HomeMy WebLinkAbout215548 12/18/2012 - CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 353561 Page 1 of 1
CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 30262
CHECK AMOUNT: $5,678.40
TAMPA FL 33630-3262 CHECK NUMBER: 215548
CHECK DATE: 12/18/2012
1120 4344000 1, 009 . 80 400159201
1120 4344000 1, 009 . 80 402836002
1120 4344000 1, 009 . 80 403312201
1120 4344000 1, 009 . 80 403917601
1202 4353099 409 . 80 400159201
1202 4353099 409. 80 402836002
1202 4353099 409 . 80 403312201
1202 4353099 409 . 80 403917601
houseAccount # Billing.Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS �_ �•• 403312201 12/15-01/14 12/24/12 $1,419.60
Service Address: 'Customer Code: 8449
3610 W 106th St This statement reflects payments received through December 4, 2012.
Carmel IN 46032
Previous Activity
- Previous Balance ........... ............................................ $1,419.60
Payments Received ............................... $1,419.60 CR
EASYPay Previous Remaining Balance $0.00
Go paperless! Sign up for EASYPay """""""""""""
® and enjoy the convenience of
automatic recurring online bill Current Charges
payments. EASYPay lets you review High Speed Internet services .......................................$1,400.00
_your monthly_stateme-ts online and _ Taxes-and{Fees
— ....................................................:.—:..
even select your method of payment.
® Get started today at Total Balance Due ...................................................... $1,419.60
brighthouse.com/myservices or call
1-855-222-1012. Thank you for your business. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer. We
are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
In order to avoid a minimum late fee of$4.50,your Total Balance Due must be
received in our office no later than 12/24/12. Thank You
Important Information:. Customer Code (Located below your Account Number)
` Your customer code is a.unique identifier that we use to ensure the protection of your
personal information. You may be asked to identify your customer code when
EASYpay: Sign-up today! registering for online access to your account and billing information. You will have to
Never miss a payment again. Pay enter your Customer Code during the Home Phone registration process. If this process
your bill automatically each month is not completed you will not be able to view your Bright House Networks call details
with a credit card, debit card, ,online.
checking or savings account. You
can sign-up by filling out the For immediate closed captioning complaints, please call 1-800-753-2253. Written
EASYpay enrollment form included complaints may be mailed to D.:Kramer, Closed Captioning Coordinator, at Bright
on the back of this statement House Networks, 3030 Roosevelt Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46218 or by
enroll online at brighthouse.com fax(317)713-0043 or email to ClosedCaptioninglND @mvbrighthouse.com
Customer Account 403312201 Detail
®use Monthly Charges for 12/15-01/14
Payment History
For your convenience, if you 11/30 Payment-Thank you! .......................................... $1,419.60 CR
provide a check as payment, you High Speed Internet services
authorize Bright House Networks
to use the information from your 12/15-01/14 Point to Point Connectivity .................................. $1,400.00
check to make a one-time Taxes and Fees
electronic fund transfer from your
account. If you have any Indiana Utility Receipts Tax ....................................... $19.60
questions, please call our
Customer Care number. To assist Monthly Charges ........................................................................... $1,419.60
you in future payments, your bank Previous Remaining Balance ................................................................. $0.00
or credit card information may be
electronically stored in our system Total Balance Due ......................................................................... $1,419.60
in a secure encrypted manner.
Sales &Service Center
352 Gradle Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Mon-Fri 8:OOam to 6:OOpm
Saturday 9:OOam to 1:OOpm
If you have any questions or for
customer support, please call
Business Solutions at
1(866) 713-3278
or visit our website at
htti)://business.brighthouse.com .
Fiber Customers, please call
P questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana @mybrighthouse.com
bright �.
house Account # Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS ���� 402836002 12/15-01/14 12/24/12 $1,419.60
Service Address: Customer Code: 4983
540 W 136th St This statement reflects payments received through December 4, 2012.
Carmel IN 46032
mom Previous Activity
Previous Balance $1,419.60
- Payments Received ..................................................... $1,419.60 CR
Previous Remaining Balance ............................................. $0.00
Go paperless! Sign up for EASYPay
® and enjoy the convenience of
automatic recurring online bill Current Charges
payments. EASYPay lets you review High Speed Internet services $1,400.00
-- --- - Taxes-and-Fees--:.........::::........::......:.:..:::.:..:...::..............$19.60.. �-
r even select your method of payment.
® Total Balance Due $1,419.60
Get started today at .....................................................
brighthouse.com/myservices or call
1-855-222-1012. Thank you for your business. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer. We
are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
In order to avoid a minimum late fee of$4.50,your Total Balance Due must be
received in our office no later than 12/24/12. Thank You
Important Information: Customer Code (Located below your Account Number)
Your customer code is a unique identifier that we use to ensure the protection of your
personal information. You may be asked to identify your customer code when
EASYpay: Sign-up today! registering for online access to your account and billing information. You will.have to
Never miss a payment again. Pay enter your Customer Code during the Home Phone registration process. If this process
your bill automatically each month is not completed you will not be able to view your Bright House Networks call details
with a credit card, debit card, online.
checking or savings account. You
i; can sign-up by filling out the For immediate closed captioning complaints, please call 1-800-753-2253. Written
EASYpay enrollment form included complaints may be mailed to D. Kramer, Closed Captioning Coordinator, at Bright
on the back of this statement or House Networks, 3030 Roosevelt Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46218 or by
enroll online at brighthouse.com fax(317)713-0043 or email to ClosedCaptioninglND @mybrighthouse.com
r g h
(Customer Account 402836002 Detail
house Monthly Charges for 12/15-01/14
Payment History
For your convenience, if you 11/30 Payment-Thank you! .......................................... $1,419.60 CR
Caut horize rovide a check as payment, you High Speed Internet services
Bright House Networks
o use the information from your 12/15-01/14 Point to Point Connectivity .................................. $1,400.00
check to make a one-time Taxes and Fees
electronic fund transfer from your
account. If you have any Indiana Utility Receipts Tax ....................................... $19.60
questions, please call our
Customer Care number. To assist Monthly Charges ........................................................................... $1,419.60
you in future payments, your bank Previous Remaining Balance ................................................................. $0.00
or credit card information may be Total Balance Due
electronically stored in our system $1,419.60
in a secure encrypted manner.
Sales &Service Center
352 Gradle Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Mon -Fri 8:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm
If you have any questions or for
customer support, please call
Business Solutions at
or visit our website at
http://business.brighthouse.com .
Fiber Customers, please call
Please email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana @mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission,101 W.Washington St.,Suite 1500 E.,
Indianapolis,IN 46204,(317)232-2712 or toll free 1-800-851-4268.Your FCC Community Unit ID number is IN0087.
house Account # Billing Period Due Date Amount Due
NETWORKS ��� 400159201 12/15-01/14 12/24/12 $1,419.60
Service Address: Customer Code: 9490
3242 E 106th St This statement reflects payments received through December 4, 2012.
Carmel IN 46033
® Previous Activity
Previous Balance ........................................................ $1,419.60
Payments Received ..............
EASYPay ....................................... $1,419.60 CR
Previous Remaining Balance $0.00
Go paperless! Sign up for EASYPay """"""""""""""""""""""'
® and enjoy the convenience of
automatic recurring online bill Current Charges
payments. EASYPay lets you review High Speed Internet services .......................................$1,400.00
jyour monthly statements online and —Taxes and-Fees :.... -_: -....................:.....:.......... $19:60-
even select your method of payment.
® Total Balance Due' $1,419.60
Get started today at ..,..................................................
brighthouse.com/myservices or call
1-855-222-1012. Thank you for your business. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer. We
are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
In order to avoid a minimum late fee of$4.50, your Total Balance Due must be
received in our office no later than 12/24/12. Thank You
Important Information: Customer Code (Located below your Account Number)
Your customer code is a unique identifier that we use to ensure the protection of your
EASYpay: Sign-up today! personal information. You maybe asked to identify your customer code when
Never miss a payment again. Pay registering for online access to your account and billing information. You will have to
your bill automatically each month enter your Customer Code during the Home Phone registration process. If this process
is not completed you will not be able to view your Bright House Networks call details
with a credit card, debit card,
checking or savings account. You online.
can sign-up by filling out the For immediate closed captioning complaints, please call 1-800-753-2253. Written
EASYpay enrollment form included complaints may be mailed to D. Kramer, Closed Captioning Coordinator, at Bright
on the back of this statement or House Networks, 3030 Roosevelt Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46218 or by
enroll online at brighthouse.com fax(317)713-0043 or email to ClosedCaptionin INg D @mybrij�hthouse.com
houser g h t FMonthmiyeCharges Account 400159201 Detail
for 12/15-01/14
Payment History
Futhorize nvenience, if you 11/30 Payment-Thank you! .......................................... $1,419.60 CR
ck as payment, you High Speed Internet services
ght House Networks
ormation from your 12/15-01/14 Point to Point Connectivity .................................. $1,400.00
check to make a one-time Taxes and Fees
electronic fund transfer from your
account. If you have any Indiana Utility Receipts Tax ....................................... $19.60
questions, please call our
Customer Care number. To assist Monthly Charges ........................................................................... $1,419.60
you in future payments, your bank Previous Remaining Balance ........... $0.00
or credit card information may be
electronically stored in our system Total Balance Due ......................................................................... $1,419.60
in a secure encrypted manner.
Sales &Service Center
352 Gradle Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Mon-Fri 8:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm
If you have any questions or for
customer support, please call
Business Solutions at
1(866) 713-3278
or visit our website at
http://business.briohthouse.com .
Fiber Customers, please call
Please email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana @mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission,101 W.Washington St.,Suite 1500 E.,
Indianapolis,IN 46204,(317)232-2712 or toll free 1-800-851-4268.Your FCC Community Unit ID number is IN0087.
J house Account # Billing Period Due Date � Amount Due
NETWORKS 403917601 12/13-01/12 12/24/12 $1,419.60
Service Address: Customer Code: 1772
5032E 131st St This statement reflects payments received through December 4, 2012.
Carmel IN 46033
�••e Previous Activity
Previous Balance $1,419.60
Payments Received $1,419.60 CR
Go paperless! Sign up for EASYPay Previous Remaining Balance ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $0.00
® !, and enjoy the convenience of
automatic recurring online bill Current Charges
payments. EASYPay lets you review High Speed Internet services . $1,400.00
........................$.19.60_-_____._ -
i even select your method of payment.
Get started today at Total Balance Due ..................................................... $1,419.60
brighthouse.com/myservices or call
1-855-222-1012. Thank you for your business. You are a valued Bright House Networks customer. We
are committed to bringing you the best in home entertainment and information.
In order to avoid a minimum late fee of$4.50,your Total Balance Due must be
received in our office no later than 12/24/12. Thank You
Important Information: Customer Code (Located below your Account Number)
Your customer code is a unique identifier that we use to ensure the protection of your
personal information. You may be asked to identify your customer code when
EASYpay: Sign-up today! registering for online access to your account and billing information. You will have to
Never miss a payment again. Pay enter your Customer Code during the Home Phone registration process. If this process
your bill automatically each month is not completed you will not be able to view your Bright House Networks call details
with a credit card, debit card, online.
checking or savings account. You
can sign-up by filling out the For immediate closed captioning complaints, please call 1-800-753-2253. Written
EASYpay enrollment form included complaints may be mailed to D. Kramer, Closed Captioning Coordinator, at Bright
on the back of this statement or House Networks, 3030 Roosevelt Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46218 or by
enroll online at brighthouse.com fax(317)713-0043 or email to ClosedCaptionin INg D @mybrighthouse.com
Customer Account 403917601 Detail
NETWORKS Monthly Charges for 12/13-01/12
Payment History
Futhorize nvenience, if you 11/30 Payment-Thank you! .......................................... $1,419.60 CR
ck as payment, you High Speed Internet services
ght House Networks
ormation from your 12/13-01/12 Point to Point Connectivity .................................. $1,400.00
check to make a one-time Taxes and Fees
electronic fund transfer from your
account. If you have any Indiana Utility Receipts Tax ....................................... $19.60
questions, please call our
Customer Care number. To assist Monthly Charges ........................................................................... $1,419.60
you in future payments, your bank Previous Remaining Balance $0.00
.............................................................. .
or credit card information may be
electronically stored in our system Total Balance Due ......................................................................... $1,419.60
in a secure encrypted manner.
Sales &Service Center
352 Gradle Drive
Carmel, IN 46032
Mon-Fri 8:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday 9:00am to 1:00pm
If you have any questions or for
customer support, please call
Business Solutions at
1(866) 713-3278
or visit our website at
http://business.briiihthouse.com .
Fiber Customers, please call
Please email all questions and concerns to: customersupport.indiana @mybrighthouse.com
Your franchising authority is the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission,101 W.Washington St.,Suite 1500 E.,
Indianapolis,IN 46204,(317)232-2712 or toll free 1-800-851-4268.Your FCC Community Unit ID number is IN0087.
P.O. Box 30262
Tampa, FL 33630-3262
Carmel Fire Department
Board Members
1120 402836002 43-440.00 j $1,009.80 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or
1120 400159201 43-440.00 1 $1,009.80 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the
1120 403312201 43-440.00 $1,009.80 materials or services itemized thereon for
1120 403917601 43-440.00 $1,009.80 which charge is made were ordered and
1120 402836002 1202-530.99 $409.80 received except
1120 400159201 1202-530.99 $409.80
1120 1 403312201 11202-530.99 $409.80 DEG, 17 201?
1120 1 403917601 11202-530.99 $409.80 Oil /7 6
Fire Chief
Cost distribution ledger classification if
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Purchase Order No.
Date Due
Invoice Invoice Description Amount
Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s))
402836002 46 $1,009.80
400159201 43 $1,009.80
403312201 42 $1,009.80
403917601 44 $1,009.80
402836002 $409.80
400159201 $409.80
403312201 $409.80
403917601 $409.80
1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with IC 5-11-10-1.6
, 20