HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact . It . ,e FINDIN'GS O.F .F.ACT .FO.R1\1 FO,R 'D.E,rE'LOPl\IENT .P.LAN CONSlDE.RATIO'N Carme.ll>la.n Commission C~arm.el, Indiana N',A.'M..E O.F 'P'R.OJEC:T: 116th & Keystone Shops I)OCK.ET 'N'O. 04060033 .D'P .PETITION~E.R: Eclipse Real Estate, Inc., by Steven D. Hardin, Esq., BINGHAM McHALE _ Based u'pon all tile evidellce presellted b)7 the Petitioner 311d U:POll the Depa.rtnlent 'Report of fhe 'Department of Comnlunity Services, dated, \ve (Icterminc that the .Development .Plan c.omplies \-vith the Standards set fortll in the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordlna:nce. _ We hereby 31)prOVe the Development Plan as subnlitted ,vith the follo\ving specific conditions as agreed to by the petiti.oner. Condit.ion 1. Con.clition 2. _ 'Ve hereby disapprove of the 'Development .Plall as submitted for the fol.lo,villg reasQns: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS _DAY OF 2004. Commission 1\1en1ber K:\lnss\Can"c]\Chandlcr - Eclipse R E\Apph(~ation\DEVPLAN.FlNDFAC'r.DOC updated 5!03pb . It e It .FlNDIN'GS O.F .F.ACT .FO.R1\1 FO,R D.EV'E'LOP'MENT .PIJAN CO.NSlDE.RATIO'N Carme.ll>la.n Commission C~arn1.el, Indiana .DOCK.ET N'O. 04060033 .D'P N'.A.'M:.E O'F P'R.OJECT: 116th & Keystone Shops .PETITION~E.R: Eclipse Real Estate, Inc., by Steven D. Hardin, Esq., BINGHAM McHALE _ Based upon all tile evidence presellted. b'y the Petitioner alld U'POll the Depa.rtnlent 'Report of the 'Department of Comnlunity Services, dated, \ve (Ictermine that the .Development .Plan complies \-vith the Standards set forth in the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance. _ We hereby approve the Development Plan as subnlitted with the follo\ving specific conditions as agreed to by the petiti.oncr. Condition 1. Con.clition 2. _ \Ve hereby disapprove of the 'Development Pial) as submitted for the fol.lo\vil1g reaso'ns: 1. 2. 3. DATED THIS _DAY OF 2004. Commission. 'Menlbcr K:\mss\Camlcl\Chandler - Eclipse R E\Apphcation\DEVPLAN.FlNDFAC'f.DOC updated 5!03pb