HomeMy WebLinkAbout215068 12/04/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 361368 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE IRISH MECHANICAL SERVICES INC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 9151 FORD CIRCLE CHECK AMOUNT: $6,055.00 STE 200 «o CHECK NUMBER: 215068 FISHERS IN 46038 CHECK DATE: 12/4/2012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1095 4350000 16311 199 . 00 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS & M 1093 4350100 16414 2, 256. 00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 1093 4350100 16472 1, 800 . 00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 1093 4350100 16473 1, 800 . 00 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. 9151 Ford Circle IRCS Ir Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone: (317)294-9875 Invoice MECHANICAISHVICES Fax: (317)377-0361 ClEIVE, Invoice Number: 16311 o Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Noy 01bo1Z Invoice Date: 10/31/2012 1411 E. 116th Street Our Job Number: 122354 m Carmel, IN 46032 By, Job Name: Your-Purchase Order Number: Labor needed to disassemble two ice machines in Concession Stand out building. Tony Royer 9/26/12 (See copy of work order attached) Subtotal: $199.00 Indiana Sales Tax: $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $199.00 Purchase De cription Ph,) J,g_ Lc)i f z(1t!on P.O.# MC Oo 3 3 P or F G.L.# 10q--) -1 -g350000 Budaet Line DescrT :42ct"� J--kc.__� Purchaser Date Approval L)4 Date 11 TT71 I Note: Invoices not paid in full within 30 days of billing date will be charged interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. Terms: Due Upon Receipt 1 1 WORK ORDER 25911 TO: Irish Mechanical Services Inc. 7008 E. 43rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226 Phone (317) 294-9875 Fax (317) 377-0361 REMIT TO: Attention: 9151 Ford Circle,Suite 200, Fishers, IN 46038 JOB LOCATION: Phone(317)841-7877 Fax(317)841-7460 WORK REQUESTED; Date: t� (` [Contract dC U� /' 2C - '2 [Extra n Order Taken [Time&Material Q✓1�" I p J l C I1 �f fi L 0 Y� t 7 7' By: [Warranty t 1 Customer Job Complete `y 1 Order No. [Job Incomplete ; �' {�V Phone Model Number: Number: Our Job � Serial Number: Number: OTHER CHARGES AMOUNT Truck Charge J -- Equipment Rental Sub-Contractors P.O. # QTY MATERIALS AMOUNT TOTAL OTHER CHARGES 55 - DATE T CH ST .5 DT AMOUNT Al 144 TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR 2-r 140 TOTAL MATERIAL, OTHER & LABORt i - Work Ordered By TAX Signature: TOTAL C1 C) Thereby acknowledge the satisfactory completion of the above described work and Rt OCT agree to render payment upon receipt of invoice. a -+ r {) Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. 9151 Ford Circle iR S Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46038 _ Phone: (317)294-9875 Fax: 317 377-0361 �jz Invoice MECHANICAL SEiVICES ( ) D� 7BY: ov 15 2012 1 Invoice Number: 16414 o Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Invoice Date: 11/13/2012 1411 E. 116th Street Our Job Number: 121966 m Carmel, IN 46032 Job Name: Y_our_P_urehase�(Drder_NUrnber-- � I 0-0 -'Z L- Labor and material needed to replace defective actuator. Tony Royer 9/12/12 (See copy of work order attached) Subtotal: $2,256.00 Indiana Sales Tax: $0.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $2,256.00 Purchase D&:�cription fi 7prXu P.O.# -) 9/16 C Poe G.L.# 109 3- Y3'50/00 6udcet ' Line`Descr ct',) Purchaser Date Approval_ LiIL Date !I Note: Invoices not paid in full within 30 days of billing date will be charged interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. Terms: Due Upon Receipt -- WORK ORDER 2397 TO: IQ ilk Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. 7008 E. 43rd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226 Phone (317) 294-9875 Fax (317) 377-0361 REMIT TO: Attention: 9151 Ford Circle, Suite 200, Fishers, IN 46038 Joe LOCATION: °hone(317)841-7877 Fax(317)841-7460 WORK REQUESTED n Date: _ a Contract ' _ _ `!� Extra e /// Order Taken 1 Time&Material t� ✓�t' r 0+ By: \ rran e n >f "7 n Customer Job Com lets J ] ` Order No. Job Incomplete (� cf �n p >� f; y1 Phone Model Number: Number: 12O (' c t Number: Number: OTHER CHARGES AMOUNT Truck Charge S ED Equipment Rental Sub-Contractors e G 4S QQ tz,�RO:# QTY MATERIALS ..AMOUNT TOTAL OTHER CHARGES !�;y0 DATE T ST 1.5 DT AMOUNT -lZ T, KQ f TOTAL MATERIAL TOTAL LABOR pZ TOTAL MATERIAL, OTHER & LABOR �(Q Work Ordered By TAX Signature: TOTAL, (�1� Thereby acknowledge the satisfactory completion of the above described work and '' E`L yi I V F 1) HP 1 7 7n t7 7 agree to render payment upon receipt of invoice. L 1 Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. 9151 Ford Circle Jtl� v� Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46038 a Phone: (317)294-9875 C r-,, T? D nvo ce MECHANICAtSERVICES Fax: (317) 377-0361 00V 19 2092 BY: Invoice Number: 16472 o Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Invoice Date: 11/16/2012 1411 E. 116th Street Our Job Number: 7006 m Carmel, IN 46032 Job Name: Maintenance Invoice Your Purchase Order Number: Perform maintenance inspection in accordance with service agreement. ffv 40 &Uj�e Maud 1.'urchase fig L?;scription 14 V'4C v '�'Q, TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $1,800.00 P.O.# -- U Wgq(hnPr F G.L.# - 13udcet Linee Descr Purchaser Date Approval Date Terms: Due Upon Receipt Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. Ford Circle Suite 200 Fishers, Indiana 46038 7BY: DPhone: (317) 294-9875 MSCHANICALSFRVICSS Fax: (317) 377-0361 9 2012 ; Ins ice Invoice Number: 16473 o Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation Invoice Date: 11/16/2012 1411 E. 116th Street Our Job Number: 7006 Carmel, IN 46032 _Y Job Name: October Maintenance Invoice Your Purchase Order Number: Invoice only for maintenance inspection in accordance with service agreement. Purchase ks O�.f 'l� uh;scrip+ion �.0.# 3U�{C1� Por .�.#1Oq 3 �135oIoa B.:a:tet inc-Descr <,eF�,ser Date TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: $1,800.00 w,sl Date Terms: Due Upon Receipt 7�;-' x_ - �- _ ,�-- ­ __ z_ -� � - ­��� � '2� :g , - 7 ;� � ­ � _l '_ 1-' � M --- . � .r -a-l---,7 -f, ,- _--- � x.- .0'� '; 4 ----_ 'f l_ -� - -� a! 2 ! _ ' I z I"_­ ,- , _ _-1'. a' ' �_- -- ,-7_-- "-' a��, 1, Il - , - - ,---_-,- ' , 7n B-�_--� �-­ � '­-�--- '- I -,-_- _"-I, r �- -'.- --K - '. - ­ -- ­ ' , ­ -A n_*__ �& O_I �qU " '- � I _- - _ - :-- -1 �--_-- ---.--_ -�� - --_:I -- - ­ N�­. - ,--_,- -'-- I. - ----­-_'�-- Z ; ­ a ,- 4 _WM kav c Serve 7008f I 4XIS 7 �-j�M laraP !IS�10 i M226317`2949875® F:317`377 4036V ' _ - a- ` --+ ­ , ­ -4i 1 " --n t en nc"- t) jjuj6 - AJ W,Ha ndlet, - 19MW12BOOS ­ d I I I= ,�Z E' Alr'handler, �O.M,-W123 05 U­45 -I c�er Aj r-Handler 30 6 05 � >__43 Alf "o r 4 Ffpr 954--. -iddBW _tim _ , ° Air-Ha dIdr _ t f 45 r-� _�- I -_- ,-_-� .--' --- : "--- ­ .�'--- a_ t� — - ,-­ - ,i_-, 1 z' -'_-' -;_'----_,-_ _ ._' -� '- _o -� , : ­ �1_ -low* o­ 5 3 d�� Gamer ­ Ai r-M Ak ldt _ 391I BO 5 ' 7 I Roof p _/5 Al W Hifit li F- - =Roofs 4 ­/r �-- � -_ - - I _ -_ 1.�-' . ­ - �. _----�- -_ -�- � � .� - _ '-��-- --` .-,_-,- `-- �. �! -1.. - -' --� '- .� .I 39IM 1 B005D3Y22XCS affpr Roof Air-H a I 8r1 lb-L -49 BO MDQ1 t kd�t "COW W 1 ir-Handier : -k b 6j 5 i�lltYF13o 0 I I ' b im6r , 064­fA Handl r - 39 W2�wOSD431 & " " Carrier 12o of D - i Gas Boiler ah Boiler R � v5 � G fi y I Boiler-k_s NO I - M F i ! 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A -11 OV P ft Y " gte io En- p0_i i (Wa f - -SI -s -VWF OUS _ Wa -ia 6i Hanging ah ot.w atit��jjt VS14 4-11 ASLV Q8� 7ndus_It6taU.6f; q6"&; - t6-�_fi4' M ech a"I W_ Hanging hOt,water-un 4" S7 410A I 2 IQV _- i�, ��✓ heaters - I- echem i -H anging-hat unit ft 's?� lo _ �� iv is eAt6rs_ ftfiffig- na .�rlHanolng�hbt 6t a 51 �R L 2108 heaters. � St frlin l g- ec nica I S 1ft ilet Ma W T_ BESB40042_21- S ". a�auk o , � B& r- . - M e u a -a -.-. ccordMaintenance mg-t O" ,jj�j 1 P qM_ U Sign af6e ­ A / 1i.4�I . Date La.�_�- _-/. ­ - _ _ - I - I I: a-i _. : .� - � .I- - , .� I -- .,x a��. --''- c, --'�­9I 1: ,W k'a'ark-�'service a-%� t�j�'--��__ - ! 1_�_-a'�-I�9 cZ .� - __�' I, ­_a_­-_ a �--- Z�__,� __ .- -1_1___�"r_�'-,Y-N - - , � - . ...'.. _" .-�__'�_­ "_"._%.._�. .'-'T'�--'t 11 1� Q ­��'4 1, " "__��� �'- ­ ­__­,_­, � . I �� �M , . '4 , . . 1 � _ . - ,- I f --a j: . ;- ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 361368 Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. Terms 9151 Ford Circle Ste 200 Fishers, IN 46038 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount ,... ._,,._..1;0/3IM2— , --1,63-11, _ _ Water park Ice machine winterization ^` $ 199.00 11/13/12 16414 Repair defective actuator 29168 $ 2,256.00 11/16/12 16472 HVAC Service maint. Agreement Sep'12 30496 $ 1,800.00 1`1/16/12 16473 HVAC Service maint. Agreement.Oct'12 30496 $ 1,800.00 Total $ 6,055.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20, Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 361368 Irish Mechanical Services, Inc. Allowed 20 9151 Ford Circle Ste 200 Fishers, IN 46038 In Sum of$ $ 6,055.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 - Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1095-1 16311 4350000 $ 199.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1093 16414 4350100 $ 2,256.00 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 1093 16472 4350100 $ 1,800.00 materials or services itemized thereon for 1093 16473 4350100 $ 1,800.00 which charge is made were ordered and received except 29-Nov 2012 Signature $ 6,055.00 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund