HomeMy WebLinkAbout219055 04/09/2013 f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 298001 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE TARGET BANK CHECK AMOUNT: $68.72 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 BUSINESS CARD SERVICES o� PO BOX 660149 CHECK NUMBER: 219055 DALLAS TX 75266-0149 CHECK DATE: 4/912013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1096 4239099 27148352 68 . 72 OTHER MISCELLANOUS TARGET.0 fZR C T:-7 7,7 Z Account Number: X-XXX-XXO-841 '9000P' Account Identification Number: 00027148352 MAR 2 5 2013 AUDREY KOSTRZEWA Statement Closing Date: March 18,2013 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RE Page 1 of 2 Pay-In-Full Business Card Account Summary Total Credit Limit for Purchases $5,000 Previous Balance $1,171.89 Available Credit for Purchases $3,759 Payments&Credits 0.00. Purchases 68.72 Questions? Call Us: other Charges 0.00 Regarding your account?1-800-618-6881 New Balance $1,240.61 Calling will not preserve your billing-error rights Amount Past Due $1,171.89 Minimum Due $1,240.61 (includes any Amount Past Due) Payment Due Date April 18,2013 Important Messages We have not yet received last month's payment. If you have already made this payment, thank you! If you have not made this payment, please pay the Minimum Due by your billing date. If you have any questions about your account, please call(888)822-0333. Payments & Credits Mail your payment as instructed on the back of this statement. As an accommodation,we may also accept payments at Target Stores or over the phone,but to ensure the payment is credited to your account the same day you make the payment,it must be made prior to 2 pm (Central Time)for Target Store payments and 5 pm(CT)for phone payments. No payments or credits were received last month. Purchases Date PO# Description Reference Location Amount Feb. 27 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 18480766336 NORA PLAZA, IN $68.72 Total Purchases $68.72 Target Bank,an affiliate of Target Stores NOTICE:SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION Payment Information: Use the envelope provided to send If applicable law otheRvisc permits you to trail us legal written us your payment(in U.S.dollars)along with the lower portion notice about anything related to your Account with Lis,it must of this monthly statement. Lost your envelope?No problem. be addressed to Target Bank, Business Card Services. P.O. Just mail your payment along with the lower portion of this Box 45922,Salt Lake City, UT 81145-0922. monthly Statement to Target Business Card,P.O. Box 660149.Dallas.TX 15266-0149. Payments sent this way We may report information about your account to the evill be credited to your Account as of the date received. consumer reporting a(oncies.[_ate payments,missed payments, Payments sent to other locations or in any other manner or other defaults on your account may be reflected in Your may be delayed. Please don't send cash payments or credit report. Git7C ants. FOR REVOLVING:CREID1"r ACCOUNTS: Please write your check to TARGET BANK. How We Calculate Your Finance Charge:We figure your Finance Charge,if any,by multiplying,your Daily Balance by the Daily Periodic Rate shown on the front of this statement. In Case Of Errors or Questions About Your Kill: At the end of the billinu period,we add up the results ofthese daily calculations to get the total Finance Charge for the lfyou think your bill is wrong.or if you need more inlbnmation biilin« . about a transaction on your bill,send us a letter right away I at: Tar et Bank, Business Curd Services, P.O.13aa 4922. You may avoid paying a Finance Charge br paying the New Salt.Lakc City.l_i f 54145-0922. We must hear from you no Balance on vour statement in full by the I'avment Due Date. later than 30 days after we sent you the first billon which the However.[here is a minimum FINANCE CHARGE ol'$O.�,O error or f>roblenn appeared. You can call us,but doing So will for any billing period in which a Finance C'har�,c is imposed. not preserve your rights. ` We will add a Finance Charge on new charges which w•erc In vour letter,give us the following information: billed to an Account during that hilling period starting with 1. Your name,business name,and Account number. the day those charges were Poste to your Account balance. 2. The dollar amount of the suspceted error. 3. Describe the crior and explain,ifyou can.why you believe there is an error, tf you need m m ore inforadom. How We Calculate Your Daily Balance: We take the describe the item you are unsure about, beginning balance ol'your Account each day,and add any new charocs. "Chen we subtract any payments and credits. You don't have to pay any amount in question while we are We then multiply the resulting balance by the Daily Periodic investigating but you're still obligated to pay the parts of your Ratc and that daily Finance Charge is included in tilt beginning hill that aren't in question. While eve investigate yourquestiom. balance ofyoui Account for the next day. This gives us the we can't report you as delinquent or take any action to collect Daily Balance. the amount_you question. Average Daily Balance: We add together all the Daily Special rule for credit card purchases: Ifyou have a Balances for the billing period and divide the total by the problem with tine quality of goods or services that you number of days in the billing period. This gives us the purchased with a credit card,and you have tried in good faith "Average Daily Balance". to comet the problem w ith the merchauu.yot.i may not have The A%erage Daily Balance times the Daily Periodic Rate to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. times the number of days in the billing period will equal the amount ol'the Finance Charges. Need more.information? Just call 1-800-618-6881. • To ask questions about your bill • To report a lost or stolen card • To request additional credit cards • To change your address 0 1111111111111111 TARGET. 'socoo= Account Number: X-XXX-XXO-841 Account Identification Number: 00027148352 AUDREY KOSTRZEWA Statement Closing Date: March 18,2013 CARMEL CLAY PARKS RE Page 2 of 2 Transaction Details Cardholder Date of Trans Reference PO# Description Amount XXX-XX0-922 Feb. 27 18480766336 Pantryware $9.99 Home/Office Supplies $1.37. Kids Favors $2.00 Kids Favors $2.00 Storage And Org $3.00 Hardware $3.00 Toys $1.00 Toys $2.00' Stationery $1.00' Easter Seasonal $3.00 Easter Seasonal $3.00 •Easter Seasonal $3.00 Slippers $3.00 Electronics/Electron $24.99 Electronics/Electron $9.99 Tota 1 $68.72 Payment Information: Use the envelope provided to send 1 f applicable km otherwise permits you to mail us legal written u::y Ur payment tin U.S-dollars)along with the lower portion notice about anything related to ,our Account with us.it must „I'this monthly statement. Lost your cnve.lope?No problem. be addressed to Target Bank; Business Card Ser-vices, P.O. Just mail your payment along with the lower portion of th-is Box 45922,Salt Lake City, UT' ri4145-0922. utonthly statement to Targct Busincs,Card; P.O. Box 000149. Dana,.T,�75266-0149. ]',1 vmcnts sent this way We may repoil information about Your account?o the ,till be credited to your Account u,of the dale rece!vcd. consumer reporting agencies.Late payments.mi,.sed payments, P I merits sent to other locations or in any other manner or other defaults on your account may be rellecied in your May be delayed. Please don't send Cash payments or credit report. t ii li C:arils. FOR REVOLVING CRE'DIT,-ACC'OC ;N I'S: PledSe write yottt-check to T:ARC,'ET BANK. How We Calculate Your Finance Charge:yV e figure your finance;Charge. if any,by multiplying your Daily Balance by the Daily Periodic[fate shown on the front of thi,statement. Ill Case Of Furore or Questions:about Your Bill: At the end of tl,c billing period- wo add up the rc st.tlts of these daily calculations to get the total 1 inancc Chane for the i1'you think your bill is wrong,or if you need more information billing period. JI out a transaction on your bill,send us a letter right away at: farget Bank; Business Card Services,P-O. Bets,445922, YOU nary avoid lr<rying a Fin:ut c Charge by px last,the New SAI I Like City. L"T S4145-0922. \1 c trust hear from you no Balance on\,our statement in Gull hr the Pavm,:nt Due Date. latter than 30 days after u-e sent you nc%'first bill on which the 1 fowever,there is a minimtnn FINANCE Ch.-W(J of$0.50 rcr or�rablutt<<;>ncared. You Cali call us.but doing so will for any hiking period in which:, 1,mance C'ttar.ee i.:mposed. not preserve your•right.. --- - We v.ill add it l ittanee('bit[ ar new char,e ,.t ilich acre it}"our teller,gne us[fie followinp,information: billed to an Account during that billing period starting will; 1. Your,,;{me,business n:u!re.and AeCOnnt number. the day those charges were posted to your:lecouril balance. 2 The dollar amount of the suspected error. 3. UCSCrti c the error and rxplain,it you cxn,why you hclicre there is an error. If you nc,d more infitnmtion. Flow A�`e Calculate Your 1)ai.4p Balance: We±Like the describe the heat you are unsure about, hcginning balance of your ACCOUnr each day.and add any new charges. 'Then the Subtract Limy payment:and credits. You don't have io pay any amount ill question whrlc we are We then mL116111y the resulting halance by the Periodic i:ycstigating but v«u'rc still obligatcd to pay the parts ofyour hate and that daily Finance Chao,-C is included in tlic beginning it chat:ue n't in du lion. yti'hilc tv'investigate sow qucstiou, balance of yomr Account for the nest clay. This gi%es us the r:arr't report you as delinquent or take any action to collect Daily Balance. d-,C MI-IoUnt yOti(j.ICStiOn. Average Dail Balance: We add together all the Daily Special rule for credit card purchases: If you have a Balances for the billing period mid divide till:loud by the pruhlem with the duality of goods or services that you number of days in the billing p,triod. This gk us os the ;turChased with a credit card.anCI y:)u have tried in good faith "Average Daily Balance". m Correct the problem with the merchant.you ntav not have '['he Average.Daily Balance tinrcs the Daily Periodic [late. to,gay the rcmaiuin-,amour)(disc on the goads or services. times the nuniher ofdays in the billing period Ge ill equal the amount of tlx Financc Charge,,<. Need more information? Just call 1-800-618-6881. o To ask ttUCStiOnS about your bill o To rcl,,o-t a lost or stolen card o To request additional credit cards o To drawee your address ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 298001 Target Bank Terms P.O. Box 660149 Date Due Dallas, TX 75266-0149 Invoice Invoice Description Date, Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 3/18/13 27148352 Mother son challenge supplies $ 68.72 Total—5 68.72 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. 298001 Target Bank Allowed 20 P.O. Box 660149 Dallas, TX 75266-0149 In Sum of$ $ 68.72 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 Monon Center PO#or INVOICE NO. \CCT#/TITLI AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1096-60 27148352 4239099 $ 68.72 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 4-Apr 2013 Signature $ 68.72 Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund