2. Docket No. 12070001 ADLS Amend: Abbey Taphouse (D Wilkinson's Addition, Lot 32).
The applicant seeks approval for exterior building and site modifications for a small brewery. The site is located at
32 First Ave NE and--is zoned B-1/Business, within the Old Town Overlay,Character Subarea. Filed by Bruce Berry
of BAB Associates Architecture,Inc.
The petitioner seeks approval for exterior building and site modifications for a small brewery, which includes adding a
parking area with landscaping, an outdoor patio area, a building addition,a grain bin, and signage. The land use is
permitted. Please view the petitioner's past,info packets for more detail.
BZA Variances: The applicant will seek the following development standards variance approvals from the Board of
Zoning Appeals on August 27, with docket numbers 12060013 V and12060014 V:
® Building addition in front yard setback.
® Parkingin the front yard.
July 17 meeting comments from the Commissioners:
Take another look parking location and number of spaces
Need details on the grain bin
Suggestion to outreach to the neighbors
ADLS criteria
What is the seating capacity inside?
What are the hours of operation?
More details on the building addition and how it attaches to the current structure.
Need more discussion about the 4-way stop alignment
The location for the brewery was questioned.
Staff's outstanding comments for the petitioner:
1. Will there be any wall sconce light fixtures on the building exterior?If so,please provide design details.
2. Please provide screening/enclosure details for both the trash dumpster and the beer storage cooler.
3. Please label the lot coverage percentage(which includes all building footprints and impervious surfaces). It should
not exceed 70%.
4. The 3 season patio structure needs to be clad in wood, brick, stone, concrete plank, or high-quality vinyl siding. Per
the Character Subarea, any accessory building/structure must match or complement the principal building's materials
and colors. (See page 17 of the Old Town Overlay regulations online:
5. Please show how any gas or electric meters will be screened from view and/or camouflaged.
6. Please show how any mechanical equipment, such as HVAC units, will be screened from view.
7. Reduce the portion of the 6-ft tall wooden fence that encroaches into the front yard, to be 36 inches tall.
8. Please provide the floor plan for inside the building, showing how many patrons could sit inside.
9. The Forestry Dept. will issue minor review comments, as there are minimal landscape standards.
10. Please be aware,if the owner decides to provide live music outdoors,he would have to comply with the City Code's
Noise Ordinance,which is enforced by the Police Dept. This is just an FYI.
11. The Engineering Dept.'still needs better plans from the petitioner,to adequately assess the petition. However,they
would like to comment on the parking layout and pedestrian crossings now. The `squaring off' of the corner and the
angled parking was requested by them and is now okay. The current plan to direct pedestrians behind the parked
cars is not ideal; however, the concrete apron for pedestrian traffic provides a good alternative to redirecting the
pedestrians in front of the parked cars. There is a significant increase in impervious surface from the existing
conditions,and stormwater detention and stormwater quality treatment need to be taken into consideration.
If all comments and concern&are addressed, the Dept. of Community Services recommends that the Committee forwards
this item to the August 21 Plan Commission meeting with a favorable recommendation,and with the condition that the
petitioner works with the Engineering Dept.for final construction documents approval.