MARCH 25, 2013
1. (V) Maki-Kapostasy Home, Lot 72 C.W. Wiedler's Addition (by Blackwell Park).
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
Docket No. 13030006 V ZO CH: 23D.03.C.3.c.iii.a 45% Max lot coverage, 53% requested
The site is located at 317 2nd Ave NE. The site is zoned R-3/Residence, within the Old Town Overlay
Zone. Filed by Justin Moffett with the Old Town Design Group.
zz CT4,. ''''''"*V 7. r ..,, .-4141A> ,'r`f," ! '�'' -474.14 General Info:
6-' i' y+ :t ' i The Petitioner requests variance approval to
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err t 'I d,F, A fe r7 i build a new home and garage in Old Town that
i'.'' � 4 A ",a r ,< E +`„ ` ',- � Xr : , ? will cover the lot more than the permitted 45%.
'�; ��: n t, , t'414 . ', The lot is surrounded by single-family
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.mss.P F= 'W, S )' ..�' p„y 7 rx t properties. Please refer to the petitioner's ik»t, p ' �r t " rz f / information packet for more details.
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'1�,',7w Analysis:
r�,f a . � t 4' � 1 41: �" a7 This property is located in Old Town where lots
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�- are typically smaller and the maximum lot
e Y :.. r Nth 1' '. N;t i n r 9•''fit-f�' �j - r,� .,, r..
•` Nol - ,,,_Ill' y 1 '' '�7 , 1 •, ;• ? coverage is permitted at a higher percentage.,,�„Si F'� r s.. '—'7,,,,," , .- �. than other areas of the city. 35% lot coverage
/— r 4.3rd StreeYNE' 41, v Y g
1 +— I �� {s ' 1 is permitted in other single family zoning
,' {°rk ;t,'+� r 4' ' , r , Al `'I jr:,,. districts,but 45% is permitted in Old Town.
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of i,�� r ,,,r-,47-- This maximum lot coverage and the size of the
. -. 'c s ii,, ti y ,11 ' lot,at only 6,960 square feet result in a
' s . fyK) difficulty in designing the home.
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s� ± -:y, ._ 1 a4 ;1. A. I —- The design of this home puts the lot coverage at
about 51.6%, but all other Old Town Overlay
setbacks and architectural regulations can be met. The architecture of the new home and garage will be complimentary to
the character of Old Town and nearby properties. Adjacent properties should not be affected in a substantially adverse
manner and this should not have a negative effect on the community. The Department is in support of this variance
Petitioner's Findings of Fact:
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals, and general
welfare of the community because: 8% variance of lot coverage requested in order to accommodate owners
desired floor plan. Present zoning would allow up to 70% coverage with a two-family residence.
Architecture of home shall be similar to other homes in the neighborhood.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variances will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because: the quality of the home and architectural design will be similar to
surrounding homes. The increase in lot coverage will allow the owner more square footage of living space on
the main level.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result in practical
difficulties in the use of the property because: the owner would be unable to build the desired main level
living space resulting in more square footage on the second level.
Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services recommends positive consideration of Docket No. 13030006 V.