HomeMy WebLinkAboutBZA 09-24-12 Revised F / ,NON E F. r �! • iEI , l tV O aim 1NOI:AN Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Regular Meeting September 24, 2012 REVISED Time &Location: 6:00 PM, City Hall Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 1 Civic Square, Carmel,IN 46032 Agenda: A. Call to Order B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Roll Call D. Declaration of Quorum E. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting F. Communications,Bills, and Expenditures G. Reports,Announcements,Legal Counsel Report, and Department Concerns H. Public Hearing 1-2. (V)Greyhound Commons—Signage. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: TABLED: . , • . ,. -! ! ! _ . _ • . . . - . . .• Pr-ellesed -be-x4sting-allowed-) TABLED: ! : • . ,. _! ! _ . _ : . • : • • . • -1 . : : : I • .. • . • I. . . . • . • . -. Ski of Kite Realty-rem- 3-9. (V)McDonald's—Signage. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 12080008 V Ch.25.07.02-08 b) Number of signs(20 proposed,6 allowed) Docket No. 12080009 V Ch.25.07.05 Menu Board size (38.8 sq.ft.proposed, 16 sq.ft. allowed) Docket No. 12080010 V Ch. 25.07.05 Menu Board height(6' 9"proposed,6' allowed) Docket No. 12080011 V Ch.25.07.02-08 c) Total square footage(250.33 s.f.proposed,227 s.f. allowed) Docket No. 12080012 V Ch. 25.07.02-08 b) Number of signs facing east ROW (10 proposed,2 allowed) Docket No. 12080013 V Ch.25.07.02-08 b) Number of signs facing south ROW(4 proposed, 1 allowed) Docket No. 12080014 V Ch.25.07.02-08 b) Number of signs facing west ROW(6 proposed,3 allowed) The site is located at 750 E. Carmel Drive. It is zoned B-8/Business.within the Keystone Parkway Overlay Zone. Filed by Timothy E. Ochs of Ice Miller on behalf of McDonald's Corporation. 10. (UV) Tom Wood Parking Lot. The applicant seeks the following use variance approval for a surface parking lot on a residentially zoned property: Docket No. 12080016 UV ZO Ch. 6.01.01 Permitted Uses The site is located at 9624 Day Drive. It is zoned S-2/Residence. Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg DeVault for Tom Wood, Inc. 11. (CA) Tom Wood Day Drive Access.Docket No. 12080017 CA. The applicant seeks approval to amend a commitment made in 1969 as a part of the Special Exception for an auto dealership,to allow access to Day Drive.The site is located at 3130 E.96th Street. It is zoned B-3/Business within the Keystone Overlay Zone. Filed by Paul Reis of Krieg DeVault for Tom Wood, Inc. W WW.CARMEL.IN.GOV Page 1 of 2 (317)571-2417 Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals September 24,2012 I. Old Business 1. (V)Olive Garden. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 12070007 V Ch. 23C.09 E. Roof material(Clay tile proposed) The site is located at 10206 N.Michigan Rd. It is zoned I-1/Industrial and lies in the Michigan Rd./US 421 Corridor Overlay Zone. Filed by Janet Reid of GHA Architecture/Development on behalf of Jack DeGagne for GMRI, Inc. J. New Business K. Adjournment Filename:20120924.doc Page 2 of 2