HomeMy WebLinkAbout214480 11/14/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351435 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SPRINT € CHECK AMOUNT: $230.36 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 4181 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-4181 CHECK NUMBER: 214480 CHECK DATE: 11/14/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1401 4344100 148239816059 133 . 99 148239816059 1701 4344100 148239816059 96 . 37 148239816059 YOUR SPRINT INVOICE > ACCOUNT INFORMATION > CUSTOMER CARE Account Name Invoice Date Register and Logan CITY OF CARMEL COUNCIL November 10, 2012 www.sprint.com Account Number TIN Number Call Sprint 148239816 47-0882463 ......... - -877-639-8351 Invoice Number ABA Number ' _ ... dtal'Amount pue 148239816-059 111-000-012 $261.;95 > SPRINT NEWS AND NOTICES > MONTHLY INVOICE SUMMARY This section contains important updates about your October 07 -- November 06,2012 Sprint Services, including Previous Balance 261 .54 Service or Rate Changes, Payments as of.-11/09/12 -Thank you -261 .54 Promotions and Offers. Outstanding Balance $0.00 & 0001-Access and Related Items 255.45 Correspondence ill Please send all correspondence ® 0007-Sprint Surcharges 5.45 including billing inquiries to: 0008-Government Fees and Taxes 0.15 Sprint Customer Service Total Current Charges for 14823981 6-059 Due 11/30/12 $261 .051 PO Box 8077 __. :.......: ....:: :___::::.:: :::.....:: London, KY 40742 Total=Amount_Out:::=:_- := :....:::>::>: : ;: ---- --- -- - Do note close our payment enclose PY with the correspondence. You may also contact Sprint Customer Care at the number listed on your invoice or by going to sprint.com. `Any unpaid balance after the due date may be subject to a late payment charge per your contract. 0113572/9 ��II III I III IIII�II IIII I!������I IIII I���III II Account Number Page YOUR SPRINT INVOICE Account 4of18 Account Name CITY OF CARMEL COUNCIL > SPRINT NEWS AND NOTICES CONTINUED NEXTEL PRODUCTS: IMPORTANT MESSAGE Due to the Nextel National Network shutdown on 6/30/13, any Nextel devices sold after 6/1/12 are intended to support existing customers' migration efforts and no minimum Order Terms will apply. Phone Security Sprint encourages you to set a phone passcode or lock to help prevent unauthorized access. See your phone's user guide for instructions. Also consider downloading a security app for your phone. Report stolen phones to Sprint to protect your account. For more information visit sprint.com/stolenphone. Software Updates Available Keep your phone's software current by checking for updates regularly. Log"on to sprint.com any time to check your alerts or go to sprint.com/learn and follow the instructions for your phone. That's getting it done right now. Hearing Aid Compatibility Sprint offers a variety of handsets that have been rated for compatibility with several types of hearing aids. Please visit sprint.com/accessibility for more information. ... ._:. ... .... ... .BILLING FOQTNOTES Time Period PP-Peak Period.-...--...*..-- -off PeakPenod MP Mu#ttple Period Features GW Gatf Way#Eng CE-GaN Forwarding 3W Three Way Gall., DS Daa(a service MM Mobile to Mobile SH-Sprint To Home:: SO=Sprint To`Oi#Ice AO Audio Gonferericing -_- t Q Long Distance OS-Operator Services WI Wireless tnteara#ion Di1 Directory-Assistance..,"-.,WC AnyMobtle Anytime Networks iVN National Network QG outofHorpeAraa IP-International Roaming W©-Wotldwade Qiscoun# T f=TiJuana Network DA.Ota# (`Area R Roamin g' SA Sprint=FUrave 58rv#ces AL Alternate i#ne..= - AU AnytlmetP#an usage PF Partial 1 xee t GFree Ca#t: WP-wir ales Prforky i '' BB p1 Account Number Billing Period Page �O�JR SPRINT INVOICE Account 1voice/12-11/06(12 5of18 tl Account Name Invoice Date Invoice Number � oaf}� CITY OF CARMEL COUNCIL November 10,2012 148239816-059 p r1 1 i a T > ACCOUNT SUMMARY (D r- --, �- -� (--------, F r---� Monthly Direct Connect Messaging Data and Recurring Service Cellular LD and Other Directory Svcs. Number of Third Party Equipment and Government Access Discount/ Minutes/ Minutes/ Assistance Minutes/ Messages/ Services KB/ Retail Sprint Fees and Charges Adjustments Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Charges Purchases Surcharges Taxes Totals Account Charges and Adjustments 148239816 CITY OF CARMEL COUNCIL Subscriber Charges and Adjustments Number/ Plan Page Name 317-656-7989 Everything Data Share 1500 -27.50 ERIC SIDENSTICKER 6 128.00 2.77 0.03 C 103.30 i 317.201-1010 Everything Data Share 1500 440:00 223 33,698.00 DIANA CORDRAY 7 29.99 0.67 0.03 30.69 317-513-0242 Everything Data Share 1500 6:00 1 3,859.00 r LUCISNYDER . 9 29.99 0.67 0.03 30.69 317-600-0595 Everything Data Share 1500 103:00 1:00 3886 491,683.00 CINDY SHEEKS 10 29.99 0,67 0.03 30.69 317-714-2721 Everything Data Share 1500 1094:00 2:00 480 651,711.00 (� CINDY SHEEKS 12 29.99 0.67 0.03 30.69 317-551-0001 3G/4G MBB Hotspot Plan 3GB 34.99 A� CITY OF CARMEL COUNCIL 16 34.99 Usage for All Subscribers 1643:00 3:00 4590 1,160,951.00 Discounts for All Subscribers -$27.50 Charges for All Subscribers $282.95 $5.45 $0.15 $261.05 TotalCurrenl.Usage J$ 300.: 310tl 4590.: 44:: 5100 TotskCurrenlCh®rges $282.95> $27.80 _ $5.45 $0.15 $281.05 Total Subscribers on Account 6 If you prefer to receive a Summary Invoice, please visit sprint.com, log into My Sprint, and select the "Change how detailed your bill is" option or contact Customer Care. The Summary Invoice is designed for your convenience, and will not display full billing details. 0113573/9 IIIIIII IIIIIIIII��IIII�IIVIIIIIII��IIIIIIII I x.21 I I Account Number Billing Period Page Y®UR SPRINT INVOICE 148239816 10/07/12-11/06/12 6of18 Account Name Invoice Date Invoice Number Sprint' CITY OF CARMEL COUNCIL November 10,2012 148239816-059 - ACCOUNT GHARG€S AND ADJUSTMENTS : Plan Discount Report of billing. Your Extended Discounted Amount was subtracted from your Monthly Recurring Charges. > ACCOUNT ACTIVITY SUMMARY Date Received Amount SUBSCRIBER -HAW AND ADJUSTMENTS PREVIOUS INVOICE ACTIVITY 317-656:79$9"=ERIC:SIDENSTIM Previous Balance $261 .54 .Payments Toward Previous Balance . > SUBSCRIBER ACTIVITY SUMMARY Payment Check#2'13728 10/21/12 -230.85 Payment Check#7463 10/21/12 -30.69 Billed Usage Rate/Date Amount Total Payments -$261 .54 &.11l Monthly Recurring Access Charges Qlutstandin <$alance :::-::>:::.<;..:: `:.>:::`:< > _ $O 0 Everything Data Share 1500 for 11/07-12/06 1 10.00 Premium Data$10 add-on charge for 11/07-12/06 10.00 > ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT REPORTS TEP($4 Ins.premium+ESRP) for 11/07-12/06 8.00 Total Monthly Recurring Access Charges $128.00 The following reports are compiled as a courtesy to help you analyze usage trends and manage your account activity. - Service Discounts Usage Summary Business Discount Sprint 25% -27.50 Shared Services Usage Total Service Discounts -$27.50 Usage Additional ® Sprint Surcharges ID Usage Type Included Used Billed Charges *Federal-Univ Sere Assess Non-LD 4.30096 1 .91 LTD 1007, Anytime Minutes 1,500 327 0 *State-Univ Sery Assessment 0.3909 0.17 Total Additional Charges $0.00 *State-Gross Receipts Recovery 1 .40096 0.69 You can view Price Plan information and all breakout of minutes by subscriber in the Subscriber Informational Reports section under each phone number. Total Sprint Surcharges $2.77 Dates presented next to a Usage Category indicates that every subscriber on the shared plan moved to a different plan. `Sprint Surcharges are rates we choose to collect from you to help defray costs imposed on us.Surcharges are not taxes or Single Services Usage amounts we are required to collect from you by law. Surcharges may include:Federal USF,regulatory charges, Additional administrative charges,gross receipts charges,and other charges incurred to recover costs associated with governmental Usage Type Used Billed Charges programs.The amounts,and the components used to calculate Surcharge amounts,are subject to change. Any Mobile,Anytime 1,236 0 Government Fees and Taxes Text 4,397 0 State-Hearing Impaired Charge 0.03 Night Weekend 60 0 Picture a Mail 193 0 Total Government Fees and Taxes $0.03 -- Sprint 3G 14G Data 0 0 Sprint 3G Data 1,169,440 0 TotdChargesfor ERIC SID ENS TICKER $103:30 Sprint 3G Data Roaming 5,867 0 Sprint 4G Data 5,644 0 Total Additional Charges $0.00 Single Services Usage grid includes any service that does not have an included allowance Single Services Usage grid includes usage from all non-shared/pooled plans and services including any non shared services that are associated to a shared,sharing group,or pooling plan. i Plan Discount Report Discounted Extended *Discount Associated Plan Discounted Subscribers Plan Amount Code Discount Amount Amount 1 Everything Data Share 1500 110.00 CNVP25 27.50 82.50 82.50 Total Plan Discount $82.50 *MULTIPLE-When more than one discount plan is attached to the rate plan. Note: This summary report represents current number of subscribers with monthly plans and associated discounts active at the time I _— Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) �.� l� U.(�q Total (( ' 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR tF Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or �$ I - 4l (o. bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for 40 1 4qI 13 ,qq which charge is made were ordered and S received except 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund