HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 09-24-12General Info• The Petitioner requests variance approvals for signage for a new McDonald's restaurant. It will be rebuilt in the exact same location/site as the current McDonald's restaurant. Besides the new architecture and design of the building, the main change will be the addition of a second drive thru lane. Please see the petitioner's information packet for more details. Analysis: The current McDonald's restaurant has one ground sign, two wall signs, one menu board, and a few directional signs. Three main identification signs are allowed for this site because it faces three public streets. In addition to these three signs, one menu board sign is allowed and two directional signs are allowed. This puts the total square footage allowed at 227 sq. ft. for the site. This is very unique that a site would be allowed this much signage for a single tenant. The Petitioner will be taking full advantage of the square footage allowed and will only be exceeding the maximum by 23.33 sq. ft. The majority of the additional signage is in "directional" type signage that is required for the operation of the restaurant, i.e. drive thru, order here, please have payment ready, pay here, etc. The other significant addition and reason for overage is a second drive thru lane. This will require an additional menu board for the second lane of traffic to see what the restaurant has to offer. The two menu boards proposed are both larger and taller than what the Sign Ordinance allows. The height exceeds the 6' limit by 9 ". This additional height is required for the sign to function properly as it has a turning mechanism for the different menus provided throughout the day. Along with the turning mechanism, the height allows for a stone base to cover the power supply and support pole of the base of the sign. This is preferred by the Department. The size variance is also needed because of the formatting of the menu and number of items required by the restaurant to be displayed. After the reconfiguration of Keystone Parkway with the new round -a -bout interchange /overpass, the direct access entrance from Carmel Drive was eliminated. The Petitioner will be rearranging the site just a bit to reclaim that area which used to be an entrance to Carmel Dr and to accommodate the additional drive thru lane. The building will be moving south and west a bit, adding handicapped parking right in front of the building entrance. All of the parking spaces will be restriped to be angled parking, to help with the flow of traffic throughout the site. The southern -most entrance off Keystone Way will be moved to the south a bit and the Petitioner would like to have two directional signs placed there to help customers know which entrance is preferred for the drive thru traffic. CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DEPARTMENT REPORT SEPTEMBER 24, 2012 3 -9. (V) McDonald's — Signage. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals: Docket No. 12080008 V Ch. 25.07.02 -08 b) Number of signs (20 proposed, 6 allowed) Docket No. 12080009 V Ch. 25.07.05 Menu Board size (38.8 sq. ft. proposed, 16 sq. ft. allowed) Docket No. 12080010 V Ch. 25.07.05 Menu Board height (6' 9" proposed, 6' allowed) Docket No. 12080011 V Ch. 25.07.02 -08 c) Total square footage (250.33 s.f. proposed, 227 s.f. allowed) Docket No. 12080012 V Ch. 25.07.02 -08 b) Number of signs facing east ROW (10 proposed, 2 allowed) Docket No. 12080013 V Ch. 25.07.02 -08 b) Number of signs facing south ROW (4 proposed,1 allowed) Docket No. 12080014 V Ch. 25.07.02 -08 b) Number of signs facing west ROW (6 proposed, 3 allowed) The site is located at 750 E. Carmel Drive. It is zoned B- 8/Business within the Keystone Parkway Overlay Zone. Filed by Timothy E. Ochs of Ice Miller on behalf of McDonald's Corporation. General Info• The Petitioner requests variance approvals for signage for a new McDonald's restaurant. It will be rebuilt in the exact same location/site as the current McDonald's restaurant. Besides the new architecture and design of the building, the main change will be the addition of a second drive thru lane. Please see the petitioner's information packet for more details. Analysis: The current McDonald's restaurant has one ground sign, two wall signs, one menu board, and a few directional signs. Three main identification signs are allowed for this site because it faces three public streets. In addition to these three signs, one menu board sign is allowed and two directional signs are allowed. This puts the total square footage allowed at 227 sq. ft. for the site. This is very unique that a site would be allowed this much signage for a single tenant. The Petitioner will be taking full advantage of the square footage allowed and will only be exceeding the maximum by 23.33 sq. ft. The majority of the additional signage is in "directional" type signage that is required for the operation of the restaurant, i.e. drive thru, order here, please have payment ready, pay here, etc. The other significant addition and reason for overage is a second drive thru lane. This will require an additional menu board for the second lane of traffic to see what the restaurant has to offer. The two menu boards proposed are both larger and taller than what the Sign Ordinance allows. The height exceeds the 6' limit by 9 ". This additional height is required for the sign to function properly as it has a turning mechanism for the different menus provided throughout the day. Along with the turning mechanism, the height allows for a stone base to cover the power supply and support pole of the base of the sign. This is preferred by the Department. The size variance is also needed because of the formatting of the menu and number of items required by the restaurant to be displayed. After the reconfiguration of Keystone Parkway with the new round -a -bout interchange /overpass, the direct access entrance from Carmel Drive was eliminated. The Petitioner will be rearranging the site just a bit to reclaim that area which used to be an entrance to Carmel Dr and to accommodate the additional drive thru lane. The building will be moving south and west a bit, adding handicapped parking right in front of the building entrance. All of the parking spaces will be restriped to be angled parking, to help with the flow of traffic throughout the site. The southern -most entrance off Keystone Way will be moved to the south a bit and the Petitioner would like to have two directional signs placed there to help customers know which entrance is preferred for the drive thru traffic. The total number of signs proposed is 20. Six are allowed. There will be two McDonald's (full name) wall signs, three "M" logo wall signs, one (existing) ground sign, two "welcome" awning signs over the entrances, two menu boards, one preview menu board, two directional ground signs at one of the entrances (none at the other), two "drive thru" identifiers, two "order here" identifiers, and three "payment" signs in the drive thru lane. 10 signs are proposed to face east. This large number is mostly due to the number of signs for the drive thru identification and menus. Four signs are proposed to face south. These consist of three identification signs and one incidental sign. The six signs proposed to face west include one identification sign and five directional signs. The Department is in support of these variances for signage because the proposed signs are modest in size and placement on the building, do not take away from the architecture and fully support the use of the site. Findings of Fact 1. The approval of these variances will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community because: the variance will simply allow the continued operation of an existing McDonald's restaurant. The use of the subject real estate will remain the same as what has existed for many years, and is not injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The variance will simply allow the continued operation of an existing McDonald's restaurant, which has existed for many years in this location. Continuing the same use will have no substantial adverse impact on the use or value of the area adjacent, as the same use will remain intact. Moreover, the surrounding area is commercial in nature; the development standards variances being requested will have no impact on these adjacent commercial uses. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: Vehicle and pedestrian traffic are not alerted to the uses and traffic patterns of the building without the requested signage. Recommendation: After all comments and concerns have been addressed, the Dept. of Community Services recommends approval of Docket No. 12080008 V through 12080014 V. 7