HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes BZA 09-24-12 Heaing Officer t'U�7D11. BUC
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City of ,, armel
Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer
Monday, September 24, 2012 Meeting
5:30 PM
Caucus Rooms, Carmel City hall
Present: Ephraim Wilfong, Hearing Officer
Connie Tingley, Recording Secretary
Staff Members: Angie Conn, Planning Administrator
Legal Counsel: John Molitor
Department Report:
Angie Conn
o Item 5, Cobblestone Commons,requested to be first on the agenda
Action: Ephraim Wilfong decided to continue with the set agenda.
Public Hearing:
1. (V)Mike's Carwash, Greenbelt Reduction
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval: -
Docket No. 12090005 V ZO CH 23C.08.02.A 30 foot Greenbelt required(3 feet to remain)
The site is located at 10580 North Michigan Road. The site is zoned I-1/Industrial within the Michigan Road
Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by Kyle Cyr of Cripe Architects &Engineers on behalf of Mike's Carwash, Inc.
Present for the Petitioner:
Mike Grubb,Cripe Architects &Engineers, Indianapolis
o Requesting 7-foot encroachment into Greenbelt along Michigan Road
o Provide safer route for turning radius into Mike's Carwash property
o Will not be unsafe for patrons using the highway
o Additional landscaping will be provided to enhance driveway
Public Hearing closed
Department Report:
I Angie Conn
o Request will help with turn radius to assist larger vehicles entering drive for carwash
Department recommended approval of the request.
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting
September 24,2012
Action: Mr. Wilfong APPROVED Docket No. 12090005 V, Mike's Carwash, Greenbelt Reduction for
30-foot greenbelt required (7 feet requested).
2-4 (V) Gibraltar, Green on Meridian
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
Docket No. 12090006 V ZO CH 23B.08.01 90 foot Build to Line(70 feet requested)
Docket No. 12090007 V ZO CH 23B.10 Landscaping Requirements (as it relates to the portion
along US 31)
Docket No. 12090010 V ZO CH 27.08 Amount of Parking Spaces Required
The site is located at 10293 Meridian Street North. The site is zoned B-5/Business within the US 31 Corridor
Overlay Zone. Filed by Jon Dobosiewicz of Nelson &Frankenberger on behalf of Gibraltar Properties, Inc.
Present for the Petitioner:
Jon Dobosiewicz and Charlie Frankenberger, Nelson & Frankenberger, Indianapolis
• Relief necessary because of taking of property by State of Indiana
o Taking results in non-compliance with Zoning Ordinance
o Establishment at this location since early 1980's
• Site at southeast corner 103rd Street and North Meridian/US 31
o Approximately 2.5 acres
o Part of Green on Meridian site
o Portion taken as right-of-way by State of Indiana/INDOT project
• Become limited access freeway
• Section identified on site plan
• Result in impact on setbacks, parking and landscape requirements
• Illustration indicated reduction in setback
• Approximately 25 to 35 feet, resulting 70-foot setback
• Illustration indicated trees to be removed by State
• Withdrew parking lot reduction
• Edge of parking identified
• After independent survey, right-of-way taking is outside parking field
o If error, they would apply later for parking relief
• Granting of two variances allows for continued use of existing property and compliance with Zoning
Public Hearing closed
Department Report:
Angie Conn
• Straight forward petition
Department recommended approval of the two variances.
• 103rd Street not proposed to cross over US 31 •
o It will terminate at entrance to Gibraltar
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting
September 24, 2012
IAction: Mr. Wilfong APPROVED Docket Nos. 12090006 V and 12090007 V, Gibraltar, Green on
Meridian for 90 feet build to line (70 feet requested) and landscaping requirements (as it relates to the portion
along US 31).
Docket No. 12090010 V parking reduction withdrawn by Petitioner.
5. (V) Cobblestone Commons, lot width
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
Docket No. 12090009 V PUD Z-503-07 Section 6.6.A Lot Widths,Max. 50 ft(65 requested)
The site is located at 131 W 1361'Street. The site is zoned PUD/Planned Unit Development by Ordinance No. Z-
503-07. Filed by Justin Moffett on behalf of Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC.
Present for the Petitioner:
Justin Moffett, Old Town Design Group, Carmel
• Cobblestone Commons PUD approved 2007 for 17 homes on 2.6 acres at 136`'' Street and
1s` Avenue NW with Monon Trail as western property line
o Because of market conditions, did not move forward
o Last year started getting the development going
• Old Town Design Group started in 2010, marketing and selling custom homes in downtown Carmel
▪ Blackwell Park first subdivision; sold out
® Average buyer wanted homes slightly larger and higher price point than originally
planned for Cobblestone Commons
® Reducing density within the approved Development Plan and PUD
o Twelve units in final Development Plan and site infrastructure
o Spring and summer 2012 all site infrastructure installed
o Major change along Monon Trail from six units to four units
o PUD had sidewalk running at western edge of property and edge of Monon Greenway
. ® Requested by Department to move sidewalk from Monon side to interior of site
• To not impact tree canopy adjacent to Monon Trail at edge of property line
• Sidewalks now in front of units
• Monon side will be tree preservation area
• Impacts function of lots by reducing useable depth of lots
• Will have front-facing garages interior to site
o Examples of homes shown with changing lot width from 50 to 65 feet
o 50-foot lot would permit 48-foot house, maintaining PUD setbacks
o 65-foot lot would permit 53.5-foot house
▪ Lots probably platted at 63.5 feet wide
o In 48-foot house, garage more dominate feature
® Wider portion of elevation
o In 53-foot house, garage less dominate with 5 extra feet
• Within original PUD, concerns with adjacent property owners
o Too high density, too small lot
o No concern with lot being too wide
o Goal to meet Old Town Overlay of 80-foot lot maximum
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting
September 24,2012
Public Input:
Judy Bowman, Carmel
• Her lot abuts lot#12 of Cobblestone
• Hardscape surrounding area
o Where will extra 60 feet come from? (4 units times 60 feet each)
o Area is locked in
Justin Moffett
• Will be dividing area by 4 lots rather than original 6 lots
o 15-foot tree preservation landscape buffer requirement will remain as common area
o Will give nice sight-line/landscape ellipse coming in from new street off 1st Avenue NW
• Will prevent lots #10 and #11 from building in area facing right-of-way
• Landscape easement/ellipse will be maintained by Homeowners Association
o Per PUD, minimum 10 feet between units
• Each home custom designed
o Variance for maximum 65-foot lots instead of 50-foot lots
• Illustration shown with 4 lots at approximately 63.5 feet, with one 60 feet
• Changes are internal to site, no expansion
• Reduced density
• Lost functional space adjacent to Monon Trail
o Required to maintain at least 15 feet off property line
• Sidewalk in front of units leads to ten-foot path access to Monon Trail
• Landscape ellipse was commitment to Planning Staff
o Shown in information packet
o Plantings have not been determined
• Setbacks are internal to site
o Front-load garages require driveways for units
o Units designed with Old Town Overlay guidelines
• Face of house 15 feet in front of face of garage
• Illustration shown
Public Hearing closed
Department Report:
Angie Conn
• Variance allows for lesser density
• More green space overall
Department recommended approval of the variance.
Action: Mr. Wilfong APPROVED Docket No. 12090009 V, Cobblestone Commons, lot widths for
maximum 50 feet (65 feet requested) with the Commitment to keep the landscape "ellipse" as presented in the
packet of information.
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting
September 24, 2012
6-9. (V) The Centre
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for a partial redevelopment of the
TABLED: Docket No. 12020018 V ZO CH 23F.09 Construction Materials
TABLED: Docket No. 12020019 V ZO CH 23F.10 Architectural Design
TABLED: Docket No. 12020020 V ZO CH 23F.11 Landscaping
TABLED: Docket No. 12020021 V ZO CH 23F.12 Lighting
The site is located at 1342-1430 S. Range Line Rd, at the northwest corner of 116th St. and Range tine Rd. it is
zoned B-3/Business, within the Carmel Dr. Range Line Rd. Overlay Zone. Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg Devault,
for Kite Realty Co.
The Hearing Officer adjourned the meeting at 5:57 PM.
Approved this 22—day of 000.19-er 2017-
_ ,/
Hearing fficer—Ephraim Wi/;' g Secretary—Con off Tingley
File. 20120924 hearing officer.doc
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Os ar GAHI
City of Cannel
Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
September 24, 2012 Meeting
Time: 5:30,p.m.
Location: ' City Hall Caucus;Rooms, 2nd Floor, 1 Civic Square, Carmel, IN 46032
Hearing Officer: Mr. Ephraim Wilfong
A. Call to Order
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Reports. Announcements, Legal Counsel Report. and Department Concerns
D. Public Hearing
1. (V) Mike's Carwash,;Greenbelt Reduction
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
Docket No. V ZO CH 23C.08.02.A 30.foot Greenbelt required (3 feet to remain)
Theisite?is located at 10580 North Michigan Road. The site is zoned I-I/Industrial within the Michigan Road
Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by Kyle Cyr of Cripe on behalf of Mike's Carwash. Inc.
24 (V) Gibraltar,Green on Meridian
Theyapplicant_seeks the following development standards variance approvals:
Docket No.,12090006'V" ZO CH23B.08:01 90 foot Build.to Line (70 feet requested)
Docket•No..12090007`V ZO CH'23B.10 Landscaping Requirements (as it relates to the portion
along US 31)
Docket No 12090010 V ZO CH 27:08 Amount.of:Parking Spaces Required
The siteiis located at 10293 Meridian Street North. The site is zoned B-5/Business within the US 31 Corridor
Overlay=Zone. Filed by Jon Dobosiewicz of Nelson&'Frankenberger on behalf of Gibraltar Properties. Inc.
5. (V),Cobblestone Commons,lot.width
The/applicant/seeks the following development standards.variance approval:,
Docket No 12090009 V PUD Z-503-07 Section 6.6:A Lot Widths,Max.:50 ft(65 requested)
The,sitetis located at 131 W 136th Street. The site is,zoned'PUD/Planned;Unit,Development by Ordinance.No. Z-
503-07. Filed by Justin Moffett on behalf of Blackwell Park-Development Partners..LLC.
6-9. (V) The Centre
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for a partial redevelopment of the
TABLED: . ; . -I _I t . - - .I
TABLED: : ! '
TABLED: 'Doekct No. 12020020'V ZO CH 23E11 Landscaping
TABLED: Docket No. 12020021 V ZO CH 23F.12 Lighting
The site is located at 1312 1130 S. Range Line Rd, at the northwest"corner'of 116, St. and Range Line Rd. It ia
zoned B 3/Bnsihess, within the Carmel Dr. Range Line Rd. Overlay Zone. Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg Devault,
for Kite Realty Co.
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