CCPR-07-24-06(Approved: ; - ly- Of<� CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES July 24, 2006, 5:30 P.M. Monday, July 24, 2006 Administrative Offices 1411 E. 116th Street, Carmel, IN 46032 MEMBER ATTENDEES P Chester D Dutcher J Engledow J Ketterman J Rosensteele T Tolson I. Roll Call MEMBER ABSENTEES S Dillon J Miller S Shapiro OTHERS M Klitzing A Kostrzewa M Westermeier II. CaII to Order The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at 5:50 p.m. on July 25, 2006 pursuant to notice. The start of the meeting was delayed due to the late arrival of board members and the need for a quorum to consider the action items on the agenda. J Rosensteele called the meeting to order. Other board members present: P Chester, D Dutcher, J Engledow, J Ketterman and T Tolson. III. Action Items A. Claims — Jim Engledow 1. Claim Sheet July 24, 2006 (J Engledow, P Chester, C -Un) J Engledow asked if Ice Mountain drinking water was needed for the Department since the buildings are now serviced by city water. M Westermeier reported that this is a budgeted item, that the new contract with Ice Mountain is significantly less costly than the prior supplier and that cold drinking water is needed at the Maintenance Office and at remote locations for maintenance staff. B. Central Park Matters - Mark Westermeier • Interior pool deck: The consultants are in the process of obtaining a price from Gibraltar to redo the surface finish as determined by the Architect. While we hope Gibraltar will participate, we can always take their price as a credit toward a the finish. • Skate Park: Buddy is working with Geupel on the skate park. One wall, finished improperly by Gibraltar, has a rough texture and should be smooth. Buddy also questioned another visible change, so we are in the process of determining whether other plan deviations exist. • Wetlands: Digging and grading is going on now. We are on target with the schedule. • Rubber Floor Alternative: T Tolson asked about progress on the rubber floor replacement. Mark reported terrazzo locations have been identified. Alan Armstrong has talked to Rowland about whether we will be charged for a color change. C. North Campus Water Utility connections to the Meeting House, the Maintenance Offices and the Administrative Offices - Mark Westermeier M Westermeier withdrew this item from the agenda, since he does not have enough information at this time. D. Truck Acquisition in an amount not to exceed $17,000.00 - Mark Westermeier M Westermeier reported that repairs are needed on an existing maintenance truck that will cost an amount exceeding the book value of the vehicle. There is money in the budget for a leased vehicle, but Mark would like permission to use the best option available to either purchase or lease a Ford Ranger 4 -wheel drive truck as its replacement. J Engledow asked what the intention was for the budgeted money and Mark indicated that he had planned to replace the vehicle. There is $9500 in the budget for leasing but additional money is available in the equipment line. Mark indicated that we may be better off to purchase a truck, so would like to consider using funds to do so. A motion was made for the Park Board to authorize the purchase of a maintenance truck for an amount not to exceed $17,500 as listed on the State of Indiana bid list as a small purchase allowed under applicable Indiana law and the Park Board's purchasing policy. (J Ketterman, D Dutcher, C -Un). E. Monon Security Camera equipment; Monon South Trail Head Tower - Mark Westermeier M Westermeier indicated that though this topic had been discussed before, there is new information to consider. The Department's original intention to bid the project was of some concern due to the proprietary nature of the frequencies involved in the transmission and the details that would be made public in a bid spec. Communication with the State Board of Accounts indicates that they view this as two separate projects. Broken into two separate purchases, we can obtain separate pricing for the tower and for the camera system in separate RFQs. (J Ketterman, P Chester, C -Un). IV. Discussion Items • A member of the public who was in attendance at the meeting was invited to speak to the board. Larry Calihan of 14111 College Avenue talked about a concern that improper drainage in the NW corner of Central Park is affecting water retention on his property. He presented possible solutions including the extension of the curb further to the north in front of his property, for which he offered to pay. • D Dutcher suggested that everyone read the history of the Central Library project in last Sunday's Indianapolis Star. V. Board Comments None VI. Adjournment A motion was made to adjourn at approximately 6:30 p.m. (D Dutcher, R Rosensteele, C -Un). SE c l ��A u Zo oG ,Z got