HomeMy WebLinkAbout213725 10/17/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 060000 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 WATER&SEWER UTILITIES CHECK AMOUNT: $1,967.32 CARMEL IN 46032 ra � CHECK NUMBER: 213725 CHECK DATE: 10117/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4348500 1, 670 . 67 0631240100 2201 4348500 61 . 02 1612501701 2201 4348500 40 . 68 1712423900 2201 4348500 40 . 68 1772409700 2201 4348500 20 . 34 1792580200 2201 4348500 16 . 56 3501234002 2201 4348500 117 . 37 6002411500 Invoice °� City of Qty. Utilities Account Number 3501234002 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $16.56 Customer Service Due Date www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 10/28/12 Mon-Fri 8am -5pm Amount Due After Due Date $16.56 1597 CARMEL STREET DEPT/LENAPE TRACE 96TH & WESTFIELD RDB 3400 W 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 111�1�11�1���1�1����11�l�r��ll�ll��'1'���rirlrl.l.11lrrlllrlrlr�� PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (49.41) 08/24/12 09/27/12 49037953 1819 1820 WATER 0.1 16.56 s a LL Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U 0 Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or mon6y'orders.'G.armel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: • retail the paymeant:and return stub in the envelope provided to the Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your 'Alities ro account will be'assessed penalties if it is not received in our offices by �GOd3rd a the due date. Ave.SW � 3rd Ave.SW d • Bring your.:payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at _ 760 3rd Avenue S.W.during normal business hours. R 3 • Drop yoiir,•eraueloped payment and return stub in one of our payment drop-boxes. (See map) Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month p a with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check writing and it's always on time'. a or,tax" Range line Rd. y Nom RATES: .. • MINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location., . . • CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. • SUMMER SEWER RELIEF(Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of Nllay through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the seater meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sew,-?r lines to be pr ocessed. • NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. • ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a meter is inaccessible usually due to extreme weather conditions. Carmel Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit. the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE: A delinqu,:nt notice will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days. This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water Service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any water. If the meters reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to sere if water is running into the tangy overflow; if it is. there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and chock the bowl an hour later. if the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit/Service Lines: Re_sid_entiaf customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible rr,r water service lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter pit,lid,and casting are the homeowner's responsibility. All plumber a from the metpr pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke. All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowner's responsibility. If there is a curb stop, all plumbing past the curb stoic:s tale respon 11lity of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibiity. Carmel Utilities mainta!ns ovinership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice from u of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response 'within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter pit. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the City or Cartnel,2008 City of --rmel Utilities Account Number 6002411500 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $117,37 Customer Service Due Date 11/02/12 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon -Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $117.37 After Due Date CARMEL STREET DEPT R012 @WA)g&o 0 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 � •• Readings sage .'Amount''billed: • • • • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (582.42) 09/06/12 10101112 61457510 2015 2030 WATER 15 $56.35 Total Location Charges For: W MAIN&ILLINOIS RDBT $56.35 09/06/12 10/01/12 61457502 133 133 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 126TH&ILLINOIS RDB $20.34 09/05/12 10/01/12 62485922 61 61 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 106TH&PENN RDBT $20.34 09/04/12 10/01/12 63575746 0 0 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 103RD& PENN RDBT $20.34 0 a 0 U 0 Retain this portion for your records. C City of armel Utilities A u umber 6002411500 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 IWOO Amount Due $117,37 Custo 442 a Due Date 11/02/12 www.carmelutilities.com a110 442 V n- Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $117.37 ®® �`°� After Due Date CARMEL STREET DEPT R012 @WA)� o 0 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 •• er .. Usage, Amount Billed • . umber', . • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (582.42) PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $117.37 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $117.37 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 11/02/12 $117.37 s a a U Retain this portion for your records. Detach here and return with your payment Sery ice Location Account Number 6002411500 mar m el Utilities To avoid late penalties,allow postal $117.37 delivery time before the due date �] when mailing your payment. Due Date 11/02/12 ® .. $117.37 CARMEL UTILITIES Amount Enclosed PO BOX 109 CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. City. Utilities Account Number 1712423900 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $40.68 Customer Service Due Date 11/02/12 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon- Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $40.68 After Due Date CARMEL STREET DEPT o o - 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 .. -.• • ..- • -• • . •- • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (69.59) 09/04/12 10101112 51187511 667 667 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: W 116TH&SPRINGMILL RDB 7 $20.34 08/30/12 10/01/12 57710396 8391 8392 WATER 1 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: SPRNGMLL&DORSET RDBT $20.34 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $40.68 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $40.68 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 11/02/12 $40.68 0 s LL U Retain this portion for your records. City. Utilities Account Number 1772409700 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $40.68 Customer Service Due Date 11/02/12 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon- Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $40.68 After Due Date CARMEL STREET DEPT 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 •• .• ings ® ..- Aimount Billed; • • Numbe • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (40.68) 09/05/12 10/02/12 51030557 366 366 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 96TH&SPRINGMILL RDBT $20.34 09/05/12 10/02/12 52144446 106 106 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 106TH&SPRINGMILL RDB $20.34 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $40.68 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $40.68 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 11/02/12 $40.68 0 s LL U Retain this portion for your records. mole,Z:�city mel Utilities Account Number 1612501701 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $61.02 Customer Service Due Date 11/02/12 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon- Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due After Due Date $61.02 CARMEL STREET DEPT § o 0 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074 .. �- .. ..- • -• •- • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (157.89) 08/30/12 10/01/12 51504219 259 259 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: W MAIN&CLAY CTR RDBT $20.34 09/04/12 10/05/12 51484434 294 294 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 116TH&DITCH RDBT $20.34 09/04/12 10/05/12 51484418 137 137 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 116TH&CLAY CTR RDB $20.34 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $61.02 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $61.02 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 11/02/12 $61.02 s a s LL U Retain this portion for your records. "i uel Utilities Account Number 0631240100 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $1,670.67 Customer Service Due Date www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 11/02/12 Mon- Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $1,670.67 After Due Date CARMEL STREET DEPT R012 BOG o 0 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 {•{a{�{{��{{err{�r�{�{��{{„{r�r{r{r{{��{r��{{{��r{{�r�r�{�r{ •e .e • ,e- ' • -• • ® •- ° • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (2,374.87) 08/31/12 10/02/12 66982477 473 476 WATER 3 $21.50 Total Location Charges For: MAIN&4TH AV SW RDB $21.50 09/06/12 10/01/12 67265524 1720 1778 WATER 58 $229.19 Total Location Charges For: CENTER GREEN/IRR $229.19 09/06/12 10101112 62555382 3070 3070 WATER 0 $90.73 Total Location Charges For: 760 3RD AVE SW/IRR/MEM $90.73 09/06/12 10101112 57411227 639 639 WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 720 3RD AVE SW/IRR $20.34 09/06/12 10/01/12 08740339 717 727 WATER 10 $36.69 SEWER 10 $45.13 s Total Location Charges For: 2 CIVIC SQUARE $81.82 09/05/12 10/04/12 68170301 414 414 0 WATER 0 $20.34 0 Retain this portion for your records. City/of Mel i/�el Utilities A tuber 0631240100 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 .0 Amount Due $1,670.67 CustoW442" a Due Date 11/02/12 www.carmelutilities.com (31, A` n- Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due ®® `� After Due Date $1,670.67 CARMEL STREET DEPT R012 @ o 0 3400 W 131ST ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 ���a�����i����r�iii�i�n��ii�r n�r�i��i���ri���n i��rr•r��••� ervice .• - -.• . - Amount Billed • . Numbe i • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (2,374.87) Total Location Charges For: 116TH&FAIRGREEN/IR $20.34 09/10/12 10/02/12 62555394 3916 4398E WATER 482 $1,206.75 Total Location Charges For: 1 REFLECTING POOL PL $1,206.75 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $1,670.67 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $1,670.67 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 11/02/12 $1,670.67 s 0 LL U Retain this portion for your records. Detach here and return with your payment Service Location Account Number 0631240100 City rm el Utilities To avoid late penalties,allow postal $1,670.67 delivery time before the due date when mailing your payment. Due;Date 11/02/12 $1,670.67 CARMEL UTILITIES Amount Enclosed PO BOX 109 CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Utilities IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082 $1,946.98 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 43-485.00 j $16.56 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 43-485.00 $1,930.42 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Motd/a�y, Otb�er 15, 2012 SReeegt&8RjR'NSi8 Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/10/12 $16.56 10/15/12 $1,930.42 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer I city of Invoice armel Utilities Account Number 1792580200 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $20.34 Customer Service Due Date www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 11/02/12 Mon- Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due After Due Date $20.34 oo - 342 CARMEL STREET DEPT 96TH & DITCH RDBT 3400 W 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 III�I�II•Ilulrlillrlllli'��Il�ll��rlr���rlrlrlrlrlllnlllrlrinr Period Met6r, - .• • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (20.34) 09/04/12 10/03/12 51676948 0 0 WATER 0 20.34 s LL Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U 0 Retain this portion for your records. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Utilities IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082 $20.34 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 I I 43-485.00 $20.34 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, October 15, 2012 Street Commissonier Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 10/15/12 $20.34 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer