HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes TAC 2-16-05
February 16, 2005
Dobosiewicz, Jon / Planning & Zoning
Brewer, Scott / Environmental Planner
Broermann, Steve / County Highway
Conn, Angie / Planning & Zoning
Duncan, Gary / Engineering
Griffin, Matt / Planning & Zoning
Hoyes, Greg / County Surveyor’s
Hoyt, Gary / Fire Marshal
McBride Mike / County Highway
Morris Ron / IPL
Redden, Nick / Engineering * Candy Feltner, Clay Regional Waste
* Mark Wood, Panhandle Eastern Pipe Ln
Via e-mail: Candy Feltner, Clay Regional Waste
* Via e-mail: Mark Wood, Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line
Page 3.Docket No. 05020007 SP: Village of West Clay Section 10004-B
Page 4.Docket No. 05010043 DP/ADLS: Shoppes at Providence
Page 5Docket No. 05010042 DP/ADLS: Specialty Risk International
Page 6.Docket No. 05010045 DP/ADLS: Traditions on the Monon
Docket No. 05010045 SP: Traditions on the Monon
Page 7.Docket No. 05010036 PP: Bentley Subdivision - Primary Plat
Page 7.Docket No. 05010041 SP: Carlson Corner - Secondary Plat
Page 8.Docket No. 05010047 SP: Kendall Wood - Secondary Plat
Page 9.Docket No. 05020009 ADLS Amend: Electronic Evolutions
Page 10.Docket No. 05020008 DP/ADLS: Pedcor Phase 3 (DP/ADLS)
Page 11.Carmel/Clay Schools, Soccer Fields at River Rd
Page 12.Docket No. 05020002 TAC:
Carmel/Clay Schools - Towne Meadow Elementary
Docket No. 05020001 TAC: Carmel/Clay Schools - College Wood Elementary
2/16/05 TAC
Page 13.Docket No. 111-02 SP: Aberdeen Bend Secondary Plat
Page 14.Martin Marietta Materials - Mueller Property North
2/16/05 TAC
Docket No. 05020007 SP:
Filed by Kevin Krulik
for Brenwick Development Co.
Representing the Petitioner:
The Petitioner seeks to construct 20 lots on 8.917 acres. The site is located on Towne Road north of
Shaftsbury Road and is zoned PUD.
Hoyes: Sent you a letter. Need some trees shifted. You will need to collect the offsite drainage
from the northern property owner Mr. Stout. Make sure Engineering looks at the under-
Matt: Sent you a letter, no additional.
Duncan: Sent you a letter. We do want the subsurface drains connected.
Burke: We do not want to put in an inlet that will not be receiving any surface water. We are
putting a structure in the casting in the pavement.
Duncan: We do not want any blind connections out there.
Burke: What about offsetting behind the curb with a clean out? Can we offset the SSD?
Duncan: No we want it to drain the sub grade of the road.
Krulik: Can we explore the SSD and a clean out?
Duncan: Yes. What about the island?
Hoyes: They will have to look at the length of the pipe.
Duncan: A clean out would work.
Dobosiewicz: The question is the under drain under the common area and it proximity are accessed to an
Krulik: For low points we would not have an inlet. There is no gutter in that curb since no water
will be draining there. It presents an issue with connecting that subsurface drain.
Duncan: They are showing the subsurface drain now that will “Y” into 601 and come across the
street to 603. No cleanout in the curb.
Dobosiewicz: Put it in the common area.
Hoyt: (Passing Wheel Base Information to Petitioner). Please use it for sizing.
Krulik: All single story homes.
Hoyt: Are these private streets?
Krulik: They are public our Ordinance allows nineteen feet (19’) streets.
Hoyt: Our equipment is getting wider and we cannot get down the street with cars parked on the
street. Amenity?
Burke: No.
Brewer: Plans were delivered to me yesterday. Tree selection looks fine. Are there plantings around
the pond?
Krulik: In 10004A.
Dobosiewicz: Why is the centerline of the road not called out in the center?
Burke: No reason…
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Krulik: …to accommodate the changing intersection pavement width.
Burke: What concrete monumentation are we required setting?
Dobosiewicz: Only this corner for concrete…(pointing to the plan). I would take the monuments off the
common area.
Burke: Nail and washer for alleyways?
Dobosiewicz: Yes, we are re-evaluating what monumentation we require. Get me an email on where you
will be placing those.
Krulik: We would like to see the standard for monumentation revised.
Dobosiewicz: We are changing the ordinance.
Krulik: We would like you to speak with Gary Kett of Schneider Corporation for Standards on
Monumentation. He is considered the foremost expert on platting issues and Land Title
Surveys in the Country.
Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans have been submitted for review to the District's
Engineers. The District has received plans. District Project Application needs to be
completed and sent to the District. An IDEM Construction Permit will be needed. All
IDEM submittal information should be provided following the District's plan review along
with plans if revisions have been requested.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05010043 DP/ADLS:
Filed by Dave Leazenby
for Providence Commercial Properties, LLC.
Representing the Petitioner:
David Leazenby, BUCKINGHAM
The Petitioner proposes two new 3-story commercial/residential buildings and related parking, signage, and
landscaping. The site is located at 12700 Old Meridian Street and is zoned OM/V - Old Meridian/Village
Hoyes: I faxed you a letter. We will need an Outlet Permit.
Griffin: I sent D. Leazenby a letter. What about lighting?
Murray: We sent you materials for wall mounting. We have the typical Cinergy acorn style
streetlight and lit bollards for the parking lot.
Duncan: I faxed you a letter yesterday.
Murray: I want to sit down and meet with you about Old Meridian.
Dobosiewicz: You are designing the on-street parking but not building it? Make sure you identify that on
the plans.
Murray: Should we meet with Butler-Fairman?
Duncan: Yes, I would get the most current plans from them.
Dobosiewicz: Would it be best to construct the whole sidewalk profile and leave the area between the
curb and the edge of pavement as grass?
Murray: Yes but then we will have drainage issues for the sidewalk.
Duncan: Grading would take care of that. We can look at this.
Hoyt: I spoke with Mark Smith with MASS Associates. I want to set up a meeting with him on
hydrant connections. We may need an additional hydrant added in the parking area.
Twenty-four (24) units per building?
2/16/05 TAC
Murray: Yes. Twelve (12) per floor.
Brewer: E-mailed you last week. You have structural soils out there. For height on the trees the
small spaces will not work. You show twenty-four inch (24”) shrubs around the dumpster
I would like to see larger ones.
Dobosiewicz: Address Matt Griffin’s comments. We need full color elevations. Dedication of the full
width right-of-way, you are planning a sixty feet (60’) half. You will get into the cables
and you will need BPW approval for consent to encroach. I would like you to present a
program proposing signage. We will support a Hearing Officer meeting on the variance
request for signage.
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05010042 DP/ADLS:
Filed by Elizabeth Hobbs of Krieg DeVault
for Specialty Risk International.
Representing the Petitioner:
Dean Rains, AXIS
Stacey Paul, WOOLPERT
The Petitioner proposes a new office building and related parking, signage, and landscaping. The site is
located immediately west of 501 Congressional Boulevard and is zoned B6/Business.
Hobbs: This will be our Corporate Headquarters.
Rains: The building is a 42,000 square feet, two-story brick structure. Store front glazing, entry
canopy, overhands facing 116 Street serving the conference room and one on the other
side facing the parking lot. Two colors of brick with metal and glass canopy. Landscaping
with a small patio space accessed from the first level. Dumpster Enclosure on the west
Paul: We will be utilizing the existing pond. The Legal Drain was surging so we will not be
adding any more flow to that system.
Hoyes: I faxed a letter to G. Snelling in your office on February 2. You will need an Outlet
Permit. I agree do not overload the pipes out at the Old Technology Park. The W.R. Fertig
Regulated Drain Easement will not allow for any woody vegetation in that easement.
Dobosiewicz: Can you move the plantings out of the Regulated Easement to along 116 Street?
Brewer: There are two different parcels here.
Rains: We are addressing the site as a whole and we can slide it over.
Matt: I sent L. Hobbs a letter February 14 any questions?
Hobbs: On number seven, front yard setback. What is the problem, is it the sign?
Matt: The sign is okay it is a labeling mistake with the setback.
Paul: The pedestrian link we are keeping our required parking with striping without curbing.
Dobosiewicz: The Plan Commission will require curbing for at least a few of these islands for traffic
control. Another suggestion would be in lieu of the installation of the path on 116 Street
you install the walk here and complete the segment out to Pennsylvania Street.
Matt: Have you filed for the side yard variance?
Hobbs: No.
Duncan: We mailed a letter to G. Snelling in your office. The bulk our concerns are with the
drainage and it sounds like they have been addressed. We would like to see path along
Congressional Boulevard? Show dedication of right-of-way on 116 Street. We are doing
2/16/05 TAC
roadwork along Congressional and you are not showing improvements but anything you
will be placing in the right-of-way for example, signage, we will need to review it first.
Hoyt: I sent a letter February 3, to G. Snelling in your office. We will need an exterior entrance
to the Riser Room. Will you have a basement or an alarm?
Rains: No basement the building will be sprinkled but not sure about an alarm.
Hoyt: If so we will want to see a Remote Enunciator Panel at the main entrance. We would also
like to see a Knox-box on the building and Knox-caps on the connection.
Brewer: I called G. Snelling and have not heard back from him. I need a revised set of plans to get
you comments.
Dobosiewicz: No additional. Information packets will be due March 4.
Feltner: Plans have been received and reviewed. Revisions have been requested. Revised plans
along with the District Application need to be submitted before a Sewer Connection Permit
can be issued. Building Permits should NOT be issued unless the District has issued
Connection Permits.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05010045 DP/ADLS:
Docket No. 05010045 SP:
Filed by Sean Sullivan for Centex Homes.
Representing the Petitioner:
Sean Sullivan, CENTEX HOMES
The Petitioner proposes 135 Townhomes and related parking, signage, and landscaping. The site is located
at the northwest corner of 136 Street and Range Line Road and is zoned PUD. The Petitioner proposes
135 Townhomes on 12.21 acres. The site is located at the northwest corner of 136 Street and Range Line
Road. The site is zoned PUD.
Shinaver: The site has taken on more definition since the rezone.
Hoyes: I sent a letter to R. Kelly. We can discuss this further at our meeting on Friday.
Matt: I faxed you a letter. I understand that you are placing a hold on the Secondary Plat and
that is fine.
Duncan: I faxed a letter February 15. At the August 18, 2004 TAC meeting we requested that the
Developer resurface the entire portion of Smokey Row Road. That is not indicated on the
plans we are expecting to see that happen. Plans indicate rolled curbing confirm with
Redevelopment Commission that rolled curb is in line with the architectural style of the
area. We are requesting a 100-feet acceleration taper at the Smokey Row entrance. We
will hold our drainage comments for Friday.
Dobosiewicz: Our Department would like to see chair-back curbing in the interior sections of the parallel
Hoyt: We have difficulty turning our trucks against chair -back curbs. The Carmel Fire
Department would like to have a meeting on the curbing.
Brewer: I sent a comment letter last week. I have species issues. I would also like to look at plant
Dobosiewicz: The northwest corners drive land bank parking on Sheet C2-2. I believe the design needs
changing. This would be cost prohibitive for a Homeowner’s Association to maintain. The
2/16/05 TAC
Plan Commission will have an issue with this at this current grading. Get with Engineering
for design construction of the on-street parking. On the “exit only” onto Range Line we
want to see the proposed signage for that.
Hoyt: Is that something the City proposed? In an emergency we will use it as ingress.
Shinaver: Because of the location of the sub-station mature trees have been maintained as a natural
buffer. We would like to maintain those trees but designed this “exit only” wide enough
with emergency traffic in mind.
Dobosiewicz: Can you design it to accommodate future widening to both ingress/egress?
Duncan: Engineering has looked at this and we do not want full access due to the proximity to the
Dobosiewicz: Okay. We will need full elevations sent. Are the materials all brick, all four sides?
Sullivan: Yes.
Dobosiewicz: The window with shutters and rowlock over the door, I do not like it.
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05010036 PP:
Filed by Stanley Bentley.
Representing the Petitioner:
Stanley Bentley
The Applicant seeks to plat a residential subdivision of one lot, on one acre. The site is located at 11550
Towne Road and is zoned S1/Residential.
Dobosiewicz: Because this is a one-lot plat we are asking the TAC Agencies review this in-house and
contact you directly. You will need a driveway cut. How large is the parent tract?
Bentley: Eight (8) acres.
Dobosiewicz: You will connect to Sewer and Water?
Bentley: Not sure.
Dobosiewicz: You will need to contact the Hamilton County Health Department. Get follow up letters
from the other Departments.
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05010041 SP:
Filed by Chris Badger of Badger Engineering.
Representing the Petitioner:
Craig Carlson
The Petitioner seeks to construct four lots on 10.616 acres. The site is located at 2345 West 141 Street
and is zoned S1/Residential.
2/16/05 TAC
Carlson: We are dividing ten acres into four.
Hoyes: I sent C. Badger a comment letter October 12, 2004 those issues have not been addressed.
The relocated Regulated Drain is not in the correct location on the Plat.
Griffin: I sent you a letter on February 14. Issue with Alternate Transportation Plan requires a ten
feet (10’) path installed along Towne Road and 141 Street you will need to install or
commitment to install. How is this accessed out there?
Carlson: The four (4) acres off of 141 Street and the other three (3) have a common drive off
Towne Road.
Dobosiewicz: Put a non-access easement on the Plat. We also need a Legend on your Plat. We would like
you to install the path now, get with Engineering on cost.
Duncan: I mailed a letter to you. There is a sixty feet (60’) half right-of-way indicated before the
intersection is that existing?
Carlson: Yes.
Duncan: We need that to be seventy feet (70’) to be consistent with the City’s Thoroughfare Plan.
We will need more room for the roundabout the corner cut needs to be one hundred and
twenty feet (120’) radius minimum. Ingress/egress easement will serve more than one (1)
lot and how wide is it?
Carlson: Yes, thirty feet (30’) at the entrance and twenty-five feet (25’) to Lot two.
Duncan: Your full access to the drive may be cut off due to the roundabout. We are making you
aware of the splitter island to the roundabout similar to what is on Hazel Dell Parkway.
Our standard is entrances to be 500 feet from the centerline of the intersection.
Hoyt: Sent letter, no further.
Brewer: I did not get a Landscape Plan.
Badger: (passing full set of plans S. Brewer).
Dobosiewicz: Provide Engineering with the cost estimate for the commitment to install or funds to install
the ten feet (10’) asphalt path. Then supply the Department with a commitment letter. We
will look for revisions on the plan and we will look for the addition of the two feet (2’)
wide non-access easement where the drives are not located. This will be a BPW approval.
Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
Engineers please submit two sets of plans to CTE. The District has not received plans.
District Project Application needs to be completed and sent to the District. An IDEM
Construction Permit will be needed. All IDEM submittal information should be provided
following CTE's review and approval of final plans.
Wood: No comments.
Kendall Wood - Secondary Plat
Docket No. 05010047 SP:
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of
Stoeppelwerth and Associates, Inc.
for Steven A. Wilson, Inc.
Representing the Petitioner:
The Applicant seeks to plat a residential subdivision of 17 lots on 17.889 acres. The site is located at the
NW corner of 121 Street and Shelborne Road. The site is zoned S-1/Residential.
Petitioner: We are continuing the Sanitary Sewer from Long Branch Estates and will be tying into a
Forced Main. The drainage moves to the south across the property and we plan to continue
Hoyes: I sent you a comment letter, no further comments.
2/16/05 TAC
Griffin: Faxed you a letter February 15. Just a few labeling issues to address.
Dobosiewicz: Ask S. Wilson to establish a side and front yard setback. We need to revise the Plat. This
will be BPW signature block approval.
Duncan: Faxed comments February 15. These are side-loading garages?
Olmstead: Yes.
Duncan: Please review with the builders “consent to encroach” procedures side yard easements.
Dobosiewicz: Does the Surveyor’s Office have issue with this?
Hoyes: Not until they encroach.
Dobosiewicz: I see conflicts on Lots 6 & 7 where they straddle the Drainage Easements.
Duncan: These are generous lots and I think we will be okay. Aligning is an issue.
Dobosiewicz: Do you have the right-of-way for the Passing Blister?
Olmstead: We are in the process of acquiring.
Hoyt: Amenity or Gate?
Petitioner: Neither.
Hoyt: We sent specs on our equipment. We want to make sure our Ladder Truck can make the
cul-de-sac. Rolled curb?
Olmstead: Yes.
Brewer: Sent an e-mail to Mike Brogie. You have a Drainage Easement on the north and west sides
with Tree Preservation plans in those easements.
Olmstead: We do not take out trees no matter where they are in the easement.
Dobosiewicz: Sheet C200 you show Emergency Flood Route in an area without an easement.
Olmstead: It is a labeling error.
Dobosiewicz: Perimeter monumentation replace concrete monumentation only in the corners and bearing
Griffin: You also show monumentation in the middle of Shelborne Road you need to change that.
Dobosiewicz: Take “proposed” like this one (pointing to plans) off the plans.
Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans have been submitted for review to the District's
Engineers. The District has received plans. District Project Application has been received.
An IDEM Construction Permit will be needed. All IDEM submittal information should
be provided following CTE's review and approval of final plans and Sewer Service
Agreement being complete.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05020009 ADLS Amend:
Electronic Evolutions
Filed by Nate Lelle (awning, dumpster enclosure)
and Charles Marshall (ramp).
Representing the Petitioner:
The Applicant seeks approval for a new awning, dumpster enclosure, and access ramp. The site is located
at 525 Congressional Boulevard and is zoned B-2.
Petitioner: We are here for the approval of an awning , a ramp, signage, and a dumpster enclosure
made with fencing material similar to the existing?
Dobosiewicz: I would suggest that you submit a proposal to the Plan Commission. Where is the
dumpster it in relationship to the street?
2/16/05 TAC
Petitioner: 117 and Congressional Boulevard back by the proposed ramp. We also need a ramp with
an overhead door to receive deliveries.
Dobosiewicz: For the Plan Commission packets give better location and details on the enclosure.
Hoyes: No comments.
Griffin: No comments.
Duncan: No comments.
Hoyt: Permits are being pulled? Will I see an amended and a final?
Petitioner: Yes in March.
Brewer: You are moving a tree?
Petitioner: Yes.
Dobosiewicz: Show the tree relocation on the plans.
Feltner: This location is currently on sewers. Plans need to be sent to the District for review to
verify that no conflicts exist with Service Lateral.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05020008 DP/ADLS:
Pedcor Phase 3
Filed by James Stutzman
for Pedcor Investments, LLC.
Representing the Petitioner:
Jim Walls, PEDCOR
Kevin Sellers, CSO Architects
The Applicant seeks approval for a three-story office building and garage structure plaza. The site is
located at the SW corner of City Center Drive and Third Avenue. The site is zoned C1.
Sellers: This is a continuation on building four, two stories with attic space above. Civil plans are
not complete. Utilities, Sanitary, Storm, Water, will head north off the site. I will get
Drainage Calcs to Engineering and Erosion Control Plan to John South.
Dobosiewicz: Once you have your issues addressed at TAC it will be a matter of when you are ready to
proceed forward for approval through the Hearing Officer.
Sellers: We are continuing the landscaping mirroring building three. We are relocating some
utilities and will get revised plans to you.
Hoyes: Sent you a comment letter. You will need an Outlet Permit also, send us a copy of the
Drainage Calcs.
Griffin: No comments, will wait on revised plans.
Duncan: We will wait for the revised set. Are you proposing any new access or modification of
access off City Streets?
Sellers: No.
Duncan: If you work in the right-of-way you will need a permit. BPW approval for any pavement
cuts. When can we expect the revised set?
Sellers: March 2005.
Hoyt: I sent B. Olsen a letter. I assume this will be Sprinkler? We would like to set up a time to
discuss the connection. Underground parking two levels down?
Walls: Yes.
Hoyt: What type of dry pipe/ Stand Pipe Connection will you be using? We will need a water
supply for underground.
Walls: Okay.
2/16/05 TAC
Hoyt: We will need hose cabinets and hydrants in the parking garages. If you have a Fire Alarm
we would request an Enunciator Panel at the main entrance. Knox-box and caps on the
building and supply us with a water detail. I want connections close to hydrants. Does the
eyebrow in front of building three does it extend to four?
Sellers: Yes.
Brewer: No further.
Dobosiewicz: No further, get us revised plans as soon as possible. We will move forward on your queue.
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
Carmel/Clay Schools
Carmel/Clay Schools, Soccer Fields at River Road
Filed by George Zboyovsky of Paul I Cripe
for Carmel/Clay Schools.
Representing the Petitioner:
George Zboysovsky, PAUL I CRIPE
Chris Wiseman, PAUL I CRIPE
The Applicant seeks special use approval to construct soccer fields and parking facilities. The site is
located at the northwest corner of River Road and 126 Street. The site is zoned S-1/Residence-Low
Zboysovsky: We are constructing six (6) Soccer Fields. We are requesting a Special Use (SU) and a
Variance on curbing the parking lots. We did have a community meeting that generated
concern with the parking. We positioned the parking as far away from residential as
possible and we reduced the numbers or spaces.
Hoyes: I faxed G. Zboysovsky a letter February 15. We know this is Flood Plain and we are
working through that. County Ordinance requires clearing along the ditch as well as a
dredging project on the vestal drain.
Griffin: My first comment is on Sheet C407 text proposed Movie Theater?
Wiseman: That was a mistake.
Griffin: What about placement of the parking closer to the intersection in the southeast corner to
service overflow parking to the County Park.
Dobosiewicz: We want to address the ordinance needs of the parking does it still meet?
Wiseman: Yes.
Dobosiewicz: We are by ordinance typically under parked. When you made accommodations for the
residents and reduced parking that may translate into parking along the side streets and in
the subdivisions. We want a balance with banked spaces so we do not get parking in the
neighborhood. Identify your overflow on the plans. I suggest you set up a meeting with
these people from the neighborhood and address their concerns.
2/16/05 TAC
Duncan: I sent a letter to Sheila Wakelam. We are requesting dedication of Thoroughfare Plan
right-of-way on all the frontages.
Conn: I sent a letter no additional comments.
Hoyt: No further.
Broermann: No comments.
Brewer: I need revised plans. Are you cutting into the woods to Copperfields?
Wiseman: Yes.
Brewer: I think it is a Forested Wetland you will need IDNR Permits.
Wiseman: We are not impacting those areas.
Brewer: I would like copies of letters from IDNR stating that.
Dobosiewicz: We talked about installation of path from the entrance to the neighborhood. 100-150 feet
from entrance will require curbing. Need to see on the plans the delineation of the Flood
Plain. Concerning the dredging and clearing we had issues from the neighbors about the
water table. Show to the Plan Commission how the development of this site will help
drainage and how that affects the area positively. We requested the hammerhead for the 16
homes here (pointing to plan) instead of a stub into an undeveloped site. Will the
proposed storage building be serviced with Water and Sewer?
Wiseman: Yes.
Dobosiewicz: Any lighting?
Farrand: No.
Dobosiewicz: Is that something you would commit to?
Farrand: Yes and have openly stated that in our neighborhood meetings.
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
Docket No. 05020002 TAC: Carmel/Clay Schools - Towne Meadow Elementary
Filed by William Payne of Fanning/Howey for Carmel/Clay Schools.
The site is located at 10850 Towne Rd and is zoned S-1/Residence.
Docket No. 05020001 TAC: Carmel/Clay Schools - College Wood Elementary
Filed by William Payne of Fanning/Howey for Carmel/Clay Schools.
The site is located at 12415 Shelborne Rd. and is zoned S-1/Residence.
Representing the Petitioner:
Payne: The Petitioner seeks approval for portable classrooms on the school sites.We would like
to locate five (5) portable classrooms at both Town Meadow and College Wood. We will
be locating them on existing parking lot surface to minimize restoration after removal. The
portables will be located with the entrances to the portable classrooms within or less than
200 feet to restroom facilities. They will have electrical service and Fire Alarm
connections. Planning to have them in place for this Fall.
Hoyes: No comments.
Griffin: No comments.
Duncan: No comments but please send files 24’ x 36’ size.
Conn: No comments.
Hoyt: Where do the children go during a Tornado?
Payne: Into the building.
Broermann: No comments.
Brewer: No comments.
2/16/05 TAC
Dobosiewicz: How will you protect the units in the parking area from circulation maybe additional
bumper stops? Show us how site circulation takes place, show it on the Plans. We will
want to see traffic control and site circulation. Get those revisions to us as soon as
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
Aberdeen Bend Secondary Plat
Docket No. 111-02 SP:
Filed by Gary Murray of Mid-States Engineering
Representing the Petitioner:
The Petitioner seeks to construct 50 lots on 36.88 acres. The site is located at West 131 Street between
Shelborne and Towne Roads. The site is zoned S1.
Murray: We are tying into Wexley Chase. Some road improvements have been for the Street Fleet
Facility side of 131 Street.
Hoyes: I sent you a comment letter February 15.
Griffin: I just got your letter G. Murray. Here is a redlined copy for you.
Duncan: We have a comment letter for you with basic comments on right-of-way improvements.
We typically request widening for travel lanes and more shoulder.
Hoyt: Amenity or Club House?
Murray: No.
Hoyt: In conjunction with the DOCS the Carmel Fire Department requests Hydrant Markers
placed in the street perpendicular to the hydrants.
Broermann: You are out of our jurisdiction. What is your timeframe?
Murray: Spring with homes built in the Fall.
Broermann: Todd Schaffer with Centex wants to get the entrance done this Spring.
Dobosiewicz: Centex is going to extend the path and the widening.
Brewer: I just got your plans this morning so I will get you comments.
Dobosiewicz: We need Engineer’s Estimate before we will sign off on the Secondary Plat. Issue with
how this aligns with Wexley Chase.
Murray : We fixed that.
Dobosiewicz: Another issue with Wexley Chase the entrance northbound left turn is not there. The
School striped one left and not the north.
Duncan: I think there is an aligning issue there too.
Feltner: Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans need to be submitted for review by the District's
Engineers please submit two sets of plans to CTE. The District has received plans. An
IDEM Construction Permit will be needed. All IDEM submittal information should be
provided following CTE's review and approval of final plans.
Wood: No comments.
Martin Marietta Materials - Mueller Property North
Docket No. 05010021 SU
2/16/05 TAC
Filed by Zeff Weiss of Ice Miller
for Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.
Representing the Petitioner:
Zeff Weiss, ICE MILLER
Petitioner seeks special use approval to establish a sand/gravel extraction operation on 104± acres, with
artificial lake reclamation. Chapter 5.02 Special Use in the S-1 zone. The site is located at the northwest
corner of East 106 Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned S-1/Residence - Low Density.
Hoyes: Part of this site falls in a Regulated Drain Water Shed. Looking at your Drainage Calcs
you are anticipating the water staying on site. We understand this is in a sand vein most of
the water will go down but what happens when it does not? Where do you anticipate it
Tirberi: There is a lake on the property.
Hoyes: Is there an outlet there?
Hoskins: No.
Duncan: I have a comment letter here for you. We have the same comment. We assume the lakes
will be interconnected but over top where will the water go?
Hoskins: Over 200 acres.
Duncan: Being connected to the other lakes is that influenced by the other base flood elevation of
Cool Creek and White River?
Hoskins: No.
Duncan: When completed with extraction we would ask that you take all your drainage on site.
Hoskins: We do have natural swales and diversion channels.
Duncan: We request dedication of Thoroughfare Plan right-of-way for 106 Street and Hazel Dell
Parkway. Another standard request we make is that you construct a multi-use path along
106 Street per the ATP. Do you have existing access points?
Hoskins: Yes.
Duncan: Vehicular traffic has that been addressed?
Tiberi: No change in traffic.
Duncan: Along with ATP the City’s plan is going to make 106 Street as a major east/west
Pedestrian Path Corridor for all types of activity with connection across the River to
Fishers. We will want to work out an agreement with Martin Marietta for the east side
connection. This comes from the City Council.
Weiss: We will look at it.
Morris: No comments.
Brewer: Planting detail needs to read “plant Root Flare at grade”. This is small stock plantings so
no staking will apply. Since this is At Forestation Plan make a mortality commitment that
if a certain percentage dies within a certain period of time they will be replaced. I would
suggest planting the King’s Wood buffer before the extraction takes place.
Hoskins: On the Term Maintenance Agreement three (3) years seems long typically it is one (1)
Brewer: One (1) year in terms of warranty is normal but for a Reforestation Agreement is longer
three (3) to five (5) years.
Weiss: At what percentage?
Brewer: Seventy-five percent (75%) up to ninety (90).
Dobosiewicz: We sent you a copy of a letter from Spectra. We will wait for a review and meeting on
Spectra’s comments.
Weiss: What timeframe?
Dobosiewicz: When ever you think you are ready originally, March 28, 2005.
2/16/05 TAC
Feltner: No comments.
Wood: No comments.
2/16/05 TAC