HomeMy WebLinkAbout218622 03/25/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350969 Page 1 of 1 01 � ONE CIVIC SQUARE SHIEL SEXTON COMPANY, INC CHECK AMOUNT: $35,930.70 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 902 N CAPITOL AVE .y,roN`o INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204 CHECK NUMBER: 218622 CHECK DATE: 3/25/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 902 4460807 72 35, 930 . 70 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE r February 28,2013 Mr. Les Olds,Director Carmel Redevelopment Commission City of Carmel 30 West Main Street,Suite 220 Carmel,IN 46032 RE- Parcel 7A, Regional Performing Arts Center Construction Management Services-Shiel Sexton Job#2695 Payment Application 72(February,2013) The following is a summary of Shiel Sexton's billable expenses.- CM STAFF February,2013 2695-64 $ 31,387.50 CM GENERAL CONDITIONS February, 2013 2695-64 $ - CM REIMBURSABLES February,2013 2695-64 $ 4,54320 TOTAL DUE 35,936. If you have any questions please call me at 223-5011. Sincerely, {{(( vid C. rc d Construction Manager Shiel Sexton Company, Inc_ 902 North Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46204 Invoice Disbursement Schedule Contract: 2695-CARMEL-PAC-CONSTRUCTION Invoice: 2695-64 02/28/13 Item:10-CM Staff Labor =: z saga`'.:> e ids; t}rri!:i21 ��i is =i;SIT Weeks`o�:11�13;}_ Sr. PM-2 men-salary 182.00 Hrs @$110.00 20,020.00 Superintendent- 1 man-salary 4:00 Hrs @$105.00 420.00 Project Engineer- 1 man-salary 4.00 Hrs @$80.00 320.00 Project Coordinator-4 men-hourly 163.5 Hrs @$65.00 10,627.50 Total Hours 353.50 TOTAL Labor 31,387.50 i Material TOTAL Material - Subcontract TOTAL Subcontract - Item:10-CM Staff 31,387.50 Item:20-CM General Conditions Material TOTAL Material - Item:20-CM General Conditions - Item:30-CM Reimbursables Material Shiel Sexton-steel inspection work supplies 02/05/13 thru 02/19/13 609.21 Shie[Sexton-steel inspection work supplies 02/18/13&02/27/13 103.68 Shiel Sexton-travel expenses 02/28/13 1,960.31 Crown Concrete Cutting 5437 395.00 Crown Concrete Cutting 5431 1,475.00 TOTAL Material 4,543.20 Item:30-CM Reimbursables 4,543.20 i ; I Summary 10-CM Staff 31,387.50 20-CM General Conditions - 30-CM Reimbursables 4,543.20 CURRENT DUE : 35,930.70 Center for the Performing Arts Expense Report Form EMPLOYEE NAMEQ."37uilke'Ailil'efsblt PERIOD COVERED FROM 2.5.13 TO 2.19.13 Each Expense Should Be Entered As A Separate Line Item And in the Appropriate Column PER DIEMS COMPANY Project# or Account Phase Code Regular TRANSPORTATION MEALS & CREDIT CARD DATE BUSINESS PURPOSE Paid To Code PURCHASES Car Milea elParkln INCIDENTALS CHARGES 2.5.13 Steel inspection work supplies Lowes 2895 01.156 $ 153.52 2.6.13 Steel inspection work supplies Are 2695 01.156 $ 48.00 2.10.13 Steel inspection work supplies Lowes 2695 01.156 $ 135.31 2.13.13 Steel Inspection work supplies Ace 2695 01.156 $ 42.28 2.15.13 Steel inspection work supplies Lowes 2695 01.156 $ 19.44 2.15,13 Steel inspection work supplies Ace 2695 01.156 $ 25.65 2.18.13 Steel ins ectlon work supplies Ace 2695 01.158 $ 8.01 Replace damaged shop vac borrowed from cleaning crew that was damaged 2.19.13 (quit working)by concrete dust. Lowes 2695 01.156 $ 179.00 to Subtotal is is Is 609,21 $ EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE — Notes: TOTAL EXPENSES $ 609.21 -A receipt is raqulred for each Individual expense x Cj 1F.rdmaxc DATE: 2.19.13 LESS ADVANCES RECEIVED -"Regular Purchases","Transponsdon","Meals","Per - tepr l ij G 1 D P1L'DU Dlems",and"Incidentals"Columns should reflect Dollar Amount of Reimbursement APPROVED BY: "Paid To"shoud be name of restaurant,etc.,not credit card used -Per Diem items should be labeled as such in the"Paid to"column DATE: -Total Miles To Be Reimbursed should be listed In the"Paid To"Column -List Travel point from and to in the"Business Purpose" column for mileage reimbursements C:IDocuments and SettingaWburchar1ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fi1es1Content.Outlook1856JCYM11Expense Report 2 19 13 Center for the Performing Arts Expense Report Form -xv.T 1Y`1. EMPLOYEE NAME�°Ff rl$ilil�e�A�iGei�ii`'.: PERIOD COVERED FROM 2.18.13 TO 2.28.13 Each Expense Should Be Entered As A Separate Line Item And In the Appropriate Column PER DIEMS COMPANY Project# or Account Phase Code Regular TRANSPORTATION MEALS & CREDIT CARD DATE BUSINESS PURPOSE Paid To Code PURCHASES Car Mllea efParkin INCIDENTALS CHARGES Steel Inspection work supplies (Can of 2.18.13 air&computer mouse) Target 2695 01.156 $ 13.89 2.27.13 Materil to close up gutters Ace Hardware 2695 01.156 $ 89.79 2.28.13 Visit WPMoore in Dallas American Airlines 2695 01.156 $ 1,351.60 2.28.13 Visit WPMoore in Dallas American Airlines 2695 01.156 $ 68.10 2..28.13 Visit WPMoore in Dallas American Airlines 2695 01.156 $ 70.13 2.28.13 Visit WPMoore in Dallas Holiday Inn Orbitz 2895 01.156 $ 470.48 to Subtotal $ 574.18 $ 1,489.63 $ $ EMPLOYEE'S SIGNATURE Notes: TOTAL EXPENSES $ 2,063.99 -A receipt is required for each Individual expense 79 914W,4ndoM DATE: 2.26.13 LESS ADVANCES RECEIVED -"Regular Purchases",'TransportaFlen',"Meals","Per I';?vj�iLl.0 x,F ri:IOTA'E;DIJE+ Diems",and"Incldentais'Columns should reflect Dollar . ., Amount of Reimbursement APPROVED BY: -"Paid To"should be name of restaurant,etc„not credit card used -Per Diem items should be labeled as such In the"Paid to"column DATE: -Total Miles To Be Reimbursed should be listed In the"Paid To"Column -List Travel point from and to in the"Business Purpose" column for mileage reimbursements CADocuments and Sett€ngsldburchaAl-ocal SettingslTemperary Internet FlleMContent.Out1ook1B56JCYM1\Expense Report 3 1 13 Concrete Cutting Crown & coring, LLe '96 AV Invoice all]To _ FEB �'1 Z�13 aaea I Invoice a VIVD13 5437 Shiel Sexton Co. 902 Capital Ave. Terms Due Bate Indianapolis,LN46204 laazo 3r1o/20i3 "ect Name Ordered B job p P.O.too. Palladium-Carmd Mike MderspD Amount Work performed on 02/1211013: 1-8"hole in a 5"-6 1/2"on tin floor. Crown provided Iabor below. All work completed as dirmtcd. 395.00 Thank you for your bushes& Balance Due 5395.00 Thank you for your prompt pmytoanL Slab Cutting-Wall Cutting-Coring-Mlseellaneous Demolition-Free Fstinmes24 Hour Service 5817 West 73rd Street-Indianapolis 1N 46279-(3I7)299-9400-Fax(317)299-9467 i Crown ins, Lw Invoice Ml To Date �olce it - 2f[&12013 5431 Shiel Sexton Co. FEB ` 1 M3 902 Capital Ave. Tarms Due Date Indianapolis,IN 46204 Net 20 3/10!20]3 Project Name Ordered EIV .lob# P.O.No. Palladium-Canml M,-kc oIO M r;,r4 P o i Description Amount Work performed on 02108/2013: First Opening I-12"hole in 6"filled block wall. I-12"bole in 4 112"filled block wall. j Broke out to create a 2'x 2'opening. i Second Opening Crown broke out a 2'x 2'opening in an 8"filled block wall- All work completed as directed. 1,475.00 i I Tbank you for your business Balance Due $1,475.00 Tbank yaa for your prompt paya¢nt. Slab Cutting-Wall Cutting-Coring-Miscellaneous Demolition-Free Estunates24 Noun Se-iu 5817 West 73rd Street-Indianapolis IN 46278-(317)299-9400-Fax(317)299-9467 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Forth No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 7' S�iie I Sex�On �mp�n�/ , 1 n�• Purchase Order No. 1�2 /�or�ti C�Ni 1171 Ave Terms t 11d II S 62 Q Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) o Febrw 01 2-00 3f 93 Total 3 J� 70 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. S� LOWED 20 >�le� i'�oh �omw�n� , Inc.-1pf• IN SUM OF q02 1 i4►1 'S .Z Z. $ 70 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR qo) Board Members o PT.# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 001- 72, W6-010? 35 910.70 or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 3-/S .2013 ignature Executive Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if Carmel Redevelopment Commission claim paid motor vehicle highway fund