HomeMy WebLinkAbout219283 04/24/2013 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 356012 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE COLT DEFENSE LLC "*. CHECK AMOUNT: $600.00 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 118 HARTFORD CT 06141 CHECK NUMBER: 219283 CHECK DATE: 4/2412013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 210 4357000 25591 26174 600 . 00 TRAINING C LT) COLT DEFENSE LLC P.O. BOX 118, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06141-0118 SOLD-TO: CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT ATTN: TERESA ANDERSON YOUR ORDER NUMBER CUSTOMER CODE INVOICE DATE OUR ORDER NUMBER PO #255491 54188 04/17/2013 26174 COMMENTS: TERMS :TO BE PAID MODEL DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE EXTENSION NET AMOUNT No. Armorer School Tuition: 2 $300.00 $600.00 • FEE FOR RIFLE ARMORER COURSE • APRIL 15 - 17,2013 STUDENTS: PARIS &JELLISON Respectfully Submitted: 04/17/13 Seth Bielucki Law Enforcement Training Coordinator sbielucki @colt.com (860)244-1408 F.I.N. 32-0031950 DUNS# 12-139-6217 PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: COLT DEFENSE LLC REMIT PAYMENT TO: COLT DEFENSE LLC SUB- $600.00 Atha: SETH BIELUCKI TOTAL PO BON 118 HARTFORD,CT 06141-0118 USA SHIPPING $0.00 TOTAL DUE $600.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT INVOICE Employer Number (FID) 32-0031950 PLEASE PAY FROM THIS INVOICE. PLEASE INCLUDE THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT.THANK YOU AggiNk LTS COLT DEFENSE LLC P.O. BOX 118,HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06141 860/244-1408 Training Course Registration Form Directions: To secure a seat in the Colt Armorer course this form must be tilled out and submitted to Colt Defense with a form of pavment to secure a seat in a course. Fax#'860-244-1352 or sbielucld(a;colt.com Check and Purchase orders may be mailed and credit card info may be entered below. Questions please contact Seth Bielucki . Studejtts are requiered to bring the following with theni to the course:Picture ID,pen & notebook, eye protection. KM-16/AR-15 Armorers School($450.00)❑ 1911 Armorers School($375.00) ❑ Both ($25 Discount) Section 1 $100 of registration fee is non-refundable should the student withdraw from the course 30 days or less before the course. Course Location: Course Date: FISHERS, IN RIFLE APR 15-17 1911 APR 18-19 Title/Rank First Name Last Name / Agency Name Address , L City State Zip Dept.Phone. Dept. Fax Email Address J e/ri SON ��/'�E'� 1'�'Gv r� Payment section must be filled out to indicate form of payment. Please email or fax registration ahead of any mailed PO or Check Payment. Section 2 PAYMENT SECTION ❑ MC ❑ Visa ❑ Discover ❑ Check Dept. PO Colt Defense, LLC Tax ID # 32-0031950 Credit Card# Ex p. Date 3 Digit Security Code Amount Contact Name Contact Phone Contact Fax (JCc�•�.� ��r���S 3l?- S-,7/-d 53ZJ 3.) z 5-/Z Billing Address City State Zip Email Address Do You Want A Receipt Faxed or Emailed? Yes ❑No Citizen of the USA? ❑ Yes ❑No *THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO ACTIVE LAW ENFORCMENT, CORRECTIONS, MILITARY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY. SYMBOL OF QUALITY SINCE 1836 LT COLT DEFENSE LLC P.O. BOX 118, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT 06141 860/244-1408 Training Course Registration Form Directions: To secure a seat in the Colt Armorer course this form must be filled out and submitted to Colt Defense with a form of payment to secure a seat in a course. Fax#'860=2'4,4-1352 or sbieluck0d colt.com Check and Purchase orders may be mailed and credit card info-may-be entered below. Questions please contact Seth Bielucki . Students are requiered to bring the following with Mein to the'con•se:Picture ID,pelt & notebook, eye protection. � M-16/AR-15 Armorers School($450.00)[1 1911 Armorers School($375.00) ❑ Both($25 Discount) Section 1 $100 of registration fee is non-refundable should the student withdraw from the course 30 days or less before the course. Course Location: Course Date: FISHERS, IN RIFLE APR 15-17 1911 APR 18-19 Title/Rank First Name Last Name Agency Name Address City State Zip Dept. Phone Dept.Fax `4y,-9),- / 3i2- s--?1-.;253v Email Address S ��}�n�e./. — - (l'O(/ Payment section must be filled out to indicate form of payment. Please email or fax registration ahead of any mailed PO or Check Payment. Section 2 PAYMENT SECTION ❑ MC ❑ Visa ❑ Discover ❑ Check �*Pt. PO Colt Defense, LLC Tax ID # 32-0031950 Credit Card# Exp. Date 3 Digit Security Code Amount Contact Name Contact Phone Contact Fax FZ-61olol- .317- /-2- 12�7-S--71-z'K-/z Billing Address City State zip 6 J Email Address Do You Want A Receipt Faxed or Emailed? ❑Yes^ ❑No Citizen of the USA? ❑ Yes ❑No *THIS COURSE IS RESTRICTED TO ACTIVE LAW ENFORCMENT, CORRECTIONS, MILITARY AND NUCLEAR SECURITY. SYMBOL OF QUALITY SINCE 1836 r �r; INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT PAGE City ®f c., �'�Me l CERTIFICATE NO.003120155 002 0 Y Y PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 21 • 35-60000972 ONE CIVIC SQUARE THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES,A/P CARMEL, INDIANA 46032-2584 VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL- 1997 PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION 119, 13 Colt Defense LLC Carmel Police Department VENDOR Both Bloluchl 4 Last Enforcoment Tmg Coordifiito SHIP 3 CIVIC Squatu P.O. Box 918 TO Carrel, IN 46032 Haftfofd, CT 08W.0ilS (w)671-25% CONFIRMATION I BLANKET I CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT I QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Account 00=670.00 2 Each training $450.00 $900.00 Sub Total: $900.00 � � a Coh Rife &1011 A aror Coufso for Sgt. r April 15 - 19,2013 In FIshors, IN Send Invoice To: Carmel Police Deparfmont Attn: Teresa Anderson 3 Civic Square Caramel, IN 4S0329 PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECTACCOUNT AMOUNT Carmel Police Dept. -� PAYMENT $!3120.00 • A/P VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN SHIP REPAID: THIS APPROPRIAT ONISUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. • •C.O.D.SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. • ORDERED BY PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL /. V SHIPPING LABELS. hid of.Policeof.Police •THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99,ACTS 1945 TITLE AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. V CLERK-TREASURER DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. A. COPY-SIGN AND RETURN TO CLERK'S OFFICE VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 _ IN THE SUM OF$ ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR j Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or , bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 20 Signature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 04/17/13 26174 training $600.00 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Colt Defense LLC Seth Bielucki - Law Enforcement Trng Coordin IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 118 Hartford, CT 06141-0118 $600.00 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR CPD Continuing Ed Fund PO#/Depot. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 25591r I 26174 I -570.00 I $600.00 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Thursday, April 18, 2013 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund