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214218 11/07/2012
CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358200 Page 1 of 1 0 ` ONE CIVIC SQUARE AMERICAN MESSAGING CHECK AMOUNT: $124.07 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 5749 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5749 CHECK NUMBER: 214218 CHECK DATE: 11/7/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 Y2429520MJ 49 . 82 OTHER EXPENSES 1110 4353099 Y2429526MK 74 . 25 OTHER RENTAL & LEASES 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL POLICE DEPT. LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number: Y2-429526 For All Inquiries: 888 223-4123 Up011� Ra.G__ {tz ON ,ssaging Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643-2995 written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 2 oice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount fiber Date Balance Charges Due )526MK 11/01/12 $246.75 -$69.48 $74.25 $251 .52 scrip ion:! y Arn�unt� De' ti pcpuntActivit PRIOR BALANCE IMPORTANT - SEE MESSAGE BELOW 246.75 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000213345 10/15/12 -69.48 ARS LABEL 10/02/12 11.95 994 ROBERT ROBINSON Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E404825562 7.00 j 287 ADMIN ALL CALL Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E404677457 0.00 504 ED ALVAREZ Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E404752090 7.00 792 ENTRY ALL CALL Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E404677455 0.00 401 GROUP CALL Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E407104253 0.00 286 SNIPER ALL CALL Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E404677456 0.00 611 SCOTT SPILLMAN Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E403538616 7.00 619 DAN MATTHEWS Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E402740452 7.00 634 DAN JENT Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E1181704 7.00 640 SCOTT MOORE Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E403269052 7.00 693 RICK STITES Service From 11/01/12 To 11/30/12 CC: E404832343 7.00 IMPORTANT MESSAGES 3 October, the Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.884%to 2.088%. our charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each r quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. h this might be an oversight,our records indicate your account is currently past due. We would appreciate ®_ t as your account is scheduled for interruption on 11119112.Please send your payment immediately in order to reconnect fee.If you have sent payment for the amount indicated, please disregard this notice. it Fee'will be assessed on the past due balance in the amount of the lesser of:(a)the maximum amount allowed by law or(b)the greater of:1.5%of the unpaid )nt minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging is not notified in writing within 60 days from the invoice date. 6 J ach here and return this portion with your payment &American =R ACCOUNT NO: Y2429526 �Messaging VO: Y2429526MK )ATE: 11/01/12 CURRENT CHARGES $74.25 AMOUNT DUE Upon Receipt $251.52 MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO 1 000987 02449 B 4 A AMERICAN MESSAGING _L POLICE DEPT. :ACCOUNTS PAYABLE /IC SQUARE AMOUNT $ ❑ © . n .L, IN 46032-7570 LZJ AMERICAN MESSAGING PO BOX 5749 CAROL STREAM IL 60197-5749 :ountor user address change? III.I.I'1���' '1111���'I����IIIII'�IIII1111�111111'Ill'II�I11��11 9s,please check box and see reverse side. 0000000000660252429526000000000074250000251520 t . i 0 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL POLICE DEPT. American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number: Y2-429526 Messaging For All Inquiries: 888 223-4123 .PAYREWT DUE: ,UFo1�;<6-t-eift, g g Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643-2995 n., Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429526MK 11/01/12 $246.75 -$69.48 $74.25 $251.52 NETWORK ADMIN FEE 10/26/12 2.45 PAPER INVOICE FEE 10/26/12 4.95 FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 10/26/12 0.73 REGULATORY CHG 10/26/12 0.42 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 10/26/12 0.70 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 10/26/12 0.18 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 3.87 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $251.52 c VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 American Messaging IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 5749 Carol Stream, IL 60197-5749 $74.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept.F=NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1110 I Y2429526MK I 43-530.99 I $74.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, November 02, 2012 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/01/12 Y2429526MK monthly payment $74.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL UTILITES American LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number: Y2-429520 For All Inquiries: �-=Messaging G 888 223-4123 uPAYtEN fDUE� ;,;}-1.0 ..v�=' Hearing Impaired (TTY); 800 643-2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 1 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520MJ 10/01/12 $260.56 -$248.14 $37.40 $49.82 PRIOR BALANCE 260.56 LOCKBOX PAYMENT 0000212457 09/14/12 -248.14 317-553-0581 ARNONE, PAUL Service From 10/01/12 To 10/31/12 CC: E403615233 7.00 317-553-2411 KINKEAD, ROBBIE Service From 10/01/12 To 10/31/12 CC: E404641164 7.00 317-553-2439 KLEINSMITH, JORDAN Service From 10/01/12 To 10/31/12 CC: E407004097 7.00 317-553-3470 OPERATOR ON CALL Service From 10/01/12 To 10/31/12 CC: E404640521 7.00 NETWORK ADMIN FEE 09/21/12 1.40 PAPER INVOICE FEE 09/21/12 4.95 FED UNIVERSAL SVC FEE 09/21/12 0.42 REGULATORY CHG 09/21/12 0.24 IN UTILITY RECEIPTS SURCHARGE 09/21/12 0.40 GOVERNMENT FEES AND TAXES IN USF SURCHARGE 09/21/12 0.11 INDIANA UTILITY SALES TAX 1,88 IMPORTANT MESSAGES Effective October, the Federal Universal Service Charge (FUSC) increased from 1.884%to 2.088%. FUSC is our charge that recovers government mandated costs and is subject to change each calendar quarter based on an FCC assessment rate. This surcharge is our charge, not a tax. Thank you for your prompt payment.We appreciate your business. A"Late Payment Fee"will be assessed on the past due balance in the amount of the lesser of:(a)the maximum amount allowed by law or(b)the greater of:1.5%of the unpaid balance or current minimum Late Payment Fee. Billing errors are not waived if American Messaging is not notified in writing within 60 days from the invoice date. 6 BOOM 0 ® Payment Due-The date payment is AGPODnt Name: John Smitn Overcalls-if you exceed the monthly P.O. Bo. 293450 Account Number: HI 000001 due to Arnencan Messaguig.ifpayment k�meriean L6wisvalle• T% 75029 ENT DUE: 01/75/O6 call limit an,ddrtiorial per page foe is in Full is not received by tliis date.'a Messaging For All Inquiries:888-247-7890 0�.-_ __ ._ _ chargai.Y'ou can not carry over unused late fLe will be assessed on the unpaid were send xio:an au a pads n mat Trot pdrn en ra a:ed io fie k less aMva Page + 0f + calls to the following month. balance. Invoice Invoice Prior® Payments Current Am9unt Number Date Balance Charges Due ® H+a0000'zA 01/011;06 $110.00 -$110.00 $1Q,76 s149.76 ®e Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance-Total arnamt chic on American Messaging assesses a the pttvic us invoice. Federal Univv;rsal S"e'r"vice Charge to PRIOR BALANCE O 1 10.00 recover costs,imposed on American O PAYMENT-f,HECK ?345 5105 0 00 ® Mcssa((ring by the Feclur,�1 Gwennncmt SALE DISPLAY P.4GLR ® t2/ISIn� 6N: AC38LSTVDA 121:lU C 214-555 1210 DISPLAY CAGING Service from 12!15105 to 12x31!05 3.50 1t�1T1lt Amount Due-Anwwit to be paid by o to support wiivc7sal sen iLx;<ind a 214 555 1210 DISPLAY eAGING Servaoe from 011.,N)8 to 0:131:03 9A0 "t't"' the payment due date.Includes prior i 555 1210 PAGER REPLACEMENT PR k RAM Sorra.^ rrom 01i01!Oa to Oi fa':0G 2 00 Regulatory Charge to re ctwe'r American zit 555 1210 1 111 MAIL Sere i.: rrom O1i01:U6 to 0'i 311 OG 5 00 bal:aice,current charges, iaymenis and Nlessao,g s costs of cum h ilia with 1 4-555 1210 OVERCALLS: 10 C4_LS 7 .20 r UsaMt :I a-11i15!O5 to 12('4!05 2.00 a p. credits applied to the accotint. AAIS FED UNIV SVC CHa 22 certain governmentally imposed AMS REGUUTOPY OH G .03 GOVEPNNFNT FFFS AN0 TA%FS® requirements. Pager Phone Number-Pager TECAS 3T.1r SAL•-5 TA• 9 v1TY 111 .52 number or personal identification nwnber. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $149.76 ® Government Fees and Taxes- ® IMPORTANT MESSAGES includes goveniment mandated Iccai, ® We are.—Mad to Proeding you the bset weL!LSS messagng sorvices m Mel Mus:rY AM IOCi,to—d m semng all o:your paging and 110—g:W C titRle and federal taxes,PUC surcharyges Sale-Charge for paging Lquipment n°ece Pleas,-It ea on 11e iveb at wars am,11-ra ess3ging.no1 o-1 all your n I—D N loads aM for ad E!oc3l monDaI,n on the r,:piny. _ and federal and excise taxes where prurli tseci = applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment. American Messaging appreciates your business. OSerial Number-Uniquely ® Important Messages-Be sum identifies Your paging equipment ....PapremFae wpaaswss miLecu,Luabem eu+manimunlot to check this section for important American Messaging notes and ------ messages, Freers dolaeh hero and w1urn this porNOn with your pay—, Paging Service Charges-Chu cs AAmerican 9 g g � CUSTOMER ACCOUNT NO:H1�000001 INVOICE NO: H1000001ZA for monthly paging scr-vricc.A prorated �Messagtng BILLING DATE: Ol/OUD6 charge fora partial period of servicr late Fees-imporiant information niay appear on yina invoicr."flit partial CURRENT CHARGES t49 76 regv+cling late fee:rates is noted heir. month char Te on this invoice is for AMOUNT DUE OU1so6 s,49.=6 b 10 rP 1 5 1 1 A 10061 10061 ••SDGT MAKE CHECKPAYABLETO service from 12/15/05 to 131%U5. JOHN RM:TH AMERICAN MESSAGING AT TN ANNA SMITH SOTS S2RHAN PLACE AMOUNT 1 S El El El El El SUITE 120 PAID 04LLAS:;15025 ® AMERICAN MESSAGING Enhanced Services-Charge for I I I it ..1,1.1.1..,1111 l l,l l ll l 111„I Ve A ytown It 99999-9999 optional enhanced senice(s),such as LIL,II,...1..L,L16L,,,duL,,,L6LI,,,,dLd,nL..I Voicemail,Pager Replacement Program; Ei Ate'^'ter aitltleuc^^^ae` If ra:.phase cn..*c:acx and s,.ur m.erao cde Custom Greeting,P.ageSaver"1,etc. 000000000766 081786792100000110000000149760 1720 LAKEPOINT DR STE 100 Account Name: CARMEL UTILITES J',�\,Ameriean LEWISVILLE, TX 75057 Account Number: Y2-429520 --"<?.•+ a<si ':s'Ciy;v�,}a.eTck�r°,.;v.;; .tia sv- 'r Messaging For All inquiries: 888 223-4123 PAYFflEfdT„?;DUE;: "/1'2 Hearing Impaired (TTY): 800 643-2995 Please send written correspondence that is not payment related to the address above. Page 2 of 2 Invoice Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Date Balance Charges Due Y2429520MJ 10/01/12 $260.56 -$248.14 $37.40 $49.82 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $49.82 0 Payment Due-The date payment is P.O. BOX 293450 Account Name: John Smith Overcalls-If you exceed the nicinthly ACCOunt Number: Hi-000001 due to American Messat, LeWlsVille, TX 75029 rig.If c call limit,an additional per page fee is ,,\,_Ameri an �M, . PAYMENLDUE: 01/15ttall in full is not received by this(late,a Messaging For Ali Inquiries:888-247-7890 _-_ . _-- — _ __"_j charLed.You can not carm,over unused late fee will be assesseLl on the unpaid PI—N--m---nd—1,,u is not pty—ru W,r-I.Ih.add,—aDO a Page 1 Of I calls to the follMng-month. balance. Snvoioa Invoice Prior Payments Current Amount Number Data Balance Charges Due H100000IZA 01101/06 5110.00 -,%110.00 $149.76 5149.76 Contribution Reimbursements Prior Balance-Total amount due on -American Messaging assesses a the previous invoice. Federal Universal Service Charge to PRI07 BALANCE rucovLT costs inif-x)scd on Ainerican 0 1AYMENTDISPLAY- C FC�412345 'ALE E - PAGER 0 12!18/05 SN: Ai3BL5TIfBA 1205.OWO Mcssagong by die Federal Goverrinient Amount Due-Arnount to he paid by 214 555-1210 DISPLAY PAGING fr.. 121�16 10S 4.50 to support univemil service.and a 1�1.1�1: III DISPLAY PAGING L,'.01; I fO t.U,1C 9.CO the pay,nlcnt due date.Includes prior 555-1210 PAGER REPLACE'MENI 'BODILAM S 01/01,;06 to 0113i%06 2.00 Rejadatory Change to recover American balance,curnmt charges,payments and 22:4-555 1210 VOICE.AIL -'1317 5.00 its of complying with Mcssag�ings cos, 4-555-1210 OVERCALLS' 10 CALLS 0 .200 S'sap Ir1`t,7'1Ioj115!01(]5 to 1211,1!05 2.00 creclits applied to the account AMS FE,UNIV SIC'HG .22 certain governmentally impo.,,ed -S ,EGUI AT",-"G 001914MEN1 F;71' 0 7 TAIFS(D requirements. Pager Phone Number-paper 7FIAS STATE SA,F, A, -1 CT .If TA, 52 iii-loiber or personal identification number. TOTAL MOUNT DUE Government Fees and Taxes- (D I IMPORTANT MESSAGES Include-,government mandated local, We——nd fed W pOVJIN y,U the�t vvvet—O—ging sari—n 1-inouIhy and look omard U,kwng 0 el oaging and m—ag,ng state and f�dcml taxes,IIUC gurchailges Sale-Giatage for paging equipment —d=.Plea Us On he—b 01—antal—aftlagino at to,ah y—msmpr-4.needs and fo.add—al infon-raer,m the MmIXU•. and federal and excise taxes where purchasecl. applicable. Thank you for your prompt payment.American Messaging appreciates your business. Serial Number-Uniquely 000 important Messages-Be sure identifies y_our paging,equipinent to check this section for important el. American Messaging notes mid ------ niessages. It--de. and,.Iun,Ift�H!- fth y-,pyrnsl Paging Service Charges-Charges CUSTOMER ACCIDUNTNO:HI.000001 American f6r rnonlhly paging service. A prorated INVOICE NO: HIOOOOO IZA `-*--Messaging chat-&e for a partial peth-A of service BILLING DATE: 01+01;08 CURRENT CHARGES 1`nt Late Fees-Important inforriiation may appear on your invoice.The partial reggarding late lee rates is noted here. month charge on this invoice is for AMOUW DUE OV15,06 rT'4-6 I 10 F1 I B 1 1 A 10061 10061 "--DGT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO sen,rice front 12/15/05 to 12,3 L/05. JOHN SMITH AMERICAN MESSAGING ATTN ANNA SMITH 5015 11-OInUM PLACE AMOUNT SUITE 120 PAID El 1111 El❑ DALLAS TX 75025 AME ICAN MESSAGING Enhanced Services-Charge for 1 P 0 Do.-999.9 Anyto*n IL 99999-9999 optional enhanced service(s),such as %loiceniail,Pagger Replacement Prograiii, Custom Greeting,PageSaver 11-1,etc 00000000D066061786792100000110090000149760 CHANGE OF MAILING ADDRESS SECTION ONLY Please contact our Customer Service Department to have the account name changed Account Number: Address: City: State: Zip Code: Can be reached at the following telephone numbers: Day: ( — Evening: Please allow two billing cycles before an address change will take effect. You can also view your bill or change your address by visiting our website at http✓lwww.americanmessaging.net and togging into My Paging Account. DST 00071032 VOUCHER # 126043 WARRANT # ALLOWED 358200 IN SUM OF $ AMERICAN MESSAGING PO Box 5749 Carol STream, IL 60197-5749 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code Y2429520MJ 01-7362-06 $49.82 Voucher Total $49.82 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 358200 AMERICAN MESSAGING Purchase Order No. PO Box 5749 Terms Carol STream, IL 60197-5749 Due Date 10/31/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/31/201; Y2429520MJ $49.82 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11�--10-1.6 Date Officer