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Boone, Rachel M. • From: Boone, Rachel M. Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2013 5:25 PM To 'Jon Dobosiewicz' Subject: RE: CVS at Bridges Hi Jon, Yes we did. Sorry, it's been a little crazy around here...but you're right, it was a.great turnout! And Ramona does deserve the good send off she received. She left very happy and appreciated today. Angie and. I reviewed the curb question and do not feel the PUD is prohibiting this type of design for the curb /sidewalk. There is still a sidewalk and parking bumpers to protect patrons and the building, so we feel it is fine as designed. Thanks, Rachel gacjteb Planning Administrator City of Carmel Department of Community Services - 3rd Floor One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317 -571 -2417 317.571..2426 fax From: -Jon. Dobosiewicz [mailto :jondONF- LAW.COM] Sent: Thursday; January 31, 2013 3:11 PM T6: Boone, Rachel M. Subject: CVS at Bridges Rachel, Did you get a :chance to make a determination on the curb question from yesterday? it was a very nice turnout for Ramona. She deserves it. Thanks, Jon Jon C. 'Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Nelson, & Frankenberger, PC 3105 East; 98thStreet,Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 317= 844 -0106 (Office) 317 -428 =8393 (Cell) 317- 846 -8782. (Fax) ion(a,nf- law.com 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Jon Dobosiewicz [jond @NF- LAW.COM] Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:26 AM To: Boone, Rachel M.; Conn, Angelina V Cc: Charlie Frankenberger Subject: RE: Bridges CVS and Commercial Building Rachel, Can you print out the e -mail I sent you with exhibits and bring them to the meeting tonight. I could refer to the outstanding items as having been addressed in advance of the meeting to the satisfaction of staff and on file with the department. If anyone wanted to go into detail we could but I do not anticipate those items needing additional attention. As you indicate in the Department Report the recommendation is for approval provided the outstanding items are addressed at or before the meeting. Thanks for your help with this. Jon C. Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Nelson & Frankenberger, PC 3105 East 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 317 - 844 -0106 (Office) 317 -428 -8393 (Cell) 317 -846 -8782 (Fax) ion@nf-law.com From: Boone, Rachel M. [mailto:rboone(acarmel.in.gov] Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 10:17 AM To: Jon Dobosiewicz; Conn, Angelina V Cc: Charlie Frankenberger Subject: RE: Bridges CVS and Commercial Building Thank you for these Jon. 12ache)/ 3ao-vteJ Planning Administrator From: Jon Dobosiewicz jmailto:jondNF- LAW.COM1 Sent: Monday, January IA, 2013 5:19 PM To: Boone, Rachel M.; Conn, Angelina V Cc: Charlie Frankenberger Subject: Bridges CVS and Commercial Building Hi Rachel and Angie, Please find attached updated exhibits that address the below outstanding staff comments: Outstanding Comments for the Petitioner to address: 1. On the multi- tenant building (south elevation), please finish cornices; relief detail around the corners on the parapet walls and not have a straight vertical cut off of those cornices. (It does not appear to be changed in the latest drawing. Info Packet, Tab 6, pages 3, 5, and 7.) See revised elevation attached. 2. There is a maximum 25 -ft height for parking area lights, per the PUD. Some of the poles are still 25 -ft tall with a 3 -ft base. Please revise. Tab 9 still shows some 25' tall pole specifications. The Dept. wants to be sure the height will be reduced to be 25' or less, with a base. Please clarify base height as well. See exhibit illustrating pole and fixture height compliance. 3. Per PUD sections 13.10 and 7.7, please show how the mechanical equipment is screened from view, including gas, electric, and water meters. Please show /label the locations of these meters on the building elevations and/or site plans. The mechanical equipment placed on the roof will be 20' back, so that it is not visible from anyone standing on the ground. Petitioner: will the gas and electric meters be painted to match the building? Yes — The meters will be painted to match the base color of the adjacent building area. 4. The City Engineering Dept. issued a lengthy review letter on Nov. 30, and they are waiting for the Petitioner's response. The Petitioner will submit a response before the final review. The response letter has been forwarded. See copy attached. 5. Please confirm if the column features on the south wall of the Multi - tenant Retail Building will have a darker EIFS color than the rest of the EIFS. It 'appears this way in Tab 6 on pages 5 -6. Yes — The area is a darker color. 6. The site lighting plan, under Tab 9 of the info packet, was not changed to eliminate the 3rd drive thru lane. Please provide an updated drawing to be consistent with the new site plan. Buzz— Please forward when recei ved. See revised photometric exhibit attached. In addition I have attached the updated color plan addressing the wall length in front of the dumpster we discussed earlier today. This exhibit is now consistent with the civil plans. Thanks, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Nelson & Frankenberger, PC 3105 East 98th Street, Suite .170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 317- 844 -0106 (Office) 317 - 428 -8393 (Cell) 317- 846 -8782 (Fax) jon @nf- law.com 2 -e c,`d - lc--? LJ W W J O a _ 0 0 0 U O O O N 0 F- m W W O d H S 0 J 0 O w N D / Q Q] S X (/) U z V)0 �L 0 3 I— K in 0 0 0 0 N 0 w L_ 0 Z 0 r hi H-' 0 0 d 0 FINISH GRADE w I I . • Q o 0 0 N W LIGHT ST I'd 01111 I-, ELEV - TI 111N M W SHEET NO. SCALE: N.LS. AMERICAN 7260 SHADELAND STATION DATE: 01/11/13 oH STRUCTUREPOINT TEL 317.INDIANAPOLIS,7 55 0 FAX 31 7543 0270 DRAWN BY: PED o INC. www.structurepoint.com DHWD. BY: AF a OF JOB NO. 2010.01114 c`d 1 -Js- 13 AMERICAN STRUOTUREPO�NT INC. January 7, 2013 Mr. Gary R. Duncan City of Carmel Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: The Bridges Commercial Block, Phase I - Comment Review Project No. 201001114 Dear Mr. Duncan: Thank you for the review of the proposed project. Below are your review continents that were received on November 30, 2012, as well as the review comments that were received from your office on November 19, 2012, followed by our firm's response in italics. CONSTRUCTION DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS 1. Please omit Sheets LS 100 -LS 101, Landscape Plan; and Sheet LT100, Site Lighting from construction sets to be submitted for review by this department. The Department of Engineering does not have approval authority over landscape plans or photometric plans. Please remove the titles for the Landscape Plan, Landscape Details, and Site Lighting from the Sheet Index. The landscaping and lighting plans have been omitted from the plan set. 2. Will this development be platted? No, this development will not be platted. 3. Please only show the City's future road improvements as "existing" on C100 and C200- C500. Please remove all existing conditions from these sheets. The City's future road improvements have been incorporated into the plans as an existing condition as directed. 4. Please align the entrance on Springmill Road with the opposing approved entrance for the LDS Temple on Springmill Road. The entrance on Springmill Road has been aligned with opposing approved entrance for the LDS Temple. 0 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 2 5. A straight arrow should be shown for through traffic across Springmill Road at the Springmill Road entrance. A straight arrow has been shown for through traffic across Springmill Road at the Springmill. Road entrance. 6. There were two private roundabouts shown in this portion of the concept plan approved in the PUD, along the north -south road. Are these roundabouts required by the PUD? No, these roundabouts were only conceptual in nature and are not required by the PUD. 7. Why are curbs not shown for the southern portions of this project? Is this for future parking lot expansions? Curbs are not shown for future expansions of the parking lot. 8. Is the north entrance on Illinois Street consistent with what is approved in the PUD? Yes, the northern Illinois Street entrance is consistent with the approved entrance in the PUD. 9. The southern private roads intersection should be changed to have a more generous curve, allowing for better site distance at this intersection. The intersection has been revised to show a larger radius on the north /south road. The stop bar has also been moved closer to the intersection that allows for better site distance. 10. Please indicate the existing and proposed right -of -ways on Illinois Street. The existing and proposed right -of -ways have been labeled on Illinois Street. 11. What are the plans for the construction of the multi- access path, along Springmill Road and Illinois Street, to the southern entrances for this project? The multi -use paths along Springmill Road and Illinois Street will be built once the rest of the development is constructed. 12. Please label the line -types in the legends. The line -types have been labeled in the legends. If they are not labeled in the legends, they are labeled in plan view due to the limited number of line- types. 13. Why are curbs not shown around the CVS Pharmacy? City standards require curbing in all parking areas, except when disallowed for storm water quality treatment. The tenant prefers not to curb the sidewalk along the frontage of the store to allow for better maneuverability Pr customers with shopping carts. However, the landscape islands around the building and parking lot is curbed and wheel stops are being provided along the flush sidewalk. 14. On C200, the note for the entrance on 116th Sheet refers to Landscape Plans. Details for this entrance were not included on the Landscape Plans. Please submit details for this entrance with the construction plan set. An architectural rendering of the bridge and water feature has been provided with this submittal. Contours have also been provided in the plan set for the water features. 201001114 0 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 3 15. All four entrances to the site from the public right -of -way shall be City Standard concrete Commercial Driveways. The Illinois Street and Springmill Road entrances that are being constructed as a part of this project have been specified as the City Standard Concrete Commercial Driveways. However., the entrance from 116th Street is being constructed as a portion of the 116t'' Street Roundabout project and species this entrance to be asphalt. 16. The maximum allowable commercial driveway width is 30 -feet. Please change the southern entrances per this standard. The southern entrances have not been modified to a maximum width of 3D feet because they require dedicated left turn lanes. 17. Please indicate the removal of curb to the nearest joint for the construction of the two entrances on Illinois Street. The demolition plan has been revised to specify that the curb shall be removed to the nearest joint for the two entrances on Illinois Street. 18. Please label the curb return radii for the Springmill entrance. The curb radii have been labeled on the Springmill Road Entrance on Sheet C201 and C202. 19. Please indicate the milling and resurfacing of the entire width of Springmill across the limits of the auxiliary lanes on Springmill. The plans have been revised to show that half of Springmill Road is to be milled and resurfaced across the limits of the auxiliary lanes on Springmill Road. It is understood that the other half of the road will he milled and resurfaced as a part of the LDS Temple entrance construction. 20. On C202: a. Acceleration/Deceleration Dimension Plan: Please indicate the 3 -foot shoulder made of #73 at a 6 -inch depth. The 3-foot shoulder made of #73 stone at a 6 -inch depth has been indicated. b. Acceleration/Deceleration Dimension Plan: Please indicate the subsurface drain, including the connection to the storm sewer system. The subsurface drain has been shown and it has been specified that the end shall be capped and marked for future connection to the future storm sewer system. c. Please indicate the lane markings on Springmill Road, including the double yellow centerline, solid white lane line, and edge markings. The lane markings have been indicated as directed. d. An end section is needed for the pipe under Springmill Road, south of this entrance. 201001114 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 4 The pipe south of the Springmill Road entrance that runs under Springmill Road has been specified to be extended as required and an end section to be provided. e. Please provide more infonnation regarding the grading and drainage along Springmill Road at this entrance, along the auxiliary lanes. Is a swale being installed or will this area sheet flow into the site? For this phase of the development, the drainage along Springmill will continue to sheet flow onto the site as it currently does. f Auxiliary Lane Cross Section: Please indicate the stone is #73. The Auxiliary Lane Cross Section has been revised to indicate the stone is No. 73. g. Auxiliary Lane Cross Section: Please label the cross slope. The cross slope has been labeled on the Auxiliary Lane Cross Section. 21. All pavement markings in the right -of -way shall be thermoplastic. All pavement markings within the right -of -way have been specified as thermoplastic. 22. Please show the proposed power poles on Springmill on C300 and C301. The latest known locations of the power poles that are being relocated by Duke Energy have been shown on the Utility Plan. 23. Sheet C300: a. Please include storm and sanitary in the legend. The storm and sanitary sewer line -type has been shown in the legend. b. Are the sprinkler control valves west of CVS located within the right -of -way? The existing sprinkler control valves west of CVS are located within the right -of -way. It is unclear what irrigation system these valves serve. c. Are the pipes shown under Springmill and 116th Streets existing or proposed? Are these being accommodated into the site? The pipes that currently exist are shown on Sheet C101 -C102 are existing. However, the pipes shown on the other plan sheets are the proposed pipes for the 116'x' Street Roundabout. Once the 116'x' Street project is complete, no offsite drainage will be directed toward the site. The pipes that cross Springmill Road will continue to drain through the site. d. Please show the existing subsurface drain under the curb along Illinois Street. The existing subsurface drain under the curb along Illinois Street has been indicated as an approximate location. 201001114 0 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 5 24. Please indicate the flow directions along the swale, through the site, directing all drainage from this project to the south and the invert elevations of the culverts along the swale. The flow directions and invert elevations of the culverts on the southern portion of the project have been indicated on Grading Plan. 25. Please provide the MFPG and MLAG for the proposed buildings. The MFPG and the MLAG shall be a minimum of 2 feet above the 100 year flood elevation of the detention facility and I foot above the local flooding with the inlets plugged. The MFPG and MLAG for the proposed buildings have been indicated on the Grading Plan. 26. Please indicate the on -site flood routing. The flood route shall be based on all inlets plugged during a 100 -yr rain event. The on -site flood routing has been indicated on the Grading Plan. 27. Please provide a drainage summary, as required per the Stormwater Technical Standards 102.02 xi.m. A drainage summary has been provided on the Grading Plan. 28. On C400 -C401, please include contours for the southern portion of this project. Contours have been provided for the southern portion of the project. 29. On C402, a note refers to a previously approved detention pond and mass grading plan. The Engineering Department has no record of this being approved or constructed. In order for this project to progress, all downstream stormwater facilities shall be constructed. This comment has been duly noted and the Mass Grading Plans have been revised and resubmitted in order to obtain approval. 30. Landscape mounds were previously planned along Springmill Road, to the south. When will these be constructed? Please indicate on the plans. The landscape berms will be constructed at the time of construction of the first building within the Office and Residential Use Block per the PUD. 31. Please include a Maintenance of Traffic Plan for work within the right -of -way on the Thoroughfare Plan roads. Maintenance of Traffic Plan for the work within the right -of -way has been provided. 32. The Stop Sign Detail on C700 must meet the MUTCD standards. A note has been provided on the detail that indicates that all stop signs shall comply with the MUTCD standards. 33. Inclusion of City Standard Drawing 10-32 is not necessary. This detail has been provided for the auxiliary lane construction along Springmill Road. 201001114 0 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 6 34. Please include the City Standard Drawing for Commercial Driveways. The City Standard Drawing for Commercial Driveways has been included in the plans. 35. Improvements at the 116th Street and US31 intersection were committed by the developer as a part of the PUD approval. What is the trigger for these improvements? The traffic study indicates that this phase of the development does not trigger the need for intersection improvements at 116th Street and US 31. 36. General Comments a. This project is subject to the City's Storm Water Management and Storm Water Quality Ordinances. This comment has been duly noted and no action is required. b. Please add the following note to the drawings: "IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES, THE EXPENSE OF SUCH RELOCATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN ONE FOOT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT -OF -WAY. The note above has been added to the plans as indicated. 37. All . swales on site must have subsurface pipe installed. Pipe to conform to requirements of Storm Water Technical Standards Manual and shall be double wall, Hancor H1 -Q pipe or equivalent. A variance was granted for the Mass Grading plans to allow for temporary swales to be constructed without requiring subsurface drains. The swales that are depicted are temporary and are similar in nature to the swales that will be constructed for the Mass Grading phase of the project, therefore no subsurface drains have been provided. GENERAL INFORMATION 38. These comments represent the Department of Engineering's first review of the development plans for this project. 39. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. 40. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being resubmitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. 41. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. If you have not already done so, please provide a set of drainage plans and calculations to their office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. 42. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until: 201001114 0 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 7 a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Hamilton County Surveyor issues have been resolved. b. All bonds and performance guarantees are posted. c. All Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) are obtained. d. All off -site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the development are secured. e. SWPPP is approved. f. All fees are paid. 43. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent reviews. 44. An approved Storm Water Management Permit is required prior to commencing any earth disturbing activity. Please contact Mr. John Thomas regarding storm water quality requirements. 45. An approved right -of -way permit is required prior to commencing any work in the public right -of -way and for construction equipment access from the City's right -of -way. 46. If it will be necessary to relocate existing utilities, the costs for such relocation shall be borne solely by the developer. Any utility poles requiring relocation shall be relocated to within one foot of the outside edge of the proposed right -of -way. 47. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital files must be submitted to the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact the City GIS Department for the requirements. 48. Jurisdictions: a. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. b. Perimeter Street and Right -of -Way -City of Carmel (Illinois Street, Spring Mill Road, I 16th Street) c. Water -City of Cannel Utilities d. Sanitary Sewers -City of Cannel Utilities e. Storm Sewers /Drainage -City of Carmel f. Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 49. Drawings submitted for approval: a. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval b. This office will require 9 sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by Carmel 201001114 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 8 Utilities. The Owner will receive 3 sets, one of which must be maintained on the construction site at all times. If this project is subject to review and approval by the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, a total of II sets will be required for final approval. 50. Carmel Utilities will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure that copies of all drawings are sent to: Paul Pace Paul Arnone Carmel Utilities Distribution Cannel Utilities Collection 51. Carmel Utilities subscribes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. 52. The following items will be sent electronically upon request regarding this correspondence and project: a. Project Approval Checklist b. Performance/Maintenance Guarantees c. Utility Jurisdictions /Right of Way Permits d. Availability (acreage) Fees 53. A schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines will be sent electronically for your use upon request. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. 54. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and/or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). 55. Water Availability and Sanitary Sewer approval from the Board will be required. This is an EDU approval based upon the proposed use of the site. Reference Items #33 to #35 below for additional details /explanations. Please note that if an entryway or other irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Availability Approval from the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system as determined by the Director of Carmel Utilities. Comment Nos.38 through 55 have been duly noted. 56. Commercial Curb Cut Approval. Please provide 8.5 x 11 exhibits with the request for approval. Provide all pertinent information including lane widths, overall width, radii, lane markings, location of opposing drives or streets, relationship to the location of previous curb cut, etc. A Commercial Curb Cut Approval will be applied for following this submittal. 57. Temporary Construction Entrance Approval. It appears the construction entrance is planned at the location of a permanent curb cut. Therefore Board approval is not required. 58. The installation of any permanent, privately owned and /or maintained improvement (signs. decorative street signs, walls, streetlights, etc.) within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements requires the execution of a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Cannel. Such agreements are executed by the Board of Public Works and Safety. The City Engineer may approve irrigation system agreements. 59. Secondary Plat approval if applicable. All performance guarantees must be posted prior to submission of secondary plats for Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 201001114 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 9 60. Dedication of right -of -way if not platted. This is based upon the City of Carmel 20 -Year Thoroughfare Plan requirements. Dedication documents are available upon request. Please be advised that all Right -of -Way Dedications must be accompanied by a Sales Disclosure Agreement completed by the owner for the property being dedicated to the City. The dedication document cannot be recorded without a completed Sales Disclosure. The form is available upon request. 61. Any open pavement cuts of City right -of -way will require Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety approval. Comment Nos. 57 through 61 have been duly noted. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 62. Please contact Mr. Dave Barnes to review performance guarantee requirements. Please contact Mr. John Duffy to review water and sanitary sewer bonding requirements. 63. The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineer's Estimates for each improvement including quantities, unit costs, pipe sizes, and materials, etc. 64. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three -year Maintenance Guarantee will be required (see Street Sign comments above). The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. 65. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. 66. Please reference the available enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures. Comment Nos. 62 through 66 have been duly noted. RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT AND BONDING 67. Any work in the dedicated right -of -way will require an approved Right -of -Way Permit and a License & Permit Bond. 68. The bond amount is determined by our Right -of -Way Manager. However, if the work is included in the scope of work of a required and posted Performance Guarantee, the Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right -of -Way Permit. 69. Please contact our Right -of -Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right -of -way permitting and bonding. Comment Nos. 67 through 69 have been duly noted. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 70. We defer to Cannel Utilities regarding this issue. 71. If an entryway or overall site irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system and upon the recommendations of the Director of Carmel Utilities. 201001114 0 AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT, INC. City of Carmel January 7, 2013 Page 10 72. These fees are required to be paid prior to final approval of construction plans by Engineering and prior to issuance of building permits by Building Codes Services. Please confirm these fees and calculations with Cannel Utilities. Comment Nos. 70 through 72 have been duly noted. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office at (317) 547 -5580, or reach me by email at ataylor@structurepoint.com. Very truly yours, American Structurepoint, Inc. Andrew R. Taylor, EI, CFM, LEED AP Project Engineer ART:alo 201001114 Boone, Rachel M. From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Hi Rachel and Angie, Jon Dobosiewicz [jond @ N F -LAW .COM] Monday, January 14, 2013 5:19 PM Boone, Rachel M.; Conn, Angelina V Charlie Frankenberger Bridges CVS and Commercial Building 201001 1 1 4.CE.Engineering Comment Response.2013- 1- 07.pdf; LighfPole Heigh�tes�z,ibit 011413.pdf; Revised site plan with dumpster wall 011113.pdf; BRIDGESSREV. Photometric site plan_01- 14- 13.pdf; 2012 -11 -30 multi tenant building SW REV 01 -14 -13 5.pdf „r2i A114 1 s 1011 Please find attached updated exhibits that address the below outstanding staff comments: Outstanding Comments for the Petitioner to address: 1. On the multi- tenant building (south elevation), please finish cornices; relief detail around the corners on the parapet walls and not have a straight vertical cut off of those cornices. (It does not appear to be changed in the latest drawing. Info Packet, Tab 6, pages 3, 5, and 7.) See revised elevation attached. 2. There is a maximum 25 -ft height for parking area lights, per the PUD. Some of the poles are still 25 -ft tall with a 3 -ft base. Please revise. Tab 9 still shows some 25' tall pole specifications. The Dept. wants to be sure the height will be reduced to be 25' or less, with a base. Please clarify base height as well. See exhibit illustrating pole and fixture height compliance. 3. Per PUD sections 13.10 and 7.7, please show how the mechanical equipment is screened from view, including gas, electric, and water meters. Please show /label the locations of these meters on the building elevations and/or site plans. The mechanical equipment placed on the roof will be 20' back, so that it is not visible from anyone standing on the ground. Petitioner: will the gas and electric meters be painted to match the building? Yes — The meters will be painted to match the base color of the adjacent building area. 4. The City Engineering Dept. issued a lengthy review letter on Nov. 30, and they are waiting for the Petitioner's response. The Petitioner will submit a response before the final review. The response letter has been forwarded. See copy attached. 5. Please confirm if the column features on the south wall of the Multi- tenant Retail Building will have a darker EIFS color than the rest of the EIFS. It appears this way in Tab 6 on pages 5 -6. Yes — The area is a darker color. 6. The site lighting plan, under Tab 9 of the info packet, was not changed to eliminate the 3rd drive thru lane. Please provide an updated drawing to be consistent with the new site plan. Buzz— Please forward when received. /See revised photometric exhibit attached. 1 In addition I have attached the updated color plan addressing the wall length in front of the dumpster we discussed earlier today. This exhibit is now consistent with the civil plans. Thanks, Jon N Jon C. Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Nelson & Frankenberger, PC 3105 East 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 317 - 844 -0106 (Office) 317 -428 -8393 (Cell) 317 - 846 -8782 (Fax) ion @nf- law.com NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY This E -mail message and its attachments (if any) are intended solely for the use of the addressee hereof. In addition, this message and the attachments (if any) may contain information that is confidential, privileged and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you are prohibited from reading, disclosing, reproducing, distributing, disseminating or otherwise using this transmission. Delivery of this message to any person other than the intended recipient is not intended to waive any right or privilege. If you have received this message in error, please promptly notify the sender by reply E -mail and immediately delete this message from your system. ** slot **** ***** * * * *** * ** * ***** ** ; :******r•.*** **** ** * * ** ; ****%Rx=kic**** :*. *** * **** * *ic**** * * * ***** * #%k **:; ** * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***** * * * * ** This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. 2 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE Angie Conn City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3105 EAST 98TH STREET, SUITE 170 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 PHONE: 317- 844 -0106 FACSIMILE: 317- 846 -8782 January 7, 2013 JANE B. MERRILL, Of Counsel JON C. DOBOSIEWICZ, Land Use Professional Re: Bridges PUD Commercial Amenity Use Block — Docket # 12100019 DP Bridges CVS Pharmacy — Docket # 12100020 ADLS Commercial Building — Docket # 12100021 ADLS Dear Angie: Enclosed you will find 15 paper copies and a CD containing a digital copy of the information booklet for the above referenced matter scheduled for consideration by the Plan Commission on January, 2013. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Jon C. Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Enclosures H:\Zoning & Real Estate Matters \Gershman\Bridges\Bridges CVS\DP ADLS \Correspondence\Bridges - PC booklet submittal - Ltr to A Conn 010713.doc Conn, Angelina V From: Foley, Amanda J Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 1:04 PM To: Conn, Angelina V Cc: Duncan, Gary R Subject: RE: any dept report comments? Attachments: The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block - Phase 1.doc Angie, We have not gotten everything reviewed that is on plan commission next week. We are trying very hard. to get our TAC letters out! Here is a brief synopsis from looking through revised plans this morning: Regarding the Dunkin Donuts, I am going to send them an email today stating that the 98th Street entrance may become a right - in/right -out entrance in the future if a traffic signal is ever warranted. INDOT will not support a traffic signal at this entrance in the future. Hadley Grove — I know there are issues with right -of -way on 1.30 Street. The TP requires a 70 -foot half, and they only want to dedicate 50 feet. Their entrance is in excess of the allowable 45 feet. I also need to review the road configuration with Gary due to some of the curve radii. The drainage swales are shown in 20 -foot easements instead of the required 30- foot easement. Park Grenshire has submitted to the BPW for several variances of stonnwater standards. They will be on the first: BPW ' meeting in January. LThe Bridges We issued comments on November 30 and have not received a response. Attached is our comment letter. No curbs are shown around CVS. Maximum allowable commercial driveway width is 30 feet. They need a straight arrow for through traffic across Springmill to the LDS property. Is the north entrance on Illinois consistent with what was approved in the PUD? The plans rely on a stormwater detention facility that has not been approved or constructed. So sorry for not being more organized and prompt this week!!!! Amanda Foley Staff Engineer City of Cannel Department of Engineering 317 -571 -2309 (direct) afoley @carmel.in.gov From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2012 12:27 PM To: Foley, Amanda 3 Cc: Duncan, Gary R Subject: any dept report comments? Hi, Amanda — do you have any updated dept. report comments from the Engineering Dept.? Dunkin donuts site at 9800 n Michigan rd? Hadley grove PUD? Park Grenshire 2 -lot plat? Bridges PUD, CVS, and multi tenant building? O Thanks, Angie Conn, Planning Administrator X2281 1 Conn, Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Conn, Angelina V Monday, December 10, 2012 10:33 AM 'John Adams (Home)'; 'NKrental @aol.com'; 'Joshua Kirsh'; 'Steve Lawson'; The Point Betsie InterNetwork -Alan Potasnik'; Rider, Kevin D; 'Stromquist, Steve'; 'Suewestermeier @ aol.com'; 'Ephraim Wilfong'; 'Grabow, Brad' Boone, Rachel M.; Hancock, Ramona B; Hollibaugh, Mike P; 'John Molitor'; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; 'jay dorman' Bridges PUD & upcoming public hearing Bridges_PU D_z- 550 -11 _ with_ commitment _- _adopted_version. pdf.pdf Greetings, Plan Commissioners - Jay Dorman asked that we email The Bridges PUD ordinance to you. Please review the Conceptual Site Plan and the Concept Plan text, as it relates to the 2 proposed buildings that will have a public hearing that this month's Plan Commission meeting: "Concept Plan: The Concept Plan attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as Exhibit 2 (Concept Plan). The Concept Plan conceptually illustrates one of the many possible layouts f the internal drives, Building areas, Buildings, and parking areas permitted by this Bridges Ordinance. Subject to the definition of Block(s) above and Section 13.9 below, the Concept Plan is conceptual and preliminary, only, and the final site plan(s) shall comply with the Development Requirements but may vary from the Concept Plan in all respects and, as such, by way of example only and not by way of limitation, use areas mayva and te:size, lrocation and confgu1;4061116f walkvays,•drives;buildng pads andscape areas and parking areas may._chai ge" Attached is the PUD ordinance, with exhibits. Please let us know if you also need a paper copy of this, and we can mail it to you with the Dept. Reports this Thursday. Sincerely, Angie Conn, Planning Administrator City of Carmel Planning & Zoning Division Dept. of Community Services 1 Civic Square, 3rd Flr. Carmel, IN 46032 0: 317-571-2417 1 F: 317 - 571 -2426 1 E: aconn(carinel.in.gov W: www.carmeldocs.com Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail 1 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE Angie Conn City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3105 EAST 98TH STREET, SUITE 170 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 PHONE: 317- 844 -0106 FACSIMILE: 317- 846 -8782 December 7, 2012 1S RECEIVED ';12 DOCS JANE B. MERRILL, Of Counsel tJON C. DOBOSIEWICZ, Land Use Professional Re: Bridges PUD Commercial Amenity Use Block — Docket # 12100019 DP Bridges CVS Pharmacy — Docket # 12100020 ADLS Commercial Building — Docket # 12100021 ADLS Dear Angie: Enclosed you will find 15 paper copies and a CD containing a digital copy of the information booklet for the above referenced matter scheduled for consideration by the Plan Commission on December 18, 2012. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Jon C. Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Enclosures Conn, Angelina V From: Mindham, Daren Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:54 AM To: 'ryan.perdue' Cc: Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE: The Bridges revised landscape plan Attachments: LS101 11x17.pdf; LS100 11X17.pdf Looks good to approve at this point. Thanks. Daren Mindham Urban Forester City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 From: ryan. perdue [ mailto :ryan.perdue(c�sbcglobal.net] Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:15 AM To: Mindham, Daren Subject: The Bridges revised landscape plan Daren, Attached is the revised landscape plan for the CVS / Retail building. This plan is being submitted this Friday. We are showing more shrubs than required by the PUD between the retail parking & Illinois Street to help compensate for the lack of plantings on the east side of the retail building. Please let me know if this is sufficient. Please let me know if you have any additional comments. Thanks, Ryan Perdue 450 -1388 1 \ _ • 5�� EY R's OFF f Co November 26, 2012 _.. (-4 (� :Kenton C. Ward, CrENt Surveyor of .7- (amilton County (Phone (317) 776 -&495 `Fax (317) 776-962S American Structurepoint, Inc. ATTN: Andy Taylor 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 VIA E -MAIL: ATaylor @structurepoint.com Suite 1SS One .7- lamilton County Square Noblesville, Indiana 4606o -2230 RE: The Bridges — Commercial Block — Phase 1 Dear Mr. Taylor We have reviewed the construction plans submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on October 22, 2012, for this project and have the following comments: 1. The proposed project falls in the incorporated area and MS4 jurisdiction of the City of Cannel. 2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a City of Carmel Wellhead Protection Zone. 3. The proposed project falls in the Williams Creek Regulated Drain Watershed. 4. Please submit an outlet permit for the indirect discharge into the Williams Creek Regulated Drain. The application is available at Surveyor's Form Page. 5. The master drainage and grading plan for The Bridges need to be finalized and approved before any block within The Bridge is approved for construction. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317- 776 -8495. Sincerely, Greg Hoyes, AC, CFM, CPESC Plan Reviewer CC: Angie Conn — Carmel DOCS John Thomas — Carmel Engineering, Dave Barnes — Carmel Engineering Greg Ilko — Crossroad Engineers, Buzz Weisiger — GBC, Inc. November 19, 20122 Mr. Andy Taylor Structurepoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR RE: The Bridges Phase I- Project Review #1 Dear Mr. Taylor: The City received your development plans on October 23, 2012. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1 These comments represent the Department of Engineering's first review of the development plans for this project. 2. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. 3. 11 is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. 4. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. If you have not already done so, please provide a set of drainage plans and calculations to their office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. 5. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until: a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Hamilton County Surveyor issues have been resolved. b. All bonds and performance guarantees are posted. c. All Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) are obtained. d. All off -site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the development are secured. e. SWPPP is approved. f. All fees are paid. 6. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent reviews. 7. An approved Storm Water Management Permit is required prior to commencing any earth disturbing activity. Please contact Mr. John Thomas regarding storm water quality requirements. 8. An approved right -of -way permit is required prior to commencing any work in the public right -of -way and for construction equipment access from the City's right -of -way. 9. If it will be necessary to relocate existing utilities, the costs for such relocation shall be borne solely by the developer. Any utility poles requiring relocation shall be relocated to within one foot of the outside edge of the proposed right -of -way. 10. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital files must be submitted to DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAx 317.571,2439 Ei`1AJL engineering@caimel.in.gov Mr. Andy Taylor November 19, 2012 RE: The Bridges Phase I- Project Review #1 Page 2 of 4 the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact the City GIS Department for the requirements. 11. Jurisdictions: a. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. b. Perimeter Street and Right -of -Way - City of Cannel (Illinois Street, Spring Mill Road, 116th Street) c. Water City of Cannel Utilities d. Sanitary Sewers - City of Cannel Utilities e. Storm Sewers /Drainage - City of Cannel. f. Legal Drains - Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 12. Drawings submitted for approval: a. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for final approval. b. This office will require 9 sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by Carmel Utilities. The Owner will receive 3 sets, one of which must be maintained on the construction site at all times. If this project is subject to review and approval by the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, a total of 11 sets will be required for final approval. 13. Carmel Utilities will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure that copies of all drawings are sent to: Paul Pace Paul Arnone Carmel Utilities Distribution Carmel Utilities Collection 3450 West 131'4 Street 901 North Range Line Road Westfield, IN 46074 Carmel, IN 46032 14, Carmel Utilities subscribes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. 15. The following items will be sent electronically upon request regarding this correspondence and project: a. Project Approval Checklist b. Performance /Maintenance Guarantees c. Utility Jurisdictions /Right of Way Permits d. Availability (acreage) Fees BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY 16. A schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines will be sent electronically for your use upon request. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. 17. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and /or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and /or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). 18. Water Availability and Sanitary Sewer approval from the Board will be required. This is an EDU approval based upon the proposed use of the site. Reference items #33 to #35 below for additional details /explanations. Please note that if an entryway or other irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Availability Approval from the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system as determined by the. Director of Carmel Utilities. 19. Commercial Curb Cut Approval. Please provide 81/4. x 1 l exhibits with the request for approval. Provide all pertinent information including lane widths, overall width, radii, lane markings, location of opposing drives or streets. relationship to the location of previous curb cut, etc. 20. Temporary Construction Entrance Approval. Mr. Andy Taylor November 19, 2012 RE: The Bridges Phase I-Project Review #1 Page 3 of 4 21. The installation of any permanent, privately owned and /or maintained improvement (signs, decorative street signs, walls, streetlights, etc.) within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements requires the execution of a Consent to. Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. Such agreements are executed by the Board of Public Works and Safety. The City Engineer may approve irrigation system agreements. 22. Secondary Plat approval if applicable. All performance guarantees must be posted prior to submission of secondary plats for Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 23. Dedication of right-of-way if not platted. This is based upon the City of Cannel 20 -Year Thoroughfare Plan requirements. Dedication documents are available upon request. Please be advised that all Right -of -Way Dedications must be accompanied by a'Sales Disclosure Agreement completed by the owner for the property being dedicated to the City. The dedication document cannot be recorded without a completed Sales Disclosure. The form is available upon request. 24. Any open pavement cuts of City right -of -way will require Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety approval. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 25. Please contact Mr. Dave Barnes to review performance guarantee requirements. Please contact Mr. John Duffy to review water and sanitary sewer bonding requirements. 26. The amount of the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineer's Estimates for each improvement including quantities, unit costs, pipe sizes, and materials, etc. 27. Upon completion and release of.individual Performance Guarantees, a three -year Maintenance Guarantee will be required (see Street Sign comments above). The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. 28. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. 29. Please reference the available enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures. RIGHT OF' WAY PERMIT AND BONDING 30. Any work in the dedicated right -of -way will require an approved Right -of -Way Permit and a License & Permit Bond. 3 I . The bond amount is determined by our Right -of -Way Manager. However, if the work is included in the scope of work of a required and posted Performance Guarantee, the Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right -of -Way Pennit. 32. Please contact our Right -of -Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right -of -way permitting and bonding. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 33. We defer to Carmel Utilities regarding this issue. 34. If an entryway or overall site irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system and upon the recommendations of the Director of Carmel Utilities. 35. These fees are required to be paid prior to final approval of construction plans by Engineering and prior to issuance of building permits by Building Codes Services. Please confirm these fees.and calculations with Cannel Utilities. Mr. Andy Taylor November 19, 2012 RE: The Bridges Phase 1- Project Review #1 Page 4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION_ DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS 36. General Continents a. This project is subject to the City's Storm Water Management and Storm Water Quality Ordinances. b. Please add the following note to the drawings: "IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES, THE EXPENSE OF SUCH RELOCATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER, ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN ONE FOOT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT -OF- WAY." 37. All swales on site must have subsurface pipe installed. Pipe to conform to requirements of Storm Water Technical Standards Manual and shall be double wall, Hancor H1 -Q pipe or equivalent. 38. Please omit Sheets LS100- LS101, Landscape Plan; and Sheet LT100, Sit Lighting from construction sets to be submitted for review by this department. The Department of Engineering does not have approval authority over landscape plans or photometric plans. 39. Will this development be platted? 40. Sheet C001 — Title Sheet. a. Please remove the titles for the Landscape Plan, Landscape Details, and Site Lighting from the Sheet Index. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2441. Sincerely, Nicholas J. Redden, P.E� Plan Review Coordinator Department of Engineering cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Cannel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Paul Arnone, Carmel Utilities Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg llko, Crossroad Engineers, PC issvrapps \user data\r: \shared \DI- IILL\ PROJREVI2\ ROBERTSCAMERAPROVATOLDMERIDIANREV141 November 19, 2012 City of Carmel Mr. Andy Taylor American Structurepoint Inc 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES RE: The Bridges PUD — Commercial Amenity Use Block, Phase 1 Dear Mr. Taylor: The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the project submitted for the November 21, 2012 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, and offer the following comments: Alternative Transportation Review and Comments 1) Section 10.3 A of The Bridges PUD states bicycle parking will comply with the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance. The City's Bicycle Parking Ordinance requires bicycle parking to be within fifty (50) feet of the main entrance. Please revise the plans to comply with this requirement and review the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance in order to construction details for the required bicycle parking. 2) Section 11.2 of The Bridges PUD requires sidewalks on both sides of all interior streets. Please revise the plans to show sidewalk on both sides of the north south interior street that runs through the middle of this section. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. ONE CIVIC SQUARE Page 1 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417. Sincerely, David Littlejohn Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Department of Community Services Engineering Department Review Project File ONE CIVIC SQUARE Page 2 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 IZevi-euJ cif) wi`u,2rt�S Conn, Angelina V From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Conn, Angelina V Friday, November 16, 2012 12:16 PM 'Jon Dobosiewicz' 'Charlie Frankenberger'; 'Fetahagic, Alen'; 'Taylor, Andy; ' egershman @gershmanbrowncrowley.com'; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Boone, Rachel M. Planning Dept. review comments for Bridges PUD, Commercial Amenity Use Block, Ph I (Docket Nos. 12100019 -21) multitenant bldg elevations mark up 11- 13- 2012.pdf; Bridges Commercial bldg..pdf Good afternoon, Jon - Please reply to each of the Planning /Zoning Department's review comments for the DP & ADLS applications via email or letter correspondence by Dec. 3. Additional review comments might be voiced at the Nov. 21 Technical Advisory Committee meeting. If you feel that we need to meet or have a conference call to discuss these comments, we can accommodate. Thank you. Planning /Zoning Dept. review comments: 1. Feel free to bring color /material samples of the building to the Plan Commission meeting. 2. Please provide digital copies of any revised plans, in addition to paper copies. 3. Please provide copies of your correspondence with the TAC members and their correspondence with you. 4. Remember to include the Development Plan application's Findings of Fact sheet in your final information packets. 5. Provide the filled out and notarized affidavit of notice of public hearing page of the application. 6. Provide the filled out Notice of Public Hearing page of the application. 7. Provide the filled out and notarized Public Notice Sign Placement affidavit page of the application. 8. Provide a copy of the Official List of Adjacent Property Owners from Hamilton County Auditor's Office. 9. Please label the road rights of way on the site plan. 10. Please provide the bridge design details. 11. On the CVS (east elevation) & multi tenant building (south elevation), please finish the returns, for the cornices /parapet walls. 12. CVS drive thru canopy: please make it less wide /thick. Right now, it looks out of scale. 13. CVS west elevation: will the lighting be security wall paks or wall sconces? 14. Please provide 3D views of the CVS building elevations. 15. With the West elevation of CVS facing a busy street (Spring Mill Rd), please add more detailing to that facade. One could consider this a primary facade that needs more detailing , since it faces a highly travelled public street. See the PUD Exhi.bit.6,.page 3, sections D. &.E. 16. Please show that the rooftop mechanical equipment is adequately screened from view, for the CVS building. 17. CVS elevations & Multi tenant building elevations - please label what will be vision glass and what will be spandrel. 18. The parking space at the northwest corner of the site conflicts with the road right of way. You may have to remove it or shift it. 19. Please show /label any easements on the site plan. 20. Please label the parcel coverage percentage on the site plan. 1 21. Please verify with the City Engineering Dept. that a traffic impact analysis, nor a traffic study, is required. 22. Prepare an estimated construction cost to comply with the Thoroughfare Plan & Alternative Transportation Plan; contact the Engineering Dept. for more details, at 571 -2441. 23. Please verify that the decorative wall scone lighting on the CVS building is the same as the ones used on the multi - tenant commercial building. 24. What are the maximum number of tenants possible in the multi- tenant commercial building? 25. What is the anticipated mix of tenants, regarding restaurant vs. retail uses? 26. 5 -ft wide building base landscape planting area widths are required by the PUD, section 7.5. Please work with the City Forester, Daren Mindham, on meeting this requirement, whether it be at the building base or mitigating plantings elsewhere on -site. 27. Will there be street lighting on the very south entry shown on the overall DP? 28. Will there be street lights installed along 116th St., Illinois St., and Springmill Rd. as part of this Development Plan? (See PUD Section 8.1.) 29. There is a maximum 25 -ft tall parking area lights, per the PUD. Right now you show a 25 -ft pole plus a base..... Please revise your light fixture types. 30. Please submit the photometric plan the foot - candles all the way to the road right of way, especially along the west property line. 31. Please show a pedestrian connection to Illinois St. from the commercial building. See PUD Section 11.3 and Exhibit 2. In addition, please mark the pavement with striping for a cross walk for easy access to the building. 32. Please provide a paper copy of the overall pedestrian plan, per PUD Section 11.8. (We have the digital copy.) 33. Please amend the development plan, to show a traffic circle at the southern interior street intersection, as shown on the Concept Plan. 34. Per PUD Section 11.2, sidewalks and paths and walkways shall be provided on both sides of all interior streets and shall allow for pedestrian mobility within the Bridges District. (With the approval of the City Engineer and Alternative Transportation Coordinator areas along specific streets may provide sidewalks on only one side of the street.) Please add the second walk. 35. Multi- tenant building : please add a sidewalk along the west side of the building, or along the east side of the entry drive. 36. Please show the bicycle parking location and the bicycle rack details for the Commercial Building. 37. Per PUD sections 13.10 and 7.7, please show how the mechanical equipments is screened from view, including gas, electric, and water meters. 38. Multi - tenant building : please provide design detail on the metal canopy or trellis. 39. Multi- tenant building : Most likely outdoor dining areas will be added by tenants. Pleas show that there is enough room for outdoor dining areas and that patrons of the site also have adequate clearance to pass by these areas. 40. Multi - tenant building : please provide more details about the-lineal light fixtures. 41. Please provide more design details and spec sheets about the GFRP fins. 42. Additional signage comments & general comments are below, with PDFs attached (which might have some repetitiveness): A. CVS /Pharmacy: 1. All signs comply with the sign ordinance and the PUD language except possibly one sign:. a. Please confirm the height of the drive thru pharmacy directional sign #9 and 10. b. It appears to be possibly over the maximum of 3' tall. 2. Is there not going to be drive thru lane signage on the drive thru canopy? (Please verify). 2 3. The proposed wall signs locations: a. Please shift these to fit in better with the overall building design, perhaps slightly more centered above the 3 blocks of windows areas. And /or, perhaps right over the main door entrance to the store. Then, if the EIFS material could also stop at the edge of the block of windows and be replaced with brick, it would look much more symmetrical and balanced. b. Wall sign color: please make the letters a solid oil rubbed bronze color and be halo lit or back lit, to better complement the prairie style architecture. 4. The brick pattern at the top will be very nice. B. Multi - tenant Retail Building: 1. On the west elevation, please continue the brick columns up to the raised EIFS molding. On all elevations, please extend the brick materials on the columns all the way up, but use one brick color and no `strip' pattern. See attached markup. 2. The architectural details at the top of the building are very nice! However, there is too much EIFS on the building. The south, east and west where no signs are proposed should have more brick or stone material. Some suggestions for continuing to use brick on the south, east, and west elevation: a. South: i. Continue the brick all the way up the columns (bump outs) to make them a feature. ii. Bring the brick all the way up in the reveals /recessed areas in a simpler, solid pattern. iii. Or perhaps use the block scoring lines at the top as a pattern for brick detailing in the reveals. b. East and West: i. Make faux columns out of the corners and continue the horizontal brick pattern up the faux column to match the south elevation. ii. Bring the brick all the way up to the raised EFIS moulding in a simple plain /solid pattern (similar to described for the south elevation) for the "middle" area in- between the two faux columns. iii. Or, again, use the block scoring lines at the top as a pattern for brick detailing. 3. Where the tenant signs are proposed to be located, the Dept. would prefer no vertical or horizontal scoring on the EIFS. This interrupts the flow and appearance of the sign. 4. The Dept. would instead like to see the EIFS scored in a way that would define and /or "frame" a sign area for each tenant. The Dept. would like to call attention to the signs, and not limit or detract from them with too many scoring lines. a. For example, the tower feature sign area should be solid and have no vertical lines in it. b. The end -cap tenant on the west elevation, at a minimum, the bottom two vertical lines should be removed, so the sign can be centered vertically and horizontally in the area under the "block" scoring features. i. To go along with this, on the north elevation for the end -cap and tenant next door, if the vertical scoring at the top could be carried around from the west elevation to the north, it would add nice continuity and then keep all the signs on the north elevation at the same height. ii. Or, change the design altogether to create a rectangular frame for the tenant sign to be placed on /in. c. For the north elevation, if each tenant's sign band area could be centered above their door and framed out, that would be great. d. Please removing the double line scoring through the middle. Perhaps, change it to just have one line above and below where the sign would go, to create the frame that we are looking for. 5. In regards to the Signage Narrative: a. If the tenant sign band areas can be defined by EIFS scoring statement, described above, it may be best to refer to the newly- adopted Carmel sign ordinance standards for sign size. This will allow a percentage of the height (70 %) and width (85 %) to be used to calculate a signage square footage that better fits the tenant space. 3 b. Return color - typically this is called out to be black or dark bronze, to make it stand out from the color of the building facade. The Dept. would not recommend matching the facade or sign face color. The sign loses dimensionality. c. Calling out the width and height is great, but again, the Dept. would point back to the newly - adopted Carmel sign ordinance standards, which are 70% height and 85% width. (The 24" height may end up being 70 %, when the scoring /framing tenant sign band areas are redesigned.) C. Overall Development Plan: 1. Will there be any center ID ground signs for the overall Bridges Development as part of this petition? Angie Conn, Planning Administrator City of Carmel Planning & Zoning Division Dept. of Community Services 1 Civic Square, 3rd Fir. Carmel, IN 46032 0: 317 -571 -2417 1 F: 317 - 571 -2426 1 E: aconn @carmel.in.gov W: www.carmeldocs.corn Please consider the environment before printing this e -mail 4 Conn, Angelina V From: Boone, Rachel M. Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2012 4:47 PM To: Conn, Angelina V Cc: Donahue -Wold, Alexia K Subject: RE: Bridges PUD, commercial amenity use block, ph. I - SIGNAGE Attachments: Bridges Commercial bldg..pdf Angie, Here are my comments for the Bridges PUD. I have also attached some drawings to help illustrate my points for the Commercial building. CVS /Pharmacy: 1. All signs comply with the sign ordinance and the PUD language except possibly one sign. a. Please confirm the height of the drive thru pharmacy directional sign #9 and 10. b. It appears to be possibly over the maximum of 3' tall. 2. One question though — is there not going to be drive thru lane signage on the drive thru canopy? This is fine, just want to double check. 3. The only issue I have with the proposed wall signs is their location. a. Is it possible to center the signs over the windows? b. Then if the EIFS material could also stop at the edge of the windows and be replaced with brick I think the building would look much more symmetrical and balanced. 4. I love the brick and stone detailing. Is the brick a different pattern at the top? If so, 1 think it will be very nice! 5. The site plan seems to work well and has clearly marked pedestrian plans. Retail building: 1. Love the architectural details at the top of the building! 2. However, there is too much EIFS on the building. The south, east and west where no signs are proposed should have more brick or stone material. Some suggestions for continuing to use brick on the south, east and west elevation: a. South: i. Continue the brick all the way up the columns (bump outs) to make them a feature. ii. Bring the brick all the way up in the reveals /recessed areas in a simpler, solid pattern. iii. Or perhaps use the block scoring lines at the top as a pattern for brick detailing in the reveals. b. East and West: i. Make faux columns out of the corners and continue the horizontal brick pattern up the faux column to match the south elevation. ii. Bring the brick all the way up to the raised EFIS moulding in a simple plain /solid pattern (similar to described for the south elevation) for the "middle" area in- between the two faux columns. iii. Or, again, use the block scoring lines at the top as a pattern for brick detailing. 3. Where the tenant signs are proposed to be located, the Dept. would prefer no vertical or horizontal scoring on the EIFS. This interrupts the flow and appearance of the sign. 4. The Dept. would instead like to see the EFIS scored in a way that would define and /or "frame" a spandrel panel /sign band area for each tenant. We would like to call attention to the signs, not limit or detract from them with too many scoring lines. a. For example, the tower feature sign area should be solid and have no vertical lines in it. b. The endcap tenant on the west elevation, at a minimum, the bottom two vertical lines should be removed, so the sign can be centered vertically and horizontally in the area under the "block" scoring features. 1 i. To go along with this, on the north elevation for the endcap and tenant next door, if the vertical scoring at the top could be carried around from the west elevation to the north, it would add nice continuity and then keep all the signs on the north elevation at the same height. ii. Or change the design altogether to create a rectangular frame for the tenant sign to go in. c. For the north elevation, if each tenant's sign band area could be centered above their door and framed out, that would be great. d. Removing the double line scoring through the middle would also be nice. Perhaps change it to just have one line above and below where the sign would go, to create the frame that we are looking for. 5. In regards to the site plan, why is there no sidewalk proposed on the west side of the building like there is for the CVS down the center lane between the two buildings? It also does not connect up to the north sidewalk along 116`h St. 6. Can a sidewalk connection be added to the path off of Illinois Street? Also, mark the pavement for a cross walk for easy access to the building. 7. In regards to the Signage Narrative: a. If the tenant sign band areas can be defined by EFIS scoring as described above, it may be best to refer to the new sign ordinance standards for sign size. This will allow a percentage of the height (70 %) and width (85 %) to be used to calculate a square footage that fits the tenant space more properly. b. Return color — typically this is called out to be black or dark bronze, to make it stand out from the color of the facade. I would not recommend matching the facade or sign face color. The sign loses dimensionality. c. Calling out the width and height is great — but again I would point back to the new sign ordinance standards, which are 70% height and 85% width. (The 24" height may end up being 70% when the scoring /framing tenant sign band areas are redesigned.) Please let me know if you have any questions about any of this. Thanks! Rachel 2a ch 1, Boone' Planning Administrator City of Carmel Department of Community Services - 3rd Floor One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 317 - 571 -2417 317.571.2426 fax From: Conn, Angelina V Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2012 10:41 AM To: Boone, Rachel M. Subject: Bridges PUD, commercial amenity use block, ph. I - SIGNAGE Hi Rachel — I need help with the signage review for these 2 buildings, for CVS and the Multi- tenant building. I previously emailed you the Bridges PUD text last week (I think), and attached is some info about the signage for the 2 buildings. I will also bring you paper copies of the site plans. Thank you, Angie 2 CITY OF CARMEL 1 U I NASTEWATER UTILITIES American Structure Point 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 RE The Bridges Dear Sirs ',.fit 4t 3450 W. 131st STREET • WESTFIELD, INDIANA 46074 (317) 733 -2855 • FAX (317) 733 -2053 We have reviewed the submitted prints for The Bridges. All requirements have been approved by the City of Carmel Water Department to begin the above project. If any changes are made to this set of plans the approval becomes null and void. A new set of plans with current data will need to be submitted for approval. You must still submit 2 sets of City of Carmel Engineer stamped APPROVED drawings to our office. Please send them to: 3450 W. 13151 Street Carmel, IN 46074. ** Please note New Address. At the completion of the project, as- builts must be submitted in the following format: • Files must be submitted on a cd -rom in a jewel case labeled with Engineering Company Name, Project Name, & date CD was burned w/o using file compression in AutoCAD Version 2004 or earlier format. There should be one drawing labeled as Water Features with only water pertinent information. • Certified as- builts shall accurately reflect all field design. As- builts must be stamped "Field Verified" and signed by the developer's registered professional engineer or land surveyor. • Disc file names shall be clearly labeled and easily identifiable to all users. • Projection shall be referenced to NAD83, Indiana State .Plane Coordinate System, East Zone, using U.S. Survey Feet and per the Hamilton County datum. • All pertinent drawing elements will reside in the primary drawing file. There shall be no cells, nodes, blocks, or reference files attached to the drawing. • Tie into section comers in the Indiana State Plane Coordinate System to insure proper orientation. • All underground fittings shall be marked with lath or PVC and identification for GPS capturing. • Must show measurements between all fittings and .' from : - centerlines with, each fitting identified, water mains identified by size and material, services from lot line and centerline, and location of any taps. • The as- builts, both paper and digital, must be revised to show the exact location of all water mains, laterals constructed, hydrants, valves, service lines & fittings as installed with measurements from a permanent structure (e.g. fire hydrant) • After installation, actual point coordinate locations for all hydrants, valves, fittings, etc. shall be captured using Survey Grade GPS unit. A file submitted on the as -built disc in .cor format. • Please visit City of Carmel Specs to view full set of requirements. http: / /www.ci.carmel.in.us/ services /wateroperations /waterops.html It is important to have as- builts submitted correctly to avoid delays in any future projects. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Steve Cook at 733 -2855. Steve Cook Water Distribution Manager Carmel eparimeni pitenifIL Ca October 24, 2012 Andy Taylor American StructurePoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 RE: Project Number: 201001114 116th St & Spring Mill Rd_Carmel_GBC Commercial Amenity Use Block --Phase 1 Plans Dear Mr. Taylor: The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Timothy J. Green Chief of Police TJG:vb • cc: Dept. of Community Services (317) 571 -25OO A Nationally Accredited Li w;Etforcement Agency Fax (317) 571 -2512 The Bridges Commercial Amenity Block Phase 1 SWPPP Review - Ou... https:// mail .structurepoint.com /owa / ?ae= Item &t = IPM.Note &id =Rg... MACwY: , Ch? Offlce•OUtI00k Web .ccess Type here to search • 1 Mail ffig Calendar itmi Contacts 0 Deleted Items (627) • Drafts [1] L) Inbox • Junk E -mail L ] Sent Items Click to view all folders • Manage Folders... This Folder FA Ea Address Book la Options Log Off ( Reply a Reply to All Forward i Move x Delete I [ Junk { pose' The Bridges Commercial Amenity Block Phase 1 SWPPP Review Thomas, John G [jthomas @carmel.in.gov] i Follow up. Start by Friday, November 30, 2012. Due by Friday, November 30, 2012. You forwarded this message on 11/30/2012 5:03 PM. Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 5:00 PM To: Fetahagic, Alen; Duncan, Gary R [gduncan @carmel.in.gov]; Redden, Nick [nredden @carmel.in.gov]; Barnes, David R [dbarnes @cannel.in.govl; gilko @crossroadengineers.com; whall @crossroadengineers.com; Foley, Amanda 3 [afoley @carmel.in.gov]; Taylor, Andy Attachments: 0 City of Carmel SWPPP Reoui— l.oclf (33 KB) [Open as Web Page] Good afternoon, I have the following comments on The Bridges Commercial Amenity Block Phase 1 SWPPP; 1. The SWPPP needs to be placed in the City of Carmel format for full review. Format is attached. 2. I have no record of an approved Mass Grading plan for the Bridges as noted on the plans. All BMPs that will serve the site must be constructed. A. The mass grading plans must be approved and the project under construction or; B. The BMPs must be included in this plan and constructed with this project. 3. Please provide a cross section of the water quality vegetated swale and water quality pond BMP. These must meet the design detailed in Chapter 700 of the Technical Standards Manual. 4. The water quality vegetated swale and water quality pond BMP must be placed within an easement and, if needed, an access easement must be provided from the City's R/W to reach them. 5. Please submit Water Quality Sizing Calculations for the BMPs. 6. Please show the limits of the BMPs needed to treat the WQ volume on the plans. 7. Was a wetland delineation completed for the site or any watercourses identified? 8. Please add any necessary storm water controls to demolition plan. A. A construction entrance should be noted. B. Protections, such as rock horseshoe check dams, should be placed on all culverts in the project area that drain off site. C. Pertinent perimeter controls. 9. What is the master plan for Storm Water treatment on the project as a whole? A. Will each outlot install a storm water control as they are developed, and then everything will drain to the Water Quality Pond? B. If the vegetated swale eventually gets developed, who will be responsible to provide an r equivalent BMP for the areas that it had been required for Water Quality? 10. The temporary soil stockpile is located far from the proposed project area. A. Storm Water Controls should be modified to take the access of this area into account from the project area. 11. The temporary soil stockpile and vegetated swale need to be shown within the construction limits. 12. The vegetated swale is shown as being stabilized with this project, but the SWPPP narrative indicates that it will be installed with another project. The narrative also discusses stabilizing the pond banks, but then states that it will be installed with another project. Please resolve. 1 submitted for review. 12. If BMPs will be constructed with this project, an operation and maintenance manual needs to be ji 13. Please provide grading details for the northern end of the site, including the pond and areas that I drain to the culverts. 14. Please indicate how the northern area of the site will be stabilized on the SWPPP. Landscaping, sod, temporary stabilization, etc. 15. Please make a note on the seeding legend symbol that straw mulch must be used at a minimum. 1 of 2 12/3/2012 9:57 AM The Bridges Commercial Amenity Block Phase 1 SWPPP Review - Ou... https: / /mail. structurepoint. com /owa/ ?ae= Item &t= IPM.Note &id =Rg... if 16. Construction entrance must be a minimum of 150 for sites 2 acres or larger. Please revise plan. A. Please indicate the type of acceptable stone and depths in construction entrance detail. 17. A rock chute or other armament will be needed down the slope of the pond bank where the vegetated swale meets it. Provide detail and show location and dimensions on plans. 18. "Dump No Waster Drains to Waterways" message needs to be stamped on all storm inlet grates. Please provide detail or make note on plans. 19. Please provide grading topography for the proposed non -water quality vegetated swales and provide cross section. 20. Any structures with sumps need to be called out on the SWPPP plans and O &M so that they can be maintained with in conjunction with the BMPs. 21. Inlet protection should be shown on the inlets on Illinois Street that will receive drainage from the construction entrance area. Please let me know if you have any questions and have a good weekend. Sincerely, John Thomas, CPESC, CMS4S Stormwater Administrator City of Carmel Engineering Department (p) 317 - 571 -2314 (f) 317 -571 -2439 Q j uj Connected to Nkrosoft Exchange 2 of 2 12/3/2012 9:57 AM November 30, 2012. Mr. Andy Taylor Structurepoint. Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR RE: The Bridges Phase I- Project Review #I Dear Mr. Taylor: The City received your development plans on October 23, 2012. We offer the following comments: CONSTRUCTION DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS 1. Please omit Sheets LS 100 -LS 101, Landscape Plan; and Sheet LT100, Sit Lighting from construction sets to be submitted for review by this department. The. Department of Engineering does not have approval authority over landscape plans or photometric plans. Please remove the titles for the Landscape Plan, Landscape Details, and Site Lighting from the Sheet Index. 2. Will this development be platted? 3. Please only showthe City's future road improvements as "existing" on C100 and C200- 0500. Please remove all existing conditions from these sheets. 4. Please align the entrance on Springiill Road with the opposing approved entrance for the LDS Temple on Springmill Road. 5. A straight arrow should be shown for through traffic across Springmill Road at.the Springmill Road entrance. 6. There were two private roundabouts shown in this portion of the concept plan approved in the PUD, along the north - south road. Are these roundabouts required by the PUD? 7. Why are curbs not shown for the southern portions of this project? Is this for future parking lotexpansions? 8. Is the north entrance on Illinois Street consistent with what is approved in the PUD? 9. The s.outhem private roads intersection should be. changed to have a more generous curve, allowing for better site distance at this intersection. 10. Please indicate the existing and proposed right -of -ways on Illinois Street. 11. What are the plans for the construction of the multi - access path, along Springmill Road and Illinois Street, to the southern entrances for this project? 12. Please label the linetypes in the legends. 13. Why are curbs not shown around the CVS Pharmacy? City standards require curbing in all parking areas, except when disallowed for stormwater quality treatment. 14. On C200, the note for the entrance on 116`x' Street refers to Landscape Plans. Details for this entrance were not included on the Landscape Plans. Please submit details for this entrance with the construction plan set. 15. All four to the site from the public right -of -way shall.be City Standard concrete Commercial Driveways. 16. The maximum allowable commercial driveway width is 30 -feet. Please change the southern entrances per this.standard. 17. Please indicate the removal of curb to the nearest joint for the construction of the two entrances on Illinois Street. 18. Please label the curb return radii for the Springmill entrance. DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAx 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineeringpc:{rmel.in.go. Mr. Andy Taylor November 30, 2012 RE: The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase 1 Page 2 of 6 19. Please indicate the milling and resurfacing of the entire width of Springmill across the limits of the auxiliary lanes on Springmill. 20. On C202: a. Acceleration /Deceleration Dimension Plan: Please indicate the 3 -foot shoulder made of #73 at a 6 -inch depth. b. Acceleration /Deceleration Dimension Plan: Please indicate the subsurface drain, including the connection to the storm sewer system. c. Please indicate the lane markings on Springmill 'Road, including the double yellow centerline, solid white lane line, and edge markings. d. An end section is needed for the pipe under Springmill Road, south of this entrance. e. Please provide more infonnation regarding the grading and drainage along Springmill Road at this entrance, along the auxiliary lanes. Is a swale being installed or will this area sheet flow into the site? f. Auxiliary Lane Cross Section: Please indicate the stone is #73. g. Auxiliary Lane Cross Section: Please label the cross slope. 21. All pavement markings in the right -of -way shall be thermoplastic. 22. Please show the proposed power poles on Springmill on C300 and C301. 23. Sheet C300: a. Please include storm and sanitary in the legend. b. Are the sprinkler control valves west of CVS located within the right -of -way? c. Are the pipes shown under Springmill and 11611i Streets existing or proposed? Are these being accommodated into the site? d. Please show the existing subsurface drain under the curb along Illinois Street. 24. Please indicate the flow directions along the swale, through the site, directing all drainage from this project to the south and the invert elevations of the culverts along the swale. 25. Please provide the MFPG and MLAG for the proposed buildings. The MFPG and the MLAG shall-be a minimum of 2 feet above the 100 year flood elevation of the detention facility and 1 foot above the local flooding with the inlets plugged. 26. Please indicate.the on -site flood routing. The flood route shall be based on all inlets plugged during a 100 -yr rain event. 27. Please provide a drainage summary, as required per the Stormwater Technical Standards 102.02 xi. m. 28. On C400 -C401. please include contours for the southern portion. of this project. 29. On C402, a note refers to a previously approved detention pond and mass grading plan. The Engineering Department has no record ofthis.beingapproved or constructed. In order for this project to progress, all downstream stonnwater facilities shall be constructed. 30. Landscape mounds were previously planned along Springmill Road, to the south. When will these be constructed? Please indicate on the plans. 31. Please include a Maintenance of Traffic Plan for work within the right -of -way on the Thoroughfare Plan roads. 32. The Stop Sign Detail on C7001nust meet the MUTCD standards. 33. Inclusion of City Standard Drawing 10 -32 is not necessary. 34. Please include the City Standard Drawing for Commercial Driveways. :35. improvements at the 116`h Street and US31 intersection were committed by the developer as a part of the PUD approval. What is the trigger for these improvements? GENERAL INFORMATION 36. These coininents represent the Department of Engineering's first review of the development plans for this project. 371 We request that all responses to our coinments be provided in writing and.be accompanied by a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. Mr. Andy' Taylor November 30, 2012 RE: The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block— Phase 1 Page 3 of 6 38. it'is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes, are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, B7_A-or other coinmittee meetings. 39. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. If you have not already done so, please provide a set of drainage plans and calculations to their office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. 40. Final drawings will not approved for construction until: a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Ha►nilton County Surveyor issues have been resolved. b. All bonds and perforinance guarantees are posted. c. All Board of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) are obtained. d. All off -site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the development are secured. e. SWPPP is approved. f. All fees are paid. 41. The Department reserves the right to provide, additional comments based upon subsequent reviews. 42. An approved Storni Water Management Permit is required prior to commencing any earth disturbing activity. Please contact Mr. John Thomas regarding storm water quality requirements. 43. An approved right -of -way permit is required prior to commencing any work in the public right -of -way and for construction equipment access from the City's right -of -way. 44. Kit will be necessary to.relocate existing utilities, the costs for such relocation shall be borne solely by the developer.. Any utility poles requiring relocation shall be relocated to within one foot of the outside edge of the proposed right -of -way. 45. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital tiles must be submitted to the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact the City GIS Department for the requirements. 46. Jurisdictions: a. The project site is located within current City of Carmel Corporate Limits. b. Perimeter Street and Right -of -Way — City of Carmel (Illinois Street, Spring Mill Road, 116`h Street) c. Water — City of Cannel Utilities d. Sanitary Sewers.— City of Cannel Utilities e. Storm Sewers /Drainage — City of Carmel. f. Legal Drains — Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 47. Drawings submitted for approval: a. The design engineer must.certify all drawings submitted for final approval. b. This office will require 9 sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by Carmel Utilities: The Owner will receive 3 sets, one of which must be maintained on the construction site at.all times. If this project is subject to review and approval by the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, a total of 11 sets will be.required for final approval. 48. Cannel Utilities will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure that copies of all drawings are sent to: Paul Pace Paul Arnone Carmel Utilities Distribution Carmel Utilities Collection Mr. Andy Taylor November 30, 2012 RE: The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase 1 Page 4 of 6 3450 West 13151 Street 901 North Range Line Road Westfield, IN 46074 Carmel, IN 46032 49. Carmel Utilities subscribes to "Holey Moley" who should be contacted directly for all water main locations. 50. The following items will be sent electronically upon request regarding this correspondence and project: a. Project Approval Checklist b. Performance /Maintenance Guarantees c. Utility Jurisdictions /Right of Way Permits d. Availability (acreage) Fees BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY 51. A schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines will be sent electronically for your use upon request. Please use the Engineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. 52. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel Clay Plan Commission and /or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the appropriate Docket Number and the date (or dates) of approval by the Plan Commission and /or the Board of Zoning Appeals (if applicable). 53. Water Availability and Sanitary Sewer approval from the Board wi11 be required. This is an EDU approval based upon the proposed use of the site. Reference Items #33 to #35 below for additional details /explanations. Please note that if an entryway or other irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Availability Approval from the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system as determined by the Director of Carmel Utilities. 54. Commercial Curb Cut Approval. Please provide $% x 11 exhibits with the request for approval. Provide all pertinent infonnation including lane widths, overall width, radii, lane markings, location of opposing drives or streets, relationship to the.location of previous curb cut, etc. 55. Temporary Construction Entrance Approval. it appears the construction entrance is planned at the location of a permanent curb cut. Therefore Board approval is not required. 56. The installation of any permanent, privately owned and /or maintained improvement (signs, decorative street signs, walls, streetlights, etc.) within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements requires the execution of a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. Such agreements are executed by the Board of Public Works and Safety. The City Engineer may approve irrigation system agreements. 57. Secondary Plat approval if applicable. All performance guarantees must be posted prior to submission of secondary plats for Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 58. Dedication of right -of -way if not platted. This is based upon the City of Carmel 20 -Year Thoroughfare Plan requirements. Dedication documents are available upon request. Please be advised that all Right -of -Way Dedications must be accompanied by a Sales Disclosure Agreement completed by the owner for the property being dedicated to the City. The dedication document cannot be recorded without a completed Sales Disclosure. The form is available upon request. 59. Any open pavement cuts of City right -of -way will require Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety approval. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 60. Please contact Mt. Dave Barnes to review performance guarantee'requirements. Please contact Mr. John Duffy to review water and sanitary sewer bonding requirements. 61. Tlie amount of.the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's Estimate for 100% of the cost of labor and materials to construct the individual improvements, to be Mr. Andy Taylor November 30, 2012 RE: The Bridges Contniercial Amenity Use Block — Phase 1 Page 5 of 6 provided by the design engineer. Please provide detailed Engineer's Estimates for each improvement including quantities, unit costs, pipe sizes, and materials, etc. 62. Upon completion and release of individual Performance Guarantees, a three -year Maintenance Guarantee will be required (see Street Sign comments above). The Maintenance Guarantee amount is based upon 15% of the Performance amount for Streets and Curbs and 10% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. 63. Performance Guarantees may be Performance or Subdivision Bonds or lrrevocable Letters of Credit. 64. Please reference the available enclosures for more detailed explanation of our procedures. RIGHT OF WAY PERMIT AND BONDING 65. Any work in the dedicated right-of-way will require an approved Right -of -Way Permit and a License & Permit Bond. 66. The bond amount is determined by our Right -of -Way Manager. However, if the work is included in the scope of work of a required and posted Performance Guarantee, the Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right -of -Way Permit. 67. Please contact our Right -of -Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right- of-way permitting and bonding. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES .68. We defer to Cannel Utilities regarding this issue. 69. Han entryway or overall site irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon the size and usage of the system and upon the recommendations of the Director of Carmel Utilities. 70. These fees are required to be paid prior to final approval of construction plans by Engineering and prior to issuance of building permits by Building Codes Services. Please confirm these fees and calculations with Carmel Utilities. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2441. Sincerely, Assistant ♦it} ..i >' eer Department of Engineering cc: Angelina Conn, Department of Community Services Rachel Boone, Department of Community Services Mr. Andy Taylor November 30, 2012 RE: The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase 1 Page 6 of 6 John Duffy, Carmel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Paul Arnone, Carmel Utilities Greg Hoyes; Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg liko, Crossroad Engineers, PC issvrapps\uscr data\z:\shared\ Development Reviews \PRO.1REVl2 \Tlte Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Bloek — Phase 1 Taylor, Andy From: Mindham, Daren [dmindham @carmel.in.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:25 AM To: Taylor, Andy Cc: 'Jon Dobosiewicz'; 'Charlie Frankenberger; egershman @gershmanbrowncrowley.com; Fetahagic, Alen; Conn, Angelina V Subject: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase 1 Andy, The following email represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of landscaping. I have reviewed the drawings and offer the following comments: URBAN FORESTRY REVIEW COMMENTS 1) On sheet LS100, the perimeter landscape bufferyard along 116th St does not have adequate landscaping per Sec 7.6.B. 2) On sheet LS100, please add street trees along 116th St. as required by Sec.7.4. 3) On sheet LS100, the landscaping around any transformer boxes should be 10' from the box per normal power company requirements. 4) On sheet LS100, the foundation planting area is not 5' on the eastern retail store's east side per Sec. 7.5B. 5) On sheet LS100, the tree on the SE corner of the foundation /parking plantings for the CVS does not have 200 sq. ft. of useable soil. 6) On sheet LS100, it is hard to distinguish the site legend keys. Could the Vacated R/W and the proposed landscape setback lines be more distinctive? 7) On sheet LS100, along Springmill Rd there is a note for a 4' wooden fence. Is there a fence going in or is this wrong? Please illustrate how these comments will be addressed by letter or revised plan. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks. Sincerely, Daren Mindham Urban Forester City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 From: Taylor, Andy [ mailto :ATaylor @structurepoint.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:13 AM To: Conn, Angelina V; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; david .lucas(ahamiltoncounty.in.gov; Hohlt, William G; Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; shirley.hunter©duke-energy.com; rfarrand @ccs.k12.in.us; sk4986 @att.com Cc: Fetahagic, Alen Subject: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal 1 All: The plans and drainage report can be found in digital format at our ftp site for the TAC submittal for The Bridges — Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I project located at 116th Street and Springmill Road in Carmel, IN. Click on the link below and enter the user information to view and save the files. Username: ftpuser Password: ftppassword ftp: / /ftp.structurepoint.com/ The% 20Bridges% 20% 20Commercial %20Amenity %20Block %20- %20Phase %201/ Please let me know if there is any trouble with the files. Thanks, Andy Andrew R. Taylor, El, CFM, LEED AP Design Engineer - Civil /Site Department 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256 T 317.547.5580 E ataylor@structurepoint.com F 317.543.0270 W www.structurepoint.com !tM.EniCAN STRUCTt REPOINT Follow us on Pri Voted "Best Place to Work" 2009 -2011 DISCLAIMER: This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee, you should not disseminate, distribute, utilize, or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e -mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake, and delete this e-mail from your system. No design changes or decisions made by e-mail shall be considered part of the contract documents unless otherwise specified, and all design changes and /or decisions made by e-mail must be submitted as an RFI or a submittal unless otherwise specified. All designs, plans, specifications and other contract documents (including all electronic files) prepared by American Structurepoint shall remain the property of American Structurepoint, and American Structurepoint retains all rights thereto, including but not limited to copyright, statutory and common -law rights thereto, unless otherwise specified by contract. E -mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error -free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard -copy version. American Structurepoint, Inc., 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA, http: / /www.structurepoint.com/ http : / /www.emaildisclaimers.com / 2 November 19, 20122 Mr. Andy Taylor Structurepoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR RE: The Bridges Phase I- Project Review #1 Dear Mr. Taylor: The City received your development plans on October 23, 2012. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1 These comments represent the Department of Engineering's first review of the development plans for this project. 2. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting the requested revisions. Failure to provide written responses may result in the delay of the review process. 3. It is critical that this office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans including all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, ineluding changes resulting from Plan Commission, BZA or other committee meetings. 4. We have engaged Crossroad Engineers, PC to review all drainage plans and drainage calculations submitted to this office for review. Ifyou have not already done so, please provide a set of drainage plans and calculations to their office for review. We will share Crossroad's comments as they are received. 5. Final drawings will not be approved for construction until: a. All Engineering Department and Utility Department and Hamilton County Surveyor issues have been resolved. b. All bonds and performance guarantees are posted. c. All Board "of Public Works and Safety approvals and any other governing agency approvals (if required) are obtained. d. All off -site easements necessary to install utilities to serve the development are secured. e. SWPPP is approved. f, All fees are paid. '6. The Department reserves the right to provide additional comments based upon subsequent reviews. 7. An approved Storm Water Management Permit is required prior to commencing any earth disturbing :activity. Please contact Mr. John Thomas regarding storm eater quality requirements. 8. An approved right -ofway permit is required prior to commencing any work in the public right -of --way and for•construction equipment access from the City's right -of -way. 9. If it.will be necessary to relocate existing utilities, the costs:for such' relocation shall be borne solely by the developer. Any utility poles requiring relocation shall be relocated to within one foot ofthe outside edge of the proposed right -of -way. 10. The Department requires that the construction drawings be developed in accordance with the City of Carmel digital submission standards and that all required submittals for primary plat, secondary plat, and construction drawings be made. The digital files.must be submitted to DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE Cwic SQUARE, CAIINIE., IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAIL. engineerinffecnemel.in.gov Mr. Andy Taylor Novembera.9, 20.12 RE: The Bridges Phase I- Project Review #1 Page,2 of 4 the Department of Engineering prior to the approval of the construction plans. Please contact the CityGIS Department for the requirements. 11. Jurisdictions: a. The project site is located within current City. of Carmel Corporate. Limits. b. Perimeter Street.and,Right -of -Way — City of Carmel (Illinois Street, Spring Mill Road, 110'1' Street) c. Water— City of Carinel Utilities d. Sanitary Sewers — City of Cannel Utilities e. Storm Sewers /Drainage— City of Cannel. f. Legal. Drains — Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. 12. Drawings submitted for approval: a. The design engineer must certify all drawings. submitted for final approval. b. This offce.will require 9 sets of drawings for approval after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped as approved and signed by the City Engineer and by Carmel, Utilities. The Owner will receive 3 sets, one of which must be maintained on the construction site at all times.. If this project is subject to review and approval by the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office, a total of 11 sets will be required for final approval. 13. Carmel Utilities'will provide separate reviews of this project for water issues. Please assure that copies of all drawings.are sent to Paul Pace Paul Arnone Carmel Utilities Distribution Carmel Utilities:Collection 3450 'Wes031' Street 901 North Range Line 'Road Westfield, IN.46074 Carmel, IN 46032 14. Carmel Utilities. subscribes: to "Holey Moley" who should. be contacted. directly.for. all water main locations. 15. The.following items will.be sent electronically upon request.regarding this correspondence and project: a. Project.Approval Checklist b. Performance /Maintenance Guarantees c. Utility' Jurisdictions /Right of Way Permits. d. Availability (acreage) Fees 'BOARD OF. PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY 16. A. schedule for. Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines will be sent electronically for your use upon request. Please use theEngineering Department deadlines for submissions to the Board. 17. Any submission to the Board requires prior approval by the Carmel.Clay Plan Commission and /or theBoard of Zoning Appeals (if applicable) and completion of review by the Technical Advisory Committee; All written requests to be placed on the .Board's agenda niust-include the appropriate.Docket Number and the date (ordates) of approval by the Plan Commission and /or the Board of Zoning. Appeals (if applicable). 18. Water.Availability:and Sanitary Sewer approval from the Boardwill be required. This is an EDU approval based upon theproposed use. of the site. Reference items #33 to #35 below for additional details /explanations..Please:notethat Han entryway or other irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water-Mailability Approval from the Board will be required and additional Water Connection Fees'willbe assessed based upon.the size.and usage of the system as determined by the.Director of Carmel Utilities. 19. Coimnercial Curb Cut Approval:. Please provide 8 %vx 11 exhibits with the request for approval. 'Provide.allpertinent information including lane widths; overall width; radii; lane markings; location.of opposing drives or streets, relationship`tothe.location of previous curb cut, etc. 20. Temporary Construction Entrance Approval. Mr. Andy Taylor November 19,.2012. RE: The Bridges Phase 1- Project Review # Page 3 of4 21. The installation of any permanent, privately owned and /or maintained improvement (signs, decorative street.signs, walls, streetlights, etc.) within dedicated right of way or dedicated easements requires the :execution of a. Consent -to Encroach Agreement between the Owner :and the City of Carmel. Such agreements are executed bythe Board of Public Works and. Safety. The City Engineer may approve irrigation system. agreements. 22. Secondary Plat approval if applicable. All performance guarantees must be posted prior to submission of'secondary plats for Board of Public Works :and Safety approval. 23. Dedication .of right -of =way if not platted. This is based upon the City of Cannel 20 -Year Thoroughfare Plan requirements. Dedication documents are available upon request. Please be advised that all.Right -of -Way Dedications must be.accompanied by a Sales Disclosure Agreement completed by the owner fortheproperty being dedicated to the City. The dedication document cannot be recorded without a completed Sales 'Disclosure. The form is available upon request. 24. Any open pavement cuts of City right -of -way will require Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety approval. BONDING -REQUIREMENTS 25: Please contact Mr: Dave Barnes to review performance guarantee requirements. Please contact Mr. John •Duffy to review water and sanitary sewer bonding requirements. 26. r The amount of-the Performance Guarantee is based upon a certified Engineer's.Estimate for 100 %.ofthe cost of.labor and materials to construct.the individual :improvements, to be provided by the design engineer. .Please provide-detailed Engineer's Estimates foreach improvement including quantities, unit costs, pipe.sizes, and materials, etc. 27. Upon completion and release. of individual Performance Guarantees, a three -year Maintenance. Guarantee.will.be required ( see Street.Sign: comments above).. The Maintenance Guarantee amount is basedupon 15% ofthe Performance:amount for Streets and Curbs .and 1'0% of the Performance amount for all other improvements. 28. .Performance Guarantees may be Perfornance orSubdivision Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit. 29. Please reference the available enclosures for more detailed:explanation of our procedures. RIGHT OF WAX PERMIT AND BONDING. 30. Any work in the dedicated.right -of -way will .require an. approved Right -of -Way Permit and a License & Permit Bond. 31. The bond amount.is determined by our Right -of -Way Manager. However, if the work is included in the scope of work of a required and posted. Performance Guarantee, the Performance Guarantee may be used to satisfy the bond requirements of the Right -of -Way Pennit. 32. Please contact our Right -of- Way Manager, Fred Glaser, to arrange right -of -way permitting and bonding. AVAILABILITY AND CONNECTION FEES 33. We defer to Carmel Utilities regarding this issue. 34. If an entryway or oVerallsite irrigation system is planned for this development, additional Water Connection Fees will be assessed based upon' the size usage of the systein and upon the recoiniiendations of'the Director of Carmel Utilities. 35. These'fees are regtured to be paid prior to final approval of construction plans by Engineering and prior to issuance of building permits by Building Codes Services. Please Confirm these fees and calculations with Carmel Utilities. Mr. Andy Taylor November 19, 20.12 RE: The Bridges Phase l- Project,Review #1 Page 4 of 4 CONSTRUCTION DRAWING REVIEW COMMENTS 36. General Comments a. This project is subject to the City's Storm Water Management and Storm Water Quality Ordinances: • b. Please add the following n ote to the drawings: IF IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO RELOCATE EXISTING UTILITIES, 1' HE EXPENSE OF SUCH RELOCATION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE DEVELOPER. ALL UTILITY POLES SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN ONE FOOT OF THE PROPOSED RIGHT -OF- WAY. 37. All swales on.site must have subsurface pipe installed. Pipet() conform to requirements of Storm Water Technical Standards Manual and shall be double wall, Hancor HI -Q pipe or equivalent. 38. Please omit Sheets lS100 =LS 101, Landscape Plan; and Sheet LT100, Sit Lighting from construction: sets to be, subtnittedfor review by this department. The Department of Engineering .does not have approval authority over landscape plans or photometric plans. 39. Will this development be platted? 40. Sheet C001 — Title Sheet. a: Please remove the titles for the Landscape Plan,. Landscape Details, and Site Lighting from the Sheet Index. lfyou have questions, please contact meat 571 -2441. Sincerely, Nicholas J. Redden, P.E Plan Review Coordinator Department: of Engineering cc: Angelina Conn, .Department of Community Services John Duffy, Cannel Utilities Paul Pace, Carmel Utilities Paul Arnone, Carmel Utilities Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office Greg llko, Crossroad Engineers, PC issvrapps \user data: \ sh are d \D1IILL \PROJREV I2 \ROBERTSCAMERAPROVATOLDMI RID1ANREV #1 Q:CA i!t 0; November 19, 2012 City of Carmel Mr. Andy Taylor American Structurepoint Inc 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES RE: The Bridges PUD — Commercial Amenity Use Block, Phase 1 Dear Mr. Taylor: The following letter represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of alternative transportation. I have reviewed the project submitted for the November 21, 2012 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, and offer the following comments: Alternative Transportation Review and Comments 1) Section 10.3 A of The Bridges PUD states bicycle parking will comply with the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance. The City's Bicycle Parking Ordinance requires bicycle parking to be within fifty (50) feet of the main entrance. Please revise the plans to comply with this requirement and review the City of Carmel's Parking Ordinance in order to construction details for the required bicycle parking. 2) Section 11.2 of The Bridges PUD requires sidewalks on both sides of all interior streets. Please revise the plans to show sidewalk on both sides of the north south interior street that runs through the middle of this section. We request that all responses to our comments be provided in writing. Failure to provide written responses may result in delay of the review process. ONE CIVIC SQUARE Page 1 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 City of Carmel 4D1a0% DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES It is critical that this office be made aware of all modification made on the plans being re- submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our previous reviews. Please provide revised plans indicating all revisions. Please notify us of any changes and specifically state any changes, including changes resulting from Plan Commission, Special Studies or other committee meetings. The Department of Community Services reserves the right to provide additional comments based on subsequent reviews. If you have questions, please contact me at 571 -2417. Sincerely, David Littlejohn Alternative Transportation Coordinator Department of Community Services cc: Angie Conn, Department of Community Services Engineering Department Review Project File ONE CIVIC SQUARE Page 2 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2417 Clay Township Regional Waste District www.ctrwd.org Phone (317) 844 -9200 Fax (317) 844 -9203 November 14, 2012 Mr. Alen Fetahagic American Structurepoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 RE: The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase 1 Dear Mr. Fetahagic, The District has reviewed your submittal and we offer the following comments: 1. Are the sewers going to be public or private? If they are private is their going to be a single management company for The Bridges Development that will be performing maintenance? If they are public dedication will be necessary which will include easements. Due to the other lots not being platted at this time any sewer that extends beyond the Retail and CVS parcel will need to be shown in an easement. 2. CTRWD asks that a more extensive master plan be reviewed for sewering this development as to minimize the number of cores into manholes. CTRWD would like to see sewers extended from the south and installed with the road improvements stubbing under the roadway for future developments. 3. Please show core .20' higher than exit invert through benchwall and install a prefabricated drop manhole at next upstream manhole if depth is not needed. Internal drops are not allowed to be installed and post construction of external drops on existing manholes are not preferred due to constructability issues. 4. Angle into manhole is not acceptable as 90 degree is a minimum angle allowed from outgoing invert. 5. Please show appropriate manhole prefixes on all existing manholes. These can be found on our web site at www.ctrwd.org under Engineering on our GIS map. 6. Please modify new manhole prefixes as MH- BRI101, MH- BRI102, etc. 10701 College Avenue, Suite A., Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 -1098 7. Please do not install stub out of MH #100 as this structure can be cored upon future development. 8. If there is a possibility for a restaurant to be installed at the retail location a 1,000 gal interceptor will be required with two laterals exiting the building one for FOG and one for waste. 9. Water Feature will not be allowed to discharge to CTRWD and should be directed to the storm sewer. If there is a concern that the chlorination of the water is such that it cannot be discharged to the storm sewer, dechlorination techniques shall be implemented prior to cleaning, which will alleviate this concern. CTRWD asks that the lateral shown extending to this feature be removed. 10. Please call out saddle tap to existing main for CVS lateral. 11. Please include all necessary sanitary sewer notes and details. These can also be found at www.ctrwd.org under engineering. 12. Please include in next submittal a sanitary sewer application and a copy of your 1DEM packet. Please contact me at 844 -9200 if you have any questions. Sincerely, Ryan C. Hartman District Engineer ryan.hartman@ctrwd.org CC: File, Andy Taylor November 6, 2012 15C Submittal Mr. Alen Fetahagic, PE American Structurepoint, Inc. 7260.Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 RE: The Bridges — Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase I 116th Street and Springmill Road Technical Advisory Committee Engineering Review for Development Drainage Designs Dear Mr. Fetahagic: The stormwater review of the proposed construction plans and drainage calculations for the above referenced project has been completed. The submittal is in need of additional information in order to be in compliance with the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual (the manual). Please revise the plans in accordance with the comments below. 1. Per Article 7, Section 6 -181 of the Carmel City Code, this project is subject to a stormwater management permit and the requirements of the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. As required by the manual, the project shall include the design of a stormwater management facility which restricts the release of stormwater discharge from the site to acceptable rates. It is indicated within the Drainage Computations Summary that the project will be utilizing drainage infrastructure that was permitted through The Bridges — Mass Grading project; however, there has been no drainage approval / permit issued by either the City of Carmel Engineering Department or our office for The Bridges — Mass Grading project. Therefore, please revise the construction plans and calculations to provide an acceptable on -site detention facility for the current project, or submit the design and calculations for an off -site detention facility which meets the ordinance requirements. 2. Please revise Sheet C001, Title Sheet, to update the Docket # that is indicated. 3. Per Section 102.02.ii and iv, please revise Sheet C100, Development Plan, to include parcel ownership information, recording information, bearings and distances for all property lines, point of beginning, etc., or provide an overall topographic survey sheet that includes this information for the entire parcel. 4. Per Section 102.02.v., please revise Sheet C101 -C102, Existing Topography / Demolition Plan, to include the following information: a. All elevations shall be given in North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD). The horizontal datum of topographic map shall be based on Indiana State Plane Coordinates, NAD83. The vertical datum noted on the plans indicates a '29 datum and there is no horizontal datum indicated. Please review and revise accordingly. d. One hundred (100) year floodplains, floodway fringes, and floodways, established or identified in accordance with the City of Carmel Flood Hazard Area Ordinance. Please note if none exist. e. Identification and delineation of vegetative cover such as grass, weeds, brush, and trees on the project site. The Bridges — Commercial Amcnity Use Block Amcrican Structurepoint November 6, 2012 Pagc 1 of 3 f. Location of all storm, sanitary, combined sewer, and septic tank systems and outfalls with all top of casting elevations, invert elevations, pipe sizes, and pipe material indicated. Existing structure and pipe information shall be as -built information and not design information. (There are multiple text boxes containing the information that is cut -off by the top of the page, notably for the storm sewer for 116th Street. Please revise the viewport / page setup, so that all required information is visible.) g. Land use of alI adjacent properties. 5. Per Section 102.02.vi, please revise Sheet C300, Utility Plan, to label the pipe size and material of the proposed sanitary sewer pipe from Sanitary MH #100 to #101 to Ex. Str. 6. Per Section 102.02.vii., please include Storm Sewer Plan and Profiles with all of the required information. 7. Per Section 102.02.xi., please revise Sheets C400 -C401, Grading Plan, to include the following information: a. (See comment #4.f) Please revise the viewport / page setup so that all existing storm sewer facility information is visible. f. Proposed topographic contour information at one -foot contour interval based on NAVD 1988. (The proposed contours should be shown on Sheets C400- C402.) g. Indicate the 100 -year overflow paths and ponding areas, to be shown as hatched areas. I. Provide the typical cross - section of the proposed "temporary" swales carried to a point above the 100 -year flood elevation, and indicate the calculated 100 -year elevation for each swale. o. Indicate the flood protection grade for each building. p. Definition of minimum flood protection grade in accordance with this manual. 8. Per Section 102.03.i.a, please revise the Drainage Computations Summary to include all required pre - developed calculations and information. 9. Per Section 102.03.i.b, please revise the Drainage Computations Summary to include all required post - developed calculations and information. 10. Per Section 102.03.d, please revise the Drainage Computations Summary to include the following information: i. Revise the Proposed Storm Sewer Drainage Area Map (SSDA) to include the calculated basin runoff coefficients for each drainage basin. xiv. Hydraulic grade line calculations. 11. Per Section 104.02, the buildings lowest entry elevation that is adjacent to and facing a road shall be a minimum of 15 inches above the road elevation. This requirement should be satisfied for both buildings, and for any road frontage that the buildings are facing. Please review and revise accordingly. 12. Per Section 303.05, minimum swale slopes shall be 1.0 %; however, the "temporary" swales are designed to be at 0.30% as indicated on the plans. Please revise the slopes in accordance with Section 303.05. Any waiver request for this design standard shall be submitted directly to the City of Carmel Engineering Department. The Bridges — Commercial Amenity Use Block American Structurepoint November 6, 2012 Page 2 of 3 13. Per Section 104.01.1, all swales shall be installed with a subsurface drain. Please verify that the typical detail that is to be provided for the proposed "temporary" swales indicates that a subsurface drain is to be installed. Also, please note that the swale underdrains need to have positive outlets. 14. Please provide capacity and velocity calculations on the proposed "temporary" swales. 15. Per Section 303.07, please indicate on the plans the ponding / overflow path throughout the development resulting from a 100 -year storm event, calculated based on all contributing drainage areas, on -site and off -site, in proposed conditions with the storm sewer system assumed to be completely plugged /blocked. Calculations should be provided to verify that the MFPG /MLAG elevations to be indicated on the plans are a minimum 1 foot above the resulting highest overflow /ponding elevations throughout the development. 16. In addition to the pipe sizing calculations included in the drainage report, please provide pipe sizing calculations for the roof drain trunk line that is being proposed. 17. Please review the 853.50 spot grade elevation that is noted on Sheet C400 southeast of Sanitary MH #101. It appears that stormwater is being discharged off-site from the proposed pavement in this area. Please review and revise as necessary. Please include with your submittal, one (1) copy of the comments indicating the action taken or a written explanation for action not taken. Construction plans and drainage calculations are not to be re- submitted without implementing changes with respect to any and all review comments from the City of Carmel and the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office. The comments and plans may be submitted to my attention at the following address: CrossRoad Engineers, P.C. 3417 South Sherman Drive. Beech Grove, IN 46107 Please contact me at (317) 780 -1555 ext. 140 with any questions. Sincerely, CrossRoad Engineers, P.C. William Hall, P.E. Project Engineer copy: Gary Duncan, City of Carmel Assistant Engineer Greg Noyes, Hamilton County Surveyors Office John Thomas, City of Carmel MS4 Operator Amanda Foley, City of Carmel Engineering Department Gregory Ilko, CrossRoad Engineers, P.C. Andrew Taylor, American Structurepoint, Inc. File The Bridgcs — Commercial Amenity Use Block American Structurcpoint November 6, 2012 Page 3 of 3 Taylor, Andy From: Ron Farrand [RFarrand @ccs.kl2.in.us] Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 11:09 AM To: Taylor, Andy Cc: Aconn @carmel.in.gov Subject: RE: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase l City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal Thank -you. I have no comments. Ron Farrand Director, Facilities and Transportation Carmel Clay Schools 317- 815 -3962 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message.. From: Taylor, Andy [mailto:ATaylor @structurepoint.com] Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:49 PM To: Ron Farrand Subject: RE: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal See the attached site plans. Thanks, Andy Andrew R. Taylor, El, CFM, LEED AP Design Engineer - Civil /Site Department 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256 T 317.547.5580 E ataylor @structurepoint.com F 317.543.0270 W www.structurepoint.com AMERtCAY STRUGT[ REPOI lT t�c. Follow us on t•. Voted "Best Place to Work" 2009 -2011 1 From: Ron Farrand [ mailto:RFarrandPccs.k12.in.us] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:22 AM To: Taylor, Andy Subject: RE: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal We are not able to access FTP sites through our network. This does not appear to be anything that would generate comments relative to school transportation but if you could send a site plan via PDF I could verify. Ron Farrand Director, Facilities and Transportation Carmel Clay Schools 317 -815 -3962 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. From: Taylor, Andy [ mailto :ATaylorOstructurepoint.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:13 AM To: aconnOcarmel.in.gov; awold(0carmel.in.gov; dmindham(@carmel.in.gov; dlittlejohn(tcarmel.in.gov; plux@carmel.in.gov; Duncan, Gary R; afoley(acarmel.in.gov; nredden @carmel.in.gov; dbarnes(@carmel.in.gov; david .lucas@hamiltoncountv.in.ciov; whohlt@carmel.in.gov; iblanchard@ carmel.in.ciov; iduffyOcarmel.in.gov; tkrueskamp(a carmel.in.gov; shirley.hunterPduke- energy.com; Ron Farrand; sk4986Patt.com Cc: Fetahagic, Alen Subject: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal All: The plans and drainage report can be found in digital format at our ftp site for the TAC submittal for The Bridges — Commercial Amenity Block - Phase! project located at 116th Street and Springmill Road in Carmel, IN. Click on the link below and enter the user information to view and save the files. Username: ftpuser Password: ftppassword ftp: / /ftp.structurepoint.com/ The% 20Bridges% 20% 20Commercial %20Amenity %20Block %20 %20Phase %201/ Please let me know if there is any trouble with the files. Thanks, Andy Andrew R. Taylor, El, CFM, LEED AP Design Engineer - Civil /Site Department 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256 T 317.547.5580 E ataylor @structurepoint.com 2 F 317.543.0270 W www.structurepoint.com AtdE$ $CAN STRUCTUREPOINT Ihc. Follow us on Voted "Best Place to Work" 2009 -2011 DISCLAIMER: This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee, you should not disseminate, distribute, utilize, or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e -mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake, and delete this e-mail from your system. No design changes or decisions made by e- mail shall be considered part of the contract documents unless otherwise specified, and all design changes and /or decisions made by e-mail must be submitted as an RFI or a submittal unless otherwise specified. All designs, plans, specifications and other contract documents (including all electronic files) prepared by American Structurepoint shall remain the property of American Structurepoint, and American Structurepoint retains all rights thereto, including but not limited to copyright, statutory and common -law rights thereto, unless otherwise specified by contract. E -mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error -free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required, please request a hard -copy version. American Structurepoint, Inc., 7260Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256, USA, http: / /www.structurepoint.com/ http : / /www.emaildisclaimers.com / Conn, Angelina V From: Mindham, Daren Sent: Wednesday, October 31, 2012 11:25 AM To: 'Taylor, Andrew' Cc: 'Jon Dobosiewicz'; 'Charlie Frankenberger'; 'egershman @gershmanbrowncrowley.com'; 'Fetahagic, Alen'; Conn, Angelina V Subject: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I Andy, The following email represents comments for this project specifically addressing the area of landscaping. I have reviewed the drawings and offer the following comments: URBAN FORESTRY REVIEW COMMENTS 1) On sheet LS100, the perimeter landscape bufferyard along 116th St does not have adequate landscaping per Sec. 7.6.B. 2) On sheet LS100, please add street trees along 116th St. as required by Sec.7.4. 3) On sheet LS100, the landscaping around any transformer boxes should be 10' from the box per normal power company requirements. 4) On sheet LS100, the foundation planting area is not 5' on the eastern retail store's east side per Sec. 7.5.B. 5) On sheet LS100, the tree on the SE corner of the foundation /parking plantings for the CVS does not have 200 sq. ft. of useable soil. 6) On sheet LS100, it is hard to distinguish the site legend keys. Could the Vacated R/W and the proposed landscape setback lines be more distinctive? 7) On sheet LS100, along Springmill Rd there is a note for a 4' wooden fence. Is there a fence going in or is this wrong? Please illustrate how these comments will be addressed by letter or revised plan. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks. Sincerely, Daren Mindham Urban Forester City of Carmel Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 From: Taylor, Andy [ mailto :ATaylorOstructureooint.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:13 AM To: Conn, Angelina V; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda 3; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; david .lucasOhamiltoncountv.in.gov; Hohlt, William G; Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; shirley.hunterOduke- eneray.com; rfarrandCa>ccs.k12.in.us; sk4986C@att.com Cc: Fetahagic, Alen Subject: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal Conn, Angelina V From: Ron Farrand [RFarrand @ccs.k12.in.us] Sent: Friday, October 26, 2012 11:09 AM To: Taylor, Andy Cc: Conn, Angelina V Subject: RE: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal Thank -you. I have no comments. Ron JarrancJ Director, racilities and] ransportation Carmel Clay Schools 317 - 815 -3962 Confidentiality Notice: This e-mail message, including any attachments, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged information. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply e-mail and destroy all copies of the original message. From: Taylor, Andy [ mailto :ATaylor @structurepoint.com] Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2012 2:49 PM To: Ron Farrand Subject: RE: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal See the attached site plans. Thanks, Andy Andrew R. Taylor, El, CFM, LEED AP Design Engineer - Civil /Site Department 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, IN 46256 T 317.547.5580 E atavlor@structurepoint.com F 317.543.0270 W www.structurepoint.com AMERICAN STRUCTUREPOINT Follow us on Voted `Best Place to Work" 2009 -2011 1 'C ➢2R° of Carmel Carmel' Pp ice jpar anent a'J CiTiC StrUCLITe Carmel, India iia 46032 October 24, 2012 Andy Taylor American StructurePoint, Inc. 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, IN 46256 RE: Project Number: 201001114 116th St & Spring Mill Rd_Carmel_GBC Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase 1 Plans Dear Mr. Taylor: The above mentioned project has been received and reviewed. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Timothy J. Green Chief of Police TJG :vb cc: Dept. of Community Services (317) 571 -2500 A Nationally Accredited Law'Enforcement Agency F (317) 5711 -25Il2 Conn, Angelina V From: Taylor, Andy [ATaylor @structurepoint.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2012 10:13 AM To: Conn, Angelina V; Donahue -Wold, Alexia K; Mindham, Daren; Littlejohn, David W; Lux, Pamela K; Duncan, Gary R; Foley, Amanda J; Redden, Nick; Barnes, David R; david.lucas©hamiltoncounty.in.gov; Hohlt, William G; Blanchard, Jim E; Duffy, John M; Krueskamp, Theresa A; shirley.hunter©duke-energy.com; rfarrand©ccs.k12.in.us; sk4986 ©att.com Cc: Fetahagic, Alen Subject: The Bridges - Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I City of Carmel TAC Digital Submittal All: The plans and drainage report can be found in digital format at our ftp site for the TAC submittal for The Bridges — Commercial Amenity Block - Phase I project located at 116th Street and Springmill Road in Carmel, IN. Click on the link below and enter the user information to view and save the files. Username: ftpuser Password: ftppassword ftp: / /ftp.structurepoint.com/ The% 20Bridges% 20-% 20Commercial ° %20Amenity %20Block %20- %20Phase %201/ Please let me know if there is any trouble with the files. Thanks, Andy Andrew R. Taylor, El, CFM, LEED AP Design Engineer - Civil /Site Department 7 260 Shacieland Station, Indiana IN 4615 6 T 3:3 .547.558 +6 E ataylor @structurepoint.corn F 317.543.02K W www.structurepoint.corn STRUCTIJREPDINT us on Voted "Best Place to Work" 2009 -2011 DISCLAIMER: This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee, you should not disseminate, distribute, utilize, or copy this e -mail. Please notify the sender immediately by e -mail if you have received this e -mail by mistake, and delete this e -mail from your system. No design changes or decisions made by e -mail shall be considered part of the contract documents unless otherwise specified, and all design changes and /or decisions made by e -mail must be submitted as an RFI or a submittal unless otherwise specified. All designs, plans, specifications and other contract documents (including all electronic files) prepared by American Structurepoint shall remain the 1 AMERICAN T STTUREPOIN INC. 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.0270 www.structurepoint.com We are sending you: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL • Enclosed ❑ Separately Time: Date: Deliver by: Date: 10/19/12 Billing Phase: 02200 Project Number: 201001114 Billing Task: 02210 Project Description: 116th St & Spring Mill Rd_Carmel_GBC Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase I Plans via ® Mail n As Requested ❑ Messenger n For Your Information ❑ Overnight For Your Review & Comment ❑ ❑ Angie Conn /Alexa Donahue -Wold Dept Of Community Services (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3`d Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Daren Mindham Urban Forestry (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3rd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ David Littlejohn Alt. Transportation Systems (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3`d Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Pam Lux Addressing Contact Person (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3rd Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Dave Huffman Carmel Street Dept 3400 West 131st Street Westfield, IN 46074 ❑ John Thomas,Stormwater Adm Carmel Engineering Dept One Civic Square, 1st Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Greg Hoyes Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Sq, Suite 188 Noblesville, IN 46060 ❑ Gregory Ilko, PE Cross Road Engineers 3417 South Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 ❑ Gary Duncan /Nick Redden Carmel Engineering Department One Civic Square, 1st Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ David Lucas Hamilton County Highway Dept. 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 ❑ Bill Hohlt /Jim Blanchard Carmel Building & Code Services One Civic Square, 1st Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ John Duffy Carmel City Utilities 760 Third Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Tim Green Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Chris Ellison Office of Fire Chief, Station No. 1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Terry Krueskamp City of Carmel- Information Systems Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ❑Mark Westermeier Carmel /Clay Parks Department 1411 East 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 ❑ Jason Lemaster Hamilton County Health Dept 18030 Foundation Drive, Suite A Noblesville IN 46060 ❑ Brooke Gajownik Hamilton County Sheriff's Office 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville IN 46060 NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT FREDRIC LAWRENCE JAMES A. NICKLOY Angie Conn City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3105 EAST 98TH STREET, SUITE 170 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 PHONE: 317- 844 -0106 FACSIMILE: 317- 846 -8782 October 19, 2012 Re: Development Plan — The Bridges Commercial Amenity ADLS — The Bridges - CVS ADLS — The Bridges Commercial Amenity Use Block — Dear Angie: ANE- BrMERRILL, Of Counsel JON C. DOBOSIEWICZ, Land Use Professional Use Block — Phase 1 Commercial Building Enclosed you will find one Development Plan Application and two ADLS applications for the above noted items. Our anticipated schedule is as follows: November 21 December 18 January 2 January 15 TAC Plan Commission Public Hearing Special Studies Committee Plan Commission (date subject to forwarding by committee) We will soon be conferring with you to further discuss the request. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER, P.C. Jon C. Dobosiewicz Land Use Professional Attachments AMERICAN RUC • STRUCTUREPOINT 7260 Shadeland Station, Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 TEL 317.547.5580 FAX 317.543.0270 www.structurepoint.com We are sending you: LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL ® Enclosed ❑ Separately Time: Date: Deliver by: 12:00 PM 10/19/12 Date: 10/19/12 Billing Phase: 02200 Project Number: 201001114 Billing Task: 02210 Project Description: 116th St & Spring Mill Rd_Carmel_GBC Commercial Amenity Use Block — Phase I Plans via ® Mail n As Requested ❑ Messenger ❑ For Your Information ❑ Overnight ® For Your Review & Comment I Angie Conn /Alexa Donahue -Wold ►1 Daren Mindham /1 David Littlejohn Dept Of Community Services (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3`d Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Urban Forestry (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3`d Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Alt. Transportation Systems (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3`d Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ' Pam Lux ►1 Dave Huffman // John Thomas,Stormwater Adm Addressing Contact Person (DOCS) One Civic Square, 3`d Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel Street Dept 3400 West 1315` Street Westfield, IN 46074 Carmel Engineering Dept One Civic Square, 1st Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ►� Greg Hoyes 11 Gregory Ilko, PE /1 Gary Duncan /Nick Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Sq, Suite 188 Noblesville, IN 46060 Cross Road Engineers 3417 South Sherman Drive Beech Grove, IN 46107 Redden /Amanda Foley /Dave Barnes Carmel Engineering Department One Civic Square, 1st Floor Carmel, IN 46032 ■ David Lucas ■ Bill Hohlt/Jim Blanchard ►t John Duffy Hamilton County Highway Dept. 1700 South 10th Street Noblesville, IN 46060 Carmel Building & Code Services One Civic Square, 1St Floor Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel City Utilities 760 Third Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 ►1 Tim Green 0 Chris Ellison ►1 Terry Krueskamp Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Office of Fire Chief, Station No. 1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 City of Carmel- Information Systems Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 //Mark Westermeier 0 Jason Lemaster // Brooke Gajownik Carmel /Clay Parks Department 1411 East 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 Hamilton County Health Dept 18030 Foundation Drive, Suite A Noblesville IN 46060 Hamilton County Sheriff's Office 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville IN 46060 Dear TAC members, The following plans are being submitted to you or your review. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call our office at (317) 547 -5580. Please return: Copies of: Trans: Enclosure: To: Copies to this office Very truly yours American Structurepoint, Inc. By: Andy Taylor, El, LEED AP ►/ Jason Kirkman Shirley Hunter /5 Gary McNamee, Asset Protection Brighthouse Networks 3030 Roosevelt Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 Duke Energy 16475 Southpark Drive Westfield, IN 46074 Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. 27227 Central Avenue Columbus, IN 47201 // Joanie Clark Dan Davenport I Duane Whiting Vectren Energy PO Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46061 -1700 Indianapolis Power and Light 1230 West Morris Street Indianapolis, IN 46221 Indianapolis Water Company 1220 Waterway Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46206 ►/ Ron Farrand ■ Ryan Hartman I Troy Yackle Carmel /Clay Schools 5185 East Main Street Carmel, IN 46033 Clay Township Regional Waste Dist 10701 North College Avenue, Suite A Indianapolis, IN 46280 Panhandle Eastern Pipeline Truckline Gas Company 9371 Zionsville Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Postmaster /Doland Wise ►l Steven Krebs Carmel Post Office /USPS 275 Medical Drive Carmel, IN 46032 -9998 Carmel AT &T Engineer 5858 N. College Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 Dear TAC members, The following plans are being submitted to you or your review. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please call our office at (317) 547 -5580. Please return: Copies of: Trans: Enclosure: To: Copies to this office Very truly yours American Structurepoint, Inc. By: Andy Taylor, El, LEED AP