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Land Planning
Land Surveying
Real Estate
ISQ.,; 001
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December 10, 2004
Mr. Matthew Griffin, AICP
Carmel Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
DOCKET NO. 04080059 PP
CRIPE JOB NO. 010463-20100
Dear Mr. Griffin:
We have addressed the attached comment letter, dated September 8,
2004 for the above referenced project. Revised plans were prepared
October 8, 2004. I apologize that you were not included in the distribution
at that time. We offer the following responses.
1 .
11 .
1 .
The location map',.has been revised to scale, incorporating the
requested features.
Refer to attached email from Scott Brewer, December 2, 2004,
indicating acceptance of the landscape and tree preservation plans.
The plans are labeled Primary Plat.
Plans have been revised to show the zoning classification 8-1.
Individual lot square footage is shown on the overall map.
Area is called out for Public Use Parcels in square feet and acres.
Drainage easements and buffer yards overlap in accordance with
direction by the Urban Forrester and the Hamilton County Surveyor.
Required buffer yard is indicated along project boundaries.
Lots have been revised as requested. No lot is shown with less
than 50' of frontage.
A 10' multiuse path is indicated along Shelborne Road, An 8'
multiuse path will be provided as requested along the southern
boundary and at the Northeast corner of the site.
Normal depth of the pond is sho\'Vn. The pond has less than 1 ft of
freeboard at the normal depth. Detention capacity is nominal.
Proposed access for Lot 1 is shown. The existing access has been
The developer has submitted commitment letters to the Jon
Dobosiewicz, City of Carmel.
Open Space Breakdown is included on the Cover Sheet of the
0:\2001 \010463\201 00\Docs\Permits\ltr121 004Griffin.doc
Matthew Griffin
December 10, 2004
Page 2
Please contact me if you need clarification or have any additional
questions regarding this project.
~~ ~/~
Kevin Roberts, PE
Senior Project Manager
0:\2001\010463\201 00\Docs\Permits\ltr121 004Griffin.doc
IS~2 001
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City of Carmel
VIA FAX: 776-8654
Original by mail
September 8, 2004
Steven Hardin
970 Logan Street
Noblesville, IN 46060
RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Dear Mr. Hardin:
This letter is in response to your priJnary plat application for Saddlebrook at Shelbome. The
fol1o\ving issues n1ust be resolved:
The [oIIowing required supporting data must be subn1itted:
I. Area location Inap of 1 "=500' showing the following:
a. Existing adjacent uses.
b. Watershed boundaries.
c. Thoroughfares directly related to proposed subdivision.
d. Existing adjoining zoning classifications and proposed llses.
e. Title on area location nlap, its scale, north aITO\V and date.
2. Copy of the landscape plan approval letter from the Cannel Urban Forester.
Concerns and COffi.Jllents are as follo\v:
I . The plat should be labeled as "Prilllary", and not ~'Prelinlinary"
2. The present zoning classification is 8-1, not R 1 /PUD.
3. Square footage of individual lots must be identified on the "Overall" nlap.
4. Square footage of public use parcels JllUSt be identi tied.
5. Drainage easen1ents and required buffer yards must be separate. Clearly identify
drainage easernents and required buffer yards, as \vell as their widths. Required
landscape plantings are not pelmitted in drainage easenlcnts.
6. Required buffer yards and landscaping are nlust he shown along al1 project
7. Lot 69 Inust be at least 50 feet wide at the right-of-\vay. Currently it is 45 feet
8. As per the Alternative 'Transportation Plan, a 10-foot nltI1ti-use path is required
along Shelbonle Road for the extent of this pnInary plat. Please provide.
9. Normal depth and 1 OO-year elevation 11111st be shown for the pond near the access
on Shelbollle Road.
Page I
CAR.i\-fEL, INDIA NA 46032
10. Renlove the existing access configuration for Lot 1, and show only what is
proposed (except in the existing conditions exhibit).
11. At the intersection of Shelbome Road and Blue Grass Lane, Shelbon1e Road
should have an acceleration lane, deceleration lane, and a passing lane.
12. An open space breakdown chart containing the infon11ation required by SC
Chapter 7, Exhibit "A", mllst be included on the plat.
Please wait to subn1it a revised pritnary plat until after the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC)
has met on this application. The resublllitted plat should include edits addressing the above
COll1ments along with any requiren1ents that arise fron1 the ~r AC Ineeting. Additional comn1ents
may be made after the requested revisions have been submitted.
J ~. . ' ~Ij '. ~
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Matthew Griffin, AICP
Planning Adlninistrator
Saddlcbrook at Shelborne - PP I
Page 2
Ci\lZi\JEL) INDIANA 46032
3 1 7 /57 1 - 24 1 7
Page 1 of5
Kevin Roberts
From: Brewer, Scott 1 [SBrewer@cLcarmel.in.us]
Sent: Thursday, December 02,2004 8:55 PM
To: Brewer, Scott I; Kevin Roberts; Conn, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Griffin, Matt L
Cc: Matt S. Skelton; KCB Bridenthal Design Associates; Michael H. Stikeleather(E-mail); Steve Hardin;
Roger Tucker (E-mail); David Lach
Subject: RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne Tree Preservation / Landscape plans
To all it may concern:
I have reviewed both the tree preservation plan, and the bufferyard/landscaping plan for Saddlebrook at
Shelborne Subdivision, and they are acceptable. If you wish to follow the email correspondance, they are below.
After the secondary plat, and contruction plans are submitted and approved, I will stamp and sign the approved
set of landscape plans before the presubmittal meeting with the Building Permit Department.
Scott Brewer
Environmental Planner, City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 571-2478
-----Orig i na I Message-----
From: Brewer, Scott I
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 8:57 PM
To: 'Kevin Roberts'; Conn, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Griffin, Matt L
Cc: Matt S. Skelton; KCB Bridenthal Design Associates; Michael H. Stikeleather (E-mail); Steve Hardin;
Roger Tucker (E-mail); David Lach
Subject: RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne Tree Preservation graphic details
The drawings are acceptable. I will add them to the file.
Scott Brewer
Environmental Planner, City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 571-2478
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Roberts [mailto:kroberts@cripe.biz]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 2:09 PM
To: Brewer, Scott I
Cc: Matt S. Skelton; KCB Bridenthal Design Associates; Michael H. Stikeleather (E-mail); Steve
Hardin; Roger Tucker (E-mail); David Lach
Subject: RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Scott: Please examine the attached PDF files and confirm they are appropriate and sufficient for
preservation of the buffer for Saddlebrook at Shelborne. We intend to include these details on sheet
L 106; Landscape Notes and Details.
Page 2 of5
Kevin Roberts, PE
Paul I. Cripe, Inc.
Architects & Engineers
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250
Phone: 317-842-6777
Direct: 31 7 -841-4797 Ext. 664
Mobile: 317-997-6412
Fax: 317-841-4798
E-Mail: kroberts@cripe.biz
-----Original Message-----
From: Brewer, Scott I [mailto:SBrewer@ci.carmel.in.us]
Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2004 3:08 PM
To: Matt S. Skelton; KCB Bridenthal Design Associates; Kevin Roberts
Subject: RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Dear Kevin:
I am ok with the tree preservation plan, but please add graphic tree preservation details to
sheet L 106 for the preservation BMP's you will be using (fencing).
Other than that, it appears acceptable.
Scott Brewer
Environmental Planner, City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 571-2478
-----Original Message-----
From: Matt S. Skelton [mailto: MSkelton@binghammchale.com]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 1:02 PM
To: Brewer, Scott I
Cc: Dobosiewicz, Jon C;Griffin, Matt L; Kevin Roberts (E-mail); Steve Hardin;
Michael Stikeleather (E-mail); Chuck Bridenthal (E-mail)
Subject: Saddlebrook at Shelborne - Street Trees
Scott :
Thanks for your response. I will have our engineering folks contact you to explain
our street tree dilemma for this project. Evidently, the Surveyor's Office will not
allow them to be installed in regulated drain subdivisions. I will let our project
engineers explain this (either Kevin Roberts or Chuck Bridenthal).
(Kevin and/or Chuck: Will you please contact Scott to discuss this item? Thanks.)
We submitted revised packet materials today to the planning office for the
November 30th Subdivision Committee meeting. Please let us know if you have
any questions. Have a great weekend, Scott. Matt
Matthew S. Skelton, AICP
970 Logan Street
Page 3 of5
Noblesville, IN 46060
Phone: (317) 776-8654
Fax: (317) 776-8657
-----Original Message-----
From: Brewer, Scott I [mailto:SBrewer@ci.carmel.in.us]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 11:47 AM
To: Matt S. Skelton
Cc: Dobosiewicz, Jon C; Griffin,. Matt L
Subject: RE: Tree Preservation Plan Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Dear Matt:
This subdivision is located now within the City of Carmel, and I believe that
Carmel's Engineering Department has jurisdiction over the streets. If you
do have a true conflict with the Surveyor's office on this subdivision, please
let me know. I am not asking you to go head to head with the surveyor's
Street Trees are not required by ordinance yet, since we administrate
zoning for both the City and County Township. As I explained several
times, I am asking for them only on the streets that have the potential
to become thoroughfares (which the county has allowed planting on
before). They are regularly required for subdivisions that are within the City
of Carmel. Street trees are viewed as a value to the City for a variety of
reasons, including adding to the property values of the subdivision, and the
Scott Brewer
Environmental Planner, City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 571-2478
-----Orig i na I Message-----
From: Matt S. Skelton [mailto:MSkelton@binghammchale.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 2:27 PM
To: Brewer, Scott I; Kevin Roberts
Cc: Charlie and Krista; Conn, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon C;
Griffin, Matt L
Subject: RE: Tree Preservation Plan Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Can you please tell me where the street tree requirement is in your
ordinance? I have looked everywhere and cannot find it. We are
running into a problem with this item because the County Surveyor
will not allow us to install street trees in Saddlebrook (because we
are a regulated drain subdivision). Please advise. Matt
Matthew S. Skelton, AICP
970 Logan Street
Page 4 of5
Noblesville, IN 46060
Phone: (317) 776-8654
Fax: (317) 776-8657
-----Original Message-----
From: Brewer, Scott I [mailto:SBrewer@ci.carmel.in.us]
Sent: Wednesday, November'17, 2004 4:10 PM
To: Kevin Roberts; Matt S. Skelton
Cc: Charlie and Krista; Conn, Angelina V; Dobosiewicz, Jon
C; Griffin, Matt L
Subject: RE: Tree Preservation Plan Saddlebrook at
Dear Kevin:
The draft copy of the tree preservation report in acceptable.
On the landscape plans, I still need to see a graphic detail
for the tree preservation method (BMP) that you are going
to use, and we are asking for street trees along
Homestretch Drive. They must be shown graphically on
the landscape plans and have species labeled.
And as a ROSa subdivision, an Open Space plan and
schedule must be submitted. I have not recieved copies of
either yet.
Scott Brewer
Environmental Planner, City of Carmel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 571-2478
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Roberts [mailto: kroberts@cripe.biz]
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 9:53 AM
To: Matt S. Skelton (E-mail); Michael H.
Stikeleather (E-mail)
Cc: Brewer, Scott I
Subject: Tree Preservation Plan
The attached draft tree preservation plan has been
presented to Scott Brewer, City of Carmel Urban
Forrester. I understand that Scott's initial reaction
was that the plan, with minor revisions, appears to
be sufficient, but a thorough review is necessary.
Understanding time constraints, Scott intends to
review the plan as soon as possible. We expect
comments late Thursday or early Friday of this
week. Please review the attached meeting report.
Kevin Roberts, PE
-1 ,'(
Paul I. Cripe, Inc.
Architects & Engineers
71 72 Graham Road
Indianapolis, Indiana 46250
Phone: 317-842-6777
Direct: 31 7-841-4797 Ext. 664
Mobile: 317-997-6412
Fax: 317-841-4798
E-Mail: kroberts@cripe.biz
Page 5 of5
To: Michael Stikeleather
Matt Skelton
Carmel Plan Commission
Re: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
We appreciate your willingness in the past to listen to our concerns about this project-in both
private and public forums - and we trust that this dialogue will continue. In that vein, we hope
this letter will be received in the spirit of cooperation that was intended.
As the Carmel Plan Commission studies Saddlebrook at Shelbome, we still have several
concerns that need to be addressed before we will be satisfied that the project should move
forward. They are enumerated below.
1. As you are aware, existing new projects north of 116th Street-two new schools, a highway
department facility, a soccer complex and several new subdivisions - have created a major
traffic problem in the area. With Saddlebrook and still more projects in the pipeline, this already
untenable situation will get even worse. Weare aware that plans are underway to build a
roundabout at the intersection of 116th and Shelborne Road, which should alleviate some of the
problem. However, we are not aware of an official commitment by the city of Carmel to proceed
with this construction or a timetable for the project.
We believe that the roundabout at 116th and Shelborne should be formally approved and
scheduled by the city of Carmel before the Saddlebrook at Shelbome project gets the green
light. In addition, we believe that occupancy of the homes in Saddlebrook should not be granted
until construction of the roundabout is complete.
2. We have previously expressed our concerns to the Commission and to the developer about
the lack of adequate landscaping for the buffer between the backyards of Oak Tree and the
proposed Saddlebrook subdivision. While we have received verbal acknowledgement of our
concerns and promises of some adjustments to the original landscaping plan, we have not seen
a detailed rendering of the new plan and an explanation of how it will address our concerns.
3. As you are aware, the entry road proposed for Saddlebrook at Shelborne is tight against the
backyards of several residents of the Oak Tree subdivision. We believe there is room for the
developer to move the road north to increase the distance between it and our backyards.
4. We understand, applaud and appreciate the City of Carmel's emphasis on making sure that
all new housing developments incorporate a significant amount of green space. We see that the
developer of Saddlebrook has incorporated a nice amount of green space, but the design
primarily benefits his own residence. We suggest that the plans be modified so that more green
space can be used to create greater distance and additional buffer between Saddlebrook and
Oak Tree.
5. Saddlebrook at Shelbome will have major implications for Mike Ulerich, a long-time resident
on Shelbome Road near the entrance to the project. He submitted a list of 10 questions to the
Commission on Oct. 19,2004, and received answers to some of his questions, but not all. We
would like the Commission and the developer to address the unanswered questions.
We want to emphasize that we are not anti-development. Weare expressing our concerns as
Carmel citizens and as neighbors who are concerned about the safety of the roads we travel in
our vicinity, the value of our properties and the quality of our lives. We appreciate your
willingness to hear us and work with us on resolving these issues to everyone's satisfaction.
Sam and Karen Tancredi
Bill and Cheryl Olsen
Chris Katterjohn
David and Linda Tortora
Mike Ulerich
11686 Oak Tree Way
11692 Oak Tree Way
11696 Oak Tree Way
11700 Oak Tree Way
11859 Shelbome Road
Attachment: Oct. 19 letter from Mike Ulerich to Carmel Plan Commission
Mike Ulerich
11859 Shelborne Road
Carmel, IN 46032
October 19,2004
Re:Saddlebrook at Shelbome
Carmel Plan Con1mission,
Idonot \vant to block the development, but I vvould like to have the follovving
questions ans\vered before the Carmel Plal1 Con1l11ission makes it [mal decision.
My property is located at the proposed entrance to Saddlebrook at Shelbome. It
app~earsthat the fro'nt of n1Y property \villbe needed for a turning lane into the
1. Hovv n111ch of my property vvilI be needed for the tuminglane?
2. \\T}10 "viII be responsible to reimburse ll1e for the use of the front of my property?
The developer of the c.ity of Carmel? " Ho\v n1uch \viII Ibe reimbursed for the
trees that are removed and to re-IaI1dscapethis area.
3. My septic system is located in the frontofnlY property. If this turning lane
involves removing part of the septic finger system who will pay for the changes?
4'. Will I be reqllired to conhecttocity sevver and \vater service. What is the
estimated cost to connect and who will pay for connection?
I ftes. 5. Will my drive ,val' exit !2-Shelbo~e Road.Q! to t~ new subdivision street?
I. h e.<E'.G.~' Of r c G.~'l. IJtof! tf:"("? ( f'r Q~f f ~ 4 ~ I () )Je. uJ 6 Tr"~r/r~',/
r 11' ". \;
6. If my drive is nloved to ~he new street ~ \\-ho \vill pay for driveway relocation?
What type of material will be used forthe ne\v drive?
!3J.-... @Ifn1ydrive is moved to the new street will I be required to pay an association fee.
Ho'vv much do you estimate the association dues and fees to be?
8. Willyoll allo\v me to divide my current lot into t\VO separate building lots? Both
lotvvould require a drive way to the ne\\" street.
9. Will the pOvver line running" between n1yproperty and the new street be buried?
10. Will the ne\v street be a city street ora private street?
l\vould hope tl1at the Cann'el Plan Commission \vould require ansvvers to these questions
before they make an)! decisions. Once ,again it is not my desire to block any
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development, but to make sure that this development does not cost me any money and
does not redllce the value of my property.
Michael Ulerich
Plan Commission Continuance
Page 1 of 1
Conn, Angelina V
From: Matt S. Skelton [MSkelton@binghammchale.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2004 5:21 PM
To: Conn, Angelina V
Cc: Dobosiewicz, Jon C
Subject: Plan Commission Continuance
Do you need a request from us to continue the Saddlebrook at Shelborne project to the December Plan
Commission meeting? If so, please let this correspondence serve that purpose. We are planning to appear
before the Subdivision Committee again next month (on December 7th) and then before the Plan Commission on
December 21 s1. Please let me know if you need anything else. Matt
Matthew S. Skelton, AICP
970 Logan Street
Noblesville, IN 46060
Phone: (317) 776-8654
Fax: (317)776-8657
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
FAX: 317-841-4798
Land Planning
Land Surveying
November 4, 2004
Mr. John Dobosiewicz
City of Carmel
One Civic Square
Carmel, Indiana 46032
Dear Mr. Dobosiewicz:
~ ~v ' ~.;
Attached is an estimate for widening Shelborne Road adjacent to the
proposed subdivision, Saddle brook t Shelborne.
This estimate is to accompany e agreement transmitted to you by
Bingham McHale, LLP, und separate cover.
Please contact me with y questions or concerns you may have. You
have been most helpf . Thank you.
Kevin oberts, PE
Seni r Project Manager
Real Estate
0:\2001 \010463\201 00\Docs\Engr\Correspondence\ltr11 0404Dobosiewicz.doc
Shelborne Road - Road Improvements Summary
7172 Graham Road Pavement Required Quantity Unit Unit Price Total
Indianapolis, IN 46250 Subgrade Preparation 1215 SY $2.50 $3,037.50
317-842-6777 12" #53 Compacted Stone 1215 SY $8.00 $9,720.00
FAX: 317-841-4798 4" HAC Binder 1215 SY $7.05 $8,565.75
www,cripe.biz 1" HAC Surface 1215 SY $2.48 $3,013.20
Shoulder 280 SY $2.90 $812.00
2" Resurface 2050 SY $5.20 $10,660.00
Total $35,808.45
Construction Pavement to be Built Quantity Unit Unit Price Total
Administration Subgrade Preparation 280 SY $2.50 $700.00
12" #53 Compacted Stone 280 SY $8.00 $2,240.00
4" HAC Binder 280 SY $7.05 $1,974.00
Engineering 1" HAC Surface 280 SY $2.48 $694.40
Shoulder 280 SY $2.90 $812.00
2" Resurface 2050 SY $5.20 $10,660.00
Services Total $17,080.40
Difference $ 18,728.05
Land Planning
Land Surveying
Real Estate
ISQ-- 001
~'~\) I\"\~~
~~~\)\\L"~ J
Mike Ulerich
11859 Shelborne Road
Carmel, IN 46032
October 19, 2004
Re: Saddlebrook at Shelbome
Carmel Plan Commission,
I do not want to block the development, but I would like to have the following
questions answered before the Carmel Plan Commission makes it final decision.
My property is located at the proposed entrance to Saddlebrook at Shelbome. It
appears that the front of my property will be needed for a turning lane into the
1. How much of my prop"erty will be needed for the turning lane?
2. Who will be responsible to reimburse me for the use of the front of my property?
The developer of the city of Carmel? How much will I be reimbursed for the
trees that are removed and to re-landscape this area.
3. My septic system is located in the front of my property. If this turning lane
involves removing part of the septic finger system who will pay for the changes?
4. Will I be required to connect to city sewer and water service. What is the
estimated cost to connect and who will pay for connection?
5. Will my drive way exit to Shelborne Road or to the new subdivision street?
6. If my drive is moved to the new street, who will pay for driveway relocation?
What type of material will be used for the new drive?
7. If my drive is moved to the new street will I be required to pay an association fee.
How much do you estimate the association dues and fees to be?
8. Will you allow me to divide my current lot into two separate building lots? Both
lot would require a drive way to the new street.
9. Will the power line running between my property and the new street be buried?
10. Will the new street be a city street or a private street?
I would hope that the Carmel Plan Commission would require answers to these questions
before they make any decisions. Once again it is not my desire to block any
development, but to make sure that this development does not cost me any money and
does not reduce the value of my property.
Michael Ulerich
. ~.
J~ l /1111 \'tK
September 21, 2004
Mr. Rick Radabaugh
Paull. Cripe, Inc.
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne Primary Plat-Project Review #1
Dear Mr. Radabaugh:
We have reviewed the primary plat submitted for T.A.C. review for this project and offer the following comments:
1. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits.
2. Jurisdictions:
. Interior and Exterior Streets and Right of Way, Curbs, Street Signs, Sidewalks - City of Carmel.
. Water - City of Carmel Utilities
. Sanitary Sewers - Clay Township Regional Waste District
. Storm SewerslDrainage - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office (City of Carmel Review).
. ~ Regulated! Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office.
3. Board of Public Works and Safety Requirements:
. Water Availability
. Additional Water Availability for Irrigation Systems.
. Temporary Construction Entrance (if applicable and if located at a location other than planned
permanent entrances). Please be advised that any open cuts of dedicated streets will require separate
Board of Public JJlorks and Safety approval.
. Any permanent improvement (including irrigation systems) to be installed within dedicated right of way
or dedicated easements. This approval would require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the
O\vner/Developer and the City of Carmel.
. Secondary Plat approval.
. Right of Way Dedication (if applicable)
A copy of the schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines is included
for your use. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board.
Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carnlel Clay Plan Commission and/or the
Board of ~oning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee.
All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and
the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Co/nnzission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if
4. T.A.C. ReviewIDrawings submitted for approval:
We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be
accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for
construction until all Engineering Department, Carmel Utilities and Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
issues have been resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval.
Because of the dual jurisdiction bet\veen the City of Carmel and the Hamilton County Surveyor, we will
require a minimum of eight-sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings
will be stamped as approved and will be signed by the City Engineer and by Carmel Utilities. The eight-sets
will then be sent to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office for approval and signatures. Three approved sets
are to be returned to the City of Carmel. The Hamilton County Surveyor's Office will retain two-sets. The
Developer, the Engineer and the Contractor will each receive one-set.
ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARIVIEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439
ENL<\IL e ngin ee ri ng@ ci. earn1 el. in. us
Mr. Rick Radabaugh
September 21, 2004
Page 2
5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated right of way or
dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement with the City of Carmel's Board of}
Public Works and Safetv.
6. Carmel UtilitiesAVater Distribution should be provided copies of all drawings and revisions for review of
water issues. They will provide a separate review regarding these issues.
7. Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Moley" and should be contacted directly for all water main
8. I have included copies of the following for your use:
. Subdivision Project Approval Procedures
. Performance Release Procedure
. Subdivision Building Permits
. Permit Data, Contacts, etc.
. Subdivision Sign requirements
9. Individual Performance Guarantees will be required for the following subdivision improvements:
. Streets (base, binder and surface). You may bond perimeter street improvements separately.
. Curbs
. Water Mains
. Street Signs
. Monuments & Markers*
. Sidewalks (builders lot sidewalks, perimeter right of way sidewalks and perimeter asphalt paths may be
bonded separately).
*Storm sewer bonding will be under the jurisdiction of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. They may
also require bonding for Monuments & Markers. If that is the case, we will not require duplicate bonding.
Sanitary sewers are under the jurisdiction of the Clay Township Regional Waste District.
The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost
of labor and materials to construct the individual. improvements, to be provided by the design engineer.
Please provide detailed Engineers Estimates for each improvement including unit costs, quantities, materials
and types of materials, etc. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three-year
Maintenance Guarantee will be required. The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon,15% of the
Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements.
Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds, Irrevocable Letters of Credit or
Cashier's Checks, Certified Checks or Official Checks. Please reference the enclosures for more detailed
explanation of our procedures.
10. A vailability (acreage) Fees must be paid after all other Engineering Department requirements have been
satisfied and prior to the start of construction activities. Availability Fees are based upon total platted acreage
for the development at the current rate of$1,010.00 per acre (Water Availability Fee). Based upon the
secondary plat indicated acreage, the following Water Availability Fees would apply:
60.210Acres @ $1,010.00/Acre = $60,812.00
Connection Fees are currently $1,310.00 for water per single-family residence. Connection Fees are paid
when the infrastructure has been complete, satisfactory test results obtained and the subdivision has been
released for permits. Water Connection Fees are paid on a per-lot basis.
. If an irrigation system, swinlming pool or clubhouse is planned for this development, or any
future section of the development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon
the recommendation of the Director of Carmel Utilities.
11. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted
for review to this office. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. .When construction plans
are submitted for T.A.C. review for this, development, please provide 2-sets of plans and calculations to allow
us to send the extra set to Crossroad and save some time in the review process.
-:-:-..-.:---=--~----;------ -. .
Mr. Rick Radabaugh
September 21, 2004
Page 3
12. The scale on some of the drawings is so small that it is impossible to read the information presented. Please
adjust to a scale no smaller than 1" = 50'. Resubmit the plat at the adjusted scale requested.
13. Shelbome Road is classified as a Secondary Arterial on the City of Carmel 20- Year Thoroughfare Plan. A
150' Deceleration Taper, 100' Deceleration Lane and a 250' Acceleration Taper need to be provided at the
entrance on the east side of Shelbome Road. Please make provisions for a passing blister on the west side of
ShelbomeRoad~The full length will be 160' and each taper will be 150' long.
14. Are you required to provide additional stub street connections for future development to the east, west and
south of this subdivision?
15. Are all existing entrances/streets on Shelbome Road shown? This information is required so the City can
evaluate the proposed entrance location.
16. Please provide drainage calculations for this project.
17. There is an apparent conflict of the drainage system near the main entrance with an existing 12" HDPE pipe.
18. Please show a 10' multi-use path in the right of way across the frontage of the development.
19. Please indicate widening of travel lanes to 15' and a 3' stone shoulder across the frontage.
20. Please label existing and proposed right of way for Shelbome Road. Proposed right of way shall be 45-feet at
a minimum.
21. Have you considered connecting the 10' multi-use path to Block B open space in the vicinity of Lot 4?
22. Is there no planned detention of the westerly section of Blue Grass Lane? Why is this drainage system
interconnected with the existing drainage system?
The Department reserves the right to provide further comments on the grading and drainage system upon receipt of
more detailed construction drawings which provide grading elevations, pipe sizing and invert elevations. These
comments may affect the drainage system layout presented on the primary plat.
These comments represent the Department of Engineering's initial review of this project. If you have questions, please
caB me at 571-2441.
. unca, Jr. P.E.
Assistant Cit)} ngineer
Department' f Engineering
c--c: Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services
John Duffy, Carmel Utilities
Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities
Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office
John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water
Project File Copy
Engineering Department Review
SEP 17 '04 01:18PM
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September 17t 2004
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Paul I. Cripe, Inc.
A TIN: Rick Radabaugh
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
VIA FACSIMILE: 841...4798
Re: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Dear Mr. Radabaugh:
We have reviewed the primary plat plans submitted to the Hamilton COU11ty Surveyor's
Office on August 31!1 2004 for this project and have tbe following comments:
1. This project falls within the jurisdiction of the City of Carmel.
2. This proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Carmel Watershed Protection Area.
3. This project falls in the JaW. Brendle Regulated Drain Watershed. The watershed is
currently being studied by CBBEL and NO outlet permits will be issues until the
study is complete. As it currently stands~ the watershed has an allowable release rate
of 0.24 cts per acre, that that could change with the watershed study.
4a This project will involve the reconstruction of the Oak Tree Regulated Drain across
this parcel along Shelborne Road. The preliminary design show new pipe and the
existing being left in place. The reconstruction will require that only 1 pipe be in
place to serve both projects and the existing drain properly abandoned. The pipe will
need to be sized to provide a 15" RCP outlet pipe and manhole with sufficient depth
set at the existing inlet north of lot 6 of Oak Tree~ This pipe is being sized to allow
for the future reconstruction in Oak Tree to resolve some major drainage issues..
s. This will be a IIamilton County Regulated Drain Subdivision. All design will need to
be to HC SO Standards and the easelnent will need to be ,1 S feet ltalf easement froln
the center line of pipe. Also, a 20. perimeter drainage easement will be required
around the project.
SEP 17 '04 01:19PM
P.2/~-- .
6. Per Indiana Code 36-9-27-33, no planting will be allowed in the regulated drain
easements. The preliminary plans show the entry way wall over the top of a future
regulated drain pipe. which wilt not be allowed.
7. Please consider using castings that are desigIled for bi-directional flow in the ..sag" of
the streets. The acoeptable castings are Neenah 3501-L2 or East Jordan 749S-M4.
The Neenah (or equivalent) 3501 TR Or TL should be used when a single direction of
flow entetS the inlet.
8. Please submit complete construction plans to our standards and drainage calculations
once they beco~ne available.
9. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a later date.
Should you have any qUestJons~ I can be reached at 317-776-8495.
Ores Hoyes
Plan Reviewer
Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz - Carmel DOCD
John South - RCSWCD
Dick HiU- Cannel Engineering
Mike Stikeleather - Leeds_ LLC,
SEP-14-2004 12:22 FROM:HAMILTONCIllrWY DEP 3177769S14
TO: 317 ,_571 2426
RE: Saddlebrook at Shelbome
Preliminary Plat '
N of 1161h Street I E, of She'bome Road
Clay Township
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September 14,2004
Mr. Rick Radabaugh
Pol. Cripe,. Inc.
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolist Indfana 46250
Dear Mr. Radabaugh:
rhls letter serves to acknowledge receipt of a transmittal containing the plans for the
above.mentioned project. After reviewing the plans the Highway Department has the
following' comments:
1. It appears that this project lies entirely within 'the limits ofthe City of Carmel. .
Therefore, all future comments should be directed toward the City. If you have any
information contrary to this statement, please contact me immediately.
If you have any questions or comments concerning this letter, please feel free to contact
me at any tlme_ .
//i !!~~-
Steven J. Broermann
Staff EngIneer
cc~ Jon Dobosiewicz
Greg Hoyes
1700 South 10th Street
N oblesviUe, In. 46060
. Office (31. 7) 773..7770
Fax (317) 776..9814
Hamilton County Soil and' Water Conservation District
1108 South 9th Street, Noblesville IN' 46060
Ph- 317-773-1432 or Email at .ohn-south iaswcd.or
Location- Sec~ 32 T- 18N R- 3E. Acreage- 61 Ac
Mr. Michael Stikeleather
Leeds LLC
5300 Hessler Road
Muncie, IN 47304
Mr. Aaron Reynolds
71 72 Graham Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
Plan Review Date:
'Soils Information:
September 11, 2004 .
Br Brookston silty clay loam
This is a poorly drained soil with a seasonal high water table at 0.0 to 1.0 ft. This soil is located
on depressions and is subject toponding; slopes are 0 to 2 pe~cent. The native vegetation is
water tolerant grasses and hardwood-trees. The surface layer is silty clay loam and has moderate
to p.igh organic inatter c,ontent (2.0 to 6.0 percent). Permeability is moderately slow (0.2 to 0.6
in/hr) in the most restrictive layer above 60 inches. Available water' capacity is high (10.0 inches
in the upper 60 inches). The pH of the surface layer in non-limed areas is 6.0 to 7.3. This soil is '
hydric. Wetness is a manag~ment concern for crop production. This soil responds well to tile
drainage; it is designated not 'highly erodible (class 3) in the Highly Erodible Land (HEL)
classification system.
CrA Crosby silt loam, 0 to 3 -perc~,nt slopes
This is a somewhat poorly d~ained soil with a seasonal high water table at 0.5 to 2.0 ft. This soil
is located' on rises on till plains; slopes,are 0 to 3 percent. The native vegetation is hardwood
forest. The surface layer is silt loam and has moderately low to moderate organic matter coritent
(1.0 to 3.0 percent). Permeability is very slow (<-0.06 in/hr) in the most restrictive layer above
60 inches. Available water capacity is moderate (6.2 inches in the upper 60 inches). The pH of
the surface'layer in non-limed areas is 5.1 to 6.5. Droughtiness andwetness'are management
concerns for crop production. This soil respo'nds well to tile drainage; it is designated potentially
highly erodibl,e (class 2) in the Highly Erodible Land (HEL) classification system.
M;mC2 M_ami silt loam, 6 to 12 percent slopes, eroded
This isa moderately well drained soil with a seasonal high water table at 2.0 to 3.5 ft. This soil
is located on side slopes on till plains; slopes are 6 to 12 percent. The native vegetation is
hardwood forest. The surface layer is silt loam and has moderately low organic matter content
(1.0 to 2.0 percent). Permeability is very slow (< 0.06 in/hr) in the most restrictive layer above
60 inches. A vail~ble water capacity is moderate (6.1 inches in the upper 60 inches). The pH of
the surface layer in non-limed areas is 5~1 to 6.5., Droughtiness and water erosion are
management concerns for crop production. This soil is designated potentially highly erodible
(class 2) in the Highly Er<?dible Land (HEL) classification system
,Additional information about soils is available in the "Soil Survey of Hamilton County". The engineer and/or
developer should consider the need for an onsite soils investigation.
I have reviewed the plans for this project and have the follow_ng comments:
· The pond will become the responsibility of the homeowners-association. Is the pond built
properly and according to plan? Your design will reduce the watershed area draining into
the pond. What watershed is left is not enough to support this size pond..
· Basements are notrecommended in the Brookston and Crosby soil types because of the
high w.ater table.
· The erosion control plan will be reviewed when the construction plans are submitted.
· Recommend a wetland component be added to the forebays o-r the proposed pond to help
take up extra nutrients.
· What w,ater quality-practices are being used for the storm system that discharges directly
to Long Branch Creek? _ ,
. Do we know where the soil was distributed from the excavation and construction of the
· Your proposed grading -plan will affect the watershed for the existing pond north of 'this
site. I ,would recommend the flow to the pond not be significantly changed.
Should you have -questions concerning these comm~nts, please contact me.
Submitted By:
John B. South P.E.
Certified Professionai in Erosion and Sediment Control
Cc: Jon Dobosiewicz, Carmel DOCS
Greg Hoyes, County Surveyor
. >
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 4aJ32
(317) 571-2417
Fax: (317) 571-2426
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o Urgent ~or Review 0 P.Jease Comment a Please Reply
[J Please Recycle
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City of Carmel
VIA FAX: 776-8654
Original by mail
September 8, 2004
Steven Hardin
970 Logan Street
Noblesville, IN 46060
RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Dear Mr. Hardin:
This letter is in response to your ,primary plat application for Saddlebrook at Shelbome. The
following issues must be resolved:
The following required supporting data must be submitted:
1. Area location map of 1"=500' showing the following:
a. Existing adjacent uses.
b. Watershed boundaries.
c. Thoroughfares directly related to proposed subdivision.
d. Existing adjoining zoning classifications and proposed uses.
e. Title on area location map, its scale, north arrow and date.
2. Copy oftl1e landscape plan approval letter from the Carmel Urban Forester.
Concerns and Comments are as follow:
1. The plat should b,e labeled as "Primary", and not "Preliminary"
2. The present zoning classification is 8-1, not Rl/PUD.
3. Square footage of individual lots must be identified on the "Overall" map.
4. Square footage -of public use parcels mllst be identified.
5. Drainage easements and required buffer yards must be separate. Clearly identify
drainage easements and required buffer yards, as well as their widths. Required
landscape plantings are not pennitted-in drainage easements.
6. Required buffer yards and landscaping are must be shown along all project
. boundaries.
7. Lot 69 must be at least 50 feet wide at the right-of-way. Currently it is 45 feet
8. As per the Alternative Transport~tion Plan, a 10-foot multi-use path is required
along Shelbome Road for the extent of this primary plat. Please provide.
9. N onnal depth and 100- year elevation must be shown for the pond near the access
on Shelbome Road.
, Page 1
10. Remove.the existing access configuration for Lot 1, an'd show only what is
proposed (except in the existing conditions exhibit).
11. At the inter~ectionof Shelbome Road and Blue Grass Lane; Shelbome Road
should have an acceleration lane, deceleration lane,. and a passing lane.
12. An OpeIl:SpaCe breakdown chart containing the information required by SC
Chapter.?, Exhibit "A", must be included on the plat.
Please wait to submit a revised, primary plat until after the Technical Advisory Committee (T AC)
has met on this application. The resltbmittedplat should include edits addressing the above
comments along with any requirements that arise from the TAC meeting. Additional comments
may be made after the requested revisions have been submitted.
all ~~' ..,
. /1. .' /j
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Matthew Griffin, AICP
Planning Administrator
Saddlebrook at Shelborne - PP 1
Page 2
CARlvffiL, INDIANA 46032
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September 2, 2004
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
RE: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
PIC Job #: 010463-20100
To Whom It May Concern:
I have received and reviewed the information for the above-mentioned
At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law
enforcement efforts.
If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us.
~j),-t .~
Michael D. Foga1
Chief of Police
cc: Dept. of Community Services
FAX (317) 571-2512
(317) 571-2500
... .......-............. ....
. '.................... ...
. . ........................ .
A Nationally Accredit~lB:rcement Agency
7172 Graham Road
Indianapolis, IN 46250
317 -842-6777
FAX: 317-841-4798
I Date: 8/31/04
I PIC Job #: 010463-20100
To: Carmel Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Re: Saddlebrook at Shelborne
Primary Plat
Docket No. 04080059 PP
(317) 571-2417
We are sending you the following items via: Hand Delivery
Shop Drawings Prints X Plans Samples Specifications
Copy of Letter Change Order Attached Report Other
Copies Date Description
1 8/13/04 Primary Plat Drawings
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
For Approval Submit Approved as Submitted Copies for Approval
X For Your Use Return Approved as Noted Copies for Distribution
As Requested Not Approved Reviewed for Compliance Signature Requested
Resubmit Corrected Pri nts For Review and Comment
Remarks: For Review. Please find included the Primary Plat for Saddlebrook at Shelborne. This
item will be on the Carmel T AC Agenda for Septembern22, 2004.
I c: TAC Members and Rick Radabaugh, PIC Signed: Sheila M. Wakelam, Permit Manager
. I Transmittal Only:
Notice: The drawing/computer files listed above are the property of Paul I. Cripe, Inc. and are transmitted for reproduction use
only. Any modification or reuse of the documents without written permission from Paull. Cripe, Inc. is prohibited. Any person
or entity using these documents for any purpose other than the project for which they were originally intended, with or without
permission from Paul I. Cripe, Inc., by their use agrees to indemnifY and hold harmless Paul I. Cripe, Inc. from any loss,
including, but not limited to attorney's fees occurring from their use.
0:\2001 \01 0463\201 OO\DOCS\PERMITS\T AC- TRANS01.DOC
IS 001