HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-12-21-10(Approved: /- //- c20 / r )
December 21, 2010, 6:00 P.M.
Monon Community Center
1235 Central Park Drive East
CARMEL, IN 46032
J Miller
W Franklin
J Kirsh
J Ketterman (arrived 6:07)
P Knowles
S Dillon
R Taylor
J Engledow
J Hagan
M Westermeier
A Kostrzewa
M Klitzing
D Grisham
Hal Espey (Videographer)
Judy Sholly (public citizen)
The regular board meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at
approximately 6:05 p.m. on December 21, 2010 pursuant to notice. President J Miller asked R Taylor to call
the roll. Park Board members present in addition to Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor were J Kirsh, P Knowles, W
Franklin and S Dillon. J Ketterman arrived shortly after the conclusion of the roll call. J Hagan and J
Engledow were absent. Others in attendance are noted above.
Having confirmed the presence of a quorum, Mr. Miller called the meeting to order which started after the
pledge of allegiance. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by
the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the
motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes...etc. (Engledow, Hagan). "When a motion is
carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; 6 to 2, with one
abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added - i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan; C-
Judy Sholly of 11618 Fairgreen Drive, Carmel, IN 46032, a public citizen, addressed the Park Board
regarding the fees charged to Senior Citizens for use of the Monon Community Center (MCC). In summary, J
Sholly mentioned that when she or neighbors inquired to various sources (Hamilton County Parks and MCC
staff) about why renewal of a pass that allowed use of the MCC Fitness Center cost significantly more than
she had been paying, she learned that the change to an all access pass from an area specific was attributed
to security issues resulting from those who inappropriately use area specific passes to access other areas of
the Center. She asked the Park Board to review its pass structure as (a) honest users should not be punished
for others' misuse; (b) Seniors, because of their fixed income, should be able to pay for use of only the fitness
center and not be obligated to pay for the increased cost of the all area pass and (c) fees paid by Carmel
Clay Citizens whose taxes pay for the MCC should be less than that charged to people who live outside the
Carmel /Clay jurisdiction. Mr. Miller thanked her for her comments, noted that the Board typically does not
engage speakers and invited her to talk with any member of the Board after the meeting or at another time.
IV. ACTION ITEMS - President Miller mentioned that the Agenda and Cover Sheet before the members
reflected that the first word in the title of Action Item C, "Ratification" had been changed to "Approval" as this item
had not yet been approved.
A. Minutes -Rich Taylor
1. December 14, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting Minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor,
Kirsh, C -Un.)
B. Claims - Rich Taylor for J Engledow
1. Claim Sheet December 21, 2010 was approved as presented. (Taylor, Ketterman C -Un); and
2. Clay Township Claim Sheet December 21, 2010 was approved as presented. (Taylor, Franklin C-
C. Approval of Myers Contract Change Order No. 1(One) regarding Cincinnati Floor Company, Inca
and the MCC Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project — Mark Westermeier
Mark reported that there was a need to provide a gradual ADA compliant decline from the new floor
access areas to the existing surfaces outside the converted cafe space. He referred to the explanation
within the cover sheet contained in the Board packet and stated his agreement with the Owner's
Representative to recommend a change order request from Cincinnati Floor Company, Inc. to add
rubber ramp reducers to the MCC Cafe to Fitness Conversion Project for $3,865.00. After discussion,
the Park Board approved the Contract Change Order No. 1 (One) dated December 16, 2010 as
presented to increase the Contract Price in the Cincinnati Floor Company, Inc. Contract by an additional
sum of $3,865.00 and authorized the Owner's Representative, the Park Board Attorney and the Park
Board officers to take all necessary and appropriate action to effect such Contract Change Order
including the preparation and execution of attending documents. (Dillon, Franklin C -Un.)
D. Consideration of Bids for the Carmel Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project — Mark
Mark reported that as explained at the December 14, 2010 meeting,18 bidders participated in the bid
opening for the Carmel /Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project on December 2, 2010 and
more bids were ready to be recommended for acceptance and contract award. He referred to the bid
tabulation sheet in the board packet and referenced that the bid item structure allowed savings in various
areas, particularly noting the deferral of 1 of the 3 picnic shelters and use of stamped asphalt in lieu of
stamped concrete. He noted staff's agreement with the recommendations from the consultants included
in the Board packet. After discussion, the Board Park, consistent with the recommendations, accepted
the following bids and awarded contracts to the lowest responsible and responsive bidders for the Bid
Items as follows:
1. Combination bid for Bid Item B (Site Infrastructure) and Bid Item D (Picnic Shelters) in the amount of
Two Million Four Hundred Seventy Thousand Dollars ($2,470,000.00) was accepted from and awarded
to Gibraltar Construction Corporation (Taylor, Kirsh C -Un); and
2. Bid for Bid Item C (Carmel Creek Channel Restoration and Stabilization), in the amount of Three
Hundred Seventy Four Thousand Four Hundred Sixty Dollars ($374,460.00) from and awarded a
contract to JF New (Ketterman, Knowles C -Un); and
3. Bid for Bid Item E (Electrical) in the amount of One Hundred Thirteen Thousand Dollars ($113,000.00)
from, and award a contract to, Myers Construction Management, Inc. (Franklin, Knowles C -Un); and
4. Bid for Bid Item F.1(Landscaping — Native Seeding and Plugs) for One Hundred Seven Thousand Two
Hundred Forty Eight Dollars ($107,248.00)from, and award a contract to, Williams Creek Management
Corporation (Knowles, Dillon C -Un); and
for all such accepted bids and awarded contracts, authorized JJR, LLC, Summit Construction Co., Inc.,
the Park Board Attorney and the Park Department Director to take all action necessary to complete the
contracting process including the initiation of a letter of intent authorizing the spending of administrative
funds to be incurred during the finalization of the contract and authorized the President or Vice President
to sign the contract upon completion of the Park Board Attorney's review.
® Discussion centered primarily on the Speaker's comments regarding the decision to follow the
Business Plan and Staff recommendation to retire the Area Specific Passes in favor of an all access
pass to better meet the high cost recovery goals expected by most of the elected officials with the
following highlights:
o M Westermeier explained that while the speaker was correct that those people who bought the
lowest cost pass to gain access to the whole facility was an issue, staff did not consider the
issue to be a security matter;
o While neither Mark nor Michael knew the percentage of taxes that Carmel /Clay citizens pay for
the MCC, Michael clarified that tax dollars are used to pay for retirement of the $55 Million
Dollar Central Park construction bond and that County Option Income Tax (COIT) was
utilized for operations during 2008 and 2009 at approximately $2 Million and during 2010 at
approximately $25,000.
of Miller pointed out that COIT is an income tax and those with higher incomes pay more on a
straight percentage calculation.
o M Klitzing added that most elected officials have directed operation of the MCC to be
consistent with a business model which requires much more focus on maximum cost
recovery than a social model.
o R Taylor suggested that because the MCC is a community center, the message can be
confusing but that because of the cost - recovery mandate, decisions come down to dollars
and cents at least until otherwise directed by elected officials.
o Michael confirmed that other recreational facilities offer senior rates and pointed out that while
the MCC no longer offers a fitness only pass, senior rates are offered for passes.
o R Taylor closed the discussion by noting that the Board chose NOT to increase pass rates this
year despite the pressure to achieve cost recovery.
• J Ketterman stated that as it is her last meeting, she wanted to let all know that she has enjoyed
working with everyone;
• R Taylor expressed his appreciation for the leadership shown by Joan and Sue.
• S Dillon stated that it has been a privilege to be on the "park train" since it started in 1991 and it is a
good feeling to pass it on as it has evolved and commended the smooth operations behind the
scenes lead by Audrey Kostrzewa, Mark Westermeier and Michael Klitzing.
The Mee ' g adjourned at approximately 6:45 p.m. (Ketterman, Dillon C -Un).
Date: 1% 11-11
Date: 1 t (—�