HomeMy WebLinkAbout218973 04/09/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00350965 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OMNI CENTRE FOR PUBLIC MEDIA,INC CHECK AMOUNT: $21,058.72 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 Po Box 302 CARMEL IN 46082-0302 CHECK NUMBER: 218973 CHECK DATE: 4/9/2013 I DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1701 4239099 005493 20 . 00 OTHER MISCELLANOUS 1203 4341970 26757 005522 110 . 50 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 26757 005523 2, 829 . 17 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4351501 26756 005543 6, 427 . 92 EQUIPMENT MAINT CONTR 1120 4350900 005544 722 . 01 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 005545 294 . 51 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1120 4350900 005546 5, 174 . 92 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1203 4341970 26757 005547 3 , 802 . 59 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1120 4350900 005548 1, 054 . 09 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1203 4341970 26757 005550 232 . 50 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT 1203 4341970 26757 005552 390 . 51 CABLE CHANNEL PRODUCT f f, r - --- � omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 3/26%2013 005543 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date : Ship Via;:: Project CA1776 NET 15 Days 4/10/2013 3/26/2013 CA1776 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Rendering-Social M... 1-8-13 render and upload Water Plant Ribbon Cutting to �lI:26667! I 25.00 31.67 YouTube �! I Producer Time 1-8-13 program TelVue ;, 10„733331 -, 85.00 62.33 Producer Time 1-9-13 fixing slide problem on TelVue system 10:31667 85.00 26.92 i.l,lf ...I ?Jic Producer Time 1-10-13 preparing streaming link and sending link to Richard j 0333331 !:=; 85.00 28.33 for New Water Plant Ribbon Cutting Producer Time 1-15-13 program TelVue 0:36667! 85.00 31.17 Producer Time 1-15-13 email Richard stream link for State of the City '` :0115 i 85.00 12.75 Producer Time Research Correspondence with Granicus Uploader Error i'1 16 2 j 05 �'1 85.00 174.25 �i i i:c: Ii Duplication-4 1-15-13 make 4 DVD's of promos for OMNI Archive Library, ! 14 ;I 5.00 20.00 Veterans Day Promo and Holiday on the Square Promo E {{ is III Producer Time 1-15-13 enter DVD's in DVD Archive Database, Veterans Day I, 01-:583331 ? 85.00 134.58 Promo 2012,State of the City 2012, Holiday on the Square l Promo 2012,Veterans Day 2012 Producer Time Teleconference With Granicus Support Regarding Granicus I! 1q 667] _; 85.00 103.42 Uploader Issues f i i Ji r il Producer Time 1-17-13 preparing list of recurring shows and promos for 1:4 - _! 85.00 120.42 Sandra's meeting Ie!j l ��,VIII I 1667 : _ Producer Time 1-17-13 program TelVue Ii,10 36667 _� 85.00 31.17 1 is _ Project Coordinator meeting and prep I 2,5 1J '0-,125.00 312.50 ,r'�".3. f r is Producer Time 1-21-13 program TelVue 3:083331 ::_, 85.00 262.08 Producer Time Setup/Integrate Granicus BPW Content to Appropriate j 11.63333' ;_i 85.00 138.83 Folders for Public Access Producer Time Backup Edit Station Hard Drive Data of Carmel Projects to 3:38333 1, J 85.00 287.58 OMNI Archive Library I r�IIIII Producer Time 1-23-13 program TelVue ! .0;111667 85.00 9.92 Producer Time 1-23-13 preparing list of recurring promos for Sandra's .I 1178333 85.00 151.58 meeting � IIIII E Producer Time 1-25-13 preparing list of recurring promos I 0„d8333 85.00 41.08 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. III I I hIJ I i 1 itl Totallll� I'll I { PI'la�lymlel ntlls/Credits (li CI I��J !I I III kl d It1 Balance Due Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org y http://wuvw.omnicentre.org Pagel II 1 .I 1111 !i I' i omni Centre Professional :Services Invoice iDRCOBt'ICYF�MCOfiVOW.cn The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date. Invoice, # 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 3/26/2013 005543 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1776 NET 15 Days 4/10/2013 3/26/2013 CA1776 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 1-28-13 program TelVue 0.26667 85.00 22.67 Producer Time 1-29-13 program TelVue 0.18333 85.00 15.58 Producer Time 1-29-13 make list of recurring promos 0.36667 85.00 31.17 Setup&/or Transfer Transfer Valentine's Day Art Walk Promo Broadcast Video 0.4 150.00 60.00 File to Channel 16 Producer Time 1-29-13 calling Brighthouse about Channel 16 looking grainy 0.26667 85.00 22.67 Rendering Valentine's Day Art Walk Promo-Export Video Stream File 0.26667 75.00 20.00 for CRC Review Rendering Valentine's Day Art Walk Promo-Export Second Video 0.31667 75.00 23.75 Stream File for CRC Review Producer Time 1-29-13 make list of recurring promos 0.31667 85.00 26.92 Producer Time 1-29-13 make list of recurring promos 1.16667 85.00 99.17 Producer Time Program Valentine's Gallery Walk Promo into Government 0.53333 85.00 45.33 Channel Playlist Producer Time 1-30-13 reset publishing point for CGC16 five streaming 0.21667 85.00 18.42 Producer Time 1-30-13 restarting streaming computer CGC16 0.5 85.00 42.50 Producer Time 1-31-13 program TelVue 0.28333 85.00 24.08 Producer Time 2-1-13 program TelVue 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Producer Time 2-6-13 working on annual promo list 0.48333 _85.00 41.08 Producer Time 2-6-13 working on annual promo list 0.45 85.00 38.25 Producer Time Contact TelVue Support Regarding HD Video Implementation 0.15 85.00 12.75 to Carmel Broadcast Server Project Coordinator meeting and prep 2.5 125.00 312.50 Project Coordinator Meeting with Nancy and program overview 3.5 125.00 437.50 Producer Time Meeting with Sandra Over Production Schedule/Client 0.95 85.00 80.75 Correspondence Producer Time Add Event Dates to,Production Calendar/Client 1.3 85.00 110.50 Correspondence It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 2 1 • i ' 4 � 1 - • - • THE � �omni Centre s I The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Professional Service nvoice Inc. Date Invoice# 1.2316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302' Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 3/26/2013 005543 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1776 NET 15 Days 4/10/2013 3/26/2013 CA1776 Carmel 0... Item Description ; (Quantity , Rate Amount Producer Time Meeting Over Upcoming Carmel Jobs/Compose Production j 0:.78333 ' ; 85.00 66.58 Time List for Event Promotional Ads ; I Producer Time 2-19-13 meeting with Sandra about City of Carmel Promos 0.:918333 85.00 83.58 and figuring editing times for promos Producer Time 2-19-13 working with and restarting streaming computer, etc... 0.58333 85.00 49.58 Producer Time 2-22-13 program TelVue 0.18333 85.00 15.58 Producer Time Extract Carmel Flash Video From Website/Research 113333 85.00 147.33 Upload File(s) 2-26-13 upload Chief Hoffman MPEG file to TelVue video ; i ;1:5 i ; i'i 25.00 37.50 server Producer Time 2-27-13 program TelVue ;0,8 f 85.00 68.00 Producer Time 2-27-13 program TelVue 11 667 ` 85.00 94.92 Producer Time Backup Hard Drive Content to Disc/Put in OMNI Archive �135 85.00 369.75 Rendering 2-28-13 render.mp4 file of Chief Hoffman video to upload to 10135 r 75.00 26.25 YouTube ,II ►1 Rendering-Social M... 2-28-13 upload Chief Hoffman video to YouTube 1:46667 25.00 36.67 Rendering 2-28-13 render 2 DVD's of Chief Hoffman video for OMNI � !0:33333 I " 75.00 25.00 ' :I: Library 10 l ll G Rendering 2-28-13 render.wmv streaming file for Chief Hoffman video 1 2i 3333 E j 75.00 17.50 Upload File(s) 2-28-13 upload .wmv streaming file of Chief Hoffman video to i 0 25 (� 25.00 6.25 video server,to be used by Carmel website, and email link info Duplication-4 2-28-13 make 4 DVD duplications of Chief Hoffman video for 4 5.00 20.00 Chief Hoffman Graphics Creation 2-28-13 create DVD label for Chief Hoffman video 0.51667 120.00 62.00 Producer Time 3-1-13 develop and print DVD labels for Chief Hoffman video 0.5 85.00 42.50 and attach to DVD's Producer Time 3-4-13 enter DVD's in OMNI Archive Library for Matt Hoffman 0.5 85.00 42.50 show Producer Time 3-6-13 email Nancy questions about airing all City Meetings 0.41667 85.00 35.42 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 3 ' 'i Ii t A omrii Centre . The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Professional Services Invoice Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box-302 Carmel. IN 46082=0302 USA 3/26/2013 005543 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1776 NET 15 Days 4/10/2013 3/26/2013 CA1776 Carmel 0... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 3-7-13 program TelVue 0.95 85.00 80.75 Producer Time 3-7-13 email Nancy about airing City Meetings 0.58333 85.00 49.58 Producer Time 3-7-13 enter on production schedule all City of Carmel 2.41667 85.00 205.42 meetings that we will replay and when to pickup the DVD's for the entire year Producer Time 3-8-13 contact Hal about Parks Meeting DVD's 0.21667 85.00 18.42 Producer Time 3-8-13 enter on production schedule all City of Carmel 1.06667 85.00 90.67 meetings that we will replay and when to pickup the DVD's for the entire year Graphics Creation 3=8-13 developing lower 1/3 graphic to be used with replay of 0.85 120.00 102.00 City Meetings on CGC16 Producer Time 3-11-13 program Telvue 0.2 85.00 17.00 Graphics Creation 3-12-13 working on graphic to use over Meeting Replays and 1.51667 120.00 182.00 email sample Producer Time 3-13-13 writing up job orders for all new meeting replays 0.28333 85.00 24.08 Producer Time 3-13-13 writing up job orders for all new meeting replays 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Producer Time 3-14-13 program TelVue 0.16667 85.00 14.17 Producer Time Clear Space/Archive Data on Mac 2 RAID Drive 2.03333 85.00 172.83 Producer Time 3-18-13 reset streaming server 0.2 85.00 17.00 Producer Time 3-19-13 program TelVue 0.38333 85.00 32.58 Producer Time 3-26-13 research Internet access to BPW Meetings on City 0.46667 85.00 39.67 Website and Granicus, contact Nancy and Melanie about this Producer Time 3-27-13 calling Mike McBride about shooting road updates 0.13333 85.00 11.33 Producer Time Program Channel 16 Playlist 3.2 85.00 272.00 Producer Time Log Archive Discs to Archive Library 2.15 85.00 182.75 Producer Time Log Archive Discs to Archive Library 1.38333 85.00 117.58 Producer Time 4-2-13 program TelVue 0.16667 85.00 14.17 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $6,427.92 0 K- c�`�' mLr,� mrrt;n+erwt nr t Cm,h2<c�5 payments/Credits $0.00 �!3 Balance Due $6,427.92 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 4 i i omni Centre .�� ME . 1 Professional Services- Invoice The_OMNI Centre for Public Media, .: Inc. : .... . Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O;Box 302-- - Carmel:IN,4608,2`0302 USA 11/19/2012.' 00552Z Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1740 NET 15 Days 12/4/2012 11/19/2012 CA1740 CGC16 SI... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 7-31-12 adding updated Sue Finkam Council slide 0.7 85.00 59.50 Producer Time 8-16-12 add Carmel Lions Fish Fry to slides list in TelVue 0.6 85.00 51.00 qI If/ q7 0 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $110.50 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $110.50 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omrii@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org i 1 I j Ro, ; om ni Centre �;5 �,�WF + ces I_nviodce 4 .r The OMN,I Centre for Puh = Inc. . II t I �� �(�� Date Invoice,; - 12316 Brookshire Pkwy F �j \� Carmel- IN�46082-0302 o �� 11/19/2012 005523 Bill To �- \n The City of Carmel One Civic Square �vt✓ Carmel, IN 46032 USA (C� C Attn: Nancy Heck 1 P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1746 NET 15 Days 12/4/2012 11/19/2012 CA1746 State of Ci... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount For the production of"State of the City 2012" Producer Time 10-9-12 Preproduction tasks for State of City 0.58333 85.00 49.58 Short Pak-Hourly Run Secondary Audience Camera On Location at Ritz 3.63333 110.00 399.67 Charles Short Pak-Hourly 10-10-12 Main camera A on this shoot 4.03333 110.00 443.67 Producer Time 11-5-12 setup to edit 0.1 85.00 8.50 EDL-Capture 11-5-12 edit-capture 1.68333 90.00 151.50 Video Edit 11-5-12 edit 1.3 120.00 156.00 Video Edit 11-6-12 edit 0.38333 120.00 46.00 Video Edit 11-6-12 edit 0.16667 120.00 20.00 Video Edit 11-7-12 edit 1.35 120.00 162.00 Video Edit 11-8-12 edit . 3 120.00 360.00 Video Edit 11-8-12 edit 1.08333 120.00 130.00 Video Edit 11-8-12 edit 0.5 120.00 60.00 EDL-Capture 11-12-12 EDL-Capture 0.56667 90.00 51.00 Video Edit 11-13-12 edit,add b-roll 0.5 120.00 60.00 Video Edit 11-14-12 edit,add broil 1.11667 120.00 134.00 Video Edit 11A3-12 edit,add b-roll 1.23333 120.00 148.00 Video Edit edit,add b-roll 0.58333 120.00 70.00 Video Edit 11-15-12 edit, add b-roll 2.73333 120.00 328.00 Rendering 11-15-12 render.mov file 0.35 75.00 26.25 Rendering 11-15-12 render.mp4 file for review 0.25 75.00 18.75 Upload File(s) 11-15-12 upload.mp4 file to video server and email link 0.25 25.00 6.25 ®K- peckl -Proyvt C6LbL CGrmvid Pry cti(sa s a-CC _44� N;q i q?o It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $2,829.17 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $2,829.17 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org i a i J " . omni Centre �. F In The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Professional Services voice Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O.Box 302 Carmel. IN.46082-0302 USA 4/2/2013 005547 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck I P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CAI 804 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CAI 804 Freedom ... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 3-8-13 print off copies of all OMNI Archive Video information 1.31667 85.00 111.92 about the Freedom Circle Memorial Producer Time 3-13-13 phone conversations with Sandra, planning talks, 0.33333 85.00 28.33 etc... EDL-Capture 3-13-13 ED-Capture 1.15 90.00 103.50 EDL-Capture 3-14-13 EDL-Capture 2.63333 90.00 237.00 EDL-Capture 3-14-13 EDL-Capture 0.36667 90.00 33.00 Video Edit 3-15-13 edit 1 120.00 120.00 Video Edit 3-15-13 edit 0.45 120.00 54.00 Video Edit 3-15-13 edit 1.16667 120.00 140.00 EDL-Capture 3-15-13 EDL-Capture 1.75 90.00 157.50 EDL-Capture 3-18-13 EDL-Capture 2.5 90.00 225.00 Video Edit 3-18-13 edit 3.45 120.00 414.00 Video Edit 3-19-13 edit 0.63333 120.00 76.00 Video Edit 3-19-13 edit 0.83333 120.00 100.00 EDL-Capture 3-19-13 EDL-Capture 0.28333 90.00 25.50 Video Edit 3-19-13 edit 2.16667 120.00 260.00 Producer Time 3-20-13 effects in digital juice 0.4 85.00 34.00 Producer Time 3-20-13 effects in digital juice 0.25 85.00 21.25 Video Edit 3-20-13 edit 0.43333 120.00 52.00 Video Edit 3-20-13 edit 1.75 120.00 210.00 Music-Research 3-20-13 music research 1.01667 85.00 86.42 Video Edit 3-20-13 edit 0.53333 120.00 64.00 Rendering 3-21-13 render MOV and MP3 for review 0:51667 75.00 38.75 Video Edit 3-21-13 edit 0.48333 120.00 58.00 Upload File(s) 3-21-13 upload MP4 file to YouTube for review 0.76667 25.00 19.17 Producer Time 3-26-13 review with Sandra 0.48333 85.00 41.08 Video Edit 3-27-13 edit revisions 0.96667 120.00 116.00 EDL-Capture 3-27-13 EDL-Capture revisions 0.36667 90.00 33.00 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total Payments/Credits Balance Due' Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org Page 1 C � >#�Omni Centre l°1'° ' Professional Services Invoice «� w The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc.. Date Invoice# .12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 4/2!2013 005547 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1804 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1804 Freedom ... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Video Edit 3-27-13 edit revisions 0.2 120.00 24.00 Video Edit 3-28-13 edit revisions 0.58333 120.00 70.00 Video Edit 3-28-13 edit revisions 0.9 120.00 108.00 Producer Time 3-28-13 review with Sandra 0.83333 85.00 70.83 Video Edit 3-28-13 edit revisions 0.28333 120.00 34.00 Video Edit 3-28-13 edit revisions 3.98333 120.00 478.00 Video Edit 3-29-13 edit 0.53333 120.00 64.00 Producer Time 3-29-13 internal review 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Rendering 3-29-13 render MOV and MP4 files for review 0.48333 75.00. 36.25 Producer Time 3-29-13 send email link for review 0.26667 85.00 22.67 GIB �fv Pal Cade- C,ho we'l PO UC-WS Flap �� 0)70 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $3,802.59 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $3,802.59 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org V http://www.omnicentre.org j Page 2 . j mMOF f ^C�► �omni Centre J, Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, . Inc.. Date• Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy'P.O.Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 4/2/2013 005550 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1799 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1799 CGC16 SI... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount CGC16 Slide Creations for First Quarter 2013, not included in Production Projects Graphics Creation 2-26-13 create"What Was There"slide for CGC16 0.73333 120.00 88.00 Producer Time 2-26-13 Add slide"What Was There"to TelVue slides 0.26667 85.00 22.67 Producer Time 3-1-13 checking slide sent to us to put up on CGC16 and 0.25 85.00 21.25 responding to email. Graphics Creation 3-1-13 create graphic March 9 Second Saturday Gallery Walk 0.56667 120.00 68.00 Producer Time 3-1-13 add graphic March 9 Second Saturday Gallery Walk to 0.38333 85.00 32.58 lineup Cau�� G Y)rl -lam �/� 3 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $232.50 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $232.50 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni@omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org �4 3 E r t omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA. 4/2/2013 005552 Bill To City Council of Carmel, IN Attn: Nancy Heck One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1805 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1805 City Coun... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount City Council Broadcast Prep and Airing-First Quarter 2013 Producer Time 3-19-13 going to City Hall to pickup 3-18-13 City Council 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Meeting DVD Rendering 3-21-13 render DV file of March 18 City Council Meeting 0.3 75.00 22.50 Video Edit 3-22-13 edit March 18 City Council Meeting 0.33333 120.00 40.00 Graphics Creation 3-22-13 working on replay graphic for City Council Meetings 0.21667 120.00 26.00 Rendering 3-22-13 render MOV and MPEG 0.9 75.00 67.50 Upload File(s) 3-22-13 upload MPEG file of March 18 City Council Meeting 4.6 25.00 115.00 to video server,will air on Channel 16 Producer Time 3-25-13 program March 18 City Council Meeting to air this 0.31667 85.00 26.92 evening at 6:OOpm Rendering 3-26-13 render 2 DVD copies March 18 City Council Meeting 0.51667 75.00 38.75 for OMNI Archive Library Producer Time 3-26-13 enter March 18 City Council Meeting DVD's in OMNI 0.21667 85.00 18.42 Archive Library /r3 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $390.51 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $390.51 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org i i VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 OMNI Center for Public Media IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 302 Carmel, IN 46082-0302 $13,793.19 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Prior Year I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 26757 005523 43-419.70 $2,829.17 Prior Year bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 26757 005522 43-419.70 $110.50 materials or services itemized thereon for 26756 005543 43-515.01 $6,427.92 which charge is made were ordered and 26757 005552 43-419.70 $390.51 received except 26757 005550 43-419.70 $232.50 26757 005547 43-419.70 $3,802.59 Sunday,April 07, 2013 .vl i 1 Director, Community Relations/Economic Development Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 11/19/12 005523 $2,829.17 11/19/12 005522 $110.50 03/26/13 005543 $6,427.92 04/02/13 005552 $390.51 04/02/13 005550 $232.50 04/02/13 005547 $3,802.59 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer %omni Centre Professional Services Invoice: The OMN[Centre for Public Media, Inc In Date j,;. Invoice* '12316.13rookshii�e Pkwy P:O.Box 302. Carmel. IN,46082=0302-USA: 8/24/2012: -005493 Bill To The City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 USA Attn: Nancy Heck P.O.No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CAI 719 NET 15 Days 9/8/2012 8/24/2012 CAI 719 DVDs of 2... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount DVD's requested by Diana Cordray for City Archives Creation-DvD Duplicate 2 DVDs from 2 Sources-2007&2011 Carmel 4 5.00 20.00 Inauguration Ceremony It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $20.00 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $20.00 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org i I Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. 0 nn Payee ` ice / r l� V Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) l S ` Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. L �WED 20 t 1 X IN SUM OF $ ca �c ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 1 �Oqq Ww UGA�,r Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1 ZQ bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification it claim paid motor vehicle highway fund "�' I41,omni Centre iSHB Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 4/2/2013 005544 Bill To City of Carmel Fire Department Attn: Chief Matt Hoffman 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1777 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1777 CFD Over... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time 1-8-13 writing up job order for 5 DVD copies of Pam Sims 0.1 85.00 8.50 video from Awards Banquet Rendering-Social M... 1-9-13 render mp4 file of Burning video and upload to 0.81667 25.00 20.42 YouTube Producer Time Create Sparky and Clay Twp History QR Code Cards for 1.61667 85.00 137.42 Meeting with Chef Hoffman Producer Time 1-24-13 meeting with Steve Frye and preparing for the 1.88333 85.00 160.08 meeting Producer Time Meeting with Dr. Kauffman Regarding Webcasting 0.56667 85.00 48.17 Producer Time 2-28-13 research CFD YouTube links and email to Chief 0.8 85.00 68.00 Hoffman Producer Time 3-1-13 research CFD YouTube links and email to Chief 0.96667 85.00 82.17 Hoffman Rendering 3-1-13 render 4 DVD's of Mildred Adams video 0.51667 75.00 38.75 2-CFD 2-OMNI Video Archives Graphics Creation 3-1-13 make DVD label for Mildred Adams video and attach to 0.96667 120.00 116.00 DVD Producer Time 3-4-13 enter DVD's in OMNI Archive Library for Mildred 0.5 85.00 42.50 Adams show It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $722.01 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $722.01 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org I a ,omni Centre W,�, Eno' Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# i 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 I Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 4/2/2013 005545 Bill To City of Carmel Fire Department Attn: Chief Matt Hoffman 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1800 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1800 Pumper P... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Digitizing Capturing Raw Footage for"Pumper Pull Promo"-2013 0.71667 90.00 64.50 Producer Time Recovering Previously Archived Editing Assets 0.31667 85.00 26.92 Video Edit Change Event Information/Incorporate Updated Graphics/ 1.38333 120.00 166.00 Video Editing Rendering Render YouTube File and Channel 16 File 0.3 75.00 22.50 Rendering-Social M... Upload Video to YouTube and Program Metadata 0.36667 25.00 9.17 Upload File(s) Transfer Broadcast Video File to CGC Playback Server 0.21667 25.00 5.42 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff Total $294.51 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $294.51 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 4/2/2013 005546 Bill To City of Carmel Fire Department Attn: Chief Matt Hoffman 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1801 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1801 Pumper P... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Producer Time Pre-Production Meeting with Sean and Tim 2.15 85.00 182.75 Producer Time 3-4-13 Meeting with Sean, Tim, Sandra, Bryan 2.08333 85.00 177.08 Producer Time 3-8-13 calling Ian Reppert about getting audio feed from him 0.18333 85.00 15.58 for his performance at the Brockway Pub Producer Time 3-12-13 getting Sandra outline for Pumper Pull shoot and 0.51667 85.00 43.92 calling Ian Reppert about audio feed to camera Producer Time 3-14-13 discussions with Sean, other misc... 0.23333 85.00 19.83 Producer Time 3-15-13 phone conference with Sandra 0.33333 85.00 28.33 Short Pak-Hourly 3-16-13 operate camera on this shoot, one of two cameras 5.3 110.00 583.00 Short Pak-Hourly 3-16-13-Run B-Roll Camera at Pumper Pull Event 5.45 110.00 599.50 Producer Time 3-18-13 unpack equipment from shoot on Saturday. 0.36667 85.00 31.17 Digitizing Capture Footage 3.7 90.00 333.00 Video Edit Video Editing 1.23333 120.00 148.00 Music-Research Music Research 0.46667 85.00 39.67 Video Edit Video Editing 7.11667 120.00 854.00 Video Edit Video Editing 6.36667 120.00 764.00 Video Edit Video Editing 3.15 120.00 378.00 Video Edit Video Editing 3.51667 120.00 422.00 Producer Time 3-26-13 review 0.35 85.00 29.75 Video Edit Video Editing 1.86667 120.00 224.00 Rendering Prepare Silverlight Smooth Stream Video Link for Video 1.31667 75.00 98.75 Approval Video Edit Video Editing 1.31667 120.00 158.00 Upload File(s) Upload Broadcast Video File to Government Channel Server 1.26667 25.00 31.67 Rendering-Social M... Export/Upload/Program Info for YouTube Video 0.51667 25.00 12.92 Total $5,174.92 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $5,174.92 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org I omni Centre Professional Services Invoice The OMNI Centre for Public Media, Inc. Date Invoice# 12316 Brookshire Pkwy P.O. Box 302 Carmel. IN 46082-0302 USA 4/2/2013 005548 Bill To City of Carmel Fire Department Attn: Chief Hoffman 2 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Ship Date Ship Via Project CA1789 NET 15 Days 4/17/2013 4/2/2013 CA1789 A&R Over... Item Description Quantity Rate Amount Audit and Review for First Quarter 2013 Producer Time 1-30-13 resetting publishing point before webcast, quality 0.55 85.00 46.75 checking webcast, etc... Short Pak-Hourly Manage/Film CFD A&R Internal Webcast at St. Vincent's 3.58333 110.00 394.17 Carmel Producer Time 1-30-13 monitor A&R webcast and reset publishing point 0.41667 85.00 35.42 Setup&/or Transfer Transfer A&R Video Content from Streaming Server 0.93333 150.00 140.00 Digitizing 1-30-13 Meeting-Capture Footage from Taped Source 1.6 90.00 144.00 Rendering 1-30-13-Export WMV Video Stream for CFD Intranet 2.31667 75.00 173.75 Setup&/or Transfer 1-30-13-Transfer WMV Video Stream to CFD Intranet on 0.8 150.00 120.00 SMS6 It is our privilege to serve you! The OMNI Centre Staff. Total $1,054.09 Payments/Credits $0.00 Balance Due $1,054.09 Phone# 317-846-2345 Fax# 317-574-6620 omni @omnicentre.org http://www.omnicentre.org VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Omni Centre IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 302 Carmel, IN 46032 $7,245.53 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 005545 43-509.00 $294.51 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 005544 43-509.00 $722.01 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1120 005548 43-509.00 $1,054.09 materials or services itemized thereon for 1120 005546 43-509.00 $5,174.92 which charge is made were ordered and received except APR 8 2013 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 3rescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by Nhom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 005545 $294.51 005544 $722.01 005548 $1,054.09 005546 $5,174.92 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer