HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda City of Carmel Time: . Place: -- CarmelCity Hall Caucus Room (S'econd Floor) Carmel City Hall One Civic Squ.are Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel AdyisoryBoard'ofZoning Appeals Hearing Officer 'Monday, May 23,2005 Hearing Officer for May 23: Kent Broach AGENDA': A. Call to Order (5:30p.'m.) B. Pledge of J\.llegiance , C. Reports, Announcements, Legal Co~el Report and Staff Concerns: D. Public Hearine: ld. 'TABLED Haltn & ~\ssoei'ates ~ear ParldBg"A...rea) Petitioner seelcs the folloVY~g deTt~elopment standards .Yariance.appro~y~al: DeelcetNo.,'OS030Q27" . , .ZO Chapter.27.03.02 ,eurbedparldBg , The site is locat~d at the 2850 E 96t}:l8t and is zoned S2/Residence. ,-' Filed by 14arl(~fonroeof',\Tooden &1feLaughlin 2d. Coxhall P'ark '& Gardens -Bell Tower Petitioner seeks the following development standards variance approval: DocketNo~,05050009 V ZO Chapter 5.04.01 maximum height The site is located at the northeast comer of 116th St and,Towne Rd, and is zoned 8-1 Residence- Estate. Filed by Mike Grubb of Paul I Cripe for Hamilton Co. Parks & Recreation. ' 3d. TABLED TO JUNE .7:- Spring Lake Estates, Let 44. " Creed Residence Petitioner ~eelcs the follo'yT/ing deTy1"elopment standards i~1"ari(lnee' approTy'Ul: Doelcet Ne. OSOSQ022 " ZO ChapteF~.04.93.~A... front j1"ard setback The site is100ated 12192 Teal Laneand.ls zonedS',' 2/Residence. Filed by Construction Servioes .L\ssooiates for '~l endyCrecd. E. Old Business. 1 e. Wagner Reese '& Cros~en Petitioner seeks the following development standards variance approval: 'Docket No. 05030011 V' ZO Chapter 25.07.02-08.c sign area The site is located:at 11939NMeridian 8t, and the site is zoned B~6/Business within the US Highway 31Comdor Overlay 'Zone. Filed by Paul Reis of Drewry Simmons & Vomehrn for Wagner.Reese & Crossen LLP. F. New Business. G. Adiourn. S :\Board ,of Zoning Appeals\Agendas\Hearing Officer - 2005\20050523 Hearing Officer.rtf Page 1 of 1