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Date DOCKET NO. 04080054
Application for Architectural DesigJl'l Li2hting and Signage
4tfJ 2c' E. 96ft, s,fr.,L ~}..
Fees: Sign only $250.00, plus $50.00/sign
Building/Site $500.00, plus SSO.OO/acre
Name of Project: T~ r}-J ~dfJ(PJ ./?:Yr.2(?vrIJul ;J aY,-tP'" PrP'lofty
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;~:~~ e >fprl. YI J. f> ti..../r. tI '?7 I pi J- C? t1 f..e, f'r fV /(n~d v u 41~'tf L,r> f (J.) Qruf~i)
Applicant: ralUi'1 ~Y1&"i'" tlf.t:"/1-1J
Phone NO.(3i1)8'(/~~1Iql
Phone No. (317) 3'-//. Jlt.//
Contact Person: M/t:j,dC I tL~rl
Fax No. (~j7) Y4/'- '75'1
Address: /3/10 pr~c.)'~/~f:? fl.nud. ~/('.('J/b/~s.t..~/l/~ ,rAJ~ l.f6ZJ6tJ
" ."
Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet
Area (in acres) /2, 2CJ AG.~ Zoning 13'-3
Owner of Real Estate:ro,,~ lA.,)c;;Ol5,~L A1~HtC;: 'i ~ "1-"'1 f!#"'ll- ~ :r~t:..~
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v' Clay Township:
V" Annexation: Y otE:
Other Approvals Needed: J/-tl-J ~.::> C"'U"" ~ $tfI/1 f' P41ev'"
No. of Spaces Provided: I L{ 'I
No. Spaces Required: 4:3
Desi2D Information
Type of Building: #/4 No. OfBuildings:~
Square Footage: Height: No. of Stories
Exterior Materials:
Maximum No. of Ten ants:
Type of Uses:
Water by: Iw C
Sewer by: C-o",." ~ (
P "1'~ K V ~ I (900 ~\ S rl 111 Flr '.
· P &A"'K"'VP l.sA ,. ~1J5. h f F.
Type of FIxture: \ ()()O r~ Y'F A-fL. HeIg t 0 lxture:
,...., ..z I. . Ii
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No. of Fixtures: (P1/1 Additional Lighting: 1"3
* Plans to be submitted showing Footcarldle spreads at property 'lines per the ordinance.
No. of Signs:
Type of Signs:
Location( s):
Dimensions of each sign:
Square Footage of each sign:
Total Height of each sign:
* Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations
I the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above
information as true and correct.
~1~:::Of~-,,~~ ~ Title: ht?/ c&l M;;,M~'> 4fJ-
/4,i,-Irdl!./ A J/"J4t Date: cF/~:5/&~
(Prin t) ""7',,,:,~0"';"~:-' > ,,'F t .
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~~. ~)~ J" ~ ' ,,~
State of Indiana, f;""l~ -
SS: '= -to
County of .;I;/J1/l-WN ~,-- ~\_
Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for ~ HI Lt.-T PN COGn.t;y, ~ .
State of Indiana, personally appeared ~ and acknowledged the
execution of the foregoing instrument this Z 3 !!!.. day of , 20 ~
My Commission Expires: ~
Notary Public
JJ9Wl?r M Sl<o
Lot 3 of the East 96th Street Auto Park Subdivision.
Tingley, ,Connie ,8
Butler, Angelina V
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 9:26 AM
Babbitt, Pamela A
Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E; Tingley, Connie S; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling,
Adrienne M; Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Dobosiewicz, Jon C;
Pohlman, Jesse M; Brennan, Kevin S; Mindham, Daren; Griffin, Matt L
Docket No. Assignment: (ADLS Amend) East 96th Street Auto Park, lot 3 - Tom Wood Jaguar
(#04080054 ADLS Amend)
Please print and update the file. I have issued the necessary Docket Number for (ADLS Amend) East 96th
Street Auto Park, lot 3 - Tom Wood Jaguar. It will be the following:
Docket No. 04080054 ADLS Amend: East 96th Street Auto Park, lot 3 - Tom Wood Jaguar
(ADLS Amendment)
The applicant seeks approval for a parking lot expansion.
The site is located at 4620 E. 96th Street. The site is zoned B-3/Business.
Filed bv Mike Hoff of Falcon Enaineerina.
Petitioner, please note the following:
1. This Item will be on the September 22 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee.
, 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice does not need to occur.
3. Proof of Notice is not needed.
4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Information packets must be delivered to Plan Commission Secretary,
Ramona Hancock, no later than NOON, Friday, September 24.
5. This Item will appear on the Tuesday, October 5, 2004 agenda of the Plan Commission Special Studies
Committee at 7 pm in the City Hall Caucus Rooms, Second Floor.
PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more detail.
Petitioner: please complete the foUowina items:
1.) Please provide plans to TAC members by September 7. TAC member list can be downloaded from our
website at www.cLcarmel.in.us or can be faxed to you.
2.) Please provide pole light details.
3.) Please make all parking spaces 10' x 18' or 9' x 20' (overhang may be included in perimeter spaces).
4.) Provide a copy of the Urban Forester's approvalletter/e-mail.
Please contact Mr. Hoff at 841-3141 or (Fax: 841-9951 with this information. Once the file is updated please
return it to Jon's office. -- -~--~----'
Tom Wood expanded Jaguar parking
4620 East 96th Streetr'
ADLS Amend
Thank you,
Michael Hoff
841-3141 ;,~'~' '
, ,,~- / paid $1,110.90
h vYla,;l. ~I C-.~.
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