HomeMy WebLinkAbout215986 01/09/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 363885 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE SCOTT CAMPBELL CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O UTILITIES CHECK AMOUNT: $1,059.86 CHECK NUMBER: 215986 CHECK DATE: 1/9/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 662 .41 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 397 .45 OTHER EXPENSES Campbell, Scott From: customer-service @campmor.com Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10:16 AM To: Campbell, Scott Subject: Campmor Order Confirmation cataloq request-order status-"customer service COMPMOR. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER. Your order has been accepted and your Order Confirmation Number.is 595K73. You will receive email notification.` once your order has been shipped. SHIPPING } Ship to: BILLING & PAYMENT Bill to: Scott Campbell Carmel Utilities Scott Campbell 760 3rd Avenue SW" 14225 Vestal Ct 110., Carmel, Indiana 46033 Carmel, Indiana 46032 3175237257' "3175712442": Method:.° Email: scampbell @carmel.in,gov Standard:Shioping:$0.00 SHOPPING CART. Item Description Availability Quantity Price Total Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $139.98 $139.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat 3-in-1 Interchange Jacket- Men's 75010ROYXL Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: XL 1 Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 3 $139.98 $419.94 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat 3-in-1 Interchange Jacket- Men's 75010ROYL Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: L Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $139.98 $139.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat 3-in-1 Interchange Jacket- Men's 75010ROYM Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: M Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $179.98 $179.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat Interchange Tall Jacket- Men's 75011 ROYLT Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: LT Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $179.98 $179.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat Interchange Tall Jacket- Men's 75011 ROYXLT Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: XLT subtotal before tax: $1,059.86 shipping (Standard Shipping): $0.00 tax: $0.00 order total: $1;059.86 Campmor ships 99% of all orders the next business day from the date received. Most orders in the 48 states are received by our customers in 6 business days via standard delivery. ALL PROCESSING AND DELIVERY TIMES ARE BASED ON BUSINESS DAYS, THIS EXCLUDES WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. If Campmor is out of stock on an item, you will be notified via e- mail. address provided with your,on-line order. 2 I , Campbell, Scoff From: Campmor Cam Customer Service [shopping@traiImai1.campmor.com] Sent Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:30 AM To: Campbell, Scott Subject Campmor Order Status We thought you'd like to know the status of your Order Number 59SK73. The following items have been shipped: Item # Quantity Product Name This shipment was sent via UPS Ground Residential to: CARMEL UTILITIES 760 3RD AVENUE SW CARMEL IN 46032 Here are the tracking numbers for the items listed above: This message was sent to SCAM PBE LLO)CARM E L.IN.GOV. If you still need to get in touch with us about your order feel free to contact Customer -800-525-4784 for US customers or 1-201-335-9064 Service or contact us via phone at 1 for international customers. g-� Thank you for shopping with Campmor. - , z r.""=°""" Fax Orders: 1-800'230'2153 ' Cmoonao'mmm09wm CORPORATE DRIVE,mx*wA* wuur4» Customer Service: 1.800'525'4784 � ACCT NO. ORDER NO. e-mail: cuo1onnar+een/ice@compmo:com A97629182 O595K73{}DO web:wwwcompmo:com � A9762�182 O5�95t4� SCOTT CAMPBELL SCOTT CAMPBELL SCOTT CAMPBELL SOLD 14225 VESTAL CT SM|p 110 14225 VESTAL C7 TO CARMEL IN 46033 TO CARMEL UTILITIES CARME� IN 46O�-3 760 3RD AVENUE SW CARMEL IN 46O32 SE LECTED PACK ."PLEASE'SEND:ALL RETURNS,SURFACEDELIVERY ON _04WHEN]NNEW-JERSEY VISIT OUR;RETAIL STORE BY BY 3EE REVERSE SIDE-FOR RETURN/E CHANGE,INSTRUCT NS.' �'�101'51'17 NORTWPARAMUSMJ�'07652 QTY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT BN LOC. QTY. I-AST OF 1 PAGES . .` . ' VOUCHER # 123154 WARRANT # ALLOWED T2006 IN SUM OF $ CAMPBELL, SCOTT Utilities - Meter Reader Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 122912 01-6200-07 r- 5 � r Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee T2006 CAMPBELL, SCOTT Purchase Order No. Utilities - Meter Reader Terms Due Date 12/31/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/31/201, 122912 $397.45 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer Campbell, Scott From: customer-service @campmor.com Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2012 10:16 AM To: Campbell, Scott Subject: Campmor Order Confirmation catalog.et gest-order status-customer service CRMPMOR THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER. Your order has been accepted and your Order Confirmation Number is 595K73. You will receive email notification once your order has been shipped. SHIPPING Ship to: BILLING & PAYMENT Bill to: Scott Campbell Carmel Utilities Scott Campbell 760 3rd Avenue SW 14225 Vestal Ct 110 Carmel, Indiana 46033 Carmel, Indiana 46032 3175237257 3175712442 Method: Email: scampbell @carmel.in.gov Standard Shipping:$0.00 SHOPPING CART Item Description Availability Quantity Price Total Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $139.98 $139.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat 3-in-1 Interchange Jacket- Men's 75010ROYXL Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: XL 1 Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 3 $139.98 $419.94 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat 3-in-1 Interchange Jacket- Men's 75010ROYL Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: L Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $139.98 $139.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat 3-in-1 Interchange Jacket- Men's 75010ROYM Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: M Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $179.98 $179.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat Interchange Tall Jacket- Men's 75011 ROYLT Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: LT Columbia Sportswear IN STOCK 1 $179.98 $179.98 Whirlibird II Omni-Heat Interchange Tall Jacket- k Men's 75011 ROYXLT Color: Royal/Ebony Blue Size: XLT subtotal before tax: $1,059.86 r r, r ��h shipping (Standard Shipping): $0.00 } tax: $0.00 order total: $1,059.86 Campmor ships 99% of all orders the next business day from the date received. Most orders in the 48 states are received by our customers in 6 business days via standard delivery. ALL PROCESSING AND DELIVERY TIMES ARE BASED ,ON BUSINESS DAYS, THIS EXCLUDES WEEKENDS AND HOLIDAYS. If Campmor is out of stock on an item, you will be notified via the e- mail address provided with your on-line order. 2 Campbell, Scott From: Campmor Customer Service [shopping @traiImai1.campmor.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:30 AM To: Campbell, Scott Subject: Campmor Order Status We thought you'd like to know the status of your Order Number 5959(73. The following items have been shipped: Item # Quantity Product Name :%"" 75011ROYLT I M WHIRLIBIRD II TALL JKT k� " 75010ROYM 1 M WHIRLIBRD II INTRCHNG JK E; S- 75011ROYXLT 1 M WHIRLIBIRD II TALL JKT ':'^t 75010ROYL 3 M WHIRLIBRD II INTRC1 NG JK " 75010ROYXL I M WHIRLIBRD II INTRCHNG JK f;• This shipment was sent via UPS Ground Residential to: SCOTT*CAMPBELL ":`.. 110 #` CARMEL UTILITIES 760 3RD AVENUE SW CARMEL IN 46032 K . Here are the tracking numbers for the items listed above: 1Z0672760386036555 1Z0672760386036617 t', a message e was sent to SCAM PBELL @CARMEL.IN.GOV. k?f 9 If you still need to get in touch with us about your order feel free to contact Customer ' Service or contact us via phone at 1-800-525-4784 for US customers or 1-201-335-9064 ;fl' t>r• for international customers. r•,;�:;,,-£ Il_ nx Thank you for shopping with Campmor. i Account Activity Page 1 of 2 CHASE CHA5E!O CREDIT CARD (... Posted Activity Since Last Statement Trans Date Post Date Type Description Amount (, 12/19/2042_`12/20/2012 Sale CAM`CAMPMOR MAILORDER Phone Orders: 1-800-C&K8PK8OR (1-800-226-7667) | Fax Orders: 1-800'230'2153 � �oumm��n�uuwm CORPORATE DRIVE,wAHwAH,NJ 07430 Customer Service: 1�V���4�4 ' . / ACCT.NO. ORDER NO. e-mail: cmmpmor.omm A97629182 0595K73000 web:wwwnompmoxoom »�� / A97629182 O595K73000 SCOTT CAMPBELL SCOTT CAMPBELL / SCOTT CAMPBELL.SOLD 14225 VESTAL CT SHIP 110 / 14225 VESTAL CT ' TO CARMEL IN 46033 TO CARMEL UTILITIES / CARMEL. IN 460-33 76O 3RD AVENUE SW / / CARMEL IN 46032 / SELECTED PACKED PLEASE SEND ALL RETURNS SURFACE DELIVERY ONLY. -."�WHEN IN NEW JERSEY VISIT OUR RETAIL STORE BY BY SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RETURN/EXCHANGE INSTRUCTIONS. 810 RT 17 NORTH, PARAMUS, NJ 07652 4"t -- I CITY ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT BN LOC. CITY. ITEM 1W2CWEB 6736-12/18/12 119265-12 1 04 12/1 B/1-2 119265 CC 1 04 p LAST OF I PAGES L1�11 LI U l!LJ`LI U LJO Returns, Exchanges and Re-Orders Please fill out this form completely, if you are returning or re-ordering items from Campmor. For Assistance, please call us at 800-525-4784 or send an email to customer-service @campmor.com Should you need to return items ordered,or re-order items(different size,color.or additional items) 1.)Please complete this form in its entirety,and return it,along with items being sent back. 2.)Items)being returned must be in manufacturer's original packaging,if applicable. 3.)When shipping merchandise back,please wrap the item(s)in a sturdy box and secure with strong tape.For your protection,insure it for its value. 4.)Address your package,using one of the labels provided,by attaching with clear tape. 5.)Return the package,prepaid.Sorry...we cannot accept C.O.D.s.Please send all returns surface delivery only. 6.)Campmor does not retain your credit card information,for additional items ordered.If you are exchanging or ordering new items,please be sure to include credit card information. 7.)All unused merchandise may be returned for refund within 1 year of purchase,or,if used and found to be defective,we will exchange or repair within 1 year of purchase date. Step I Original Order#(if available) Originally Purchased By: Send Refund or Exchange To:(if different than information at left) Name: Name: Address: Address: (City) (State) (zip) (City) (State) (zip) Phone:( ) ( ) Phone:( ) ( ) (Daytime) (Evening) (Daytime) (Evening) Email Address: Email Address: Please select one of the following: ❑ Please Refund ❑ Please Send New Items(includes exchanges,defective items)(please resubmit credit card information below) Step 24s 11sturns Please complete the form below, indicating the items you are returning and the reason code. . o MSU d @Aw @ p Q lu G�Zu10 PU09D 0 0 70-Too Small 04-Wrong Item Sent 16-Quality not as expected 22-Arrived too late 71 -Too Large 51-Defective(why?) 14-Not as presented 42-Other 21 -Arrived Damaged g� Xn0117--{Color lnot arsp expected } R�1 15-Not Satisfied(why?) 80-Returning a Gift mop 3-,^,Coltyml�nt �I1111 a IIIIIIdttll ton Comments c ring by credit card,credit card information must be included for any exchange, replacement or new orders. Credit Card Information: 'd of Payment: ❑ visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ Discover ❑ American Express fit Card k or Money Order(enclosed) Card Number: rtificate enclosed Exp Date(MMNV) s (enclosed) Credit Card Security Code: Signature: a 4°I1�p ew OR-lerS For new orders,exchanges, replacements, please provide credit card info,above. 00 0 00 a G RbD V) ...... ..... . GROUND. ���� K~�0 �8���� ��K�����0��� ��K� ������&� «m CORPORATE DRIVE «m CORPORATE DRIVE mxxmmx.wu m^**wx.wJ onmo onoo `'mm'n,s'^m^ ,'vvv'no'^rv^ PKg ID 595K730O0 PKG II) 595K7300C SHIP TO SHIP TO ' SCOTT CAMPBELL SCOTT CAMPBELL 11O 1, 10 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES 760 3RD AVENUE SW 760 3RD AVENUE SW CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 0509052007030003 O509052007030004 U{|00N0Ny � �i�| 0U0Q||| Q�U|00U / 0N|0 |U |Q �U00U|N0|�/\ �|N� / { | NHU� 0 |U& N| � O5 I-007 O5 I-007 | FROM FROM �U UUVU�UVUO�® �7�UVU�UVUO�® 400 CORPORATE DRIVE 400 CORPORATE DRIVE MAHWAH, NJ 07430 MAHWAH, NJ 07430 ATTN: RETURN DEPARTMENT ATTN: RETURN DEPARTMENT VOUCHER # 126375 WARRANT # ALLOWED T1041 IN SUM OF $ CAMPBELL, SCOTT Utilities - Meter Reader Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 123012 01-7200-07 q 7.q� Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund O Vin: ( d- Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee T1041 CAMPBELL, SCOTT Purchase Order No. Utilities - Meter Reader Terms Due Date 12/31/2012 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 12/31/201,' 123012 $662.41 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer