HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-12-14-10(Approved: CORRECTED Date in Action Item V(A)(2) JANUARY 11, 2011 CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING MINUTES Regular Meeting December 14, 2010, 6:00 P.M. Monon Community Center East 1235 Central Park Drive East CARMEL, IN 46032 MEMBER ATTENDEES J Miller S Dillon J Kirsh R Taylor J Ketterman (arrived 6:10) W Franklin P Knowles J Hagan J Engledow MEMBER ABSENTEES I- ) OTHERS M Westermeier M Klitzing A Kostrzewa Lindsay Willard Susan Beaurain(MCC Staff) D Grisham Hal Espey (videographer) ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Carmel /Clay Board of Parks and Recreation was convened at approximately 6:08 p.m. on December 14, 2010 pursuant to notice. President Joe Miller asked Secretary Rich Taylor to call the roll. Other than Mr. Miller and Mr. Taylor, all members were present. Others in attendance are noted above. II. CALL TO ORDER and PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE President Miller called the meeting to order after the Pledge of Allegiance. NOTE: Hereinafter these minutes will state the motion, followed parenthetically by the name of the one who made the motion (listed first) and then the one who seconded it. For example the motion would read, "It was moved to approve the minutes... etc. (Engledow, Hagan)." When a motion is carried but not unanimously, the results of the vote will be listed i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan 6 to 2, with 1 abstaining). When the motion was carried unanimously, a "C -Un" will be added — i.e. "(Engledow, Hagan C -Un)." Action taken without objection will be noted in brackets as well. III. PUBLIC COMMENTS: None. IV. STAFF REPORTS M Klitzing introduced Lindsay Willard, the MCC Fitness Supervisor, who used power point to assist with her presentation of the various Fitness Passes and program offerings, year to date use trends and guests served as well as a short term and long term equipment maintenance focus. Lindsay, Susan and Michael next addressed a number of questions from the Board members which included an explanation of how class time offerings are selected, a report that a capital maintenance plan is being finalized, the history regarding the decision to purchase equipment, agreement that equipment leasing may be appropriate for future purchases and the methods of surplus equipment disposal. Michael presented highlights via power point and reported the following: A total $10.5+ Million in reserves is within the various park funds; ESE revenues up by $250,000+ from the same point last year with expenses slightly increased to serve the increasing numbers; the MCC continues on its positive track and the MCC year -to -date cost recovery was just below 100% for the month of November. After he completed his presentation with a description of the positive trending information, he commended Dr. Rose Campbell and her 6 Butler University students who studied and presented at a class presentation yesterday, good data and excellent recommendations regarding the Park Corporate Pass Program. He stated that after he completes his review, he will present how it may be used by the Department in a future report. V. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Standing Committees 1. Personnel Committee: S Dillon reported that the Personnel Committee met prior to the start of the Park Board meeting and confirmed that it had collected all necessary information for the Director's performance evaluation; agreed that the same process established for 2010 should be used for 2011, 1 reviewed and added to the 2011 Director goals to be distributed for consideration by the 2011 committees for ultimate consideration by the Park Board. 2. Finance Committee: J Engledow reported that the Committee met on December 96`h to review financials, discuss anticipated year end transfers which will be presented to the Park Board in January for ratification, received an update on the payroll services outsourcing endorsed and discussed 2011 Director goals. 3. Properties Committee: S Dillon reported that the Properties Committee met just prior to the Park Board meeting to approve minutes. VI. ACTION ITEMS A. Minutes — Rich Taylor November 23, 2010 Regular Park Board Meeting minutes were approved as presented. (Taylor, Ketterman C- Un.) B. Financial Reports —Jim Engledow 1. Receipt of Pentamation Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un.) 2. Receipt of Clay Township Financial Reports was acknowledged. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un.) C. Claims —Jim Engledow 1. Claim Sheet December 14, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un.) 2. Clay Township Claim Sheet December 14, 2010 was approved as presented. (Engledow, Hagan C -Un.) D. Acceptance and /or Acknowledgement of Monies received — Audrey Kostrzewa. No report E. Consideration of Bids for the Carmel Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project — Mark Westermeier Mark explained that 18 bidders participated in the bid opening for the Carmel /Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project on December 2, 2010. He referred to the bid tabulation sheet in the board packet and explained that because of the varied scopes and timing of the work and the number of bid items, only one (1) recommendation has been made by the Owner's Representative and the Architect so far. Such recommendation regards Bid Item A — Selective Clearing in Forest Areas, a copy of which was presented in the board packet. Mark reported that Staff agrees with such recommendation and after discussion, the Board Park, consistent with the recommendations, accepted the bid for Bid Item A — Selective Clearing in Forest Areas from, and awarded a contract to, J.F. New, the lowest responsible and responsive Bidder on the Carmel /Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project, in the amount of One Hundred Sixteen Thousand Two Hundred Ten Dollars ($116,210.00) and authorized JJR, LLC, Summit Construction Co., Inc., the Park Board Attorney and the Park Department Director to take all action necessary to complete the contracting process including the initiation of a letter of intent authorizing the spending of administrative funds to be incurred during the finalization of the contract and authorized the President or Vice President to sign the contract upon completion of the Park Board Attorney's review. (Dillon, Knowles C -Un.) F. Consideration of Salary Resolution B- 2010 -014 — Michael Klitzing and Mark Westermeier. Michael explained that the Resolution is a mirror of the 2010 Salary Resolution except for the 3% step increases and the notation regarding frozen salaries based on the Eppley Study findings and recommendations. As there is no COLA for park employees this year, the step increase may not mean a raise for employees. Unlike City employees, Park Department employees receive only merit increases based on performance appraisals. Based on the park Department's history, merit increases are anticipated to be on average, between 2 and 2 '/2 %. After the Board waived the reading of the Resolution (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un), it discussed many issues before approving the Resolution as presented. (Engledow, Kirsh C -Un.) G. Consideration of Amendment to Owner's Representative Contract (Summit Construction Co., Inc.) for the Carmel /Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project — Mark Westermeier Mark explained that upon receipt of the Contract which was based on the contract used in the first phase of Central Park Development, the Park Board's insurer raised concerns about some of the Board's insurance requirements. After much discussion with the Owner's Representative and the insurance agent, the Contract has been amended to reflect the mutually satisfactory position. After discussion, the Park Board approved the Amendment as presented and authorized its execution. (Ketterman, Franklin C -Un.) H. Consideration of Resolution G- 2010 -002 regarding proposed amendments of Park Board By -Laws — Joe Miller 2 J Miller explained that tonight is the second meeting at which the Park Board will consider the suggested changes to the By -Laws and asked if there was a motion to begin the discussion. J Hagan moved to Postpone Item H — Consideration of Resolution G- 2010 -002, definitely to the second meeting in January to allow the Park Board to discuss the changes and the consequences during a Board workshop. (Hagan, Ketterman 5 in favor [Taylor, Engledow, Kirsh, Franklin and Hagan] and 4 opposed [Knowles, Dillon, Miller and Ketterman.] After much discussion, the Motion passed with a hand count and noted herein. I. Consideration of extending the Professional Services Agreement with Debra Grisham — Mark Westermeier Mark recommended continuing the agreement with D Grisham at the same blended rate that she had charged for the last two years. After he explained the 'blended rate" to include both legal and business matters, and his agreement that the same rate was appropriate given the economic climate, the Park Board approved the extension of the PSA with Debra Grisham at the blended rate of $110.00 per hour. (Engledow, Ketterman C -Un.) J. Consideration of engaging Walker Information Systems to perform a MCC pass - holder survey — Michael Klitzing Michael explained that the survey contemplated in the services agreement with Walker follows up a 2009 MCC user satisfaction survey which J Engledow endorsed. After discussion, the Park Board approved the Walker Services Agreement as presented and authorized execution thereof. (Taylor, Engledow C -Un.) Noting the end of the Action Items, Joe named Sue Dillon as the Nominating Committee Chair and J Ketterman and J Engledow as members. VII. ATTORNEY'S REPORT- Debra Grisham A. Tort Claims. Deb reported that she had received a tort claim notice involving an injury at an ESE site which she is in the process of investigating. B. General. Deb reported as follows: 1. Central Park Eastside Project issues are addressed daily. 2. There has been no response from the City regarding the revised Hagan -Burke Trail Management Agreement sent to the City Attorney on November 9th' 3. Encroachment matter and daily park matters are a focus. VIII. DIRECTOR'S REPORT — Mark Westermeier In addition to his written report included in the Board Packet, Mark reported that 1. As regards item IV (d), the equipment delivery timeframe on the MCC Running Track to Fitness Center Access Control Point Project is taking longer than initially expected, pushing the completion back as well. 2. As regards item IV (e) for the Carmel /Clay Central Park Eastside Development Project, the environmental permit applications have hit a technical snag as IDNR forwarded the applications to an incorrect site. While the other agencies have reviewed and issued the required public notices ,INDNR's 30 day notice will start immediately. Mark reported that he understands the delayed notice will not cause result in delayed Work. 3. The outsourcing of payroll services is moving forward. 4. About 10 days ago, the MCC HVAC experienced a major failure 3 days prior to the scheduled inspection date and the backup failed as well. It is being investigated. 5. The Park Department is undergoing a network audit to identify why it has slowed down. He explained the increased burden on the system. 6. Staff is looking at using Google's email platform rather than the Microsoft platform to save money. 7. With regard to the nighttime janitorial cleaning services, Mark reported that he is pleased with the transitioning and lack of public complaints. 8. The website is being tested now; Michael will send Joan a link to see it. IX. DISCUSSION ITEMS — 1. S Dillon asked the Nominating Committee members to see her about a mutually beneficial time to meet. X. INFORMATION ITEMS — 1. Plan Commission —J Hagan stated that there was no action that affected the Park Board. 2. School Board — P Knowles reported that the redistricting plan was delivered to the Superintendent and that its January 10th meeting would be devoted to that topic. She next reported that the Carmel Clay Education Foundation is now the Carmel Education Foundation to eliminate confusion. The long session of the legislature is a concern given some of the education initiatives being discussed. XI. BOARD COMMENTS — 3 J Ketterman reported that she had received complimentary comments about West Park; J Miller reported that he continues to hear good things about the ESE Before and After School care program. XII. ADJOURNMENT he mee ' g adjourned at approximately 7:50 p.m. (Ketterman, Taylor without objection.) Signature: ,�� / Date: -11-11 Signature: ,!' au'; Date: (-u 4