HomeMy WebLinkAbout215194 12/04/2012 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 298001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE TARGET BANK CHECK AMOUNT: $56.94 ,� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 BUSINESS CARD SERVICES M a� PO BOX 660149 CHECK NUMBER: 215194 DALLAS TX 75266-0149 CHECK DATE: 12/412012 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 911 4239099 1-750 56 . 94 OTHER MISCELLANOUS I I i Y G)TARGET EXPECT MORE.PAT LESS: CARMEL - 317-815-0560 10/19/2012 10:09 AM EXPIRES 01/17/13 Ill�illlll III I II I I II lil HOME 074152240 FRAME 11X14 T $59.94 6 0 $9.99 ea SUBTOTAL $59.94 Your REDcard"Savings 5% $3.00- : TAX EXEMPT SALE $0.00 TOTAL $56.94 -1760 TARGET CARD $56.94 mull Today's REDcard Savings $3.00 ----------------------------------- TOTAL SAVINGS THIS TRIP $3.00 ---------------------------------- REC#2-2293-1063-0077-1761-0 UCD#707-240-144 e TARGET. Account Number: X-XXX-XX1-750 =908011= Account Identification Number: 00028950263 TERESA ANDERSON Statement Closing Date:November 18,2012 CARMEL POLICE DEPT Page 1 of 2 Pay-In-Full Business Card Account Summary Total Credit Limit for Purchases $1,000 Previous Balance $124.43 Available Credit for Purchases $943 Payments&Credits -124.43 Purchases 56.94 Questions? Call Us: Other Charges 0.00 Regarding your account?1-800-618-6881 New Balance $56.94' Calling will not preserve your billing-error rights Minimum Due $56.94 Payment Due Date December 18,2012 Payments & Credits Mail your payment as instructed on the back of this statement.As an accommodation,we may also accept payments at Target Stores or over the phone,but to ensure the payment is credited to your account the same day you make the payment,it must be made prior to 2 pm (Central Time)for Target Store payments and 5 pm(CT)for phone payments. Date Reference Description Location Amount Oct. 18 00028950263 PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANKS -$124.43 Total Payments&Credits -$124.43 Purchases Date PO# Description Reference Location Amount Oct. 19 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 10630771761 CARMEL, IN $56.94 Total Purchases $56.94 Special Announcements and Exclusive Offers Use your Target Business Card, save 5%" at Target- every day. Your Target Business Card has a big new benefit. Now it saves you 5% at Target on almost anything you need for your business, any time you shop.-just-use the card to make our already low prices that much lower. 'See the program rules in store for restrictions. Target Bank,an affiliate of Target Stores NOTICE:SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION Parinent information: Use the envelope provided to ,end 11 applicable laic otherwise permit,you to mail us legal written us yr,ur payment(,in U.S dollars)along with the lower poilion notice about anything related to your:Account with us.it must of tlIi�monthly-statement. Lost vour envelope?No problem. be addressed to Target Bank,Business Card Services, P.O. Ju,+ Maul your payment along with the lower portion of this Box 45922.Salt Lake Cite, UT 84145-0922. monthly,tatement to T<+rget Busincs,Card. P.O. Box 6601 49. Dallas.TX; 24-0149. Paviticnts sent this%vav We may report intlinuation about\cur account to the will lie credited to wort•.account as Of the date received. consumer reporting;agencies.Late payments,missed payments, Paviocnts sent to other locations or in.Inv other planner or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your may he delayed. Please don't send cash payments or credit report. Gi11t::ards. FOR REVOLVING C'12E DIT ACCOUNTS.- Please write your check to TARGET B:ANk. f low ii e Calculate Your Finance Charge:We Ii,,urc your Finance Charge, if any. by multipiyulg your Daily Balance by the Dail} Periodic Rate shown on the front of this statement. in Case Of Errors or Questions.About Your Bill: Ai the cnd of tlIC hilling period,wC+add up the resold:of these daily calculations to get the total finance Charge for the Ift- a thinl<your hill is trreong,or if you need more information billing period. about a transaction con Your bill,semi its a letter right away p at: forget Bank,Business Card Services, P.O.Box 451122. You may avoid paying a Finance Charge by pa}'ill`;the New Salt lake City.L;'1'S41dS-0922. ' e mwt hear from you no Balance on your statement in full by the Payment lone Date. late+ than 30 aays aftCr we cent Vol] tin•first bill on which the I lowe\cr.there is a minnntnn FIN'ANC'E CHARGE ofS0.50 crrvr or roblenl appccired. You can cat its.but doing so will for any billing period in which a Finance Charge is imposed. not ;;reserve your rights. ifs.will add a l'imuce Charge on new cliar2cs which were In yjxu letter,gtvr us the following information: billed to an Account durinlg that billing period stair ling with I Your name.business name.and:-\ccount nulnbt'r. the day those charges were post.cd to y our Account balance. _. -rhe dollar aauount of the suspected error. Describe the error and expLiin,if you Call.vrhy you bclicc e there is an error. if you need more ii:fbrmatioii. How We Calculate four [)aiEti' Balance: lA'e take the dcccribe the item VutI arc unsure about begirding balance ofvour Accotmi each day,and add any new charges. Then we subtract ant'payments and credits. You don't havC to pay ally amount in question lrhilc we arc We then multiply the resulting balance by the Dail- periodic ins nitrating but vlou're still obligated to pay the pails of your Rate and that daily I inance Charge is Included in the bcginnin,4 hili ci,u arena in question. While kvc investigate yourclucst.ioil, balance of your Account for the ne\1 clay. This gig es un the can't I'Cpolt VOL:as delinquent or tale any action to collect Daily Balance. thi n;ihiUllt yUn CItICSIU011. Av crage Daily Balance:We add together all the Dail Special rule for credit card purelm es: If you have a Balances for the billing period and di\ide the total l,y(he prcoblern with the qualit' ofg,'oods or cervices that you number ofaays in the billing period. 'This give,us he punch-tscd with a credit card.and you have tried in good tiiith '`.Average Daily'Balance". to correct the problem tioith the merchant.you may not have The Average Daily Balance times the Dail-Pcrioc!ic gate to p:.tv(tic rcmainmL anliouiri due on the goods or serf ices. times the number of days in the hiking, period\t ill Cyual the amount of the Finance Charges. tiger:more inrormanon' Just call 1-800-618-6881. • To ask yu, atoms about yvur hill To reps. + a icnt or stole Card • To request sdchtional credit curds • i'co chartist ,.ol.u-address VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Target Bank IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 660149 Dallas, TX 75266-0149 $56.94 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Project 2012-911 Task 2012-2 1 PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 911 I 00028950263 I 42-390.99 I $56.94 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday, November 30, 2012 Major Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 11/18/12 00028950263 $56.94 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer