HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 11-20-12City of Carmel
NOVEMBER 20, 2012
Carmel City Hall Council Chambers
One Civic Square
Carmel IN 46032
6:00 PM
Members present: John Adams, Jay Dorman, Brad Grabow (late arrival) Nick Kestner, Joshua Kirsh, Alan
Potasnik, Kevin "Woody" Rider, Steve Stromquist, Sue Westermeier, Ephraim Wilfong
Members Absent: Steve Lawson
DOCS Staff Director Michael Hollibaugh, Angie Conn, Rachel Boone, and Adrienne Keeling; Legal Counsel
Molitor John
Also Present: Ramona Hancock, Plan Commission Secretary
The minutes from the October 16, 2012 meeting were approved as submitted
F. Communications, Bills, Expenditures & Legal Counsel Report
The calendar for 2013 Plan Commission meetings requires a vote to approve the dates for publishing. Sue Westermeier to approve & publish the calendar of meetings for the year 2013 long
Unanimously. Approved
1. Plan Commission Resolution PC -10- 16-12: Parks & Recreation Impact Fee Ratification
Resolution to implement an increase in the Parks and Recreation Impact Fee ratify the .
scheduled fee increase for June 2013. P ��F) and ratify th
Present for Petitioner: Adrienne Keeling, Dept of Community Services.
• Favorable recommendation was made by Impact Fee Advisory Committee
• Ratification will increase Parks & Recreation Impact Fee from $1526 to $1679.
• Fee is for New Dwelling Units Only
• Proposal is the annual, scheduled increase in Parks & Recreation Impact Fee,
• Increased Impact Fee will take effect June 15, 2013
Impact Fee Advisory Committee report, Alan Potasnik:
• Quick review for purpose ofproposed increase
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
• Mark Westenneier was present
• Fees go toward capital improvements
Motion: Joshua Kirsh to approve Resolution PC- 10 -16 -12 to increase the Parks & Recreation Impact Fee
and ratify the scheduled fee increase for 2013, seconded by John Adams, Approved 10 -0.
2. Sign Ordinance Amendment, as amended by City Council. Plan Commission Docket No.
11090004 OA (Ordinance Z- 561 -12); The Commission needs to vote to affirm or deny the
changes just made /approved by Council.
Present for Petitioner: Rachel Boone, Dept of Community Services
• Changes added at Council level
• Appeals & variance information was added
• Valet parking signs are now allowed as a portable sign type
• Any reference to the proposed Thoroughfare Plan has been removed
• Change construction sign copy to "may" instead of "should"
• Wall sign maximum sign area allowed percentages has been adjusted to more accurately reflect
the existing signage in the city of Carmel
• Wall sign maximum sign area allowed Spandrel panels has been expanded to include a provision
for all glass buildings
• Definition of visible light source has been up -dated
Dept of Community Services and City Council are comfortable with the changes. At this time, the Dept
is asking for approval of the Sign Ordinance Amendment as amended by City Council.
Motion: Woody Rider to approve Docket No. 11090004 OA, Sign Ordinance Amendment, as amended
by City Council, seconded by John Adams, Approved 9 -0.
G. Reports, Announcements & Department Concerns: None
H. Public Hearings
1. Docket No. 12100003 PP: Pilkinton Estates Primary Plat.
The applicant seeks approval to plat 2 lots on 6.18 acres. The site is located at 13256 Six Points
Rd. and is zoned S- 1/Residence. Filed by Sharon Henady of Evolution Development Group,
LLC for Cheryl & Douglas Pilkinton, owners.
Present for Petitioner: Sharon Henady, Evolution Development Group
• Revisions to Primary Plat & commitment letters tendered this evening
• Property located at 13256 Six Points Road
• Site currently contains one, single - family residence, a barn, lots of trees & acreage
• Pilkinton family has a contract to sell a portion of the property along with existing residence
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
• Prospective buyers only wish to purchase two acres, the residence & existing
• Pilkinton Estates Subdivision to be created by Primary Plat – a minor subdivision of two lot
• Lot one will be retained by the Pilkintons as vacant land for an unspecified period may or may not be built on it in the future, or it sion of two lots at p reed date
time; a
• Petitioner requests suspension of the Rules of Procedure and a be
this evening or a
• Concerns with drainage at Second – evening for approval
• Since this is existing residence, there is no construction or with o a Carmel s planned Engineering currently
• No concerns regarding infrastructure improvements pl
• Commihnents have been submitted for review by Plan Commission, DOCS, OCS , & Board of Public
• Petitioner feels that with commitments provided, the zoning ordinance – storm-water & subdivision control ordinance will all be adhered to at the time of construction tction o l
Lot One onstruction on
Public Hearing, General Public/Favorable:
None – Public Hearing Closed
One letter of remonstrance /concern received from The Morrows regarding g g possible future happenings
Dept Comments, Angie Conn:
• Straight - forward petition
• Petitioner is working with Carmel Engineering
Most comments /concerns from Engineering are for the Secondary Plat ph
• Dept believes this is a simple petition; two lots on six acres, low densi e
• Dept recommends suspension of the Rules of Procedure �' •32)
• Dept recommends favorable consideration
Commission Questions /Conunents:
• Any opportunity for the Morrows to work with petitioner or whoever builds
request a privacy fence or other on the adjacent lot to
Dept Response: The only opportunity type of buffer at a future date?
Y pp rtunity for that would be if the lot was subdivided even further and
another public hearing held; this is a lot of acreage to put a fence around
Sharon Henady stated that she has met with
the adjacent property. Secondly, it was indicated Morrows—their ha � e �e P main concern is the lack of upkeep on
the actual property line, as surveyed, was about one foot west of the fencer property was surveyed
decades. If there was no survey at the time the fence was erected, it could be an inaccurate been there for
any event, the Morrows were concerned that they were losing an inaccurate fence line. In
condition of the property next door. In the course of the conversattion, the Mo o concerned tood the
privacy fence is probably a worse nightmare than what they information so that they could pursue an independent evaluation Morrows understood that a
ey are looking at today. The Morrows were
discretion. nation of actual ert ro lines
p p Y –
at their
Additional Commission Comments /Concerns:
• Question regarding common driveway
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
Sharon Henady stated that Engineering Dept would like to see a shared driveway — a serious concern to
her client as well as the buyers who have contracted to purchase the property. The contract purchase is
for a private residence with an existing private drive. The layout of the lots allows for a private entrance
to lot one; there is a significant amount of frontage on this site. The proposal is for a separate access to
lot one. There is 140 feet between the access and the driveway to the north, 233 feet between that
position and the exiting driveway to the south, and another 158 feet between the existing driveway to the
south and the final neighbor on Six Points Road. There is an implied right to "quiet enjoyment" of your
property upon purchase of private property, and we feel that if a driveway were to be shared allowing
access to lot one would infringe upon the quiet enjoyment of persons living in lot two. The home and
barn are already served by an existing driveway. Since there are such great distances between the drives
on Six Points Road and there is plenty of frontage to allow for the separate access, the petitioner does
not feel that it is appropriate to mandate a shared driveway. A written request has been submitted to the
Board of Public Works for the cut for the eventual private drive for lot one.
Motion: Woody Rider to suspend the Rules of Procedure, seconded by John Adams, approved 10 -0.
Motion: Woody Rider to approve Docket No. 12100003 PP, Pilkinton Estates Primary Plat, seconded
by Brad Grabow, approved 10 -0.
2. Docket No. 12090018 DP Amend: Ed Martin Parking Lot Expansion (Mayflower Park,
Block 6, Lot 2). The applicant seeks approval for a 129 -space parking lot expansion, impacting
about 1.18 acres. The site is located at 9896 N. Michigan Rd. It is zoned I- 1/Industrial and lies
within the US 421/Michigan Rd. Overlay Zone. Filed by Brian Cross of Civil Site Group, Inc.
for Ed Martin Buick GMC.
Present for Petitioner: Brian Cross, Civil Site Group, 643 Massachusetts Avenue, Indianapolis; Dan
Chapel, Facilities Coordinator, Ed Martin Buick GMG
• Up -dated site plan distributed this evening
• Number of parking spaces being reduced to 107 spaces by expanding existing detention pond
• Property located along Michigan corridor, southwest comer of 99th Street & Michigan Road
• Parking lot expansion will occur in the westerly portion of the property where there is an existing
open area green space
• Property originally developed by Chrysler Corp but never occupied
• Petitioner purchased the property in early 2000 from Chrysler
• Original development plan proposed a parking lot expansion in this area
• Petitioner has worked with Engineering Dept & up -dated site plan regarding existing detention
facility & analysis of drainage
• Petitioner feels that expanding existing drainage facility is in the best interest of this particular
development as well as adjoining properties & will improve current conditions
• Existing landscaping along 99th Street will remain
• Site will be used for additional, new vehicle inventory
• Petitioner has responded to Dept of Engineering comments & will continue to work with them
Public Remonstrance: None
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
Public Hearing Closed
Dept Comments, Angie Conn:
• All trees on property were "topped"
• DOCS Director will be working with petitioner to resolve
• Dept recommends forwarding to Dec 04 Special Studies Committee
• Dept recommends Committee be given final voting authority
Commission Questions /Comments:
• Doing away with green space to install a parking lot? (Yes, used for vehicle inventory parking)
• Where were vehicles before? (None in this area before – vehicles moved to other location on site
– trying to create a hard surface area to park new vehicle inventory) • Tough site – visibility is not great because of elevation/grade of Michigan Road
How will additional space be utilized -- storage fresh off a truck or inventory for sale that would
generate foot traffic? Would like to see some of the greenspace preserved and still supply
additional storage space required
• Any violations on the ro ert .
p p y? (None known but Code Enforcement will monitor)
• Please address issue of extreme topping of trees
Petitioner met with Urban Forester on site, agreement reached as to types of existing trees in landscape
areas— including Ash Trees —there will be a replacement schedule; Honey Locust trees will also be
replaced, since they leak sap and are not good for the paint on cars)
• Disappointing to see greenspace disappear, but this is a trade -off– suggest different species of
tree that would grow more narrow and would soften the look of the site instead of adding to the
entire, paved site
Petitioner states there is an existing tree row along 99th Street that is thriving – petitioner will look at
putting landscaping in end -cap areas and would be extremely select in tree species options – probably
those species planted in City Hall parking lot and removal of Ash trees. Petitioner will also add to the
top of the bank of the pond/peripheral edge of the pavement
• Is there any protection to keep people from going states there will be a chair -back curb and gutteer into that collects sheet-flow drainage. There landscaping?
also be a gentle 4:1 sloping area before the pond embankment with a gentle, sloping, landscaped mound.
A visual barrier could be added
Dan Chapel, Facilities Coordinator, Ed Martin
• Trees were topped for uniformity in the spring and make them look nicer & bring them tighter
Trying to keep sap off the cars is a major issue
• Topped in a different manor in the past few years
• Decision was made to start replacing, especially Ash trees, as needed
• Any tree that does not foliage in the spring will be replaced
Additional space will be used both as inventory for sale and storage – transports unload onto the
back of the lot and the space will also be used for vehicle preparation
Motion: Woody Rider to suspend the Rules of Procedure, seconded by Sue Westermeier, approved 10 -0
Motion: Woody Rider to approve Docket No. 12090018 DP Amend, Ed Martin Parking Lot Expansion
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
(Mayflower Park, Block 6, Lot 2) subject to a tree /landscape replacement schedule worked out with
DOCS Urban Forester & final approval of DOCS staff regarding the landscape plan for the new parking
lot that would include proper buffer /protection of the drainage pond, seconded by Brad Grabow,
approved 9 in favor, one opposed (Kirsh)
3. Docket. No. 12030014 DP: 9800 N. Michigan Rd.
4. Docket No. 12030016 ADLS: Dunkin Donuts, C -Store & Gas Canopy.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for two multi - tenant buildings & fuel canopy
on 3.56 acres. The site is located at 9800 N. Michigan Rd. and is zoned I- 1/Industrial, within the
US 421/Michigan Rd. Overlay Zone. Filed by Brad Walker of H & H Restaurant Mngmt.
NOTE: Brad Grabow recused himself from all discussion and voting due to a conflict of interest.
Present for Petitioner: Jon Dobosiewicz, Land Use Professional, Nelson & Frankenberger; Brad Walker
for H &H Restaurant Management; Eric Gleisner, Civil Site Group, project engineer; Jim Shinaver,
Nelson & Frankenberger; Brad Smith, project architect
• Requesting approval for two, multi-tenant bldgs & fuel canopy
• Site consists of approx 4 acres along Michigan Road within the US 421/Michigan Road Overlay
• Surrounding uses were described
• Two approvals required to allow this development:
o Development Plan & ADLS from the Plan Commission
o Development Standards Variances, scheduled to be heard by the Board of Zoning
Appeals on November 26, 2012
• Changes to the site plan were distributed to Commission members
• Access to site provided at two locations on Michigan Road and to the back of the parcel for
cross - access to parcels to the north and south as required by the Overlay
• Both bldgs will be pulled forward to comply with the 120 foot setback provisions of the Overlay
• Bldg design remains unchanged
• Bldg materials are primarily brick, cast stone, and glass
• Dunkin' Donuts has frontage facing both north and towards Michigan Road with an entrance
facing each elevation
• As filed, there are three variances required: number of signs, square footage, and logo larger than
• Rooftop mounted equipment will be screened from view
• Site landscaping plan is in full compliance with the standards of the Zoning Ordinance
• Petitioner has agreed to make requested changes regarding "tweaking" certain signage & will
submit a new exhibit prior to Committee meeting
• .Adjustments will be made to bring the plan into compliance with the re- positioning of the second
commercial bldg — this will be done in advance of the Dec 04 Committee meeting
• All lighting is directed downward with flush mounted, recessed lighting in the canopy
• Signage: Petitioner is not asking for bare bulb LED's; petitioner is asking for "mechanical
scrollers" controlled from inside the bldg
• "Mechanical scrollers" was to have been addressed in the Sign Ordinance Amendment, and this
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
will apparently be addressed in a one -page amendment by Council
Petitioner will continue working with Staff to address the numerous
• Petitioner is looking forward to working with the Committee
Correspondence received from CWIC2 & petitioner will be meeting
Dee Fox to review the proposal
Public Remonstrance: None
Public Hearing Closed
Dept Report, Angie Conn:
• Most all comments listed in Dept Report have been addressed
• Dept recommends forwarding to Committee on 12/04/12
Commission Members Comments /Questions:
• Detention ponds look unnatural – please explore ways to make it look less like a man-made & more natural made
• Request moving bicycle rack to the front to increase usage
• Concern regarding pedestrian access from Michigan Rd – suggest movin
one space & incorporating walkway at the end of the row of parking; on north side, move path s
g pedestrian path over
it is on the non - working side p so
• Do not like wooden gates on the west side of the Dunkin' Donuts bldg—would
gates d rathe r see metal
• Make sure lighting in the canopy is not lighting
• Would like more detail regarding the service canopy e narehborhood
• Store adjacent to Dunkin' Donuts? (Convenience sto e)a
• Cross Access Easement provided?
• (Petitioner is providing a connection point)
Speed Bumps along rear access road? (Petitioner can • Anything hiding mechanicals to the east from MichiganRd? on their
ha site)
& will not show from Michigan Rd) (M hanicals located in an alcove
• Sidewalk in front of property along Michigan Rd?
along Michigan Rd) – petitioner will connect to pathway
• Can only turn right from the site?
(Southern -most entrance to site, not aligning with 98`h Street,
will be right- in/right -out only)
Docket No. 12030014 DP, 9880 N. Michigan Road; and Docket No. 12030016 AD Donut,
C -Store & Gas Canopy, were referred to the Special Studies Committee for further re Dunkin December 2012 at 6:00 PM in the Caucus Rooms of City Hall.
review on December
5. TABLED TO DEC. 18 - Docket No. 12080004 Z:
•• _ _ _ .... _ Springmill Court PUD Rezone.
comments in the Dept
with Marilyn Anderson &
November 20, 2012
Carmel Plan Commission Meeting
6. TABLED TO DEC. 18 - Docket No. 12090019 DP /ADLS: Sterler Productions (Park
Northwestern, Lot 8A1).
I. Old Business
1. TABLED TO DEC. 18 - Docket No. 12050013 Z: 146th & Gray Rezone.
2. TABLED INDEFINITELY- Docket No. 12090014 ADLS Amend: Woodgate Subdivision,
Wall along 146th Street.
_ .. ► _: = •
J. New Business
K. Adjournment (a3 7:10 pm
Jay Dorman, President