HomeMy WebLinkAbout217537 02/26/2013 *f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 364397 Page 1 of 1 ` ONE CIVIC SQUARE AKZO NOBEL PAINTS CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 62802 COLLECTION CENTER DRIVE CHECK AMOUNT: $74.16 CHICAGO IL 60693-0628 CHECK NUMBER: 217537 CHECK DATE: 2/26/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 601 5023990 04960301004 108 .40 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 CR0496030102 -34 . 24 OTHER EXPENSES fld 148 W CARMEL DR CARMEL, IN 46032 317-8464221 PROFESSIONAL TM SOLD TO SHIPPED TO 001023 CARMEL UTILITIES CARMEL UTILITIES WATER OPERATIONS 3450 W 131 ST STREET 3450 W 131ST ST WESTFIELD, IN 46074 WESTFIELD IN 46074-8267 DATE,SHIPPED<< ' n'JOB'REFERENCE, CONTRACT NUMBER,, ORDER TYPE; „, TERMS OF SALE s 2/7/2013 Greg - - - NET 30 DAYS sP O NUMBER(S) P.O,DATE BILL OFxLADiNGNUMBER SHIPP.ED.VIA, .b...:: - - - --- I Customer Pickup "LOCATION CUSTOMER NUMBER. 'CARMS NUMBER< SHIPPED FROM : Customer Service Telephone Number 0496 04960246200 0496 317-8464221 PRODUCT CODE PRODUCT COLOR UNIT SIZE �� " GIUANTII'Y EXTENSION - CUSTOMER AKZO ,Y „ DESCp{PTION/iNFORMATIQN NUMBER PRICE 45848 EA FFT312 TIP;FF;RAC X 1 32.00 -32.00 REMARKS/COMMENTS SUBTOTALS => ! -32.00 SALES TAX -2.24 TINT BASES MAY BE SHORT FILLED TO ALLOW ADDITION OF COLORANT. THIS MATERIAL IS SOLD SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED ON THE REVERSE SIDE. RETAIL SALE OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC r PRODUCTS REQUIRES THE USE OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC COLOR CARDSAND RELATED COLLATERAL; INVOICE TOTAL > -34.24 AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC PROVIDES THESE MATERIALS ALONG WITH ORDERS OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC SHIPPED SEPERATELY WITH FREIGHT PREPAID AND THE TITLE PASSING ON DELIVERY TO CARRIER a - Please Remit To: ORIGINAL INVOICE AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC - Invoice Number: 049603010211 62802 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE Invoice Date: 2/7/2013 CHICAGO, IL 60693-0620 Page 1 of 1 1583 TERMS AND CONDITIONS The sale of any products described or referred to herein is expressly conditioned upon the terms and conditions set forth below.Any order for or any said terms and conditions.Any statement or intent no terms orconditions ch prod inrany such communication from the Buyer are hereby objected to by the oManufacturer and/or Akzo Nobel additional or d shall not be effective or binding unless assented to in writing by an authorized representative of Seller. Paints LLC DBA Glidden Professional(Seller)an oss- Shi in . Risk of loss shall pass from Seller to Buyer at the time the Prod forsloss or damage with the carrier.�Buyerrshal be liable to are removed from 1. Risk of L Pp 9 tendered to the carrier.After risk of loss has passed to Buyer, Buyer shall file Seller for full price of the egood , irrespective a offloss nvo cetlSh Aping datesla eeestimates antdbSellerushalltnotrbe(rrespo sfible it delays occur Bdespite and freight charges Sellers reasonable efforts. made in U.S.currency.All late payments will be revised from time to time by Seller. All payments shall 11 government charges upon the production, 2. Prices and Payments. Product prices may or the maximum allowable by applicable law. All govern g and duties,shall be paid bear interest at the rate of the lesser of 2/a per month t limited to, use,occupation,export and import taxes concerning shipment,sale,storage and disposal of the Products, including, but no by Buyer. If credit is extended, Seller may withdraw or modifioirPdoduectsSSellerymayrevoke Buyeres credit,t'Isuspend or term Hate performance on Buyer's financial condition or Buyer has failed to timely pay this and/or other orders,agreements or shipments,and seek other legal and/or equitable relief. 3. RETURNED GOODS.the Buyer will receive returned credit in the reason ou without belled price of therm ds returned less farhandl handling charge not to Seller's exceed 25% filling Buyer's on all other items,it returned in on wallcoveri 90a and 15% days s subject to negotiation.Goods Oreturnedto days for Seller are ato be shipped fby the Buyer dF.O.B.Seller's f designated waorehouse materials returned aft ( ) have be 4. FAIR LABORInCIudiDARDSappl cablelrequ cements of the Faiirr Labor Standards Act,as amended, and of regulations and olyders of the U.S.Ilaws an regulations, 9 the Department of Labor issued hereunder. Seller also is in compliance with applicable requirements of Executive Order 11141 and 11246,as well as the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended. 5. FORCE MADE sonabl Seller shall I, of be an act for delays act of Buyer,act of civil orcmil�ary author ty,governmental priloriity,strike or other labor}a cause beyond its rea disturbance,flood,epsdaemlmaterials(including energyosoaurce)�component 9 services orf'alc lilies.Quantities so affected shall be eliminated from oth sf btain necessary Seller may, during any period of shortage due to any of the above Seller too otherwise remain unaffected nteria shall othe sales)in such manner as Seller deems 'it but this co manufacturing and sa } contract without liabtl y, causes,allocate its supply of raw materials among its various uses therefor(e.g.,her f in a g practicable and allocate its supply of such goods among such various users thereof in any manner which Seller deems fair and reasonable. 6. LIMITED WARRANTY.cuer'sl standalyd specifications.l IMANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLERtMAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY eKIND,ection below,the conform to Manufac ER AS TO MERCHANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS,WHETHER OTHER MATTER. action for breach of this Y. Buyer shall give written notice of any claim has laccthirty t ed.MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER SHALL NOT BE RER ONSIBY contract must e commenced within year 7. LIMIT ATION OF LIABILITuy one ear after the cause of action b OBLIGATED OR LIABLE FOR ANY APPLICATION OR USE OF OR TO WHICH THE PRODUCTS DELIVERED HEREUNDER MAY BE PUT EITHER OR IN COMBINATION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS OR INGREDIENTS. EXCLUSIVE FURTHER,IT IS EXPRESS ANDALL ER LOSSES AND DAMAGES ED BUYER RESULTING FROM ANYMCAUSE WHATSOEVER INCLUDING AND/OR NCLUD NG U MANUFAC RER'S LIABILITY FOR A AND/OR SELLER'S NEGLIGENCE,INO EVENT EXCEED HE PURCHASEDPRICE OF THOEOPARTICULAR PRIODUOCTS WITH E ESPECTD R TO WH CHLOSSES OORRABL OR LATENT,SHALL DAMAGES ARE DUC S CLAIMED, NO EVENT;NCLUDIONGOIN THE CASE OF A CL IM OFD/NEGL NEGLIGENCE,SHALL MANUFACTURER AND/OR SELLER TBE ABLE OR AT THE E DAMAGED PRO FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, lied as an accommodation to Buyer. Seller has no 8. Related Products. "Related products"are goods not manufactured Buyer Seller,or that are supp such products,as between responsibility for ef actoryESELLER MAKES N0,AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OR RELATED PRODUCTS, EITHER EXPRESS OR product manufacturer's IMPLIED,INCLUDING,NY WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANY WA RELATED PRODUCTS SHIAL BEnTHAT OF THEIRELA ED PRODUCT WARRANTY, MANUFACTURER. Buyer Oagrees that WARRANTY,IF A Seller shall not be liable related or products,l damage, injuries,delays ss or ooh r ed torbe liable)from related uch products, Seller's SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE OBLIGATION no responsibility shall be limited to the difference between the related product manufacturer's price to Seller and Seller's price to Buyer for related product which Is the subject of the specific dispute or claim. FORM 7680-AN PRINTED IN U.S.A.(2-10) 148 W CARMEL DR CARMEL, IN 46032 317-8464221 Glidden PROFESSIONA SOLD TO tM 6(11 149 CARMEL UTILITIES SHIPPED TO ® WATER OPERATIONS 3450 W 131ST ST CARMEL UTILITIES WESTFIELD IN 46074-8267 3450 W 131ST STREET I,I„I,II„II,,,I,,,I,I„II,�I,,,1,1.11,.1„1111�1�111���11111 WE:STFIELD, IN 46074 DATE SHIPPED JOBREFERI NCE 1/30/2013 CQNTRACT NUMBER Greg I -- ----�EFi TYPE t P O NUMBERS) t TERMS OF#.SALE . ------f—`-------- PO DATE BILL OF,LADING 1VU✓iBf R NET 30 S DAY -- L'OCATIONrt LUSTO=R N ��BER ..CARMS NUMBER i - SHIPPED VIA:; 0496 SHIPPED F r, ---—__ 04960246200 ` ' ROM' - tome Pin Cl.n 0496 Customer Service Telephone Number PRODUCT.CODE CUSTOMER; SIZE' D :PRODUCT ' 317-8464221 COLOR ESCRIPTION/INFORMATION QUANTITY UNIT 4216-9990L01 01 DEVFLEX HP�jNg/ACR/SG ENA gLK NU _ —_:.MBfR_; EXTENSION 45848 - PRICE I EA FFT312 TIP;FF;RAC X 626351 EA 1331-63AIP X-PERT2.5""POLY 31.30 62.60 1 C 32.00 32.00 2 6.90 I I 13.80 I I I I I I I iEMARKS/COMMENTS SUBTOTALS _> I ��o'4d 108.40 SALES TAX 7.59 BASES MAYBE SHORT FILLED T I I TO TERMS AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED LON THE D REVERSE E SIDE RETAIL 8A E OF glK�p NOBEL PAINTS SUBJECT C DUCTS L REQUIRES L THE USE OF AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC COLOR CARDSAND RELATED COLLATERAL- I NOBEL ERAT PAINTS LLC PROVIDES THESE 13EL P ALT ALONG N11RH ORDERS OF AKZU NOBEL PAINTS LLC. ED SEPERATELY WITH FREIGHT PREPAIp A�0 7HE TI i LE PA55ING ON DELIVERY Tc CARRIER ��-� Iravolca= Please Remrt To: ?O NOBEL PAINTS LLC ORIGINAL INVOICE 02 COLLECTIONS CENTER DRIVE Invoice Number: 049603010049 CAGO, IL 60693-0620 Invoice Date: 1/30/2013 Page 1 of 1 1764 -------------- -------------- ------------- -------------- --------------- TERMS AND CONDITIONS order for or any ressly conditioned upon the terms and conditions set forth t fan Manufacturer and/or Akzo Nobel products described or referred to herein is ex proceed with such purchase shall constitute assent a said terms and conditions.Any rodu direction top Buyer are hereby objected to by The sate of any p urchase any such products,or any from b an authorized representative of Seller• statement or intent top such communication unles Bassented to in writing Y remises ar,if applicable, additional or different terms or conditions set forth in any Seller)and shall not be effective or binding a with the carrier.Buyer shall be liable to Paints LLC DBA Glidden Professional( with the freight cost receipts to Buyer to Buyer, Buyer shall file all claims hallonot be required gto p eighble if delays occur despite in . Risk of loss shall pass fromdSeller to Buyer at the time the Pducts are removed from a er 1. Risk o f doss:-Shp.Q...._g passed e to transit.Seller tendered to the carrier.After risok of respective of loss or damage will Seller for the full Price of the g in dates are estimates and Seller shall not be res be estimated at the time of invoice.Shipping All Late payments and freight charges may payments shall be made in U.S.currency-on the production. rites may Seller. All pay Sellers reasonable efforts- applicable law. All government charges u be revised from time to time by ation,export and import taxes and duties,shalt be.paid 2, Price_- s end Payn!ents.Product p ° per month or the maximum allowable by use occup but not limited to, performance on bear interest at the rate of the lesser of 2%p credit terms at any time without notice.If Seller de or terminate p insecure concerning shipment,sale,storage and disposal of the od,,, or modify revoke Buyer's credit,suspend Seller may a for Products,Seller may by Buyer.If credit is extended,Buyer has failed to timely pay Buyer's financial condition or Buy erMission.If returned for reasons other than Seller's error In his and/or other orders,.agreemenls or shipments,and reason Seller's rwrritten P le retoods returned less a handling charge not to exceed 25% t be returned for any rice of the g goods may of the invoice date.Amount of credil wa�ehouse.materials 3. RETURNED GOODS.Nog 30 days for waticoverin9s hipped by the Buyer F.O.B.Seller's designated laws and filling Buyer's order,the Buyer will receive a credit in the amount of the billed p on wallcovering and 15%on all other items,if returned in 90 days( Isance with all applicable negotiation.Goods returned to Seller are to be shIPP produced in comp returned after 90(30)days is subject to neg comV sand orders of the U.S.awell as the goods furnished hereunder have been p the app compliance with applicable requirements of Executive Order 11141 and 11246, 4. FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT. Seller warrants that all g a cause _______------ livable requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act,as amended,and o re due to(1) regulations, including perform,Department of Labor issued hereunder.Seller also is to tom o nuf actnre,deliver strike or other labor Rehabilitation Act of 1973,as amended. ar erformance,or for authority g anufacture,deliver or p an act of God,act of Buyer,act of civil or mslstarY ortation or car shortage,or(3)inability on account of a cause beyond the reasonable control o 5. FORCE MAJELRE.Seller shall not be liable for delays in delivery P of the above beyond its reasonable control,or(2) in transp components,services or facilities.Quantities iod of shortage dueato any of eliminate d from this disturbance,flood,epidemic,war,riot,delay energy source), during Y P materials(including In such manner as Seller deems Seller to obtain necessary manufacturing and sales) u I of raw materials among its various uses therefor(e.g., manner which Seller deems fair and reaso nable. contract without liability,but this contract shall otherwise remain unaffected.Seller m er warrants that the goods sold hereunder will causes,allocate its PP I of such goods among such various users thereof in any practicable and allocate its supply the Manufacturer andlor Sell NTY.Subject to the "limitation of liability" section below, H ANTABILITY,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY 6. LIMITED WAR RA sons.MANUFACTURER AND/OR S SELL MAKES NO REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY OF AN conform to Manufacturer's standard specification T action for breach of this EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT TO THE GOODS,WHETHER AS TO 30 da s of the date of delivery and any OTHER MATTE claim within thirty( ) y (ABILITY.Buyer shall give written notice of any PRODUCTS DELIVERED HEREUNDER MAY BE PUT EITHER SINGLY L er the cause of action has accrued. AND/OR SELLER SHALL NOT BE RESPONSI 7 contract usOtF� be CO ced within one year aft OBLIGATED OR TION WITH OTHER PRODUCTS ORRNGRED INGREDIENTS. WHICH THE DEFECTS ARE DISCOVERABLE ROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER 1 H DUDING MANUFACTURER'S LIABLE FO OR IN COMB INA Np AGREED THAT BUYER'S EXCL�SIVE REMEDY AND MANUFACT C ER'S AND/OR SELLER'S ER' FURTHER,IT IS EXPRESSLY UNDERSTOOD LIABILITY FOR ANY AND ALL LOSSES AND DAMAGES TO BUYER RESULTIN OR SELLER,THE REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT RER ANDJORFSELLERTBE LIABLE HE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE DS,I CULAR PRODUCTS WITH RESPCT TO WHICH LOSSES IV AND/OR SELLER'S NEGLIGENCE, ALLEGED OR DEFECTIVE GOODS,IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER C OR LATENT,SHALL IN NO EVENT EXCEED DAMAGES ARE CLAIMED,OR AT THE ELECTION OF THE MANUFACTURER as an accommodation to Buyer.Seller has no p PRODUCTS.IN NO EVENT,INCLUDING THE CASE OF A CLAIM OF NEGLIGENCE,SHALL MAN O B related DAMAGE lied riles are F FOR-INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL D Seller,or that are supplied Buyer "as ss",all p prod are good oducts,as between Buyer and Seller,are accepted by l3. Related Products."Related p tees that responsibility for related products, and sucAh pro NO, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A P FACTURER.8 yer agrees THE SOLE s M AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS AS ANY WARRANTY FOR RELATED PRODUCTS, EITHER EXPRESS respon Y product manufacturer's factory.SELLER Buyer and Seller agree Seller has IMPLIED,INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANY WARRANTIES OR MERC WARRANTY, be liable for such products,Seller's SSOIe AorDelated product o which is0 R damage,injuries,delays or other loss arising from related products. Although Buy A IF ANY,CONCERNING RELATED PRODUCTS SHALL BE THAT OF THE RELATED PRODUCTS W rice to Y Seller shall not be liable for claims,d g holes manufacturer's price to Seller and Seller's p no responsibility for related products,if Seller is nonetheless determine shall be limited to th difference between emhe related product the subject of the specific FORM 76BO-AN PRINTED IN U.S.A.12-10) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 364397 AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC-GLIDDEN 62802 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR Purchase Order No. CHICAGO, IL 60693-0628 Terms Due Date 2/18/2013 Invoice Invoice Date Number Description (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 2/18/2013 0496030100 $74.16 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date __ Officer VOUCHER # 123582 WARRANT # ALLOWED IN SUM OF $ 364397 AKZO NOBEL PAINTS LLC-GLIDDEN 62802 COLLECTIONS CENTER DR CHICAGO, IL 60693-0628 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 04960301004 01-6200-06 Voucher Total 674.16 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund