HomeMy WebLinkAboutPrimary PlatPREPARED FOR: LEGAL | (Per prior Survey by Albg Engineering, Inc, as provided by the Client. dated Juno 17, 8011). Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning 409 feet South of the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of 8eotlozz 21, Township 18 Nort]z, Range 4 East. thence East 400 feet; thence North 244 feet; thence West 400 feet; thence Booth 344 feet to the Place of Beginning, containing 2.35 acrem, more or less. EXCEPT: The West 40.00 feet of the following described property: A part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning 409 CARWEL DOCKET NO'S.: feet South of the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Township 18 Nortlz, Range 4 East, thence East 400 feet; thence North 844 feet; thence West 400 feet; thence South 244 feet to the Place of #12080012 PP Beginning. ALSO EXCEPT: Situated in Section 21, Township 18 North, Range 4 East, described as follows: A part of the Northwest corner of said Quarter Section; thence South OO degrees OO minutes East (assumed bearing) along the west line of said Quarter Section 165 feet; thence South OS degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds East 345.30 feet to the Point of Beginning; South 89 degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds East 54.08 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 3 in Valleybrook, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 15' Pages 83-86, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees OO minutes 00 seconds East 244.00 feet to a northerly corner of Lot 2 in Valevbrook; tlzezzcc North 89 degrees 57 minutes 17 seconds West 02 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence North 03 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West 42.47 feet; thence IVnrtlz 07 degrees 13 minutes 47 seconds East 66.80 feet; tlzeonm North 15 degrees 11 minutes 16 mnonndm East 89.72 feet; thence North 09 degrees 04 minutes 38 amoozzdo East 48.25 feet to the Point of Beginning. T.C. ~ oozon INV. ~roun4 le� rl Ln C11 Ln rn ~` \ m « ZO K{ ~ x� r ~` \ m « K{ ~ x� r 0 110 2.0 40 \ m� __-- --- �� �� ` = | C� 0n y�� ~ ~ � ZO 0 � ��< � �o� LLJ b1b | � ��� � � ��2� ' MR. CRAIG KUNKLE 14127 N. CRAY ROAD CARMEL. INDIANA 46033 CONTACT- MR. KUNKLE PHONE: (317)-517-7000 LEGEND 7.B.M. ---- TEMPORARY BENCHMARK VV UNDERGROUND WATERLINE B.F.E. --- BASE FLOOD ELEVATION D.8/ U. E. --- DRAINAGE 8c UTILITY EASEMENT --- FLOOD ROUTING 0 IeaT #42, WOODFIELD 'Z, rl 71' E 305.38 ro Ld I- z-- -4 —77 IS IL LJ LLJ LOT #1 1' UJ If Lo PATHWAY TO BE U-) CONSTRUCTE W 7x 0 WIDENING FOR GRAY S ROAD z D 141 2 ZJ zl V) LLJ 00 MINIMUM FLOOD PROTECTION QD DE wo IS 793.6 FEET. N EXISTING 00 A RESIDENCE Al N. LML, 04 LLI UJ CL 0 (A EXISTIN/ W \4/ NV 14- -4 DETACHED UJ GARAGE LJ OLL ES LJ A Li Ld — ILL. 'I S 89*57`1 7;t 95.00 ;z LL. ZZ 0 a i APPROXIMATE LooArmw or SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD zowc "Ac PER cLEvAnow As pnowoso BY FLOOD /mounAmoc STUDY FOR HAMILTON 000wrx PROFILE PAGE #mzp, cFFEcnvc oArc FEBRUARY 19, z000. ,. x� BALANCE or ouFFsn armp EASEMENT, OUTSIDE OF � pnmn/s nnAas STRIP TO BE pLmvnmos OF SUITABLE rnsso PER CITY OF oAnwEL Coos AND mowsD _�_-------\ `` /� n�mr // / /~��/ /r~� �� ``` ,��' -�� / �� / �/ / �//\` /�� /^\/ � � � ED < / �� FLOOD PLAIN DATA: L6 NG DRIVE 15'INGRESS/EGRESS �� »' THIS LOT LIES PARTIALLY IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE i nnT * * ,AE.AS SCALEO FROM THE FLOOD |NSURANCE RATE ~- ~~ / * N �� MAP (FIRM) FOR HAMILTON COUNTY INDIANA, LLJ < CL 40- COMMUNITY NAM E. ^CARWEL CITY OF^, COMMUNITY 1) A strip of ground ' 20-foet in width ' parallel to 0 c 1/x 50^ 38 ~ and measured fr om the t op of bank of Wit h n�r Ditch NUMBER ' 180081 AND "HAMILTON COUNTY", COMMUNITY NUMBER, 18008 O. PANEL NUMBER 0 227 F . in reserved for prairie grass plantings and is not to 141 1 Ac PROPOSED 3/4" � CL DATED FEBRUARY 19. 2OO2. be mowed. NO PORTION OF THIS LOT IS AFFECTED BY THE 2 ' The remainder of the buffer strip easement, not FLOODVAY AS SCALED FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE soALEo LOCATION or n'000 HAZARD zoms "AE* AS covered by the prairie gross strip is to be planted 14, *, SCALED FROM THE FLOOD /wsuRxwoc nArc MAP RATE MAP (FIRM) FOR HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA, (�nw) FOR HAw/Lrow COUNTY, /womwA nowwom/rr with suitable trees, per City of Carmel Standards and mowed turf. COMMUNITY NAME, . CARMEL, CITY OF " ` COMMUNITY NAME, .oAnmc� CITY OF COMMUNITY NUMBER, ...-��.`. iRnnRi .~..~. '..~ "PAKAII T01\1 ..~..^.~., ~.~.,.. rr)HKITY" . 180080, PANEL NUMBER 0227F, DATED FEBRUARY 19, PRORO 3) 1 Sign is required to be momtoineu wsn»|o ot �h* COMMUNITY NuwBER, 180080 PANEL NUMBER 0227F. border of the prairie gross t/ GRADE FOR LOT #2 plantings strip that states DATED FEBRUARY 19. 2002 MINIMUM FLOOD PROTECTION, C, BASE FLOOD ELEVATION DATA: IS 793.6 FEET. PROJOSED 50' 1/2 R/W 4) The owner has o requirement to maintain i the buffer property BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS AS SHOWN ON strip easement to the City of Conne| LU 90\ THE PLAT PER FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY FOR Standards. HAMILTON COUNT( PROFILE PAGE #52P. EXISTING cc 06 LAJ EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 19. 2003. BARN TO 4b BEREMOVED NOTE TO BUILDER .0 A ''1 —1 0 < EAST LINE GENERALLY FOLLOWS 611 117.34" Im 4/ THE CENTERLINE OF MITCHNER DITCH FILL MUST BE COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DRY 0 4i 0 AND NO CORNERS WERE SET DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTW D096 AS DETERMINED BY THOSE METHODS SET FORTH WITHIN ASTW D1558. THE SURFACE OF FILL SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST TEN FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM THE | PERIMETER OF THE BUILDING BEFORE SLOPING BELOW THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. co Li 0 MINIMUM FLOOD PROTEC11ON GRADE.- st < ,ZXFLOWIM. E""',.,. of all structures fronting a pond or open ditch shall n LD Li be no less than 2—feet above any adjacent o 0� w Z) FL Ml!l�E 41 14/ —year local or regional flood elevations, whichever O 0 10 is greater, for all windows, doors, pipe entrances, _J window wells, and any other structure member where N 00t�' floodwaters can enter a building. CO N 89*57 17 W FLOW 268.00 LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE: ` U.E. \^ is the elevation of the lowest adjacent grade to o o z� ' \ \ > atructuro . where the soil meets the foundation B �� < � around the outside of the structure (including = � � oosnmo �oD.& u� structural members such as basement *o|kuut' patios, decks, porches, support posts � piers, and � oowsTRuor VERY GRADUAL �ossLoPso sWA� rim of the window *o|'/' 0z m/w/wuw SLOPE �own/ruo/m*� SLOPE), �s wcsoEo TO /wTEnscoT POTENTIAL nuworr FROM BALANCE or BUFFER srn/p cAscwcwr ouTn/oc or sun�scr pnopcnr/ TO soun+ AoJo/msn' cnoss-HAnzHEo A ' 'o� cx/snmo � � o�cmo AND rEAr* c n ro s��sr»nm w ONCE BE REMOVED, � ' ' / rnccs PER or/ OF oARwsL o»os AND m»wco or the lowest building entry elevation aho|| be no REPLACED WITH nzPsd/L AND sccoco. pROpOSED D|STURBED AEA O PAST REAR or Houos' ruRr' less than 8 inches above finished grade around the he RE�|DENT|AL CONSTRUCTION, AREA O.24 ACRES \ building. A|on, the building 's lowest entry elevation ' that is adjacent to and facing u road aho|| be u minimum of 15 inches above the rood elevation. SITE SITE SITE MAP NOT TO SCALE SOILS MAP NOT TO SCALE GENERAL NOTES: 1) IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES, THE EXPENSE OF SUCH RELOCATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN ONE FOOT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY. 2) FLOOD ROUTING ALONG GRAY ROAD CONTINUES SOUTH TO DEER RIDGE NORTH DRIVE AND CONTINUES SOUTHEASTERLY IN AN OPEN DITCH. NO FLOOD PROTECTION GRADE REQUIRED FOR GRAY ROAD FLOOD ROUTING. 3) NO EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY MAY COMMENCE WITHOUT AN APPROVED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT. m « K{ ~ x� r 0 110 2.0 40 0 a i APPROXIMATE LooArmw or SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD zowc "Ac PER cLEvAnow As pnowoso BY FLOOD /mounAmoc STUDY FOR HAMILTON 000wrx PROFILE PAGE #mzp, cFFEcnvc oArc FEBRUARY 19, z000. ,. x� BALANCE or ouFFsn armp EASEMENT, OUTSIDE OF � pnmn/s nnAas STRIP TO BE pLmvnmos OF SUITABLE rnsso PER CITY OF oAnwEL Coos AND mowsD _�_-------\ `` /� n�mr // / /~��/ /r~� �� ``` ,��' -�� / �� / �/ / �//\` /�� /^\/ � � � ED < / �� FLOOD PLAIN DATA: L6 NG DRIVE 15'INGRESS/EGRESS �� »' THIS LOT LIES PARTIALLY IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE i nnT * * ,AE.AS SCALEO FROM THE FLOOD |NSURANCE RATE ~- ~~ / * N �� MAP (FIRM) FOR HAMILTON COUNTY INDIANA, LLJ < CL 40- COMMUNITY NAM E. ^CARWEL CITY OF^, COMMUNITY 1) A strip of ground ' 20-foet in width ' parallel to 0 c 1/x 50^ 38 ~ and measured fr om the t op of bank of Wit h n�r Ditch NUMBER ' 180081 AND "HAMILTON COUNTY", COMMUNITY NUMBER, 18008 O. PANEL NUMBER 0 227 F . in reserved for prairie grass plantings and is not to 141 1 Ac PROPOSED 3/4" � CL DATED FEBRUARY 19. 2OO2. be mowed. NO PORTION OF THIS LOT IS AFFECTED BY THE 2 ' The remainder of the buffer strip easement, not FLOODVAY AS SCALED FROM THE FLOOD INSURANCE soALEo LOCATION or n'000 HAZARD zoms "AE* AS covered by the prairie gross strip is to be planted 14, *, SCALED FROM THE FLOOD /wsuRxwoc nArc MAP RATE MAP (FIRM) FOR HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA, (�nw) FOR HAw/Lrow COUNTY, /womwA nowwom/rr with suitable trees, per City of Carmel Standards and mowed turf. COMMUNITY NAME, . CARMEL, CITY OF " ` COMMUNITY NAME, .oAnmc� CITY OF COMMUNITY NUMBER, ...-��.`. iRnnRi .~..~. '..~ "PAKAII T01\1 ..~..^.~., ~.~.,.. rr)HKITY" . 180080, PANEL NUMBER 0227F, DATED FEBRUARY 19, PRORO 3) 1 Sign is required to be momtoineu wsn»|o ot �h* COMMUNITY NuwBER, 180080 PANEL NUMBER 0227F. border of the prairie gross t/ GRADE FOR LOT #2 plantings strip that states DATED FEBRUARY 19. 2002 MINIMUM FLOOD PROTECTION, C, BASE FLOOD ELEVATION DATA: IS 793.6 FEET. PROJOSED 50' 1/2 R/W 4) The owner has o requirement to maintain i the buffer property BASE FLOOD ELEVATION IS AS SHOWN ON strip easement to the City of Conne| LU 90\ THE PLAT PER FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY FOR Standards. HAMILTON COUNT( PROFILE PAGE #52P. EXISTING cc 06 LAJ EFFECTIVE DATE FEBRUARY 19. 2003. BARN TO 4b BEREMOVED NOTE TO BUILDER .0 A ''1 —1 0 < EAST LINE GENERALLY FOLLOWS 611 117.34" Im 4/ THE CENTERLINE OF MITCHNER DITCH FILL MUST BE COMPACTED TO 95% MAXIMUM DRY 0 4i 0 AND NO CORNERS WERE SET DENSITY IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTW D096 AS DETERMINED BY THOSE METHODS SET FORTH WITHIN ASTW D1558. THE SURFACE OF FILL SHALL EXTEND AT LEAST TEN FEET HORIZONTALLY FROM THE | PERIMETER OF THE BUILDING BEFORE SLOPING BELOW THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. co Li 0 MINIMUM FLOOD PROTEC11ON GRADE.- st < ,ZXFLOWIM. E""',.,. of all structures fronting a pond or open ditch shall n LD Li be no less than 2—feet above any adjacent o 0� w Z) FL Ml!l�E 41 14/ —year local or regional flood elevations, whichever O 0 10 is greater, for all windows, doors, pipe entrances, _J window wells, and any other structure member where N 00t�' floodwaters can enter a building. CO N 89*57 17 W FLOW 268.00 LOWEST ADJACENT GRADE: ` U.E. \^ is the elevation of the lowest adjacent grade to o o z� ' \ \ > atructuro . where the soil meets the foundation B �� < � around the outside of the structure (including = � � oosnmo �oD.& u� structural members such as basement *o|kuut' patios, decks, porches, support posts � piers, and � oowsTRuor VERY GRADUAL �ossLoPso sWA� rim of the window *o|'/' 0z m/w/wuw SLOPE �own/ruo/m*� SLOPE), �s wcsoEo TO /wTEnscoT POTENTIAL nuworr FROM BALANCE or BUFFER srn/p cAscwcwr ouTn/oc or sun�scr pnopcnr/ TO soun+ AoJo/msn' cnoss-HAnzHEo A ' 'o� cx/snmo � � o�cmo AND rEAr* c n ro s��sr»nm w ONCE BE REMOVED, � ' ' / rnccs PER or/ OF oARwsL o»os AND m»wco or the lowest building entry elevation aho|| be no REPLACED WITH nzPsd/L AND sccoco. pROpOSED D|STURBED AEA O PAST REAR or Houos' ruRr' less than 8 inches above finished grade around the he RE�|DENT|AL CONSTRUCTION, AREA O.24 ACRES \ building. A|on, the building 's lowest entry elevation ' that is adjacent to and facing u road aho|| be u minimum of 15 inches above the rood elevation. SITE SITE SITE MAP NOT TO SCALE SOILS MAP NOT TO SCALE GENERAL NOTES: 1) IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES, THE EXPENSE OF SUCH RELOCATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN ONE FOOT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WAY. 2) FLOOD ROUTING ALONG GRAY ROAD CONTINUES SOUTH TO DEER RIDGE NORTH DRIVE AND CONTINUES SOUTHEASTERLY IN AN OPEN DITCH. NO FLOOD PROTECTION GRADE REQUIRED FOR GRAY ROAD FLOOD ROUTING. 3) NO EARTH DISTURBING ACTIVITY MAY COMMENCE WITHOUT AN APPROVED STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT. u� 0 z 10 U STATE OF SUM CERTIFIED BY: A —E�, K r 00 �� �� C 0n y�� ~ ~ 00 ' , CZ OF -- -.4 n� �� en r~ �+ �� -~ . rn CZ u� 0 z 10 U STATE OF SUM CERTIFIED BY: A —E�, K REVISION DATES ZMREV. 09/17/12 PER CITY OF ARMEL COMMENTS LREV. 10/12/12 PER CITY OF AREV. 12/12/12 PER CITY OF 3 ENGINEERING & CLIENT DATE: DRAWN BY: TAT CHECKED SCALE: 1 95 205 DRAWING I FILE: _2 3581�1_11 JOB SHEET OF �� �� C 0n y�� ~ ~ REVISION DATES ZMREV. 09/17/12 PER CITY OF ARMEL COMMENTS LREV. 10/12/12 PER CITY OF AREV. 12/12/12 PER CITY OF 3 ENGINEERING & CLIENT DATE: DRAWN BY: TAT CHECKED SCALE: 1 95 205 DRAWING I FILE: _2 3581�1_11 JOB SHEET OF