tenant/property owner and may be in addition to any other permitted signs including but not limited to non- illuminated Window Signs. 2) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Three (3) square feet 3) LOCATION: As per definition of Window Sign. 4) DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the Commission, However, signs in Unified Centers must be of a similar design and style of construction. 5) lLLUMlNA nON: Permitted, 6) REQUIRED APPROVAL: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. I Section 25.07: Signs 25.07-12 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I 7) 8) SIGN PERMIT: Required, FEES: Required. 25.07.02-13 Old Town ~armel,14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 14 Section 25,07.02-13 amended per Ordinance No. 2-470-05, fl. This section applies to all commercial uses located on properties zoned B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-8, M-l, M-3, (or subsequently created business or manufacturing zone), (and additionally situated in) Old Town Cannel, as determined by the boundaries of the Old Town District Overlay Zone, Said commercial uses may utilize the signage requirements in Sections 25.07.02-08 through 25.07.02-12 ofthis Ordinance. a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Suspended Sign; Projecting Sign or Porch Sign, (Only in Old Town Carmel are these types of signs permitted,) b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) Identification Sign per business in a Single-tenant Building or a Multi-tenant Ground Floor Building, One (1) Building Identification Sign per Multi-tenant Ground Floor Building or Multi-tenant Multi-level Building is permitted if seven (7) or more businesses occupy the. same building. In no instance shall any building or Multi-tenant Building Complex have more than one (1) Ground Identification Sign, If the Identification Sign is to be used for tenant identification then all building tenants shall equally share the Sign Area as per appropriate chart, This includes the Center Identification Ground Sign - all copy shall be included on only one (1), Ground Identification Sign, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: i) ii) iii) Twenty (20) square feet for a Projecting Sign; Twelve (12) square feet for a Suspended Sign; Six (6) square feet for a Porch Sign, d) e) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN (Suspended): Eight (8) feet. LOCA nON: No Ground Sign shall be located closer than five (5) feet to the right- of-way and shall not interfere with Vision Clearance, A Projecting Sign may be utilized only when the building on which it is to be established has a Front Yard with a depth of less than five (5) feet. A Projecting Sign shall be located a minimum of two (2) feet behind the curb and shall measure a minimum distance of eight (8) feet :trom the bottom of the sign to ground level. COLOR & DESIGN: No restrictions except for those signs which require approval by the Commission, However, signs in Unified Centers must be of similar design and identical in lighting, color, height of sign area and style of construction, COPY: As per definition ofIdentification Sign. ILLUMINATION: Permitted. LANDSCAPING: Optional, REQUIRED APPROV ALS: ADLS approval is required for all permanent signs that are established in a Zoning District and/or Overlay Zone requiring ADLS approval. SIGN PERMIT: Required, f) g) h) i) j) k) I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-13 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I 1) FEES: Required. I 25.07.02-14 Old Meridian Oistrict,15 I This section applies to all land uses located on properties within the zones established pursuant to Chapter 20G: Old Meridian District, The signage requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through 25,07.02-12 of this Ordinance apply, except where superceded by the provisions of this section. a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section 25,07,02-01 through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below, I I 1. JOG 0:'; 01' SinEle-F~mily Att~cnecl Zone (OM-SF A): a) No pennanent exterior signs of any kind will be allowed except: I (i) I House numbers established in accordance with Section 25.14: Premises Identification, and Nameplates established in accordance with Section 25.07.02-03: Home Occupation and Boarding House (Residential Zone). JOG OS OJ' M1J1tif~mily HOIl~ine: Zone (OM-MF): (ii) I 2, I 3, a) Limited to Suspended Signs, Projecting Signs, Porch Signs, or Wall Signs. JOG 0:'; 01' Vi11~ge Zone (OM-V): (a) Unless specified as exempt or prohibited signage, or otherwise noted below, the Sign Ordinance regulations of Section 25.07.02-13: Old Town Carmel shall apply to the Village Zone. I I (b) F-xempt Sie:n~: All signs designated as exempt in Section 25.07,01-03 of the Sign Ordinance, except as noted in Section 20G. 05. o 7(E) (5) , I Pronihitecl Sie:n~: The provisions in Section 25.07.01-04 shall apply, The following signs are also prohibited: (1) Ground Signs, or other free standing signs. (2) Signs which contai~ blinking, pulsing, or m<?ving components. 4, JOG OS 011' Speci~l IT~e Zone (OM-SIT): (c) I I 5. (a) See 25,07.02-07: Special Use and Use Variance Sign. 20G OS 07' Meijer Zone (OM-M): I (a) Unless specified as exempt or prohibited signage, or otherwise noted below, the Sign Ordinance regulations pertaining to Old Town Cannel, Section 25.07.02-13 shall apply to the Meijer I 15 Section 25.07.02-14 adopted per Ordinance No, 2-453-04, ffa. I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-14 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I Zone, (b) Exempt SiEn~: All signs designated as exempt in Section 25.07,01-03 of the Sign Ordinance, Ordinance No. Z-302, (c) Prohihited SiEn~: The provisions in Section 25.07.01-04 shall apply. Signs which contain blinking, pulsing, those with moving components are also prohibited, NUMBER & TYPE: As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through 25.07,02-12, unless otherwise specified below, 1, 70G 0:; 07' Meijer Zone (OM-M): (a) Two (2) monument signs no larger than sixty (60) square feet are allowed for a single user of the existing Meijer store, with one (1) sign located at the existing street cut on Old Meridian Street, in the Village Zone, and the other sign being located in accordance with the plans approved by the Commission, Docket No. 22-91 ADLS/DP. I I b) I I I (b) Signage for the Convenience Store shall be permitted, consistent with Section 20G.05. 07(E) (1), and subject to ADLS approval. MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through 25,07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below, I c) I 20G 0:; 07' Multif::.mily H01J~inE Zone (OM-MF): 1. Suspended Signs: Twelve (12) square feet Projecting Signs: Twenty (20) square feet Porch Signs: Six (6) square feet Wall Signs: Sixteen (16) square feet Ground Signs, or other freestanding signs are not permitted. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) I I 2, 20G 0:; 04' Mixed TT~e Zone (OM-MTI): I Wall Signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (a) 3. 70G 0:; 0:;' Office Zone (OM-O): I Ground Signs shall not have a Sign Face that exceeds twenty- four (24) square feet. Wall signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (a) (b) I . d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section 25.07.02-01 through 25.07.02-12, unless otherwise specified below. I 70G 0:; 04' Mixed TT~e Zone (OM-MTI): (a) Ground Signs shall not be taller than four (4) feet. 2, 70G 0:; 0:;' Office Zone (OM-O): 1. I (a) Ground Signs shall not be taller than four (4) feet. LOCA TION: Signs shall not interfere with Vision Clearance. As allowed pursuant to the signage requirements in Section 25,07.02-01 through 25.07.02-12, e) I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-15 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I unless otherwise specified below. 1. ')OG 0-) 0')' M1I1tif~mi1y HC)J]sinE Zone (OM-MF): I Wall Signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical eJements of the building and may not obscure details of the building, (Diagram 4) No sign shall extend above the cornice line of the building. (a) I (b) 2. ')OG 0-) 01' Vi1f~Ee Zone (OM-V): I Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building and may not obscure details of the building, (Diagram 4) No sign may extend above the cornice line of the building. Signs may also be painted in white graphics in storefront or upper floor windows. Signs may also be imprinted on permanent awnings, (a) I (b) (c) I (d) 5, 20G 0-) 04' Mixer! TTse Zone (OM-M1I): I Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building and may not obscure details of the building, (Diagram 4) (b) No sign may extend above the cornice line of the building, (a) I ?OG 0-) 07' Meijer Zone (OM-M): 4, Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building and not obscure details of the building. (Diagram 4) No sign shall be allowed to extend above the cornice line of the building, DESIGN: As approved, (a) I I f) 1. ?OG 0:) 01' Vi11~Ee Zone (OM-V): I (a) Tenants should strive for a unique graphic image, rather than be required to conform to a single graphic style for the whole building, I Provir!ence M 01r1 Merirli~n, The sign package adopted with Ordinance No. Z-338, Providence at Old Meridian Plan Unit Development District shall be allowed as approved, ILLUMINATION: As approved. (b) I g) h) LANDSCAPING: A landscaped area equal to the total sign area is required for all Ground Signs established in the Old Meridian District. REQUIRED APPROV AL: Must be approved by the Commission, and sign may be established any time after final plans are approved, SIGN PERMIT: Required FEES: Required. Specific District Requirements: 1. JOG 0-) OR' Mixerl Merlic~1 Zone (OM-MM): I i) j) k) 1) I I Section 25.07: Signs 25,07-16 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01,' Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I I (a) CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I I I I I (b) I The provisions of the Sign Ordinance, Ordinance No, Z-302, shall apply, except as noted below, (i) For a building with multiple tenants or occupants and which is in excess of 10,000 square feet of gross building area located on a site by itself, or for multiple buildings located on an integrated site with a shared entrance, a single freestanding monument sign located at the entrance of the site and within the front setback shall be peTI11itted, Each sign face (maximum of two (2) faces per sign) shall not exceed sixty (60) square feet in total area. It must be landscaped at the base of the sign, A building not described in Subsection (a) above, shall be identified by the use of a ground sign which shall not be taller than four (4) feet, and have a sign face that does not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. Wall signs shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet. (ii) (iii) Directory signs are peTI11itted in accordance with the Sign Ordinance Z-302. Wall signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building and may not obscure details of the building. (Diagram 4) (iv) (c) No sign may extend above the bottom of the roofline or, in the case of flat roofs, the cornice line of the Building. I I I I I I I I I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-17 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE Temporary sign permits can be issued for no more than one (1) year's duration, but may be renewed, unless otherwise prohibited. 25.07.03-01 Suhtlivision Construction Signs, a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign, b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) sign per entrance, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Sixty-four (64) square feet per sign. d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Eight (8) feet. e) LOCATION: At entrance to subdivision; sign shall not interfere with Vision Clearance and shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet ITom the street right-of-way, except when located on a comer lot, as for Vision Clearance on Comer Lots (see Section 3.07: Definitions, in Zoning Regulations). t) DESIGN: No restrictions. g) COPY: No restrictions, h) ILLUMlNA nON: Not permitted, i) LANDSCAPING: Not required. j) REQUJRED APPROVAL: None. k) SIGN PERMIT: Required. I) FEES: Required. m) TIME: May be established after, but not before fmal approval of subdivision plans; may remain until less than twenty percent (20%) of the lots in the subdivision remain for sale; and may be in addition to any permanent Subdivision Sign permitted by the terms of this Ordinance, 25.07.03-02 Non-Resitlential anti Multiple Family Construction Siens, a) SIGN CLASSIFICA nON: Ground Sign, b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) sign per Property Frontage. c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Thirty-two (32) square feet 25.07.03 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TemporaJ:y Si~ns. HOlIsin~ Complex d) e) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Eight (8) feet. LOCATION: Shall be set back twenty (20) feet ITom the street right-of-way; only one (1) sign may face any particular Property Frontage, DESIGN: No restrictions, COPY: Limited to identification of the building, architects, engineers, contractors, and other individuals or firms involved with the construction, but shall not include any advertising or product. ILLUMlNA TION: Not permitted, LANDSCAPING: Not required. REQUJRED APPROVAL: None, f) g) h) i) j) I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-18 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I k) I) m) I 25.07.03-03 a) b) I I c) I I I I d) I e) I I I I I f) I I SIGN PERMIT: Required, FEES: Required. TIME: Shall not be established until after construction has begun; shall be removed within seven (7) days after the beginning ofthe intended use of the project. Rea] Rstate Siens. SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign. NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) sign per Property Frontage, No more than two (2) , Sign Faces per sign, and the angle of separation between the faces of the sign shall not exceed sixty degrees (600), (Refer to DIAGRAM 1) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: 1) Residential zones: i) ii) Lot size under five (5) acres: Six (6) square feet and Lot size five (5) acres and over: Thirty-two (32) square feet 2) Business and Manufacturing Zones - maximum Sign Face Area (both faces, if applicable): i) for a lot less than five (5) acres in area shall be twenty (20) square feet, and ii) for a lot greater than five (5) acres in area shall be thirty-two (32) square feet. MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: 1) Lot size under five (5) acres: Five (5) feet; 2) Lot size five (5) acres and over: Eight (8) feet. LOCATION: 1) Residential Zones: i) Signs of six (6) square feet or less: Ten (10) feet ITom right-of- way; ii) over six (6) square feet: Twenty-five (25) feet from right-of-way. Business and Manufacturing Zones: i) Signs of six (6) square feet or less: Five (5) feet &om the right- of-way; ii) over six (6) square feet: Ten (10) feet from the right-of-way. Hi) For lots with more than one (1) street frontage, the distance between any two (2) signs shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet at any point; and iv) for through lots, two (2) signs may not be located in the same half yard. (Refer to DIAGRAM 2). DESIGN: No restrictions, 2) Section 25.07: Signs 25,07-19 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461 -04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I g) COPY: May announce the sale, rental or lease of the premises, but shall reflect no advertising or promotional materia] other than to indicate the party listing the property for sale or lease. ll.-LUMINA TION: Not permitted. LANDSCAPING: Not required, REQUIRED APPROVAL: None, SIGN PERMIT: Required for signs with a Sign Area over six (6) square feet. TIME: 25.07.03-04 Political Campai~n Si~ns,16 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign. b) NUMBER & TYPE: No restrictions, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Sixteen (16) square feet total per Premises. d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Five (5) feet. e) LOCATION: Must be confined to private property and/or polling sites. f) DESIGN: No restrictions, g) COpy: Names of candidates seeking public political office and other data pertinent thereto, I I I I I I .' I I I h) i) j) k) I) 1) Residentia] Zones - Signs shall be removed promptly after closing, lease or rental of the property. An OPEN HOUSE sign may be posted only when an open house is being conducted on the premises, unless the sign lists the dates and times of a future open house, Business and Manufacturing Zones - Signs shall be removed within seven (7) days of the sale, lease or rental of the property. Mu]ti-family Housing Complex - Once eighty percent (80%) of units are leased, sold or occupied, Real Estate Signs are limited to either Ground Sign, Wall Sign or Window Sign of six (6) square feet or less, 2) 3) h) ll.-LUMINATION: Not pennitted. i) LANDSCAPING: Not required. j) REQUIRED APPROVAL: None, k) SIGN PERMIT: Not required, ]) FEES: Not required. m) TIME: None, I I I 25.07.03-05 Additional ~;je-ns in Residential Zones, a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign. b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) sign in addition to a pennitted Real Estate Sign(s) per lot with a maximum of two (2) Sign Faces. c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Eight (8) square feet (both faces, ifapplicab]e). I I I 16 Section 25.07.03-04 amended per Ordinance No. 2-470-05, fm. Section 25.07: Signs 25,07-20 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Four (4) feet. 25.07.03-06 Si~na~e for Temporary TTses,17 This section shall apply to those temporary uses established by Section 25.23 and Section 25.24 of this Ordinance, a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Wan sien or EfOlIno sien, b) NUMBER & TYPE: One (1) identification sign, c) MAXIMUM SIGN AREA: Thirty-two (32) square feet d) MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: Six (6) feet. e) LOCATION: Must not interfere with Vision Clearance, f) DESIGN: No restrictions, g) COPY: As per definition of identification sign. h) ILLUMINA TION: Not permitted, i) LANDSCAPING: Not required, j) REQUIRED APPROVAL: None, k) SIGN PERMIT: Required, l) FEES: Required, except for local non-profit organizations applying under Section 25,24 of this Ordinance, m) TIME: Limited to duration of temporary use permit. I I I I I I I I I I I d) e) LOCATION: Shall be set back ten (10) feet ITom the street right-of-way, f) g) h) i) j) k) DESIGN: No restrictions, ILLUMJNA TION: Not permitted, LANDSCAPING: Not required. REQUIRED APPROVAL: None. SI GN PERMIT: Required for signs with a sign area over six (6) square feet. TIME: Signs shall be removed promptly after completion of construction, renovation or repair of improvements on the property, I 25.07.03-07 Model Home & Temporary Sales Office Identification Si~ns,18 a) SIGN CLASSIFICATION: Ground Sign, b) NUMBER & TYPE: i) One (1) sales office Identification Sign per hundred lots, I ii) One (1) model home Identification Sign per approved model home, c) MAXlMUMSIGNAREA: I I i) ii) Sales office Identification Sign: Thirty (30) square feet. Model home Identification Sign: Six (6) square feet. 17 Section 25.07.03-06 amended perOrd;nance No. 2-461-04, f;. 18 Sec{;on 25.07,03-07 adopted per Ord;nance No. 2-366-01. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-21 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF GROUND SIGN: 25.07.04 Permitted Hanners, 25.07.04-01 Street Hanners For Civic Rvents, A Banner for special events designated by the Mayor of the City of Carmel may be erected no more than thirty (30) days prior to the event and shall be removed no more than three (3) days after the event. The erection of a banner for a Special Event is further subject to the approval of the appropriate governmental agency having jurisdiction over the proposed location ofthe Banner. A banner for grand openings may be erected no more than fourteen (14) days prior to the date the business first opens to the general public and shall be removed no more than seven (7) days after the date the business first opens, 25.07.04-03 Interim Sienaee Pendine Permanent Sien. A temporary banner attached securely to the wall of a building on all comers shall be permitted until a permanent sign is erected. The temporary banner must satisfy the applicable regulations concerning maximum Sign Area and location, and a Sign Permit is required. The temporary banner shall not be displayed for more than ninety (90) days following the I I I I .' I I I I I I I 25.07.04-02 I I . d) e) i) Sales office Identification Sign: Six (6) feet. ii) Model home Identification Sign: Three (3) feet. LOCATION: t) g) h) i) j) Sales office Identification Sign: On the same Lot as the approved temporary sales office; sign shall not interfere with Vision Clearance and shall be a minimum often (10) feet ITom the street right-of-way, ii) Model home Identification Sign: On the same Lot as the approved Model Home; sign shall not interfere with Vision Clearance and shall be a minimum often (10) feet from the street right-of-way, DESIGN: As approved by the Commission, COPY: No restrictions, i) k) l) ILLUMINATION: Not permitted, LANDSCAPING: Not required. REQUIRED APPROVAL: Either a Sign Plan showing the design of any sales office Identification Signs must be approved by the Commission as part of the Primary Plat petition, or an ADLS application must be filed prior to the Establishment of the signs, SIGN PERMIT: Required for signs with a Sign Area over six (6) square feet. TIME: Shall not be Established until either a temporary or final Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for the Principal Building; may remain until such time as the temporary sales office and/or Model Home Temporary Use approval has expired, or until such time as the Principal Building is sold for private occupancy, whichever is earlier, Grand Openine Hanners, I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-22 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I issuance of the Sign Penn it, unless the Administrator for good cause shown grants an extension of time not to exceed ninety (90) days. I 25.07.05 Fast Fooc1 nrive- Thrn Service Menn Si~J1s, Fast food operations with drive-through service located on properties wned B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, B-5, B-7, B-3, 1-1, M-I, M-2, M-3, in addition to other pennitted signs, may also display a menu sign with a maximum sign area of sixteen (16) square feet and a maximum height of six (6) feet for a ground sign. I I 25.07.06 A. I I I I I I I I I I I B. T Je~al Non-Conformin~ Si~ns,19 After the enactment of this amendatory Ordinance, the Administrator shall make a survey every twelve (I2) months of the jurisdictional area for signs that do not confonn to this Ordinance (as of July I5t of the respective calendar year); and shall submit the results of the survey, in writing, to the Mayor, members of the Council, members of the Board, and members of the Commission. This report is due on or before September 15t of every year and shall include the sections of this Ordinance with which said signs do not comply (as of July 1 of the respective calendar year), and any necessary proof that said signs are legal nonconforming signs. The Administrator shaH also use all reasonable efforts to notifY the user or owner of the property on which such sign is located of the signs non-confonllity and whether it is legally non-confonning or is illegal. Should any questions arise as a result of the Administrator's decision that a sign is a Legal Non-confonning Sign or is illegal, the fmal detennination of such status shaH be made by the Board as provided for in Section 28.06 of this Ordinance. An ongoing record of existing Legal Non-conforming Signs shall thereafter be maintained as a part of the Board's pennanent records, Where a nonconfonning sign was legally existing on July 1, 2004, the Administrator shall register such sign as a legal nonconfonning sign, specifYing on the registration fonn the date of the erection or installation of such sign and, if applicable, the dates on which the Board granted a variance and a Sign Pennit was issued, A non-confonning sign as described in Subsection (C) above which is duly registered shall thereafter be deemed a Legal Non-confonning Sign and may be continued without further registration. If the Administrator detennines that a nonconforming sign existing on July 1,2004, was not legally erected or installed, the user or owner shall have until January 1, 2006, to appeal the Administrator's determination to the Board or to obtain a variance from the Board allowing the sign to be continued. After January 1, 2006, if the Board has not reversed the Administrator's determination or granted a variance allowing the sign to be continued, it shall thereafter be deemed an illegal sign and shall be immediately brought into conformance with this Ordinance or shall be removed, A Legal Non-conforming Sign shall immediately lose its legal non-conforming designation if: c. D, E, F. 1) the sign is not kept in good repair and in a safe condition and the state of disrepair or unsafe condition continues for six (6) months; the sign is relocated; 2) 19 Section 25.07.06 amended per Ordinance No. 2-365-01; 2-453-04, fie:. I Section 25.07: Signs 25.07-23 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I the complete sign and sign structure are replaced; or I I I 25.07.07 I I I I I I I I I I I I 3) G. 4) the Sign Permit or variance under which the sign was allowed or permitted expires, On the happening of anyone (1) of the above conditions the sign shall be immediately brought into confonnance with this Ordinance with a new Sign Pennit secured therefore, or shall be removed, Nothing in this Ordinance shall relieve the owner or user of a Legal Non-conforming Sign or owner of the property on which the Legal Non-conforming Sign is located from the provisions of this ordinance regarding safety, maintenance and repair of signs. H. Si~n Permits. Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person to establish any sign within the jurisdictional area of this Ordinance, or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a Sign Permit for each such sign from the Administrator as required by this Ordinance. These directives shall not be construed to require any pennit for a change of copy for legal Changeable Copy or otherwise allowed under this Ordinance, nor for the repainting, cleaning and other normal maintenance or repair of a sign or sign structure for which a pennit has previously been issued, so long as the sign or sign structure is not modified in any way to violate the standards or provisions of this Ordinance, No permit is required for signs which are exempted :ITom permits elsewhere in this Ordinance, No new pennit is required for signs which have pennits and which conform with the requirements of this ordinance on the date of its adoption unless and until the sign is altered or relocated in violation of this Ordinance, A penn it must be secured when the fee ownership of the property upon which the sign is located has been changed, or when the ground upon which the sign is situated has been leased to a new lessee, Every Sign Permit issued by the Administrator shall become null and void if the sign is not established within six (6) months after the issuance of such penn it. Signs which require approval by the Commission must be established within one (1) year after the date such approval is granted, or such approval shall become null and void, Signs which require variance approval from the Board shall be established within one (1) year, (See Ordinance No, 2-170). No person shall establish any sign upon any property or building without the consent of the owner or person entitled to possession of the property or building if any, or their authorized representative, Application for a permit shall be made to the Administrator upon a form provided by the Administrator and shall be accompanied by such information as may be required to assure compliance with all appropriate laws and regulations of the City including, but not limited to: 1) 2) 3) 4) Name and address of the owner of the sign, Name and address of the owner (fee owner) of the Premises where the sign is to be located, Name and address of the person leasing the Premises (if applicable), Clear and legible drawings with description definitely showing location of the sign which is the subject of the permit and all other existing signs whose construction requires permits, when such signs are on the same Premises, Drawings showing the dimensions, construction supports, sizes, electrical wiring and components, materials, and design of the sign and method of attachment. The design, quality, materials and loading shall conform to the requirements of the Building Official's and Administrative Code (RO.A.C.), as amended, If required by the Administrator, engineering data shall be supplied on plans submitted certified by a duly licensed engineer. 5) I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-24 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I Ivl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I I The Administrator shall issue a permit for the establishment of a sign when an application therefore has been properly made of the city. The person establishing a sign shall notify the Administrator upon completion of the work for which permits are required, and shall submit a color photograph of the established sign to the Administrator. All signs shall be subject to an inspection by the Administrator. The Administrator may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under provisions of this Section whenever the permit is issued on the basis of a misstatement of fact or fraud after due notice by and hearing before the Administrator. When a Sign Permit is denied or revoked by the Administrator, he shall give written notice of the denial to the applicant together with a brief written statement of the reasons for the denial. I I I No permit for a sign issued hereunder shall be deemed to constitute permission or authorization to maintain an unlawful sign nor shall any permit issued hereunder constitute a defense in an action to abate an unlawful sign. An Appeal may be taken to the Board from either the Administrator's denial or revocation of a permit or from the failure of the Administrator to formally grant or deny a permit within thirty days (30) days, (See Section 30.01 and Section 30.02), Permit fees shall be as stated in Section 29.06.05 of this Ordinance. I I 25.07.08 Variance, I A variance from the terms of these regulations may be submitted to the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals as stated in Section 30.05 of this Ordinance. I 25.07.09 Administration and Rnforcement 25.07.09-01 Administration. I I The Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to enforce and carry out all provisions of this section both in letter and spirit, pursuant to state statute, The Administrator is further empowered to delegate the duties and the powers granted to and imposed upon him under this Ordinance, As used in this section, "Administrator" shall include any authorized representative(s), The Administrator is hereby empowered to enter or inspect any building, structure, or premises in the jurisdictional area of this Ordinance, upon which, or in connection with which a sign is located, for the purpose of inspection of the sign, its structural and electrical connections, and to insure compliance with the provisions of this section, Such inspections shall be carried out during business hours, unless an emergency exists. I I I I I I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-25 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE Sir:n Chart A. Non-Freeway,20 STNGT R TRNA NT IV MITT ,TT-TRNANT RIm DINGS (Ground Floor & Multi-Level) Distance of Sign from Street Building Maximum Maximum Height Right-of- W ay* Frontage Sign Area of Ground Sign (minimum of 5 feet) (Tenant Unit) 5 - 50 feet under 50 feet 30 sq, ft. 6 feet 51 - 100 feet 45 sq, ft, 6 feet 101 - 150 feet 60 sq, ft, 6 feet 151 - 300 feet 75 sq. ft, 6 feet 51-100 feet under 50 feet 35 sq, ft, 6 feet 51 -100 feet 60 sq, ft. 6 feet 101 - 150 feet 80 sq. ft, 6 feet 151 -300 feet 95 sq, ft. 6 feet 101 - 300 feet under 50 feet 40 sq. ft. 6 feet 51 - 100 feet 75 sq. ft, 6 feet 101 - 150 feet 90 sq, ft, 6 feet 151 - 300 feet 105 sq, ft, 6 feet Over 300 feet under 50 feet 50 sq, ft, 7 feet 50 - 100 feet 90 sq, ft. 7 feet 10 1 - 100 feet 100 sq. ft, 7 feet 151 - 300 feet 115 sq, ft, 7 feet 300 + feet 150 sq, ft, 7 feet * Street Right-of-Way, as designated in the Thoroughfare Plan. 20 Sign ChartA amended per Ordinance No. 2-453-04, fjb. Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-26 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I Sj~n (;h3rt R: Freeway.21 I STNGT .F- TFN A NT & M1 IT TT- TFN A NT RTTTT .DTNGS: (Ground Floor & Multi-Level) I Distance of Sign From Street Building Maximum Maximum Right-of- W ay* Frontage Sign Area Height (minimum of 5 ft) (Tenant Unit) of G round Sign 200 feet & under under 100 feet 40 sq, feet 6 feet 101 - 250 feet 75 sq, feet 7 feet over 250 feet 100 sq, feet 8 feet over 200 feet* under 100 feet 50 sq. feet 6 feet 101 - 250 feet 90 sq. feet 7 feet over 250 feet 120 sq. ft. 8 feet I I I I * Street Right-of-Way, as designated in the Thoroughfare Plan, For distances over 200 feet, the maximum sign area may be increased at the rate of an additional five (5) sq, ft, per additional 100 ft, of distance from sign to street right-of-way, ** I Sj~n (;hart (;: Aclclress Nnmher (;hart,22 I I Distance of Numbers from Street Maximum Height Right-of-Way* of Numbers 100 feet 3,5 inches 200 feet 7.0 inches 400 feet 14,0 inches 600 feet 21.0 inches 800 feet 28,0 inches 1,000 feet 35,0 inches 1,320 feet 46,1 inches I I I I * Street Right-of-Way, as designated in the Thoroughfare Plan. I I 21 Sign Chart B amended per Ordinance No. Z-453-04, fib. 22 Sign Chart C amended per Ordinance No. Z-453-04, ifb. I Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-27 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I nia~ram 1. Si~n Face Separation, I I I I I I 00 minimum 600 maximum DIAGRAM 1 I I niagram 2: Throlleh T ,ot Real Rstate Sien Placement. I street ---------------.-.---------- Half-yard dividing line street I I I DIAGRAM 2 I Ii I I Section 25,07: Signs 25.07-28 as adopted per 2-302; as amended per 2-365-01; 2-366-01; 2-369-02; 2-416-03; 2-453-04; 2-461-04; 2-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I I CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE I Di3er3m 3: Old Town ~armel.23 I fii3eram 4- Old Meridi3n Sien Placement. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 23 Diagram 3 repealed per Ordinance No. Z-470-05, In. See Old Town District Overlay Zone boundary, Chapter 23D. I' Section 25,07: Signs 25,07-29 as adopted per Z-302; as amended per Z-365-01; Z-366-01; Z-369-02; Z-416-03; Z-453-04; Z-461-04; Z-470-05 Winter 2005 v2 I