HomeMy WebLinkAbout217155 02/13/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 1 of 2 Q � ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $3,895.39 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 PALATINE IL 60038-0001 CHECK NUMBER: 217155 CHECK DATE: 2/13/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1205 4237000 0949189237 228 . 73 REPAIR PARTS 1125 4238000 9036437607 8 . 70 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR E 1093 4350100 9042021056 172 . 26 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 1205 4237000 9044024843 100 . 08 REPAIR PARTS 1205 4237000 9044049220 179 . 16 REPAIR PARTS 1093 4350100 9044403021 258 . 39 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 1205 4237000 9045279982 99 . 64 REPAIR PARTS 1205 4237000 9045689958 336 . 16 REPAIR PARTS 1205 4238900 9046622826 124 . 45 OTHER MAINT SUPPLIES 1125 4238900 29378 9049118020 301. 42 CLEANING SUPPLIES 651 5023990 9049860274 1, 045 . 96 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4237000 9051844463 154 . 17 REPAIR PARTS 2201 4237000 9051844471 193 . 52 REPAIR PARTS ��. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 319510 Page 2 of 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE GRAINGER INC CHECK AMOUNT: $3,895.39 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 DEPT 804572097 PALATINE IL 60038-0001 CHECK NUMBER: 217155 CHECK DATE: 2/13/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4237000 9051844489 203 . 91 REPAIR PARTS 1093 4350100 9051847177 86 . 13 BUILDING REPAIRS & MA 1120 4237000 9052900462 59 . 52 REPAIR PARTS 1125 4238900 29378 9052911675 43 . 80 CLEANING SUPPLIES 1125 4238900 29378 9052911683 -104 . 80 CLEANING SUPPLIES 601 5023990 9052991768 110 .43 OTHER EXPENSES 1125 4239012 9053955218 30 . 24 SAFETY SUPPLIES 1205 4238000 9055544044 27 . 72 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR E 1125 4238000 936098789 235 . 80 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR E GRAIN ® PAGE 1 OF 1 • IGINAL VOICE 110 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 882880529 —_ INVOICE NUMBER 9051844463 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 01/28/2013 = INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-1017 DUE DATE 02/27/2013 EM www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 154.17 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: ]A012513B — in the description section CALLER: JAMES ALFORD _— CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2400 _ BILL TO ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218588123 MDG2013 00031680 1 MB 0405 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN ll.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 — FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317-842-2497 o lic - � The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 5UWH0 DRUM PUMP, HAND, 3.2 OZ PER STROKE 3 51.39 154.17 MANUFACTURER # 5UWHO NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:2.43 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 154.17 DATE SHIPPED:01/28/2013 -- "--Tlie�e'items are sold for domesic consumption in the Uni!ed S[a!es. If ezpo�rz purct-�aser ssu;nes fu!i� - '-` -"` - — � "� -- - responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYA .E IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 154.17 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1. Wholesale Only. Before returning any product,cuslnmer shall (i)write or call die local Grainger branch from ehich the product oras W.VJ,Grainger Inc (Grainger)eel's products`err business use to customers wairh proper busnvs;id.. biioation, pun t used:Lill in the case of so .terret order,contact y, u g wing=room and provide the date the original invoice t.l.ch is-cau`fw from all customers prior to purchase. puff,r,tile.stock purifier,and a description of the defect or(lib call Customer Care at 1-888-361-8649,and provide 2. Prices. the date,the aricinal invoice m.r ,:ier,it,stock number,auo a.,a:.oription of the defect. Proof of purchase is required, I ees listed are rvholesa e do not include freight, and(n_I ices,taxes,and/of duties_and are subject to rein e;.hon or in uses. ch nye v, hl)ct notice. Market tens!nro commodity products will be priced accowing to current pliolket corcdniuns. 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. Customer should contact Vie local Gr,roger branch or check online At win,;mwge(.com for current pricing_ Export For dtlonnabon on a specific n tl 1.tact roars:rarramy'p'aDSe Coli Tact the local Grainger Lunch or call Customer Care orders may he::ubteef to other soa.mal pncing. Grainger reserves the right to accept or reject any order. al 1-888-361-8649. 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Ct s emers are responsible for Payment o°all applicable state and loi.ai taxes,or for providing a van(,, :;es tar: ,iu°ctoli uns have var`wing lay.c cedes and regulations govern n_o construction,installation.and or use of products for axempbon ecitificate.When placing an creel.customer shall indicate a.hich products are tax exempt_ a particular purpose. Certain products may not be available for scale in all areas. Grainger does not guarantee 4. Payment and Credit Terms, compliance or suitability of the Pruducls it sells with any laws.codes or regulations,nor does Grainger accept Giron°s(ac:,;e,s ca.,h,checks, money orders Vise, 1'asterCard and American Express. For cust„uu.rs ivull re,po`~sibt ity for constructio stailatlon antl!o!use of a croduci It is customer's nes!.or_only to revues the produtt Granger r,e:il,payment forms are et thirty(30)daya from the date of shipment or pick-up ill credit app ion and ail applicable ,.s ca ics and regulations for_a.,n relevant jurisdiction to be sure that the consuuc!ion. ddd cl,G ah,ger to on,tcn-t r,Arid in,;bons of such credit.is at Gra nge s sole discretion and may_ iiduced jh_tt err:ion,and/or use nmohv ,the products are cpmT Ltuni. c e tokce by r antger a ar/hrr.e,for or,,,,rcaso° G�ariger resu ves the,right to charge a convenient tar Late pavmants. Of aelger further reserves the right to charge customer a late payment fen At the rate of one and one-half 0. PRODUCT INFORMATION percent{1 "2%)of the amour(due,for each month or portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid,of such 1. Catalog/Website Information, amount as may be per lit alf under applicable law. Anticipation and cash discounts are not allowed. E,jiho orders Grainger reserves the right to correct publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its websltes. Product depictions in the are sobpct fp special export payment tarots and conditions. All payrgeCts must he.made in U.S.dollars. Grainger catalpa or vredsues are ipr illuslralive purposes only. Possession dt,or access to.any Grainger catalog,literature or shall hat a the onto of sct-off and deduction fnr any Scots owed by customer to Grainger. if customer fails to make v:ebsites does not constitute the night to purchase products. payment,whin truly(30)days of shipment or prck up.or tails to comply with Graingers credit terns,or fails to 2. Product Substitution. acequai.®a.su ance Of ful!pe mfff area in Grainger vdthin a reasonable time after requested by Gringo(such P eructs land country of o(lgnrt may be subsf)hned arid mav not be identical to catalog or t.%ebs,pe jtubhshed cnl.as s,.cin ill Gram,) r u raque.I.Grainget pay,refer shipments until such payment or cornpi:ar ce is made, de,,. Ifi ions and/or images. ,r;,%casrl .n advanc m,for.:r,`o tier shgpl bent dtr antl imrn date pays era of all announfs then m t..:iect to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA")Hazardous Substance. l :lie r,.0.,.t10.1 aaidi ( oiling Hear.,,,In h r.0_attorneys fees aml tow antl all other associate,.;cuse of M Irt�a.Safety Data Sheets(N°SH>")for OSHA defined hiilar„r,us surstances a r pepared and supC ked 1)9 the ,.c'. iwr) 2t rr cpeon co c_'aft or any pail of an uhs;ipo.3d order. menu a curers. GRAINGER r,+KES NO WARRANTI,S AND EYPRESSCy DISLLAIMS ALI LIAB.LIT`/ "0 ANY CUSTUNIER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURArf OF IRE INFORtviAJION OR THE SHJTABiLIPt OF THE C..�,ne• in assume esconsiNfiv for.and ,ustonlar her2bv unconditionally guarantees payment ef,as RFCOIAMErvDAT10NS 1x1 ANY MSDS.CUSTOMER IS SOIL re"RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY n LIANCE 0,14 OR USE OF Aif r' F:o!p,;d -.a purchases made by.,cam?,nee.ns subs'dianes at d zb1l„tee Each of customer s sutlsldiarias and IN ORIOAT ION.AND FOR USE OR APPI CATION OF ANY t RODL iCT af{riiates purchasing from Grainger will be lointly ano severally lure for purchases•,-Jill customer,and customer is 4. MSOS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. j3"At tot si ch subsidies re o risp'S and A list of Propoiobon S5 products Pr„ata iiaopt,r)ar tile;;eca1 Graml a is.lit,b --nt,3ConV Grarrr7et r.Credil Balance. Dept.B1157.Alto. Ervnonmen a Health and Safety Dept.,100 Grainger Parkway Laiie'oast,r 50045-5201 U S Cu,to rre agfies that ar t c eflit nalanCe(s)usued ov Graingern,r-be afoll.led to z,.stonle s Account (u)t y calling Grainger's MSDS Request Line at 1-877-2P,6 9862 or(iv)by ogging rr,to,lr ar-gia,nger.cooi and MW lit or !I)sear of t,LSosr ce. IF GUg1TOg4ER HAS NOT REQUEST ED T tE(;P.EDIT BALANCE VVITHIN ONE(Y( all - on tyre"Resources"t ,ai 4hi,>Top of the page. TEAR.ANY REMAINING C HEM`BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED. AND GRANGER SHALL HAVE°dC FURTHER 5. important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. I_IAHILITY. While,a9 products pried on_SA Advartarge,,)meet the re-,ri_­nents at uhf; Eat�: A g_e netts ACT(TAA`.as rip loTented by Federal AtquiSd=on Regulations Part 25. other products sold by Graioger real not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY regairenlnns At the time of purchase,Grainger will advise customers with proper Idootificabon as an authonzed Pricer,stated are FO B.origin frrlight p_u,; .e,d6stmadon specified i^the order.Grainger charges a stepping and ar lb Jule customer taint er or not a oroouct Is'TAA-com,lani.Any federal customer purchasing a non`AA iteon will handiono le _which includes meinat han-4-g, related costs)on ea„h.order which is applied at defile of order and '3e maw ny An`open marker'pu.__as.that is not covered by Any tacuracL Federal customers are a--'sed that Ina open e , renecc d en curitorriers invoice Rccerpts-ct,tipping Brad handling charges viiii not be furnished_ Grainger ger covers market purchases are NOT GSA cc wine purchases.97 pc rnahng any product on the can market. the cu hpmer sh ppi ry and I,rdhng for m u:.id ground d.,-eery to,orders over US S 500 baf=re tax and freight{inn,udki g any pack re, ,stints that t has Authority to thane,such purchase and his complied with all applicable pre cerement reblauons. c c:;r's) C 0.i sinjhmenp;il,,j u.t porn r I.0-,terms and eondinons may apply for other thah starch-o deibeery 6. ARRA Orders. 1 U l: rriaoq_ 5._z cos 1 nL ql it,^il ou.'nulahcu ,,;oohed s,,.ne Jay de I,ery.air freight,`-eight ccuei:i,export It is ih),loiorner s responsioim;to Advise Grainger vjh ,its order is funded i I tt y mart by funds from cur elatad old,r,, c_ar,•u. als,t +'liner r shipments outside the C0rhguoas U.S.,or other special haflohng by tile, in I:ot-,"mar Reinie_.ncit'. a R,ecnvery Act('AREA'-) r, i..r)coy„- as nruti err'O lur,relphl 5 rice,uoist be pale ry cus_)Ten,Fuel surcharges pray be ac,.i,d.Title i.Puh. NO f11-5)lice_,Stimulus utds). Upon request,Yeinger:vill provide country tf a^gr..irforrnaflon so that p irk din-�,.acs to cusionl'ol upon tender of shipment to the carne(, t the product is damaged in transit_customer's cusloll)er may determine c. r,.'iance with any appl,ca le-s_dremants under ARRA S,t i_,t 1600 or any color Only rd Gnu use f5 tC i',le a uIrnin With the ca,r"r. applicable(egll atidn5. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL P ODLICTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO C;S-OMERS FOP.: (i)RESALE,OR(u)USE IN Goor=ger shad not be hable,for n%' 1..a,fl,or impe rn a t,OT, uflnapce resulting ill,who e.pr it part from any lone RJSIh,cSS GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINA: EOUIPM'ENT MANCFACT,"RE. G8A;NGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS mil.sr,c tent,incwd ng IlLnoun iiniiicu to acts of God,labor disminfons,acts of ev;u,outs ofletr- m(w;ethe;r aqua, la?A.rvST DELEC`S IN MATERIALS AND r,OPKVIANSHH'UNDER NORMIAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF Ot=E f i)YEAR u ,l., ed).governmenlrc dl a<.e_of offbills.insuvrevions,.epiderucs quanarl es ,.lonages comnnumcanoa or L,E DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER,UNLESS OTHERWISE 51A'iEO. PROVIDED TFIA7',xt.IP7G6R gn. -:;ores.`'re accident cAros p„in'abilot)td proer .-ship productorobtei-)p..rmits and tieenses i"ahi it;to AGCi.PTS .HE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD-GRAINGER MAY AT ITS p nicer_supplies or race n,a ter'-s;,.,vere weather cond"no,ns arastrophic events..-Airy other rrcurns Ice x cause O?TION: ill REPAIR,Ili)REPLACE OR ti,i)REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER CUSTOMER MUST be;-,'.d the reasonable control of G-t i ng:r in the conduct of ds bas=ess. RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCAT'.ON AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER.SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID, GRAINGER'$REPAIR, REPLACEMENT.OR REFUND OF Customer will hold harmless add indeninifv Grainger,its officers,directors,employees.agents,subcontractors or AMOUNTS-Alf)BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT SHALL BE CUSTOMER S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. representotrves Loin and against any And All claims-including bodily injure death,or damage to personal pr'opertf,and all ether losses.habr6bes.obiigatiops_demands,actions and axnansas,cdhether direct or indirect.known or unkiii 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute or contingent,uncw'red by Gralhgar related to the performance of servicrs for customer including without a.NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OTHER'HAN,AS SET FORTH N 1 HE L`MITED Ii! ,uivr,settlement cost aahwneys,tees and anq au d,I,ct e,expanses for d.ft id g a-ry actions of threatened WAHRAtiT-/STATEMENT ABOVE-IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER ANY a,._cnl'.„!sing out.of,in cat„L of in part,any set or ln,Oslo l.of customer,its entf i /a s.agents-subcontractors or PBiC `r FOR CLAIMS A.3iSING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE.'x6PROPFF iltODUCT SELEC-lON ;4PROPER re -rr Wpaes. ",STALLAT?Ord PRODUCT MOD-IC.i:Tf011, MISHEPAIR DR oIS.APPJ.-CF.flON. GRAINGER EXPR SSLY 3. Cananitahon. DISCL?'4.S ANY VdARRAN fY THAT TjfE PRGDUCTS- (n AR- aERF HANTABI E lip FI1'FORA PA s!C.1LAR. A. F -,;>..,r,f„r can cliaho.s _u„t he approved oy G;R;hlo,,r,Aim may oc suhjecr.to restud.`-,fees and other charges PURPOSE.OR per)00 NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S itTELLECFUAL PROPERTY R!Cji S. 4. Product Return. h GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANT-ES TO `HOSE DEFINED AS ';jfa>UMERS IPJ 1HE MAGNUSO;IwOSS Pc.: .t,rnsrms:be rna-t7_ �; rr die!;)tear from dot _ a-�re:,ase apices ollne rl.,r, i�d.Customershou.d r_ WARRAti' ,z0tRAL TRADE GOf/t:r.:.t..--.{iMPROVEEMEN T ACT c.,"lip load Grainger biancn, so to Iran gecco m.oo, rstructrons. Returned S prod,,fieusi bp ti o gn•a4 pusc4 o!v J,,myc�d-via;i;saleab!'i"e:1d,;on. Proof(;t o"Gna:;e iti rc.c uireti err at"cdsa s 3. UNITIATiON OF LfABILIIY. -" �ItC:EP RE-S! D SC uAiMS ANY- ABfli T'FOR CONSEQUENTIAL,-viii DENTAL SPEC-At,Fa r.cACY -ex6T SALES r PiJifi S GilAiNGER S JABhUTV IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIM11"ED TG AND c101 0 i",s,hil expof!S +rtes a, .t.lhtl terms s„r rd,tioh,liqfln�a!wwc grainQe com.and,can be oy c 6 ill( ;rC ED. ,{C 2JRL'HAST."R CE PA J 0: E Pr90DJCT ThAT G -_S 2tS1.T('.AN i LIABILITI'. jam' ,,its.err Sal iir�k A FUi i STATEMENT OF GRAINGER'S TERMS^r'O I`1 [10 NS 1S AVAILARLtz 0p)www.4rainyeccom AN,C S ;JRPOR,a ED B°'REFERENCE. ZE ® PAGE 1 OF 1 • GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 882880529 INVOICE NUMBER 9051844471 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 01/28/2013 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-1017 DUE DATE 02/27/2013 GO www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 193.52 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: IA012513C in the description section CALLER: JAMES ALFORD — BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2400 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218588124 — MDG2013 00031680 1 MB 0405 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN 11111'11111"lllll�Illllllllllll'll'll'lll'll'll'll"II'llll'll'I CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317-842-2497 kk • • • — ORDE RED The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 5WG70 RESTRAINT LANYARD,6 FT.,310 LB,POLYESTER 4 48.38 193.52 MANUFACTURER#T9111W/6FTAF NUMBER OF PKGS 0 WEIGHT:7.00 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 193.52 DATE SHIPPED:01/28/2013 These items are-sold for domestic consurnplion in the United Slates. If exported,purchaser assum6s full - -— -- responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 193.52 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1, Wh flosale Only. Bh of roirmfg any rodsct eu;Iollwr Shari_ (i)avid'or f,a that local L.-io Ter hunch from which 11) pwOuct vlas W .Granger Inc ('Grainger i sails products for I?samosa use Li CUSICM s wich pnipe 1 uasiIf as.,,d.n fit i cat lon, pure,rased;(ii)in the case of an intrane.t ofa.r,coma_-_,w+a_graingercom and pro id f tha date ih.or'g:,al In•;oice 11hiCh is regoned from ail customers prior to purchase. number.the stock number,and a description of the da`cet or(iii)call Customer Care at 1.888-361-8649,and provide 2. Prices. the date,the original Invoice ndnfber,the stock numbar,and a description of the lfefret. Proof of purchasers reoulred Pll�,ls Listed are vhoiusai°do rust include fre-gai.1:allcl fees fares ano'or du iris,and ate subject to c mi:fon or in a.aces, change without nohca. Market sensitive commodny products'.if be priced arcording to cut!ent market conditions. 5- Manufacturer's Warranty. Gusfnrne.r should contac'the lrac9i Grautge!branch o-~hack online at Lv.vw,gramger.com for Current pricing E,p,tit For rte r.nauo l all a speci`m mrant,racturer r+ana iiy.please Contact the!Goal Grar idler hranch or call Customer Care old:Ys may Da subject to orhr r:pedal prir-ing. r.ser-arias the rign<to accept dr rel ct acy order. 1 d88 361-3649. 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Customer'are tespofl:;bl2 for payment of all applicable.state and kcal taxes.or for prov'drrg a ve0id sales tax Ju sri d dn9 have va,ring aws,;(es and reouiation,governing i :a construcuen msi I icon,and/fir use of protluc[s for e anphon certificate-Whom p acing an urea;,cu stw sr l hat n.c elite when pwdll its are tax exenIDf a particular purpose cefli a pn,Jurts may not be.Ivaitabfa for sale in all area:. Graff Eger does not qi aianiee 4. Payment and Credit Terms. compliance or suitability of the products it sells wait!~any lacre,codes at regulations,nor does Grainger acceof G-ginger accepts rasa,checks, money orders Visa Mastn•Card and Amencan Express For cusion ers with responsibtlovfor cons'facuon,installation--nd/or use of a product It is cusomer's r s tonsdolkty to review the product ,;.d,bhshud Grainger credit ix,vrnedt terms are°et TLiity(3C)days ion.the dale df shipment or pick-up. All credit apple ihfw a„d all applicable avls codes and iegulanons for each relevant,unst irhor to be sure that Te c-nnstlu Lllu f, ;~tended by Grainger to ccston ei goo the omits of such credit is at Gratreers s,lr tliscratien,and may be reduced in It la;on a ld/of use involving fha products are cofnpinnt. or revoked by Grainger at any time,to any mason_ Grainger reserves ilia right to charge a convenience tee for late p<iytnents. Grainger bather reserves lire right to charge customer a late payment fee at the rate of one and one-half 0. PRODUCT INFORMATION t-i,r7.nf(i 1/21,)of tic aorul'i f due for each momF portion Ihereot that tho amount one refoains unp�id,w s Ir,h 1- Catalog/Weil Information. amount as may be G'rin'ned unuer applicable u,', Arftcipaucn and cash discounts are not allowed. Ex.dort Order, Gf al.g-r reserves the right to coast publishing errors in Its carelogs or any of its_.rv:.i.es rrucl Cecil,flora in the are subjecr_d Special export payment terms and conditions. All payments most ea made it,,U_S.dollars. Grainger calf og or vweosites are for illrs,raive,purposes only. Pussess•cn ot.or access to any Grainger Cataldg.literature or :tall h'ade the right of s.l off c ui dcriuchola lot any,uns Owed by customer to Graingac h customer fail,:to mike viii ;Ls does not con s'itcte hh,3 ight to purchase products. payment within thirty 01 tiav-<of shipment or pick-up,or fails to ecmpty sift Grainger's credit terms,or falls to 2. Product Substitution. supply adequate assurance of full performance to Grainger-.-,,,thin a reasonable time after requested by Grainger lsach Products(and country of origin)may he Subshtutad and may not be rdenthcat to catalog or we.bsila published n-u;as sp cified in Gr Ingt,r s fenoestl Gannger-uy defer shipments onhl such payment or cornphance is made, descriptions and'or images- le,quire wsh:n adva.c.:fn:any further s^ipmerrts nand immediate payment of all amounts then ow,J i,cu-to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA")Hazardous Substance. ufoStle r.,u(ecton action(induainq sithouf timll nwrn:/>rags arid any and all other associated costs of Material Safety Data Sheets t"IMISDS)for OSHA daGned tazarddus sucsiances-re tlrefiarcd and;unpl,ed t, �ilt -,-srtlon- and/or,nay,at i'a option,caned ail or-n/part of an unshipped order manufacturers- GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL. e'ARIL`Y TO ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH PFc PECT 1'0 THE ACC!IRACY OF TIHE INFORMATION OR TH1 SU?AB f_f1Y Or'rc Cssiomer ag eels to a,%,ra e rFspoosi r-p for,an;l Customer he,eb;,enw td Cann!y guarantees pal"mr t of as RECJMMETIDATIONS IN ANY .1:DS.CUS T OMER IS GOLcL-RFSPOP,SIBi E FOR AN,'RLL A NCE ON OR USE OF ANY ,:rev Ued 1"arert all pur.N awes r add.by ci,fzmlnel,u,Sah,idle x and of -etas. Each of Bust:n In s surIsroiaries and INFORMATION,AND FOR USE OR APPLICP !ON 0 r,:Y PR0.UCT laces purchasing fl-lilt C n.nger a;i ire Inmtly,w", f;rt lly liable to-,»frha nth customer and:ustomer is 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. acting as agent'o s..ch,lure"than is and alt Tigre s. M,.J„',fill f list of Pro},csitmn 6o t mduins are a fahlable (o)a t'_he local Gnmyr,brooch.(u)by coinac mo Gw,w,,r 5. Credit Balance. Dept.RtL57,Ano Environmental Health and Safety Dept.100 Grainger Parkway,Lake Fora_=t.It 60045-5201 L'.S_, Customer agrees that,n,Cwth:.aiun0a(si issued by Glamgarvat noaprr ef110;uS[C�ma:'s acC-ount (i)by c<dhrg Graingers MSDS Request..ilia At 1-877-286 9360;or(v)by logging on td enrrc9rarnge!-corn and within one(1)year of,cis issuance. IF C„STOMER HAS NOT REOUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WIT H,N ONE(1) cf-r':u)on the Resources tat al the top of the page. YEAR,ANY REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL HE CANCELLED,AND GRANGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. LIABILITY. Whine all product=_listed on GSA Advantacir,10 meet the requirements of the Tradc Agreements Aci f"TA,A'j.as imp4miented by Federal Acgmshion Regulations P;,;t 25, other products sold by Grainger may rot meet the R- FREIGHT POLICY iequi%melnS. At the time of purchase.Grainger;viii advise customers vi th prupe,identification as an authon.-d Prices stated are TOO-o.igm,f-;ghi predard to dcsmaoon specuied In Ina order,Grainger charges a shipping and schedife,Customer I;other or note product is TAA.-c3mplianC Aliyfeearal customer pwehasinga non-TAA!rem.rill ht:;llnq fe'a(which moll-re s tl,.-il nardlie,g and felaterl.os.)on each order n/d_n!is applied at~tote of order and b-1 lialw g an`open in.rket"p lmiMse that is sot covered f any ro nract.Federal c ,rdmen are advised tin:..the open aflacted on customer's In u C", .!Ceipts for snip:"a and hanOinq charges will not be furn',nad. Goan qe .w,efs f Y f pinchises are NOT C.,1_cnedde a°trcri By purrh sing any product ,n rice open,market, he en°tomer shipping and handling for standard'round ocdney fof orocis over US S1500 before tax and freight(including any back represents that it nas author^v to make such purchase and has complied with all applicable procurament regulations orders).C.O.D shipment-ore not pernutted Other terms and conditions niay apply for other than standard delivery, 6. ARRA Orders. Prialgh,Sen cac, i tai ir.f�unthu a:imdntfoi e.(cdited same day delis r,.a6k height freight cc le.f.export 11',tl e r u,tomers respn^s.I lity to advise Grlornqer r;htl,her this order is f,mded vw part by funds nin or velated ors"r.,,bazatkus rnatemrs cusror.er s canner,sh pr e,s outside!no contiguous 1-S-.or other special handling by the to the Amenra°.n R t refestrner t an,.,Recovery Act('ARRA.') ct.rrie.,Any rho gets incurred for Orher Fielfrihi Services_ .ut he paid by custcme- Fuel suichzrgas•nay be applieu.Title (Pus L.No.1 1 1-5)(e.Shnuwfs Funosj- Upon ieq,.ast,Grainger wi,provide co,,il r of o,win ad?rmatien so that rucl r sk of Ids"pass to rnston.nrran larger it _t to the carder.Italia pnfdoct is(larnaged in Transit,Cuslonlers cuts-,n,r may,deserm ce co,np!ance%vith any app irat.lc.c.,,i'manta order ARRA Section 1605 or any„!her only recourse is to tipe a c-lafn:v;lTi the carrier_ apolicable regolauons- C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeare- ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONC[TO CUSTOMERS FOR: (r)RESALE:OR lilt USE IN Graar.ger shall not be liable for any delap in,or impairment of,performance rasutbng In whole or In part iron any force EUSINESS GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT lVA.NUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS ;na;eure event,mcluc irg but not limited to -s of God.labor disroptions,acts of wal.arts of terrorism(:.tether actual AGAINST DEFECTS IN MAIER ALS AND V'/ORKMA,SHIP TINDER NORMAL'JSE FOR A PERIOD OF OML(~)'TEAR or aaufnzdi,goven r-antal Ce ree.;or controls,insurr tions,aTardenr c.s.quawlti .s,shortages rontoituvoation or AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED- PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER pO u�r failures,fire,accident,expms oll loafing to o;^rura or ship product or obta t-hermits and licenses nab r!ty to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE UMITEO WARRANTY PERIOD,GRAINGER MAY,AT ITS procue sudp0es cr raw rnateriais.severe t�rcather renditions.catasirophrc events,cr soy other circumstance or cause OPTION: (i)REPAIR:Ili)REPLACE,OR(ill)REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER_CUSTOMER!MUST beyoro the reasonable control of Grainger`t the emtda,r of its business- RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION,AS 2. Grdfnger's Performance df Services. DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER,SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER S REPAIR. REPLACEMENT,OR REFUND OF Customer will laid harmless and indemnify Grainger its officers,directors.employees,agents.subcoavactors or AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT,SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEO`i_ ran.- .,fit Ives from and against any and ail claims including bodily inierq,death or damage I, property.and ail ntt,r leases IIahII.ifs,obl stuns,dema•fds actions and erpenseS vu..,liar du a of indirect,knot=,,or unknown, 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute or contingent.ineuned by Grainger ralafad to the performance of services for rustcmei(including viftho%i1 a.NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED limitation.setllement costs.andmeys'"few,and any and alt other expenses for defending any actions or threatened 'ALARRAN'Y STA I tMENT ABOVE, IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAIN(.,ER. GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY sot 5:.$)elision out of,in who t cr in part.any act or do iss:or-at customer its an:"-oyes agents submontractors of LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE,IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION.IMPROPER rapresentai'r:as. INSTALUATION, PRODUCT MODIFICATION- MISREPAIk OR MISAPPLICATION. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellation. OISCLA MS ANY AARR1NT'Y'FIAT THE PR00.�.I S (I).-,RIF MERCHANTABLE, (ii) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR Ali product errier.ar.,cliat fins f List be ap„r fed by CIa inner and miry be subject to restocking fees and other U amen PURPOSE;OR fiii)DO NOT AND+A9U_NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S IN ELLECi't-AL PROPERT`!RIGHTS- 4, Product Honda. b. GRAINGER MA-...S NO WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSON MOSS Product rat.;rns must he made w,_Im one III(ear iinon date of pt rcnase.unless ci^,:.t ise inNCaetl.Cucton er, oafd WARRANT-!=FEDE,RA_IRADr COMMISSION Ir IPROVEMErr-ACT. crl ire loci Ghamge horn,,of go to vw t grawccr ri m_Tcr Instructions Rei_rnrd prodi;c,linos;ba Ili c-.ylnal rim f.-i�.u,t„iu ru u i a,uay. an(I of sa .,.v.for uiw'n Proof of p ,-aa_e rt all sae. 3. LIMITATION DF LIABILITY. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUEPITIAL,INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL.EX,EP,IPLARY. F. EXPORT SALES OR PUMi.VF LAMA.G S Gts11GFRS,'ABIL;,Y T\1 A;1 CIRCUMS;APICES IS UA^ITE;TO AMID SHALI MOT Orrr"fore..portsal, r."c.isi�.,r!_t atcr ,"or' ila ict!ra' frfv_ringerc�n anJCahh"ace�,.-:a b,i, krrr FXC-ED Ti . it?r:Y LABiI fY iJ ! .� I . o -.'rots,r o2.e rip .r.,., n-r,�r.fr.,,r fir nnn,fnrnr�rnnfn olio non.:�rr,nn,r:r fir tin„n.n.r nn...............:r....�..,...,r.n,.-•.,C rt.r^lt�C:/lCni:fl v:`:aFFCRCn.,f F GRAZNGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 0 r i►e® GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 882880529 INVOICE NUMBER 9051844489 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 01/28/2013 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-1017 DUE DATE 02/27/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 203.91 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: ]A012513A in the description section CALLER: JAMES ALFORD —_ CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2400 BILL TO ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218618271 MDG2013 00031680 1 MB 0405 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317-842-2497 ITIEM • ON • • ••• D. The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 K* 4FFW3 GAUGE,ALTITUDE,4 1/2 IN,15 PSI,35 FT H2O 3 67.97 203.91 MANUFACTURER# P4509LX02F-R NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT.5.16 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 20191 DATE SHIPPED:01/28/2013 -These items are sold fog ddmestc consumption in the United States. If exported;purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 203.91 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Waraniy Product Return. 1. Wholesale Only. Beldre ramming any pro(IUCL Cuslomar shall. (n o he or call nip.local Grainger branch from vyhuch tale proourt�as K Gfainor ern r Gni i I4nr 1 sells,.r_„f or for III us;.less use To si rimers,);tf proper b It si nibs,c Sol fica tion. pu chased.(i)in the case of an •tenet order.contact.n,s,.aunIe..cont and provide the date_Ina Original n✓olee Yfl],Cl1 Is r rflrild rem.-li cuslmne"s Era:to pur01ESe lira he stock number and+descnptior o'the oefa„t or hi)call Customer Care at 1 98a-36r 8649_and prmnde 2. Prices. trip te,the original invoux rn m r r,the Sim number,ind,m descc;iption of the defeat- Proof of Il!chase S r,gmree .c.s Lster[are whohsale rIo not m u.I,fleighl,1a n ling foes;aa„s and/o rh h,.a.�ind are s,: emit or it ,rases. -ems anti-it notice v ttke,seas t ve mmLmodr;Products',III!he,rc,dl..meting to current ma ke. ct,r d'ihons. 5. MannLrclurer's Warranty, (.ie.Imner shncld Contar'Ih,local G"aR`ge'branch it';fleck oflume,at.iwJw g:ainorr co'n for current prlchrg_ Export Fbr 1.Jrnlati0n Jn a specific t*,),17i.fYau!el S 13rranty.pic'.S,c,1 tact the local Grainnger branch or call Customer Care orders may be subpecf to other speci at pricing. Grainger reserves the right to accept or reject ally order - m-888-361-8619. 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Customer's are rsponsible Im pay"im of ail applicable state and local taxes.or for providing a va rd sales tax de!ions have varving taws,_cdel-cod reguia lions govermng construction,insialro.tion,andvor use of products for exerph^o ceh`icae, 'Wile placing an Or;ae.;customer Shall indicate%.nuh products are tax exem;,t a parrcu'ar purpose Certain products Tray not he a.aila;mi_for safe in all areas. Gra nT,er does not guarantee 4. Payment and Credit Teens. conrpiiance or suitability et the products it sells with any laws.codes or regulations,nor does Graingar accept !,,aiilgar ac".,ePTS °ash them],,;. rnunc7 :order.; Visa. AaslerCard �.nd American Egprass For ccs,or.er., ;Ili ;esrrc r;biiity lot conshucuo.,i sta t mart and of use of a prnduct.f is custmrer's r sptrsitelt_v to re.,es dine producm ,(ut rsll d G!aoi R,r Credit i ayment r_r os are not fhirty(30)days from fi dale,of shipment or pick.-up. All credit app,ca'.on and ail app imbue ii a",, Lies and iepluiahun,I(,, to be aura Thai the conshuction, er deer by a.lger to cu w nee and The limits of Such credit.is (Grainger,tole discretion.and Tat :mir:ud ir.J tiui:r i and/or us.InmmCvir;,he prraducls vie comT,lent. .;i G4Ted 9y Giemlgel A anv tone.for any Tta ml C+lainget reserves tee ri-jtl tL charge a corivemencar fee ruf Rafe ,r,,,n i, Grainger tutther reserves the Tigrl to cr.arge c.slome rate pay Aem lee at file rate or nna and one'calf D- PRODUCT INFORMATION percant(1-1,2Lcc of the amount due Tor,each month or portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid,or such 1. Caiaiog/Website Information. amount as-la-cc permitted under anpL'ac e lav- Anticipation alit discounts are not allowed. Export orders G a:%gee reserves the right to :-st publishing errors in its ch.logs or any of-ts.e%bsues. Product oatections in the are s„o;..T!.o oac-ial export paymem ferns and conditions. All payntar5 must be made+n U-S.dollars. Grainger catalog or vyebsites are for illustrative purposes only Possessor of,or access to any C.ainge-ca""log,literature or stall nava 1fitz light of set-off and denuction'to,,any sums owed by vs_omer to Gmindec if customer tans to make i+.ebsi[es does not constitute the rigid,purchese products. -i 'him,{30)days of,h p-e-t or pick-up or fails to c-tnply with Grainger s credit Terms or tails to 2. Product Substitution. st pply a:.l;are assurance of tuil perfrrmi2r,•e to C„ gee ivdhill a reasoliable,U e after requested by Grainger(Such P o;.rots(and cdunry,of 0,i[i may be lh bst nhild arm,r.a, not be dent,cai it,catalog or wensae published m e as 3F,son Gr m GrmI)g",I3;regifes6,C raInger may defer shipr Ile hts v ill l.,uGh payment r cc ill p'ai rte I:made, and/or nnagus- i ,,,Sri jil advantr,for wn,fulut ;i',1-nom, n:m2md Immediate loctment o!all amounts thee.oiv,c 0,,,t to 3, Occuprrtionai Safety and Health Administration("OSHA')Hazardous Stmstance, p„rile ci,. "..lion WI udinn w i o i;i.i.lat o a,tentey ess�!hd airy Lino all other ass i cusis dt N`a-r:!Surety Data Sheets, , S)for OSHA oehiod havcrdous substances air:(spared and supplied by the .a .c'tur.l tliar may a1 is option h.,, tr,/part M ai „m tip,'d order. n a i artusers. GRAINGER AF'cs NO WARRAN'flr:,; AND EX"RESSLY OISCI-AIN1S ALL LIABILITY T'0 AN', CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY GE THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE CuUome "y e,j assn m. lor,and r„stomer he rut alicondumtliv guarantees pav'^art of.a� R^Ct!`fM1dffdDATIONS IN ANY,,,SDS-CUSTOMER IS SOr ELY .I-SPONS B'EFOR AFrY 7ELIaNC.ON OR USE OF ANY F"daded,,,r.,r u l purchase:nir'c / ._".,n6i.us'subs dear,,,and a-_.atds_ Facli of customers sic,;id ar.es'and HNFORMATION,AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION 0'-ANY PRODUCT af4pa6;s purchasing from Grainger wni ne foimH;and severally liaole for rr Irchasrs with customer,and costoma(is 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. a,oT,m td 'u f)si.asidra•r_, d initiates. MS`,S and a list of Proposition o,oducts are avala,e ,;;I it ite local Graingar 7raodi tai v;conracuno Graingar 5, Credit Balance. D gt.d1157,Attn: Eimuonrnp ri Health antl Safety U fit Gfamger Parkway Q Forest, IL 60045-52(]1 U S.- C'u,t_Ief )ir.,ca that ally r t ii oaiarice(s;issued b;"Grainger mil l'�„app'.ed to resuamet•s account (i r i calling Gf i niter's MSDS Iq�.es!i L ire at 1-877 26C,-9866 or(iv)by loggin i Oil ro vin,grawnef.coill ant nvtluc one 1)year of Its ;;uaIwe. IT CUSTOMER HAS NOT REO,E;TEO THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIfv(;NE 111 milli, ry on the flesourres' , a be top of the page. r eAF_Anti HLMMNINL GREDI T BALANCE Vitt c BE CANGELLEO AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FUP'FHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. I_IASILf" VV!tifs all products listed on i,SA.Adv:unageUv meet ilia requirements of the Trade Agreement Fict("TAA') as unpieweuted by Fedaral Acguisiimn Regulations Part 25 other products sold by Grainger may"not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY f,iquoumeots At t11e flue of ow,;fase,Grainger will advise customers with proper Identific2tion as an authorized Prices staled are=0 C origin,height of ep:m to destination specified in the older.Grainger cilwyes a shipping and .,!edu e customer.vi emer o not a product s"FAA cornii i o. Arry federal customer purcfa,ino a non-TAA item will nandlmq fee(which"ncmoes internal hoindling a-id related costs)on,each order w inich is applied at tmie In and TIP making in open market'ourcnase.that is not coveted by any cent:act Federal customers are advised teat tha open reflected on cusomers Invoice. riacetpfs fmr shipping find handling charges aiil not he furnished- 6raiuyer covers nlarb.at purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases-By purchasing any product on the opefi market,the customer tit mI.r g aid hanoling for clandard glor .deh.eri ior ordeis over US 51500 before tax and freight fu cludi nq any back n euants that it has authonty t;- lar",such•purct asc In I4 hill;c„mplied with all appiicab e pros"-fit regulatioll- wdcs)_(.0 D;hlpmerts N,, ,)t peen t..,_Odh,ritimis rod conditions^rat'ai;pby for other than starittaid deiivalry 6. ARRA Orders. Idwr 1 neig[.,..;,r;i."s"1 r u:imq nut r wll l ion.ex„edrred Satre ,-,_y drho try,air freight,frei;h',cc r i xpori it Ii ^.uslome.rs respon sir" t:r w fid>rse Grainger cdf.,I r,-,his cider;ft.nded in;illy Dar-,!v fends from Of related of 1t r$ h'l"ardou.m„eiiaL,_c,i;fait of S a..I-r shirr*lent;ordside the contiguous-3-of outer special F,i:. II g ,J the I, -Amr,.f Can Rern'veshm,,,If„-d ,,cevefy Act('ARRA) carne ,,ny c",a us r acrid our 0thc-tr.�::a,.-.ices must be paid b;cos-tamer Frei surcharges may i,u applied.1 ode (Pun. No.111-51 It e..Sum t u:-Fun(IS)- Upon regal,t,Craimgef',rill provide country of origin information so that and osa of irks pass to cusmrner upon fell Jei of shipment to the carrier if the product is damaged in translt f vsto^mar's c sto .r need datefoune coup wl?e with any app_i'a,a raqulrements finder ARRA Saciion 1605 or any other onk,rr;course is to fife a claim vnth the carrier_ oul)" IC legulafro(Is C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMI fED WARRANTY. 1. Farce Majeure. Ali-PRODJCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED RY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR It)RESAL-DP()USE IN Gainger shall nor be babe for a y.-_u,i in.or impanill'!nt r_Derdormance Fesulbint Ill whole or in part from any ime. 9L.S kSS. GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EOUIPMFNT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS a}.OG;7CTS im afi.v,event in;lurbmq but lot ,o acts of God,abot d,Srupiwns acts of war,a.s of ie ruosm(whether arluai A�wVNS)DrFECTS N MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL usf:TOP A PERIOD OF O IE i YEAR of r;tenet).goverrmenvi of controls insure fr°s,epidemics,quaranti,'s,shortages,communication or Arl,r R THE„ATE Or PURCHASE TROM GRAINGER.UNLESS OTHERWISE GTAfED. PROVIDED THAI GRAINGER s ,v..,(a lutes,Tiir: accident r s :oslo L mn5ihty to port r,o:c ip product or obtain;,.,n ills and li Bn3es.ioaoility to ACCcPTS`HE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD.GRAINGER 4tiA'r',AT IT$ ,Lie,supplies or ray,maeo a_,severe weather cond Bolls.catastrophic events.)I any Other CIrTURIStanCe Or cause OPTION, '-)REPAIR;Fit REPLA;,_ 0,'fill)REFUND"I HF AMOUNi PAID BY CUSTOMER.GUSTO'1ER FAUST heyono the reasonablecontr <(,.aingerintheconductof-tsa;f_mass RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANC^OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION,AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGNATED SY GRAINGER,SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR_ REPLACEMENT,OR REFUND OF Customer will hold harmless and rr demnuy Grainger,its ofucers,directors,employees.ag=,rs-subcontractors or AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT,SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY 2prsentatives from and against ally and all claims.including hodby injury,death.or damage to personal property,and ai!other fusses,liabilities,obligations.demands,actions and expenses.whether direct orins rest knoxn or unknown. 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. ahseiufe or contingent.incurred cy Grainger related to the narformance of services for customer(including Without e NO WARRANTY OR Arles PrAAT;ON OF FACT.EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED rni,Fi,im.settlement cosis-alt„m rys'fees,and any and al,ogler expenses ior dr fr ntling app actions or threatened WARRANTY STATEMENT AROVE.IS MADE OR AIIIIHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER OlSGIIVMS ANY -s)arsmg out of.in v+ho�Cr in part any act or Ol ISSIOP Dt Eleiaoner its nmplu s_agehts subcontractors or LLABti ITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE,IMPROPLf,PRODUCT SELECTIOrl _7P ROPER :nta6vas. .N,T`lAUATION. PRODUCT MODIFICATION. MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICAr10N. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3-Canc211atien. DISCLAIMS AfY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS- (i)ARE MERCHANTABLE: (ill FIT FOR.A PARTICULAR Pb product under cancelia;,ns riu,t he approved by Gf`qe-and may be subject IT,restriCk ng`eac and other charges. PURPOSE:OR Im)DO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 4. Product Return. h GRr`tiNd,.n FOAKES NO WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE M1,CNUS0N-bAOSS P and ict routine must be fnad. .fr,n me it)year train t e of a!"chase unless othemise ri cared.Customer should WARE t�T- FKDcR91-TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT. rall the local Grainger brans, ,e to mvi',grairgr r mini i_ ustr ovars Rienifned pmouc'local be um anginal pa-.wing.unuseu.unlace t,and m"neanle corm a n. °roar ei et i rat ni ail eves 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. GRWNiGER D.,LLH)r4S" _i;BIL'TY FOR CONSEM EL.!Al-fNl,iDENTAL.SPECIAL,Fh�i/I LAH'i. F. EXPORT SALES 0 UNi un'fP.Gi GRWr ,I fABIL' Y N ALL Ctrl LNIS,AAC"S IS LIMITED rD AND, G1 NOT O _it_:r,p�rt gait.ale s.. T "_! .;terms cenoitw, v_,_Uit.1geret i -rld.„�sseoht ,hrfir,f CC=Ety, _-URCHA�,_4],,C E PAID i i iE PHO i lC,r THAT GIVES RISC.TO AN',LIABILITY. or li Terms at Sale.' ilr. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 01/28/13 9051844471 $193.52 01/28/13 9051844463 $154.17 01/28/13 9051844489 $203.91 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger IN SUM OF $ Dept. 854052008 Palatine, IL 60038-0001 $551.60 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 9051844489 42-370.00 $203.91 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 9051844471 42-370.00 $193.52 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 2201 9051844463 42-370.00 $154.17 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Frida , ebr 08, 2013 0 Street Comm'issio Street (T61mmissioner Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund GRAINGER. PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE "„f GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 5959 W.HOWARD STREET INVOICE NUMBER 9042021056 NILES,IL 60714-4014 01/16/2013 www.grainger.com INVOICE DATE DUE DATE 02/15/2013 AMOUNT DUE $172.26 SHIP TO ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM (C P' '%Tf� MONON CENTER PO NUMBER 29353 1235 Central Park Dr E PROJECT/JOB: MC003731 Carmel IN 46032 JAN 17 2013 REQUISITIONER: MC003731 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6217585576 Py..- INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36.1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-25594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ' ORDERED 1 24E587 HYDRANT PARTS REPAIR KIT 2 86.13 172.26 MANUFACTURER#HPRK-7 Purchase Description P.O.# 3 P r F G.L.# - Budget Line Descr ---c7 Purchaser Date__ Approval Date NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:1.000 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 172.26 DATE SHIPPED:01/1612013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z6533410387731749 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $172.26 GRAZNGER.` PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE /1I9m 847517521 8211 BAVARIA ROAD GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER MACEDONIA,OH 44056-2259 INVOICE NUMBER 9049118020 www.grainger.com INVOICE DATE 01/24/2013 JAN 2 5 2013 DUE DATE 02/23/2013 AMOUNT DUE $301.42 SHIP TO ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PO NUMBER 29378 1427 E 116th St PROJECT/JOB: M000879 Carmel IN 46032 , REQUISITIONER: M000879 CALLER: DAWN R CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 4026 �'1rCh2S9 E-RMELIVERYM 6218306807 �}.>3G1'ipt+Ofiag3�� If Qr1 R FOB ORIGIN BILL TO P•O CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECRE�k.JI S ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE ' 1411 E 116TH ST �UC1oet CARMEL IN 46032 t in2 Gescr CatpHAhW ypU, Purchaser—� Gate— roval FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 }ern FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-2594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 1 5LE25 BATTERY,AAA,ALKALINE,PK 24 1 5.13 5.13 MANUFACTURER#PC2400BKD 2 5LE24 BATTERY,9V,ALKALINE,PK 12 1 28.53 28.53 MANUFACTURER#PC16048KD 3 5LE23 BATTERY,AA,ALKALINE,PK 24 2 5.15 10.30 MANUFACTURER#PC1500BKD 4 3U593 PREPRINTED BOTTLE,32 OZ.,WHITE 2 0.58 1.16 MANUFACTURER#3U593 5 1CH72 TRIGGER SPRAYER,9-1/4 IN. L,GRAY 2 1.02 2.04 MANUFACTURER#110550 6 6JD46 DUCT TAPE,LENGTH 55M 5 2.53 12.65 MANUFACTURER#394 7 6A982 BUNGEE CORD,HOOK,24 IN.L,RED 6 3.54 21.24 MANUFACTURER#PC24R 8 6A977 BUNGEE CORD,HOOK,18 IN.L,BLUE 6 3.21 19.26 MANUFACTURER#PC186L 9 4A803 RETRACTABLE UTILITY KNIFE,3 BLADES 3 3.19 9.57 MANUFACTURER#10-099 10 3UP49 TRASH GRABBER,36 IN,SQUEEZE 2 35.47 70.94 MANUFACTURER#NN900 11 6FGZ8 TRAFFIC CONE,281N,FLUORESCENT RED/ORANG 10 10.48 104.80 MANUFACTURER#6FGZ8 12 31-1499 CLEANER DEGREASER,BOTTLE,SASSAFRAS 1 15.80 15.80 MANUFACTURER#13005 NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT: INVOICE SUB TOTAL 301.42 DATE SHIPPED:01124/2013 CARRIER:PITT OHIO EXPRESS LTL TRACKING NO:40560229597 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days-PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $301.42 PAGE 1 GRAINGER, ORIGINAL INVOICE I I II® GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 9052 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE NUMBER INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46256-1017 INVOICE DATE 01/299/2013/2013 www.grainger.com DUE DATE 02/28/2013 REC I".TF,D AMOUNT DUE $43.80 SHIP TO ATTN:DAWN KOEPPER PO NUMBER 29378 CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC JAN 3 0 2013 PROJECT/JOB: 29378 1411 E 116TH ST REQUISITIONER: DAWN KOEPPER CARMEL IN 46032-7611 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER - —_ – CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6218572056 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317-842-2497 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL ORDERED LINE# 43.80 6FGZ7 TRAFFIC CONE,181N,FLUORESCENT 10 4.38 RED/ORANGE MANUFACTURER#6FGZ7 ! urcha�a e [ -ascriptions' r .o.# aa3 IS P 00 M.L.# lla5- �4.O1- CLO-0 Cdr—t i inr_:_,oscr f urchaser p•: Date Croval Date NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:23.500 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 43.80 DATE SHIPPED:01129/2013 CARRIER: TRACKING NO: These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. $43.80 PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE PAGE 1 GRAINGER. ORIGINAL CREDIT MEMO fill GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 9210 CORPORATION DR. CREDIT MEMO NUMBER 9052911683 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46256-1017 INVOICE DATE 01/29/2013 www.grainger.com 9049118020 C�e�J � AMOUNT DUE ORIGINAL INVOICE 104.80CR SHIP TO ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM AN 3 0 2013 PO NUMBER 29378 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PROJECT/JOB: M000879 1427 E 116th St REQUISITIONER: M000879 Carmel IN 46032 3 . _ CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 4019040 244 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS CREDIT MEMO CALL 317-842-2497 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 6FGZ8 TRAFFIC CONE,281N,FLUORESCENT RED/ORANG 10 10.48 104.80 NEW MANUFACTURER#6FGZ8 P,rchase C aScription �,y�•b� r�� POA aq 18 PGoF G L.# - 0 F,d et L lsescr P jrchaser Date proval NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:78.500 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 104.80 DATE SHIPPED:01129/2013 CARRIER:PITT OHIO EXPRESS LTL TRACKING NO: These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. NO PAYMENT DUE-THIS CREDIT MEMORANDUM FOR YOUR RECORDS CREDIT AMOUNT $104.80 CR PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 101 SOUTHCHASE BLVD INVOICE NUMBER 9044403021 FOUNTAIN INN,SC 29644-9019 INVOICE DATE 01/18/2013 www.grainger.com 02/17/2013 DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE $258.39 SHIP TO ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM PO NUMBER 29353 MONON CENTER PROJECT/JOB: MC003731 1235 Central Park Dr E .rte r� TT"- REQUISITIONER: MC003731 Carmel IN 46032 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 JAN 18 2013 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6217796330 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO BY'----- CARMEL CLAY PARKS 8 RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-2594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 2 24E585 HYDRANT PARTS REPAIR KIT 3 86.13 258.39 MANUFACTURER#HPRK-41 chass De Lt�scription P.O.# IQ 9 3 P or F G.L.# /093 -X350/00 Lille-et �,'r`. y�. Lirn-Uescr./X�(A Purchaser Date Approval Date NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:2.100 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 258.39 DATE SHIPPED:01/18/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z2X98300322575988 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days-PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $258.39 GRAINGER., PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE I1IA GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 101 SOUTHCHASE BLVD INVOICE NUMBER 9051847177 FOUNTAIN INN,SC 29644-9019 01/28/2013 www.grainger.com INVOICE DATE DUE DATE 02/27/2013 AMOUNT DUE $86,13 SHIP TO ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM MONON CENTER PO NUMBER 29353 1235 Central Park Dr E PROJECT/JOB: MC003731 Carmel IN 46032 ` ° Y. i 1�� REQUISITIONER: MC003731 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 JAN 2 9 2013 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6218593231 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO BY:--_- CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36.1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-2594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 2 24E585 HYDRANT PARTS REPAIR KIT 1 86.13 86.13 MANUFACTURER#HPRK-41 Purchase A re how r -r ki Description P.O.# Z Q:J P old G.L.g#�9�— 4��501on Bud Descr Line t W�h Purchaser Date Approval Date I NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:0.700 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 86.13 DATE SHIPPED:01/28/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z2X98300323268853 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $86.13 GRAZNGER.. PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE IO® GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 8211 BAVARIA ROAD C�.11' 9053955218 MACEDONIA,OH 44056-2259 INVOICE NUMBER 01/30/2013 www.grainger.com JAN 31 2013 INVOICE DATE 03/01/2013 DUE DATE AMOUNT DUE $30.24 SHIP TO ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 3:00 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND PO NUMBER M000887 1427 E 116th St PROJECT/JOB: M000887 Carmel IN 46032 REQUISITIONER: M000887 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6218828955 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-25594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 1 4T273 OVERBOOT,MEN,I2,ADJ STRAP,YLLW,RUBBR,1P 1 30.24 30.24 MANUFACTURER#4T273 Purchase G.=scription P.O.#��QQ P or F G.L.# 115-�•DI-+�2'�A012 Bud et Line Descr Purchaser Date Approval Date NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:5.000 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 30.24 DATE SHIPPED:0113012013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z3018W70300464926 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $30.24 GRAZNGER. PAGE 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE I Il® GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 701 GRAINGER WAY �^. 9036098789 MINOOKA,IL 60447-9998 C, t � � INVOICE NUMBER www.grainger.com C-1-.' a ,' '� INVOICE DATE 01/09/2013 DUE DATE 02/08/2013 SHIP TO JAN 10 2013 AMOUNT DUE $235.80 ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC BY: PO NUMBER M000869 1427E 116th St – PROJECT/JOB: M000869 Carmel IN 46032 REQUISITIONER: M000869 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER/DELIVERY#: 6216977141 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN I BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-2594 PO ITEM# DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 2 3TAH3 REFLECTIVE MARKER,ORANG/WH,48 H,PK12 4 58.95 235.80 MANUFACTURER#RE8851 Purchase - °L= A) Description �Jp� P.O.# P or F G.L.# &2H- 4-01- 42M6 0 -udaet i_ineGescr Purchaser Dat� 3 Approval Data NUMBER OF PKGS:1 WEIGHT:19.000 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 235.80 DATE SHIPPED:01/09/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z6Y07A40350352520 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $235.80 GRAZNGER, PAGE 1 iIoe® ORIGINAL INVOICE 401 S.WRIGHT ROAD GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 847517521 JANESVILLE,WI 53546 INVOICE NUMBER 9036437607 www.grainger.com F� Tom+ INVOICE DATE 01/09/2013 DUE DATE 02/08/2013 SHIP TO AMOUNT DUE $8.70 ATTN:NO DEL AFTER 4:00 PM 17 JAN 102013 CARMEL CLAY PARKS AND REC PO NUMBER M000869 1427 E 116th St �r PROJECT/JOB: M000869 Carmel IN 46032 B g _ REQUISITIONER: M000869 CALLER: DAWN KOEPPER CUSTOMER PHONE: 3175734026 ORDER/DELIVERYM 6216966105 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN BILL TO CARMEL CLAY PARKS&RECREATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL IN 46032 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 877-202-25594 PO ITEM J1 DESCRIPTION QUANTITY BACK UNIT PRICE TOTAL LINE# ORDERED 1 8AMN6 SCOOP,LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE,25ML 2 4.35 8,70 MANUFACTURER#607105 Purchase Description ^IL�6�C�s•- ���— P.O.#.An 869 P CO G.L.# IIZ6 41-0/- `f238DOD Budget Line Descr 'p7� ?y�� Purchaser��' —J�J Approval Data NUMBER OF PKGS: WEIGHT:0.260 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 8,70 DATE SHIPPED:01/0912013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND/NO SAME DAY SERVI TRACKING NO: These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States.If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE.NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE $8.70 f .� .S � _ .. aw.su......_-_......r...�..._.m_.._,.._.__.____. ' � � + r _ n.` ' - ,. � r i . . 4:.. .,,..��...... .. v ., - � n e i I I t = t', 1 it a � a' jy ..'._ __ �_ _" i I I � r j. • � �.� i it _ '.'' '' . ., �y - y ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms 319510 Grainger Date Due Dept 847517521 Palatine, IL 60038-0001 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) PO# Amount 29353 $ 172.26 1/16/13 9042021056 Fire h drant repair kits 29378 $ 301.42 1/24!-13 9049118020 Cleaning su plies Park Maintenance 2937f"$ 258.39 1/29/13 9052911675 Cleaning supplies Park Maintenance 2937 1/29/13 9052911683 Credit for return 29351/18/13 9044403021 Fire h drant repair kits 29351/28/13 9051847177 Fire h drant repair kits 1/30/13 9053955218 Waders for staff 1/9/13 9036437607 Salt scoops 1/9/13 936098789 Plow stakes Total $ 1,031.94 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 319510 Grainger A''owed 20 Dept 847517521 Palatine, IL 60038-0001 In Sum of$ $ 1,031.94 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR _ 101 General Fund / 109 Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. CCT#/TITL AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1093 9042021056 4350100 $ 172.26 1 �:ereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 29378 9049118020 4238900 $ 301.42 biil(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 29378 9052911675 4238900 $ 43.80 rfiaterials or services itemized thereon for' 29378 F 9052911683 4238900 $ (104.80) Which charge is made were ordered and 1093 9044403021 4350100' $ 258.39 received except 1093 9051847177 4350100 $ 86.13 _ 1125 9053955218 4239012 $ 30.24 1125 9036437607 4238000 $ 8.70 1125 936098789 4238000 $ 235.80 7-Feb 2013 Signature $ 1,031.94 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund GRAZNGER® PAGE 1 OF 1 ® • GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 �� INVOICE NUMBER 9044049220 4300 OLD AIRWAYS BLVD. 370 1 INVOICE DATE 01/18/2013 SOUTHAVEN, MS 38671-1865 DUE DATE 02/17/2013 www.grainger.com 20 S AMOUNT DUE 179.16 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 050127467 in the description section REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES CALLER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 MDG2013 00029362 1 MB 0404 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6217787210 IIIIIIII"' 'I.II. "I.��"�II'1�11�'ll'll�'I"����I�llll�llll'�I INCOTERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 = FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 •• BACK • • • • The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 000001 1OW832 BATTERY CHARGER, 12 V, 5 A 1 86.54 86.54 MANUFACTURER# 022-0186-DL-WH 000003 3ZRX3 TRANSMITTER,4 BUTTON,315MHZ 2 46.31 92.62 MANUFACTURER # 374LM D FEB ? l Z'U+3 t NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:4.28 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 179.16 DATE SHIPPED:01/18/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z8V50760323291052 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. It exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 179.16 GRANGER STANDARDTERMS !"AN'D "'ONDMONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warrainv Ptotli Return 1. Wholesale Only. V,Illv Grainger Inc {,Gr",nnc')sdll�rfrjd-,-ts•o, :cl CI1s!1'1`It-I1 11,)h"'Oto! j- I) 'Irij pr �- tron.I 211 cl)�,lollllls)�,V,:C 1. Prices. C t 11'If!:I,jl.f,c i llcl� It 01�c,etl isl'o ate;,ho1esd;e 0,nor ril-lud,rc . l,,-s:,,,-,s jut"', Ic tc 11;',1, ch";ICT,'wilowit rcalcu. M,,�i 11,1v'Ie p '141w llI-t!:t 'pv�7 1 rI j,a,l, 5 Manufacturers Warranty C�m Ii I r s liut IT ld C orr,,c;I o I)lor,,,;G in.,II g s I.,(A I,Pl v I L,i,I, n;; I I r.=rltJ! j e n 1 n r G mders;nIfy ee st!"'Iecl to_t, sflte,jl r)rICFlQ rd r as,f C--l' ij!i!li: 8f 3, Sales Tax. 6 Frodo-11 Fornphaoce and Suitability. l,e-,ire or ta;af!apt cd 07 n all.on C11"Pollrale lv n plzlc,Vo all-:,de,dust haf Vrr:Ile rt jdt,l_at ',-i, ,to L, fI, 12',11 4. Payment and Credit Terms. locir;Ag cas" -hpdks money rtf:fI,, Vio,-, M t(Car TV,,; a e ,e 3 r I� err"t -.,.,foil Jred Grainaef credri pavorent ierml;r.-re;)at ff!V',1301 dia"s If Jji"!',I t, 1, oy Gfai,vjer ca„of in',ll-l i,10s of s,0 .d;!1,j;G n.ar- a Sol,- 7 it or F,,,cAeO 5v cra;Tlqdr at e%ilrntf,lot any IrIajsLn Gra;nqcf TIa 11)Jlt,a J.I:0, for,f,iF T,1,,r,ie IF t s G, wo e f t I f 11 r r -v,"I it a.I f 0 r Ila r0 e:;,l I,I,it!e I fl,o,- n,,I a l t I v I,, of 11 P 110 11,I 1 0- PRODUCT INFORMATION m_nth crTtot Int-If mat the Ga!alotfivflebsile Information. IiIn-,dnt as ou o:iinmecl wine,aollocablie la:, -,S hs�c,rls wa:Iai 'DoT,rd.-rs ri, ,vo,Iljw', o lzoetai d<porf pav;Tant!EV's and rnPdiCOns All Qali rop;v,; oust V"o,f,i S d,)I;"S G(a,Fu I, !j' t, f; j 11 TI ?lit Inp.nlilll of s t"Of)nd(,'ducroil tw any loli,(Il lir �,.Id D y 1,Gf,i; r�l I f,I!"VI rlair, F oa n�nl wl it!11,ihim,)°D oays 1,,4 sr pi n en!o7 u ry-up c r talc I--,co,11 o v c.Ill i fi gPi r s C:,�1l,.t?,tl I" c r 1) 2 Purdue;Substitution �Upo;v adequale aSSi of f!jjj 10 GfIonacr -,slodDlP:In�p,fiet fl'lluc ied Iti Erich 11711 It),11 ja till",as in Grainger I; 'que-11.) Gia•-Igar l cocle,S11119111-01.1 Inil!Sl,h pAVI),,'Vj J?a p,al•r s jtll(V cash In advance for any turther s'2ipueni, denialia immed;ata pa)me r ol all al ncu i:s 3 Occupational Safety and Health Administration f"OSHA I Hazardous Substance, jo(lr w action iinchIding r.nthiul rrfnRana 'ItIom"lls,ffia�•an,", ,ol;,. dui 7ner T9Sorlpt,j - , -- alp ane/-J;To".j.in its i,ptwin -nre IF A i 1!r, f ilf�l, �tl 7 !,I!'of all'!poi -,fall jnsmn�,sdoql,�, I T,f PJDR,iAT'j% I'll aql6as"a asshole respons!b,!Ty lo, !,id ciirtonner harcb% fILDiimiolaill ",uarlaDolts pa,snemfi 'If HNS %AN,IISES L,STOiJTR IS SOLELy A-SPONISIBLE FOR AN`ft'l-(f,.aCE 01j CP JSE 0, r!, nrollided i"Few"al ouliiorself llad..bv its 311A1s,d1�r,,,,z and aftd,51-S I'll h of cu-,tor-,t,5 elnd Ar.D OR HSE OR APP['A7;Cr,'OF Ahl'i PRODFic", ricit-asmir front'7anngtt, he ptitly anc for llith, 4 MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. Ilse acting Is aqem lot sucti,Aibs,marips art(,,affi*ates PAST_lint a 'If pw-FA.,cis aV1,ja':'abie I I It r hr 6tager hra!• ll Ill Tj-.III',:i'!^j jil 5, credit Balance. 0,pl Fil l-W "Itt, [;,•limn,Qli1,t, a Satcfl.l 11,;,l ou l4.1a,rigrr .3on 5-,0 l Guisforner agrees that arty credit bafaqoe(s)issued by Grainger will)a applied 10 CUST(joi 1CCOLlot (ill)qy ca 1 f,n g i a;o g s M S 0 S Rerl(I e 5t Une a!1-877-28&-9880;or(iv!by;egging ra,To Nw,g Fair g e r ono h I .ref_I S CHST WjllF -��ls%�j -,ql--D-H-CPF I,' ANCF H I Pi .'.N, A 1,l.1,1 A F A "I IllA t"f'-fIt'at EFst"nVI's Re cc 11} 'I B FREIGHT POLICY PI,C"q stilzd o",FO El ui!'gln f,olglll Jp, ;W- riw-clia-,"nor, ,n-k l-,resm nr. mq Wil;Lo M."I'loits IlIv, wla and lala!IO )I a-,rl nluii,W 6h app".dolt I;V, )f t na jr. tt, :--r.. dev C,!S;"fne;S are ;7,a*:I,e-,ptr f�fl;;cietr on custonliff's II%cl!,It nV,?v�1:lf ;irl",p1rg alt htnoin,,,cna,p,s v,,,!noP ne,llwi,qntd G,a,I,)c;C r-'j, ."-i,I li'l, nts" I,-A ""I'lo, P Izl-i any predict-,,,I the noPQ Trarl-I the ot hoping 4nd tidradr;o ror siand"U Qr�,,flc ff liver',S S150'.) Ill, fil 1-ont ar,, ;V"': l it,:t l. 1 If I C I i, 6. 4RRA Orders rd,,r-,) C_0 D shoillenis are not peltronfed Other and ond,l'uns Vila j"o f�l,,I in",. oEr"" Crit el"C'Ight�eroce-,"t :mh�,!t hm�tal;(vl s-mo da- a,� le:TrI� i�, -olIFI_i j C- pa-1�I,. t Im III f'I'!e! Vnjl[6Ij,:S. LlIlrlej Shlpt7tlnt.r"'ISIde lht'- S 101 1f0el soel i4i h,f1dlfn.I lo�,File 'l-"In Is,I 1 1), a I. ci,g,t St imf-t AfT� incurred for Other Ficlgin Saivice l, irl Di CUSI"Fne! 1)�� it, S! -PrPI.I" of;.as-- 1 to File ,if Fit, T'Fle,PFLVI�-'Flt",I3")aQC0 n,:7an„'1 -,AslomtF RR jr f,�, ulhel wss to cos cosmIrFIR,upon tender of O'let"lo. I,cowse K to id,a cla;ni v.qh the cai;,er C WARRANTY POLICY E GENERAL TERMS 1, LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. PiiODUCTS SCjtD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINIER TO CUSTO+,IERI,TOQ CP I f F, E n- L.. ., ,., '2; t efr1w;'] ij n Qjl'! c,r.an j MANU�A'-TL;p� `.AlN(,ER V.1, ;,!,S p O�i C S GOVE�;Nf-,'.EPJT OP OFtIGINAI EPUIPMEN 5, 1 'F� , I P. )j _,j: It A 0- act;7l, &'t,rf 1'!tljrlSF1 iI.I-:r,-.T ACJ,jP,15T DEFFrUT",if,!MATEMALS AN10 NOPIKMANSH!a-TQEH NORIUAIL US'FOR Pof(jc-Or ONI,I I j,,,All ::s lo!"'-,- lm'a;liollts ;,r F R )IJI/iSE STrTED 4 HE CV-.E CF PURCHASE�RDrl GRA!NG�R 1�,�;-SS 0Trj.FP J l3v,ut, fl, .o 0'o""'e.)(;ilq c „Iron 3"c ACCLPT,S THE rqnDLJ(,T FOR RETURN DURING TaF DOI!IEFj 0,,, RANTI. PFRkuD GRAINGER 'I-A' AT ITS I:11�.altrlirl;, Tents of -,tller nll'u Vtj ,ltv OPT 10 N REPAIR lut REPLACE OR Ill! REFLI;.1110 THE AfA01,fj PAID BY t!io Of I!, RElURNI THE PRODUCT TO THE APP RO11RIATE 13PAiNGER bP41,11,,H OR 4WHOPIZE.,SER',ICE LOCAII ON AS 2 Grainger's Performance of Services DF S G NAt E D 3_I CRA 11IG ER.13 0 PPi NIG COSTS S PREPAID GRAINGER S RPAIR RI-M-AC:PjINT OP RE !,.1j)OT k 1101 tin tillli'14bs to 9L J`1l-' AMOUNI'S PAID BY CUSIOMER,FOR THE PRODul,l.SHALT-31 CljS fONI�R S SOT-,,-AI,D FXCt US:VE R--MED -f"'n" j "ll-j`lk If,, 'lari'I vj, UI-,n-,I Jl lc o'1 37,[n" "Id e,pt,,ll-lt lr 2. L14ARRANIY DISCLAIMER. t l I V :.,it, NO T,I c j 1 tl 1 I,11�,. 0 V;,ll;fRA P,I�n�A,FIPMki ON O`�FACT PXPRE SS 0'� i-OPLIED OTI'ir R,'I HAP]AS SP f PORT),IN 1 l 1,"D "l:f '.A,, STATFNIENT A50VE. S MAD-OR AU7-OR,ZE7 8 GR"PIGIli GH�I;NGFR jiSCiAlViS AN'y t 0, Blj Jt Lop C;Ai NiFI ARISING OU T Or IROD JC I fl,f Sl!S,1- i R PR Oilt) T,E-cC IlDN I Ij 3 PRODUCT Ml-l')!F CAlloff P,`WSREPAIP. 0 �I.;SAP't�A-Ior,! GRA!'Ic"R I- S'Sty 3 Cancellation ANY',vAHra4'N1V 1,4,4�llIE ppF)--DJFIS 1:)��R',VEIPCHAN74.8!L ! I T 1,01,A PAR`Cl,,A'R 'I P! ?;,I;DO NOT Atd,'I"9f;-1i-`,07' OR e 0,-HEf`S:p,-TF t Lt CTJA; PROP-R7"uV III 4 Frooluct Return "A I NG,-R S ;lO 1A14 R R ANITfES IC T IOS, DE r I N, AS Goral 5 01,If S l 7 Sl)%'M(I VillIt RM:l,-DE ItAL I RAUL PO f Pl!Ft'T Ac T C� i WITAI%ON OF LIABILITY. Gi-IAJ%GFR EXPRESSLY D;SCLAVS ANY 1 �Uh-, Al. rX:%Illi Art F. EXPORT SALES' OR PUPIJWF DAMAGES CRAIN'GER S L IAMOTY 1IN UA IS UPatiTED 10 War) "HALL NO' 1);j", KaIll'o-, a,,(t l;a,i", I, 1 XCI-ED `H,PURCHASE tl pr';C, OR-,!I- , I alll I!Ap, T GRAZNGER® PAGE 1 OF 1 1111 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9044024843 8211 BAVARIA ROAD L.� INVOICE DATE 01/18/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 Z U S DUE DATE 0211712013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 100.08 Ship to information is listed below tion section RE NUMBER: 050127467 in the description REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES —_ CALLER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 MDG2013 00029362 1 MB 0404 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6217780631 II'I�I"II��I�II��I11'��I���111����1111��1�11��11111�111����11��� INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 7cc-A llowing items were shipped to: 17 OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO IVIC SQUARE ** EL IN 46032 07 0000 02 6UR95 TRANSMITTER, 390MHZ 2 50.04 100.08 MANUFACTURER# 971LM D Q a FEB 11 2013 NUMBER OF PKGS.0 WEIGHT:0.30 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 100.08 DATE SHIPPED.01/1812013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z3018W70349694926 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. FPAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 900.08 ........................................................................................................................................•----........................................................... . ---------------------- GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return 1. Wholesale Onfy. Rel"re roil Hni;Ie a°v [,ustl;w sha!r Of e tf)e rice; b'i'Tivil rvrl,c tl: W !nI 'I-n— r_ it•.-tia;buwess po"'hased i"';in it I'l an Fir,aln;.f.Omer. C'untaf!nn-.: cQ I;,0 pr_-ii0ir,iria of ti fi;,!nrrg,nIl;rvcjre i1ri i`l,S I 1:;r,I?ed,irmv i0 ci,,,I �n pur�f)osf, dre njil"Iter and�d,S-;Puf),1 of OEifact fl,l)lij:l'r'js! Ga,e at 1-88,361 53 9 and"ll"2t 2, bre bh(!01"I"fin!�nj,,,ce Ilrlmh-� 's , Prices, i - number,ap"I df—lipljoll ol ri,r;,�fe;f prwr of pwcne�e is ,ttid are,ifioIris-ilu.On Ic;,includit fit 4ht Irndjtng Res_ erndlo,�Jublr- awj are li.iatacl to tori,,,l:on on in li"'t catteS. -.Nngrf mthoii ni:)tee Mi.rike't'terisnoit,'C.,-'llimorl'if wi;:;i:r j" or u fomebi"ns 5. Manufacturer s Warranty. C,_aufe ru d contract t1 a loco i Ciainrje.,bra;Cnr or cuepk oni m?at qrainnii,crim to.,rorrent ericni Er.Dort For mlofriatier oil a sV+nr;,hc mjnu wt.r lact, - , pleesti i The Ica;Gia,figoi nren.r cr o ,art may be sutileirl 1D oll,II"'Peimai pwc,ing, G,a,nti -P-Serl,cs dbo T,Q;It to r c:,,t nr T-IF"Ciany code- 1 882-361 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. —,m,welg .,e io7 pavin nt of ail iutbkca;„lt-tat,and rfr.;i lai:-� to,P,o%rdlfla a raid s2;ir's:-,x sdlcho^s bare !a%-r: "Ar's and-gwbo!.<,j,,ii!a0Q,C0lI1t1iCNjn II5I,58 ,cn and,cr it--ol iixrfmp+,ori cauli,dle. 7th fin placing tl,tier,cus!rtniet b1nml P d eis ar,ii i",,,rixerlml ;I jwce Gs,,fain pwJhjcr- ji + r,to.fflc for sa;e ilr are2c, ("fa;i1gel l �gu, Of ftl�p-Toriucts'I se:;s wittl ein� cones oir rrlouIal,ons ,oInanl,a nq 4. Payment and Credit Terms. ooes Grar -Ar K-sfus sze cl:rfl,c 'noney if;ter ii, ✓l'wi lvasiciCard,ano An F,pliass For curibino:i;,i!1fll 'I 1S CUS __,7.,s; I[l Te evrbe 11 and uielinutsof'o6lic:ecut and/of use invoi ii1rI I jj(iidocts "orr"P!,3,n w kldbyGiaw�aer al moi a ,7� e fo�any,ejison -r finger reserves th,;right to charge customer a late pa;rent ipa allha rate oi one and f,,ne-nj,;I D. PRODUCT INFORMATION 1, Catalog/websile Information, annolmi Is 1-1ar, )ii uenmnlerl w%litei appuraj!, Antici,,inion and cas:-dhscourllsl"ire not allowed G a ne!rsqur,,as Me fignt to cor�fct nuoishing-2,it;s 1 I)n I?'tioos I'l"r,-?f• sili, In sort 91 rtipit'r lernis and ltorditioos Al parlfrienli;nlitst bi�made In L,S dollaib Glanlrl�], Catie0q, of webs has are f,f ifli-isbrall'ti pr,�dpos s only of ,,it ac.Is,;o ail't(�I-oe, :e, n"'Jil 1:1e❑ln`.,,I"'O-off imil dii'lljollon ft''iIntl sunis Owed',y Qjs1diner to Gr!briie( ;f c,:storner faws if,ir e lkrs t ot consi!i'llbi ine rinjill ic dub,,111�e nrrcirrls oarmleii miron III,30)rio,'6 of Sh,run"i of dicii-up_b,falls to-ornpk.%.,fri G'aligair's�rprfif:euI5 or fuli,to 2- Product Substitution. ca�f)N� Iijertu,ue?if'Ur"..n,,ii of hill oorfortn�,,it to Gla,rlger wenin"r12SO"dbil WIA; ter 6quasted"b",Dawgri,tsurcli Piodljreb, ilild court ly )f oriorii n,a,,be s-:J)sbjku,,d a1. no be"1Pnb,c,3;I, i!lnnii aii;spec dies in Griiiq?,7 i;(auluest) Gainuar may deter sukrunenis urn!sl)cli bayintern cr comilontioTe;,,ulade, descririnons r-millor in?aqLs cu.h 4,"ejanc,for anf fli,bn c?snifuntelfs o'niai'd im nieu;crte or all ainou-nis itten Ow"A .iifit to 3, Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA")Hazardous Substance. pe,rlre"allecuou 3curill bricluaing wilhtot Innibaborr,alAwneys f-a- it an, and 1;1 ottief assicizued of M1,IIii[mr S--lfcty Data Shains,f'rOSIDS"i I OSHA defined hl�,arrjous -stances it(f "Ilbarrid ar"I Irilirict,m),a ridwi maj e,:fs option cance!all at any par!of an u sutpl,,r order GRAINGER MARES N0 ',VARPANTiES ",ND tXPRESSY D!SC,,AIMS AL' UA3.,,-, AN, C',fSTOIV;ER OR USER VVITH RESPECT To TJJE ACCI-HRAC? OP 7HE OR Cu..foni%-t auo-.as to assunn tes;-on—Wav for and custofue�uarroy inonb,!Iiorir ii,guardnfit,---paymant or a, RECOMMEND I-I ONS NANY MSDS CUSTONIER IS SOI EiV rESPONSIBi.r FORAl,"i 1E..;ANC Oil OR:-,',E 0' jvov'ded driftfin all purchase, by cu toner its cubs dlarias and affil;aleS Eacb Of VORMAT;ON.AND FOR USE OR APPj OATION OF ANY PRODUCT Purchasing fifom Grain,ter w be;,eni;,ant iatble for lu'ronesti i"Ith'Alsiblua-,and cu'Ioinc,r s 4. MSOS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. acts as aqem lot such and affilia- 1ASIDS and a list of PloposlIbon,65 products are avaflal�le, 6i at dir,local Cramig,,oranrli,1.!:)ny coiaciiiig Gi,;iiq�r 5. Credit Balance. Deof R'. -57.Alin lipabil and Safety Lett.100 Giainijar Pa;ko.P.v.LAa f'o,e- it 004-.521-1 fl,S Customer agrees that any credit balance(s)i6suad by Grainger"1111 DF,applied to cusio;ne?'s K"ount (il)tly calling Granger's MSDS Request Line at 1-877-286-98CO:of dv)by imllrdnq no to www.qrairinril,c,,rn altil IN,,itne(1),,ear of i's IF CLIS'ONIER HAS NOT R UESlviD rkE(3PE,'I1l 9ALANCE WI7,,4;Pj PINE f-l) oo fine i",b at th. of!ye pAg,, Ai.1,1-L L `_;.D GI acne t l R 5. lumoflaill Hours to Federal Customers Be:Country 01 Origin oroij,-,-,tz1 i?n MP,!T:Y B. FREIGHT POLICY I:1r.I i I P ';-i "' 11(' jL;iii-'�."" 3it,FG 2 j qin i,l sh;pni"'j im! t,ojIr. r,. .a-co ;fil"i; n. l,,a;cwsroiucr pwr:hatma P. wtll lan(llsng fee(wne;h -cuoes ..tarn,-nandi,no and coitus)on ez"n wrl,ci,is at title,of_d.r:i(-rl ut,nlakin(,an open market"p r n, tf�,--n 10 nc,l w%-It l✓if-,y Federa;i,usfon,Iers are ad -_J l"Ib 111- on 5 Invo,cf.. R,,,lispiE for ShipF nq and tiandl,eq Cliargas mii not ti>dii nishd Gfaingar cover marI are NOT GSA scieduie punchastis 31 ani,Pion,!on the open rrark l in.cu-,utore' -j "wer,�s filet it ha -nundorly�b �t,c! awl n,-cftnlj�!,-d won �!.app.able pw,�rtumenl•-nulabons un"d..jrjd!n)q in, !,1nr:,a;d1 rlmt,rd deilr it,1.1, el�, ,1,50f;1,niote la,�Ind neqll:jilc4lOwn if"� rc.pre3,inf,. c, .1 orders% C 0 D shprl!�MS afe n.31 Onner ttrill-I dne cone lions ina,,ciridlv fc,r rnhcr than stanza ti debtarr, 6. ARRA Orders. Son ices'I ri,red lgl �am�uIV jel✓rje "h lts,gin! llelcpl is ac 1:t0ift L 1„ ,t iiuslonitr S Tif5vnSIb;Iuy t,aalir-e Gromlier-hxini ,-.is onJIf Is 4,.ndrod-il 3:!,;o,rr 3io fu 7c-fi;,r elai-j t:,Tders,Inza;i1coS motel;afs ce.-'f i-n Li,lfk u,-cofn;ouous 1,31 S rrr o"`Cr sberip!hard lifir,lt'r the To the'Imu,can Ramvestrneiit ano Rocovery A ARRA car,ie7 flnr charges Ticorral ("Ill"i h �1l 1— ht pall b"'Usbime( ,-.r. nurcbaivs ni&j ee aDpl,ifd.Title 1 Pod L Nd 11 1-5 it P.Strniflus^undsi Ul:b 29j,'St.ciiiemlf,r,:f P c 9.co-,"/FJ and!l�k M loss pa;s l,cus:uTn"i fi),):1 rr'vbii,11 sbnnlelll to t�e li 0",mgril I,,i'arst, 1ctn ors eu st r niiv,;ate more comilfba"'e,'ind,an widt,AI "A_rilib.n 1605 or 2riv in hid 2 cf3inn C. WARRANTY POLICY E- GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTEO lii'(,RA!,N(-,'P TO CUSTOMER'.-,HIR ii)R'SA,i OR(i,)JSF N Giawile,,mall noit be 11,]We to,-Inyvr,�;.jy In o, nn,,l,!rnIr7n T _uibiin i'i "r n I"'m efvy lol" OR , ORI BUSINESS GOV'Rlipi GulAL FQ0;P!VP.NT %IIANUFACTUR" GRAniGER yVARRAN'TS PRODUCTS h(vibsopts; ioi� AGAINSI ATTF'rii ttm;p DATE OF PURCHASE FROM,GRA!NG R ;jNI 7SS,ITHERWI—5-'riTEPr PROVIDED THAT GRANGER ['04C[bulLl""Sr "Ulditin :lwi:5Irl taollb,bo procrirF or sh C Oro;Ict ci onT il prrirnoli an,'iC -,,e-, ACCt P,S tllr`PPODUCI FOR RETURN riljR;%,G T;4,f 1,'A!i ED kl+;',RRAN 1Y PERIOD GRAINGER MAY,A! ;T!t l:eoci,r,"unpirl,ce e%%willit;ale.-srie.fe 4enn or cond:rionS o,isinr o:ti,-, bie�e',Isonable coinfo�L'i Gramg",:In the ronfbl�A rr!ti; 1'"10', Ili REAiR fill REPLACEr OR(;:it Rift!"D THI'1-AMOUNT PAID qv CUSTDNAFR,Cf�'STOtJER %t�t-!ST HE i JR11,1 HE PRODUCT 10 THE APPROPMATE GRAINGER 8qANCl-i OR Al_TijCR'ED SERVIC' LOCATION,AS 2. Gra'nger's Performance of Services. DE I',IIIA E 0 qY GRAntJG ER,Sf:I PPl NIG COSTS PR EPAI D, G RAI INGPI'S riFPA i R RF PLACEIZENT,.OR RE UNID OF Cu.;,. wdli hold nalinless and dcriimn,Gftunc--,,r is ur:,ret- ewlkiiies AlAOUNTS PAID By CUSTO.',!,-R FOR HE PROD:-CT,SHALL BF CUSTONIER S SOLE AND EXGLUSWE P-MEDY. farilee""planwes from and agar!,Tan,am"all";alni',ouch Ili:Ylii b0iqillflulr;,, ""firith 0, to p""Son'll I; al olhei; 1, I --lbdii!iis,obligaicrIs beeriaret,; acnons a j leFpe;lses t'hell-;iifriir;nr lidaf,- 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absitirne bi c,2nnngent mcnrl,0,by air,nger reianerl to br, e. cn na of sifrv„t I;;mn,,, a rio WARRANi,'OR AFF11W.4AFIGN OF FACT'XKS'-,0r RAM EO.OTHER THAN AS SE'FORTH N T Lir.;IFED eul)4t0n settlen.lent Costs fnriis fc,s in anl a Jr riller,exp. ter"y r11% '1111--F-Il STAI[MIENT ADOVE l,,MADE OR AUTHORi-eFO Etz GRAINGER GRAINGER DdSMY4,11,At , nblD .") 'ut f,f In iilliole^ni;;I any act cr oil cis loi!rA i!ABIL,T,'FOR fi-AIMS ARiSlNG.C.;. PRODUF! MISUSe,IMPROPER PRODUCT SE;EC70ii,IMPROPER r<(f,s t,0 t it r v ef; lf,,S',Ak ATfON PRODUCr MjYREFAIR OR t,,ISARPLICATION GRAINGER EXPP-SS0 3. cancellatton. ANY ',HAT THc PRODUCTS ilr AR;10FROHANTABLE ioi NT FOR R A PARTICULAR 'Ii Pfolluel ofd..w'IecleteIns m:, ",;uclt,'!'It Pj i R R i'1 I DO O!Ail[ W;l O fW rllilG�0F`f1l(-HEI�,'S i1471,L-CfUAL�ROP�RTY RIGHTS 4. Product Return. R MA.l,,cS NO WARRA,M:S 0 THO'{ O"H10, AS CONSWIFRS I' TlliF MAGNUSCuri-r."AOS"' -odu-,r(,Wms-ul 0-rnall, ,,thlp w", l) 'F'in iil b, Jj,' the Pi,,l Gr,nir.,ri'allrlb ul,,,to w.i q'i irg" i)t� :"j ,it fr.,. FIAD,cnfPNI!�SIOIN lrA?RlT.E fil 1,N 1 C, li;,oarnagiid an!in tiai]ib'k C."rn,no!' '71"'J 3 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Gpl/ol,JIGI-H:.XRRiiSSl.y);'SGLAIMS Aiii, ; Au;' rY FOR iON1--1:U,,;�NT:A1, 1 rjll;'D�Nik- SPEC!- PXEiVilLAR F. EXPORT SALES OR PtINJIVE DAMAGES GRAINGFR S 1-14i3!UT ;%A!-'CIPCWASTANCES!S UtAIT LID TO,AND SRAL'NO- O'driii ftnr at.Scbjeo Ic the tern nc 1 rimoinon,laund;et"';m N n-_;cr o.n,Irld Cin Dii cl-,km I EXCEED rHz PUPCIHASE PRiCE PAID FOR THE PRO.CUCT'HAT GIVES MSE Ti-I ANY i A-Ru.; I r - r;.I the A FU;f S T.47EMiEN-1-OF GRA:NG:r S TF.RiNPS AND COVOff uOljS 1S AVAI-ABi`0%,www,aramnericoun AND ic-lrr(-1QRPOQA-!FD Pit R-IF E nLNCE PAGE 1 OF 1 ORIGINAL ZNVOICE .� GRAZNGER® 101 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 — INVOICE NUMBER 9045279982 5959 W. HOWARD STREET U� INVOICE DATE 01/21/2013 NILES, IL 60714-4014 3 DUE DATE 02/20/2013 www.grainger.com /O AMOUNT DUE 99.64 �Z = Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 050234753 in the description section REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CALLER: JEFF BARNES CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 MDG2013 00026749 1 MB 0404 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6217942225 C INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2394 The following items were shipped to: E7 ' CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMELIN 46032 000003 3VKE5 SNGL HD DASH/DECK LIGHT,LED,AMBER,8-1/2 1 49.82 49.82 MANUFACTURER# 185F-AAH 000004 3VKF8 SNGL HD DASH/DECK LIGHT,LED,RED,8-1/2 W 1 49.82 49.82 MANUFACTURER# 185F-RRH D Q � FEB 1 1 2013 By NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:0.50 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 99.64 DATE SHIPPED:01/21/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1 Z65334103879161 11 ? These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchasV assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 99.64 GRANGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4 Warranty Product Return 1 Wholesale Only. shaf (it.�Inu"iI t"'Ilf lile ifiral G!,611gri f,onl prc-lucl d" o!"ridt""It2i -.0f�ta,"r W Al nc,�G,a�ogK rzlr� us�to,ns;�-l-tonic fire-L'r U�:(Iers u d 1,- :1�11,�-,,g� n If a r co ii I an firOr,r the as I e,M c C r 1 Il 1 a vf,C rqrjqa�irm"i riqol to luln--,l,,nj')'J_;u!mhln at the P,f;,fI ct;t cits2crilur l"""fe jr 1-8a-131-81,',9 aival w,I loe 2 Pill Cos I 1 Of.',f;j; T;u,ni It r the I!ac, -ina,do-c,,tinoa at the deflicl Pio,,11 of ouh::Iase S HIch-,;,rd P; S st'll ere,Jftol�,r"d 0',1P i.,,ii include 1,e;ftllt. q tass;anl/if u I,Iwf: and qra sal pec i I,C or t-C,I o;1 or :I a0 r'liNnine.Noiloot firlhce klp,eel seilvrve coniotodo., wi;l rad p,._?d! a,,;aro,irg Ill,c9rfil.ni olarial ccprdltrurs 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. CI,L7CnrCf stlurl:d can eat k!ca;Grainger hipmct )7 0,J1118 at 4vp.gtaini,r eflt cliK,wil 1x0erl 'w oil a in, iaciv,:rs 2;l-:j J)is-'le'i'-AilaCl tile li)C4l"INAF,:bi"flin nf ca i; Care lfdefs a na%be S",hjac:to ottle:spe"'lat onc,".- G,ainq.i res2,jil"the riclit fit 0 --, r eroct e ol-r 1-888 361 8549 3. Sales Tax 6. Product Corilphance and Suitability. Cusi-doers are;espjosi:lr-for cayn)Eot of-,If Slf?i,jr,�local tti4�s If,it),plowraing a v,-,:ld la, j u r,S d 1,1,on-,tra A, I a ad ,end f a,,u I it I;ri-,s,of, I,,, a rra struct on iq s!a!,!a I,on and a I,S P a!p ra I uris!0 r Goilp.Qer lods not mi:rame� cerhhcaad whelf pia."nit)air a:d e,custrner"hart nd:cahi vdlii"h hit Oddl',I,We I.,.,a.�aalpl j, rj;,0p',e pir!u'l, Ila, i(lt"e roaliail�for sale in 311 areas 4. Payment and Credit Terms. srlrl,vlld il o''lie weifhICIS rf Zp,l�' ,,!,','JS rrXje,x(if1jrrit"Fis nor toes Glawea,accdp!� cast 1. o0oPy old"o, h1a.d riast"r"ard,and Anlecal, E plrss Fa,,ces:an-ls e,oh respoPs,Eii;t/tor nsi!Iah3r are),Use of a product It is Culiorna!,i,responsihility 7C.'eview lf?product Glar rye r cfedil pa"ni"'ril tzzirris are"e,ih,I;/:30;days from!lle of;hipfoenl air hick-op Ali rreaq 1"IllrWil'On aqJ air avis cfdes ano nqui,rhon, hs-Ve hr-(!Po'!i C,(,.ndad Ill cra-rige,"cr eusirloer arid i�le wrlqs Or�i0,c,,d!L lS z;Gra,i-,-?sole msmtirrar 2nd ri;av I)I.,;erful-d P�fali;hrjo and/o!use n.olr d Ih,,afodlict;are ctniploaro i Ir`.s k e r ,y Gl,,rhger at`)(�V ti nee tor am reason, Giav,g,r rasr.,.r,es the qm io,hlfge�i Cori verictrce fa fc kite oJvrnents Gmwrw f-,ltfiet ,s.:v2 Ill_ngnt to clid"ge eusl&o. '.rain rialnilcm fe,at to,"itt at one ano onff-'Paif D- PRODUCT INFORMATION of tri,Do IOU"'t di;l 11ur ercin Manilj of lheienf thal the 2mrL;of doe iiiinams unflaid or 1 Callalog/writisile information, a niav ij�p ;a,�j I dsLc3unt-T are hot allo.qed �Xpolt ont"s Grdwllil !!to 10"of" efloOle,r unde:afapfrcabl, Anhqinoa aort cash t ii IS oit a 6[r I n i f s,c,,Taicot s or an/c1 is w-,F s;in s P,o a,,r:i d,4,!I l,,ir s n,:r,e iiIrf,;H to spllal topoll,paym oi l6ros anif A orivniano;it st be made in d,S oW'ais On"onfrer, ot are ler pu po es only if U,access in, 'Ir"G,-i,nae: atala,.hlrwfl- Ill.,11,not or set-, d UMS ow,,�o bi,cbstolnd,�0 GrowrIcr If cusoanrtr f"'Is t'i(1111ye trqq,,-�drip's'1101 UnlQ[i:Ut6!�;e;rohl!0 pilicloase prcllurls off,,),4 to,,arl�, ii, nln flilltv i3o) 1a,pi of 5hllntlant at hi"i, Ap to pornpiv wiii",ijongei',rfedit terns ri,1 h..e 2. Product Substitution. hink adequate. fulk !a Gna,rigt,%JIMIn d i-s,lnabC 1-nnier rrrvr requested l-ch Ilrodogt, (arid rii;nir, ,:qln, 71Tj nri SjOcolitTIll ,oCr I)t or, It W as in G'aingair 5 I questl Grainger nay dMor s._{,meats ::I!il surAl or e'sc,lnirl,l ear d/c, plaaq cri,,to in advance for nn;if f trier--ill, n 'noentS Adivano imrne diate savillefir of--,if allic'unt's then owed.efaQ to 3 Occupational Safety and Health Administration('OSHA")Hazardous Substance. pw,tr-, acn (,ocld thfirri wrilailon S leaS all('tiler or S'rjeny Da d.S-,-.t;�',MSDS"i to,,OSHA definad lazadoP!, 3,c w,--rell arid in,"le ,nfleri'on) and'e;nlay,at 13 opon,"ansed alt or a-y pa",of"i un.hlorlec or(Pef lla:ij,y GRAJN1GUP` ;1A -S ND iAjARRANrTiEQ Ati:) EXrtRESS±Y ur-,Cf-A MS ALL ASUT;l To CU�SIG,MEP OR rj1SER FAITH;TH RISPECT i 0 IHE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE 01- I ,fni,.r be! 11 NS ll PkNh,MKIS CL�SIONICR IS Soi.r�Y"LSPuNSIBLE FOP AN"PE�IANCF ON CP USE OF AN, aqrt,6�ill"S'Sump(a',iraj�'t'jjrj in' J�Ir Cl:� I .Y� _ �in �1 wICCna,ti,,il,;lv gLaoirlieeq,,Cyr a- (it 4,� ".�COIAMEIID41 0, heleir.,a h puhAses otio,ttyrusiower;is Lace %'�OHMA[i(llffl �`.;D FOR USE Oir:'rfPP; CATION OF ANv PROuUcr rife idtas purcher,ng 4rom G"oqtjer n0l 1-Joint,,-,cld .evaralfy rable far 1-1shil- all,,cus near ni::iS 4 NISDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. ,&;c,ac ii aS ri,,,ro tsr such su'Psidiat,-s and aftwim's. MSOS o. 65 urodoits as a,ailable o)of ire ,cal Granrli,r it,,nrin irl by 5. Cle'dif Balance. RI U7 All- F,:,or,,,mnIj; I.,al nd Sofet!D,rtit-i00(na"ori"Parr:ey t n FI(sst. 1 60035-3201 1-,S Cfr s!o it re r agrees 1 It,t a o V Gfraid),Jane e 1s1 is s I)ed fri,G,_,inner I I w a an,1,ed is C!I s;'one Cis a ci:,6 U ri I I i i;I b.,,a 11!7i g Granger s IASO S R-if u a,!One at 877-286-9860,a f 11 Ill)by I a It Qi no on to vN4,.',O,ainge i conA anti ,,lhm one ilj at it;;lsl�!.!Iwe I F CUI ST OM!F P�f 0 T 3d-0U- S'I EE,THE L,rP MT 6 A LAN C E V-1 i T H I I,,{,NF I1 �r��!III-�!31,1'P",Oii:es" D a!`i-oIr,ill the page f:_ i It Cp.�tj�f �p ll- -1 in[Notice to Frof Gusto Tiers Re Cotinfiry at Orir F RIH� 5 inloo, I G- FREIGHT POLICY 7 J �,�h");r Prices qwtrl are F,r,B Q;-qvl !Iel"4m pitIpArd to oeiriinah a'1 sp-colea in lot n Gs Gr.lilqe, %',i AA f"pri Aff ldpfj cub:--mef imicIeasmg a rralz-IAA t,,,w vrik to d;;qr;rim,fwforch ilcijaes Tli.inal h3fliTing 11ritl fr,!,lited C4051S)oil "Ch eldel vtmil s aIppdrild of Mlle rindor r'd E'till' 1y jii Oleir todffeet thai Is bpd.rof,cled"'i an".Zap,tract Fedefa;custo!l)e,,are 21vised that the opert ;ellecrerl on clisioniars Irvorce, Rec.erpt,for shipponq anti nand!ing ,h.-oqes�,,W not be lurrosir'd crairnier?UlVeis n!ss,el pur;;na. sae NS'GSA schedti;e ph7,hlS6S By any product or, he op�rn rna,Kel.lh�.ctislo"i'Ir sfi,ppw,,and handim(i to,staRridod,,found dp1wry foe 01",'US S1500 aafolif tax and flBright=;nclttrfirng any hack ferves-ht feat't ha5'cizho'lly lo o,ake'A"ll troachri-e and na<i cornplied with all applicable prone.-men.requiations, orders) C 0 D shipment i;arc flat pisimltlao Of""le nos ann Giiiro'nons al",arply f"!otho"11,3o ciahoafir dii1%,ry 6. ARRA Orders. I 011er FfC,aJ,!Services r Iii rrrinn ex,,,ej,ten sdnlE day deb .a'T trengilt f-'ghl cj!lc expoil it;S tr Cjst),mer S lTipGP1'2' ty t,-ad%,: G,,rnmor-he*lfer llots Or,,,,- lundero ill any Dart by hind,from or related ors,iS.ja,1,.oj,,tjS opajella;s cr"17"fri-t 1,ca: er-vocnis oijts,d-tile U 5 or otaer sp,:al h3-dl mg tv the I, Re:ovii-inient.and Recni r,,ry A--.t A-',lip. c,jmci At)),cirages mcufi ecr ic,0i;,:llriirlrlt St;rvlces inust be pa,d b,dead n'iter Fuel Saniho,ifas,-,,y be applirel Tim uth - No ;1 r;i 1,, Sil-,in Fonds urlorl regr es' L ra ng,,";I prc,rde"Itinity of origin rnf0rnlatron so teat ln: Is"4,f loss ha'-70 Cs liro"f uoo,;:eIrd at'I'lla"!--rit T,1hp""irl'e, if the pma J-A ,-;imaged Ir.lrafls!Z. 5 Crisic ,,maj cate'lnine I Won ati% ,pp I. ,iqfww ,,n!q ffniw ARroA, S t t on 1605 of any other 0MV :s to life a Cio",j;h, .arna, e"Hianur,; C- WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. I Farce Majewe ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE VAiIR"fIl-D BY GRk1lCEFi OVI TO CUS TOM�'S FOR n)RESALE OR(i,I USE'III G-a"'Ar';slrl!;Ict ;, aoi,for a,i, �,,Jiy n if -ona;mnarn Or rfssulf�nq;it M)OI..07 n Dart fro")--q lra-rp C�-jl,N'Ss, COVERMVENT OR ORiG'NAL 'QLhPfINr 1AWIiJ`­AC`FUR,1- GR.r Ni.iFR i"YARRANTS PROl)KTS i (;,;!j i ncij;j'n"Lot rPf,In-,,md to a0s,I God, ft'iwifitions rons of YIai airs otlell)'!2"IC0 E R F I EA area:C or"llhols rl;0:,ermnns ep;oerorc, qrraranllila�,snoria. AGAlNST DUrECTS;N,NIAU�IALS AND WORKMANSHIP UND I NORMIAL USE TOP 4 PERIOD OF ON iF,-,r THE DATc OF PURCHASE'U,I GPA;r4G-P Ur"r-FSS 1T1-,1IMvVlS1,ST,%'ED PRIIVIDED THAI OR A N;ER an,,�-J;urel-.,4,,e artl�ent itirl"int%to pr .ui_-'r sti,i)Dw'ducl ri,PWa n i. an'l na"'hi,to IrCC-PJSI THE PRODUCI CDR R-URIN DOING THE 1 MINI :0 V4ARRANTY PER!00,f,RAif]GER NIAl' AT ITS p,-)Cuf,,supd-,ic ;I. _Jrfe we'Ittlef CG-id;tleif' C2IrS[foph•C e:EoTS o' other S Ct I 'IDfd iiI R'PPAIR,I ) kllcPLACE OR REF,JND THE A1'0ILA,17 PAID I, LUSFOMER C1JSTGilLp rML3L1 i It,a,_�t:i P, aa Son,ti is r0,'.t,o rI C reinge-I"or""on'll it c I ri-,,,,,;mess PFT-'jiliN'HE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRiATE GRAff-4GER BRANCH OR Ad!HOPf 7ED SERVICE LOCATIL)N,AS 2 Grainger's Performance of Services. r. D1,GRA;NGU, COS7S PH`PA;D GP.ttn;GFR S F.FP1,AR RPLACEM"tj Or aEI:hqI OF I;r*,ha"nip"t,ino 1J-,ir,lv Gla;nItr:, It,Dii0cers ifecal fs e i ioy,,es "gent, S'JO-Onaf ton,X liMUtilt S PA0 BY CUS lor.ir:p FOR Ti4,IR-,T)UC7 Sri,',[1-2r CDSTO%IrR S SOLE AND EACuS VE R-LIMTDY b;0,r,ttti tell 1 s 1,6 n I ani a oa,i-,s a P y-1 it�r 1 C 1 a ol5!n c I it:rnq a ocr dy n;lj(,/death cr rl, iaos ro.keo;ona' jcafl rt!i,, ne2e i eJ has Unl n;ha ilatil'ind,arhotis--i,i,d e)(cenc,,. drenier u�_ect cP tirltie ct.1,noi.ki or urinw,l 2 'WARRANTY DISC!AthKI4. P,Cra.rge r sr3tef I'l in-, at Services 1ji rustnirer lotdodi-,;r4;914c,,,l i�O VMPr, ITV OH Wlr:P'V i!(VI J ACT=xppi SS ',ET"i O',iER 41 AS St.T FOP TH Iii 7 117 ,rVh i ED to s a,,,J si -0 ,,jePdjor, I).' NA it 7 i I S i,,T 4,L,E OP. A[rTHOPi7 O B, C R,':NE,R -RAiNS,R DI1CI_AU.S t Pi ate. I i I'A' Iv iLjh� 1 01'.(-A 1,z,A,.J Sf OU! OF P-010"J",I M'isljfrL _LA',0%, PR .j C 7 r,!0 D I :.1;0=d -S P',E p I I i p OR %IiS,;FlPI';,ATiftil; 3 C a o r,P,I I a I l 0 n I .' ,Aft[1,S A'NY V.A R k A 1,I Y A T I t 1 F 2 P.0 D U S ir 1 1,R C r i A�1 E oo �7 1,,R -A� r`ot r s er t:fll og �rt I'r�RPniSE.OR(u1,ter fC,,,i I.Iq j 0, IP.it,'Dr 7.iTPL hj PPOPErrlTY RO:HITS 4, Produce TI10SP -;EWIrD AS CD`NSL,,AlHS IN THE e!,AGN-USON-MO'S -'d I f o j 5, r,1 1 r nt, Ur�:ass iithti..It mc,c;itp'l cuzlool- Pair, rl�,�. It IdG[i MAKES NO V,1Aij;',ANTi ur fJiPS,`TJi-Mr N.T A C 1 i G: r I, -wi li'F ino;t ti_'ri if 'oc,;cr_�rdtraSear , ZO sji- 3, Urld"ATiON OF LIABILITY rOf!-;(%'SEQU_N'TrAL Nf,!DE;`A1i SPE0AL XF111`1 F EXPORT SALES ,R,117�'GER�XPPESSI�'DISULAI?AS ANY I ABlUT OR PiJNI INE DAMiAGES Griry o,,GEP S -14BUTY iN A CiFCU%ISTANGE�,IS LIV TEn TO AND LHAU. NOT 07J ip rep "tier fo�wo at�V,grilooel cUN, ruF oy"Irckul, `XG'ED, E PURCHASE PRICE"41D FOR Tz PRODUCT THAT GW�S R:SE TO A I y-i A Ft L I TY trip of 5--t, A IFULL ST/J,EtAPA4-,OF GRXNGER S I FHMS ANH)I Coo,i2,;71(-l-,J'S;S A\'A;:ABi' ON www.firainger cow rluJRPOri?-bV RU`R NrE GRAZNGER® PAGE 1 OF 1 O • 1 • GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9045689958 401 S. WRIGHT ROAD �� INVOICE DATE 01/21/2013 JANESVILLE, WI 53546 DUE DATE 02/20/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 336.16 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 050234753 in the description section REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES CALLER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 MDG2013 00026749 1 MB 0404 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6217945220 I'I'I�I111'��Ill�lll��l�ll��"1�'Ill��ll��"��"I�I�II �IIII(111 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 "777 The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ONE CIVIC SQUARE *k CARMELIN 46032 000001 3WUN1 POP-IN STROBE HEAD,BLUE 4 50.40 201.60 MANUFACTURER# EZHIDEB 000002 6GPR9 SNGL HD DASH/DECK LIGHT,LED,AMBR,4-1/2 2 67.28 134.56 MANUFACTURER# XT4AA D Q 0 FEB 11 2013 By NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT: 1.20 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 336.16 DATE SHIPPED:01/21/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND/NO SAME DAY SERVICE TRACKING NO:1Z5851880368559793 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS AMOUNT DUE 336.16 - . .................................. ................................................................................................................................ GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return, I Wholesale Only. 311 il!,, attv ornfluct 'sfrtlle7'hall ?;I,fl!u cr ti)" tfr-ric(iu J W.14 Grainger me ("G I­I-Ilger"1 tf;ouu^ls!Uf I(,"fl-I'imel"1/�th pi o;_,"'wS!Iief;s I,,,�off,Aar r. pvcr:,,10,f,l)•',I tlIo""o of �,rnl�(­f,i'order cr"11,l N. "air qef.cu-11 371d il oville,Ito dait In,PT,j,al wnir I!I,-,f qfw,,,!frofil il.us tofr,�'!,,I�rlof if)Dvrc.or-.2 noqlor�, the rack niginjer d�qd 1 0 trie (m)ca,; Caro a�1-888]^!W9 and p_.I1- 2, Prices, tf)c ife origirlat Imf-mcc IrI5 u)c�flumne, lmu a di,sr"Ipool I)!;rd fifarfl P,(,,Df cl nw0a,,t S -ICes:csrf ar.t8-DIP.si0e.fIcr ion Include-r_;hl.h,- ng fees ;­e.;and'sl cu,ic, are S'rf,ecr if)cour s, 0 cases. n 11110O Pt, .+ acs p-;,­.d ac­,c;I,o to rurriffir m.afel coriditions, 5. Manufacturer's Warranty arfg-•aurfow n9tice 1,1arket senstive con oslof­inp,r sirou!,!contact ins,sca:Gia!Tigelr bfana-t,ll­),,;K 1'ni,re at%.wo co m lo,:wrizot rmcIn®r FAUCTi FIjI on it so-cifIc uf,lcwf-r's plee Ills io-_,G•,w oIRrKt)CT call C,,-I irifre Garf, wders;nay'e sr;blecl I,oll, I sctc!ar pric,og Grwaei reserrves the jutt to ac,6,mt of select ar;y r',tre, at 8649 3. Sales Tax, 6, Product Compliance and Suitability. C a,e-,spor s 24 rfavnTarll of 1,01 aft Y, and cra;Lfoe­ I'm pf"viding,valld fo If I I r"',je ilv,s )df,s and,fegtJaI!,-ns iim,njim cons!wc!ior) rtIa antfvr use of modicis tt, ceirlifi""ale. IJJ n an Cri'lorref slitill wri..hicil fp,jdbcrs"'il a to eturnol a p e;cIdar p:rocs Certain pisducts r,,rt ,e j%1II,1,fo;e fo, s-,Ic in if areas GfaffJe.r;­Irfes m3t giiar , A. Payment and Credit Terms. crunnildfice"'! SWttrilit',of[lie pfooucts'I sell, Milt 2M, ".Is ro"Ies or eau laro;u to� Gr,.mrirr Giel c;er 31:cepis casn,cch�cits money o;dc.•s,Vj,,,a, Mast-rCtud alrt A!n Expr,,,ss, For ouatrmiets v"Ith, fe;ocn'!ohly for conspucutsn ItIall'IrOP and or fsa of,pmdoct,fils cosloniti,b f., 'C- Vest sa1yiIr?`.t•e'rMs if,net 'tv. 1301 gay,ftu,the wo,of 0 fmarll orp;ck-up. Ali credit apCrc twn R;III ail appi-cable jjjVJS foCJCS Ingo!afons I()'P-10 1!e%arlt 1;1-51L$1cq1 . Plienrl by Ganger to cLfqtfum.r,and its tnuos of sU01 c(errlt s at Gi,,ungar s'rle disc,,!iun and•riat,bol reduced nst;ularion,-,nofor use involvi1c,:;to pfoduc;s are cc,mpla, Of Itl eked by G;antger ai afty,nfe trif arly reason. Grajoge,fel-,n.es tn,rughl s)L ha o,,a conventence for jifs oa�I Gfrifiqer lurthef I ,,r-s the fif"I'T to chage clislusler'. at",pay me,t fea,at fl le•ate Df one and nwe-half 0- PRODUCT INFORMATION I 1. Catalog/Website Information. Pa;celit 1-i 9%i Of 1h,�olourli d',-,Tor eacri,month of rf)(forr fleirrl melt th�amount dt;a rernawc unpaid,or such dMU;0rI as Tav,'e fiefrs'lled Ur"'l-applicalefa.rav, Ani:cifeatirn and ca3 discs,i9c,are riot allowed Expott L),da,s Gra se vas the ffelil to pul-lisrung eio,rl 1" fri, T, P:(Jd t f to sr,,C;al cxP'Ift I'VirT,-1):ternts arid con ditivis. �ii mu't!I?f1joe iff U,5 _,Vlbis ("mulgar cat o,;-'r wel"os!tes are to,-di lsirat've Purposes o:d,; Pc,.;:a o, 5 w 1'„ Gi" -'a, Giario�[ If cust"Iner tar's to mare it",13girl of sat off and oeducuort for an,,su�ns owed r cos�-.m r i, tebm' doeF not consuluti t:i,fojhi to corchase oforucis lhvl�,(30)fays elf Stupritrit of plc:..t n,fall's to comnlkl .110I Gleqilr;,I-s,fact(!.ears is to 2 Product Substitution. i � rforrant G�Piof jiihm reasnatle)Wv adeg;aIa aQJ(Afca o id P rtituesied bv Gran car lsudl pruoucti,fand country may be X I,1r fie ifma as sjpecffics If Grainger s i euuesfl.Gifa;riaar mat defer snqpruenrs cuff s ur:h.payment Of compbaoce --,made dcsc;ipfoo�drV,)r rri,,rjes ;eq!wt cash if,advance fof ant,fiirthel snip'nients rJamifid rnpledi.l.1 pavjr,er t()1'111'jr�r)ujjrs jIsil'J�Jeu P'Ie(j to 1 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration{"OSHA")flazatilatis Substance, -,ol!aoifCn 1r;fi0f,!;ndudjncr without Imitation,alorneys fees 2nd an id_­,!;rtfuef assIt'13ted 1,o,,ts of r2"Iteria;S.Ifety Data S-sets("I'vISOS")for OSHA oafirip.d llawdous substances are mebare c aind anctior flay at its opliur.cance!ail of any parl of an ash p,icd ofoer. manot-Icturers, GRAINGER r,,IAKS NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DuSCLAlk1S 41 1;AQ GLIB TOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT Tl,?THE ACG'JqAC;I'Or-1,;E ',DR THE SUITAS;�!Ty O HE -i','RESPO CuI�Cfiier agitus,1f, for airi C,lstofller hereby unconr;i tic,faliv guarantees pavillet't 0,i.as REi,OMMEND,4;OrJS IN ANY. SDS.GUS't OMER IS So)� 'NISIBLE FORA,, H-L;ANCE ON SE OF provided nercir.all PUrCn_­,a`,-'maur,fly cusifunef.Its subs;da,ifis and af;il,ates Each of customer's subsidiaries and INFORMAJ ION.AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION 0;ANY PRODUCT atullates �;lj t�e,0^L-,,es, 4 w vilh-i,� ma"slid S 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests, "Ie purctlasrig ffoln G,a1l1(;Cf puncria s,, -1 .0 "'Cling is aoenl lot S:!:1) and atbimte-'s mst)S,asd a list of Pr000sruorl 65 product;are available ill?at the kcal Gftilng.�lr 1w by-.Ofltaclm-,'Gialf,"t, 5. Credit Balance. Dept.91 L57,A:tn. EnwonmE eta,l Health and Safest,,Deot..'00 Grainger P_nr'�t-:ay,La.rk�Fo,ssi ;L 804" 5201 U.' Customer agrees chat a ny r-edit t-, cif c ei s I;s,:if,d b v Gr.f n r f I I ba,arfpl)e�rf to rusirfirriEC,a,;couff; (i l) „/ aling,Ctramoar's IASIDS Rigiiesi �uie at 1-8-7-'RC,-9860,of fiv)r4 "n.to )one r t,_.ear of h"­):). e F CUS70MER H. N01 RE1.,_S 0,THE G,,-,;7J1f r R41_W41C,?Vi Tit Iff ON'I rhc$, i jrI the'Rv­o-_,,,_,1s t-,Ij�+the to,cf the o—, [,p 1; rIt I:!l%” R.r:, A:4�I i"',l'Ar'! C_ awl Notice to Federal Customers He:Country or Otic lmport� gm B. FREIGHT POLICY t:.I i. i"I,e Ai `Flr�e; 't,a',"d"F TO.H oii(jir, reqjht Plaoa,u i0 des 11,fn"trCII110 fit C;Ile. GTdIrl�"ti F,`J c",l�d 1 s zfir I�1 a r%%I!f,I ir T r, (Ir 1 P r I);fI,I s DiA,-0,[1 To'o lr r I tliL• 1n] Ant 1,,oefaf cuctome,uw0fasmg a c,,, I;,Iiot I_ - -;,if ire�":%Sea frOt th'! ,f c')St�)"fif eaCII c�ff,r�vi)'It!is fl-�fidkiii;fc�(wn,ch ,Gluoe�in'tisd�Ilnd;lv.o and reia- �;o:fI of ,rill be I I of a. over;I f o"i 9 j 2,- aket,pufcr�se that is not CO.:, ,L, ,q cu 7a J`ed. 'Id 15 im� cover,. -I pfifcI•,-P.s are NOT GSA t�,IodLfi`l purcilosas By T1 cha,ung lr,y pr 'trot C",flit,ro"'Pis^.a bet cusToi­,Ter reflected of�klsloffle;;Invoilcl Race pis for Shipping and onrgps%,ol:nf, _; shaz, .rainy ruarl,- S;,ri3PInQ,friIh,1nol;!;q fo,Itanda;dglountl deb,Ian for mleisc),E7 'a ndirlgin re,P ,q I Ita 1 if as -ot I")r I a1,-I.2 PI,,If'j;f nijjI%I;ed u tf c�; ';P pfor:w�meot _fl 0,ru i1 r Ii D sulDnIents 1,6 )',fl pr mired Omar ieIm-,�nd 1rofio uonE mav ar,,P j!,)' flhj than sl,;Id,w 6, ARRA gfderS. I Olhef Fralqtt Sef. irl'u,"fifif tr,;th'ju.t oltat'ryl excedle-ei d rh a;r lreigh! fffc.iI, s'nof! It is Vif cffslorn�r s reSpo;!s,bfl;ty I,,,J i�,- .1�it o Ii U n Is rr it,r r-!If, ..11 1 _ . I .: , ., orde;c ,az_-;dcusmaienrls c tIsff),,W-s Ca n AURA i raj 1'1!c. jPtid IN,,) 111-51(;, SflnuIu woos) Ut,,,,I i U,-, _ufer 11:1 ur)11_cou nr,I_,f 0"tii• s')1h,f and :sk of i'ss pas-,7r cos r,. unon;r no,, t me If r.,iz p,cfilu�t ff,dam.-,gad m a_„t,cusioinf s 110;daIIPrrI!­"ten f Ian c air ten am ef;,wfw;rts AR FIr It,Ser.uo rf 160-5 5,any icuu,"j,is If,file a C1,;IT)VtM fre CK-F sPol:c;toc ogoda;lQuis C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1 Force Majeture AL RODUCTS SOLD ARE VAAifRIArsIED Oi:_V TO CUSICAI OR 1")RE SA � OR/l�; I:.E IN Gra,,�,fri -ot be iable`of ari,tal,ty 11.0( o'A:se w """W ary IUSIN'-�S. GGVFRNfADN­, OR ORIGINAL EQUIT'NII-N-i GRAINGER WARRAN iS is r1alifUra etlll,Including but 11011 fitted It ac.ts r!Gc,d vac i tr., rrff . AP,I N S I DEFECTS sN TJIATF P,I A LS AND WO R 00 AN"H i 1 11'D R tj 0 F'.M,L li SP FOR A PERIOD OF Of,'F i 11 TEAR of th;e'aisned), oncor"IFOIS ftiPTS IH7-DArE OF PL-RCHASE F--,Orvl GRAINCER.UNILTSS 01THERWiSF,SG:`0 Pf:,,­J,/?DEFf THAI ;'o N_i urns,i r..accident e sion_,1',d-y I,,,procure 0i sh,ri qn,- THE ,RODUCI rOR RE­`U9N'DURING ,.INN TED VVARFANTY PERIOD,GRAINGER MIN/'ffl ITS pin.r ;ur,G ES or r,.;;aatenal.;severe weather c•do ccs caLtstroprr a,;,'s t, u,t=r-,,-u _�cr�,�c.; 0 111():,! If)REPAIR,0;.) REFILACE,OR ifn RFUii) THE AMOUNT PAID 3, CUS10".iPR.C:'S',OfAR rfayorO he reasonable control of G'aingu n n 1tra conlu"t of It"b,,1'!f;e:­.s .,.I "i PRODUCT I'D Ii i;APPROPRIATE G RAJrG F.P.BP ANCF4 OR AG,_1�iQRIZED SERVICiE LOCAI!ON,AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. ESV AT ED 3V GRAIJIGER.SHIPPING COSI S PREPAID GR.-IINGIER'S REPA r? REP;ACEMEN I OR REFUN D 0 F Cu nm�.�r V t fit hold hair-less and foeninifIv its ull,-,efs. eql[)isyea 6J`q�_ PA rY COS. FOR THE PRODUCT SHA- BE CtIST011tER S So:E AND SfVF REIM�111"' deaih or ddmqc to p­srf,,,d,rcpeny and XCLU vas from Inol against any and',!I claims ifclus!flo­'0qdv ll,u, faviesiffitut al;C111""MrieSr flirfllt-',o0ligat,cws.detlands actions ulri cxfrens,.%%.hetht)r cffec,fiT s0IrfI t,kno'..",C,;inkil")t 2 WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. ibsoiti!e or contingent.rncurrar by Grainger felaiea 10 the of sa,vc6 fps Customer ffn6j Jln"wilhout Gf SAC EXPR OR TO 0-1 �,and -f r defurf;inq ir1 of rireottnedl HER THAI,'AS SET FORTH iN TIIE 1110ITED ciiiit3iinn sett 2;u ecsis,altcni�vs Is- "'no,and-,!I-mer e,oemse,�u I t VI/P'RiIii7f S ApF6AF,T ArfO�,/L I. rjr;,-,,� GO r ?OH 7E1 isif, D 8(119.4 1 NC EP, GRAINGER DISCXMS AN,' ,,, ut 0(.!T rant e o 1 1,1 1)a T t a Dy a r t 1,,o s s 1 0 1 c it I t oal 0 r ,1 ,-1 11i 1 ye C s a sue..,filt'ac"o f 1`0_.(Ahl"AS ARlstvf3.OUT OF PRODUCT MOSLSE 1111PPOPER PRODUCT SEILECIiON, cjIPROPER "a P­ ;e rf2;1 V as i N S1,A LATiOF,,, PRODlG-, MO�Lit';CATION MISWAIR OR MlSAPP1l;l7A`I0[,J GRAII,6`R EXPRESSUf 3. Cancellation. R U ,-flst be al,;�Toj d ov G[aing.r ar!(f man he zoc;�I,f jr', --'s�jro olne, nrj, �W�C,AiMl,ANY`AIA RANTY IHIJ THE PROD�CTS �1) NIERCHANIA,11 (iii -,II, OR A.PAI�-4 th,102 Al"w"'.hict ool'i ctrlc0ai;on� PLiRPOSE,OR G DO N'01.AND WILL NC 7 INFRINGE 011.';0TH[,2,'S IITELI- FFOPERTY RIGHTS. 4 Product Return. C Ri,!NIGE R f.1,,.K1-S NO WA'RrA'jT!ES TO THOS DFI`lf�En C I Irod"o-'t relutris mIst"IF fitade v"I*c)one(I oate�!ootr,��t s, I I AS ONSUMII-RS to! 7�ilz M'SNOSOfJ-MOSS F-DERAL TPA` IMPROVEIAC'N' afll ii1f, cf�af Gr amr;,l"J"ci, o, ,i,to qn g;am�lc,-wo t,� ACT ird r!32;12tle C.001n(Jfl 0; 3, LIMITATION OF LIABILITY I`IIIPI�k­p i XIII.ESS)ty AN', -OP,`,U%SEQjENIT�At_ FiGliTI il!TA:_SPEC:AL,EX,.I.a.ra,'i F. EXPORT SALES OR PUN:TIVE DAI'AACES GRAIINGER S I 1ADILTY N ALL CrRCUUS-,,NCES IS LIMITED TO ANO Sti" -NOT Ofuu;_fir"i Pxpodsalesare 5uoectlo thfI terms Cofoil,onfotmd A'jv,.,. I"'u Car, 'j.)V1, le,nn�', EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR T.�JF PPO�,!jGj GIVES R:SE 10 Atty L; Sao, ,m -'Ili I c .I r -M (11I f" I N(-, i�I­IrP�A N Gi GONIM-,(-,"JS ! AVA;f AR;r FLN"..inahropir.r.on;ANTI iq ili ,FIICRATE D Rv rrF g G 'AINGER® PAGE 1 OF 1 1 1 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 —_ 3 INVOICE NUMBER 9055544044 2775 S. 900 W. INVOICE DATE 01/31/2013 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84119-2447 DUE DATE 03/02/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 27.72 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 050547451 in the description section REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES CALLER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 MDG2013 00031036 1 MB 0405 ORDER/DE LIVERY#:6218986708 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK _ 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 0 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 801-972-1340 P• BACK 1 • • 1 • OR DE The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL IN 46032 ** 1000001 4RZH1 PRECISION DRIVER SET,TORX(R),10PCS 1 27.72 27.72 MANUFACTURER#92200 7 FEB 2013 By NUMBER OF PKGS:1 WEIGHT:0.67 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 27.72 DATE SHIPPED:01/31/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:lZ8406140397637943 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. -- – –– PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 27.72 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1. Wholesale Only. Before tunniang amt product,custmne;shall (d Vate or call file focal Grainger branch from v oich','to,product was VJ.W.Grainger,roc_('Graingei')se Is procircts•or bts mess use is rush rers with proper uus nass;din tifcauon, pu r-"z'ad;fir in the case of an rit=rnel order.contact wv✓v,graingercom and provide the:ai-.the original Invoice which is esl r,d,mu all customers prior-,fourchase nd vher.the,stock number,and a de7crMucal or the da`ec of Jkk call Customer Care at i 888-361-8649.and provide 2. Prices the date the Original invoice number,ne,stock number and a description of the detect Proof df purchase is required ..,listed are wholesale db rat inclur-freight.dendhrfp fees t„ ar-a,,r dvile! rind vie subject tc"crre of Or m n r,aes Nape vyintrout notice. f4arket sensihve Commodity pfo locts irrii priced 3000Fd;cg to cu rent cl3f ket co rdihols 5. Manufacturer Warranty. C-iflonier should cor act the local G.anger branch or check onl r e itt %.1w.g ainger.corn for Cu.ren'p•IC'ig Faport For i,to rifn anon On a specific,r i e n if f as101„f'swaFla11 ty,pleas,co_iact the local Gmrng.r Ira rci of ca f Custrner Gare Or, may be subject to other special pridsot Grainger raserres the rght to accept or ralect any order at 1-288-3G1-8849. 3, Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Customers are responsible for paymew of all applicable state and local fazes.or for proerdino a cafid sales tax Junsdicbons have varying laws-codes and regulations gowaminu construction.ins Let let on.arc loin use of p rode ris fain %eMorko aIn ate IN placing an orea. customer shall inn a._-+'.;_ products are tax exempt a tiarI a:da-purpose Certain t arodacfs may not be-tailrb e for sale in all areas Grainger,^, cot guarantee e es 4. Payment and Credit Terms. cemplianoa Or suitability of the pf,,ducts it sells tvrih any la•AvS,codes or regulanons,not doss Grainger acaedt Grange'ac.cepts cash checks,mom.t orders.Visa MasterCard,and American Express. For c ustorners with rest,-C,nsf ai irr Tor coris!7ucuon,r,.,a-ration and rot use of it pr;duct t Is customer's I_spCUS b;tv ra rewevrha product tea isle,Grainger Credit. terms are net thirty(30)days Irani the date It�s'tipmint o pink-Fri All 'iedi apri., .n ano a4 aoplicehm v,:,cu,ins and regulations r, e,ul r,levinut or Isdicco ,he sure oral the cons r;cuon f r'nded',y Grainger to customeC arid fle i-Ais,if such stedit i3 of Gro-cye:sole oiscratcn.and fiay b, ;r.aced inst, ..or and'7r use n.oly ry products are comphaw. or revoked by Grautger at any:tote,for any reason. Grainger reserves-,te Tight to charge a convenience fee for late paywerns. Grainger further reserves the right to charge customer a lam payment fee at the rate of one and one-half 0. PRODUCT INFORMATION percent(1-1/236)of the amount due for each month or portion thereof twat the amount due remains unpafd.or such 1_ Catalog/Website Information. amount as may be permuted under applicable la•:•:'. Anticipation and cash discounts are not allowed. Export orders Grainger reserves the right to correct publishing errors if,,its cetaloos or any of its st ites. Product depictions in the are subject to Special export payment iern;s and conditions- AL payments must be made in U.S.dollars Grainger ca- Of aeasues are for this-rie ive purposes only Possession of or access to.,r/C r r c-i catalog.Ineranne or shall have tha right of set-off and deducuur for any sums ovied by cu r`vflerto Grainger, If customer fells to make itpDsnei does not constitute the right to purchase products. payment within thirty(30)days of shinmert or pink-up,or fads to comPty cmn(5rainger's credit taros,or fails to 2. Product Substitution. suap°1 ajesluate assurance of tali per orma me to Gram cdnhin a reasonable Line after requested by Grar-gr-isuch Pr d s(and country of origin) niaay he substituted ._( may ,of be identical t3 e:clog or wabste pun shad hn s._sp.cihed in Gra Inge s ieg lest).Gsaingar may defer shlpnleins wail such pannent or contprfan,,i,matte de of:.n.,it d'or;mages t f chit Cash.n advance far any furthers;ipments demand lmmed eta payment at all ace rot her.ory>i lac!to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA"J Hazardous Substance. pi :ue rolocpon action(including wih..ut limitation,attorneys'`eies and any and all other assoea:J eosin of Ma a Safety Data Shaets(kI DS`)for OSHA defined,fin,ardous substances are pr. 0 .,1 and supplied by the cc ecrront a�O/art may.at its ophon car coo all or any part elan a smile:!;Order ., „facldlars. GRAINGER HAKES NO WARRANIIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY nr CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUlTABlLITY OF THE Customer ag;ees U assume responsili,iny tor,and cusmmer hereby uncondrhonally guarantees pannent of.as R 1-110MMENDATIONS IN ANY EASDS-CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY provided herein,all purchases made by customer,its subsidiaries and affiliates- Each of customer's s llesldisries and iN ORMA710N,AND FOR USE OP.APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT afhllatas purhasing from Grainger wi!I be jointly and severally liable for purchases wino customer.and cosiomar Is 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. also acting as agent for such subsldlarles and affliatas. MSDS and a list of Proposition 65 uroducis are available:r)at the local Grainger brenr,h'pl)b�v contacting Grainger. 5. Credit Balance. Rev 81A 57,Attu: Etvirortntental Health and Sahety Dept.100 Grainger Parkway,Take FoFest.U 60045-5201 U.S., Customer agrees that anv credit balanrefs)issued by Grainger will be applied to customer's account (iii)by calling Gramgers MSDS Request Line at 1-877-286-9860,Of(iv)by logging oil to vrrmi,graingeccom and t.. art v(it i,°i,.nce CUS Oa4ER HAS PJOI R 0 _CRzDi-,BALANCE V.ITV C� r (1l ��,;1�. the`Rasources..fah a.Vie°op of III,page, yEf.R � it r,l P•,v „t;+,,I_di tG CR; i Br�AG_.=h-2 BE CIP,NCELLED ;l 'AI�G�Fi SHAt SANE rile ��.TER 6. Import{ant M1iahce to Federal Cusiemers Be:Country lit OrirMI, IARI(ITY Vi cJ„i,.,. t rinco o: S.Ad,.amaI.r._ ,tae't l� of me c t d by Ender'! Act a - R.egu'atens P,-r: 25 prudints soict ur u ;cal ne.et , B.FREIGHT POLICY _ :+ins At the I me e „ Gam eI ,, .1 ins.,_,:;iii s:nth proper I ., _ tj„ p�p - _ _�:.S an adT lCn,.eu Prices stated are FO B ongin.freight p .to r:simatlon spec f -- o a.r Gramgei rharges,Shipping pping and ,J ..n omen aheti e;O a r colic'is 1A4.amyl a r a,!%federal customer parcoa.:dr:g a non-TAA item viii handling fee(awhrch includes interne oandliom and related costs)on.,airy order which is applied at time or older fle.fnaitincl an"open market"pu :-ase!Flat is not covered F,anv contract Federal customers are advised that the open reflected oil cu,:ckruefs ink voiea Rarelp, -stripping and handlraq charges will not be.furmshen Granger covers -...purchases are NOT GSA-module purchases.By purchasing any product on the open market,the customer shI if Ins,and n air-;ling for na^daW gro ant ,e-Iv.ty list orders over US 51500 before tax and Freight imcludrng any back ^p,,,. Ss hat it has autnoriry to nl.Fe such purchase and has comp lad.vith all apolictiole procurarnent regulations. orders).C.O.0 shipments are not permirn ed Otter t-nn�and condnro_o ia',apuly tor otne(than Siacoakcr Lichvery 6. ARRA Orders, c Othei rimght Sel,'ces`L uli luthng "liflidint r-n talon,expedited same dai-Selwa �.ir neight fracild cu rein,r;xport if,IU,u ionner s responsibiliiy r to advise Granger;ktnethef rfils order Is funded In i iy a tY funds fiom of related o de: Ila�err o1 matauafS rusr,l.vein's nut.,ioe the,coni,rr uons ii S.OF oth,_special handling ry the to tfic,k,,nioncan RiOnk,,ishnent anu aecow-ry Act('ARRA') carter.Any Charges incurred to Other F -7 -bc.vnces roust he pawl by e nsto per Fuel surcharges mav be apphed.Hite (P-n.n.No '11-5)U e..Ste J IC, .,ids;. Upon reque. _-w ger will provide count Y id Origin mformauon so that and dsJ,er loss pass to customer upon tend_r sit,hiom o:tin the car Fier if,rye product Is damaged it trared,customers ct stn-ter r-la) determine col u --....irh any app'car,_ e.,v:v.,rients under ARRA „e.Fiiorr 1605 or any other only recourse ins to tila a claim ranh the earner, al?plicahle regulanons C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure, Au.FRODUCI-S SOLD ARE WARRANT','�'GRAINGER ONLY VG G_lSTOr1FRS FOR. (I)RESALE OP(0 USE IN Gramg=r shall not be noble la;a iv dr.lay in.or impairment of.pa^Ormanee resulting r vino e or In part from any force BUSINESS. GOVERNMENT OR ORIG-vd EQUIPMENT MAN UF.,40 URE GRAINGER `h,±RRAt�S PRODUCTS rot.ere.event,including but „t I-.red to acts of God lain, r i.: pdons,arts of war,a to tertclsm,rwhether agtual AGAINST DEFECTS iN .ATERiALS AND WORKMA14SHIP LINDER NAR!,ki it USE FOR A PERIOD OF DATE M YF AR Or!.r_t,_t.r,edl,governmental Cc s a,Controls,inswr r, ra ep amres.quarantines,,hertagcs,communication of Ar iLR FINE DATE OF PUROFIASE FRGh'GRAINGER.UNLESS OTHERWISE STAiE3). PROVIDED THAT+;R!',IIilGER r.a_.s,fire,accident.,,olvs.dn.inability ro procure or snip product or obtain permits and_ccnses rrabll'dy to ACCE'TS'HE PRODUCT FOR RE,jRN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD,GRAINGER MAY,AT ITS pro.,:c,upplies or raw mater ai_a_-ere weather conddi, s iatasfrophrc events.of any a,rc"crc:imslaoce,Of^Fuse OP',Orl l-)REPAIR,fit)REPLACE, OP(fit) REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER CUSTOMER MUST beyo no the reasonable control of Glaincier In the conduct of business. RETUREi ifi c PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH'OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION,AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESlGN't- D By GRAINGER,SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER S RE°AIR, REPLACEMENT On REFUND OF Customer will hard harmless a-d!ndemrory Grainger I„or`ce;e.directors.employees,-.,gents.siibrontmctois or AMOL,NT6 PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT,SHALL BE GUS T.vNi-R'5 SOLE AND EXCLLS;Vt RFtAEDY. e„-es n atives from and--ma ms!any and ail claims,inelu Ong b)oils Injury,death or o nu ye to personal property.and r ail ott+ar losses,liabilities,obhgafijrrs,demands.actions arid exyenses.whether direct or Incited,know ri or unknown. 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absoluie or contingent.Incurred 9y Grainger related to the perorniii of services for custc,rnar(including without a NO VJAR'4rtrfOR Al,FIRMA'ON d aUk.EXPRESS OR IVPJ_D.Or`ER THAN AS SET FORTH iN=ur tl'E7hED settlement costs a - _ fns and any and af diver expenses for defentong any actions or threatened Alp RFA _"STATEMENT ADOVE, S NIADE OR ALIT HORIZE1 BY GRA:CiGEft GRANGER D,SCtAIMS ANY art r,i sr.any out of,in wh_I .:',n part.any art or orn.a„r W customer,its employ ct .gent; subcontractors or L,APILI.'(FOR CLAIM.. ARiSi IG OUT OE PRODt.CI'MISUSE -MPROPER PRODUC'i SELECTION. 11P,'TOPER t2 re .:Itafrves. INSTA%LA710N, PRODUCT MODIFICATION. Vi0iEPAIR OR Mi;EAPPI_IGAi;ON GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellation. DISL'LA AS AN9Y WARRANTP'THAI THE PRODUCTS (i)ARE MERCHANTABLE, to) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR Al!p.oditut Ordain cancellations n d.,,a,,approved by Grainger.and fray be,subject to ra srockmc fees and other Charges. PURPOSE;9P,(iii)DO NOT AND iPJILL NOT INFRiNIGE UPON OTHER'S tINTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS 4. Product Return. b GRAINGER NO WARRANTL S TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNU-SON-MOSS ,r u,t returns must be made is r,ai one(1T year from date of p ricnase unless other._e it dicated-Customer should WARRd-..: FEDERAL TRADE COM 1,--SiON IMPROVEMENT ACT as a local Gmmger branch -.:90 to wvnv granger Cam ton instructions. Return d poduct must be in original pack"mr.g,unused,undamaged.zn-d in saleaole condltcn Pmoi of purchase is required in all=vases. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAilkIS ANY LABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL,iNGlDENTA.L.SPECIAL EtcMPLARY, F. EXPORT SALES OR PUrUI;lVF DAMAGES. GRAINGEBS LIABILITY IN At-L CIRCUMST-AhCES rS LIMITED TO.AND SHALL NOT Or,,,-,r,;reeportsalrsnras.i,..:.i�rheteimscontiitlonsfo� .nrvv.yramgercom., dcaroe,arcessedbyrllcking EXCEED-THE PURCHASE PRIC;:PAID FOR THE PROi)tiC7 THAt VES­;SE 70 ANY LIABILITY it rats of Sale hink .A FULL STATEMENT OF GRAiNGER'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS IS AVAILABLE ON www.0 turtmer.com AND IS 1NGORPORAI D BY REPE(iLA1GE- PAGE 1 OF 2 • GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9049189237 8211 BAVARIA ROAD �°� INVOICE DATE 01/24/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 /y' DUE DATE 02/23/2013 = www.grainger.com /�5 AMOUNT DUE 228.73 Ship to information is listed below / PO NUMBER: 050296604 in the description section REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES e, CALLER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 ° MDG2013 00032676 1 MB 0404 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218320778 IIII�I�IIIII'1��III�II'��II�1"1�'II'1�1'1"�1'1�111�'I�'I'1'II�� INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! - FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 ° e e r o ••° e The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMELIN 46032 000001 4X313 BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR,BLUE,16-14,PK100 2 17.72 35.44 MANUFACTURER# MVU14-BCX 000002 5X541 BUTT SPLICE CON NECTOR,YELLOW,12-10,PK50 1 11.52 11.52 MANUFACTURER# MVUIOBCX 000003 4FRE6 BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR,YELLOW,PK25 1 15.16 15.16 MANUFACTURER #4FRE6 000004 4FRE7 BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR,BLUE,PK25 1 11.75 11.75 MANUFACTURER #4FRE7 000005 4FRH9 BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR,RED,22-16,PK100 3 14.26 42.78 MANUFACTURER #4FRH9 000006 4FRE8 BUTT SPLICE CONNECTOR,RED,22-16AWG,PK25 1 11.75 11.75 MANUFACTURER# 4FRE8 000007 4FR32 FEMALE DISCONNECT,BLUE,16 TO 14AWG,PK1 3- 14.27 42.81 MANUFACTURER# 4FR32 000008 4FRE5 FEMALE DISCONNECT,YELLOW,12-10AWG,PKS D 15.08 15.08 MANUFACTURER #4FRE5 FEB 1 1 2013 CONTINUED NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:2.90 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 22813 DATE SHIPPED:01124/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND By TRACKING NO:IZ3018W70300105233 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full responsiblity to!compliance with l IS export conirols. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 22&73 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1. lhrho leSafe Only. Bc-tpfe relutraq mi'l pigd'oct v,uslo;llet shall. Ili'Rrhe or tali file local Grainger branch ffOdi P.niC;l lhC prddWJr W.W.Gc,+ages dn1g3,')sei';p-rod rots or,!�i oss .Se yr :✓h,,ropar business idc taf?Calion. I urchasad:(u)in the case of an T,.ernat order canto"f✓>ovm.graiager.cont and provide the date.tha cripinel invoice winch Is reciwned limn all customers prior to put,iser number,the stork number and a description of the deter, or{Ii()tail Customer Care at 1-8$8-381-8649 and paimtle 2. Prices, the bate,the eriginal invoice number,the stock molter,and a description at the defect Proof of purchase is required !If f ces listed are wholesale do ort Include freight,na'dlinca fees,taxes odd/n lutws and are sublet'It', macron or I all cases. ri ange without notice. toar,ei sensitive commodity products will be priced according to current market conditions, 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. should contact L,w local Grainger branch or tneck online at:vvvw.yraingaccomtor current pLUrg. Export Fo information on a spec`tic manufacturer's!mnanty-please contact the local Grainger branch or call CaSfomer Car-' artier,may be suh;ect ro other special pacing. G raingcr reserves the right to accept or reject any order at 1 888 361-8649, 3 ales Tax 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Ct yron ens are respons TIC to;payment of all appfcahle state and local taxes.or for providing a✓aid sales far. Jurisdictions have vaimng aws codes and regulations governing construction.instaliaiicnr and/0"use of piod'ots for exe action cerlihcate. When placing an order,customer shall add!cate IvIlan products are tax evenapl- a particular purpose. Cartain products may not be a✓aoable for sale in all af� r. Grainger Nees not guarant, 4. Payment and Cfedit Terms. compliance or suitability of the products it sells with any aws,codes or reigulabons,nor ones Grainger accept ;rainyer accept,cash cheicys, money orders Vi.a, Mr,sleOaru and Ar oaten Express For clsurnrs with pon'ibllity`or construction installation andor use o aproduct.niscustotrersresponsiban/to rev the,rod pct astabfished Gra!ager credit.payment terms are net thirty t30)days from file date of shipment or pick-up. All credit application and au applicable Taws codes and regulations for each eel vast iurisdierion to be sure that the cons aton ertendsd by Grainger to cwotouetr.and the limits of such credit.is at Giainger's sole discretion and may be reduced installation,and/or use involving the products are compliant, or revoked by Grainger at any time,for any reason. Grainger reserves the right to chards a convenience fee tar late. payments Grainger Further reserves the rght to charge customer a late paymen;fee at the rate of one art-d one-half 0- PRODUCT INFORMATION tuner (1 y2°i,)of the amount due or each mcnth of portion mental that the amount due remains unpaid,or such 1. CatalogJWebsile Information. amount is may he permitted.unde-appiice.bla f3v, Atpicipanon and cash discounts are not allowed. Export orders bred per reserves the right to correct publishing er!o!-In ts ca.3!oq of«ny of its fiabsnes. Product depictlo is r,the If'sublect to specie'export payment terms and conditions. '_! payments must be mace in U.S.dollar--, Grainger catalog or webs!tas are for illustrative purposes only. r 15 lesson of of access to any Grainger catalog,hteranure or ;hall have,the right of set-off and deduction for any sums owed by customer to Grainger. !t customer fails to make tvabsites does not constitute the rcpt to purchase products. pd•;nn'.nt ry thin Ih!r (3(`)dlJs of shipment or pick-up,or fair to comp) v th Grainyers credit terns,or .Is i�-j 2. Product Substitution. supoIj adequate assurance ce`a performance to Grainger wil`rin a reasonable time after requested tb Grainger;such Products land country of or'gin) may be substince:and n?py not be identical it,catalog or weesi4 pwf iched 'c!e as 'pee.nod in r a! qr r s Iequest) Grainger Tray defer shipments until such payment or courph r r i'mail dcsarvions and/or images. rejuire casin in advance for a.;'rime shipmen's,rzmand Immediate paywent of all amounts then tiviln e flat to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA')Hazardous Substance, pursue eofecbor,ac fan(including w!ihout ilmitatlo^ aporneys `ass and any and as other associated toffs of Material Safety Data Sheets('NISDS')`or OSHA defined hazardous substances are prepared and supp ,J it he co0o,c ionl auaJor roiy,at its option,cancel all 0�any part of an unshipped order. m ufacturers. GRAINGER MiAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL e ABILI i TO ANY CUS l i,JER OR USER WITH RESPECT"O THE ACC7RACr OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE Customer agrees to assume responsibility far.and customer herebv unconditionally guarantees paymeni of.as RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS-CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY provided nerem.all pdrel niter;made by cusomer its sahsiduarrs aria rnfolhates Each of customer's suosi t a ies and INFORMATION,AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT affiliates purchasing firoin Gr irpef will be iomuly and severally liable for purchases win,customer,and customer is 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests a!so acting as agent for suer subsidiaries and afutiates_ MSDS and a list of Prgposidoo 65 piodusts 2'e avalfaale�if)at the local Glair-ger branch;fill by contactng Gra•;gar 5-Credit Balance. Dept B'1-07,Alto. Envnunmental Health and Safety Dept.100 Graulgar Park;eay,Lal:e Forest.IL 60045-5201 U.S.: Customer agrees thaf any credit balances)Issued by Grainger will be applied to customer's account (iii)by calling Go inuei s MSDS Request',fee at 1-877-28&t)813(L or(iv)by,largging on to vvvnv-grzinger.com and viilnd ede i i ea:Cn its-s!a.n:e 'F CUSTOMER h/;5 NOT PEQUESTED fHE CREDIT BALANCE VJII niN ofaE i?1 nl!c ;r e on the`Resou'a's ',all or the In of The page ?.:OIT DE CANCEf I FD,A�4D GRIUf-GC-R SHA>__HAVE NO JRTI-IER 5. Iron vrmnt N4oce to Fedor' Guslnfnen Re:Country ou Ougm '.nB!'u,'/ ! :.a al;p(trol;-,Ic-ai fife GSA,.d�.a �-4�!=';lie vlo eg'•rre^errs of r5e Trade Agreemenis Act AR:').as !p'aniehtad b- -,dare! cquj:arcC F au.,:bas P_,, 2., after c oducts sold by Grmnaef ma!not m:ct the B. FREIGHT POLICY it r L anent; A.tut!tm ,..,rc flats- t(a;;Iner vnP . ,.,limners nfin I roder'dent!oca Ian as an authwazed Pabea suutaill are FO B.d,gin,1re,ghr,ref aid to!._,mum'specriea in the under.Grainger charges a shipping and schedule casbr!2'whethe-ronlol a prod ccl is'TAA co np twat'Any federal customer pur'cltasmg a non-TPA ins^will I a ml g f,e ivm!ch ins its olefral.'and ing and Iruaed costs)on each order winch a applied at time of order and be rnak og ac"open market'pt repose di st is not covered by any contract.Federal customers are advised that the,open re ectad or 6usl'omers Invoice Race pis for shipping and handling charges will not he furnished. Guunger covers market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases By purchasing any product on the open marke_,the customer shipping and handing tat-semaard rgr(jond delivery for orders over US 11500 before tax and freight(including ant back 'epresents that it has audio-•ty In make such purchase and has complied with all applicable procurement Fegulanons. r oec;u.C,O.D shipment,Ine not penratso,Other TTelms and conditions may apply fra other than Stan d am doiiverd 6. ARRA Orders. 1`Other Frser ht Services i,I nclud!ng.:'shout henna+.or exiled fed same day delivery,air freight.freight collect,export It is true customers responsibility to advise Grainger r heihe-this order is funded In any part by funds from or reared o-ae.rs,hr-ardous materials ces[iene•s caner;upments outside the contiguous U.S..or other special handling by the to day American Rautvestm.n(and Recovery Acl(-ARRA) carrier,Any charges mrured 2r Gthcr.r.ightSwvue.,,rust tie paid by dusrorner.Fuel surcharges may be applied.Tide (Pub.L No.111-5I(ire-S..nulua Funds! Upon rogues[,Grainger will provide country of crig'm infonvaton so that and risk of loss pass to cusromer upon tender of shipment io the tamer it the product is damaged in transit,customers os aner nrev delermme compliance rlth any applicable requirements under ARRA Section 1605 or any other dniv reccoasa,Is to file a claim vvilh the carne applicable regulations. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure Alt-PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINCER'.iNLY TO CUSTOMERS FOP.: Ill RESALE:OR(')USE IN Cram,gor shall not ge liable fora any aclry it or aripairnicnt of pe,inrmance-eswt ng la rrroe or in part troy any tor._e 8L'SINESS, GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS maieure.event.inc!uorng but not limited m acts of God,labor disruptions,acre of war,acts of terrorism rnhesher actual AGAINST DEFECTS IN FAATEfiIALS A.ND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORiMAL`USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE(1)YEAR or threatened),governmen !decrees or controls insL,rreCu0ns,eplaemics quarantines,shortages.Carnmunicat.011 or AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER-UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. PRO'/IDED THAT GRAINGER oot:'er failures,fire.accident explosion,inability to procure or ship product or orpen parrots and licenses.inability to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING I H.L Ln,11TED WARRANTY PERIOD.GRAINGER.MAY,AT ITS procure supplies or rat„materials,severe weather conditions.catastrophic evenl or any other circumstance or cause Of",ON 0)REPAIR (ii)REPLACE,OR(fill REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER'MUST beyond the reasonable control f Grainger in the ccndua'of Its business. RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION,AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGN A'FED BY GRAINGER,SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR RLFILACEMENT OR REFUND OF Customer will hold harmless and Indemnify Giairgpi,its officers alternate emprpJees agen- suaccn-acuors oIF AN?OUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOP THE PRODUCT,SHALL BE CUSTONIER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY'_ -,piece riahves irgm and apamst an/antl all enrols feu amg Oodi!y injury,death 0,dawage to personal prop',and all other losses Labdih?s-brg,tions.de canes,action ass expcnses.v.helhef d :v indirect.4tot^vn or or known. 2_ WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute or contingent.ing rred by Granger t elaied to tIte pectermarce cr saNrces for cus-n tl (irrbvl-g uAllout a-'40 WARRANT''OP AFT-MATION OF FACT.EXPRESS OR MAPLlEO.OTHER t HAN AS SET FORTH IN THC F 4,1I7ED 1nr tab t.s:n';rant cost.,,arc r7ys e, and am ,.-_ apse expenses for t a ling a - ,ions or n r-t li d WARRANTY STATE-1,N i AEOVE !S IMAID E OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER- GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY actions)ans ng oft of n woode or In part any act or rl nfss;on of OuSnOaaor.ns rapid_-es,agents subro`,ociors or LIABIUT,'FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE,IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION,IPDPHOPER represeniaeves. IMS71 A OF. P ODUCT h10DIFIC.i ON MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. GRAINGER EXPPESSCt 3. Cancellation ANY OJARRANiY 1 FIAT Tr1E PRODUCTS- ti)ARE MERCHAN TABLE to FIT FOR A PARTICULAR all product fooei cancellaLc^s must 9r apt ov d.?Graa rg...and May L--sunset.,.rid ock tg"-s ano olheI cllarpes PUPPOSF,OR(ni)DO NO!A'JD WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S iNTELLECTUA_PROPERTY RIGHTS. 4. Product Return 'c GRA rCE. M-oKES 140 WARR411'.11'eS TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE rAAGNUSON-MUSS Product refu ns must ra IT26c vi dal one(1)year porn„ate o it rr nose.unless nt,,.-se inc aced.C�isto nn rnutd VW, /;A ;,ELIERta TRADE COtl'v'!SSION!tfr'RO`JCMEN T ACT call Me local Granger Uradcil cn qt,to r_+t-uraryerrom.ter irstructirns Reh rieu Product mu,i be in oi!g!ial p ,,,ing,unused undama ied.and in sineab e oono t er;. °root of Nurchase is re ;red in of cases. 3 LIMITATION OF LIABILITY G,RAIIICFR EXPPESSLr USCcAIMS ANY LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL N01DEN7 L.SPECIA_ EXEMPLARY. F. EXPORT SALES OR PUNITIVE DAVIAGES. GPAWGEHS LIABILITY IFJ ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS I.IMfTEDTO.AND SHALL.NOT Ordersre!r;xprat sales aifSuoe ctto the terrnscondiaoor,(c.routww•v.yraSngena'!.ana can be accessed adclickino_ EXCEED,THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT THAT GIVES RrSE TO ANY LIABltIT'i ma the`Trims of Sul?hnk. 1 1!.1 oT,.TVnncnrT nc cP•v Zit c TPPnnc An!n rnw-a-,nNS 1S A1+A.N ARI F ON!www 11at—r ram ANfa Ic;F.ICCrttPORATFD BY RFF`rRPNCE. RZGE ® PAGE l OF l O INVOICE GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9046622826 8211 BAVARIA ROAD 8 / / INVOICE DATE 01/22/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 / D DUE DATE 02/21/2013 www.grainger.com r'2 AMOUNT DUE 124.45 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 050292637 in the description section REQUISITIONER: JEFF BARNES BILL TO CALLER: JEFF BARNES CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2448 — MDG2013 00032779 1 MB 0404 ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218047190 IIIIIII'II'II'II"II'llll'II��I�III�"'ll�lll�llll�'��II��I"I��' INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 •• • • • TOTAL ••! ! The following items were shipped to: CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMELIN 46032 000001 4HWP9 MULTI PURPOSE CREAM,SIZE 5.3 OZ. 5 24.89 124.45 MANUFACTURER# BU 03515 D Q � FEB 11 2013 8y NUMBER OF PKGS.0 WEIGHT.2.00 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 124.45 DATE SHIPPED:0122/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:lZ3018W70349871378 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance with US export controls. PNYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS,PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 124.45 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4, Warranty Product Return, 1. Wholesale Only- Before returning any product,customer shall: (i)write or call the local Grainger branch from which the product was AI.W.Grainger,Inc.1'Gralr4er'1 sells products for business use to customers•+nth proper business identification„ purchased:(in in the case Of an Internet order,contact%✓ww.greingercom and provide the data the original invoice hick is required train all customers prior to purchase, number the stock 01-mber,and a uescr ption of the defect;or(iii)call Customer Care at 1-888-361-8649,and prowde, 2. Prices. the date,the ouginai invoice number,the stock number,and a desorption of the defect Proof A purchase is required Prices listed are wholesale,do not Include freight,handling fees,taxes,and/or dories,and are subject to corraction or in all cases, change without notice. Market sensitive commodity products will be priced according to current market conditions. 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. Customer should contact the local Grainger branch or check online at ww%,v.grainger.cor for current pricing. Export Fgr information on a specific manufacturer's warranty-please contact the local Grainger branch or call Customer Care orders ma✓be subject to other special pricing. Grainger reserves the right to accept or reject any order, at 1-388-36f-8649. 3. Sales Tax, 5. Product Compliance and Suitability. C stmne,s are responsible'of payment of all appllcahlc;etc and local taxes or for providing a valid.,.I;a tax Jurisdictions Piave•frying la."s,codes and regulations governing construction,installation.and/or use of products for exemption certificate.When placing an order,customer shap indicate which products are tax exempt. a particular purpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas. Grainger does not atuarantee 4. Payment and Credit Terms. compliance or smtat-fity of the products it sells with any laws.codes or regulations, nor does Grainger accept Grainger accepts cash,checks,money orders,Visa, MasterCad,and A.marican Express. For customers with responsibility to,co ist notion.installation and/or use of a product_It is customer;responsibility to review the product cstabllshild Grainger credit_payment terms are net mint`/(30)days from the date or shipment or pick-up. Ali credit application and all applicable laws,codes and regulations for each relevant jurisdiction to be sure that the censtructsn. extended by Grainger to customer.and the limits of such credit,is at Grainger's sale discretion,and may be reduced installation,and/or use invaNing the products are compliant. of revoked by Grainger at any time for any reason. Grainger reserves the fight to charge a convenience tee for late pavinwntS. Grainger further reserves the right to charge customer a late payment toil at the rate of one and one-half 0. PRODUCT INFORMATION percent(1-i/2%)of the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid,ei such 1. Catalog/Website Information. f tort as may be permitted under applicable law. Ant ripin^,n and cash discour„are of allowed. Exporr orders Grainger reserves the right to correct publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its websi es Product depictions in the are subject to special export payment terms and conditions. All payments must be,made In US.dolbbs. Grainger catalog of websites are for illustrative purposes only. Possession of,or access to.any Grainger catalog,literature or shnul hat=a the right of set-o^and reduction for any sc^rs or+ed by customer to Grainger If fit tome%f;its. eke :deb:i es Ines not constitute the mutt to purchase produc s. pevment within thirty(30)days of shipment or pirl,up.or tails to comply with Graingers credit terms.or fails to 2. Product Substitution. supply adequate assurance of full performance to Grainger within a reasonable lima after requesterd my Gra-cger(s wit Products lard court,),of origin) may be substituted and may not be identical to catalog or vabsre pu bllsherl time as specified in Grainger's request).Grainger may defer shipments until such payment or compliance is made, descuplions and/or images_ require cash in advance for any further shipments,demand immedi ate payment of all amounts then oe!ed.etecl m 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA")Hazardous Substance. fu :ua collection action(wriluding without limitation anormevs'fees and any and all other associated tests off Material Safety Data Sheets('MSDS')for OSHA defined hazardous substances are prepared and supplied by the collection),andror may,at its option,cancel alt of any part of an unshipped order. manufacturers. GRAINGER. MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO A'4Y CUSTOP,aE'R OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF'THE INFORMATION ON THE SUITABILITY OF THE Customer agrees to assume responsibility for,and customer hereby unconditionally guarantees payment ef,its RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS.CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY provided herein all purchases made by enstonner.its subsidiaries and affiliates. Each dl rustomurs subsidiaries and INFORMATION,AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OFANY PRODUCT. affiliates purchasing from Grainger will be joinfh,�and severally Ilable for purchases with customary and customer is 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. also acting as agent for such subsidlarit Pi nd affiliates. P-JSDS and a list of Proposition 65 products are available:(i)at the local Grainger pia cri:(it)bg con acting Grainger. 5. Credit Balance. Dept.B1.L57.AtI ':nvirarmtental Health and Safety Dept.,100 Grainger Parkeray.Lake Forest IL 60045-5201 U.S.: Customer agrees that any credit balances)Issued by Grainger rail)bs applied ro du5nmer account (iii1 by galling Grainger's MSDS Request Line at 1-877-286-9860:or(v)by fogging on to waaw-graimger.com and within one(1)year of its issuance- IF CUSTOMER HA.S NOT REOUF.STED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE(1) clicking on the"Resources"tab at the top of the page. YEAR.AN REIMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WIL±BE CANCEtLED.AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. L r.'i1.-tTY. Whit a pro.;ucta)_t.:d on CSA Advanfagc'r.:•meet the cunirements o`the ?our.Agreements Act('TAA"),as iinplemanted by Federal Acquisdion Regulations Part 25. other products sold by Grainger may not meet time B. FREIGHT POLICY requ runts. At VI,time of pnc Lase,Grainger will adwsa customers::vifh proper ersihcation ass an a dhonZed Prices staled are F.0-B.origin,freight prepaid to desGhanou specified in the order Grainger chargas a shipping and schedule customer svhetharror not,,product is-TAA-cormichant."Any federal customer purchasing a non-TAA item will handli 1g fee(which includes it ternal handling and elated costs)on each order v,hlein is applied at time of order and be rna Ing an`open market purchase that is not covered by im,contract_Federal customers are advised that the open reflected on customer's invoice- Receipts for shipping and handling charges sill not be furnished. Grainger covers market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases.3y purchasing any product on the open market.the customer shipping and handling for standard ground dalwer/for orders over US 51500 before tax and freight(including any back represents that it has audhorir/m make.such purchase and has complied with all applicable procurement regulations. orders).C.0.0 shipments are not permitted Other terms and conditions may apply for offer than standard delivery 6. ARRA Orders. ("Other Freight Saivices').including without limitation.expedited same day delivery_air freight,freight collect,export It is the customer's responsibility td advise Grainger whether this order is funded in any part by funds from gr related orders,hazardous materials.cusfdrner's canner.shipments outside file contiguous U.S.,Gr other spacial handling by the to the American Reinvestment add Recovery Act("ARRA') carrier Any charges incurred forOther Freight Services must be paid by customer.Fuel surcharges may be applied Title (Pub.t.No.111-5)(i.e.,Stimulus Funds). Upon request,Grainger%✓ill provide country of origin information so that and risk of lass pass to cusiome`upon render of shfucent to the carrier if the product is damaged in transit cus`omllf's customer may determine compliance with any applicable raquiremerts under ARRA Section 1605 or any other only recourse is to file a claim with the tattler applicable regulations. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR: (i)RESALE,OP.(ii)USE IN Grainger shall not be liable tar any delay in,or impairment of,performance resulting in whole or in pa'from any force BUSINESS, GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EOUIPMENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS majeure event,Including but not limited for acts of God,labor disrupD.ons.acts of war,acts of terrorism(whether actual AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE(1)YEAR or threatened).governmental decrees of controls.insurrection;epidemics,quarantines,shortages.communication,or AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER,UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED- PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER power failures.fife.accident.extrusion,inabflihr to procure or ship product or obtain permits and licenses,inability to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD-GRAINGER MAY AT ITS procure supplies or raw materials,severe weather conditions,catastrophic events,or any other circumstance or cause OPTIONY (i)REPAIR;(ii)REPLACE:OR(iii)REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER MUST heyond the reasonable control of Grainger in the conduct of its business. RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SER`:rICE LOCATION,AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER.SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR, REPLACEMENT,OR REFUND OF Customer will hold harmless and lodenuity Grainger,its o icers,directors,employees.agents,subcontractors or AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT.SHALL BE CUSTOMER S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. rapfesentabi es front and against any and all claims.including bodily Injury,death,or damage to personal property,and all otter losses.liabilities,obligations.demands,actions and expenses,whether direct or indirect.known or unknown. 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute.or contingent,incurred by Grainger related to the performance of ser ices for customer(including v✓nhout a.NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF FACT.EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE LIMITED limibiliun,settlement costs.attorney~fees.and any and all other n,,penses for defending any actions or threatened WARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE.IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY actions)arising our of,in whole or in pail,any act or omission of cLudOrt r,its employees.agents.subcontractors or LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE.IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION,IMPROPER representatives. INSTALLATION. PRODUCT MODIFICATION, 'vISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellation. DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS: (II ARE MERCHANTABLE: (ii) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR Ail product nine=cancellations must Ile ap,mrovcu by G"ainge;and;nay be.subject to r,-+ccji,nq fees and other chargas. PURPOSE:OR(iii)DO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 4. Product Return. b. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSON-MOSS Productfairrnsnnutbemade•,adh'tone(1)yearfront dataofpurnhase,urdassotherwiseindfcated.Customershouhi WARRANTY-FED`e RAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVENIENT ACT. c II the local Grainger branch.or go to wtwtgriJngeceoPn,for insnuchons. Returned product must be in original packaging,unused,undamaged,and in saleable condition. Proof of purchase is required!n all cases- 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL,INCIDENTAL,SPECIAL,EXEMPLARY. F. EXPORT SALES OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES. GRANGER'S LIABILITY IN AL'I.CIRCUMSTANCES IS IIMITED TO.AND SHALL NOT Ordansco e.xilwtselasaresubjec tt:,ICefermsconditionstoi dill Vw.grainger.corn,anrac,anrieaccessedbycilckrrg EXCEED,THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT THAI GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY. on tine"Terms of Sale"link. A FULL STATEMENT OF GRAINGER'S TERMS AND CONDITIONS iS AVAILABLE ON www.grainger.com AND IS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 01/18/13 9044049220 $179.16 01/18/13 9044024843 $100.08 01/21/13 9045279982 $99.64 01/21/13 9045689958 $336.16 01/22/13 9046622826 $124.45 01/24/13 9049189237 $228.73 01/31/13 9055544044 $27.72 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Grainger ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ DEPT. 804491322 Palatine, IL 60038-0001 $1,095.94 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Administration Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1205 9044049220 42-370.00 $179.16 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 1205 9044024843 42-370.00 $100.08 materials or services itemized thereon for 1205 9045279982 42-370.00 $99.64 which charge is made were ordered and 1205 9045689958 42-370.00 $336.16 received except 1205 9046622826 42-389.00 $124.45 1205 9049189237 42-370.00 $228.73 1205 9055544044 42-380.00 $27.72 Monday, February 11, 2013 Director, Administratio Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund GRAIN E ® PAGE 1 OF 1 I • 111e� GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052172 s INVOICE NUMBER 9052991768 5959 W. HOWARD STREET INVOICE DATE 01/29/2013 NILES, IL 60714-4014 DUE DATE 02/28/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 110.43 .= Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: WILLIAM BELL in the description section CALLER: WILLIAM BELL CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 733-2555 BILL TO ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218689495 MDG2013 00032557 1 MB 0405 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN II""�'III.'I'I�II�I�IIIII�lllll��lrrl�lr�ll"I�'�I'lll"II���II �° CARMEL WATER UTILITIES 3450 W 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 e� The following items were shipped to: CARMEL WATER UTILITIES 3450 W 131ST ST ,k k CARMEL IN 46074-8267 6FEF6 D9572 ATHLETIC WORK SHOES,COMP,MN,I2,GRY 1 110.43 110.43 MANUFACTURER# 642565-12 NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:3.68 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 110.43 DATE SHIPPED:01/29/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO:1Z6533410388294505 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United Stales. If exported,purchaser assumes full rocs 6hilihi fnr rmmnli-with I IS avnnrt rnntrnlc _ GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.SALES POLICY 4, Warranty Product Return, 1. Wholesale Only. Be atun?Ing any produc -usvomersu,11, rq write or call the loco;Grainger brcinch from v,huib the pioduct:eras W W Gia ng,r lac Iii(ai tier i sells products tar„us nass rise to custon hr,.'roh hmper business idti tit„,titan, pus.based:fQ in the case of an ioternei order,contact cI.w-gra,ngercom and provide the dale the original invorre ,.h;c, 1s'eg ill r all'-ca all ca;loins Is poor to at]rfhosa number,the stock numbev and a description of the select,or(iii)call Customer Care at 1.888-361-8649,and provide 2. Prices. the date,the original invoice nunYber,the stock number,ant!a Uesci ipuon of the defect. Proof of purcnase is required Pr ices bs'.d'art wtlorasaIe,do not IoClude tr win,n and-ing fees,taxes.and/or dlaies and are subject to coirecuon of it a!I cases, ce.ngl withoui notice. Market sansifive commodity nroduats will be priced according to current market conditions- 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. GIc,ftnAci%should contact the local Grainger branch or check online at vron;_grainger.ront for current pricing. Export Fur information cn a speed.e I an,F.cturers c'arranty.pi:.in c contact the local Grainger branch or cal Customer Care orders may be subject to other spacial pricing. Grainger reserves the right to accept or reject any aide(. at 1-888-361-8649. 3. Sales Tax, 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. C,sFhmors are responsible for payment of all applicable state and local hangs,or for providing a valve saes tax Jar stli lions Irava varying tah•.s odes and ragWatrdns x7everning construction,Installation,and/or use of oicducls for option certrheale-When placing an order,customer shall indicate which products are tax e,ampl. a p rti.ium Qualaose, Certain products may not be available for sae in all areas. L amgar does not ou rantee 4 Payment and Credit Terms. compliance or suitability of the products it sells with any taws.codes or regvin-.ions.nor does Grainger accept Gra nq,er accepts cash cf)ecks money orders Visa MaslerCard,and American Express. or customers rnth resporslbrlity for construction installation and/or use of a product. It is customer's responsibility to revle^+the.p:oduc± ush^d Gr ingei ciedu payment Lrms are net mn ty(301 days from the date a!Shipment or pick-up_ All credit app ication and all applicabfe laws copes and regulations for each relevant jurisdiction to SC sure that the coil struchun. exlende.d bv'Grainger to customer,and in,flmns of such credit,is at Grainger's sole discretion,and may be reduced installation,and/or use involving the products are compliant. cr revoked by Grainger at any time,for any reason. Gminger resenes the right to charge a convenience fee for late payments. Grainger fur her reserves the right to charge customer a late payment fee at the rate of one and one-halt 0. PRODUCT INFORMATION percent(t-1'2%)of the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid,or such 1. Catalog/Websile information. amount as may be permitted under applicable law. Anticipation and cash discounts arc,not allowed. Export u«lens Grainger r,,,,cves the right to Grimect publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its websnes. Product depictions m the 2 subject to special export payment terms and conditions. All payments must be.made in U.S.dollars. Grainger catalog or websdes are for illustrative purposes only. Possession of or access to any cringer l uilelure br ;hall have the ngtit(If set-oft and deduction for any sums owed by customer to Grainger: If customar fails to make .vehsiles does not constitute the right to purchase proddcts. pavmen*,r,fthin thirty(30)days of shipment or pick-up or fails to comply w;th Grainger's credit terms,tar fails to 2. Product Substitution. s rypPy aaeeuate assurance of full pe•forniince To Grainger within a reasonable Time after reques'ed by Grainger(such Products lard country of or;gin}may be wbsftuted and may not be identical to catalog of ,absile pt bushed bav as specif+ad in Grainger's request),Graungei may defershipm ots anti?such payment or compliance is made, der ctipifons and/or images reg'elre cash in advance for any further stphenis,demand immediate payment of aH amounts then ovt-ad elect tp 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration('OSHA")Hazardous Substance. ,,u,ue rollr,ction achon Including lArihout limitation.attorneys'fees and any and all other associated costs of Mao iiai Safety Data Sheets 1'TASDS')for OSHA defined`iauardous substances are p epareu and supplied by the ced!ecaon),andror cry,at its option,cancel all or any part of an unshipped order- manufacturers. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABiUTY OF THE .,..,homer agrees in as,"m, esponrbriby for and c Istamar hereby uncord'tionally guarantees payment o` a RECO'ltalENOAT.OnS?I ANY MSDS.CUSTOMER IS SOr-ELY RESPONSIBLE FOP ANY REc IANCE 0 11,OR USE OF ANY r u.cart he rem,.alt purcrlasas,made by custof ier.its„ub>idiarirs and,lb);ates, Each of custorne 5 subs dii-ts and INFORMATION AND FOR USE OR APPLICATUN OF ANY PRODUCT: tfi fates p,r� as=.g 7u• G ginger will be jcinlly..rid e:,rally hab.e for purchase;..th cust07ter and rustcnier IS 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. a:4rlt as:._.7, e l .11ch.louii da-r__"id alfirates, hlsli5 and a os:of ProodQih. 5.5 I+Udus is e ._;a1ab,e,)at tlhr.laca-Gramoer r,!ic r.(d;hs conblclirih L.alutler. t;. Credit Balance. Dept B1.LSi.Atli) Envnanme;aa) 21eanin andS�I.1,,Dtpt.,110 bra1,g,r Parkm<iy t ,v IL 500'5-52gt LIS. ,.t_v)ider ag ets that Thly c7edii as 3nca(,)sued my Grai-a)er%%-;l be applied to euStomer's account (ill)by balling r igers^ASOS Request Lin,at 1-877-286,9860:c--(rl1 dy logq na on to w%'A gIainger.coni umf rn hen onrl IT 1 year of its ,swance. IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE Wit HIN ONE i1) cliff king on rho Resources'fail ill hie top^f the page. YEAR,ANY REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED.AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. 1 ABIUTy While.aii products iisted on GSA Advantage!'-,-h�meet the requirements dr the Trade Agreements Act I'TAA"?,as impieniented by Federal Acquisition Regulations Pat, 2S_ other products sold b;: Grainger may not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY reu,uiimos ts. At the bale of I)utchase,Grainger will advise customer,with proper identification as an aumcrized Prces stated are ED B.origin,freight prepaid to des instion spec!f ed in the order.Grainger charges a shit-ring and scne ule customer wheth=r or not a product Is'TAA comp;iant'Any fedeiai cusimmer purchasing a non-TAA item viiil handing fee(which includes!menial hanabng and related casts)rni each order which is applied at time of order and be making an open market"Purchase thous not covered by any contract Federal customers are advised thacihe open reflected on customer's invpiea. Receipts for shipping and handling charges will not be,furnished. Grainger covers market purchases are NOT GSA schedule purchases-By purchasing any product on the open market,the customer snipping and handling for starvderd ground deliver,y for orders over US 51500 before tax and freight linclodhig;rev back represents that it has aothorly to make such purchase and bas complied with all applicable procurement regulanons. ordersi.C.O.O shipments are nut permitted.Otnef terms and conditions may apply for other than standard delivery 6. ARRA orders. ("Otiwr Freight Services').including without limitation,expedited same day delivery,air freight,freight collect,export It is the custmnar s responsib0m,to advise Grainger whefhar this order is funded in any part by funds from or related orde.r,p hazardous materials.customer's carrier,shipments outside the contiguous U.S.,or other special handling by the to the American Reinvesticont and Recovery Act("ARRA`) canner.Ar;charges incurred for Other Freight Services must be paid by customer.Fuel surcharges may be applied.Title (Pub.L-No.111-5)N,a.,Stimulus Funds). Upon request,Grainger evil!provide country of origin information so that and risk of Toss pass to customer upon tender of shipment to the carrier.TI the product Is damaged in trnsin.customer's customar may determine compliance with any applicable requirements under ARRA Section 1,605 or any other only,ecow sa is to file a claim with the caries: app8canle(ogulations. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Maleure. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO C!SSTOMERS FOR (I)RESALE;OR(ii)USE IN G.tinge shall not he cab e for an, elay IIi o impartmfi i,of,performal ce resulting in whole or u'part front any force `�USI'.IESS, GOVERNMENT OR ORlGIVAL FOUIPtv4ENT MANUFACTURE. GRAINGER +AJARRAWTS PNGJUCTS it 1:..r,vent,incuMng but nat amiteo to acts of God,labo%d sr pools.acts of war,acts of ferionsm(whether actual AGAiTIST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE(11 YEAR or t.i ate led).govternmeniai decrees of controls insurr.c.:or,epidemics,puaraniines,shortages.come un:catio(i or AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER,UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER oo✓r,r tai(unis.`ire arnrrerr.exilosfra,inabd,ty to procure or ship product or shtain permits and rice s-s.,inability to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD-GRAINGER MAY. IV ITS procure supplies of Tarr materials,s.vera-neathar c^nditipns,catastrophic events.of any other;,uc-umstaace"-)r cause OPTNN: (;I REPAIR;(,l)REPLACE:OR(ill)REFUND THE AMOUNT PPVD BY CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER rA1jST heyond the reasdnabie control of Grainger ill the conduct of its business. RETURN'THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION.AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGNATED BY GRA'.NCER.SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR, REPLACEMENT.OR REFUND OF Customer,vill hold harmless and indern0v Graingar;as officers,directors employees.agents,subcontractors or AlAOUNTS PAID BY COS'OMER FOP TnE PRODUCT,SHALL BE Ci STO;IER S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY, rep users al v,,3 item and aija l any and all claims-inc!,d,i.,boddy Inlurv.death,of damage to personal property and all of a"losses 1.b1,lu ts,obi;vlons.dame td action,i id;xpanses,whehher direct or indirect.known or unknown. 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute or contingent,(roomed by Grainger related to the paifbnranee of services for customer(iorludino vrnheut a NO WARRANT Y OR AFFIRMAT10Pi OF FACT EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH!N THE LIMITED linn«tio t,settlalrmnr roste, ufor iii fees-and any and all ether expenses far deren6ng ant actions or tSteeiened WARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE.IS MADE 04 AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY aching)arising car of,is whole or m part an_ act or onass un of customer,Its employees-agents-subcn°.-actois or LIARDL-7Y FOR CLAIMS AR.IS`NO OUT OF PRODUCT?v11SUSE.IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION,IMPROPER mpresantapves_ ;NSTALLATiON PRODUCT MODIRCATION, M1SR_PA!R OR MiSAPPUC00N. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellation. SG AiN1S ANY 4tiar dA—Y THAT THE PRODUCTS if ARE MERCHANTABLE I't4 FIT FOR A PARTICULAR Ali l.°oducr order canceiiations must be afro ovr-d oy L,;r r g_-,:._d n1,, Lr u, !;t r� h,.,q fees othui PURPOSE;OR(m1,DO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 4. Product Return. ,i. GRAINGER MARES r10 WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS COidSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSON-MOSS Piriduct I atinns nlajO be made-t r,on,IIi vear horr. t p.rcna .le,.,ritf .endicat .i Mier .t -yid WAR RAN TY-FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT cal itie local,ra ny I tttarcla.w gy)to for instmalions Rabi ed product roust o e in ooq;ich tin c aqi 1,g II us-d.ui.dlmag d and IT;ilea bl;,ccil(wior, Proof of purchase Is raaqu reo in all cases_ 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY I:RAINIr;FR nlc"r Air`tt rill i dal ry-.na rer C[n FnIT rl e,l,n[n'r'nl (.6-1111 1 11—n1—11 1 1-11 car- Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER, INC Purchase Order No. DEPT 804572097 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 Due Date 2/5/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/5/2013 9052991768 $110.43 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 3 Date Officer VOUCHER # 123477 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF $ GRAINGER, INC DEPT 804572097 PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code ,I 9052991768 01-6200-03 8110.43 Voucher Total $110.43 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund IE ® PAGE 1 OF 1 ' 'ORIGINAL INVOICE !�8®© GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 813555497 .:.; r .':�'...� INVOICE NUMBER 9049860274 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 01/24/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 DUE DATE 02/23/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 1,045.96 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: 513449 in the description section PO RELEASE: 513449 DEPARTMENT: S13449 BILL TO PROJECT/JOB: 513449 MDG2013 00032675 1 MB 0404 REQUISITIONER: 513449 .I nll I ..I I .I I I I .I. I II.. III. I CALLER: BLAINE MALLABER L II I �II �I I �� I �� 1� 1I 1 �1 CUSTOMER PHONE: (317) 571-2634 — CARMEL WASTEWATER UTILITY ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218346655 760 3RD AVE SW STE 110 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN STE110 CARMEL, IN 46032-2070 THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-877-202-2594 e • • BACK• e — • e • The following items were shipped to: BLAINE MALLABER CITY OF CARMEL WWTP 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY *r INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 000001 2CA30 RECEPTACLE,HAZARDOUS 2 382.95 765.90 MANUFACTURER # UGR5-20231 000002 2CA18 PLUG,HAZARDOUS AREA 2 98.37 196.74 MANUFACTURER# UGP-20231 000004 2MY98 FITTING,SEALING,3/4IN 2 22.73 45.46 MANUFACTURER# ENY-2 000005 2NE52 UNION,FEMALE,3/4IN 2 18.93 37.86 MANUFACTURER# UNF2 NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:10.50 INVOICE SUBTOTAL . 1,045.96 DATE SHIPPED:01/24/2013 CARRIER:UPS GROUND TRACKING NO 1Z3018W70300146994 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full responsibility for compliance wi,h US-export controls. PAYMENT TERMS NET 30 DAYS.PAY THIS INVOICE NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUE 1,045.96 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1, Wholesale Only. Before raturfnno any product customer shall- fir wnte of call life local Grainger hranrh from which the product was WAN.Grainger,Inc.(r,n:,lger')sells products foi J,cr s use to custorners vvi*proper business ide i.i hcalion, pr C,Berl(ii)in the,ease of an Internet order eente t wm'r.graingemort and «, ro.:ife dale u.o-iginn.invoic, w1wh is required from all customers prior to purchase. number the stock numbe(,and a description of the defect:or!iii)Cali Customer Care at t 885361-8649.and prowCe 2. Prices, the date,file original invoice number the stock number:and a description of ma Cfafect. Proof of purchase is reou7e9 Prices listed are wmolesale,no not Include freight.handling frees.taxes,and/or duties,and are subject to correction or in all cases. change`.without notice. Market sensitive commodity products win!be priced acct ing to current market conditions- 5. Manufacturer's Warranty. Cusrorncr should coolant the local Grainger branch o;check online at wivw,rprainger,com nor currant pricing- Export For information on a specific marnincIuter's warranty,please contact the local Grarnper branch or-all Customer Care orders may be subject to Whet special pricing Grainger raservas the right to accept or reject any order at 1-888-36 8649. 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Customers are respo^sible for per ma^i of ail apps,cabs state and local reties,or for providing a valid sale.,tax. Ju"'dlciions have varying Ira✓;.,a(I_s and regulations governing construction.installation afi[VOr se of P'o'urn.,for P,empbov certificate When b1i irig air bider CLIS[bnier Shall indicate t'!hich products are tay,exempt, a particular purpose. Certain products may not be available for sale ill all areas. Grainger does nor guari nte3 4. Payment and Credit Terms compliance or suitability of the products It sells with any lams,codes or regulabons,nor does Grainger accept Grainger accepts cash,checks.money orders,Visa. MasterCard,and American Express. For custorners with responsibility for construction,installation and/or use of a product.It is customer`s re::ponsihility to review the product sstablished Grainger.redid payment lernis are.net thirty(30)drays from thn dale of shipment or pick-up. All cretin application and all applicable laws,codas and regulation. or each relevant or(isOwtion to be sure that the conshucuon_ extanded by Grainger to cusromer anIII the limits of such credit.is at GIatnger`s Sofe it sc roupn,and may be reduced installation,and/or use involving the produris are compliant, or rc-voked by Graingai at any time,for any reason. Grainger reserves the right to charge a convenience foe for she payments. Grainger further reserves the right to charge customer a late payment fee at the rate of one and one-half D- PRODUCT INFORMATION percent f 1-1/29E)of the amount due for each month of portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid,or such 1- Catalog,/Website Information. amount as may be permitted under applicable lava. Anticipation and cash discounts are not allowed. Export order, Grainger reserves the right to correct publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its vtebsites.Product depictions in the are subject to special export payment tennis and conditions All payments must be matte in U.S.doll ws l,.ranidar alilog or websites are for illustrative purposes only Possession e`.or access to any Grainger cataron hn r acre or shall have the right of set-off and deduction for any sums owed by customer to Grainger, If customer fails to make websues does not constitute the tight to purchase products_ payment within thirty(30)days of shipment or pick-up,or fails to comply vnfh G'iahiger's credit terms,or fails to 2. Product Substitution. supply adequate assurance pi full performance to Grainger rurtfun a reasonable time after requested by Grainger(such Products(and country of origin)may be substituted and may not be rdentrcal to catalog or webs0a publenei Cane as specified m Graingera request),Grainger rnaY defer shipments until fA ch payment or compliance,is rnade. d s'rriptibn5 and/or Images. require cash in advance for any further shipments.d m to immediate payment of all amounts then owed,are, 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA')Hazardous Substance. puree collection action OnCiUding without limitaton aL'orneys fees and any and art other associaeO Co,w"If trIatenta Safety Data Sheets("MSOS')for OSHA defined hazardous substances are piepa•ed and supplied by the odllectfor,),and/or may,at its option.cancel all or any pan of an unshipped order. manufaraners. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUfTAFHLITY OF THE Customer agrees to<ssur le respor lrry for and customer hereby unconditionally guaramees payment of,as RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY NISDS.CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANY provided herein.all pt. iales made by crrstcmer,iis sits diaries and affiha es Each of customers st t,,ldanes and NI-ORMATION,AND FOR US r:OR A.PPUCiJlON OF A;Y PRC>DUCT affiliates purchasing from Gramger vvill ne jointly and severalty liable for purchases with customer.and customer is 4. MSUS and Proposition 55 Product Requests. aisa actrna as age etf_,sucn subsld.a rrs and aliii,,,as. W" a s id a t st of Fropasf ion 65 paduc's are avndr,b e 10 at the Io aI, ,e t arch.pi)o-,collcarTiqg r aino, 5. Credit Balance. Dept BI 1 57,Ann: Environmental Health and Saiet_v Depi.l00 Q.ramger Park ic! Luke Forest if 60045-5201 U.S. Customer agrees that any riedit palarce(s)Issued by 6 ufnger will na applied to,uslomer s account (i}by ccalmg Grarngers MSDS Ragaest i ve at 1-877-283-9860,or tri;by fo eing on to wrorw.gmingei,ccm ar, within one(T)year of its Issuanc,-e. IF CUSTOMER HAS NOT REQUESTED THE CREDIT BALANCE WITHIN ONE(1) Orcking on the`Resources'tab at the top of the page. YEAR ANY REMAINING CREDIT BALANCE WILL BE CANCELLED,AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Re:Country of Origin. LIABILITY- While all products listed on GSA Advantage!'?)meet the requirements of the Trade Agraemenis Act I"LA.A').as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulations Part 25, other products sold by Grainger may not maet file B.FREIGHT POLICY requirements- At the Time of purchase.Grainger ovill advise customers with proper identification as an aulnorizad Prices stated are EO.B,origin.freight piebald to dent afron speared in tiro r,rd:.r.Grainger charges i shipping and schedu erustome-whether or riora products°TAA-compliaer,'Anyfeder:al custnmer purchasing a nor,TAA nern Xill handling fee(which includes internal handling and related costs)on each order which is applied at tittle of order and oa making an"open market"purchase that is not cowered by any contract-Federal custorners are advised that the oper, u'ieoled nn customer's In dice. Receipts for shipping and hanolmij charges will not be furnshtd. Grai,qjor covers marhef purchases are NOT GSA schedule„urchass.By purchasing any product on the open market the ruefornrr shipping and handling for standard ground delivery for orders over US 51500 before tax and freight(woudinp any back represents that it has authority to make such purchase and has complied;with all applicable procurement regulatons. ortfec,').C.O.D shipments are not permitted.Other farms and conditions nnay spur;for older than standard delivery 6. ARRA Orders. I'Other Freight Services'),including without Irrinanoc,expedited same day delivery,air freight,freight collect.export it is the customer's responsibility to advise Grainger i% ether this order Is funded in 3;y part by t-rids from G(ielaheo order,,hazardous materials,customer's cattle(,shipments oLnside the contiguous U.S_or other special handling by the to the,American Reinvestment and Recover/Act%'ARRA") carrier.Any charges incurred for Other Freight Services must be paid by customer.Fuel surcharges may be applied.Tide (Pub-L No 111-5)(re..Stimulus Fonds). Upon requifn Grainger will provide c,unify Of afro -nfonnatinn ao that arld risk of Toss pass to customer upon tender of shape.ant to file can fer.If the h t.duct is damaged in transit customers :astomer may detenmme compliance wah any apph�abla.cyuirements under ARRA Section 1605 or any other only recourse is to file a claim%.rh the earner applicable regulations. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR: (p RESALE:OR iii)USE IN Grainger shall not he liable toi ally delay in.or i rtnurn ent of.perfumlance resuheu;i,. mot=or in part+rant ani force. BUSINESS. GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS mafeure event,including but flat jarred to acts at God.raberdisfornions sets of war ants of terfciism p�!hetharacmal AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL USE FOR A PERIOD OF ONE(1)YEAR or threatenedl,governmental decrees or controls.insurnecbons,epidemics,quarantines,shortage-,communication m APT ER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGER UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER pov/e,t failures,fire,accident.explosion,inability to procure or ship product or obtain permits and licenses.;nahrlity to ACCEPTS THE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD,GRAINGER MAY,AT ITS procure supplies or raw males iais.severe weather cundiLdns,catastrophic events,or any other circumstance or cause OPTION: III REPAIR. (ii}REPLACE,OR(ii)REFUND THE AMOUidT PAID BY CUSTOMER_CUSTOMER NIUST heyond the reasonable control of Grainger in the conduct of;is'business. RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZEO SERVICE LOCATION,AS 2. Graingei s Performance at Services, DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER,SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER S REPAIR REPLACEMENT,OR REFUND OF Customer will field harmless and indwnnfty Grainger its ohicers,directors.smplmvees,agent,.subcohiraclprs cr AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT,SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY epre"ellbuives from and against any and all datum,ci.uding bodily ,njurr,death Or iiamlag.to personal prof sty,and all other losses,fiabihties,obligations,demands.actions and expenses.whether dupe!or indirect,kno,%-o or unknown, 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. absolute or contingent,incur.ed by Grainger related to the performance(,if services for customer(including Milicut a NO WAP,RAN'^(OR AFFIRMATION Or FACT e'r,PRF.'SS OR IMPLIED,OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH IN THE 110.4iTED !-mitrfon,settlement costs toine-s fees and any end all other expenses'or defending any actions or tl ceaten-ad WARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE IS MADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER- GRAINGER DISCLAIMS ANY lone.,)aris,ng out of,n-wine,in Ir part,any act or omission of custo n„;.ns er p:;gees,agents,satcon[:_tors Or i'.46iLfTY FOR CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF PRODUCT MISUSE,IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION.IMPROPER fepfeeentafveS. AvSTAU�.ATlvtd, PRODUCT MODIFICATION, MISREPAIR, OR MISAPPLICATION.,. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3, Cancellation. DISCLAIMS ANY N/ARRAN i'i THAT THE PRODUCTS- III ARE MERCHANTABLE, Iii) FIT FOR A PARTICULAR At p,c-duct other ce°ceH at or s must Je n:_pre ..;be.C_,ing_f ana nay D,Suwr(N:.,r,sr..ax n.,-ees r.d ob-l 0a; PURPOSE OR Irk)DO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S IN rELL'r.CTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS. 4. Product Return. b- GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES TO THOSE DERNED AS CONSUMERS ltd THE MAGNUSON-MOSS Produ.�J returns must be made,within one(I i year from date of purchase unfess other.'rise indicated C;istomar snc',O WARRANTY FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT. ::aft d,e local Gtainger,ranch,or go to wwi.grairge ,rem,for instructions. Red riled product nuns;be,in ongmaf packaging.unused,undamaged and in saleable condition.Proof of purchase is required it,all cases - 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY LI.ABIL!T'r'FOR CONSEQ1E61TIAl.,INCIDENTAL.SPECIAL,EXEMPLAR,'. F. EXPORT SALES OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES- GRAINGERS LIABIr I-Y IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES IS LIMITED TO,AND SHALL NOT Orders for e%:port sales are S.hl'cl to me terms cand.tis 1.round at v.ww ciraioger'.com.and can be accassed Ue ehcRuto EXCEED,THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT THAT GIVES RISE TO ANY LIABILITY on the"Teens of Sale'link,. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351533 GRAINGER INC Purchase Order No. DEPT. 804491322 Terms PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 Due Date 2/7/2013 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/7/2013 9049860274 $1,045.96 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and -orrect and I have audited same in accordance with IC>5-11-10-1.6 .2 h// 3 Date Officer VOUCHER # 126610 WARRANT# ALLOWED 351533 IN SUM OF $ GRAINGER INC DEPT. 804491322 PALATINE, IL 60038-0001 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 9049860274 01-7202-06 $1,045.96 Voucher Total $1,045.96 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund GRAIN R® PAGE 1 OF 1 0 O 110, GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 804510162 —_ INVOICE NUMBER 9052900462 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 01/29/2013 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-1017 DUE DATE 02/28/2013 www.grainger.com AMOUNT DUE 59.52 Ship to information is listed below PO NUMBER: STATION 41 BOB V — in the description section CALLER: BOB VANVOORST = CUSTOMER PHONE: (317)664-0958 BILL TO ORDER/DELIVERY#:6218600738 MDG2013 00032523 1 MB 0405 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN _ �I'II�'Il�"II'��'�Ir�I'�I�Irrllllrrrrrllll�lrrl�l�rlllllll'l�lll CARMEL FIRE DEPT 2 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-7543 THANK YOU! _- FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 317-842-2497 • ITEM DES C • • •[• ° The following items were shipped to: CARMEL FIRE DEPT 2 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-7543 ** 2W231 STANDARD CAP. PLEATED FILTER,16X25X2 IN. 24 2.48 59.52 MANUFACTURER # 2W231 NUMBER OF PKGS:0 WEIGHT:18.00 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 59.52 DATE SHIPPED:01/29/2013 These items are sold for domestic consumption in the United States. If exported,purchaser assumes full resnnn6hility fnr rmmnlianra with I I.0 avnnrt rnntrnls GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A.SALES POLICY 4. Warranty Product Return. 1. Wholesale Dniy. Betoie returning any product.-;comer Staff. (i)write or cad the local Grainger branch from--which the product o:as W W Groner Inc (Gringo )set s PmduCls lot business use to eu=tamers w ah proper Gus it ss de rllricafion_ pit chased (it)in the case o an irtcrrei order,contact ,.n gfv mgercom and provide trip Gat.,the original invoice �ehrcII s req..trad iron)all customers pr or to purchase- nun bI r,ite stock number and a description of the depecal or(li call Customer Care at 1-883-361-8649,and provide 2. Prices. the dale,the original invoice number,the stuck number,and a description of the dented. Proof of purchase Is;equired ;ices listed are a'no esah,do not fich9c ire nht,I addling fees,taxes and/or„ww'.s,and are s-lo ect to cutr,aibn of in all wu;ihout notice. Jacket sensii v.cemmoll'y products will be priced according 10 current maixel conditions. 5. Manulacturer's Warranty. !Alsturllel should contact the local Grainger branch or check online at eom for current pricing. Export For iWomtabon on a specific s aarranry,prase contact the!Deal Grainger branch or call Customer C iie orders may be subject to other soacial pricing. Gra'mger reserves the right to accept or reject any order. at 1-388-361-8649. 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Customers are responsmle for payment of as applicable state and local taxes,or for providing a valid sales tax Jurisdictions have varying laves,codes and regulations governing construction,installation,and/or use of products for exemption certificate When placing an order,customer shall indicate which products are tax exarnpt, a particular purpose. Certain products may not be available for sale in all areas- Grainger does not guarantee 4. Payment and Credit Terms. compliance or smiabrity of the products it sells with any laws,codes or regulations,nor does Grainger accept Grainger Sccepts cash crocks rijileY orders Visa, MasterCaw.and American Express. For customers ceith reScOl" ility for construcbOr.,ostallavon andlor use Gl a product-it is customer's responsibility to review the product .:,tire 1 - Grainger Ted;..payment tar°s are net thirty(30)days from the date of shipment or pick-up. Ali credit apIairat on and ail applicable IS S.codes and regulations for Ilach relevant jurisdiction to be sure that;he construction, .air,ufed b,G-aj.nger ill ci„tr,r le Bpd the niis of such^,relit,is at Grainger's sole discretion,?.no may iii!reduced ns ahatlon,and/or use nlvolvi g The products are co!mphant. w revoked by Grainger al any tune,for any reason. Grainger reserves the rignt to charge a convenience Tee for late Grainger irnaher eseives The. igta to charge customer a late payment fee at the rate of one and one-half D. PRODUCT INFORMATION percent(1-1 2°s),,if the amount due for each month or portion thereof that the amount due remains unpaid,or such 1. Catalog/Website Information. amount as may be permitted under applicanie law. Anticipation antl cash discounts are not allowed. Ea.pprt orders Grainger reserves the right to correct publishing errors in its catalogs or any of its webstes-Product depictions in the are subject to spoon;export payment Terms and conditions. Ail paymams must be made in U.S,dollars. Grainger catalog orwehsnes are for illustrative purposes only. Posse lion of,or access to.any Grainger catalog,literature,or slid!!hale the nghd of set-off red deduc?cm for any sums owed by costumer to Grainger. If customer fails to make websids does not consulate the right to piuchase products. „aymant%:rdin.fluty(30)days Of sMpment or pick-up or fails to comply with Grainger's credit terms.or fails to 2- Product Substitution. Apo”adeua ale assurance of tub pedorot.,rcc tG Grainger within a reasonable time after requested by Grainger(such Products land countnv of origin) may be substituted nd may not be identical to catalog or v!ebsi e published rMs as spec_ad h Gram j r` quasi). singe;may deter shipments until such payment or comp;farce is made, do itol ns and/or images. ii,ie c-,l;If a dc.no for Sny hither Shipments,. dcrland immediate payment of all amounts their G void elect to 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration("OSHA")Hazardous Substance. a c. o f a 1im (ncluoingtho t�imi[ation.ai'torneys fees aril env and all other assi,c�ten r is pf Ma c`oI,nfery Data Sheet"'MSOS"i far OSHA defln:. hazardous substances a:e prepared and supplied by the rt;Ilectipn).andror may,at it;;option,cancel ail of any part of an unsh7ppaJ order. mail Aacturefs. GRAINGER MAKES NO WARRANTIES AND EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY TO ANY CUSTOMER OR USER WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OF THE INFORMATION OR THE SUITABILITY OF THE CuStwner agrees to assoma responsibilav for.and customer hereby unconditionally guarantees payment 01,as RECOMMENDATIONS IN ANY MSDS.CUSTOMER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY RELIANCE ON OR USE OF ANT provide!herein.alt purchases made ay customer,its subsidiaries and affiftates.Each of customer's sub;diaries and INFORMATION.AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT. affiliates pur;;r,sing from Grainger will be jointiv and severally liable for purchases vvith customer,and cuslomer is 4. MSDS and Proposition 65 Product Requests. ,!so Spring as agent for such subs;dimes and Titillates. NISDS and a list of Proposition 35 products are available:(i)at the local Grainger branch.iii by comaolmq Grainger. 5. Credit Balance. De;l,B 1.L57.AOn: Environmental Health and Safety Dept.,100 Grainger Parkvjay.Lake Fnresi.IL 600453201 U S GI slrxr!er ay.:es[riot any d e Iii baanc(_)rss'uad:y Grainger,.ui be applied to rasromer s account (ill h ,.ailing Grainger's MSDS Request Line at 1-877-286-9660:or(,v)ny lOggluy o ._ .. . .yid getco nand yra;of is i.Sl!lllv]e- F ,, .(JiJFR HAS PIOT REDUtS1ED[HE C REDIT BALANCE i1r,7NE(1} cl do the Resources"on,�Tho top of the page lurlNlfJ. ;iSEDll BALAn�t'WILT DC CANCELLED.AND GRAINGER SHALL HAVE N0 IdJRTHFR 5. Important Notice to Federal Customers Be:Country of Origin. V%INIC air products listed or CSA Advantage'! meet file requ:,erneI s of the T a 1e A-; enter;:Act("TAA),as impiemamted by Federal Acquisiftoo Regulations Part 25. Other products sold by Graiager fray not meet the B. FREIGHT POLICY requirements. At the time of purchase,Grainger will advise customers with proper ldornihcation as an aulhori>_ed Pr cis seated are F.0 B.origin,height prepaid to eeslmation specified in tie order Grainger charges a shipping and sr e,,uia customer whether or not a product is"TAA-complian: Any federal customer purcn2simg a non-TAA;tern vnli llandling fee iwhi;,h includes internal hanPling and related costs)nn each order which is applied at time of order and be making an°open market purchase that is nor covered fly any contract Federal customers are advised that the Goan reflected on customers invoice. Receipts for shipping and handling charges�vill not be furnished. Gtainger covers market purchases are NOT GSA.schedule purchases.By ourchasiP.g any product on the open market.the customer sir pp.rig Sort t andung for standard ground delivery for orders over US 51509 before tax and height aria day back tsents that it ties authofa ns_e such purchase antl-as ea%molted will all appLcebie p�r curement regulations. e owp!o) C.O.D shipmams are not pennatad.Other terms and condftionS may appitt for Other than standard delivery 6. ARRA Orders. (Otn:r rrei;n Sir ,v seh'I.including without,nndahon,rrpedaed same day deliverye air freight,freight co'lect,export it i,.fie customer's(esajois000iiiiy to advise Grainger vohe' I;is order is funded in tiny part by is nos from or related ur n-r -;:_this aluer al.,cusior fer's ca-r shlpn outs outside the cd l guGOS U S.,or other SO'Clcl hand;l)cy tine io rri,l A mui„an Renvestmer f and Recovery Act("ARRA") u trrr.Any ciIarges mcu^ad for Chiller F- igat Services na;,fst be paid by castOnner. Fuel surcharges may ae applied Title (Pub. No '111-5)ft e,Son,was,hulids)- Upon request "r, toe ryill provide country M origin Wfor ,,labor so that a. . uk m tics pass to custome,upon tender of shipment to the carrier 14 the product is damaged in transit c vstomers cu.,..tf r r rmay deters n:curnf.Iiance with dry appllrab;e requirements under ARRA Section 1605 or any ether only racrn;re is to foe e clans vial the carried applcable regulations. C. WARRANTY POLICY E. GENERAL TERMS 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. 1. Force Majeure. ALL PRODUCTS SOLD ARE WARRANTED BY GRAINGER ONLY TO CUSTOMERS FOR: (i)RESALE,OR(ii)USE IN Grainger shall not be liable.for any delay;n-Or impairment Of.perfarrnance resulting is whole or J!dart from any lance EUSINESS, GOVERNMENT OR ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURE, GRAINGER WARRANTS PRODUCTS majeure,event,including but 1 iromie6io acts of God, du disruptions acts of rra acts titieflonsm(whalher actual AGAINST DEFECTS IN MATERIALS AND ydOR.KMANSHIP UNDER NORMAL.USE FORA PERIOD OF ONE lt)YEAR ea,ened).governmema der,-dos or controls, communication or AFTER THE DATE OF PURCHASE FROM GRAINGFR,UNLESS OTHERWISE Sl'A'iED. PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER gowei failures.file acc7enr. inability to prov,It.,.r ship product or uhtain permits and licenses,inability to A0„EPTS TnE PRODUCT FOR RETURN DURING THE LIlv11TED WARRANTY PERIOD.GRAINGER NIAY.AT I'tS p;:cure supplies of rave materla s s;vere weather eOndi an.,.r•a[astrophic events,of air other creurnstance or cause OPTION: pi REPAIR,(;i)REPLACE:OR fill)REFUND THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER PJIUST he road the reasonable control 0 Grainger in life conduct of its business. RETURN THE PRODUCT TO THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AUTHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION.AS 2. Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER,.SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S REPAIR, REPLACEMENT.OR REFUND OF Customer will hold harmless and indemnify Grainger.its officers,directors,employees.agents,subcontractor or ArAOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT.SHALL BE CUSTOMER S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY. rapresenlauves from and against any and all claims.including bodily injury,death,or damage to personal property,and ati other losses.liabilities,obligafmns demands,actions and e;cpansos,whether direct or indirect,known or unkomm. 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. alsolute or contingent,incurred by Grainger related to the p jformance of seances for customer(including without I.NO WARRANTY OR AFFIRMATION OF TACT.EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,OTHER THAN AS SET FORTH lid Tirj.LIMITED iiru,:,bn,seta gent costs a lit rays'tees.and any and all w3er expenses for def ntfug 2u}•aaiors or threateneG VVARRafi"f STATEMENT ABOVE. IS TRADE OR AUTHORIZED BY GRAINGER. GRAINGER DISCI;,,MS ANY ar ors)ansing out of,in vyh;U or can't,any act or oaf S P m of customer,its efonf yees.agent subcontractors or i/Wa—ITr FOR CLAIMS MUSING OUT OF PRODUCT N4SUSE.IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION,iMPROPER m e tali',%es. INSTAL;ATION. PRODUCT VIODIFICATION, MISREPAIR OR MISAPPLICATION. GRAINGER EXPRESSLY 3. Cancellation. DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY THAT THE PRODUCTS 0)ARE MERCHANTABLE: (;i) FIT FOR A PAR'ICULAR. A I„N7iic1 orde�canuell,,ficfas riust be apsroved by Grainger,and may be sublet+to tfstucking tees and other Marges PURPOSE OR(ik,)OO NOT AND WILL NOT INFRINGE UPON OTHER'S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTf RIGHTS. 4. Product Return- b GRAINGER MAKES ND WARRANTIES TO THOSE DEFINED AS CONSUMERS IN THE MAGNUSOfe-MOSS Product returns must be made eaah;n one t1)year from late of purchase,uniass otherwise mdicatad.Customer should WARRANTY-FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION IMPROVEMENT ACT. call the local Grainger branch.or go tG instructions. Returned product most be in ongatal packaging.!mused,undamaged,and:n Saleable condition. Proof of Purchase is required In all cases. 3. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 9052900462 Furnace Filters $59.52 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Grainger 305`o IN SUM OF $ Dept. 804510162 Palatine, IL 60038 $59.52 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE I AMOUNT Board Members 1120 I 9052900462 I 42-370.00 I $59.52 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except FEB 11 2013 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ® PAGE 2OF2 GRAINGER ACCOUNT NUMBER 854052545 INVOICE NUMBER 9049189237 8211 BAVARIA ROAD INVOICE DATE 01/24/2013 MACEDONIA, OH 44056-2259 DUE DATE 02/23/2013 AMOUNT DUE 228.73 BILL TO: CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WORK 1 CIVIC SQ SHIP TO: CARMEL,IN 46032-2584 CITY OF CARMEL/BOARD OF PUBLIC WO ®� ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 �. 000009 4FRE4 FEMALE DISCONNECT,RED,22 TO 16 AWG,PK10 2 42.44 MANUFACTURER# 4FRE4 GRAINGER STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS A. SALES POLICY 4. Walrail Product Return 1. Wholesale Only. 30e sf n;-,g ani pirofluf;f cffsZsniTlr c-hau: (if rliit or,III iht I^ceff Giailiger 5.'dot fh. I " - fh�date.To,er�)m,� nvckif Wi/i Giainger,Inc,r,G,onger",sells 07`1171J'�T�fill b,iSiUSTI!Ise to ijdr pic-Der ri,,'srness , a if 1 0 iff I FILf,ipt orcer.con lalf i g,ainq'i,cool arld, I in file Gas, T !)rli is coquiro bofic all istuine re.orig iii ff,diflosa. the stock n„ .a descillul of Ina uir(;di c,ll Cfjslrrn-",r at 388-361-8,34,9.;fnd mild- 2. Prices th ifof,the crigint! nvc;,,,,.-Tumb,,r flhe-,occk ourobc,s a de"cunou"of it),,0,fe".: Pfoof of ouf,,`b,!T%e is ail I',i fl,a s listed are wnoI,,li,,,.,do rata l,de 1,eiafli,imfirifing frias,ti,es.afld/j!dot;Ts and are subjer:t t,_f nor if,,,If"'Ises, ,,range without notice, N!"'Vel selcolive cefomoddv proctunts wilt,,a pi cad ei cord'ng to current rnafkflt(,nfrtfitlons. 5, Manufacturer's Warranty. Gi-stufnei hoiiid coma t e.local Grainger bra,ch of crieck"llifule at wvxv g aatleccom for cia rend loncin,j. Export t of tact,jr,a siberrf;u lu Inufacuife,s pi ilsc coo set Tile oc2f&aoig�.,f dionch 3.,bail "are ncb,.-irs nlay be sulblerof to(,,thef�pecfai of,rina. Grarngel reserves me Tight to al 01 reject any order. ift 1-888-361-8649 3. Sales Tax. 6. Product Compliance and Suitability. Cu-jinets are respon-of,'or payr-nent of apnkcrNe state and local taxis.,,,ofr wov,dino a jritu salll tax jui sidIctions naive arving 'odes and i "ovem"no cofl�lfucujll, 11"'I",ilation and,o,u of oxernithor,r�rrt;cadl Wlleil l;,lorip'Ift orbaT,cusforne(shad intfrale ohich prodicls sot is,TXIFTPI. toiliCUt'll"urpo'e, Ce"'aw pioducts rua flu!he for Srale;If nif a s. Glal"",d ,rl..y"'wiranfe, 4. Payment and Credit Terms. conipilacce of subatdfdV of fh�!OIGIRKts If Sell,wini,an", dvs,suites or reo oils or rises G;3incf;,ac-or Gfallloa,accepts casc, floolley evd-ls,Via?., IvIaso"TOard,and Anioncan Express. For sus olcEfs ri r,-Ipclr,,h7lityf,- co,-,stiu,^t;uji --s I)i r'l i is 11 ly ij rc,I e"i di_„r..,, c f f,,Npk,,Iioo and 2fl aPPI!C_'1Llc,awis,"'Tones ano rai­fuda doo�in,aach ridavim unsdicl;on il fos swa,fll,!Ole fi,s t a N,;shed Graingef-cledii payfifenit tars sic list ihifiy 130t says front tba le rill shipment or pick-up W;credit t �cfriecr by G tear gsi to Customer and the bruit,,ol such ciedit,is at Gtongo,! solo discretion.and may be ir,.oucefli :if;&.tiff;oil,--,ild/o!Us ri Irmo I.g I h,is rod IC is are t:om p i 1,11! T revoked by G ra filler it,-y"Inc to,-any reason 13 1 al nQar e!ri'll to cLdrgV a curiven;ence Fif fol aTie Grainger lthc7 reserves the.Tight to hr,qe F!a!,,,pavfn-n- at the rare of on2 and,nilp-,lab D. PRODUCT INFORMATION 1p'",ceot(1-1.2"")of file a;ro,Fit sup 4cir eaxn worth or G.till.,thereof trial the amount due reniaorls unpaid,or such 1. Cabilog/Welbsite Information, -r�� errors I I I J ,Is I,I" ucloont as may be pef'Mtad wider applicabu,,lavi, AnIorpantal and cash discalnIs are flat allowed. Etpoflf mufs Grlolgcr res, file 6got to coirect pjolisnulo �I)its cau i,r a 11V('if if V', �S, llroddcr(er,l�Iij are S,lojecl ut apcbi expo!T payment Tariffs and coodiioo-fi. Al,a vmeibs mict be,trade In U.S.doll&s, GraingT,, cat�lfoq e or websbeS afL for fijooldv,TTI rouses on!,,, PcfIlspss,or,of.of accas,to any G,ainrlcr-�aualcg� jisi Tfil, VibsiteIl-,dies nit rorlsl�ludi 1�1�i:9ht to p li have ins sight ITT srl-off and sort to,,ail,surn,owed by cusior,,�f IT)Granger- If cilstonfor iail,;to Tooke urchas-s,ofrlduci, asvnla.t i-imin dliffv(30)lliys of sloppriant or ork-fip,or rails to comply iiih h jogei'l-credit offrps fir lIii;,rci 2. Product Substitution. Suff!"i"ade"itale Tessilialic",of full sailor,lance eo G,rwng,,i widin a Tessicinabl,!file"Ifter requested b1i 5fak)sf(SjcI; Prolf Iand sodn,,ry of ofigifI may be sl riatr utal'j', difroollal tu 0'afalug r! IT-us;fc, eflollisnzd fi;ilf;as speci iad in Giairl"jaIrs rriquesC,Grainger foor,d,,,fe shipments until cuch Payment or compiufmx-ls made des,,!iption,and/of Images ofqima casts In advallice or any luutne(sniprilenel,dflano,Immediate pa"ro"ni of--,If aluourds they cwfff) To 3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration;`OSHA")Hazardous Substance pureuk"coreciori aculm firiciudinc,%ilithout mlli3fion.sttciniis fees end fnv and all rimer asjocoTed cu,,Ts i MaIcrlaf Sid r„Data Shoals("NISDS')for OSHA ri 112.,2rlous slubsiauce,mr,uftpaied and bv 1�1,, ,Nsection),and/or Me,,ari it option,"aricill ail Or ary part of an unsiliptou 0prier w fnufacturfTrs GRAINGER MAKES NO 'WAR RAN'l i ES AND EXPR ES SPI D!'/LAHMS AL;_ t t.,.6 I I- AN' 4 PZ (�US7,OtAFR OR,USER�ij;TH RESPECT TO THE AGOIJItACY O�THE iNFORIMATION OR IPIE SU11ABlf TY OF T � C[;slofuer.gee;To afsonfe fies"nsibilili,for emu cuscoro?, befeby guarantees uaylnont of,as REGOTAMENDATIOINIS IN ANY ijSDS.C,1STO.1vjFR IS SCI'Et'j'RESPONSiBLE FOR All,�Y RELlANCE ON OR is'O- -NY ffovlded deirin.all purchases made by cusionfet its subsidian's afol affi lkafes each of oustordef S and N'CRMATIOTN,AND FOR USE OR APPLICATION OF ANY PRODUCT ,iffidates purchasing flobi Granger wit!be joinflf,.ano sffveraliy liable for purchases,cfli custornf,all,,c,..,,., c!is 4. MSOS and Proposition 65 Product Requests -�DS and a list of P oposifien 35 products af file,loisdi;Gfiiloifrr 6,1)by CTit�cflnc G,a af,�Ing as raga)t for surf)sutio,aries and uhf Bates- 5. Credit Balance. D,rL 91 L5 r,Ad., En jif offnie,!,,I Hwalth and Dc.)t,190 G flog-i Paf,�.va al-i li—S: if J S customer agrees that any cleort otdance(s)issued by Grainger will be applied to customer's account (iiij rry selling Gra,rugei 2,TA9DS Request 1 ne f! 11-871 286-3360. T(IV)u1i 0Loll,o on to VA"V�rain,iei �r .!Idb,o one T.liveaf ofd,-, d`CUSTOMER HAS NOT REOUES-iEDTH.r CREr DFT BALANCE PL ONE(l) ,III(ung,off to,`ResnwLas tib A tile!no of Ine Daqe. R.AN y R I ,Ai If I fIG CRII.lu T BABA ANC-F l-BE CANCI Li ED..AND G RX NG Er S PALL HAVE NO FURTHER 5. mirlif Notice to Federal Customers Re.Country of Oiigm. AB!t Tei iV ile'11; o 4 Advantaoal��;oncrt tlb„)r be , vet f­ A inplemented, ".b.” Tests-'! kqLIlsitioll pieffulauion. F`,lit ")5 r'ller wodu.fT; if'erri bil GFTIolne, rnav rim miiet tfl� B. FREIGHT POLICY filqui?einents. AT Tori tiwe ol tAirchasa,Gratnuc�widi aomil,,f:Uslorn-irs riall bioller dntific2l;o,,,.s an Dufhc,,iz,.d P ices stated are F.0 B vIgqfl f vellghl pfapa!d 1,detin,iiron sf­Iecdl6d in the order 11r,,intler charges a shlppoig znd clwflair custom.. _Idr,hlr I)(ncf I pTfudlucl is'TAA-cur rif,lfani, An i federal rIlslea,6i plif0asing IT teu)will ball"flinIf fee fwTich rrclffdlc,; Ife(nal hco-10iln',_11cl'C;Xeil costs)or,each orde; j,aPoked aTuinie.of order-uml ho ilerking an op'n inarke! pur,-Jwse fbim I,obt covof-,J ov atiy Gonnact,Fedaral !ifodorners are adviSri llf;at fill,open Teflecli on rrisromar5 invuioe. Receipts for slrt,umf�and l3ildbilis cNatoes not b lufnisnl. Cf ai,.er lovers rlIaiko pur-nases are NOT GSA,scheduie puil-labos,By a_r_-rasing anv ploduct on the oberl marker the cus,orfipr sn,ptpiqp an;o flandlin"fo staviiiii'd wound d v foT'FolUS,OV2r US$15013 nef"iie tax and freight(iricifillime;any back epre,""nis fit"!If has juthe"fly it,oVuce sac h punch?"o-and-fires ccrop,ed mlr�all apip( abk,prou"Allorlent regoiatiI:rls, rrders) C.O.D shilonlarils .,ie rot ter mif'o Off lef lemis aifel"offillfions r v iulpiv for outer than StandMil dellve,,i 6. ARRA Orders. C Other F,•civ!Se'vices'I,inckining vidno."t,mite f., ",v,e lt is file cusWn"T s responsic,his to advice Grarm', lied 5aule day dello ely,air fraight,freight CfAlcct,�,xf)cit ,cf villfillar ih;.b Orc-,is 7uod. �ul in ary care by to iTom,or reiaIed orders hazardous ualEnols.Iii,foil ier s r;ameI-Nom,,nis outs de the coritiguolos S,or other spe6af oandllIq by the to iht AffUn,.an Remstnient and R%ilver,Act(A EPA TPull L No 111-5)(i,, St ,urns P­ndc). Jr:u,i tequell,Grafrd;2;­ r,l!previcc ixf;nfly of outim rifL"ffrlallorr so That Any;ha g.- I cwied io,,Ocfe.r Fravri Sefvi,.e�rlust rof pid by cds�nrcer i(IF7 surcharges rilay bio applirid,71fl,b. ,.no Isk of loss pa,,5 fo cilIau—nei upon ienfir of srfq-, ent To life Carrier if lhe!�Mdl;ib 1S i3oulaged ill N21flot,GLIS!Crne?'s 1TjStcn)tr iniv daerollne corilpilance with an, applicaffliE oquildmems dhidei ARRIA 160j;oi sily ritli-r on;7 faii;0firs-,is to Tile a fle cajmer ao"Acaofe roomidions C. WARRANTY POLICY E_ GENERAL TERMS I I WITED WARRANTY. 1. Turco Majetue. F a'able,ioT I?n%,Relay IT,Of rolospiw"irij'i perion-lance-esul!if If ii vv ale of in ari ono)�ry �rt_f PRODUCTS SOLD AR� ViAllfRANT'D BY GRAIlIfCER ONi_Y TO CUSTOM�Ro FOR 0�P,-SALE,OR tio USE IN Graoi, 11 �T �Pr shall not b, GUI,�NESS, GOVERNIVION! OR GRiGINAL EQLtPToLTJ]1 MANUTAPTURE GRAINGER WARRANTS PHODIJCTS c cent.Lr cluding but im knied ot acts of God abor cozTrrmoons.atts or AGAINST DETECTS I'll NIA IERIALS AND WOp'KliIANSf­HP UNDER NORMAL_bSI-FOR A PERIOD OF W,I_(1 f YEAR o I °-atoned)gr,ve't-eukr �es or�am o o.;thou_...t v-.�s.dpide, ic. g,;..;a acs,shorlaq s.Cum re°.rata br FIE,n 4 f--FROP,4 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED E lin piumdls arid nan,l;f,,In THE DATE 0`PURCHASE , , i TED. PROVIDED THAT GRAINGER Masi failures.fire ac"fuer'l o"'lossin. nabilllv to iruf�ure or-1-no moti or on!, AC-EP]S THE PRODLXT FOR RETURN DURING 1i'li, LyAITED WARRANTY PERIOD,GRAINGER MIA,I AT ITS pfoc(ue sulallbeor ay.,filatena;s,saveeweadier condiduns cisastiolphic.evecTff Ill'qu%olpTT OdlT;ON, (1)REPAIR, REPLACE:OR(III)REFUIM.)THE AMOUNT PAID BY CUSTOMER CUSTONIER MUST beyond the reasonab le crdnlof of Gfaingerinthr,condff,-t cf ITS business_ IEF02N THE PRODUCT 10 THE APPROPRIATE GRAINGER BRANCH OR AIIIHORIZED SERVICE LOCATION,AS 2, Grainger's Performance of Services. DESIGNATED BY GRAINGER SHIPPING COSTS PREPAID. GRAINGER'S RFPAIR, REPLACEMENT.OR HIFUND OF C(Ist(lrar rvilb hold harnslass and rideffirtfv Gfaing,,!,I- fficers directors,eorployees loens,subcontractors or AMOUNTS PAID BY CUSTOMER FOR THE PRODUCT,SHALL BE CUSTOMER'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE R"VEDY irlpfesentafives from and alli,ins!any and ail flair's,in(AffIling bodby iinjury,death.of(biTIRge to personal)ropervv,and iLf oihr losses liabilities,obi;Odborls de mar aotloI are exPenses.%%heiher direct tir indire ct.knovin or unkilown. 2. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER. ai�sodle or contingent,alcun ,I fly Grainger to oig perlion-rance of saivicas for cusoo rue!fir TI ,ldhodii is' es,and an. :ld ,-;I ;her o~'eases fiff oeffending ar%,actions oil -] a,[,TO WARRANTY OR AFNITti ION OF FACT.EXPRESS 09 NIPLIED,0'HER'I AN AS SET FORTH IN]f HE T!MITED -at;-r,selolerna"T costs,atlome f,lencd WARRANTY STATEMENT ABOVE. IS MADE OF AIJIHORIZED BY GRAINGIR' GRAINGER DlSC AIMS ANY arisillif our of In"(fle or in par!,any a or nilis:ion Of 01;5odlet.its auje nls.sijhic­d(uUoss or LIABILITY FOR CLAIMS Af`US1,4G OUT OE PRODUCT iqlISUSE.IMPROPER PRODUCT SELECTION,IMPRROPER 7ept NIS'ALLATION. PRODUCT MODIFICATION,, TlISRFFAlP, OR N415 'CATi(X! GRA � INGER FXFkFSST 3. Cancellation. DISCLAIMS DISCLAS ANY THAT THE PRODUCT S: t)ARE MERCHANTABLE ;If) F FOR A PARTICULAR AIl Tioduct order cancEllaflois ri)usi be ifflmrovod by and alw,:,e subiffcr ir,resolciling Tee,cost cTh.�,mirdijs PURPOSE,OR Owl 1-10 NCI AND WILL NOT INFRINGE ljPON OTHER'S ill 7ELLEGI IIAL PPOPFRIY FlICTIT S. 4. 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