HomeMy WebLinkAbout219411 04/24/2013 - f CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365626 Page 1 of 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEG&ASSOCIATES LLC CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 9875 LAKEWOOD DR EAST CHECK AMOUNT: $1,515.84 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 CHECK NUMBER: 219411 CHECK DATE: 4/24/2013 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1203 4359003 115 . 84 FESTIVAL/COMMUNITY EV 1203 4359003 26754 1, 400 . 00 EVENT PLANNING uS EG � Associates Events•Promotions•Marketing•Fundraising "Soaring to all limits for your promotional success!" Event Invoice Event: Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony Company name: MEG & Associates Date: April 2, 2013 Contact: Nancy Heck Email: NHeck @carmel.in.gov Address: One Civic Square, Carmel, IN 460')2 Community Relations - 2013 Appropriation - #435-9003 P. 0. #26754 Payment: $115.84 — Marsh Grocery Supplies Please remit this form with each payment. Make checks payable to: MEG and Associates Thank you! Meg Gates Osborne MEG & Associates 9875 Lakewood Drive East Indianapolis, IN 46280 Received by Date received | | w�v mo��x m. | �no,xr / ` &�������U � �� � �� | Z�«u � / /�/x ���������� �� � ~� -| � coRxs�.' /w q `~r 2110 E. 11 6TH STREET - ! �Jl }575-J650 ^� 7 CMRHEL. IN' 6032 317)575-36E,0 EFz'DE8Il 'URCxo� �/ E O ��/|3 /0 V6 nw _ DB CARD u XxSxXXx�xxX%5�2,el 7 *0mE CTr/ /CE r L. / ,9 F T0IoL TRnwSoCTlOw oUdUm q 7 HOME CITY lCE T L. I Y9 F ^ T \ HOME un JCE 7 L.B: 1 RE[: 173607 � 288 FL cLosszc 20:7 i'pC x `p p | � ----' --- 288 FL CLASSIC ZO[T ' pC '6 2» �' � VF OEHIT --- ---- — | / / zus p' p�n:un mx znCr r� » �s / \ [—' [ � - . FO/0 [UKE CLASSIC 2 L � - - �9 8 | � `^^'~ O� nzcr CoxF �q V |0In|. NUMBER OF ITEMS SOLD ^ J| �01O C 0 K E CLo'S SlC 2 L 9 K �OO6 IwvOER nIwl w/ / 162 Z8Px WATER �5 uR p[ J �J - � � |3 l0'O6 8m 00/� �� �1 �O �| |] 162 .28pK WATER 5 Llk P YOUR Cn�xlER. 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Fresh Wea.Cord SC 6*2 F& CL8 %EHL/LOC 8G �0- } 'o" saved %C 512 FD CLA 3EHLOC 8G xZ0��?Z m �O|2� L� SC 342 FD CLB SIFAL/LOC UG 80- SC 512 FD CLB SIIAOL0C GG 80- / YOU have su,,ed 5C 3827 �D PL8 pIREM pOKx8 2h- ' m6.65 /o 201 � | SC 2627 FD CLB PREH FORKS 26- ! SC 2627 FD CL8 pREM FVpKS �6- ^ Marsh res» IDEA Card DC 246 2811K W�T�R �S.LTR �g-F '«nv're« �o' a// nF�e,y� | | 5C 246 2811K WATER, .5 LTR .29-F Thank YOU for ShoppinS .3C 246 JBPK .Wnr:ER .5 L7R 3n-F | Marsh! SC 1977 FL F[AVVil? MX 20CT 60-F | 8C l977 FL CL3S3[C 2-0Cr 60-F -- — - - --- -- - | 3C 1977 /L CLn5s1C 20C �o� | | ,.A\ MSG � Associates Events•Promotions•Marketing•Fundraising 'Soaring to all limits for your promotional success!' Event Invoice Event: City of Carmel Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony/Memorial Day Company name: Date: April 19, 2013 Contact: Nancy Heck Email: NHeck @carmel.in.gov Address: One Civic Square. Carmel; IN 46032 Community Relations - 2013 Appropriation - #435-9003 P.O. #26754 Payment: April 5t" — April 18, 2013 Hours — 28 hours at $50.00 = $1400 Please remit this form with each payment. Make checks payable to: MEG and Associates Thank you! Meg Gates Osborne MEG & Associates 9875 Lakewood Drive East Indianapolis, IN 46280 Received by Date received April 5 -April 19, 2013 Date Hours Job 4/8/13 4 Sheri Flyer Program Media Release 4/9/13 4 Invitations emails Master of Ceremonies Agenda 4/10/13 4 Update participants Program to UN Printing Miles Rogers emails Confimration 4/11/13 4 Bell Choir staging finalize agenda - Melanie finalize Master of Ceremonies - Melanie Sharpios - confirmation - extend numbers Meeting with Earth Fare - Memorial Day and Holiday on the Square 4/12/13 6 Marsh City of Carmel - Holocaust 4/16/13 2 Emails to Cindy Baney Tom Hill Girl Scouts - Memorial Day 4/18/13 4 Thank you Letters Viewing the Holocaust Omni video 28 hours x$50.00= $1400 City Form No.201(Rev.1995) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) $115.84 04/12/13 Receipt $1,400.00 04/19/13 Event Invoice I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. 20 ALLOWED MEG &Associates IN SUM OF $ 9875 Lakewood Drive East Indianapolis, IN 46280 $1,515.84 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Community Relations PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TLE IT AMOUNT Board Members I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1203 Receipt 43-590.03 $115.84 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 26754 Event Invoice 43-590.03 $1,400.00 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Friday,April 19, 2013 Director, Community Relations/Economic Developmen Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund