HomeMy WebLinkAbout217122 02/13/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 366017 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE ENVIROCERT CHECK AMOUNT: $150.00 CARMEL,INDIANA 46032 49 STATE STREET MARION NC 28752 CHECK NUMBER: 217122 CHECK DATE: 2113/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 211 4462838 150 . 00 STORM WATER PHASE II ---------------- - - ----------------------- --- - ----------------------- - ---------------------- C E R T I F I E D Erosion .Sediment' CESSWI • Rene wal I\Totl' Storm Water ce 2013 - 2014 201 4 . - 1 N S P E -C 'T 0 R ru • KURT MAXWELL ANDERSON ONE CIVIC SQUARE Amount Due: $75.00 DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Date Due: March 31, 20'13 CARMEL, 1N,'.46032 RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR PAYMENT Renewal Fee Details: CESCknn#r 1237 I ................Years: 1............... Ar7ount Cue:$75.00......... Status:Active Professional Development Affirmation: Current Period;3 23 / ,./2011-3/22/2013............... Due Date forPDUs:3/23/2013 .. ....Requirement:20 PDUs per 2 Year Period Review your training records and select either YES or NO in res o p nse to th I e following statement: I HAVE COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CURRENT PERIOD: . d Sign and date in the space below. (See back page for explanation.) �ES NO Kurt Maxwell A nde� s on .. I Date Information Update: (Please mark this notice with any changes to your contact in Business Phone: 3 _ formation.) ( 11)571 2308 Ext. Fax: (31 1-2439 i Home Phone: (317)402-9774 I Email: kanderson@carmel.in.gov -Please I list any professional titles that you currently hold(for example, PE,'RLA): ' I r Payment Information ENTER YOUR PAYMENT INFORMATION ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF'THIS NOTICE. j s i I ; I I 49 STATE STREET MARION, NC 28752 PHONE: 828.655.1600 FAX: 828:655.1622 WWW,CESSWLORG CESSWI,INC.IS AN ENVIROCERT INTERNATIONAL,INC.AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION i -------------- -------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------- C E R T I F 1 E D II Municipal Se ar cMS4S Renewal State ewal Notice Storm Sewer System DUMP NO WASTE 2013 - 2014 S4S"' .S P E C I A l / S T „ JOHN GHARRITY THOMAS 11576 CREEK SIDE LANE A CARMEL, IN 46033 Date Due: $75.00 Date Due: March 31, 2013 Renewal Fee Details: RETURN THIS FORM WITH YOUR PAYMENT CMS4S#139 Annllal Rata 575 Q�'1n1�n/•�l win: C7C QQ......................c+-,+ n Professional Development Affirmation: 4 J y"Vc Current Period: 3/23/2011 -3/22/2013 .................................................... Due Date for 30 PDUs:3/23/2013 Requirement: 30 PDUs per 2 Year Period Review your training records and select either YES or NO in response to the I HAVE COMPLETED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS FORT following statement: Sign and date in the space below. HE CURRENT PERIOD: (See back page for explanation.) YES ONO John Gharrity Thomas Information Up date: ( Date Please mark this notice with any changes to your contact in Business Phone: (317)571-2314 formation.) Ext. Fax: (31 1-2439 Home Phone: /7171,�1 C_11QE Email: ithomas@carmel.in.gov Please list any professional titles that you currently hold(for example, PE, RLA): Payment Information ENTER YOUR PAYMENT IKFORMATION ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS NOTICE. 49 STATE STREET MARION, NC 28752 PHONE: 828.655.1600 FAX: 828.655.1622 www,CMS4S.ORG CMS4S,INC.IS AN ENVIROC TT 1N-1 RNATIONAL,INC.AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION -- - - - ------------ ------ ---- ------------ ------------ -------------------- ------------ Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: rates per day, kind of service, where performed,m P y, umber of hours, rate per hour, nu p ed, dates service rendered b w tuber of units, price per unit etc. � y whom, Payee EnviroCert International 7Terms Order No. 49 State Street Marion, NC 28752 Date Due Invoice Invoice Date Description Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s) 1/0/1900 0 Cesswi Renewal-Kurt Amount 1/0/1900 0 CMS4S Renwal-John Thomas $ 75.00 $ 75.00 Total i 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited samen accordance 150.00 with IC 5-11-10-1.6. ,20 Clerk-Treasurer i i VOUCHER NC WARRANT NO. EnviroCert International ALLOWED 20 49 State Street IN SUM OF $ Marion, NC 28752 $ 150.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITL AMOUNT oEPTa I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 0 0 211-4462838 s 75.00 or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for 0 0 211-4462838 s 7500 which charge is made were ordered and received except i I I i i 2/11/2013 Signature I I City Engineer I I Cost Distribution ledger classification if Title I claim paid motor vehicle highway fund I