HomeMy WebLinkAbout214392 11/07/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364723 Page 1 of 1 0 ONE CIVIC SQUARE PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP I CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O JP MORGAN CHASE 'NECK AMOUNT: $1,108.57 PO BOX 88960 CHECK NUMBER: 214392 CHICAGO IL 60695-1960 CHECK DATE: 11/7/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 211 4340100 25846 121OA642 1, 108 . 57 ASA #1-RANGELINE/CARM PARSONS 101 West Ohio,Suite 2121 -Indianapolis,Indiana 46204-(317)616-1000-Fax(317)616-1033-www.parsons.com INVOICE#11 DATE: 10/17/2012 CONTRACT NO: 05 P.O. NO: 25846) INVOICE NO : 642 PROJECT NO: 647353 r/1 CLIENT NO: 67353 TO:City of Carmel Department of Administration One Civic Square PLEASE REM IT TO: Carmel, IN 46032 PARSONS TRANSPORTATION GROUP INC. C/O JPMORGAN CHASE ATTN: Michael McBride P.O. Box 88960 CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60695-1960 FOR: RANGELINE RD IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-ADDITIONAL SERVICES#1 BILLING PERIOD:September 1,2012-September 28,2012 Current Period Cumulative-To- Costs Date Original Contact Labor $ - $ 101,602.13 Original Contract Subconsultants $ - $ 32,250.00 Original Contact Total Billed $ 133,852.13 Original Contract NTE Amount $ 134,000.00 Original Contract Remaining to Bill $ 147.87 Add.Services#1 Labor $ 314.17 $ 58,755.94 Add.Services#1 Subconsultants $ 794.40 $ 9,697.70 Add.Services#1 Total Billed $ 1,108.57 $ 68,453.64 Add.Services#1 NTE Amount $ 69,800.00 vo Add.Services#1 Remaining to Bill ^ $ 1,346.36 �d c� v TOTAL THIS INVOICE: $ 1,108.57 � GT,r cn MSC �cs� Services provided for this invoice: NEPA Documentation: Developed schedule to complete NEPA process. Revised CE with current archeological study results.Gray&Pape completed the archeological task. Utility Coordination: No Activity. Field Check Submission: No activity.Task Complete Stage 2 Submission: No activity. Task Complete. Submitted By: Toby Randolph,P.E. Project Manager Parsons Transportation Group 317-616-1016 tobias.randolph(cDoarsons.com DETAIL OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PAGE: 1 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 9/20/12 CLIENT REF.: INVOICE NO.: 1210A642 PROJECT NO.: 647353 CLIENT NO..: 67353 FORMAT NAME: SBLRL.BRI3C ADJ. TOTAL 'DOTAL PREMIUM W/E DATE EMPLOYEE NAME EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION DATE RATE HOURS AMOUNT AMOUNT -------- ------------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- •--- --------------- 03000 ENVIRONMENTAL 9128112 RICHARD J CONNOLLY GRAD. SCIENTIST/TECH/SU 78.5430 4.00 314.17 ITEM TOTALS 4.00 314.17 GRAND TOTALS 4.00 314.17 DETAIL OF OTHER DIRECT COSTS PAGE: 1 FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 9/28/12 BY JOB/WBS/COST CODE CLIENT REF.: INVOICE NO.: 1210A642 PROTECT NO.: 647353 CLIENT NO..: 67353 FORMAT NAME: SBLRODC!WBB EQUIP/ REF VEND INVOICE DATE BATCH NO. NO. NAME DATE WORKED DESCRIPTION NO. AMOUNT --- ---------------- ----------- ------ - ----------------------------- 647153 IN-RANGELINE ROAD CORRIDOR DES 30000 SUBCONSULTANTS 9605 CONSULTING SERVICES 091202421 TF212 GRAY & PAPE, INC. 9/11/12 Rangeline Road Improvements 317 794.40 ACCOUNT TOTAL 794.40 SUBCONSULTANTS 794.40 JOB 647353 TOTAL 794.40 TOTAL, OTHER DIRECT COSTS 794.40 Invoice Gra y& Pape,Inc. 1318 Main Street Cincinnati,OH 45202 September 11,2012 GRAYg'PAPE, INC. Invoice No: 8108 ARCHAROUXlY-HISTDRY-IMMAIII!PRESEINNFIN, Daniel Prevost Parsons,Inc. 2443 Crowne Point Drive Cincinnati,OH 45241 Manager Beth McCord Project 10-38801.002 Carmel Drive and Rangeline Road Roundabout 800.11 Professional Services for the Period:August 01,2012 to August 31,2012 Total Fee 3,972.00 Percent Complete 100.00 Total Earned 3,972.00 Previous Fee Billing 3,177.60 Current Fee Billing 794.40 Total Fee 794.40 Billing Limits Current Prior To-Date Total Billings 794.40 3,177.60 3,972.00 Limit 3,972.00 Total Project Invoice Amount $794.40 Outstanding Invoices Number Date Balance 7969 7/912012 1,429.92 8044 8/9/2012 1,747.68 Total 3,177.60 Authorized Date: By: Aot �., i cr. r`•.,.{.,.� ? � 1 1 J P S P E INC . ------------ , IV1!ON, MWALOLOGY - HISTORY - HISTORIC PRESl, A -7,, ;X937 Cot perote Office To: Dan Prevost From: Beth McCord CC: Rich Connelly Date: 9/11/12 wig Re: Carmel Roundabout, August 2012 Progress Report S,ri:1 Work Completed 800.11 Documentation C(.6bbew,office,• INDOT comments on the 800.11 documentation were received on August 1, 41 2012. Revisions were made to the document and resubmitted to INDOT for signature. INDOT provided the NRHP signature form on August 8, 2012. The document was submitted to SHPO on August 10, 2012. Indiana Branch Office Archaeology Addendum Report 101 W.Kirkwood[ Suite 207 Bloomington 47404 A copy of the archaeology addendum report was submitted to SHPO on July 812.339.7300 31, 2012. SHPO accepted the report on August 30, 2010. f 8 12.3 39.7 900 Kentw:ky srfnO,c?fko Anticipated Work We are awaiting SHPO response to the 800.11 document and the finding of no historic properties affected" (Received September 7). PREHISTORIC&HISTORIC SITE SURVEY,EVALUATION,TESTING&EXCAVATION • RESTORATION ARCHAEOLOGY ORAL HISTORY&ARCHIVAL RESEARCH • PRESERVATION TAX CONSULTING • HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL ANALYSIS Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Parsons/C/O JP Morgan Chase Purchase Order No. POB 88960 Terms Chicago, IL 60695-1960 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s) Amount 10/17/2012 1210A642 RangeLine Rd RAB Design $ 1,108.57 Total, $ 1,108.57 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. ,20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO WARRANT NO. Parsons/C/O JP Morgan Chase ALLOWED 20 POB 88960 IN SUM OF $ Chicago, IL 60695-1960 $ 1,108.57 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#ar INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 25846 121OA642 211-401 s 1,10857 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 10/22/2012 Signature City Engineer Cost Distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund