HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice 81201-3726625 PUIJI.lISHEIl'S AFFIDAVIT ss: State of Indiana MARION County ., ... I NOTICE OF PUEiUC HEAMl\lG BEFOReTH,E PLAN COMMISSION DFTHE CITY OF . CA RIVI e:L, J;N.DIANA ~ Docket ~os~ QSD~n019 pp a" d 05'00.0022. SW rh~llpC&J5 ~~~~~~~~~ t~: . cr(y or Ci:lrme.I, IndJ.iJn~ e'Plar. Coml)1T:9~IQI1~~)1 mectln!l Dn the I 19{'" l;I~y of April. ~OO!). ::st 6:09' I ~'~~~~~lsrns~J~nJh~c;~u8e~ : H B H. 0 n e CIVI c 5q u~'a. C;]fm~f, Indiana "16032. will tJQld :J pub- i ~~QU~~~~~nr~ ~ ~~~:Ing ~Ia~ . Aj:J IJ iic~ ti 0 n ilnd SubdYVI~ I on l Walvl:!.r ld~ntHi~d ::':Is Docket NDs. 05020019 PP B"1d ~ O:SO:ZQ02~ SW (the U PI.;!! ~ a!! cI ~ WiI'1ver ARPlh;::tttlcn.:;'".) j::u:rtin1\- ~4reEl~O M~~t d:~~;~cJ~~ l Exhitllt "An ijttochlil.d. hcrct1J: I The Re el Es I:.8w [S 'Zoned S-l r ~~~n~~~~2~ngc~~ ~~p~~~ I r~: ~~rf~~Il~~~~tcJ W~~t ; 1-41a.t ~1;l"ijlijt ,:md Town!: ~.!=I3'dJ I ca~mer, ~nd:l:::miJ ~ In Hamil to n I ~~n~O~~=~~3t .md waive!' ~ APplft;:I:ltEon~ n:tQuc;~t 03ppro'ia:r I to devef QP the ftcOlI E::i ~tl!:: f 0.. I B f'e9IdQnt,,~d subdl...J~rDn con- I ~~l~3ir 1~~,":~m~~I~uc~a~~ I B1 (J n w ~l"e r re.quliIsts app,ro'ft=lJ ~~~~~oW~eb~~:~ ~-:~ ~~~: ~~p'r!:~r r~r~~,::e~sed PI~t ::md W~I~r Apphea~Ong..are on ill c for ~ mi l'I:atiun at tll e D ~piJ['tmen t . a f Corn O1u Illty S ijrvh:c:~, One Civh: SqlJ:&tEI, Q:I ,m R 1. IN ,q 6Q32. b:1~pl'O 1"1 e :;I'll 157~ -~~ 17. . Alll n tarc~ tcd pcr:;on:. del:!;, rhl-g to pP'''':!:'lant thel r vie.w:. 0'" me ~I~~r :~ft~~~~ns~~~he'1~ wr1tln!J or verbt:lII y; will be tdvcn ZI n OJJ portu nr ty to! b,e F01':l hc~rd at the ~bove-me~ti(Jf1E1tt time 3n d p I03Cie. Wrlttc n ob]ec:;t[o n S: M ttl e p r()" lJosed plat l!I nd W3 Ne l" A I)P H ~.t'. t1on~ ttmt iliRl. fiMI d w it.Tl the. O~IliJ.rtmcnt Df CQmmul"llty I Sa.rvk~ prier 00 th~ PlIblle b PRESCRffiED FORMULA H '3:i1 rLnl;l wUJ be co n ~lde red ~1'Iid p QI"-'ll (:omm~n~ conccrnln~.l:hl!: prop~'ild fll:Jt :::md ~I"'l:lr I rtP:~~~~~~e~~~9~e hc~rd ~l: reA COLUMN - 94 POIN'! The pubn~ HSilr1ng I11:JY be: ~ TI'T1 cOl'llinlled from tlrn/tl ~ t~mc.;J~ U'41S I 5.7 PT. TYPE - 16.49 ~lJe foul1d ne'CeflS61~ Ramo~~~~~~~~~~r;~. 4MS /250 - .06596 SQUARES ~:no~~~:JIQn SQUARES X $5.14 - .339 CENTS PER LINE ~r&hf~~~"e'opm~nt Co. Inc.. t./o Lerl North ~~~~~~~~~ ATTORNevFORAD~UIANT J film as e. S III n~lI:r NELSON &. FR,A J'J KENBER6 E:R. 1041 Weit M~ln:;:l.(]S E&:I.::t 99th StrE!!et,5I,,1H&..J.70 ,~I9r~~o~h~~ ;rN 462ac . S(1.[J;B;J;T .. A- Lan" De~~'lptlon (j:I~r su~) A fiB rt of th e EQst Ji.;lU CI r the North e38t Qua rte I'" Qf SIiIt;t:lon ~O~~~~~h..:ffl~~ ~n~~ ~~8l~ lIni5 d~.5tribed ag foll!)W3: B~.,jnnlng lit the. SOutlle:ast ~~~~~ SO:uthll~i d~::ee~aj~ m~nutc~ 42 5econa!!r West :::J.long the :!!:outh t1nl!!l af l!:::!Iid Ej]~t H~lf~ 11[:s1~nce of l331.15 f~ to the Sou thwest (;(l r'l'Ie.. gio dId ~t J"l8l!1~\~~r~~w:~c~ onds~e~~ .:EI"'~Jn~ the WBst 1Ir-E1 of ;st!l.id Ea!:r~ Halra dietBrr~ ~r lB'1 "1.26 feet; lh e neE!! pr.,IQ(I;fl e;~ ~~9~e~~3~2. p~~1r~~t,~~ ~~fd 80U th Ii (} e Q (11:8 tEU'lC/iII crt 1325.68 feet to .(I Mag n.QU ~~ ~his tUtvey and. fJarnt berl'lg on th e: ea ~ ~rl'le 01 sa id N ol'thElBs1; ~u:c~~I~ ~i~~re:~~~~Oo~3~ EiJst iJrong !i~Jd ~~st Ijne: Z! di5..l. 1;:iIm::, at 1lIl.q.2.::!; 'feet to the PQ~nt ot 8ijglnnlng, CC1nt~rning 55.327 aC1e:lii. ITICI ra Q r le~~. (5 · 3/25 · J~~~~5) Personally appeared before me. a notary public in and for said county and state~ the undersigned K.aren Mullins who, being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk of the INDIANAPOUS NEWSPAPERS a DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation printed and pUblished in the English language in the city of INDIANAPOUS ill state and county aforesaid~ and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true COPYI which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), between the dates of: 03125/2005 and 03/25/2005 ~ Clerk Title Subscribed and sworn to before me on 03/25/2005 ~/ ,,'. .1'" ;,..-' KfM8~ l,' R. f""\CKER Notary Pubiic) State of India.na Gounty Of IVlorgan - My Comrn issron Expires May 13~ 2010 RATE PER LINE My commission expires: PUBLISHED 1 TIME =: .339 PUBLISHED 2 TXMES~ .509 PUB US BED 3 TIlVIES= .679 PUBLISHED 4 TIMES= ~848 ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT co. INC. Docket No. 05020019 PP and 05020022 SW PROOF OF CERTIFIED MAILING I:J p.- m ~ ~.~ , .... I.r " ~< I I I I.. I I j I ,. '. I ~ I ' : ~ ~ ' . . 1\ . (, ~ 'If. ' : ~(. .1 ~. I' I / \ IIJi.S~ PostaFJSer"I.C~rr,rl: . ~ If..~; ;\ . < .' 1, d' \1 ::.~.": ~ y ~ ~I: ;CER:tIFrED]~~A:ll~L7;R,e€EIPT. ':, '::;';,' ", -; ):: \ ~ < 1"'. \ \ - / I / \ ...:.. .I ..,. II / t II . ... \ . ,} \1 , {' / ~ I .~ Ilri~""~t"i:"MaJllPnty: f:Jp In~Q~nc~ COV:t:!QJg~ PrQvlded)." I I ..'~'~ ~ I::l o r- Pos ~g it :5 r"- ;:::J I:J LJ1 ru I::J r=J Ae1um Aec~l~t F~e [:J (endorsement AequJrod) r::J Restricted Detlwry Fl!le IT'" (EflOarsemant Fteq ui red) CO ru To\;;J,l PQ8~ga & f:'SG:;;I CcrlHled rea r- 1:0 LiJ ::r ;:',~;~'S<~I?:dstal' SeN'rtet~,:. ~,.. '~ ,;' :: ,i), :' :: : · ; :.'; .; ~ SEN D ER: C ~ ":C.ERTIFI E 0,' ~MA-I'tI.M Fe e.CEIIPT ;I~'~ (Uam~1;ijd:'M$;/~OtJlY; '1!f4 ~J~~ij~J7i~.ca"er.age"\ :;;~<f'for'del.i~~.info,rm~ipn'vj~if o'ur~e~ite.~Btwww:.U:!;l . - . [J Yes [J No Postago S . CompJete items 1. 2, and 3.. Also complete item 41f Restricted Delivery Is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse 50 that we can return the card to you.. U ~ · Attach this card to the back of the mailpiecs, or on the front if space penn its.. 1. Article Addressed to: r- ~ o 111 OFF~C~AL Certified FCle l r~ ~ I ~ PERKINS, THOMAS D. & V ALERlE 14150 EQUINE CT. WESTFIELD) IN 46074 3~ Servioe iype txI Certified Mall D Exp~ Mad D R~glstered 0 Return R~elpt for Merchandise D Insured MaH D G.O.D. 4. Re~rfcted Delivery? (ExtlCl Fee) I:J Yes ru I::J r::::I ~h..lM Receipt FeQ r::J (I:ndOr.5emet'lt F.Iaqulrad) r::I Rt3:$triQled DeUvery FEI@ []"'" (EndDr.:iijrr'iC nt Fiequ~rad) CC ru Total POGtrJgO &. Fees ;:;r c:J I:] ~ ~rrC.~F,.AprNO~;------&.V]\tERffi."."""------_...."'-'" ~~~-~"~~.~:;'-'"4-..--1415.g..EQlJmE-Cl'T-_..n... 2. Articl~ Number City. stste, ..:.1!4- 074 (11'ansfer fram s6JVtce label) PS Form 3811. February 2004 7004 2890 0002 SD~7 4587 Domes.tlc R~urn Receipt 102595-02- M.164(] Page 12 of 16 ',~~?~ f,o~~ar ~rV'l~e~,r.i - '. " ..'... ~f SEN DER: C ~~CER1rtFI;ED, M'AI~L~M REceIPT j . ':(qa,n~$tlC' dAall DnlY;,.mo jn~"r1rairr:e: Cover,~g~: \ F' ot"'dc IL 'YetY.:~ i i1fo ~m ~~iDn ~v'f$i -.. -- n._ L.I...\. ~...oL.......... n .nD:I""" OFFiCiAL Uj i ,~;i / J7t; ~~ .~ Total Fostaglii' &. F't:lea $ ~ g ~ To SADDLE CREEK HOMl r'- "Nr6eF..:Ap1~No.;-"".:ASSOcrn.nONlNC"..."''' Or po Box No. ~ L\ CJ6i,-SiS.1B:ZJi5+4-"95S1-BE~E\JA-'FES--R-o ,. 2~ ArticJe N(Jrnb~r (T fHrtsfi!ff tram sentlce llibeh . PS, Form 381 1. February 2004 :t" rr U1 ;:t" 1"'- ~ t:J I.r) pQ81age S n.I L] r::J 1::1 Return FlBC"iIipt Fea (cndgteement FtijquH\~d) I:J Rea Lrlc1ed Cel1very Fee ~ (Er'ldQfBsmant R~qu1red) n.J Ccrtiried Fee i I I:J r::J ....D ,:t" r'- ~ 0- Lf'} OFFICiAL ~~ d..3D t " ~ postage- $ Cartmc~ Fee ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Docket No. 05020019 pp and 05020022 SW PROOF OF CERTIFlED MAILING . . . .. . Complete items 1 ~ 2.. and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. · . Print your name and address On the reverse so that we can return the card to you ~ . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece. or on the front if space perm its.. 1. Artiele Addressed to: . SADDLE CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION INC. 9551 DELEGATES ROW INDIANAPOLIS) IN 46240 COMPl..6re THIS S~CTION ON DELiVERY D Agent D Addl'esses ~-r 3~ service TY~,"~ <r,;..Cl~..,. . f2I Certified M\U Cl ~rk MaU o Registered ~""".~D. R~ Receipt for Merchandlse D Insured Mail D, C.O:D. ~. Restrlctsd Dellv~ry? (Edra Fee) DYes 7004 2890 0002 5047 4594 ~ -=--=- - ..... Domesl'c Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON OELIVERY . Complete ftems ,. 2. and 3.. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desiredll; .. Prlnt your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. U ~ · Attach this Gard to the back of the mailpisce.. or on the front if space permits.. ~ ;r~ .l' 1. Artlc'e Addressed to: i-.. ':-..~"'I'I ~1.1/!.O ~,~, r ~ ....... .,~ /90: ; . ~".I I:" S\ p~;;; '(; l.i.:....r ~r1.~,:" . ~~ ~ ~\~ :;.~ 1. : ...,' ", :. .;! SENDER: C '1 u~ '-l aSm ~~..w.IC'YrT~~ ~~'I .)'. ' .: '1 ",CER11F.l~D' MAJL1~.'REeE:rPT: ~, (~m~s'tli;i?Maif~t;ln(f;:.fJd)n~ur~1J~~4~~e;ag~ · . for deli~!.YJnlq,:m:afion~...,rsi~ (j~(:we.13s1t~atwww..ci9p ru L::] r::] r::I Relum Aecelp' F,ee (e,dorsomenL Rsqulrod) r::J. R@$u'i!:i{ed Del1v8TY Fae r:r- (endorsemem Raqulred) I:O n.J Total Po~t~gCl & Feea :r o Sent 7i:;1 !I o ~ '"$riiJCAjir:N~;.".eWl) V.e~--eH~-........n--- ::.<?-~~-~~~.u...I4-264-CHARIOTS-WHlS 2. Arlio~e Number LiII,Y, St:J.tlt. ZIP+4 LD ......... T 46074 II "I rr r.ansfet from stJtVic~ label) -" J6I PS Form 3811. February 2004 . .. LIN, DIXON & CINDY Ct CHING 14264 CHARIOTS WHISPER DR. WESTFIELD, IN 46074 o Agent o Addressee c. D 8 De~ L ~.. O~ o. rs deUvefY addre$s different from Item 1 ~ 0 Yea Jf YESr enter delivery address below: D No 3", ServIce 1\Jpe liD CertifIed Mall CJ Exp~ss Mall D AegJstemd [J Roturn Receipt for MerchandIse tI Insured Man D C.O.D. 4. Re~cted Delivery? (Extn3 Fea) DYes ~ 7DD~ 289D 0002 5047 4600 102l;ieS-D2-M-1540 Domestio Return Recel~t Page 13 of 16 ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Docket No. 05020019 pp and 05020022 SW PROOF OF CERTIFIED MAILING r- r=i ..Jl :r . COMPLETE THIS SeCTION ON DELIVERY ['- =-- r::J lJ1 p(l~tags .$ . Complete items 1. 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 ~f Restricted Delivery is desired.. . Print your name a.nd address on the reverse $0 that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the rnsilpieceJ or on the front If spaoe pennitso; 1. Anlele Addressed to: . - ru c:J g Rl:ilbJrrt Recelpt!=G@ (Endo rscrne nt FIB qulred) L] R~$t!icled Dgllvery Fo~ D"'" (Endc rsement As q u lred) CO ru Totei Posb;~g~ & Fees certlRad F G1Q MORRISON~ JOHN & DONNA 14276 CHARIOTS wmSPER DR. WESTFIELD, IN 46074 $ .::t' r::J Sent a MORRISON, JO r:J f'-. ~rle.ef-APz:f{o.;--"-.&-DONN1\:....".-----'----"".."--' Of PO Sox No. II~n:rn'T'~- '"--------------............14-296-€.~ "1:-0.. · CIty, St.t4ICl, z/p.f,.4 /. 2. ArtIcle Number (rransfet from ~fNVlce lab~) PS Form 3811. February 2004 7004 2890 0002 5047 4617 b<::. 3. Service Type ~ Certlflod Mail [J express Maif o Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 0.0.0. 4. Restricted DelIvery? (Extra Fee) Cl Yes Oomostio. Return" ReceIpt 1 0259s.02-M-15/1 0 .::r- ru .....n ~ ['- ~ CI LiJ . . . Poslage $ . Complete items 1. .2. and 3. AJso complete item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you I · Attach this card to the back of the mairpiec:el or on the front if space perm'ls.. ,. ArtlcJa Addressed to: ru r::l r:::J C Certtfled Fee Relllm 'Reeelpt Fee (51ld'l;Ir~lTllClnt Rer;;J~irod) r::J. Rt! ~ittcd DQliVOr).' F el!l []'""" (E:ndor.i1::lrJ1en1 Ret:UJired) I:C ru ~. t+~ PULTE HOMES OF INDIANA LLC 11590 :MERIDIA.N ST_ N. STE. 530 CARMEL, IN 46032 Total Postage & Fees $ .:r- CJ ent Q ~ &a-9tAjit.iIr(i.;nPI--Ul- 5-L9-JO--~-~~~lAN-S--QfS--TlliNDJ QrPOSi;lXNQ, IV~ .... Cl,y;-si~to,-zI15.;.:rCARM"EL--IN--46032-......... "2.. MJole Number , (Tl7Efnsfer from servIce labe)) PS Form 381 , I February 2004 COMPLEETE THIS SECr/ON ON nELIVERY x 8. 3... Servlce Type (KJ. Certified Mall [] Expr~ Mail Cl Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandi::i8 D Insured Man Cl C.OrD. 4. Raabicted DeUvery? (&;tm F~) DYe~ 7004 2890 0002 5047 4624 1025S5.02-M-1540 Domeettc Rettu.rt AaceJpt . ~~f.m 3~OO; ;JlJne 2002 . r . I, ~~e, ,Ray~ Page 140116 ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT co. INC. Docket No. 05020019 PP and 05020022 SW PROOF OF CERTIFIED MAILING ,>;:'tf.s~ PcataLSer.~Jce;~,. i':,' ~", "'::,:''> :\ ~i SENDER: COMPL : >CERTr:FI'EDj"~~JLTM "'REGE1Pl:1 :\\. iP~;'estic.l!iilq~fY:/ Nd,;IQ~u"fl-nce' CQV~r:atP" ~ ,\ ~ct d8liJleryAnf~t'mation.,~~isit ourwe~,slt~.a~iw,ww.J.ls r4 m .J] ~ ["- ::T t::J Lrf OFF~C~Al ~~ Poatage I nJ I:] c:J .I::J Rewm Roceipt Fee (EndQrse h'lQ n t Raqu I red) r:::J ReEitriotcd Oslfv9ry Fee []"'" (Endo r.:;ament Aaq uired) to ru Certified FItl~ Total Postage! j FEle5 $ L.}. 4 C. ~ ~ S HERD,BRYANAL f'- ~F,-AlifNo:r"&10A:NNE"Ml\RIE------".".' ar Po Box NQ. citY7"BiSte~zlP+414-294-€HARIeT-S-WHIg COMPL.ETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY u . Complete Items 1 ~ 2, and 3. A!so.Gomplate Item 4 if Restricted DeJivery is desrred. . . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you., . Attach thIs card to the back of the maUplece~ or on the front if space permits.. , c'. 1_ Artrcre Addressed to: i 1'\ I"~ h~ SHEPiffiRD, BRYAN ALLEN .~ JOANNE MARIE 14294 CHARIOTS WIDSPER DR. WESTFIELD, IN 46074 2_ Art'cJe Numbar (T/'ansfer from serVfca fabeQ PS Form 3811. February 2004 DYes ONo 3.. Serv[ce 1\'pe I!I Cenified Mall [J Express Majl o Regr~terad CJ Return Rec~jpt for- Mere.handise n rllaured Majl D C.OADA 4~ Restricted DeUvery? (Extra Fee) DYes 7004 2890 0002 5047 4631 - - 1 OZ595-02-M.,. i 640 DomestIc Return ReceIpt J:C ~ ....n ~ \' ~t,~l~S"'lP.O' ~~Jr,'Set"i~e ~i\' :" 1:.>.,~'t\~I::,:.;," ;,' I~~:" SENDER: COMPLETE THJS SECT/ON ~'I ~ ", I: ~ ~.~ q ":: ~ r . I',.. "' .... ~ ' ~ /" ;.~~ ~ I, t=E'R~rlFleD.~ M.AI~L~~' RECEJPT \ :iE!Q~trraii'i!1nlM; No~!nsut$Fe ~c(;Vsr~ge~ ~. Fhr~d2U~ 'into(matiDn,yi.s]t.01J~WBb':iffe!~t~~MS r'- .:r- r::J Lr1 OFF~C~Aln L3l J<)O \ .1 u.. · Complete items 1. .2. and 3. Also comprete item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. · Print your name and address on the f@Verse 50 that We can return the card to you. · Attach thjs card to the baok of the maUpreGB~ Or on the front if space permits_ ru ~ I:J I:J Re-tum Reel9j~1 Fl!!a (50do rse man t Fleq u lrCd) t:J R!!I~trlQled Delivery Fe" [J'"'" (endors emant FieqUil"cd) i:O ru Total Poatage: ~ f=ces - ,'~,~:,. 1_ Artlch~) Addressed to= ~1l'lJ ;r.1 ~~ f { p · CAQ} DACHUANG :I~': · & HUA SHEN <~ I~ '_.1$" 14312 CHARIOTS wmSPERDR. WESTFIELD, IN 46074 PO$'lage $ Csrtlned Fee $ 4, t+c, .:t' g 56t! Q CAD, DACHUANG f"- ~f1c-B~-APrr.rei.:..&"HU.i\:.SBEN----------_."-".._.. or PO SQX No. .. c~-Si~tBI-zi;6.;.:;r43-l-z-eHARIe-rS"WHlSl 2A Artrclo Number rr fEl1?fer ftam ~efVJce tat COMPLETE THIS SeCTIoN ON DELIVERY A~ Signature D Agent o AddreB!;:ee C. Date of D~livary B. ReceJvGd by ( Printed Namo) t . ~I f:t0 1\ Is delivery i!lddIE86 dlft~rent from item 1 '/ D Vas Jf YES. enter delivery address ba[ow: D No 3~ Service Type IE Cen1~fiad Mall t] Expra~ Marl o RegJstared D RetUrn Receipt for Mert;h~ndjse D Insured Man D C.O.D. 4. Re!tricted Delivery? ceara Fee) Dyes . -: : I eS, Form 3811 J February ~004 7004 2890 0002 5047 4648 1 02595-02-M-1540 Domestic Return ReceIpt Page 15 of 16 ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO. INC. Docket No. 05020019 PP and 05020022 SW PROOF OF CERTIFIED MAILING LO Ul -0 .:T I.j. . ~ rI ~ ~~ / . I .~.... IIII.,U'.S~ Postat$"ervi'ct!rM ,"i. ~ I.' . _ . .', . I ' ;; , , ,~'. ~\r CERTI:FIEDI MAIL~~~ B'ECEIPr :'1'., ' ';1' "'I~. ~ ?I ippIi:J.esti<<)MaJtOt'-'r.;~No Insuradce' C(Jve~g~.P;QJtidedJ'; :~. I I r- :r L] Lt1 OFFICIAL USE P051tlg@ $ , . 'I ~~ 7i ';:J~ ~ ".~.......~ " ~ .po~arl{ ---. I ~~" ; ..:. -~ ~\! 9" 1J \,,~ .-: ::r l "'~ , n ::;Gnt '" .~~"~ ~~ f2 -x:_-_-=-----------GRl.INDy.,..ANNlilTEli.-----=-.---..-----.... OUBBtj Apt. No.: O(POSw;N~. 14306 CHARlOTS wmSPER DR. c7tjr:-~~'-~~WESTFlliLD--IN--4607-4------------------------- ~ ru n L:] .r::J Re turn Recal pt FGe (Endore.emen t Fie qulrad) r::J F4aatrlcted Oattvery Fe9 I]"'" (.E:ndorsemant Aequlrad) CO ru Tolal poetagl9 & Fees $ Ce rtrfled Fee ~~}F~"rf 3aO(]1.~U[\e 2002' I , See F!everse fQr,t~srru~~ons ru .....0 ....n ::r :~\ U~~Sif; Posfat. SeruiceT~' ':: -".. · . ',~ I. I J SENDER: C I~I, 'CERTtFtED' ntlAI:LLM~' REC'EliPT . (Dpmesti~MaJlt.b,;ly; f(~ Jnsarati~e/r;:dt(erage. I '" Fbt-QelrvcrwlnfD(~i[)P' vrs;lt QUr'W~b.:5jtE!:.af,WWw ~us . . ~ ~ -==: DYes DNo r- ~ r::J Ln OFF~C~Al l3l ) - :)D ~IS PQ.5m~13 $ . Complete items 1.2, and S. Arso complete item 4 If Restricted DelIvery is des(red. . Print your name and address on the reverse I. so that We can return the card to you. U....~. · Attach thls card to the back of the mall piece. ~ 'W& or on the front if space permits. () ~ 1. ArtlclG AddraB~ to: -I n.J I::J I:J D Certl1lad Fee R~ITI Aecelpt Fee (EndQrstlment Flequlred) C AeBlr1e~ D~ljv9ry Fae IT"" (End OI'S@mGnt F(equlred) CO ru Total Postage & FiQC5 $ ... ~ ~ g WASHIN, I'- atre.e(..ap'l?VQ:;-------ae..STACEy-t::................. or PO 8ax No. CJiY:-StatB;zip+4-----144-S6-GHARIQ..'IS. W ASHINGTON~ CLIFFORD D. & ST ACEY L~ 14456 CHARIOTS wmSfER DR. WESTFIELD, IN 46074 or- ! 3. SeMee Type ~ Certtfted MaJJ Cl Express Maii D Registered tJ Rerum Recerpt for Mercha.ndise D Insured MaJl D 0.0.0. ~ Restricted Denver}'? (Bttra Fee) DYes 2.. Artrcre Number (Transfer from Mlf1Iice fabeI) PS Form 381 1, February 2004 7004 2890 0002 5047 4b62 Oomastic Return Reeeipt 1 025SS-02-M-1 540 Page 16 of 16