HomeMy WebLinkAbout214628 11/20/2012 =.f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357834 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FAST SIGNS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 3915 EAST 96TH STREET CHECK AMOUNT: $342.60 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 CHECK NUMBER: 214628 CHECK DATE: 11/20/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1093 4235000 9885162 246 . 60 BUILDING MATERIAL 1096 4239039 9887255 96 . 00 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL U����U����^ ����- ���P��� INVOICE: —~ ~^ ~~~— h"ir,Am ,S-- _,,1MNMN Pooa1of1 Date Ordered: 10/11/2012 1:4415PM FmmtSigmm Phone 317-845-5051 - Due Date: 10/15/2012 Time: 5:00:OOPM 3915 East 90thSt. Fax. 317-845-4428 Salesperson: Jonn\aChowning Indianapolis, IN 46240 Email: 98@fustsiQ»a.co'» Entered By: JannieChowning Saleaperenn:jnmie.nhowning@faataign Date Printed: 10/11/2012 PO#: W1C00342 t Description: SEWN 3x8 Banners - PO# MC003422 Family Pool Challenge Customer: Carmel Clay Parks& Recreation 1411 E. 11GthSt. Ordered by: OawnKoepper Carmel, IN 48032 Phone: (317) 573-4U26 Fax: (317) 571-413G Emai|: dkoopper@carma|c|ayperha.org PRODUCT DESCRIPTION QTY SIDES HxW UNIT COST TOTALS ECO BAN Eco-Solvent Print on Semi-Gloss 1 1 36 x 96 $96.00 $96.00 Vinyl Banner Material. Color: 4cp on White Includes Discount: ($51.66) Text: Family Pool Challenge R E C E I VVE JD OC T 18 2012 Purchaser Approval Date--- _ Notes: Thank you for your continued business! You are very important to us.Turn-around is approximately 2 full business days from order approval. Other Payments: Form ofPayment Amount |nido|n Line Item Total: $96.00 TERMS: All payments are Net oV. A Finance charge o,um per month/e4Y6 per annum will uo Tax Exempt Amt: $96.00 added u,all past due invoices. CUSTOM SIGNS ARE wow'msruwo*oLs. All Signs Subtotal: $96.00 remain the property o,Fanuyignn until paid mfull. |agree that raotoignv can remove Taxes: $0.00 said s|nnx|f not paid oouordinnm the terms on this order. Total: $96.00 � RECEIVED/ACCEPTED BY DATE Total Payments: $0.00 Balance Due: $96.00 Bill To: Carmel Clay Parks& Recreation Attention: Down Koeppor 1411 E. 116th 8L Carmel, IN 48032 Copyright @2085 FASTS|GNG International, Inc Open Monday- Friday 8:3O-G:8D/Closed Weekends o,orsmF^oTomwS_Cn,nrxu"vo/ce'rnv, U���)U����^ ��~ ����� INVOICE: ~~ ~~ ^—~~ - ,A_-:2 ffit',--S 7,, (',�,M�- - Au am �:.V�Sla'� Paoa 1 of 1 Oab»Ordered: 7/2/2012 10:UQ11AM Fmmt0bQns Phone 317-845-5051 - Due Date: 7/3/2012 Time: 5:00:00PK1 3915 East 96th SL Fax. 317-845-4428 Salesperson: Jamie Chowning Indianapolis, IN 46340 Email: 98@fastsigns.com Entered By: JomieChmwning Salesperson:jamie.ohovvning@foetuign Date Printed: 7/2/2012 PO#: 30944 Project Description: 8" Non-Illuminated Dimensional Letters - Installed - PO #30944. Customer: Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation 1411 E 116th St. Ordered by: Dawn Kbeppar Carmel, IN 40032 Phone: (317) 573-4028 Fax: (317) 571-413G Emai|: dhoeppar@oarmo|o|ayporko.org PRODUCT DESCRIPTION CITY SIDES HxW UNIT COST TOTALS DIMENSIONAL LETTER Dimensional Letters 2 1 8 x 58.25 $156.60 $313.20 Letters. I Set on Brick 1 Set on Both installs are interior. Color: ITEM Budaet Purchaser Date�_ Approval Date_ _ _ Other Payments: Form ofPayment Amount Initials Line Item Total: $493.20 TERMS: All payments are Net no. x Finance oxurgo of 2%per month/u496 per annum will be fax Exempt Amt: $493.20 added m all past due invoices. CUSTOM SIGNS ARE wOm'RerumoAoLs. All Signs Subtotal: $493.20 remain the property mFoo0igno until paid in full. |agree that romaignocan remove Taxes: $0.00 said viqn»if not paid ammodinn m the terms on this order. Total: $493.20 � RECEIVED/ACCEPTED BY DATE Total Payments: 0.00 Balance Due: Bill To: Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation ^ Attention.- Oavvn Koepper 1411 E. 116thSt. Carmel, IN 46032 Copyright @2OO5 FASTS|GNS |nhomabono|. Inc (]pen K8ondoy' Friday 8:30 G:OO/Closed Weekends x,vrs*xpASromwS-Cn,or^L-mvo.ce'nm` ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 357834 FastSigns Terms 3915 East 96th Street _ Indianapolis, IN 46240 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 10/11/12 9887255 Family pool challenge banner $ 96.00 7/2/12 9885162 Kiosk Header signs 30944 $ 246.60 Total $ 342.60 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. I i 357834 FastSigns Allowed 20 3915 East 96th Street j Indianapolis, IN 46240 In Sum of$ $ 342.60 i ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR i 109 - Monon Center i i PO#or Board Members INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Dept# 1096-60 9887255 4239039 $ 96.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1093 9885162 4235000 $ 246.60 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and I received except i s 15-Nov l 2012 i Signature $ 342.60 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i I