HomeMy WebLinkAbout214284 11/07/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 088550 Page 1 of 1 �I. ONE CIVIC SQUARE EVERETT J PRESCOTT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $207.64 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 350002 BOSTON MA 02241-0002 CHECK NUMBER: 214284 CHECK DATE: 11/7/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 4599563 109. 17 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4603497 53 . 16 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 4604639 45 . 31 OTHER EXPENSES Pipeline Specialists EVERETT J.PRESCOTT,INC. O 6L�0�/ SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND n HOME OFFICE PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE. I I � 32 PR STREET P.O.O.BOX soo O� Tansportatlon BOX PAGE NO. GARDINER,MAINE 04345 METER&BACKFLOW SERVICES P.O.Box 600 Everett J.Prescott,Inc. TELEPHONE 207 582-1851 210 SHEEP DAVIS ROAD,CONCORD,NH 03307 Gardiner,ME 04345 OO M (603)224-8425 FAX 603 224-3842 (207)582-5019 FAX(207)582-9118 INVOICE DATE �r t •%-v4-9=� REMIT WAREHOUSE> PACKING SLIP NO. 9_'•1.El.. TO> TEAM EJP W� :I:ndi<_inap of i._s TEAM EJP W. Indiellar-ol i s CUSTOMER NO. 46)0--4(-z{7 1.J. PRfr.SC-O_I.T INC ,, 830'3 W. WatsI-r:i.Fr3'1..r017 fi .. WAREHOUSE •L:sL"1I=n-of:i, mTA Ind ia-ricer-fo 1 i ss , IN 46231 ORIGINAL INVOICE SOLD TO> SHIP TO> is:I:1-Y OF Ci11=MEL UTIL:i:TIES CYI'TY OF CA 1 MI—EL UTII_:I'T•IES' 3 i•'�O W. 131st Street :3450 W. 131st Stdreeis ,. Ca r ITr i} i :t N CUSTOMER P.O.NO. JOB NAME JOB NO. SLS. DATE DUE DATE SHIPPED SHIPPING METHOD i�REf� 3012 STnCt, CLAMPS 1o1' 1111814L . 10f 1'?!1 Our Truck l_m o 0 0 U:/:11'1L•LyJU W1:Ll UlJl�1'!1 0 0 - - Im mugmgmmm 1. 5 539 F' Ski„5 E1 REP CLAMP e99939 E,A 1 53. 1600 53. 16 THANK YOU AMOUNT FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TAX '.?+ .6 PLEASE NOTE:OUR TERMS FREIGHI�-+I"I•r o c•0 ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR u 0 SERVICE CHARGE IS 11%1/6 PER MONTH(18%A.P.R.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE BUYER 4 } .00 ;° AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION,INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES, HELP IS NEEDED AND a AND EJP CLAIMS A MECHANIC'S LIEN UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW. APPRECIATED. > -1 EA. Prescott, Inc% Terrms and Conditions ns f Sale Prices:All prices are subject to change without notice,except inhere firm quotations have been provided in vkriling by authorized management personnel ol`E".W •Taxes:Prices do not includc any present or future federal,state,or local naXCS(irtclUding,without limitation,sales tax.use tax,excke tax,or ntlrersvise) unles,c specifically stated.It is the responsibility of the.Buyer to pay all such taxes. o"where applicable may ba added to the price of the products and shall be paid by the Buyer.unless the Buyer furnishes to EN a Wx c un ption ceNficne in a forur ay.ire,thle io the applicable taxing mathornrc s. If F1P is rupirecl to prepay any such tax.Buyer will reimburse EJP in full upon demand. 14yrrient 7exms: EJP then C`se M accounts are,cAubli fwd Rx connnercial. Wort-consumer use only Linea an apr?rovcxl Cr,omnr;rcial OWn Ctuhl account is established,paymient in good funds or approved check must be made before-or at time oi'dery ry.Commercial Credit t vnis are Net 30 day,, no cash discounts allowcd.Service Charges commence ad'ler 30 clays and are calculated on the last da} ref the month in which the 30th d<ty falls SER- VICE,CHARGE iS IA`,PER MONTH(I3°,/o A.P.R.)ON THL BALANCE OVER 30 FATS OF AC I-`,-TJ IF BUYER AGREES TO PAY"ALL COS FS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION.INCLUDING REASONABLE Al t ORNEY S FEES,and FJP cl:6111�a mechanic's lien under applicable state law. •Aceeptarnee by EJP: ;AU utters awn We Buyer are subject to accetmance by authorimd persomtcl< 'HE and, in the.case cot Op a Ammm Sol m" approvA of the EJP Credit llel5:t"na. •C:'ancellations.SPECIAL OR NON-STOC.K ITEMS MAY NOT BE CANrCEI-1,ED OR RETURNED URNED Al'f`ER TI-11".I'RODI-CT(S)iS PLAC FE,D IN"O PRODUCIQN.All charges and costs incurred by EJP as a result of cancelfat"is or order changers will be frilled to the Buyer. •Delivery:MP will make a good faith eftba to ctomplete delivery of the products;provided"heowevcr,that FJP assumes no responsibility or liability for loss or d uruage clue to delay or inability to deliver,if,ei.tch non-pe Untied was the result of any events >r Arcuruemus beyond 1Jre umm l of WE"K%d- ng, but not limited to.acts of God.war, labor If€icultim,fire,accidents,inability to obtain maimials. Wd delays of catru:rs,contractors,suppliery or manufacturers. Under no tircumstanc,es shall FJP be Bible for any spa i&conmNuendaL irkde.ntal 5u0rect, w licluulawd darn:Vs,los;cn _rt i.W=, (whether or nor based on nc kgence)arising directly or indirectly from delays of failure to give nixie r l �Ie3a�. Shipment:Shipmeni of all products is to one given destination for all items including pipe,unl ss whis,a ix( indicated in writing.Risk of loss shall trans- fer to the Buyer upon tender of goods m Buyer,Buyers representative,or common carrier.The cost of an} special packing or special handling caused by 13Wc:r's recTuNments or wi uests Shull be added to the amount of the older'.if Buyer causes or recpicsts a sliilrtnem delay,or if l`JP ships or delivers the Products erroneously as a r:ast.tlt of hrici:urate,incomplete or misleading inforrtm An st.tidied by Buyer m ors Itrots or employers lump am!all other additional costs and risks shall be borne solely by Buyer.Claims for products dam rged w-lost I ir2.n_sil.:itnul l be made by Buyer to the carron.as LJP's responsibility cease,upon tender tof ytoods to Buyer, f uyer's reprownuNe or couam01t c:<ufier.f3e1ivc " ',id No made on hmd surfaces on! An d n3- age of hAv ing charges msultuig from'`non hot surface deliveries"shall be.the responsibility of the flup r. •Inspection and Acceptance:Claim,,for d<uruagc.,stxrrrr„c or errors in shipping must he reported whlun !C)c).ays 116 wing ilCliwy to B"m Buyer;hall have 10 days ti'ont(he:date Buyer receives any products to inspect such products:and services for defects and nonconformance and notify EJP,in writing, of ony defects,nonconformance ar rejection of such products.After such 10 day pm Ad Buyer shall bc leaned do have itrcvcrcably accepted We prod- acts”T not previously°accepted,Auer such acceptance,Buyer shall have no right to reject the prodnCts tc r amp re<tsnn or to revoke accoplanc:e.Buyer here.. by apoes that such 10 day peK0 K a reasonable atnotmt crf time for sueh inspection and rosocation. •Rctnros: 11.1aterials cannot be,returned without NPA written consent. NO RI T[ RNS AIZE AI..L01 IA) IN NO R[.I-I"NDS Yy 111,Bl.MADF,ON (i)PIPE OR(if)SPECIALLY FABRICATED OR ORDERED IFENIS.THE SOLE AND i.XC'Lt`Sil%t RkAIEDY I OR SUCH I`I'L N-I`i ALLI 6ED TO RE DEFECTIVE IN WORKNIANSHIP()R N1,NTERIALWILLBETHE REPLAC;EMENTOF THE ITEMS SUBJECI-TOTHEMANLIFIC ITRF..RAINSPEC- I'ION AND WARRANTY.All other returned material is subject to a IvIiNIMUly1 25%RE:-HANDLING CHAR(&.plus transportation charges.Unless other- "S Wreed by the Buyer and WE all credit for retumcd rmumfal will be applied to futttee order,subject w tEplzoval Q the EJP Credit Depar"ent. o Warr anty:"fill;BUYER'S MIT AND EX(J_US1NE WARRANTY IF ANY,IS I'HAT PROVIDEO BY]JlE,,11RODI"C I'S NI ANUFACI URER,FJP MAKES NO I;NPRFSS OR INIPLlED WARRANTIES. HE HEREBY DISC'1AIh1S ALL f`,XP ESQ OR IVIPLIL D WARRANTIES, A§111:;'f IIL R IN-1111 IE.D BY OPF3RNI'10N OF LAW OR OTHh:RWISE., INCLUDING. WFI'HOUT LINII'hAi'ION, ALL IMPIJFD WARRAN111ES OF NIERCHAN`I'ABTLITY AND FITNMS OR 1 ITIASS FOR A PAWNC LILAR PURPOSE.. UNI;)ER NO C'1RC UINIS'l ANC:ES, \ND IN NO I_VI NT. WIL..i...EW BE l iAWT FOR PERSO'V,-AL IN1l1RY OR PROPEMN DAMiACNE OR ANY OHIER L(.)S.�. DAMAGE,COST OR RFPAIRS OR INC[ - DEN"C1I. PUNITIVE-SPECIAL.C ONSEOUFN`i IAL.OR LIQUIDAI ED DAM- ILY OF,ANT Kt\l).WHETHER 13 NSI-A) C;PON WARRANTY, C(ANTRAC"T. STRICT LUBVITY, NE(A K.J,,NCF OR ANY OTHER CAI OF ACTION AWSING IN CONNLC1ION W11 If THE: DESIGN" MAIWACTURE'.. INSTALLNFION.OR REPAIR OF THE PRODUCTS S6I_.1) RYEJR BUYL..R AC�ICNC}[_IL ,lX',FS AND AGREES THAT UNDER NO CIRCUMS'tANC.L S,AND IN NO EVENT. SHALT_EJP'S t_i..kl3It.,l"ry IF ANY EXCEED THE ti:.;i'SALES PRICE:r.OF THE DFFECIIVE,PRODUCT(S). •EnWv Agreement:'Phis document constitutes the entire,complete,and exclusive agreement bctweren rile parties with respect to the subject matter here- of and contains all the a"reentenrs and coruaitions of'salc:ni?course of darling or usage;of T trade shall lm a"hcahle unlss exEreisly%frNmued here.. 5.The terms and conditions contained herein may mm be added to,nurclitled,superseded Or ex cept by a written modification signed by authorrccd tnarragenrent pemort el of FJP Al! trmloi lim s AW1 be gocernedhso% by the terms anal r,xo W"is contained herein. All pmdww orders issued pursumu to an EJP quotation shall be deemed issued subject:to all HE temts,u,d"wditious br:m a uar m?Then terms sad amdkions Al i supersede those of tine Buyer- •Governing Lave: ]'his nansacrion shall be governed in all respects by the laws of[tie State of IN-laine choice of law,provisions).All actions. reuardl m of ti",arising tut of or in connection with this uunsacCion,the products sold by EM or the roiauionship between the Buyer and EJP shall be NvugW in the courts of the State d N9ai w within the applicable sm mmy period Communications:Payments<?nly should be directed to: E.J.Prescott,Inc.,P.O.Flux 35OE 13cr "u MA ONA&MM All other eorrespcndence ar,d inquiries should be directed tee pur local EJP DiAQw The Hoare Offic:c address is 32 Pres"m Saga°c."I.i)_l3m ME Gwdifwn ii7Aw IMPT Tcluo tic; (207)58'2-!85 L Fax(107)5r:! 5637,E-mail Ip@)cjprescou Coln. Pipeline Specialists EVERETT J.PRESCOTT,INC. =04345 � SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND HOME OFFICE ('� � PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE. 32 PRESCOTT STREET a°°"P.O.BOX 600 PAGE NO.GARDINER,MAINE 04345 METER&BACKFLOW SERVICES TELEPHONE 207 582-1851 210 SHEEP DAVIS ROAD,CONCORD,NH 03301 O( 07)582-9118 -- INVOICE DATE TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis TEAM EJP W. Indianapolis PACKING SLIP NO. REMIT (= WAREHOUSE> TO> ,. :, O CNIw 830-9 W. Washington St w CUSTOMER NO. P.0. TBOX 35{)002 c�.. ' E'40 T(N.. CMA Indianapolis , P-1 462 31 WAREHOUSE 0224 1-0502 Telephone .- 317-24.7--0005 005 'ORIGINAL INVOICE SOLD TO> CITY CI CARMt'L UTILTTMS) SHIPTO>(-IT`!f OF CARREL !1'T IL_'1.T:L'E:fi E;r C w 131st Street .3 4 W 131_ t Street C is i'1Tt t-:l ,• I 1\1 Carmel , .L'F* 46074 4-6074 CUSTOMER P.O.NO. JOB NAME JOB NO, SLS. I DATE DUE DATE SHIPPED I SHIPPING METHOD (]!"EG 2012 STDCR CLAMPS 1C ( 1. 1 /16/1% 1() -1:f,f i f`,Isir Truck-; lYl/:l� - .. U:/;Il'll'13Nt..1J.L•/UU1.7.LL7 l:.lAl'L I:A:L:]1:I000I1 ll/:UU lr� U — 44 I= . ._ a ,J s} w f• THANK YOU AMOUNT 1.10; w FOR YOUR BUSINESS! 'TAX " PLEASE NOTE:OUR TERMS FREIGHT " ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR " ' 1 e r SERVICE CHARGE IS 1'f,%PER MONTH(18%A.P.R.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE BUYER HELP IS NEEDED AND o AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION,INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES, 7.t 1?w 1.7 AND EJP CLAIMS A MECHANIC'S LIEN UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW. , APPRECIATED. E.J. Prescott, Inc. Terms and Conditions of Sale Prices:All prices are subject w change withotn,notice.etcept where 111111 quotations have been provided hi v i(tin;.:by authorised management personnel of 1?111. •'('axes:Prices do not inC Itrle any present or future lcdC ral,StMC,or local taxes(including,withintl litr)itation,,e nh,S tax.use tax,eecistt gar:,or i:thervvi,ect unless specifically stated.It i:.the responsibility(if'the Buyer to pay all such taxes.-taxes whet-C a1)plicabk'ma),be added to file price of the hrcx9ucts and Shall be paid Liy the Buyer.unless the Buyer fetrnishes to FJI1 a tax(xeniption certificate in a 1'6r11 to old;:apl)lic able,taxio g auihordies. It'EJP is required ro prepay any such ta.Y.Buyer will rcimbl€rSC EJP hn futl upon demand. • Payment Perms: EJP Open Credit accounts are established for ccv)nnaerciaL nonconsunner use Oak. ( mess an approved conim-,rcia) Opal( CrcSdil account is estaihlkhedl payment in good funds or approved check must be made bol'ore or at time of deliv rt,ConuncrCtcd Credit terms ate.Net 30 daps, no cash discounts allowed. SCIVICC C har eS COITHIMICC after 30 days and are calculated on the last dal of d1e month in which the 30th day falls. SLR- ... ViC1 CHARGE IS 1; PLR MONTH 1,18,( A.111R.)ON TI1E. BALANCE'OVER 30 DAYS OF AG H',',THE''BUYFR AGRFES'TO P-YYAL.L CC)S"1 S AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION(.INCLUDING REASONABLE A'1 lORNLY S FEES,and EJP cla.tt) a mechanic',lien under<tppticable state lave. • Acceptance b.v EJP: All orders from the Buyer are sabioct:to acceptance by authoiizc:d p isonn.l o'FJR and, in the ease_ of Open-Accotntt Sale:S, approval of dae'liJP Credit Depaninent. •Cancellations:SPECIAL,OR NON-STOCK ITFNIS MAY NOT BE CaNC'ELLfJ)OR RETURNED Ai­rFR TEiF PRODliCT(S)IS PL.AC'I?D INTO PRODUCTION'.All ehart!es and costs' incurred by UP as a result of runcellatinns err order changes will be billed to the Buser. •Delivers,':EJP will stake a food faith effort to complete delivery of the ploducLS;provided.however,that HP assumes no responsibility or liability tin loss ear darnage dui;to delay or inability to deliver,if such non-petl'ormanCe iv'as they result of any events or circunlSlanees beyond the control of EI R includ- ing,but not limited to,nets of God,war,labor difficulties,fire,accidents,inability to obtain materials,,uodd delays of cau-icis,contractors.suppliers.or manufacturers. Under no iiellulstanc,cs Shall FJP be liable for any special.coo oquential,iucide.mal, ��h ect,c)r licluidatad darnaage,,10SSOS,u�'expense (whether or not based on no lil_enccl arising directly or indirectly from delays or failure to e.rve notic 3f delay. •Shipment:Shipment ill all prodoicis is to one given desninalion fol alt items includm:z pipe,unless cxh;;;visc indicated in writin t.Risk of'loss,shall tranti for to the Buyer uprnl lender of goodS to Buyer,BuyeCs representative,or common carrier.The cost of any,hcc.ial packing or special handlings caused by BuvcaCS regturornents or ryue,ts shall be added u7 the amount of the order. Ff Buyer causes or iedlooests:i shipmcni delay,or if E.11'ships or dclive.rs file products erroneouSIV as a rcat.ilt of inaccurate,incomplete or misleading information supplied by Buyer c11 its zgetits or emph)'NCes,stinagc and all other additional cost,and risks shall be borne sold,by Bove(.Claims for products datmagled or lost in iran,it silo{dld be)Wade by Buyer to the can Tier,as ESP`s responSibiliiy ccaases upon tinder c,f goods to Buyer, Buvcr's represcniativo or common carrier. Dell,c. v ,:iii be made on hard surI,tcos c)rdy.Anv dam- age or towim,ch ages resulting from"non hard surldce deliveries"shall be the responsibility of the 13m ci- •Inspection and Acceptance:Clauuns for damage,shortage of cirors in shipping rnuethe rcrl'u 11M within 10:,day;following-delicesry to Buy"'n Buyka-shall hake 10 daps from the(late Buyer receives any products to inspect Such product;:and Services,fiat detects and nonconlormanue and notify EJP.in writing, of arty defeciS.noncxmforma.ulce ur rejection of such produc:ts..After Such 10 day period, Buyer Shall bc Jeemcd to have irretvocably acecpted the flood.. ucts.if not previously arcopled.:Aftem such acceptance,Buyer shall have no ri,ht to reject the products t,.r an% rcason of to mcwokc.acceptance. Buyer here- by agrees that such 10 d;,y period is a reascoiiable anic>unt Of time f'or cuC11 in,pecUon and rev ocaiiott TLetnrn5:A-Tat.riak c;annr�r be returned wilhout F�IP'S written consent. NO RF 7t I2NS.A ltf'.ALLOW3.1)aANU NO RI,hUNDS WILL BI. V9ADE.ON ti)PIPE OR(it) SPECIALLY FA13RI('1ATEiD OR ORDERED ITEM .THE SOLE AND EXC.LUSIVE REAWDY FOR SUCH ITU IS ALLI C;ED'TO BE' L)E:FLC'TiVEi IN WORKM.ANSH Ill OR MAFFRIAt. WH,i.BETHF.,REPO AC:FME;NT OF 1`11F ITEMS SL.:BJF1(_A TO THE MANUF 1C:I URER'S INSPEC- TION AND WARRANTY.All other returned material k subject to it MINIMUM 25'c RE-HANDLING CH AROE,plus transportation charges.Unless other- vr isc:a,.tecd by the Buyer and F..fI"all c iedit for returned nunretial will be applied to future order suhlk ct io approval by the EJP C7redit Depannteni, IfVarrants:THE BUYER'S SOLEAND EXCLUSIVE V'I 1;dI .aNY,IS HIA1 PROVII)FID BY FHE'PRODLCI'S M,VNC'EAC TURE:R.LJP MAKI,S NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIEi? WARRANTIES. EJP HEREBY DISCLAiMS ALI... EXPRESS OR IMPLIFI) 'WARRANTIES. W'IiETt-IF..R iMPLIED BY OPERA'T'ION Olt LAW; OR OTHERWISE', INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMI1",lr1C}N, ALL IMPLIED VVARRAN iJ13S OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE:. UNDFR NO CIRCUMS'EANCFS,AND IN NO EVENT, WILL.E.11:'BE I IABL F FOR PERSONAL..INJURY(7R PROIIF'R'FY I:)AMAG1=OR ANY OCHER LOSS,DAMAGE:.COST OR RI-R-MRS OR INCI DENTAL.. PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL,OR LIQUIDATED DA\,lA DES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER BASED UPON VVrARRAN"fY CONTRACT. STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE OR ANY OTHER C.AIISF. OF ACTION ARISING IN C'ONNFC-71-ION WITH THE DESIGN. NIA:Nltf ACT'URE.SALE, TRANSPORTATION,iNS IALL'ATION.OR RFP1lR OF TiIE:PRODUCTS TS SOLD I3Y EJP. BUYER ACKNOVV I_AGES AND AGREES THAT UNDER NO CIRCON-IST.-kN(FS,AND IN NO EVENT. SHALd. L JP'S LIABILITY". IF ANY, EXCEED THE NLr SALES PRICE OE T I IE DEFEC A IVE PRODUCT(S). ll'tttirc Ag)-eement:This document constitutes the entire,complete,and Cxclusive ar.reement 11CL"ecn flee parties wilt respect to the wb,ject matter here- of and contains all the;al,teements artd Conditions of sale:no course of dealiftg or usage of-the trade,haft he applicabk`(1nle,SS axprci l) incorporated here- in.The terms and conditions contained herein inaty not be added to.modified,superseded or otherwiseail 'elf except hy'a written mnodii'icatunn signed Ir; authorised "wriagenlent pc,_sonoel of EJP.All transactions Shall be governed solclti by ille leans and (ondit.it.n.. :.ontained heroin All purchnsc ord,ars (,sued pursu:u)i to an EJP cluoianon Shull be deerned kS ued subject to all EJP terms and conditions h t.'i❑'o la fined."f heSc teimtl and tontiition snnail Supc:rsade,those of the Buy(.-r. •Governing Lava:This lians,action Shall be governed in all respects by the laws of the State of V'tair)C (,> Cluding choice ollaw provisions).All action,, regardless of iiarna,arising out of or in connection whh this transaction,thc:products sold by E,1P,or the ic:lation,,hip between ific Buyer and E311 shall be brought in the courts of the St;atc of Blaine within the applicable statufory period. o Communications: Payments only should be Chrecied to.E.7. Pr oft. tn;_,RO Bex 50001_Boswrj.1'E'\02241-0502,,Alt other cup(e pot donc.:ar d � inquiries should K'.directed to your local EJP Division.The lions C)Ificc aa(d}rss Is 0 Ncs.t.,,ti:a{<a.I'u Lao 600f Caudicer.tA't..ne fltilsT Lc l-1t7„ ai 1207)5S2-1851. i az("'C)' j '-56_ a I-snail .th{ii; jhrescott.c,?tn, — SEE CONDITIONS OF SALE AND Pipeline Specialists EVERETT J.PRESCOTT,INC.HOME OFFICE PAYMENT TERMS ON REVERSE. o [��[� Q 32 PRESCOTT STREETp� T�"Porta41o" P.O.BOX 600 METER&BAC` "KFL�W SERVICES P.O.Box soo PAGE NO. GARDINER,MAINE 04345 Everett J.Prescott,Inc. TELEPHONE(207)582-1851 210 SHEEP DAVIS ROAD,CONCORD,NH 03301 Gardiner,ME 04345 0 r, 603 224-8425 FAX 603 224-3842 (207)582-5019 FAX(207)582-9118 ,,, •„ _• INVOICE DATE REMIT "r E'-ill E:.)P W. Indianapolis WAREHOUSE>1..E.AI"I EJP W. Indianapolis PACKING SLIP NO. TO> PIREcD' D"F'I INC . 3:30? W . Gar<31-si.Y'rgton St . CUSTOMER NO. ; .._�•�: P.O. DO 350002 WAREHOUSE 20 B ," TON . M(-'l Indianapolis , IN 46231 ORIGINAL INVOICE 0224.1.--0502 Telephone-, 317-247-0005 SOLD TO> C I.TY (_IF- CA RIM EL UTIL.I:T I ES SHIP TO>CITY (_:Irk CP)RtlE-L UTILITIES 134510 W. 1.31st Street 34,50 0 W n 131st S•Is t'•e n t C.:<_1rmi•.1 >. II\f Carmel , IN 46074 4 6 0`rr CUSTOMER P.O.NO. JOB NAME JOB NO. SLS. DATE DUE DATE SHIPPED SHIPPING METHOD C:aIRI:"{ 2 01 S'1 (){-K CLr'ai"113i~ 1C3 1112111 z','` ta (lur Tlruc1-:: ( •oo f •• (°`Uo _ o I a U IQI �� o 0 ofl 1 556fSl r 6X7 01 Fl. REP CLAMP 69472A. EA 1 45.3100 45.:31 THANK YOU AMOUNT r_ 2 FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TAX ,,, , , PLEASE NOTE:OUR TERMS FREIGHT ARE NET 30 DAYS. YOUR * - SERVICE CHARGE IS 1f./o PER MONTH(181/6 A.P.R.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAYS OF AGE.THE BUYER HELP IS NEEDED AND V@IUM AGREES TO PAY ALL COSTS AND EXPENSES OF COLLECTION,INCLUDING REASONABLE ATTORNEY'S FEES, AND EJP CLAIMS A MECHANIC'S LIEN UNDER APPLICABLE STATE LAW. APPRECIATED. ° I /r .7 ;1�. EN. Prescott, Inc. Ternns and Conditions of Safe Prices:All prices are subject to char,p whom notice.,except where firm quotations have beert provided in yytitha, by authorized management perscmnel of EJP. •Taxes: Prices do not include any present or Iiaturc I'ederd.state,or local taxes(iractudinr;,without limitation,Sales tax.use rtx,excise tar;,or olhoe -isc) unless specifically State(] It is the responsibility of Me Buyer to pay all such taxes.Man where uo"Ale may be added to the price of'the products and shall be paid by the Buyer.unless the Buyea furnishes act UP a tax exmi pOon celfic le in a forth danceable to the app bible wing"Morinos. CI'MP is rya nod to prepay any such tax.Buyer will reimburse EJP lift full trpon demand. • Payment Terms: EJP Open Credit accounts are established for commer AL non-co mmer use out, hotels an apl,trovice! Open C r%dit account is established.paymient in good funds or approved check tnu.st be made before or at time of delivery.Commercial Credit ronivs are Net 30 days, no cash discounts NOW Service CkTes commence after 0 clays and are cadcudatad on the last day cif dtc month in which the 30h0 day UK SFR- VWE,CHARGE IS L `+f; PFR MONTH (M%APR.)ON THE BALANCE OVER 30 DAY`;OF AGF,."If IE,, BUYER AGREES TO PAl'At COSTS AND EXPENSES OF C;C)LLE C'"11ON;ItiC'LI!D1N(;REASONABLE AFl ORNEY S FEES,and EJP claims,a mechanic!lien under applicable stab:f i%v, •Acceptance by EJP: AD ordca's front the;Buyer as suhJ:u to mccartam n by authorized paasonttcl {.I.OR acrd;in the case of OKn AnAnant tiaras. approval of th,LJP Credit D-patrtnnent. •Cancellations:SPECIAL,OR NON-STOCK ITEMS MAY NOT BE CANrC:'EI.:I..ED OR RI Tt:RNI,E AFMR THE PRC}DI!crj)is PL.A01)INTO PRODUCTION.All charges and costs hwuned by EJP as a resuh:of caneellatiorns m order o wWn wiH W billed M the Buyer, Delivery:UP will make as rood faith e•ETort to comptetc delivery of the products;provided.however,that UP asswnes no responsibility or liability for lass or darnage dno to dctay or hailidity to doliveq if mwh non-performance was the result of any ovents or cAmnsww"beyond W winm of HE inclid.. ing, but not limit d to,acts of God,war, labor difficulties, fire,accidents, h ability ro obtain materials.,and delays of caaucrs,contractors.suppliean or ruanufacturers. Icnder no chrumna aces shalt EJP be halite for any special.con ecpacrhh?inAA.MI nu A.,rct,a hybdatcd tar rages, to is,or cSxt>C uc (whether or not based on mgHgence)wring directly m indirectly from ddgs or faihin to give notice N delay. •shipment:Shipment of all prodn s is to one 1;iven dcsuuadon for all items iMJWAW pipe,unless Q :wise indicated in vnfirly.Risk of toss shall mins- lWr to the Buyer upon tender of goods to Buyer,Buyer's representative,or common carrier.The cost of an} special pocking or special handhnt:caused by Boyar's reyuiremeats or regents shall be added to the amoun(of the order.if Buyer causes or request,a<.hipmcm dehty or if EN ships m delivers the products emmemAy as a rv,&of haccura e,incomplete or misleading infortmdon supplbd by Buyer car its ;gems or mnphlocs.smim ge am!ail ocher adl6onal cogs and risks shalt be home solely by Buyer.Claims for products dam aged car lom in oansic Awald be made by Buyer to€iae cm her as UP's responstbidity cease.upon, tsnt er t l roods to Bayer. Buyers re.L„c,sciaatzte or a nnmon carrier Deck o v t:K .%e m0e on hoard saga f ass(}nt Any dan) zge or Towing ch tr fes resuhb,Rom-non hard snrlace deliveries"shall be.the responsibili y of the I3iiyer. •Inspection and rleceptance:(:Lrirns lirr damazie,short <r,or c:rrcxs in Ail ping ntt.asi be.reported M"n i O clays ibhc!win};d:;livc;ry to Buyc,r.Buyer sP�ah Have 10 days from the(late Buyer receives Lilly products to inspect such products dad services for defects and norwornornaar,;:e and notify EJP,in writing, of arty defects,nonconformance or rejCoiOn of such products.After such Ill clay period, Buyer shall bc ciccrncd to have inevo(,ably accepted the Ill od- no,_if not previously accepted.After such acceptance,Buyer shall have no right to reject the product,(or um reason ur tar scvolze:acceptance.E3uyerhere. by aaprees that streh 10 dati period is a reasonable amount of time for such inspection and rev o atum, •Returns: iv'breAls cannex he;rimmed without OPT written consent. NO RETURNS;ARI:ALLOWED VNID NO RE Eal"NDS WILL BE M.ADF,011\ (i)PIPE OR(ii)SPECIALLY 1=,3RIG:\TED OR ORDERED ITEMS.THE:SOLE:AND EXCLUSIVE RL'AiE?DY FOR SLCH ILE?MS ALLI GED TO BE, DEFECTIVE IN WORtiMANSHIP OR MATERIAL W'fl.,l.,BE THE RER ACEMENT OF THE MIMS S1,BJF.C`t TO THE MANUFACTURER'S INSPEC TION AND WARRANTY.All other rc;tarned material is suhje:ct to a MINIMUM 25%RE? HANDLING CIL\RGLA plus transportation charges.Unins Am- "he screed by the•Briyu wW HE all credit for r0urne;d material "ill be applied to fuMN MAX subject to approval by the EJP Credit Department. •Warranty:TI IE BUYER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY,IF ANY,IS I'I INJ PROV IDE)131'TI IF,PRODL C'E 5 M ANUI AC°TURER,FiP NIAK S NO EAPRESS OR INNMPL IE;D W'ARRANTILS. UP HERBY DIRJ AIMS ALL E:;XPRFS� OR IMPILIED WARRANTIES,IES. W H TITER IMPLIED BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISL, INCIAJIANG, WITHOUT LIMfi'NI'10N, Ai.E... IMPI.IFD WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ElTNE.SS OR FITNESS SS POR 11 PAR7`IC:;T.tI.AR PURPOSE. I NDE'R NO CIRCUMS'I ANCa:S, AND IN NO EVENT, AA TL.EJP BE L I.ABU,FOR PFRSONAI..:r\r.tuiRY OR PRoPER'fY DAMAGE OR ANYI TEIF.,R LOSS,DAMAGE.COST OR REPAIRS OR INCt- DEN'lAt... PUNS I'IVE. SPF(:IAL,CONSL`,QUEN'TIAL.. OR I_lQuI)A'l ED DAMAGE'S OF ANY KIWI),WHETHER BASED UPON WARRANTY,. C:'ONTR:AC'T. STRICT LfABIL.ITY, NIXWENCE OR ANY OTHER CAUSE OF ACTION ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THE DESIGN. MANE I ACTL?RE SALT ,'lR ANSPORTXF1ON. 116T;MAM IOK OR RI INUR OF"THE:. PROIXC.I:: SOLD B'Y EJP BUYER .-ACKNO\VLFDC.FS AND AGREES THAT UNDER NO CIRCI,MS'f.ANC:LS,AND TN NO LVI,-N"T. SHALL I JI?'S L,LAT:SIt-ITY. IF ANY EXCEED THE NET SrAt,N PRICL�.OFTHE DFFEC'I'IVBPRODUCTrSi. •Entire Agreement:'This document constitutes the entire,complete,and aachrsivc agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter here- of and conks all the agreenunis and coru:titEc:rns of MW no course of dealing or usage of the trade shall Ire applicable:unless expressly incorporated hoc - in.The ternts and conditions contained hewin may not be added to.modified,superseded ori?therwlsc.avred except by a written mocliAnnion signed b_v authorized maruag mertt pecsonndl of EIR All trans<rctions shall W p:.gvu d m It by Tv terms and cc>?a hvn s contained Irerck Vh purchase orders issued pursiatat to an HE quotation slid]! be deemed issued sn elect to ail LJP fern and eonditions heta in cot;RUned.'l hcsa terra and conditions shAl supeasede those of the Buyer. •Governing Lave:This liansactiora.shall be governed ire all resp�,cts by the laws of[Ire State of Maine 1,0whing choice crf'law prove,ions).All actions_ re ardless of form,arising ont of or in connection with this transaction,the products sold by OR or the relationship between the Buyer and EJP shall be brought En Mc courts of the 1we of Maine:within the apphwNe stawta,ary period. C.ommunications: Payments only should be directed to:E.J.Prescott,Inc., PO.Box 3N)t)M Boston, A'1.'A OEM 0%1 All and inquinc,s shoidd be directed to you local HE Divishm.The Hoene OlTim aaddi ss rs R Pre:, m Stye:i,I a Mw(3 M minet.Maine NON t Act°bona; (AP)585185 L 1%(207)582 5637. E-mail eit{e)e p eseoit.com. F,P idC �..v•,ion Orte.«G3 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 88550 E.J. Prescott, Inc. Purchase Order No. P.O. Box 350002 Terms Boston, MA 02241-0002 Due Date 10/29/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/29/201: 4603497 $53.16 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER # 122553 WARRANT # ALLOWED 88550 IN SUM OF $ E.J. Prescott, Inc. P.O. Box 350002 Boston, MA 02241-0002 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 4603497 01-6200-06 $53.16 416��IL��3 `-ESi95t�3 IL Voucher Total alb"7, -53--16 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund